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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Managing Commercialization of Academic research : A Case Study of Umea University, Sweden

Mir, Rizwan, Ahsan Hassan, Muhammad January 2010 (has links)
Background and Research Problem: Universities are complex and diversified institutions playing an active role in society. Besides education and research universities are now assigned a new role of commercialization of academic research. There is pressure on universities to act as a bridge for transfer of knowledge to industries and generate resources. As this role of commercialization is comparatively new for the universities so they face challenges and difficulties in managing commercialization along with education and research. In order to overcome these challenges some support structures has been introduced in the form of Technology Transfer Office (TTO) or Industry Liaison Office (ILO). As the role and support structures are new, so there is a need to develop such a managerial system which can better integrate the activities related to commercialization of academic research.   Research Purpose: This is a case study of Umeå University conducted to understand and evaluate the commercialization activities and functioning of support structures. The specific purpose is to investigate and suggest that, how universities having support structures but lacking success stories and track records, should manage its commercialization activities.   Method: Qualitative research methods are used and semi-structured interviews have been conducted from eight respondents. Umeå University has been used as a case study. Concluding Comments: On the basis of this study we would like to comment that, Umeå University is committed to perform its third role of contribution towards society and there is adequate infrastructure available in terms of support structures. But still as this role is new for the university and carrying on commercialization activities while insuring freedom of research is a challenging task. So, a detailed evaluation of existing support structures and reorganization of their existing activities is required. It may also require better understanding and communication of the concept of commercialization, generation of new ideas and a greater attention, both from the support structures and central management of the university.

“Vi stänger kontorsdörren och pratar med folk via en skärm, fast vi har kollegor på jobbet” : En studie om social interaktion och gemenskap i digitala team

Hamzagić, Elma, Julin, Madelene January 2022 (has links)
The development in today's labor market is characterized by digitalization and it is becoming increasingly common to work in teams where collaboration mainly takes place in digital forums. The new ways of working cause challenges regarding fellowship and social interaction in digital teams. Research shows that it is more difficult to achieve fellowship and affiliation to colleagues in teams that do not meet physically. Communication in digital teams is characterized by formal interactions, rather than informal ones, which complicates opportunities to socialize "around the coffee machine" in the same way as in a physical organizational context. The organization plays an important role in enabling successful digital work through organizational support structures such as training, guidelines, and well-functioning communication tools. The purpose of this study is to investigate how members of digital teams perceive digital teamwork, with a focus on how they experience social interaction and feelings of fellowship. The study further aims to provide insight into how organizations contribute to the digital teams through support structures. The study is based on qualitative, semi-structured interviews with people who are part of digital teams. The results from the interviews are explained with Gunnar Aronsson et al. 's team definition, Erving Goffman's dramaturgical perspective and Randall Collins' theory of interaction rituals. The study shows that there are difficulties in achieving feelings of fellowship in digital teams because communication consists mainly of formal interactions. Digital work is sometimes perceived as lonely. The study also shows that the organization plays a crucial role in providing opportunities for the digital teams to interact informally and thereby develop a fellowship. / Utvecklingen på dagens arbetsmarknad präglas av digitalisering och det blir allt vanligare med arbetsteam där samarbetet huvudsakligen sker i digitala forum. De nya arbetssätten medför utmaningar med avseende på gemenskap och social interaktion i teamen. Forskning visar bland annat att det är svårare att uppnå gemenskap och anknytning till kollegor i team som inte möts fysiskt. Kommunikationen i digitala team kännetecknas av formella interaktioner, snarare än informella, vilket komplicerar möjligheter att socialisera “runt kaffeautomaten” på samma sätt som i en fysisk organisationskontext. Organisationen spelar en viktig roll för att möjliggöra framgångsrikt digitalt arbete genom organisatoriska stödstrukturer som exempelvis utbildning, riktlinjer och välfungerande kommunikationsverktyg. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur medlemmar i digitala team uppfattar det digitala teamarbetet, med fokus på hur de upplever social interaktion och känslor av gemenskap. Studien syftar vidare till att ge insikt i på vilket sätt organisationer bidrar till de digitala teamen genom stödstrukturer. Studiens datainsamlingsmetod är kvalitativa, semistrukturerade intervjuer med personer som ingår i digitala team. Resultaten från intervjuerna förklaras utifrån Gunnar Aronsson et al:s teamdefinition, Erving Goffmans dramaturgiska perspektiv och Randall Collins teori om interaktionsritualer. Studien visar att det finns svårigheter med att uppnå känslor av gemenskap i digitala team. Kommunikationen består huvudsakligen av formella interaktioner, vilket försvårar teammedlemmarnas möjligheter att lära känna varandra. Digitalt teamarbete upplevs ibland som ensamt. Det framgår även av studien att organisationen spelar en avgörande roll för att tillhandahålla tillfällen för de digitala teamen att interagera informellt och därigenom utveckla en gemenskap.

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