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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Critical overview of performing people the Kumba Way

Piater, Margaretha 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Kumba Resources is one of the largest South African-domiciled mining groups. After completing an extensive and hard-hitting re-engineering drive Kumba Resources engaged in making its operations more efficient and to create growth opportunities to realise its vision: UT0 outperform the mining and minerals sector in creating value to all stakeholders through exceptional people and superior processes". The vehicle used in Kumba to achieve its vision is the Kumba Way. The Kumba Way is built on foundational values of Integrity, Respect, Accountability, Fairness and Caring. The motivational values, People make it happen,We do it together, Let's do it and We do it better every time create the energy and commitment to continuously improve performance The Kumba Way is a process that aims to achieve world-class performance throughout the organisation. It will create value for all shareholders and a strong competitive advantage by focusing on three areas: • The organisation-wide acceptance and internalisation of a common vision and set of values, creating an open, positive and trusting environment. • The establishment of governance processes, which provide the framework and tools to challenge and measure the performance of all employees. • Operational excellence, which involves identifying best practices across and beyond the organisation and institutionalising them. The People Performance Process, a governance process with target setting, is the driver for performance within Kumba Resources. The process was designed on best practices identified within the organisation as well as those proven in high-performing organisations worldwide. Leading organisations, well aware of the crucial role workers play in their organisations' productivity and, ultimately, in its profitability, make every effort to continually elicit optimum performance, from their employees. They do so by identifying and reinforcing successful behaviours while flagging and correcting unproductive performance. The People performance Process developed by Kumba consists of the following elements: • Inputs to the process are cascaded targets, generic and jobs specific outputs as well as the way the organisation values are lived. • Individual performance contracting was developed to ensure a clear understanding of what level of performance is required as well as what behaviour is expected in achieving the outputs. • Continuous observation and feedback focuses on creating the mindset within Kumba to ensure that feedback on performance is a continuous process and not restricted to only twice a year formal feedback. • Measuring performance implies measuring the objective achievement as set out in the performance contract as well as living the motivational values that will be measured with a 360-degree questionnaire. • Peer comparison is part of the process to ensure equity and fairness by making use of ranking of employees and considering the impact of uncontrollable on performance. • The formal performance feedback affords managers the opportunity to recap on the continual feedback given but most important it facilitates focusing on increasing performance in the future. • Measuring and auditing of the process ensures fair and equitable application and achievement of process objectives. • Consequence management implies that positive and negative consequences are linked to the level of performance as well as the way the motivational values are lived. A blended learning approach was followed consisting of E-Iearning providing "intellectually get it" and workshops support "emotionally get it". Change management was seen as a cornerstone for the implementation of the process. Line management need to take ownership of the process and therefore cooperation and buy-in are essential. A pilot implementation of the process was completed involving all top and senior managers within Kumba and already vast positive movements are evident. Kumba has not yet completed implementation in terms of the execution of the process across the organisation, but the continuous focus on changing mindsets and behaviours together with performance improvements will assist Kumba to become the high-performing organisation it aspires to become. