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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pinguim-de-Magalhães (Spheniscus magellanicus) como indicador da ocorrência de poluentes orgânicos persistentes / Magellanic Penguin (Spheniscus magellanicus) as a persistent organic pollutants indicator

Paula Baldassin Jorge 04 June 2014 (has links)
O Pinguim-de-Magalhães, Spheniscus magellanicus, é o mais abundante dos pinguins que vivem em regiões temperadas da América do Sul, sendo um bom indicador de poluição ambiental. Poluentes orgânicos persistentes (POPs) foram detectados em fígado de Pinguins-de-Magalhães encontrados debilitados ou mortos nas praias do Brasil (Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Santa Catarina e Rio Grande do Sul) entre 2008 - 2012 e, do Uruguai e do Chile, em 2011. Os bifenilos policlorados (PCBs) predominaram em relação aos pesticidas organoclorados (DDTs ∼ HCB ∼ Drins) e aos éteres difenilos polibromados (PBDEs). O contaminante emergente fipronil não foi detectado apesar de seu uso na América do Sul. Entre os PCBs predominaram os congeneres penta, hexa e heptaclorados. Concentrações de POPs foram similares entre as áreas de migração e reprodução exceto para os PCBs que foram relativamente maiores na área de reprodução. Avaliação temporal (2008 - 2012) de POPs apresentou constância para os pesticidas organoclorados e tendência ao declínio para os PCBs. A glândula uropigiana de Pinguim-de-Magalhães mostrou-se um tecido alternativo adequado para análise de POPs em aves debilitadas. No geral, as regiões de reprodução e migração dos pinguins na América do Sul apresentam baixas concentrações de POPs com tendência constante ou indícios de declínio. / The Magellanic Penguin , Spheniscus magellanicus, is the most abundant penguin that live in temperate regions of South America and a good indicator of environmental pollution in that region. Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) were detected in the liver of Magellanic penguins found debilitated or dead on the beaches of Brazil (Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul) between 2008 - 2012, and in Uruguay and Chile in 2011. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were more prevalent than organochlorine pesticides (DDTs ∼ HCB ∼ Drins) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs). Fipronil, an emerging contaminant, was not detected despite its use in South America. Among PCBs, the congeners penta, hexa and heptaclorados were predominant. Concentrations of POPs are similar between the migration and reproduction areas except for PCBs that are relatively higher in the breeding area. At this time point (2008 - 2012) POPs showed constancy for organochlorine pesticides and PCBs tendency to decline. The Magellanic penguin uropygian gland has proved to be a suitable alternative for POPs tissue analysis in debilitated birds. Overall, southern South America has low concentrations of POPs with constant trend or decline evidence.

O uso do boto-cinza (Sotalia guianensis) como sentinela da poluição continental por compostos organoclorados (DDT, PCB, HCH, HCB e Mirex) em baías costeiras do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / The use of the Guiana dolphin (Sotalia guianensis) as sentinel environmental pollution by organochlorine compounds (DDT, PCB, HCH, HCB and Mirex) coastal bays in the State of rio de Janeiro

