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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The impact of e-mail utilisation on management effectiveness at Sishen iron ore mine

Le Grange, Andries 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Management make use of e-mail as a tool to enable them to do their daily tasks. E-mail is used as one of the best communication channels by management. Sishen Mine also makes use of e-mail as communication channel. The question however is whether e-mail has a positive or negative impact on management effectiveness. The history of e-mail as well as the reasons for e-mail use have been investigated. The different areas of use of email were discussed. Additional to this, the positive effects experienced by the individual as well as companies when using e-mail were highlighted and discussed. Unfortunately e-mail also has negative influences on the individual and the company and these were also highlighted and discussed. Data was obtained from the Sishen e-mail application in order to analyse the use of e-mail by the employees. The key insight from the e-mail application data was that a small group of employees send and receive the majority of e-mail at Sishen. A survey was sent out to all e-mail users at Sishen in order to determine the influence of e-mail on management effectiveness. The survey data enabled a detailed geographic analysis of the e-mail users at Sishen per department, gender, race, age and years of service as well as the details of the respondents. Analysis of the survey data revealed that e-mail has a positive impact on management effectiveness and that Sishen uses e-mail extensively. However, the data also revealed that e-mail impacts negatively on management effectiveness. The key insight from the survey was the extreme low levels of computer and e-mail training done by management. The lack of sufficient e-mail training was seen as one of the major contributing factors of high levels of frustration with e-mail experienced by management. Recommendations were made to Sishen as a result of the study to enable improvement of management effectiveness through the use of e-mail. Implementation of key recommendations with potential key positive impact was also highlighted. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Bestuur gebruik e-pos as 'n gereedskapstuk om uitvoering aan hul take te gee deur middel van die kommunikasiekanaal wat e-pos bied. E-pos leen hom daarna om 'n uitstekende kanaal te wees vir kommunikasie. Sishen Myn gebnuik ook e-pos as 'n kommunikasiekanaal. Die vraag is of die kommunikasiekanaal 'n goeie of slegte invloed het op bestuurseffektiwiteit van die bestuur van die myn. Die geskiedenis van e-pos en die redes vir die gebruik van e-pos is ondersoek. Die verskillende gebruike asook die waarde van e-pos vir die individu en maatskappye is uitgelig. E-pos het ongelukkig ook nadele vir die individu en maatskappye en hierdie nadele is uitgewys en bespreek. Na die toepaslike literatuurstudie is inligting vanaf die e-pos databasis onttrek om die e-pos gebruik van Sishen werknemers te evalueer. Die belangrikste insig vanuit die databasis-ontleding het daarop gedui dat 'n klein hoeveelheid mense die grootste hoeveelheid e-posse binne Sishen stuur en ontvang. 'n Vraelys is tydens 'n meningsopname aan alle e-pos gebruikers binne Sishen uitgestuur om die invloed van e-pos op bestuurseffektiwiteit te bepaal. Vanuit die analise van die vraelys inligting was dit moontlik om geografiese samestelling van die e-pos gebruikers te bepaal. Dit was moontlik om te sien hoeveel werknemers per afdeling, geslag, ras, ouderdom en jare diens e-pos gebruikers is, asook om die besonderhede van die gebruikers vas te stel. Verdere analise van die vraelysinligting het aangedui dat e-pos 'n positiewe uitwerking op bestuurseffektiwiteit het en dat werknemers dit goed gebruik. Ongelukkig het dit ook na vore gekom dat daar genoegsame bewyse is dat daar ook negatiewe invloed op bestuurseffektiwiteit is. Die mees insiggewende was die besonder lae vlakke van rekenaar en e-pos opleiding wat bestuur deurloop het. Dit word gesien as een van die grootste bydraende faktore tot die hoe vlakke van frustrasie wat ervaar word deur bestuur. Vanuit die bevindinge van die vraelys is daar aanbevelings aan Sishen gemaak om sodoende te help om die bestuurseffektiwiteit te bevorder deur die gebruik van e-pos. Die potensiele voordele wat verkry kan word wanneer die aanbevelings implementeer word, is ook aangedui.