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Kumba Resources is een van die grootste Suid-Afrikaans gevestigde mynbou groepe. Na voltooing van 'n omvangryke en kragtige "re-engineering" fokus Kumba Resources op die verhoging van effektiwiteite in hul bestaande bedrywe sowel as op die identifisering van groei geleenthede ten einde hul visie te verwenslik: "Om die mynbou en mineraal sektor te uitprestreer ten einde waarde te ontsluit vir alle belanghebbendes deur uitsonderlike mense en superieur prosesse". Die voertuig wat Kumba gebruik om sy visie te verwenslik is die "Kumba Way". Die "Kumba Way" is gefundeer op die waardes van Integriteit, Respek, Aanspreeklikheid, Billikheid en Omgee. Die motiverende waardes "Mense laat dit gebeur, Ons doen dit saam, Kom ons doen dit saam en Ons doen dit beter elke keer" skep die energie en verbintenis tot deurlopende verbetering. Die "Kumba Way" het ten doelom wêreldklas prestasie reg deur die organisasie te bereik. Dit skep waarde vir alle deelhebbers en 'n sterk mededingende voordeel deur op die volgende drie areas te fokus: • Die organisasie-wye aanvaarding en internalisering van 'n gemene visie en waardes ten einde 'n oop, positiewe en vertrouens-wekkende omgewing te skep. • Die daarstelling van leidende prosesse as raamwerk en gereedskap om prestasie van alle werknemers te daag en te meet. • Die bereiking van bedryfsuitmuntendheid deur die identifisering van beste praktyke binne en buite die organisasie asook die institusionalisering daarvan. Die mens prestasie proses is tesame met doelwitstelling 'n leidende proses wat prestasie binne Kumba aandryf. Die proses is gefundeer op beste praktyke geidentifiseer binne die organisasie sowel as in hoë presterende organisasies wêreldwyd. Leier organisasies is deeglik bewus van die rol wat werkernemers speel in die produktiwiteit binne hulorganisasie en uiteindelike die winsgewendheid, en doen dus alles moontlik om optimale prestasie van werknemers te bewerkstellig. Ten einde dit te verwesenlik is dit nodig om suksesvolle gedrag en prestasie te versterk en onproduktiewe gedrag en prestasie waar te neem en reg te stel. Die mens prestasie proses wat deur Kumba ontwikkel is bestaan uit die volgende elemente: • Insette tot die proses word verkry van doelwitstelling, generiese en spesifieke posuitsette en organisasie-waardes. • Individuele prestasie kontraktering het ten doelom 'n duidelike begrip van die vlak van prestasie en die besondere gedrag wat vereis word om doelwitbereiking te verseker. • Deurlopende observering en terugvoer het ten doelom 'n ingesteldheid te ontwikkel dat prestasie en gedrag terugvoer deurlopend moet geskied en nie net formeel twee maal per jaar nie. • Meting van prestasie impliseer die meting van doelwitbereiking soos ooreengekom in die prestasiekontrak sowel as die leef van. die motiverende waardes wat deur middel van 'n 360-grade vraelys gemeet word. • Portuur vergelyking is deel van die proses om gelykheid en billikheid in die proses te verseker deur gebruik te maak van rangorde plasing en inagneming van die inpak van onbeheerbare aspekte op prestasie. • Formele prestasie terugvoering gee bestuurders die geleentheid om die deurlopende terugvoer saam te vat, maar die belangrikste is om te fokus op die verbetering van toekomstige prestasie. • Meting en ouditering van die proses is nodig om die billike en eenvormige toepassing van die proses sowel as die bereiking van proses doelwitte te verseker. • Gevolgbestuur impliseer dat positiewe en negatiewe gevolge met die vlak van prestasie verbind word, sowel as die wyse waarop die waardes gelewe word. 'n Gemengde benadering tot opleiding is gevolg bestaande uit elektroniese leer om 'n begrip vir die proses te ontwikkel en werkwinkels om die vaardigheid van toepassing, te ontwikkel. Veranderingsbestuur is gesien as een van die hoekstene vir implementering van die proses. Lynbestuur moet eienaarskap van die proses aanvaar en daarvoor is hulle insette en inkoop essensieel.Die toets-implementering van die proses is gedoen op die top- en seniorbestuursvlak binne Kumba en 'n beduidende positiewe verandering is reeds bewerkstelling. Kumba het egter nog nie bereik wat nodig is om die hoë presterende organisasie te wees wat dit aspireer om te wees nie, en daarom is 'n deurlopende fokus op die verandering van ingesteldheid en gedrag tesame met 'n verhoging in prestasie nodig.