Lara Gama Vidal 16 September 2010 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Concentrações de compostos organoclorados (DDTs, PCBs, HCHs, Mirex e HCB) foram determinadas em camadas externas e internas do tecido adiposo subcutâneo de 17 botos-cinza (Sotalia guianensis) da região Sudeste do Brasil. Não houve diferenças estatísticas significativas entre os estratos, relativo aos 37 compostos determinados, assim como &#931;DDT, &#931;PCB, &#931;HCH, e as razões p,p-DDE/&#931;DDT e &#931;DDT/&#931;PCB. Entretanto, foram observadas diferenças significativas nas concentrações de alguns compostos organoclorados de animais encalhados ou capturados acidentalmente quando comparados com animais biopsiados remotamente, sendo assim as comparações entre esses dois conjuntos de dados, devem ser vistas com cuidado. No presente estudo, as concentrações dos compostos organoclorados foram determinadas em biópsias de botos-cinza obtidas de 2007 a 2009, nas baías de Sepetiba (n=13) e Ilha Grande (n=11), Sudeste do Brasil. As concentrações (ng/g de lipídio) variaram de <LD a 26 621 para o &#931;DDT, de 256 a 60 195 para o &#931;PCB; de <LD a 2 296 para &#931;HCH; de 142 a 1 088 para o Mirex, bem como de <LD a 35 para o HCB. Com relação à análise discriminante, os dados dos machos capturados acidentalmente gerados no presente estudo foram analisados juntamente com dados dos machos de um estudo recente que utilizou amostras do tecido adiposo subcutâneo de botos-cinza capturados acidentalmente. Através dessa análise, foi possível verificar que as populações de boto-cinza de 2 baías costeiras vizinhas (Sepetiba e Guanabara), bem como da Baía de Paranaguá, apresentaram padrões distintos de acumulação dos compostos organoclorados. O último achado demonstra a existência de separações ecológicas entre os botoscinza a partir de diferentes áreas, o que constitui informação de grande importância para a conservação e o manejo da espécie / Organochlorine compound (OC) concentrations (DDTs, PCBs, HCHs, Mirex and HCB) were determined in inner and outer strata from blubber of 17 Guiana dolphins (Sotalia guianensis) from southeast Brazil. There was no statistically significant difference between the strata concerning the 37 determined compounds, &#931;DDT, &#931;PCB, &#931;HCH as well as regarding the p,p-DDE/&#931;DDT and the &#931;DDT/&#931;PCB ratios. However, significant differences were found in concentrations of some organochlorine compounds in stranded or incidentally captured animals and remotely biopsied , thus comparisons between these two sets of data should be viewed with caution. In the present study, OC concentrations were determined in biopsy samples from Guiana dolphins obtained from 2007 to 2009, in Sepetiba (n=13) and Ilha Grande (n=11) bays, southeast Brazil. Concentrations (ng/g lipids) varied from <LD to 26 621 for &#931;DDT, from 256 to 60 195 for &#931;PCB; from <LD to 2 296 for &#931;HCH; from 142 to 1 088 for Mirex; as well as from <LD to 35 for HCB. Concerning the discriminant analysis, the data from males incidentally captured generated by the present study were analyzed together with data from males to a recent study that dealt with blubber samples from males incidentally captured Guiana dolphins. Through this analysis, it was possible to verify that the Guiana dolphin populations from 2 neighboring coastal bays (Sepetiba and Guanabara), as well as from Paranaguá Bay, present differentiation on the OC accumulation patterns. This latter finding demonstrates the existence of ecological separations among Guiana dolphins from different areas, which constitutes information of importance for conservation and management purposes.

Avaliação da qualidade da água da Bacia do Alto Jacaré-Guaçu/SP (Ribeirão do Feijão e Rio do Monjolinho) através de variáveis físicas, químicas e biológicas / Evaluation of the water quality of Alto Jacaré-Guaçu Basin (Ribeirão do Feijão and Rio do Monjolinho), São Paulo State, by the physical, chemical and biological conditions

Marlon Peláez Rodríguez 29 November 2001 (has links)
