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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

St. Vital cemetery (1879-1885) : an osteological and paleopathological assessment

Swanston, Treena Marie 14 April 2008 (has links)
In the fall of 1999, human skeletal remains and historic artifacts were discovered on private farmland approximately two kilometres south of the Town of Battleford, Saskatchewan. Document searches and a ground-penetrating radar survey of the property resulted in the discovery that the land was once used as a cemetery for the Catholic Church of St. Vital during the years of 1879 to 1885. Numerous interest groups were brought together in the process of handling this sensitive situation, including the landowners, the Heritage Resource Branch of the Department of Saskatchewan Culture, Youth and Recreation, the Rural Municipality of Battle River, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Prince Albert, and the Battleford Tribal Council. A decision was made to relocate the burials to the current town cemetery. In the meantime, permission was granted for the University of Saskatchewan to play the lead role in the excavation and analysis process. The partial and complete skeletal remains of thirty individuals were recovered, and in addition to a basic osteological analysis of the individuals that included sex determination, age at death and population affinity, a detailed assessment of the pathological conditions was also undertaken. The document and artifact analyses will be the subject of a separate thesis by Colette Hopkins.

Hälsan i hällkistan : En osteologisk analys av hällkistematerialet från Sundre, Gotland / Health in the stone cist : An osteological analysis of the stone cist materialfrom Sundre, Gotland

Bartholdson, Olivia January 2023 (has links)
Denna uppsats är en empirisk studie av mänskligt skelettmaterial från en hällkistegravplats från Sundre, Gotland. Syftet med uppsatsen är att analysera materialet för att diskutera hälsan hos individerna. Analysen genomförs på det osteologiska materialet för att fastställa eventuella patologier och andra förändringar på skelettet. En diskussion om individernas hälsa framförs efter resultat från analyserna av de mänskliga kvarlevorna för att överlägga huruvida det är möjligt att avgöra hälsa genom enbart osteologiska material. Bronsålder är den huvudsakliga tidsperioden som diskuteras, men med 14C dateringar som gjorts på ett antal benfragment kan man se en kontinuerlig återanvändning av gravplatsen från senneolitikum till vikingatid. I materialet observeras både barn och vuxna i olika åldrar som diskuteras tillsammans med skeletala förändringar i form av aktivitet och sjukdom. Den huvudsakliga diskussionen om hälsa framförs baserat på detta och har resulterat i en slutsats om att hälsan var förhållandevis god under bronsåldern. / This paper is an empirical study of human skeletal material from a stone cist burial site from Sundre, Gotland. The purpose of the essay is to analyze the material to discuss the health of individuals. The analysis is carried out on osteological material to determine any pathologies and other changes on the skeleton. A discussion of the health of the individuals is presented following results from the analyzes of the human remains to consider whether it is possible to determine health through osteological materials alone. The Bronze Age is the main time period discussed, but with 14C dating made on a number of bone fragments, a continuous reuse of the burial site from the Late Neolithic to the Viking Age can be seen. In the material, both children and adults of different ages are observed, which are discussed together with skeletal changes in the form of activity and disease. The main discussion of health is advanced based on this and has resulted in the conclusion that health was relatively good during the Bronze Age.

Individer från Bronsåldern och deras hälsa : En osteologisk analys av tre hällkistor från Nyplings i Lokrume socken, Gotland / Bronze Age individuals and their health : An osteological analysis of three stone cists from Nyplings, Lokrume parish, Gotland