Progressive change management keys towards organisational effectiveness

Engelbrecht, David Johannes 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / Organisations find themselves in a challenging and changing environment. The focus of the study is to use the Marden diagnostic model of change management as a guide to transform organisations in order to meet competitive challenges of changing market conditions. The first half of the study underlines the need for organisations to stay in a mode of constant change. It explains the systems approach to organisational change that is prescribed by the Marden diagnostic model of change. The change process is initiated by focusing the organisation on a new strategy that will be the route map towards future prosperity. Various diagnostic tools are explored to discover the current position of the organisation. Intervention strategies are recommended to mobilize the organisation to move closer to the strategic vision. The latter half of the study deals with skills to manage the change process. These skills include consultation, leadership, teamwork, managing conflict, communication and negotiation. The study concludes with a practical framework that can be used by management to measure the success of the change process, and maintain momentum throughout the organisation.

The integration of emotional intelligence with leadership development : a literature review

Scheurkogel, Rene 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Organizations are changing rapidly and within organizations, teamwork is increasing and interpersonal relationships are becoming more important. The role of leaders is also changing and emotional and interpersonal competencies are becoming the skills needed for leaders to fulfill the demands of the current workplace. Emotional intelligence is one of the few remaining areas in an organization that can be developed to make a significant impact on the bottom line. In this work, the concept of emotional intelligence as defined in the literature is explored. There is also an overview of the vast body of literature available on leadership, and what is very clear, is the sparse research available on the role that emotional competence plays as being an essential tool in the kit of the effective leader. The question about the impact that emotional intelligence and competence can have on the enhancement and development of leadership and organizational processes is then explored. The conclusion drawn is that emotional intelligence will in actual fact enhance leadership and interpersonal skills which will enable a leader to build an emotionally enhanced organization. Suggestions for future research is that empirical research is indicated to explore the assumptions made and conclusions drawn based on this literature review regarding the role that emotional intelligence plays in leadership development and effectiveness. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Organisasies gaan huidiglik deur snelle verandering. Spanwerk is besig om toe te neem en interpersoonlike verhoudings raak meer en meer belangrik binne organisasies. Die rol van leiers is ook besig om te verander en emosionele en interpersoonlike vaardighede raak toenemend die vaardighede wat deur leiers benodig word om aan die eise van die huidige werkplek te voldoen. Emosionele intelligensie is een van die min areas wat oorbly binne organisasies wat nog ontgin en ontwikkel kan word ten einde 'n beduidende impak te maak op winsgewendheid. Die konsep van emosionele intelligensie soos gedefinieer in die literatuur, is in die werk ekploreer. 'n Oorsig van die magdom literatuur beskikbaar oor leierskap is ook gedoen. Wat duidelik blyk uit die literatuur oorsig, is die geringe literatuur beskikbaar oor die rol wat emosionele vaardighede speel as een van essensiële vaardighede van leierskap. Die vraag oor die impak van emosionele intelligensie en vaardighede op leierskap en die mate waartoe dit leierskap en die effek daarvan op organisatoriese prosesse kan verbeter, is ondersoek. Die gevolgtrekking waartoe gekom is, is dat emosionele intelligensie inderdaad leierskap en interpersoonlike vaardighede sal verbeter wat die leier sal toerus om 'n emosioneel gevorderde organisasie te bou. Voorstelle vir toekomstige navorsing is om empiriese navorsing te doen ten einde die aannames gemaak en gevolgtrekkings waartoe gekom is in hierdie literatuuroorsig ten opsigte van die rol wat emosionele intelligensie speel by leierskapsontwikkeling en - effektiwiteit te toets.

Validating the business alignment questionnaire that measures organisational functioning

Pelser, Casper Jan Hendrik 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The study project was aimed to evaluate a questionnaire designed by AB Reynolds and adapted by Mario Denton that is used to determine the funtionality of an organisation. The object was to determine how reliable the instrument is and if it was testing the necessary areas/processes. As the purpose·ofmost instruments is to help management determine the current position of an organisation , the management itself, the management of the employees and the workplace, it was important to validate a questionnaire by statistically analysing all the processes/factors used in the questionnaire as well as the questions. Although it was found that the twenty-one (21) organisational processes is used in the questionnaire is of major importance to all organisations, the statistical analyses reduced the processes to eight (8) namely: 1. Performance management, development, appraisal, reward and recognition 2. Effective leadership 3. Vision and mission 4. Strategy and structure 5. Communication 6. Competitor analyses 7. Customer needs 8. Core competencies The three hundred and fifty one (351) questions were also reduced to one hundred and thirty four. The validated revised questionnaire can now be used to determine an organisations health and is a two phased technique designed to assist organisational effectiveness. It will give management a foundation to use in strategic planning as it spells out the weaknesses and strengths of an organisation and also indicate area/processes of concern that will need attention. The revised questionnaire is therefore an information gathering instrument that measures the employees perception of the organisation and focuses on all facets of organisational functioning. It is a tool for continuous organisational development and improvement and will help an organisation in correcting the weaknesses identified. The questionnaire is therefore a management tool. It can be highly effective and can be used by all organisations to improve their competitiveness and ensure their survival. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die projek was daarop gemik om 'n vraelys, opgestel deur AB Reynolds en aangepas deur Mario Denton wat die funktionaliteit van 'n organisasie toets, te evalueer. Die doelwit was om vas te stel hoe betroubaar die instrument is en of dit die nodige areas/prosesse toets. Aangesien die doel van die instrument is om bestuur te help om die huidige possisie van organisasie, bestuur self, die bestuur van werknemers en die werksplek te toets, is dit noodsaaklik om so 'n vraelys te valideer deur al die prosesse/faktore in die vraelys, sowel as die vrae statisties te ontleed. Alhoewel daar gevind is dat al die een en twintig (21) organisatoriese prosesse, soos in die vraelys gebruik, van kardinale belang vir organisasies is ,het die statistiese analise dit na die volgende agt (8) prosesse verminder: 1. Prestasie bestuur, ontwikkeling, beoordeling, vergoeding en erkenning 2. Effektiewe leierskap 3. Visie en missie 4. Strategie en struktuur 5. Kommunikasie 6. Analise van mededingers 7. Behoeftes van kliênte 8. Kern vaardighede Die drie honderd een en vyftig (351) vrae is ook verminder na een honderd vier en dertig vrae. Die gevalideerde vraelys kan nou aangewend word om die gesondheid van 'n organisasie te toets en is 'n tegniek wat uit twee fases bestaan wat behulpsaam kan wees om organisatoriese effektiwiteit te bevorder. Dit sal aan bestuur 'n wegspringpunt verleen in strategiese beplanning aangesien dit die vermoëns en gebreke van 'n organisasie uitwys, asook die swak areas/prosesse wat aandag verg. Die gekorrigeerde vraelys is daarom 'n informasie insamelings instrument wat werknemers se persepsie aangaande die organisasie meet en fokus op alle fasette van organisatoriese funksionering. Dit is dus 'n instrument om organisatoriese ontwikkeling en verbetering voortdurend toe te pas, en help 'n organisasie om swakhede wat geidentifiseer is, reg te stel. Die vraelys is dus 'n bestuursinstrument wat effektief deur alle organisasies aangewend kan word om mededingend te word om sodoende hulle voortbestaan te verseker.