Os recursos hídricos urbanos são de grande importância para os municípios que têm desenvolvimento econômico crescente e aumento demográfico, sendo que a manutenção da qualidade da água dos mananciais de abastecimento para a população é imprescindível para a saúde e para diminuir o custo econômico. A bacia do Alto Jacaré-Guaçu, em cuja área está inserido o município de São Carlos/SP, tem como principais sub bacias a do Rio do Monjolinho e a do Ribeirão do Feijão, sendo este a principal fonte de abastecimento de água para a cidade. O trabalho foi proposto para avaliar a qualidade da água dos recursos hídricos da bacia do Alto Jacaré-Guaçu, através da análise das características limnológicas, das substâncias tóxicas e da comunidade de macroinvertebrados que permitem a indicação da qualidade da água. Foram efetuadas duas campanhas de amostragem em 1999: a) no período chuvoso (em março) e b) no período de estiagem (em agosto). Em março foram realizadas amostragens em 8 pontos e, em agosto, foram acrescidos mais 6 pontos, totalizando 14. Paralelamente, com o intuito de visualizar espacialmente os resultados e desta forma identificar as áreas com maior ou menor grau de impacto, foi elaborado um mapa com as sub-bacias correspondentes às áreas cuja água drena para cada um dos pontos de coleta. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que a qualidade da água no período da estiagem se torna mais critica devido à diminuição do fluxo da água. Com relação à poluição orgânica, a sub bacia do Monjolinho pode ser classificada em 3 grupos: a) trecho sem influência urbana, portanto não poluída ou ligeiramente poluída; b) trecho com influência da área urbana da cidade de São Carlos, sendo assim, fortemente poluída e c) trecho final do Rio Monjolinho, com uma poluição moderada ou em processo de recuperação. Quanto à presença de substâncias tóxicas analisadas as concentrações dos metais, em geral, apresentaram-se dentro dos limites da Resolução CONAMA 20/86, exceto o cobre, ferro, manganês e zinco. Já para os organoclorados, a maior parte da área da bacia não atende a Resolução Brasileira, detectando-se concentrações acima dos limites permitidos. Quanto à identificação dos diferentes impactos no uso da terra e da água na bacia do Alto Jacaré-Guaçu, pode-se citar, entre as atividades antrópicas que vem acelerando o processo de degradação ambiental, principalmente a qualidade da água :1- Falta de tratamento do esgoto doméstico, principalmente na área urbana; 2- Desmatamento contínuo levando a substituição da vegetação natural por monoculturas e pastagens; 3- Uso irregular do solo, causando erosão e assoreamento nos corpos de água; 4- Expansão sem controle da área urbana próximo às margens e principalmente nas nascentes dos corpos de água e 5-Falta de controle na comercialização e uso de defensivos agrícolas. / The water resources in urban areas are important for the municipalities in stage of economical development and demographic increase. The maintenance of quality of the water sources is indispensable for the human health and to reduce the economic costs. The Alto Jacaré-Guaçu basin, situated in São Carlos municipality, has as a principal sub-basins the Monjolinho River and Ribeirão do Feijão basins. Both are the main souce of water supply for the city. This study was proposed to analyze the water quality of the Alto Jacaré-Guaçu basin, according to the limnological conditions, toxic substances and utilization of macroinvertebrates as indicative of the water quality. Sampling was carried out in two periods: a) in the rainy season (March 1999) and b) in the dry season (August 1999). In March 8 stations were sampled, while in August 6 more stations were sampled, totalizing 14 stations. In Parallel, a map was elaborated with the sub-basins corresponding to the drainage area for each station in order to show spatially the results and to identify the areas with bigger or minor degree of impact. The results demonstrated that the water quality in the dry period became critical due to decreasing of the water flow. Concerning to the organic pollution, the sub-basin of Monjolinho can be classified under 3 groups: a) section without urban influence, with no or few pollution; b) section with no or few pollution; b) section with influence of the urban area of São Carlos city, being strongly contaminated and c) final section the Monjolinho River, with a moderate pollution or in process of recovery. In relation to the presence of toxic substances analyzed, the concentrations of metals generally appeared inside the limits of the Resolution CONAMA 20/86, except for copper, iron, manganese and zinc. For the organochlorine pesticides, the concentrations oberseved do not attend to the Brazilian Resolution, because the values were higler than the acceptable limits. Concerning to the identification of different impacts of the land and water uses in the Alto Jacaré-Guaçu basin, it is possible to identify the human activities that accelerate the process of environmental degration, specially for the water quality: 1- The lack of teatment of the domestic residues, specially in the urban area; 2- Continous deforestation and changing of natural vegetation to monocultures and pastures; 3-Irregular uses of the soil causing erosion and collapsing the water bodies; 4- Expansion without control of the urban area next to the margins and specially in the headwaters, and 5- Lack of control in the selling and uses of agricultural pesticides.