The impact of leadership style on team performance and cohesiveness within a technical environment

Joseph, Andy 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The research study investigates the impact of different leadership styles on group performance and group cohesiveness within a highly technical environment. A secondary study is conducted to assess the relationship between group performance and group cohesiveness. The literature provides information on the three main topics, namely leadership, performance and cohesiveness. The statistical information was gathered using the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire, the Teamness Index Questionnaire and the 2008 performance ratings of the technical company. A sample of 16 leaders and 173 raters were used to complete the questionnaires. The Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire was used to determine the transformational and transactional leadership dimensions of each leader, while the Teamness Index was used to assess the group cohesiveness. The group performance ratings were obtained from the managers of the respective groups. All the data was statistically analysed to determine the relationships between the dependent variables (performance and cohesiveness) and the independent variables (transformational leadership, transactional leadership and cohesiveness). The research revealed that there is a positive correlation between performance and the leadership styles, as well as between group cohesiveness and the leadership styles. The strongest positive correlation was found between performance and group cohesiveness. Although these positive correlations were present, the research found a single significant positive linear relationship through regression analysis between cohesiveness and the transformational leadership style. No other significant relationships could be established through hypotheses testing. This research adds a new dimension to group performance, leadership and group cohesiveness. This research is significant in that no similar research exists within the South African context and it thus adds to the body of leadership knowledge. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die impak van verskillende leierskapstyle op groepprestasie en groepsamehang in 'n hoogs tegniese omgewing. 'n Sekondere ondersoek is gedoen om die verhouding tussen groepprestasie en groepsamehang te bepaal. Die literatuurstudie werp lig op die drie hoofonderwerpe, naamlik leierskap, prestasie en samehang. Die statistiese inligting is ingesamel deur die gebruik van die "Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire", "Teamness Index Questionnaire" en die 2008-prestasiebeoordelings van die tegniese maatskappy. 'n Steekproef van 16 leiers en 173 beoordelaars is gebruik om die vraelys te beantwoord. Die "Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire" is gebruik om vas te stel wat die transformasionele en transaksionele leierskapsdimensies van elke leier is, terwyl die "Teamness Index" die groepsamehang bepaal het. Die groepprestasiebeoordelings is van die bestuurders van die onderskeie groepe verkry. Al die data is op 'n statistiese wyse geanaliseer om die verhoudings tussen die afhanklike veranderlikes (prestasie en samehang) en die onafhanklike veranderlikes (transformasionele leierskap, transaksionele leierskap en samehang) te bepaal. Hierdie studie het bevind dat daar 'n positiewe korrelasie bestaan tussen prestasie en leierskapstyle, en ook tussen groepsamehang en leierskapstyle. Die sterkste positiewe korrelasie is tussen prestasie en groepsamehang bespeur. Selfs al is hierdie positiewe korrelasies geidentifiseer, kon slegs 'n enkele betekenisvolle positiewe liniêre verhouding vasgestel word tussen groep samehang en transformasionele leierskapstyl. Geen ander betekenisvolle verhoudings kon deur die toetsing van die hipotese vasgestel word nie. Die ondersoek voeg 'n nuwe dimensie tot groepprestasie, leierskap en groepsamehang. Die studie is betekenisvol omdat daar geen ander soortgelyke studie in 'n Suid Afrikaanse raamwerk bestaan nie, en dus dra dit by tot die leierskapskennisgebied.

Evolution of the prevailing organisational culture at PetroSA and its implications to the sustainability of organisation's future : the beehive way

Jwaai, Nomfusi 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010.

Spirituality in the workplace

Lakey, Eugene Pierre 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study project addresses the role spirituality in the workplace can play. The conclusion is that although people are different, in the working environment in an organisation, much time is spent together and creating an environment that is a joy to work in, will induce the employees to work with energy and be highly productive. A number of interviews were conducted and factual information was acquired to analyse the effects of spirituality in the workplace. A conclusion is reached that underlines the fact to counter low morale, low productivity and negative attitudes in the workplace it is imperative that we should address the spirituality in the workplace thus ensuring that a positive organisation culture is maintained within the organisation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie projek behandel die rol wat geestelikheid in die werkplek kan speel. Die gevolgtrekking wat gemaak kan word is dat alhoewel mense van mekaar verskil in die werksomgewing binne die organisasie, hulle ‘n groot gedeelte van die dag met mekaar spandeer en vir dié rede is dit van kardinale belang dat ‘n goeie werksklimaat geskep word wat sal bydra dat die werknemer energiek werk en hoë produktiwiteit handhaaf. ‘n Aantal onderhoude was gevoer en feitlike inligting was verkry om die effek van geestelikheid in die werksplek te ondersoek. ‘n Slotsom is bereik dat die feite van lae moraal, lae produktiwiteit en negatiewe ingesteldheid in die werksplek belangrik is om geadresseer te word ten einde te verseker dat geestelikheid in die werksplek toegepas word en dat ‘n positiewe klimaat in die organisasie handhaaf word.