Wallin, Emelie January 2023 (has links)
Bronsåldern är en period med många praktfulla fynd, långhus, storhögar och kremationsgravar. Nu under senare år har flera hällkistor med skelettgravar 14C daterats till bronsåldern, vilket öppnar upp för ny forskning inom tidsperioden när det gäller bland annat hälsoaspekter. Med hjälp av en kvalitativ humanosteologisk studie av två gravanläggningar i Nyplings 1:8, Lokrume socken på Gotland syftar uppsatsen till att påbörja forskningen inom bronsålderns folkhälsa samt motivera till fortsatta framtida forskning inom området. Totalt analyserades 2 598 benfragment med en totalvikt på 6 586 gram. Ett flertal osteologiska metoder användes för ålders- och könsbedömningar samt kvantifiering. Gravarna innehöll tolv individer där två beräknas vara barn och resterande i vuxen ålder. Endast tre individer har kunnat könsbedömmas varav en är av manligt kön och två av kvinnligt kön. Individerna har inte kunnat kroppslängds beräknas i brist på mätbara ben. Analysen av individerna i gravanläggningarna visade att flertalet skeletala förändringar drabbade individerna däribland ledförändringar, fraktur, skärskada och aktivitetsspår. En del av skeletten har uppvisat överlevnad av trauma, vilket är en indikation på en god grundhälsa. Men då majoriteten av individerna inte påvisar skeletala sjukdomar och dött vid en ung ålder har de enligt den osteologiska paradoxen överlag en dålig grundhälsa. De förändringar som har påträffats visar att individerna utsatts för en del smärta, obehag, stelhet och belastning under deras liv. Men trots allt har individerna levt ett relativt långt liv med bättre hälsa än andra individer både från Gotland och Skåne under Bronsåldern. / The Bronze Age is a period with many magnificent finds, naves, large mounds and cremation graves. Now in recent years, several stone cists with skeletal graves have been 14C dated to the Bronze Age, which opens up new research within the time period regarding, among other things, health aspects. With the help of a qualitative human osteological study of two burial sites in Nyplings 1:8, Lokrume parish on Gotland, the essay aims to begin research in Bronze Age public health and to motivate future research in the area. A total of 2 598 bone fragments with a total weight of 6 586 grams were analyzed. A number of osteological methods were used for age and gender assessments and quantification. The graves contained twelve individuals, two of whom are estimated to be children and the rest adults. Only three individuals have been able to be gender assessed, of which one is male and two are female. The individuals’ length was not possible to calculate due to lack of bones measurable bones. The analysis of the individuals in the burials showed that multiple skeletal changes affected the individuals such as joint changes, fracture, cut damage and traces of activity. Some of the skeletons have shown survival of trauma, which is an indication of good basic health. But since the majority of individuals do not show any skeletal diseases and died at a young age, according to the osteological paradox, they generally had poor basic health. The skeletal changes that have been found show that the individuals were exposed to some pain, discomfort, stiffness, and strain during their lives. But despite everything, the individuals lived a relatively long life with better health than other individuals both from Gotland and Skåne during the Bronze Age.

Violence Against the Elite : A Comparative Analysis of two Terminal Classic Mass Graves in Cancuén / Våld mot eliten : En komparativ analys av två massgravar från senklassiska perioden i Cancuén

Wallbing Kenney, Nayelli January 2023 (has links)
In this essay a comparative analysis will be conducted on two mass graves from the terminal classics in the Maya lowlands. This will be done by analysing interpretations of the Cancuén site in Guatemala. Cancuén was a major trading port city in the terminal classics’ southern lowlands. It flourished until its decline in the late 700’s CE. Around the year 800 CE a violent event led to the death of close to 50 elite individuals including the king of Cancuén. Two mass graves have been discovered in the hydraulic system of the city. Individuals in both mass graves represent a variety of ages and genders. A comparative analysis of osteological similarities and differences in the two graves will be based on osteological reports. Previously published work regarding interpretations of the mass graves will be used in an analysis of possible motives behind massacre. Trauma evident in the mass graves as well as their surrounding context suggests that a termination ritual took place after the massacre that the victims were subjected to. / I denna uppsats utförs en komparativ analys av två massgravar från senklassiska perioden i Mayarikets Cancuén, Guatemala. Cancuén var en hamnstad med stort inflytande i låglandet under den senklassiska epoken. Stadens tillväxt av influens och ekonomi skedde under det sena 700–talet e.vt. En våldsam händelse ca 800 e.vt ledde till döden av 50 individer av Cancuéns elit samt stadens egna kung. Två massgravar har påträffats i stadens hydraulsystem. Båda massgravar visar på en variation demografi för både sex och kön. En komparativ analys av osteologiska likheter och skillnader i massgravarna har baserats på osteologiska rapporter. Tidigare publikationer används i en analys av potentiella motivationer bakom massakern. Skeletal trauma i massgravarna samt dess omkringliggande kontext indikerar att en terminations ritual tagit palts efter massakern.