Low cost intelligent automation (LCIA) and process analysis methodology with implementation examples at the company 'Festool GmbH Deutschland'

Kreisel, Bjorn 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This document describes the different possibilities of Low Cost Intelligent Automation (LCIA)and process analysis for companies in the processing industry. These techniques can be used in production and assembly to reach a higher productivity and to maintain the company's competitiveness. Productivity is very important for any company, because it influences the profit. LCIA means using cheap solutions to automate processes in assembly and production. Cheaper machines payoff much faster. This is important, because life cycles are becoming shorter and shorter. With LCIA more manual processes can be automated. This is an advantage especially in countries with high labour costs. Process analysis helps to optimise processes in a company. To reach this goal it is essential to analyse processes systematically. This helps to gather detailed information about manufacturing defects and where they originated from. With these information it is much easier to eliminate the source of error and to reduce the number of defective products. Less errors in a production process lead to higher quality and productivity. The company "Festool GmbH Deutschland" serves as an example for using the described methods. The presented examples for LCIA are simple solutions to automate manual processes in the assembly division. The process of a fully automated machine serves as an example to illustrate the different aspects of a process analysis in this company. The methodologies presented in this document can be used to achieve improvements especially in productivity. Therefore any company coming from a labour intensive industry should think about integrating LCIA and process analysis into their continuous improvement strategy. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie dokument beskryf die verskillende moontlikhede van Lae Koste Intellegente Automasie (LKIA)en die proses analise vir maatskappye in die vervaardiging industrie. Hierdie metodes kan gebruik word in produksie en montering om hoër produktiwiteit te verkry sowel as die maatskapy se mededingendheid te handhaaf. Produktiwiteit is baie belangrik vir enige maatskappy, want dit beïnvloed die winsgewindheid. LKIA beteken die gebruik van goedkoop oplossings om prosesse te automatiseer in montering en produksie. Goedkoper masjiene word vinniger afbetaal. Dit is belangrik, want die lewenssiklus van beide produkte en masjiene word al korter. Met LKIA kan meer handprosesse ge-automatiseer word. Dit is 'n voordeel veral in lande met hoë arbeidskostes. Proses analise help om die prosesse in 'n maatskappy te optimiseer. Om hierdie doel te bereik is dit belangrik om prosesse sistematies te analiseer. Bogenoemde help om gedetaileerde informasie in te samel rondom vervaardigings defekte sowel as die oorsprong daarvan. Met hierdie informasie is dit makliker om die oorsprong van foute uit te skakel en om die getal foutiewe produkte te verminder. Minder foute tydens die vervaardigings proses ly tot 'n hoër kwaliteit en produktiwiteit. Die maatskappy "Festool GmbH Deutschland" dien as 'n voorbeeld vir die gebruik van die beskryfde metodes. Die voorgestelde voorbeelde vir LKIA is eenvoudige oplossings om die handprosesse in die monterings afdeling te outomatiseer. Die proses van 'n ten volle ge-automatiseerde masjien, dien as 'n voorbeeld om die verskillende aspekte van proses analise in hierdie maatskappy te illustreer. Die metodologie wat gebruik is in die dokument, kan gebruik word om verbeteringe veral in produktiwiteit te bewerkstellig. Dus kan enige firma in 'n arbeidsintensiewe industrie gebruik maak van die integrasie van LKIA en proses analise in sy deurlopende verbeterings strategie.