Determining and overcoming the behavioural impediments to effective project team collaboration

Koen, Nolan 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / Research has shown that a large percentage of projects do not deliver expected outcomes on schedule and within budget. Further many projects are cancelled before completion. One of the reasons provided is that project managers usually only focus on three technical elements of a project; namely performance, cost and time. Literature on this matter indicates that project managers tend to neglect an important aspect of the process namely the people dynamics. The manner in which people are treated becomes a critical success factor in the successful execution of projects. Further reasons for project failure include bad team selections, poor communication and poor leadership. These hindrances need to be addressed in order for the project to be a successful. Guidelines to address these issues are available; however, research suggests that it is not commonly implemented. The aim of this research is to investigate project teams in practice. Questionnaires were sent to project managers enquiring whether the suggested guidelines are applied and whether any other behavioural problems, which are not identified in the literature, exist. After compiling and analyzing the data from the returned questionnaires, solutions were investigated to address these problems. Finally, feedback and recommendations were provided to the respective project managers. 56 Pages.

The impact of people risks on any organisation, and potential, strategies to mitigate those risks : a literature review

Stramrood, Zander 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Organisations are under constant pressure to perform and meet shareholders' demands and expectations, Whether it is a global, national, regional or entrepreneurial enterprise, the management team need to ensure that the operations are run effectively and efficiently. People or human resource related risks are being recognised more often as having a potentially high impact on meeting company objectives. Leaders have realised that human resources remain one of the most important assets, if not the most important, of the company. Employees on the other hand have realised that companies are willing to reward them according to value added, and are often using this to their advantage. Employers need to be aware of the risks associated with their workforce and manage it in order to mitigate the risks and limit the consequences. Various types of people risks have been identified by academics and professionals, often classified into different categories. People risks which are not managed effectively may pose a moral, social, legal and/or environmental burden on the business, shareholders as well as leadership. This study involves a literature study as well as a survey to determine the impact which these risks may have on different types of businesses, and their ability to meet organisational objectives. The literature study focuses on 30 different people related risks, categorised into physical risks as well as non-physical risks. Each risk has been explored in the study, reflecting different opinions as well as potential consequences if not managed effectively. The survey conducted amongst risk management practitioners and consultants reflects personal opinions regarding the level of impact which a risk may have on meeting organisational objectives. Each respondent had the opportunity to rank a risk as having either a high, medium or low impact on meeting objectives. The survey concluded that certain non-physical risks featured very prominently as being high risks, while the physical risks were regarded as medium to low risk. HIV/AIDS and occupational injuries were the only two physical risks which featured in the top ten risks according to the survey results. Conclusions drawn from the survey conducted as well as previous research are that three of the top five risks are similar. There is also the possibility that organisational leaders and professional advisors may not always be aware of the people risks associated with business. The potential for further surveys and research is vast, and potential for organisations to become more effective and efficient largely depend on the ability to identify, assess, evaluate and manage risks according to risk management principles. A basic risk management process is explained in the recommendations section, together with a variety of mitigating strategies and suggestions. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Organisasies is deesdae onder voortdurende druk om te presteer en aan aandeelhouers se eise en verwagtinge te voldoen. Dit maak nie saak of dit 'n globale, nasionale, streek- of entrepreneursaak is nie, die bestuurspan moet verseker dat die bedrywighede effektief en doeltreffend bestuur word. Menslikehulpbron-verwante risiko's word al meer geag 'n potensieel hoë impak te hê op maatskappye se vermeë om doelwitte te bereik. Leiers het besef dat menslike hulpbronne een van die belangrikste bates van die maatskappy bly, indien nie die belangrikste nie. Werknemers het weer besef dat maatskappye bereid is om hulle te vergoed ooreenkomstig waarde toegevoeg, en gebruik dit dikwels tot hul voordeel. Werkgewers behoort bewus te wees van die risiko's verbonde aan hul arbeidsmag en dit so te bestuur dat die risiko's verminder en die gevolge beperk word. Verskillende tipes menslike risiko's is al deur akademici en professionele persone geïdentifiseer en hulle word dikwels in verskillende kategorieë geklassifiseer. Menslike risiko's wat nie effektief bestuur word nie, kan morele, sosiale, wetlike en/of omgewingstremmings plaas op die besigheid, aandeelhouers sowel as die bestuur. Die studie behels 'n omvattende literatuurstudie sowel as 'n opname om die moontlike impak te bepaal van hierdie risiko's op verskillende tipes besighede en hul vermoë om sakedoelwitte te bereik. Die literatuurstudie fokus op 30 verskillende menslike risiko's wat as fisiese en nie-fisiese risiko's gekategoriseer word. Elke risiko is in die studie ontleed, en verskillende sienings en potensiële gevolge indien die risiko nie bestuur word nie, word verduidelik. Die opname wat onder risikobestuurpraktisyns en -konsultante gedoen is, weerspiëel persoonlike menings aangaande die graad van die impak wat 'n risiko op die bereiking van organisasiedoelwitte kan hê. Elke respondent het die geleentheid gehad om die risiko's te evalueer en aan te dui of dit 'n hoë, medium of lae impak het op die bereiking van doelwitte. Die opname het bevind dat sommige nie-fisiese fisiko's baie prominent uitgestaan het as hoë risiko's, terwyl die fisiese risiko's meestal as medium tot lae risiko's beskou is. MIV/VIGS en beroepsbeserings is die enigste twee fisiese risiko's wat onder die top tien risiko's verskyn het volgens die resultate van die opname. Gevolgtrekkings uit die opname sowel as vorige navorsing dui aan dat drie van die top vyf risiko's soortgelyk is. Die moontlikheid bestaan ook dat besigheidsleiers en professionele adviseurs nie altyd vertroud is met menslike risiko's ten opsigte van die besigheid nie. Die potensiaal vir toekomstige opnames en navorsing is enorm, en die potensiaal van organisasies om meer effektief en doeltreffend te word, hang grootliks af van die vermoë om risiko's volgens risikobestuurbeginsels te identifiseer, te bereken, te evalueer en te bestuur. 'n Basiese risikobestuursproses word in die afdeling met aanbevelings verduidelik, tesame met 'n verskeidenheid van voorkomingstrategieë en -voorstelle.