DeterminaÃÃo de Micropoluentes Emergentes em Esgoto SanitÃrio, Hospitalar e Ãguas Superficiais / Determination of Emerging Micropollutants in Sewage, and Surface Water Hospital

Neyliane Costa de Souza 18 November 2011 (has links)
FundaÃÃo Cearense de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Cientifico e TecnolÃgico / No Brasil, estudos de avaliaÃÃo de micropoluentes emergentes em matrizes ambientais como esgotos sanitÃrios e hospitalares, e corpos de Ãgua, ainda sÃo bastante incipientes, assim como a remoÃÃo desses compostos em EstaÃÃes de Tratamento de Esgotos (ETEs) de baixo custo como lagoas de estabilizaÃÃo, assim como em sistemas de lodos ativados e sistemas anaerÃbio-aerÃbio compactos. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo geral investigar a presenÃa de micropoluentes em matrizes ambientais como esgotos sanitÃrios e hospitalares, e Ãgua superficial, avaliar a remoÃÃo destes compostos em ETEs de baixo custo e aplicar o processo de oxidaÃÃo avanÃada (POA) UV/H2O2 como opÃÃo de pÃs-tratamento. Os principais micropoluentes emergentes estudados foram: 2,4,6-triclorofenol, pentaclorofenol, cafeÃna (CAF), dipirona (DIP), diclofenaco de sÃdio (DCF), bis (2-etil-hexil) ftalato (DEHP), estrona (E1), 17&#946;-estradiol (E2), &#946;-estradiol 17-acetato (EA2), 17&#945;-etinilestradiol (EE2) e colesterol (COL). As amostras foram coletadas em ETEs localizadas em Fortaleza e em sua regiÃo metropolitana. Os corpos receptores investigados foram o Rio Maranguapinho e o Riacho Paupina. Para a prÃ-concentraÃÃo dos micropoluentes utilizou-se extraÃÃo em fase sÃlida (SPE) com cartuchos C-18 e extraÃÃo lÃquido-lÃquido (ELL). A SPE foi a tÃcnica mais eficiente na concentraÃÃo da maioria dos micropoluentes emergentes, e a ELL se mostrou a melhor tÃcnica para compostos organoclorados. Foram realizados estudos de otimizaÃÃo das condiÃÃes de detecÃÃo dos compostos pelo uso de tÃcnicas de cromatografia gasosa acoplada à espectrometria de massas (GC/MS). Foram identificados compostos farmacÃuticos e desreguladores endÃcrinos em todas as amostras de esgotos com as seguintes faixas de concentraÃÃes efluentes: CAF (3,0-15,8 &#956;g/L), DIP (0,3 &#956;g/L), DCF (1,9 &#956;g/L), DEHP (0,01-8,5&#956;g/L), E1 (0,04-1,7 &#956;g/L), E2 (0,03-4,0 &#956;g/L), EA2 (0,14-9,3 &#956;g/L), EE2 (1,0 &#956;g/L) e COL (0,01-6,2 &#956;g/L). Nos dois corpos receptores estudados (Rio Maranguapinho e Riacho Paupina) foram identificados desreguladores endÃcrinos. Os tratamentos realizados pelas ETEs nÃo foram suficientes para remoÃÃo total de todos os micropoluentes estudados, no entanto, a eficiÃncia para a maioria dos compostos foi acima de 50%. Em se tratando da avaliaÃÃo em sistemas de lagoas de estabilizaÃÃo, o estudo revelou boas eficiÃncias de remoÃÃo em sistemas constituÃdos de lagoa anaerÃbia seguida de facultativa e de maturaÃÃo, sendo os menores valores de remoÃÃo alcanÃados quando uma Ãnica lagoa facultativa primÃria estava presente. A avaliaÃÃo do uso do POA por meio do planejamento fatorial multivariado revelou que as melhores condiÃÃes para remoÃÃo de micropoluentes emergentes foram pH Ãcido (pH 3), concentraÃÃo de perÃxido de hidrogÃnio acima de 400 mg/L e tempos de detenÃÃo hidrÃulica no reator acima de 50min. / In Brazil, studies evaluating emerging micropollutants in environmental matrices such as sewage and hospital wastewater, as well as surface waters, are still quite incipient as well as the removal of these compounds in low cost Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTPs) such as stabilization ponds, as well as in activated sludge systems or anaerobic/aerobic compact systems. This work aimed to investigate the presence of micropollutants in environmental matrices such as sewage and hospital wastewaters, and in surface waters. Additionally, this study evaluated the removal of these compounds in low-cost WWTPs and studied the advanced oxidation process (AOP) â UV/H2O2 â as a post-treatment option. The main emerging micropollutants studied were: 2,4,6-trichlorophenol, pentachlorophenol, caffeine (CAF), dipyrone (DIP), sodium diclofenac (DCF), bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP), estrone (E1), 17&#946;-estradiol (E2), estradiol acetate (EA2), 17&#945;-ethinyl estradiol (EE2) and cholesterol (CHO). The samples were collected from WWTPs located in Fortaleza and its metropolitan region. The receiving surface waters investigated were: Maranguapinho River and Paupina Creek. For the pre-concentration studies of micropollutants, solid phase extraction (SPE) with C-18 cartridges was used, as well as the liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) method. The SPE technique was the most efficient method in concentrating the majority of emerging micropollutants, and the LLE proved to be the best technique for organochlorine compounds. Optimization studies were performed to detect the ideal conditions to determine the compounds by using gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS) techniques. In all wastewater samples pharmaceuticals and endocrine disrupting compounds were identified, and the range of effluent concentrations were: CAF (3.0-15.8 &#956;g/L), DIP (0.3 &#956;g/L), DCF (1.9 &#956;g/L), DEHP (0.01-8.5&#956;g/L), E1 (0.04-1.7 &#956;g/L), E2 (0.03-4.0 &#956;g/L), EA2 (0.14-9.3 &#956;g/L), EE2 (1.0 &#956;g/L) and CHO (0.01-6.2 &#956;g/L). Endocrine disrupting compounds were identified in the Maranguapinho River and Paupina Creek. The wastewater treatment in the WWTPs was not enough for the complete removal of all micropollutants studied; however, the efficiency level for most of compounds was above 50%. Regarding the evaluation in stabilization ponds systems, the study revealed good removal of micropollutants in systems composed of anaerobic pond followed by facultative and maturation ponds, in which the lowest efficiency levels were verified when a single facultative pond was present. The evaluation of the AOP as a post-treatment option by multivariate factorial design showed that the optimal conditions for the removal of emerging micropollutants were acidic pH (pH 3), hydrogen peroxide concentration above 400 mg/L and hydraulic retention times in the reactor above 50 minutes.