Results-based leadership : the core of organisational energy and success

Williams, Brian Kenneth 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This mini-thesis examines the relationships between results-based leadership and the success of organisations through the maintenance of high levels of energy. In Chapter 1 the concept of energy is introduced by focusing on the relationship between globalisation, through increased competition and concurrent adaptation, and the need for high energy levels in organisations. Chapter 2 has a twofold focus. Firstly, a model for the creation of energised organisations is developed through examining the interrelationships between people, energy and systems, developing an understanding of the requirements of energy, describing systems as open entities, investigating the impact and efficiency of systems and discussing the need for organisational energy. The second part of the chapter investigates the relationship between energy levels and organisational success. Section " emphasises the conceptual development of leadership. Chapter 3 focuses on the conceptual history of leadership, some popular myths around the concept, and four theoretical approaches that are critical to modern-day understanding of leadership. It argues that leadership determines, or strongly influences, the strategy, direction and success of organisations, institutions and companies. The process of leadership is affected by three distinct variables: leaders themselves, the employees reporting to them, and the situation. The interaction between these variables determines the leadership behaviour and the reactions of subordinates through commitment, job satisfaction and performance. In this, leadership becomes a function of these three variables. The debate in Chapter 4 concentrates, firstly, on the dichotomous relationship between leaders and managers. Leaders have a role to play in the charting of the longer-term horizon of the organisation in which they set vision, mission and direction through effective communication and subtle motivation. Managers have a shorter-term horizon in which they define the vision, mission, goals and values of leadership into shorterterm strategy and implementation interventions. They draw the road map that follows the compass direction of leadership. Secondly, Chapter 4 argues that transformational leadership is paradoxical in nature. Transformational leaders have to build organisations that embrace paradox, i.e. organisations that manage the uncertainty of change in their environments. Their role is one of being change agents. The argument, thirdly, claims that leadership is results-based. Here the argument is for a framework of leadership that is output-driven, i.e. that has a goal orientation towards organisational output and success. Chapter 5 focuses on the conclusions of the research project. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie minitesis ondersoek die verband tussen uitsetgedrewe leierskap en organisatoriese sukses deur die handhawing van hoë energievlakke. In Hoofstuk 1 word die konsep van energie ingelei deur 'n fokus op die verband tussen globalisering, as gevolg van toenemende kompetisie en konkurrente aanpassings, en die noodsaaklikheid van hoë energievlakke in organisasies. Hoofstuk 2 het 'n tweeledige fokus. Eerstens word 'n energiemodel ontwikkel deur die ontleding van die verband tussen mense, energie en stelsels, die ontwikkeling van 'n begrip vir die vereistes van energie, die beskrywing van stelsels as oop entiteite, 'n ondersoek van die impak en effektiwiteit van stelsels, en die verduideliking van die noodsaaklikheid van energie. Die tweede deel van die hoofstuk ondersoek die verband tussen energievlakke en organisatoriese sukses. Afdeling II beklemtoon die konsepsuele ontwikkeling van leierskap. Hoofstuk 3 fokus op die konsepsuele geskiedenis van leierskap, 'n aantal mites rondom leierskap en vier teoretiese benaderinge wat kritiek vir die hedendaagse begrip van leierskap is. Daar word aangevoer dat leierskap die strategie, rigting en sukses van organisasies bepaal of sterk beïnvloed. Die leierskapproses word deur drie aspekte geaffekteer: leiers self, die werknemers wat aan hulle rapporteer, en die situasie waarbinne dit plaasvind. Die interaksie tussen hierdie aspekte bepaal die gedrag van leiers en die reaksie van werknemers deur toegewydheid, werkstevredenheid en prestasie. Hierdeur word leierskap 'n funksie van die drie aspekte. Die debat in Hoofstuk 4 konsentreer, eerstens, op die tweedelige verhouding tussen leiers en bestuurders. Leiers speel 'n rol in die kartering van die langtermynhorison van die organisasie deur die bepaling van visie, missie en rigting deur effektiewe kommunikasie en subtiele motivering. Bestuurders het 'n kortertermynhorison waarbinne hulle die visie, missie, doelstellinge en waardes in strategie en implementering omskep. Hulle teken die kaart wat die kompasrigting van leierskap navolg. In Hoofstuk 4 word tweedens aangevoer dat transformasieleierskap paradoksaal van aard is. Transformasieleiers moet organisasies bou wat paradokse aanvaar, d.i. organisasies wat die onsekerheid van omgewingsverandering kan bestuur. Hulle moet ook die rol van transformasieagente speel. Derdens word aangevoer dat leierskap uitsetgedrewe is. Hier word geargumenteer vir 'n leierskapraamwerk wat uitsetgedrewe is, wat doelmatig op organisatoriese uitset en sukses gemik is. Hoofstuk 5 fokus op die samevatting van die bevindinge van die navorsingsprojek.

