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Co(II) Based Magnetic Systems. Part I Spin Crossover Systems and Dendritic Frameworks. Part II Co(II) Single Molecule Magnets.Farghal, Ahmed M. S. 10 February 2012 (has links)
This work comprises two main parts. The first part outlines our efforts to expand on the recent work of Gütlich et.al. by synthesizing Co(II) based spin crossover systems within a dendritic framework. We wanted to investigate the possibility of synthesizing different first generation, triazole containing dendrimers using “click” type reactions and their coordination ability with Co(II) ions. To this end we have had limited success mainly due to the numerous challenges in synthesizing a pure dendrimer product.
The second part details our efforts in the synthesis of a mononuclear Co(II) based single molecule magnet. This comes as an extension to recent reports by Chang and Long where they have successfully obtained mononuclear Fe(II) single molecule magnets by inducing structural distortions within the complexes to amplify the spin-orbit coupling. We postulated that the use of Co(II) in conjunction with a bulky ligand framework would lead to desirable magnetic properties. We chose the known bis(imino)pyridine ligand scaffold due to its rich chemistry and its interesting and unexpected coordination behaviour, as we have seen in previous research efforts by our lab. To this end we were successful in isolating and characterizing 4 compounds, and we have carried out detailed magnetic measurements on the two most magnetically interesting species.
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Connecting Residents in the Face of H1N1: Looking Into a Communicative Model by the City of OttawaKennery, Ryan January 2011 (has links)
During the 2009 H1N1 pandemic, the City of Ottawa implemented a program to disseminate vaccination clinic information using the microblogging tool Twitter. The purpose of this thesis is to examine and evaluate whether this program constitutes a communicative model. The challenge for crisis communicators has been to convince a confused and skeptical public to be vaccinated against the virus. Drawing on Aristotle’s Rhetoric and Rousseau’s The Social Contract, the theoretical framework of this thesis feeds from Heidegger’s (1977) views on technology, new media, Web 2.0 technologies, Eid’s (2008) Crisis Decision-Making Model for Media Rational Responsibility, Rowan, Botan, Krepes, Samoilenko and Farnsworth’s (2008) CAUSE model, Crozier’s (1967) Theory of Bureaucratic Dysfunction and New Public Management. The thesis employs a case study approach and utilizes a qualitative research design to analyze the Twitter messages and internal City of Ottawa documents, and to conduct in-depth interviews with employees. Findings reveal and explain that the City of Ottawa’s program constitutes a flawed communicative model. A recommended communicative model is put forth in order to improve the areas of planning, human resources and message design. This model contributes to the emerging field of social media, and is intended to help health crisis decision-makers communicate their messages effectively.
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Co(II) Based Magnetic Systems. Part I Spin Crossover Systems and Dendritic Frameworks. Part II Co(II) Single Molecule Magnets.Farghal, Ahmed M. S. January 2012 (has links)
This work comprises two main parts. The first part outlines our efforts to expand on the recent work of Gütlich et.al. by synthesizing Co(II) based spin crossover systems within a dendritic framework. We wanted to investigate the possibility of synthesizing different first generation, triazole containing dendrimers using “click” type reactions and their coordination ability with Co(II) ions. To this end we have had limited success mainly due to the numerous challenges in synthesizing a pure dendrimer product.
The second part details our efforts in the synthesis of a mononuclear Co(II) based single molecule magnet. This comes as an extension to recent reports by Chang and Long where they have successfully obtained mononuclear Fe(II) single molecule magnets by inducing structural distortions within the complexes to amplify the spin-orbit coupling. We postulated that the use of Co(II) in conjunction with a bulky ligand framework would lead to desirable magnetic properties. We chose the known bis(imino)pyridine ligand scaffold due to its rich chemistry and its interesting and unexpected coordination behaviour, as we have seen in previous research efforts by our lab. To this end we were successful in isolating and characterizing 4 compounds, and we have carried out detailed magnetic measurements on the two most magnetically interesting species.
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Agents of Change: An Analysis of Gender Planning for Development in Africa at the Canadian International Development AgencyAcquah, Augusta January 2012 (has links)
The thesis examines how the social construction of African women in development discourse transformed from the 1970s to the 2000s, focusing in particular on the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). From the 1970s to the 1990s representations of African women were based on women’s economic potential. The mainstreaming of gender in the 1990s resulted in women being represented as agents of change. This approach gave women an opportunity to play roles in decision-making but led to policies that failed to challenge the established institutions. The emphasis on women as agents of change opened doors to some African women but with implications for the women’s movement. Only some middle-class women appear to benefit but their gains have been marginal in comparison to the gender inequalities that persist. The thesis uses secondary sources and interviews with development practitioners in Ottawa to understand the representation of African women as agents of change.