Avaliação da contaminação por hidrocarbonetos e organoclorados em diferentes compartimentos do ambiente marinho do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Evaluation of the contamination of several compartiments of marine environment of the State of Rio de Janeiro by hidrocarbons and organochlorine

Satie Taniguchi 31 October 2001 (has links)
O ambiente marinho é o destino final de muitos contaminantes, como os PAHs, PCBs, DDTs e HCHs, que têm sido detectados em vários compartimentos do ambiente marinho, podendo trazer efeitos deletérios para o ecossistema. O objetivo deste trabalho foi a avaliação da contaminação por hidrocarbonetos alifáticos, PAHs, PCBs, DDTs e HCHs através da análise de 15 amostras de sedimento, 6 de mexilhão e 11 de fígado de peixe. Para isso, foi otimizada uma mesma metodologia para todas as matrizes bióticas. A amostragem foi feita ao longo da costa do estado do Rio de Janeiro, no período de 1996 a 1998, durante o Programa de Monitoramento do Ambiente do Meio Ambiente Marinho, promovido pela Marinha do Brasil. Os controles de qualidade analítica e confiabilidade dos dados gerados seguiram os padrões internacionais. A metodologia utilizada foi considerada satisfatória para análise dos organismos e sedimentos, de acordo com a avaliação feita através da análise de materiais de referência certificados. Os PCBs e DDTs apresentaram o fenômeno da magnificação com concentrações crescentes: sedimentos < mexilhões < peixes. Os HCHs apresentaram as maiores concentrações nos mexilhões. Os hidrocarbonetos alifáticos apresentaram concentrações similares nas três matrizes amostradas, o mesmo ocorrendo com os PAHs. As concentrações de hidrocarbonetos do petróleo indicam que as maiores introduções são próximas às áreas urbanas. Os PCBs e pesticidas também foram detectados em grande parte das amostras, mas em baixas concentrações. A fonte desses OCs para o ambiente marinho pode ser oriunda de outras regiões devido ao transporte e à deposição atmosférica. A comparação entre as matrizes mostrou a importância da análise simultânea de sedimentos e organismos em função da concentração de cada grupo de compostos e sua diferente acumulação. / The marine environment is the final recipient of many organic compounds that are widely found in seawater, sediments and organisms. The purpose of this study was the assessment of the contamination of aliphatic hydrocarbons, PAHs, PCBs, DDTs and HCHs through the analyses of 15 sediments, 6 mussels and 11 fish livers. The same methodology was optimized for biotic matrices. The sampling was performed from 1996 to 1998 along the Coast of the State of Rio de Janeiro, during the Brazilian Navy Environmental Monitoring Program. Quality assurance and quality control followed the international procedures. The methodology give satisfactory results in accord with the analyses of certified standard reference materials. Data of PCBs and DDTs from different matrices revealed increasing concentrations: sediment < mussel < fish. HCHs prevailed in mussels. Data of aliphatic hydrocarbons and PAHs were similar between sediments and organisms. Levels of petroleum hydrocarbons showed major inputs near the urban areas. PCBs and chlorinated pesticides were detected in the majority of samples but in low levels. These inputs can be attributed to long-range atmospheric transport. Comparison among the sampled matrices showed the importance of simultaneous analyses of sediments and organisms based in the concentration of each group of compounds and their different accumulations.

Recherche de la signature biologique de la dégradation du chlordécone dans le sol des Antilles françaises / Search for biological signature of the degradation of chlordecone in soil of the French West Indies