Ave Imperii, mortui salutamus te: Redefining Roman Imperialism on the Limes through a Bioarchaeological Study of Human Remains from the Village of Oymaagac, Turkey

Marklein, Kathryn Elaine, Marklein 02 August 2018 (has links)
No description available.

An Analysis of Faunal and Human Osteological Remains from the Eiden Site (33 Ln 14) of Sheffield, Ohio

Dennis, Karen Elizabeth January 1978 (has links)
No description available.

Le dénombrement des défunts dans les ensembles funéraires : problèmes théoriques, paramètres quantitatifs : application à la sépulture collective du dolmen des Peirières à Villedubert (Aude, France) / Counting dead individuals in funerary monuments : theoretical problems, quantitative parameters : application to the neolitic collective burial the dolmen des Peirières at Villedubert (Aude, France)

Demangeot, Coralie 28 November 2008 (has links)
Dans le domaine de l’anthropologie funéraire, les analyses en ostéologie quantitative constituent l’approche préalable nécessaire à la compréhension d’un gisement car elles informent quant à la composition de la population exhumée. Appliquées à des assemblages osseux livrant un grand nombre de restes, fragmentés et intriqués dans une sorte de désordre anatomique, ces études sont délicates. Par définition, les gisements concernés sont donc les sépultures collectives, a fortiori s’il existe des dépôts secondaires. A travers l’estimation du nombre minimum de sujets (NMI) présents dans le niveau chalcolithique de la sépulture collective du dolmen des Peirières (Aude, France), ces travaux ont pour objectif de mettre en évidence les problèmes théoriques relatifs à l’ostéologie quantitative, que ce soit du point de vue des méthodes ou de l’application de ces dernières, ainsi que les régions anatomiques les plus pertinentes pour le décompte des sujets à partir de séries fragmentées. Afin de mener cette réflexion, l’estimation du NMI se fonde d’une part sur les méthodes classiques de dénombrement des assemblages osseux et dentaires, d’autre part sur l’analyse pondérale, méthode utilisée dans le cas de sépultures à incinération. Il ressort que le caractère qualitatif d’un assemblage conditionne les résultats de l’analyse quantitative. La confrontation des NMI et des indices pondéraux montre que la fragmentation conduit à des profils ostéologiques particuliers. Dans de tels cas de figure, un choix de régions anatomiques précises et une systématisation des analyses pondérales se révèlent donc indispensables pour la bonne interprétation des résultats. Il apparaît également que les concepts de l’ostéologie quantitative, tels qu’ils sont définis à l’heure actuelle, sont difficilement transposables à des assemblages osseux extrêmement fragmentés. Enfin, une série de comparaisons des résultats obtenus sur quelques sépultures collectives de la même période semble indiquer une redondance quant à la pertinence de certaines parties du squelette en terme de dénombrement. / In the field of funerary anthropology, the quantitative osteology analysis constitute a preliminary approach necessary to the comprehension of a deposit because they inform on the composition of the exhumed population. Applied to osseous gatherings giving a great number of remains, split up and intricate in a kind of anatomical disorder, these studies are difficult to handle. By definition, the deposits concerned are thus collective burials, a fortiori if there are secondary deposits. Through the estimate of the minimum number of subjects (MNI) present in the chalcolithic level of the collective burial of the dolmen of Peirières (Aude, France), this work aims at highlighting the theoretical problems related to quantitative osteology, that is from the point of view of the methods or the application of these, as well as the anatomical areas most relevant to the counting of the subjects starting from fragmented series. In order to carry out this work, the NMI estimations are based on the traditional methods of counting of the osseous and dental gatherings on the one hand, on the ponderal analysis on the other hand, method used in the case of incinerations. It appears that the qualitative character of a deposit conditions the results of the quantitative analysis. NMI and ponderal indices confrontation show that fragmentation led to particular osteological profiles. In such cases, a choice of precise anatomical areas and a systematization of ponderal analysis thus appear essential for a sound interpretation of the results. It also appears that the concepts of quantitative osteology, such as defined, are not easily applicable to extremely fragmented osseous deposits. Eventually, a series of comparisons of the results from some collective burials of the same period seems to point to a redundancy as far as numbers are concerned or the relevance of certain parts of the skeleton in term of counting.

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