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Development and Application of the CanRisk Injury Model and a Spatial Decision Support System (SDSS) to Evaluate Seismic Risk in the Context of Emergency Management in Canada: Case Study of Ottawa, CanadaPloeger, Sarah Katherine January 2014 (has links)
Approximately 43% of Canada’s population reside in urban centres at most seismic risk.This research creates practical and proactive tools to support decision making in emergency management regarding earthquake risk. This proactive approach evaluates the potential impact of future earthquakes for informed mitigation and preparedness decisions. The overall aims are to evaluate a community’s operational readiness, reveal limitations and resources gaps in the emergency plan, test potential mitigation and preparedness strategies and provide a realistic earthquake scenario for training activities. Two models, the CanRisk injury model and a disaster Spatial Decision Support System (SDSS), were designed and developed to further evaluate seismic risk on a community scale.
The injury model is an extension of the engineering-based CanRisk tool and quantifies an individual’s risk to injury, the number of injuries, and provides an injury profile of life-threatening injuries at the building scale. The model implements fuzzy synthetic evaluation to quantify seismic risk, mathematical calculations to estimate number of injuries, and a decision-matrix to generate the injury profile.
The SDSS is an evidence-based model that is designed for the planning phase to evaluate post-earthquake emergency response. Loss estimations from Hazus Canada and the CanRisk injury model are combined with community geospatial data to simulate post-earthquake conditions that are important for immediate post-earthquake response. Fire services, search and rescue operations (including urban search and rescue and police services), emergency medical services, and relief operations are all modelled.
A case study was applied to 27 neighbourhoods in Ottawa, Canada, using a M6.0 and M7.25 scenarios. The models revealed challenges to all emergency response units. A critical threshold exists between the M6.0 and M7.25 scenarios whereby emergency response moves from partial but manageable functionality to a complete system breakdown. The models developed in this research show great utility to emergency managers in Canada.
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Silent Film Music Research as Local Musicology: A Case Study of Musical Practices and Networks in Ottawa Theatres from 1897 to 1929Marshall, Elsa January 2017 (has links)
The Basilica Notre-Dame Choir accompanying screenings of The Hunchback of Notre Dame at the Regent in 1924, imaginative community prologues before Mary Pickford’s Pollyanna at the Russell in 1920, and costumed opera soloists singing alongside the showing of The Bohemian Girl at the Imperial in 1926: the history of Ottawa’s silent cinemas is an exciting mix of film, theatre, technology, music, and community. Unfortunately, Ottawa’s musical history in the early 1900s has been, by and large, forgotten, and local cinema histories are relatively sparse. In much the same manner that Ottawa theatres incorporated both North American and local elements into their programming, this thesis demonstrates that an examination of the musicians of local cinemas can not only provide information to understand the development of silent film music practices in general, but also unveil a network of musicians and a series of important histories. This thesis reconstructs parts of Ottawa’s silent film music history using a number of methodologies (digital research, archival research, and social network mapping) and primary sources (IATSE union documents, Department of Labour strike documents, newspapers, and trade journals). It also analyses several screenings where music and film were uniquely combined and introduces key figures in Ottawa’s silent film music scene (including violinist Rudolph Pelisek and organist Amédée Tremblay), showing how their training provided prestige to cinemas and how their involvement in military, religious, and communal activities added to cinemas’ appeal.
Le Chœur de la Basilique Notre-Dame accompagnant les présentations du film The Hunchback of Notre Dame au Regent en 1924, les prologues communautaires inventifs avant le Pollyanna de Mary Pickford au Russell en 1920, et les soloistes d’opéra chantant à côté de la projection de The Bohemian Girl à l’Imperial en 1926: l’histoire des cinémas muets d’Ottawa est un mélange excitant de film, théâtre, technologie, musique et communauté. Malheureusement, le passé musical d’Ottawa au début du vingtième siècle a été largement oublié, et les histoires locales du cinéma sont relativement rares. De la même façon que les théâtres d’Ottawa incluaient à la fois des éléments locaux et nord-américains dans leur programmation, cette thèse démontre qu’un examen des musiciens des cinémas locaux peut non seulement procurer des renseignements pour comprendre le développement de la musique du cinéma muet en général, mais encore lever le voile sur un réseau de musiciens et une série de récits d’importance. Cette thèse reconstruit des aspects de l’histoire de la musique du du cinéma muet à Ottawa en utilisant un plusieurs méthodologies (la recherche numérique, la recherche en archives, et la cartographie des réseaux sociaux) et de sources primaires (documents du syndicat ouvrier IATSE, documents de grève du ministère fédéral du Travail, quotidiens, et revues spécialisées). La thèse analyse aussi quelques instances uniques de combinaison de musique et de film, et présente des personnages clé de la scène musicale du cinéma muet d’Ottawa (incluant le violoniste Rudolph Pelisek et l’organiste Amédée Tremblay), tout en montrant comment leur formation procurait du prestige aux cinémas, et comment leur implication dans des activités militaires, religieuses, et communautaires ont ajouté à la popularité des cinémas.
