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Effekter av individuellt utvecklingsstödjande neonatalvårdGibrand, Anna, Westesson, Johanna January 2007 (has links)
<p>To be preborn and treated in a hightech environment, will expose the child for an abnormal stimulance. Immature lungs and brain are accountable for the biggest healthrisks. The medical treatment will affect the childs future development. Nursing according to NIDCAP®, Newborn Individualized Developmental Care and Assessment Program, aims at reducing the surrounding disturbance in relation to the childs maturity.</p><p>The aim for this literature study is to survey the affects of NIDCAP®-nursing. The literature study is based upon scientific articles. Findings showed that NIDCAP® had several positive affects on the child such as less respirator-time, increasing growth and a better cognitive progress. The affect on the family showed an improved bond between the child and its mother. </p><p>There is a great demand for survey’s concerning preborn-nursing and its affect.</p>
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Hemförlossningar i Sverige 1992-2005. : Förlossningsutfall och kvinnors erfarenheterLindgren, Helena January 2008 (has links)
Hemförlossningar i Sverige 1992-2005. Förlossningsutfall och kvinnors erfarenheter.Detta är den första nationella undersökningen av planerade hemförlossningar i Sverige. Istudierna har vi avsett att studera kvinnor som fött eller planerat att föda barn hemma underperioden 1/1 1992 till och med 30/6 2005.Kvinnor som födde barn hemma skiljde sig från kvinnor som födde barn på sjukhus i vissaavseenden (Studie I). Data från det svenska medicinska födelseregistret för perioden 1992 till2001, för 352 kvinnor som fött utanför sjukhus jämfördes med data från 1760 kvinnor som föttpå sjukhus. Kvinnorna som fött utanför sjukhus födde fler barn, hade högre utbildningsnivåmen en lägre sammanlagd familjeinkomst och de yrkesarbetade i mindre omfattning jämförtmed kvinnor som födde barn på sjukhus. Kvinnorna som fött barn utanför sjukhus var oftarefödda i ett annat europeiskt land än Sverige men mer sällan utanför Europa. Förekomsten avhemförlossningar i Sverige baserat på registerkod ”född utanför sjukhus” var 0.38 per tusenfödslar.Genom barnmorskor som bistår hemförlossningar, annonsering och via en intresseförening fördem som vill föda hemma, identifierades 757 kvinnor med sammanlagt 1045 planeradehemförlossningar under perioden 1/1 1992 till 30/6 2005. Av de tillfrågade kvinnorna svarade99 procent att de ville delta i studien. Data insamlades genom frågeformulär. Totalt 100 av detillfrågade kvinnorna med sammanlagt 141 planerade hemförlossningar återfanns inte i detmedicinska födelseregistret. Förekomsten av planerade hemförlossningar baserat på data förkvinnor som identifierats via hemförlossningsbarnmorskor och annonsering, var 0.95 per tusenfödslar. Förekomsten av planerade hemförlossningar baserat på registerdata för dessa kvinnorvar 0.85 per tusen födslar. Överföring till sjukhus under eller direkt efter förlossningen skeddevid 12.5 procent av de planerade hemförlossningarna (studie II). De vanligaste orsakerna tillöverföringen var långsam progress (46%) samt att barnmorskan inte kunde komma närförlossningen hade startat (14%). Var fjärde förstföderska avslutade sin planeradehemförlossning på sjukhus och den vanligaste orsaken för överföring bland förstföderskor varatt en annan barnmorska än den kvinnan besökt för vård under graviditeten kom för att biståförlossningen. Faktorer som påverkade överföring hos omföderskor var att tidigare hagenomgått kejsarsnitt och för både förstföderskor och omföderskor att graviditeten varöverburen.Data från det svenska medicinska födelseregistret jämfördes för 897 förlossningar identifieradegenom datainsamlingen till studie II och 11 341 sjukhusförlossningar (kontrollgrupp). Kriterietför urval av kontrollgruppen var enkelbörd i graviditetsvecka 37 - 42 samt att förlossningenstartat spontant. Kvinnor som planerat att föda hemma födde oftare spontant vaginalt och hademer sällan allvarliga bristningar i underlivet efter förlossningen (studie III). Risker i sambandmed valet av förlossningsplats hade övervägts av tre fjärdedelar av kvinnorna (studie IV).Genom egen förberedelse, samtal främst med sin partner och hemförlossningsbarnmorskan,hanterade kvinnorna tankar om att de själva eller deras barn skulle kunna skadas eller dö vidförlossningen. Kvinnorna undvek att diskutera risker med personal inom den konventionellavården.Konklusioner: I Sverige, under åren 1992 – 2005, planerade omkring 100 kvinnor att föda barni hemmet varje år. En fjärdedel av förstföderskorna avslutade sin planerade hemförlossning påsjukhus och den totala förekomsten av överföringar var 12,5 procent. Kvinnorna hade övervägtrisker med en hemförlossning men undvek att diskutera dem med personal inom sjukvården.Den neonatala mortaliteten bland nyfödda vid planerad hemförlossning var 2,2 per tusen inomfyra veckor efter förlossningen jämfört med 0,6 per tusen i sjukhusgruppen. Kvinnor somplanerade en hemförlossning hade oftare en spontan vaginal förlossning med färre allvarligabristningar i underlivet efter förlossningen jämfört med kvinnor som födde på sjukhus.