Shared values : the road to reconstruction and success

Siegruhn, R. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Governments and organisations focus their efforts and resources on physical production factors and the skills of their employees. However, in order to focus the resources and skills of an organisation on a specific outcome there needs to be a common and binding set of values. Many empowerment efforts in South Africa have not succeeded and the reasons cited for their failures, concomitantly, have been based on physical production factors and lack of skills. This study will investigate whether a misalignment of values may be the real problem of which the physical production factors and skills were mere symptoms. The Mckinsey 7s Model will be used to structure the analysis and to determine whether the reconstruction, development and empowerment organisations, both successful and unsuccessful, had shared values. The result was that the reconstruction, development and empowerment organisations that were successful had shared values and that the reconstruction, development and empowerment organisations, that were unsuccessful did not have shared values. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Regerings en privaat organisasies fokus hulle insette op fisiese produksie faktore en die vaardighede van hul werknemers. Om die insette en aksies van 'n organisasie te fokus op 'n spesifieke uitkoms, moet daar 'n gedeelde en samebindende stel waardes wees. Verskeie bemagtigingspogings in Suid-Afrika was nie suksesvol nie. Die redes wat vir hierdie mislukkings aangevoer word, is gebaseer op die fisiese insette en die gebrek aan vaardigheid van die deelnemers. Die navorsing in hierdie studie is daarop gemik om te bepaal of die gebrek aan gedeelde waardes nie dalk die werklike probleem is nie, en dat die fisiese produksie faktore en vaardigheidsvlakke slegs simptome hiervan is. Die Mckinsey 7s model sal aangewend word om struktuur aan die studie te verleen. Die Mckinsey 7s model sal ook aangewend word om te bepaal of die heropbou-, ontwikkelings- en bemagtigings organisasies, beide suksesvol en onsuksesvol, gedeelde waardes gehad het al dan nie. Die resultate van die studie het daarop gedui dat al die heropbou-, ontwikkelings en bemagtigings organisasies, wat gedeelde waardes gehad het suksevol was en al die heropbou-, ontwikkelings- en bemagtigings organisasies, wat onsuksesvol was nie gedeelde waardes gehad het nie.

The beehive of organisational excellence : entrenching workplace practices that lead to high performance

Abrahams, M. F. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: For the past two decades or so we have been witnessing the dawn of the information age. The technological revolution that typifies this era is proceeding at a rate unparalleled by the advances of previous eras. This technological advancement has spawned what is called the New Economy, where the currency is information and the watchword is speed. The New Economy is global, knowledge-driven, and highly competitive. It has forever changed the competitive landscapes of many industries, combined others into new industries, and has even created entirely new industries. The New Economy poses many new challenges for organisations that strive for excellence. Amongst other things, globalisation and rapid advances in technology are constantly raising performance level benchmarks on all fronts. This means that organisations striving for excellence have to be stable yet agile, lean, responsive, innovative, efficient, customer-focused, and profitable. In addition, the pressure on organisations to democratise the workplace brings its own challenges. One such approach for organising for excellence is the Beehive model where minimum levels of performance have to be attained in each of seven interdependent areas: strategy, structures, people capacity, business disciplines, stakeholder commitment, pay and incentives, and change leadership. Taken out of context, these practices will not produce the desired improvements in performance. They need to be treated as a system where the practices fit with and support each other. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Vir ongeveer die afgelope twee dekades ervaar ons die aanbreek van die informasie tydperk. Die tegnologiese revolusie, wat 'n kenmerk is van hierdie era, gaan voort met 'n tempo ongeewenaard met die vooruitgang van vorige eras. Hierdie tegnologiese vooruitgang het voortgebring wat die Nuwe Ekonomie genoem word, waar die geldeenheid informasie en die wagwoord spoed is. Die Nuwe Ekonomie is wereldwyd, kennis aangedrewe, en hoogs kompeterend. Dit het die kompeterende landskappe van baie industriee vir ewig verander, ander in nuwe industriee kombineer en selfs geheel en al nuwe industriee geskep. Die Nuwe Ekonomie lewer vele nuwe uitdagings op vir organisasies wat na uitmuntenheid streef. Om maar een te noem veroorsaak globalisasie en vinnige vooruitgang in tegnologie 'n konstante styging in prestasie vlak hoogtemerke reg deur die industrie. Dit beteken dat organisasies wat na uitmuntenheid streef stabiel, tog ook behendig, reagerend, vernuwend, effektief, klient gefokus en winsgewend moet wees. Daarmee saam bring die druk op organisasies om by die werkplek te demokratiseer sy eie uitdagings. Een so benadering vir organisering vir uitmuntendheid is die Beehive model waar minimum vlakke van prestasie in elke sewe interafhanklike areas behaal moet word: strategie, strukture, menslike kapasiteit, besigheids dissipline, insethouer toegewydheid, betaling en prestasielone, en oorgangsleiding. Uit konteks sal hierdie praktyke nie die gewensde verbeterings in prestasie behaal nie. Dit moet as 'n sisteem behandel word waar die praktyke mekaar pas en ondersteun.