Merlin, Chloé 13 April 2015 (has links)
L’utilisation du chlordécone (CLD) pour éradiquer les populations de charançon noir dans les bananeraies des Antilles françaises (Guadeloupe et Martinique) entre 1972 et 1993 a conduit à la contamination des sols et de l’environnement. Cet insecticide organochloré très hydrophobe persiste dans les sols d’où il transfère lentement vers les ressources en eau et vers les biotes terrestre et aquatique (plantes, animaux, poissons, crustacées). Réputé « indégradable », le CLD résiste à la photolyse, à l’hydrolyse et à la biodégradation. A ce jour, il n’existe pas de méthode pour remédier les 20 000 hectares de sols pollués avec cet insecticide. Compte-tenu de l’étendue de la pollution avec le CLD, les procédés biologiques de décontamination paraissent appropriés au contexte antillais. Les objectifs de mon travail de thèse étaient d’explorer les possibilités de transformation microbienne du CLD et l’impact écotoxicologique du CLD sur la communauté microbienne des sols. Mes travaux reposent sur l’hypothèse selon laquelle des populations microbiennes exposées de manière chronique au CLD se seraient adaptées à sa dégradation pour détoxifier leur environnement ou éventuellement pour l’utiliser comme source d’énergie pour leur croissance. Pour cela, j’ai développé une méthode d’analyse du CLD dans les sols et les cultures microbiennes basée sur l’isotopie stable. J’ai conduit des expériences d’enrichissement à partir de sols de Guadeloupe pollués avec le CLD. Une centaine de souches fongiques et près de 200 souches bactériennes ont été isolées. Aucunes souches bactériennes dégradantes n’ont pu être mises en évidence bien que certaines formaient un halo de dissolution du CLD sur milieu gélosé. Parmi les isolats fongiques, seul F. oxysporum sp. MIAE01197 se développait sur un milieu minéral contenant le CLD comme seul source de carbone et dissipait 40% du CLD. Cet isolat était deux fois plus tolérant au CLD qu’un isolat de référence jamais exposé au CLD. Cet isolat minéralisait très peu le 14C-CLD, formait très peu de 14C-métabolites, mais le 14C-CLD s’adsorbait sur les parois fongiques, suggérant que l’adsorption était le principal mécanisme impliqué dans la dissipation du CLD. L’analyse de trois autres isolats appartenant au genre Aspergillus a confirmé que l’exposition au CLD était un des paramètres améliorant la tolérance des souches fongiques au CLD et que la biomasse fongique était capable d’adsorber le CLD dans des proportions proches de celles obtenues avec du charbon actif utilisé pour traiter l’eau potable aux Antilles. L’évaluation de l’impact écotoxicologique du CLD sur la communauté microbienne et les fonctions qu’elle supporte a été menée sur deux sols aux propriétés physicochimiques contrastées n’ayant jamais été exposés au CLD. L’analyse de la structure globale (évaluée par RISA), de l’abondance et de l’activité de la communauté microbienne du sol argilo-limoneux n’étaient pas affectées par le CLD. En revanche, la composition taxonomique (qPCR) et l’activité respiratoire de la communauté microbienne étaient affectées par le CLD dans le sol sableux. Ces résultats montrent que la toxicité du CLD pour la communauté microbienne dépend des propriétés physicochimiques du sol qui conditionne sa biodisponibilité. Des études complémentaires devront être menées pour évaluer la toxicité possible du CLD sur des fonctions écosystémiques des sols des Antilles. / The use of chlordecone (CLD) to eradicate the weevil populations in the banana plantations in the French West Indies (Guadeloupe and Martinique) between 1972 and 1993 led to the contamination of the soil and the environment. This very hydrophobic organochlorine insecticide persists in the soil where it slowly transfers not only to the water resources but also to terrestrial and aquatic biota (plants, animals, fishes, shellfishes). Deemed “non-degradable”, CLD is resistant to photolysis, hydrolysis and biodegradation. To date, there is no method to remediate the 20,000 hectares of polluted soil with this insecticide. Given the extent of CLD pollution, biological decontamination processes appear appropriate to the Caribbean context. The objectives of my thesis were to explore the possibilities of microbial transformation of CLD and to assess the ecotoxicological impact of CLD on the soil microbial community. My work is based on the hypothesis that microbial populations chronically exposed to CLD would be adapted to its degradation to detoxify their environment or possibly for use as an energy source for growth.To do so, I developed an analysis method in soils and microbial cultures based on the use of stable isotope to trace CLD. I conducted enrichment experiments with CLD polluted soils from Guadeloupe yielding in the isolation of one hundred fungal strains and nearly two hundred bacterial strains. No degrading bacterial strains have been identified although few of them formed dissolution halo of CLD on solid media. Among the fungal isolates, only F. oxysporum sp. MIAE01197 grew on a mineral medium containing CLD as sole carbon source and dissipated 40% of the CLD. This isolate was twice more tolerant than the reference isolate which had never been exposed to CLD. This isolate mineralizes 14C-CLD very lowly, formed very few 14C-metabolites, but the 14C-CLD was adsorbed on the fungal cell walls, suggesting that the adsorption was the main mechanism involved in the dissipation of the CLD. Analysis of three other isolates belonging to the genus Aspergillus confirmed that exposure to CLD was one of the parameters improving the tolerance of fungal strains to CLD and fungal biomass was capable of adsorbing the CLD in proportions close to those obtained with activated carbon used to treat drinking water in the French West Indies.The assessment of the CLD ecotoxicological impact on the microbial community and functions it supports was carried out on two soils never exposed to CLD showing contrasting physicochemical properties. The analysis of the overall structure (evaluated by RISA), the abundance and the activity of the microbial community of the silty-clay soil were not affected by the CLD. However, the taxonomic composition (evaluated by group specific qPCR) and respiratory activity of the microbial community were affected by the CLD in the sandy soil. These results showed that the toxicity of CLD for microbial community depends on the physicochemical properties of the soil which may determine its bioavailability. Further studies are needed to evaluate the possible toxicity of the CLD on Caribbean soil ecosystemic functions.

Gènes du métabolisme des xénobiotiques : rôle prédictif dans les niveaux de contamination biologique par les polluants environnementaux et implication dans le risque de cancer du sein. Analyse de l’étude CECILE / Xenobiotic Metabolism Genes : Prediction of Biological Contamination Levels by Environmental Pollutants and Implication in Breast Cancer Risk. Analysis of the CECILE Study