Investigating organisational consequences for failing to retain and attract talented employees

Ryland, Nizaam 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of the study is firstly to determine what the main causes are for employee turnover and turnover intention. Secondly, the study is to investigate the consequences for organisations that are unable to retain or attract talented employees. The data was collected through exit interviews and through personal interviews from the organisation. The sample was taken from a diverse group of individuals consisting of people from all departments in the organisation. In total six departments were considered. The data was categorised into five areas, namely remuneration and benefits, work-life balance, organisational culture, job satisfaction and career development. The data will be presented graphically and then analysed. The literature review was conducted on the categories as categorised from the exit and personal interview data. This was done to compare the literature findings to the data analysis results as established from the exit and personal interview data. The findings suggested that organisational culture was the biggest contributor to employee turnover or turnover intention, followed by career development and job satisfaction. While remuneration and benefits are of some significance, it does not appear to be major contributors. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van die studie is eerstens om die hoofoorsake van werknemer bedankings, sowel as die voorneme van werknemers om organisasies te verlaat, te bepaal. Tweedens, om ondersoek in te stel na die moontlike gevolge vir organisasies wat nie in staat is om werknemers te behou of nuwe talent te lok nie. Inligting vir die studie is deur middel van diensverlatings- en persoonlike onderhoude van die organisasie verkry. 'n Verskeidenheid individue uit ses verskillende departemente het aan die studie deel-geneem. Die inligting is in vyf katagorieë verdeel, naamlik vergoeding en voordele, balans tussen werk en persoonlike lewe, organisasiekultuur, werksbevredeging en loopbaanverbetering. Die data word grafies voorgestel en geanaliseer. Die literatuurstudie is saamgestel in dieselfde vyf katagorieë as die waarin inligting verkry is deur die verskillende onderhoude. Dit is gedoen ten einde die literatuurstudie-bevindings met die data- analise te vergelyk wat deur middel van diensverlatings- en persoonlike onderhoude verkry is. Die studie dui aan dat organisasiekultuur die grootste bydraende faktor is by werknemerbedankings, sowel as by werknemers wat beoog om die organisasies te verlaat. Bykomende bevindings dui op loopbaanverbetering en werksbevrediging. Terwyl vergoeding en voordele 'n faktor is, wys die studie dat dit nie 'n belangrike bydraende faktor is nie.