Assessing and improving the organisational performance of process engineering at Sasol Technology using the Burke-Litwin model

Strydom, Johan 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / Some digitised pages may appear illegible due to the condition of the original hard copy / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Change management is a field of study that is becoming increasingly more important as the rate of change in organisations increases and technology develops. The number of change initiatives within organisations is increasing daily, but unfortunately the success rate is decreasing. There are various reasons for this, but two significant reasons are organisations looking for quick fixes, and change not being properly planned. Organisation development is a field within change management that addresses both these problems. The field is anchored in the action research methodology, ensuring that chanqe is properly planned. The other strength of organisation development lies in the systems approach that is followed. A systems approach ensures that a proper understanding of the organisation is developed before corrective interventions are proposed. This study project makes use of the Burke-Litwin model as part of an organisation development process to identify problem areas in the Sasol Technology Process Engineering functional department. After the identification of the problem areas, interventions are planned to address these issues. A literature study on the field of organisation development is presented in Chapter 2. This study begins with a review of the origins and development of organisation development, including the role of the change process and systems thinking. The study further evaluates various organisation development models and uses the information to evaluate the Burke-Litwin model. Finally the study presents the organisation development process that is followed in the Sasol Technology Process Engineering department and how it impacts on this study project. Chapter 3 supplies information on the organisation that is studied and places the organisation in context with its environment. This chapter also presents the results of the diagnostic phase and draws conclusions from these results. The results are interpreted for the overall organisation, but also for different categories within the organisation. The conclusions from this chapter form the identified problem areas that are one of the objectives of the study project. Interventions to address the problem areas identified in Chapter 3 are planned and developed in Chapter 4. To place the interventions in context, a short literature review on intervention theory is presented. The results of the development process is a plan of interventions that can be implemented for the overall organisation, as well as for the two geographic environments that the organisation functions in. Chapter 5 of the study project presents a summary of the study, as well as conclusions that are made by the author, and recommendations on the completion of the organisation development process. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Veranderingsbestuur is 'n veld wat al hoe meer relevant raak soos die pas van verandering toeneem en tegnologie ontwikkel. Die aantal veranderingsbestuur initiatiewe binne organisasies neem daagliks toe, maar die suksessyfer is ongelukkig aanhoudend besig om te daal. Daar is veskeie redes vir die veskynsel, maar twee beduidende redes is gekoppel aan die feit dat organisasies kitsoplossings soek, en dat die verandering nie deeglik beplan word nie. Organisasieontwikkeling is 'n veld binne veranderingsbestuur wat beide die probleme aanspreek. Die veld is stewig geanker in die aksie-navorsingsmetodologie wat verseker dat die verandering deeglik beplan word. Organisasieontwikkeling se ander sterk punt is dat dit die sisteembenadering volg. 'n Sisteembenadering verseker dat 'n deeglike begrip van die organisasie ontwikkel word voordat intervensies voorgestel word. Hierdie studieprojek maak gebruik van die Burke-Litwin model as deel van 'n organisasieontwikkelingsproses om probleemareas in die Sasol Tegnologie Prosesingenieurs funksionele departement te identifiseer. Nadat die probleemareas geïdentifiseer is word intervensies beplan om die probleme aan te spreek. 'n Literatuurstudie oor die veld van organisasieontwikkeling word in Hoofstuk 2 aangebied. Die studie begin met 'n oorsig oor die ontstaan en ontwikkeling van organisasieontwikkeling, wat die rol van veranderingsproses en sisteemdenke insluit. Die studie gaan verder deur verskeie organisasieontwikkelingsmodelle te evalueer en die inligting te gebruik om die Burke-Litwin model te evalueer. Die studie sluit af met 'n oorsig oor die organisasieontwikkelingsproses wat gevolg word en hoe dit die studieprojek raak. Hoofstuk 3 verskaf inligting oor die organisasie wat bestudeer word en plaas die organisasie in konteks met die omgewing waarbinne dit bedryf. Die hoofstuk sluit ook die resultate van die diagnostiese fase in en bied die gevolgtrekkings wat gemaak word aan. Die resultate word vir die organisasie in geheel aangebied, maar ook vir verskillende kategorieë binne die organisasie. Die gevolgtrekkings wat bereik word vorm die geïdentifiseerde probleemareas wat een van die oogmerke van die studieprojek is. Hoofstuk 4 bied die intervensies aan wat ontwikkel en beplan is om die probleemareas van Hoofstuk 3 aan te spreek. 'n Kort literatuurstudie oor die teorie van intervensies word aangebied om die intervensies in konteks te plaas. Die resultaat van die ontwikkelingsproses is 'n plan vir intervensies wat geïmplimenteer kan word vir die algehele organisasie, maar ook vir die twee geografiese omgewings waarbinne die organisasie funksioneer. Hoofstuk 5 veskaf 'n opsomming van die studieprojek, asook die gevolgtrekkings van die skrywer aangaande die studieprojek en aanbevelings oor die voltooiing van die organisasieontwikkelingsproses.