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Le choix d'un école secondaire francophone : étude qualitative réalisée auprès de mères d'origines canadienne et djiboutienne/somalienneAudet, Alexandre January 2013 (has links)
La réforme ontarienne des politiques éducatives de la fin des années 1990 a introduit une certaine économie de marché dans le système d’éducation, laquelle a contribué à accroître la concurrence entre les écoles pour le recrutement du plus grand nombre d’élèves. Au même moment, l’Ontario accueillait un grand nombre d’immigrants francophones, dont la plupart provenaient du continent africain. Dans ce contexte, quels facteurs influencent les mères francophones (d’origines djiboutienne/somalienne et canadienne) quand elles choisissent une école secondaire de langue française pour leur enfant. Plus précisément, il s’agit de voir s’il y a une tendance vers un choix positif ou s’il y a évitement de certaines écoles dans lesquelles de plus grandes proportions d’élèves issus de l’immigration seraient présent. En d’autres mots nous voulons voir s’il y a une ghettoïsation de certaines écoles de langue française en Ontario. En nous appuyant sur les outils d’analyse sociologique de Pierre Bourdieu (le champ, le capital et l’habitus), nous avons étudié la question selon trois dimensions : le statut socio-économique des familles, les programmes offerts par les écoles et l’environnement scolaire. Les données ont été recueillies lors d’entrevues semi-dirigées avec les mères. L’analyse de nos données révèle, dans un premier temps, que la présence des groupes ethniques et culturels divers au sein des écoles semble apporter une plus-value à ces établissements. De plus, nous n’avons pas relevé de différences considérables quant aux facteurs qui influencent les mères de notre échantillon (d’origines canadienne et immigrante) lors du choix scolaire. Cependant, la situation de double minorité (raciale et linguistique) des mères immigrantes fait en sorte que le choix de celles-ci se fait dans un contexte socio-économique différent, donc elles sont davantage motivées à choisir un programme et un environnement scolaire pour que leurs enfants puissent bâtir sur ce que leurs parents ont réussi à accumuler jusqu’à maintenant.
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Engineering Characteristics of Sensitive Marine Clays - Examples of Clays in Eastern CanadaNader, Athir January 2014 (has links)
Sensitive marine clay in Ottawa is a challenging soil for geotechnical engineers. This type of clay behaves differently than other soils in Canada or other parts of the world. They also have different engineering characteristic values in comparison to other clays. Cone penetration testing in sensitive marine clays is also different from that carried out in other soils. The misestimation of engineering characteristics from cone penetration testing can result. Temperature effects have been suspected as the reason for negative readings and erroneous estimations of engineering characteristics from cone penetration testing. Furthermore, the applicability of correlations between cone penetration test (CPT) results and engineering characteristics is ambiguous. Moreover, it is important that geotechnical engineers who need to work with these clays have background information on their engineering characteristics.
This thesis provides comprehensive information on the engineering characteristics and behaviour of sensitive marine clays in Ottawa. This information will give key information to geotechnical engineers who are working with these clays on their behaviour. For the purpose of this research, fifteen sites in the Ottawa area are taken into consideration. These sites included alternative technical data from cone and standard penetration tests, undisturbed samples, field vanes, and shear wave velocity measurements. Laboratory testing carried out for these sites has resulted in acquiring engineering parameters of the marine clay, such as preconsolidation pressure, overconsolidation ratio, compression and recompression indexes, secondary compression index, coefficient of consolidation, hydraulic conductivity, clay fraction, porewater chemistry, specific gravity, plasticity, moisture content, unit weight, void ratio, and porosity. This thesis also discusses other characteristics of sensitive marine clays in Ottawa, such as their activity, sensitivity, structure, interface shear behaviour, and origin and sedimentation.