An evaluation of the organisational culture of Matla Powerstation to support effective project management

Engelke, Renske Magdalena 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA) -- Stellenbosch University, 2011. / The function of organisations is to deliver a product or a service, and thus the survival of an organisation is dependent on ensuring successful delivery in a financially viable manner. Project management was introduced to aid in this required successful delivery, placing emphasis on the cost, time and quality of the execution process of delivering the service or product. Project management does however not always deliver on successful service or product delivery, as can be deduced from the many projects that overrun budgets and timelines or under deliver on quality. The study of the impact of organisational culture stemmed from the movement in research to include the effect of the environment of a project on the effectiveness of the project management. Organisational culture has been noted to impact on many organisational elements, one of which is project management. In light of the current production and economic pressure experienced by Eskom’s power generating facilities, the effective and efficient management of projects plays a critical role in ensuring uninterrupted production and financial management. The success of the projects undertaken at Matla power station has a direct impact on the facility’s power generation capability and operational costs. This study found that the organisational culture of Matla supports effective project management at a level closer to the lower limits for the 12 cultural dimensions of a sample group of 29 national companies. Only two of the cultural dimensions rate below the national lowest rating. Considering the importance of projects for continued operational functioning, there is space for improvement in the level of support. A large plethora of factors impact on effective project management and the challenge for organisations lies in balancing the energy spent in addressing all the various factors. The difference between functional department needs and project needs must be balanced to ensure long-term goals are not given up for short-term production gains. Performance measurement should take cognisance of strategic long-term goals and must not be focused on purely short-term outcomes. The balance between production and projects is a continuous challenge. Project management plays an integral role in achieving the intense expansion required by Eskom over the next 15 to 20 years, the effective and efficient implementation of projects through effective project management must therefore be supported by the organisational culture.

Rescuing an information system : analysis of non-performance and recommendations for success

Van Deventer, Sean 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: DeLone and McLeans information system success model was used to evaluate Psiteks information system. The literature helped establish the required status of a successful information system. The literature helped to identify the current status of Psiteks information system by contributing to a set of questions that would provide answers as to the current status of the information system. The current status of Psiteks information system was compared to the required status of a successful information system. This comparison highlighted gaps and to bridge the gaps in the future certain recommendations were made. The recommendations were as follows: the inclusion of users into information system discussions and decisions, training and documentation, process and procedure implementation and information system technical design review. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: DeLone en McLean se informasie sisteem sukses model was gebruik om Psitek se informasie sisteem te evalueer. Die literatuur het gehelp om vas te stel wat die gewenste status van ‘n suksesvolle informasie sisteem is. Die literatuur het ook gehelp met die identifisering van Psitek se informasie sisteem se huidige status deur aanleiding te gee tot ‘n stel vrae wat gebruik kon word om informasie in te win oor die huidige status van die informasie sisteem. Die huidige status van Psitek se informasie sisteem was vergelyk met die gewenste status van ‘n suksesvolle informasie sisteem. Hierdie vergelyking het sekere gapings uitgelig en om hierdie gapings in die toekoms te oorbrug is sekere aanbevelings gemaak. Die aanbevelings was soos volg: die betrokkenheid van gebruikers in die informasie sisteem besprekings en besluite, opleiding en dokumentasie, implementering van prosesse en prosedures en hersiening van die informasie sisteem se tegniese ontwerp.

An evaluation of a proposed framework to facilitate organisational strategic execution