Delivering peak performance through focused career management

Hako, Vuyani Wellington 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Wealth today cannot be merely measured by material acquisition but also by depth of knowledge, wisdom and understanding. This knowledge, wisdom and understanding lie in the human capital of the organisation. The dynamic nature of business today demands a constant renewal in the aspirations of the employee. Therefore, the performance of the employee in any organisation becomes the most important component. If an organisation is to gain competitive advantage, it must understand how people think, feel and act and then utilize that understanding to increase human performance. The study argues that one of the important feelings that must be understood in order to increase people effectiveness in an organisation is career management. Career management is investing in the minds of the people. The minds of the people are the source of wealth. Developing people to improve their knowledge, skills and capabilities is fundamental to the overall performance of an organisation. Career management helps identify specific talents and behaviours an individual must bring to the job. Career management also brings prosperity and job satisfaction to the individual. Career management as a system to capitalize on the employee's talents and potential should begin with a strong emphasis on personal empowerment and the elimination of self-directed negativity. Against this background, the study looks very deeply into the importance of self management. Further, the organisation itself needs to understand that peak performance is not an event but the life of the business. Whenever the results are announced the competitor listens to establish ways of doing the best. To keep up with the spirit of competitive advantage and gaining peak performance all the time, the organisation must constantly devise means to engage the emotional commitment of the employee. Such means must include career management strategies as also an attempt for employee retention. The organisation must position itself to be a facilitator of career coaching. As a facilitator of career coaching the organisation is able to plan the career success and happiness of the employee. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Vandag se rykdom kan nie net slegs deur middel van materiële geskat word nie maar asook deur diepsinningheid van wetenskap, wysheid en begrip. Hierdie kennis, wysheid en verstand rus in die menslike kapitaal van die organisasie. Die dinamiese soort van besighede deesdae verlang 'n gedurige hernuwing in die strewe van die werknemer. Daarom is dit die prestasie van die werknemer in enige organisasie wat die mees belangrikste komponent is. As die organisasie 'n mededingende voordeel wil bereik,moet die organisasie verstaan hoe mense dink, voel en optree,dan daardie verstand aanwend om menslike vermoëte verbeter. Die studie dui aan dat een van die belangrikste gevoelenswaardes wat begryp moet word om mense se vermoë te verbeter in 'n organisasie, is loopbaanbestuur. Loopbaanbestuur belê in die mense se verstandelike vermoë omdat dit 'n bron van rykdom is. Ontwikkeling van mense om hulle kennis, vermoë en bekwaamhede te verbeter is die grondbeginsel tot die totale prestering van die organisasie. Loopbaanbestuur help om spesifieke talente en houdings te identifiseer wat 'n individu aan die werk moet bring. Loopbaanbestuur bring asook voorspoed en werksbevrediging aan die individu. Loopbaanbestuur as 'n stelsel wat kapitaliseer op die werknemers se talent en potensiaal moet begin met 'n sterk klem op selfbestuur en die verwydering van persoonlike negatiewe. Teen hierdie agtergrond, kyk die studie baie diep na die belangrikheid van selfbestuur. Verder, behoort die organisasie te begryp dat topprestasies nie 'n gebeurtenis is nie, maar die siel van die besigheid is. Wanneer die uitslae aangekondig word, luister die mededinge en doen sy beste om aan nuwe maniere te dink om sy beste voor te lê. Om by te bly met die mededingende voordeel en om die hoë prestasie te bereik teen alle tye moet die organisasie aanhoudelik met metodes voorendag kom sodat die werknemer emosioneel verbind is tot die organisasie. Sulke middelweë moet loopbaan beheer strategies insluit asook 'n poging om werknemer te behou. Die organisasie moet homself so plaas dat hy 'n fasiliteerder van loopbaan afrigting is. Deur as fasiliteerder van loopbaan afrigting op te tree word dit moontlik om loopbaansukses en gelukkigheid van die werknemer te bewerkstellig.

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