Berrandou, Takiy Eddine 20 December 2018 (has links)
Les gènes du métabolisme des xénobiotiques (MX) impliqués dans l’activation et l’élimination des cancérogènes environnementaux pourraient moduler le risque de cancer du sein, mais leurs effets dans ce cancer ont été peu étudiés et sont mal connus. Les objectifs de la thèse étaient d’étudier le rôle des gènes MX dans le cancer du sein d’une part, et dans les niveaux biologiques de cancérogènes mammaires suspectés, d’autre part. Les analyses ont porté sur les données d’une étude cas-témoins en population sur les cancers du sein (étude CECILE). L’association avec le cancer du sein a été étudiée (1) avec les variants du gène NAT2 qui déterminent le type d’acétyleur lent ou rapide de chaque individu ; (2) les polymorphismes des gènes MX étudiés conjointement au niveau de chacun des gènes et au niveau de l’ensemble du pathway à l’aide d’une méthode exploratoire de type « gene-set ». Dans chacune de ces approches, les interactions avec la consommation de tabac ont été étudiées. Dans une dernière partie, nous avons cherché à identifier les polymorphismes des gènes MX prédictifs des concentrations sanguines de polluants organochlorés persistants (p,p’-DDE et PCB153) chez les témoins de l’étude CECILE. Le risque de cancer du sein était augmenté chez les femmes ayant un profil génétique NAT2 d’acétyleuses rapides par rapport aux femmes ayant un profil d’acétyleuses lentes. Parmi les acétyleuses lentes, les femmes fumeuses avaient un risque de cancer du sein augmenté par rapport aux non fumeuses indiquant l’existence d’une interaction tabac-NAT2. L’approche « gene-set » montrait que les polymorphismes au niveau de plusieurs gènes MX et au niveau de l’ensemble du pathway étaient associés collectivement au cancer du sein. L’association entre le cancer du sein et l’ensemble des polymorphismes du pathway XM était observée chez les fumeuses, indiquant le rôle de la consommation de tabac dans cette association. Enfin, nous avons montré l’effet du gène CYP2B6 en tant que déterminant des niveaux sanguins de p,p’-DDE et PCB153. Nos résultats mettent en évidence un rôle des gènes XM dans le cancer du sein qui peut être expliqué par leur fonction dans le métabolisme et l’élimination des cancérogènes environnementaux. / The xenobiotic metabolism (XM) genes involved in the activation and elimination of environmental carcinogens may modulate breast cancer risk, but their effects in breast cancer have been little studied and are poorly understood. The objectives of the PhD were to study the role of XM genes in breast cancer on the one hand, and in the biological levels of suspected breast carcinogens on the other. The analyses were based on a population-based case-control study on breast cancer (CECILE study). We investigated the association of breast cancer (1) with NAT2 gene variants that determine the type of slow or rapid acetylator in each individual; (2) with polymorphisms of XM genes that were studied jointly at the gene and at the XM pathway level using a gene set method. In each of these approaches, interactions with tobacco consumption were studied. In a final section, we sought to identify polymorphisms of XM genes that predict blood concentrations of persistent organochlorine pollutants (p,p'-DDE and PCB153) among the controls of the CECILE study.The risk of breast cancer was increased in women with a NAT2 genetic profile of rapid acetylators compared to women with a profile of slow acetylators. Among slow acetylators, current smokers had an increased risk of breast cancer compared to non-smokers, indicating an interaction between tobacco smoking and NAT2 genotype. The gene set approach showed that polymorphisms at the level of some XM genes and at the level of the entire pathway were collectively associated with breast cancer. The association between breast cancer and all pathway XM polymorphisms was observed in female smokers, indicating a role for tobacco smoking in this association. Finally, we have shown that CYP2B6 gene was a determinant of blood levels of p,p'-DDE and PCB153. Our results highlight a role of XM genes in breast cancer that is explained by their function in the metabolism and elimination of environmental carcinogens.