Krynauw, Pieter (Pieter Lourens) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The study project for a proposed framework to facilitate strategic execution aims to formulate a methodology with a set of standard tools, to enable organisations to be successful in strategy execution on a continuous basis. The framework is to be implemented within a team in the Honeywell site office structure, which is responsible for delivering support services in the hydrocarbon processing industry. The framework is based on a six step process to facilitate continuous alignment to strategy, by following the continuous improvement methodology of the Deming wheel. The components of the framework are "landscapinq", "team maturity", "gap analysis", "alignmenf, "action plan" and "review". The first four components represent the "pian", the second to final component represent the "do", and the last component represents the "check" or "study" section of the Deming wheel's PDSA (plan, do, study, act) cycle. These main components in the framework are fixed, but the tools utilised in the execution of the components are flexible. This is to allow the implementers to choose the tools that they are most comfortable with and that will have the greatest chance of success in their environments. Tools that are used in this study include a change cycle assessment and objective setting tools. The implementation also relies on specific assumptions and existing methodologies. These include value based management, performance management that is based on focussing on strengths and not competencies, as well as the assumption that similar methodologies are used throughout the organisation. The components of the framework are explained in chapter two and then implemented in chapter four. The process is followed from landscaping through to the review section, where all alignment plans are evaluated against the specified definitions of victory and its related critical success factors. The most important section is arguably the team maturity component. This determines maturity in terms of skill levels, team effectiveness and readiness for change and ultimately whether the implementation can continue or whether the status quo should be improved before continuation. During this implementation the framework continues through the team maturity component to the execution of four identified priority action plans. The priority plans include a communication and information delivery infrastructure, complete organisational restructuring, performance management and skills development. The results from the implementation based on statistical matched pair experiments and the interpretation of the p-values concludes that the framework is a successful methodology, that ensures continuous alignment and ultimately strategic execution. The study concludes by recommending further additions to the framework that include a feedback loop to senior management, that will serve as input for future strategy formulation. Finally, the study also recommends the expansion of success metries to include the skills assessment and ultimately the metries that will measure success or failure of the high level objectives set by senior management. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie projek vir 'n voorgestelde belynings raamwerk om strategiese uitvoering te fasiliteer mik daarna om 'n metodologie te formuleer met 'n stel standaard hulpmiddels om maatskappye met suksesvolle strategiese uitvoering op 'n volhoudbare basis te help. Die raamwerk word dan geimplementeer op 'n span binne die organisasie struktuur van die Honeywell aanleg kantoor wat verantwoordelik is vir ondersteunings dienslewering in die hidro-koolstof verwerkings industrie. Die raamwerk is op 'n ses stap proses gebaseer om aanhoudende belyning tot stratgie te fasiliteer en volg 'n aanhoudende verbeterings metodologie van die Deming wiel. Die komponente van die raamwerk is "uitlegging" I "span volwassenheid", "gaping analisse", "belyning", "implementeer plan" en "hersien". Die eerste vier komponente verteenwoodig die "beplan", die tweede laaste komponent verteenwoordig die "doen" en die laaste komponent verteenwoordig die "hersien" of "studeer" gedeelte van die Deming wiel se SDSA (beplan, doen, studeer, aksie) siklus. Die hoof raamwerk komponente in die metodologie is vas, maar die hulpmiddels wat gebruik kan word in die uitvoering van die komponente is aanpasbaar om sodoende die implementeerders toe te laat om die hulpmiddels te kies waarmee hulle die gemaklikste is en wat die beste resultate in hulomgewing sal lewer. Hulpmiddels wat in hierdie studie gebruik word sluit in 'n veranderingsiklus evaluering en doelstelling hulpmiddels. Die implementasie steun ook op spesifieke aannames en bestaande metodologieë. Hierdie sluit in waarde gebaseerde bestuur, prestasie bestuur wat gebaseer is op sterkpunte en nie bevoegdhede nie, sowel as die aaname dat soortgelyke metodologieë regdeur die organisasie gebruik word. Die komponente van die raamwerk word verduidelik in hoofstuk twee en word daarna in hoofstuk vier geïmplementeer. Die proses word gevolg vanaf uitlegging regdeur tot die hersien afdeling waar al die belynde planne ge-evalueer word teen die spesifieke definisies van sukses en die verwante kritieke sukses faktore. Die mees belangrikste afdeling kan gesien word as die span volwassenheids komponent wat volwassenheid in terme van vaardigheidsvlakke, span effektiwiteit en gereedheid vir verandering bepaal en uiteindelik of die implementasie kan voortgaan of die staus quo eers verbeter moet word. Gedurende hierdie implementasie duur die raamwerk voort van die span volwassenheid komponent tot die uitvoering van vier geïndentifiseerde prioriteit aksie planne. Die prioriteit planne sluit in 'n kommunikasie en informasie infrastruktuur voorsiening, volledige organisasie herstruktuering, prestasie bestuur en vaardigheidsontwikkeling. Die uitkoms van hierdie implementasie, gebaseer op statistiese ooreenstemmende paar eksperimente en die intrepetasie van die p-waardes, tref die gevolgtrekking dat die raamwerk 'n suksesvolle metodologie is wat volhoubare belyning en uiteindelikke strategie uitvoering verseker. Hierdie studie kom tot 'n gevolg deur verdere byvoegings tot die raamwerk voor te stel. Byvoegings sluit in 'n terugvoerings meganisme na senior bestuur wat as insette vir toekomstige strategie formulering kan dien. Ten slotte stel hierdie studie voor dat sukses metings uitgebrei word om die vaardigheidsevaluering in te sluit en uiteindelik ook die metings te gebruik wat die sukses of mislukking van hoë vlak doelstellings deur senior bestuur daar gestel, te meet.

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