Furthermore, for the purpose of increasing local experience with the use of cone and ball penetrometers in sensitive marine clays in Ottawa, three types of penetrometer tips are used in the Canadian Geotechnical Research Site No. 1 located in south-west Ottawa: 36 mm cone tip, and 40 mm and 113 mm ball tips. The differences in their response in sensitive marine clays will be discussed. The temperature effects on the penetrometer equipment are also studied. The differences in the effect of temperature on these tips are discussed. Correlations between the penetrometer results and engineering characteristics of Ottawa's clays are verified.
The applicability of correlations between the testing results and engineering characteristics of sensitive marine clays in Ottawa is also presented in this thesis. Two correlations from the Canadian Foundation Engineering Manual are examined. One of these correlations is between the N60 values from standard penetration testing and undrained shear strength. The other correlation is between the shear wave velocity measurement and site class. Temperature corrections are suggested and discussed for penetrometer equipment according to laboratory calibrations. The significance of the effects due to radical temperature changes in Canada and Ottawa is discussed.
Some of the main findings from this research are as follows.
• The Canadian Foundation Engineering Manual presents a correlation between standard penetration tests (SPTs) and the undrained shear strength of soils. This relationship may not be applicable to sensitive marine clays in Ottawa.
• Another correlation between the site class, shear wave velocity, and undrained shear strength is presented by this same manual which may not be applicable to sensitive marine clays in Ottawa.
• The rotation rate for field vane testing as recommended by ASTM D2573 is slow for sensitive marine clays in Ottawa.
• Correction factors applied to undrained shear strength from laboratory vane tests may not result in comparable values with the undrained shear strength obtained by using field vane tests.
• Loading schemes in consolidation or oedometer testing may affect the quality of the targeted results.
• Temperature corrections should be applied to penetrometer recordings to compensate for the drift in the results of these recordings due to temperature changes.
• The secondary compression index to compression index ratio presented in the literature may not be the value obtained from this research.
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Professional Education and Practice: Ottawa Police Service Officer and Educator Perceptions of Use of Force Education and ExperiencesJubril, Annette 12 May 2022 (has links)
In the last 20 years, the number of incidents involving police use of force (UOF) has nearly doubled in Canada (Marcoux & Nicholson, 2018). There have been at least 460 documented fatal police encounters across Canada between the years 2000 and 2017 and at least 1,860 police UOF investigations specifically in Ontario (Dunn, 2018; Ontario Human Rights Commission, 2018). According to a 2019 annual report by Ottawa Police Service (OPS, 2019), a municipal police service in Ontario, between the years 2018 and 2019, OPS reported a 21% decrease (from 767 to 607) of applications of force among officers and a 15% increase (from 529 to 609) of UOF reports. Although the latter data is relevant to Ottawa, to better understand and potentially minimize negative police-civilian encounters, both specifically and on a larger scale, this Canadian-focused study centers on policing as well as the context at OPS and explores the extent to which professional education (PE) influences professional practice (PP). It does so by reviewing OPS’s UOF training and gathering perspectives from patrol officers and UOF educators. Using a qualitative instrumental case study (QICS) research design, the study analyzes the UOF training materials that OPS used to certify and recertify officers between the years 2010 and 2021. It also incorporates semi-structured interviews with officers and educators to gather insights on how participants define UOF, their perspectives on their pre-service and in-service training, as well as how they relate their PE to their police-civilian encounters, particularly when they used or did not use force. A document analysis of the data revealed that OPS’s UOF training uses both traditional as well as progressive and collaborative approaches to educate and relate to officers. Such approaches also aim to promote appropriate communication and de-escalation skills. At the same time, the learning objectives found in the lesson plans lack the detail needed to signify that officers have achieved the intended goal of the training. Among the important themes that emerged from the interviews were 1) the differences in priorities, between the officers and educators, concerning UOF training, 2) the value that officers place on their instructors’ experiences, 3) the challenges that educators face while adhering to provincial expectations, and 4) the integral role that training and life experiences play during police-civilian encounters. The relevance of social media was another significant theme that emerged within the study, particularly considering the participants’ views on the current social climate of policing (i.e., how the public perceives the police as well as the contentious debate about defunding the police). With limited research on police perspectives and issues specific to policing in Canada, the present study, by virtue of access to OPS’s training materials, patrol officers and UOF instructors, seeks to initiate rich and meaningful discussions about PE and PP. It also aims to encourage reflection among educators, policy-makers and society so as to address and deepen our understanding of issues related to education.
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For-to complements in Appalachian EnglishWade-Woolley, Lesly A. (Lesly Ann) January 1989 (has links)
No description available.
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