A mechanistic study of organochlorine hepatotoxicity

Schroeder, Ilka Elizma 22 May 2012 (has links)
Pentachlorophenol, (PCP) is an organochlorine compound which was first developed in the 1930’s. PCP is said to be the most toxic of the chlorophenols and is classified as a hazardous substance and a probable human carcinogen. PCP has proven to be cytotoxic to a number of cell lines translating to its effect on various organs. The aim of the study was to assess organochlorine-induced hepatotoxicity in a mechanistic manner using an in-house developed procedure. Also, the possible hepatoprotective effect of methanolic extracts of the bark of two medicinal plants, Burkea africana (BA) and Syzygium cordatum (SC), as well as the known hepatoprotective agent, N-acetyl cysteine (NAC), were investigated. In addition to PCP, two of its major metabolites, tetrachloro-1,2-hydroquinone (TCHQ) and tetrachloro-1,4-benzoquinone (TCBQ) were also evaluated. A hepatocarcinoma cell line (HepG2) was used to investigate the effect of these compounds on different parameters of cellular function. Cytotoxicity was assessed using the neutral red uptake assay. Cytochrome P4501A1 (CYP1A1) activity was determined using ethoxy-resorufin-O-deethylation as surrogate. Generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) was investigated by measuring dichlorofluorescein diacetate cleavage. Effects on mitochondrial membrane potential were determined using JC-1 staining, whilst necrosis was investigated by assessing plasma membrane integrity using propidium iodide (PI)staining. The degree of apoptotic death was determined by quantifying caspase-3 activity. Assays were repeated with an additional 1 h pre-treatment of the cells with either NAC, SC or BA in order to investigate whether these compounds were able to protect against the toxicity induced by PCP and its metabolites. The IC50 values of PCP, TCHQ and TCBQ were 68.0, 144.0 and 129.4 μM, respectively. All three test compounds induced CYP1A1 activity with PCP being the most potent. TCBQ produced extensive ROS generation. TCHQ also induced ROS generation, whilst PCP appeared to have no significant effect on ROS generation. All test compounds caused mitochondrial depolarization. None of the test compounds caused an increase in necrotic cell death. PCP, TCHQ and TCBQ had negligible effects on apoptosis. Both SC and BA alleviated the toxic effects observed in cells treated with PCP. Minor increases in viability occurred in cells pre-treated with plant extracts prior to exposure to both metabolites. NAC, as well as both plant extracts, greatly reduced CYP 1A1 activity induced by PCP. NAC, SC and BA exacerbated CYP1A1 induction in cells exposed to concentrations of TCBQ and TCHQ that initially produced little or no effect on CYP1A1 activity. Contrarily, decreased CYP1A1 activity was observed in cells exposed to concentrations of TCBQ and TCHQ where extensive induction of CYP1A1 occurred. NAC, as well as both plant extracts, suppressed ROS generation in cells exposed to all test compounds. In cells exposed to PCP and TCBQ more extensive mitochondrial depolarization was seen when pre-treated with NAC and plant extracts than when exposed to the compounds alone. Negligible effects were seen in pre-treated cells exposed to TCHQ. BA and SC caused increases in necrotic death in cells exposed to the test compounds. NAC, BA and SC had negligible effects on the changes in caspase-3 activity induced by the test compounds. From the results it is proposed that PCP induces its own metabolism by increasing CYP1A1 activity. It also causes mitochondrial insult which could lead to the opening of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore and subsequent release of cytochrome C, activation of caspases and eventually apoptotic cell death. With regard to TCHQ and TCBQ, results suggest that extensive ROS generation caused damage to various cellular macromolecules and that this could be the main cause of their toxicity. NAC, SC and BA appeared to alleviate toxicity in certain instances. Further investigation is required in order to assess them as possible hepatoprotective agents. Copyright / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Pharmacology / unrestricted

Distribuce organochlorových pesticidů do životního prostředí / Distribution of organochlorine pesticides into the environment

Plačková, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
The master’s thesis was focused on the determination of persistent organic pollutants, namely polychlorinated biphenyls were detected (PCB 28, 52, 101, 118, 138, 153 and 180) and organochlorine pesticides. A total of 31 were evaluated contamination of organochlorine compounds. The level of contamination by organic pollutants were detected in 20 samples, 9 samples were sediments from the river Jevišovka, which is located in the South Moravia and 11 samples represented arable soil samples and were collected in the vicinity of this river. In the theoretical part are characterized both groups of substances, their fate in the environment and negative effects on living organisms. The experimental part focuses on the sampling procedures and processing for analysis by gas chromatography. There is described a complex analytical process involving the three extraction methods (accelerated solvent extraction, microwave extraction and ultrasonic extraction), extract purification and self-determination by gas chromatography with electron capture detector (GC / ECD). In the samples of sediment were detected these PCB congeners (138, 153 and 180) and organochlorine pesticides (b-HCH, HCB, p,p’-DDE, p,p’-DDD, p,p’-DDT and o,p’-DDT).. In soil samples were detected PCB congener 28 and organochlorine pesticides (HCB, b-HCH, heptachlor, aldrin, dieldrin, p,p’-DDE, p,p’-DDD, p,p’-DDT and o,p’-DDT).

Persistentní organické polutanty v životním prostředí Jihomoravského kraje / Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Environment of the Southern Moravia Region

Lána, Radim January 2008 (has links)
Byla provedena studie bioakumulace POP v potravním řetězci a historických trendů hladin POP v sedimentech Brněnské přehrady. Současné úrovně kontaminantů byly stanoveny v jelci tloušti z řeky Svratky a rovněž byla posouzena hygienická kvalita ryb z rekreačního rybolovu. Současné úrovně POP v terestrickém ekosystému byly posouzeny pomocí analýz jehličí jako přirozeného indikátoru znečištění. Studium jedinců tří druhů dravých ptáků z ČR bylo zaměřeno na zhodnocení kontaminace těchto vrcholných predátorů POP. S pomocí analýz vybraných druhů ryb ze Záhlinických rybníků byl rovněž studován proces bioakumulace. Posouzení parametrů dvou moderních extrakčních technik a jejich využitelnosti pro izolaci POP z různých matric bylo námětem poslední části dizertace.

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