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Effekter av individuellt utvecklingsstödjande neonatalvårdGibrand, Anna, Westesson, Johanna January 2007 (has links)
To be preborn and treated in a hightech environment, will expose the child for an abnormal stimulance. Immature lungs and brain are accountable for the biggest healthrisks. The medical treatment will affect the childs future development. Nursing according to NIDCAP®, Newborn Individualized Developmental Care and Assessment Program, aims at reducing the surrounding disturbance in relation to the childs maturity. The aim for this literature study is to survey the affects of NIDCAP®-nursing. The literature study is based upon scientific articles. Findings showed that NIDCAP® had several positive affects on the child such as less respirator-time, increasing growth and a better cognitive progress. The affect on the family showed an improved bond between the child and its mother. There is a great demand for survey’s concerning preborn-nursing and its affect.
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Influence of The Education and Training of Prehospital Medical Crews on Measures of Performance and Patient OutcomesBlomberg, Hans January 2013 (has links)
Prehospital care has developed dramatically the last decades with the implementation of new devices and educational concepts. Clinical decisions and treatments have moved out from the hospitals to the prehospital setting. In Sweden this has been accompanied by an increase in the level of competence, i.e. by introducing nurses in the ambulances. With some exceptions the scientific support for these changes is poor. This thesis deals with such changes in three different subsets of prehospital care: Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), the stroke chain of survival and trauma care. We assessed the performance of ambulance crews during CPR, using a mechanical compression device, as compared to CPR using manual compressions. There was a strikingly poor quality of compressions using the mechanical device compared to CPR with manual compressions. The result calls for caution when implementing a chest compression device in clinical practice and reinforce the importance of randomised controlled trials to evaluate new interventions. Careful attention should be given to the assurance of correct application of the device. Further implementation without evaluation of the quality of mechanical compressions in a clinical setting is discouraged. Among patients with a prehospital suspicion of stroke we analysed the ambulance nurses’ ability to select the correct patient subset eligible for a CT scan as a preparation for potential thrombolysis. The results do not support an implementation of a bypass of the emergency department, using ambulance nurse competence to select patients eligible and suitable for a CT scan without a preceding assessment by a physician. The association between the Prehospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS) course and the outcome in victims of trauma was analysed in two observational studies. A study covering one county gave some support for a protective effect from PHTLS, but the estimate had a low precision. A nationwide study, covering all of Sweden, could not confirm those results. Although there was a reduction in mortality over time coinciding with the implementation of PHTLS, it did not appear to be associated with the implementation of PHTLS. Thus, we could not detect any clear beneficial impact of the PHTLS course on the outcome of trauma patients.
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An Examination of the Relationships Among Childhood Abuse, Introject Style and Psychotherapy Outcome for DepressionSen, Sumita Julia 25 February 2010 (has links)
The current study explored the relationship between client’s history of childhood abuse and psychotherapy outcome, specifically, depressive symptoms, interpersonal problems, dysfunctional attitudes, self-esteem and attachment. The study also explored the relationship between client’s history of childhood abuse and current introject style, as well as the relationship between client introject style and psychotherapy outcome. The current study consisted of a sample of 60 clients and was drawn from an archival database of clients who were diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder and received 16 weeks of psychotherapy treatment (Watson, Gordon, Stermac, Kalogerakos & Steckley (2003). Client’s history of childhood abuse was determined using the Traumatic Stress Inventory (TSI short-form; McCann & Pearlman, 1992). Introject styles were established using the Structural Analysis of Social Behaviour (SASB; Benjamin, 1974), an observer rated process measure. The middle 15 minutes of an early (session 3) and late session (session 15) were rated using the SASB. Results indicated that women who experienced childhood abuse showed a reduction in levels of their self-accepting introject style in session 15 compared to session 3 while women without childhood abuse showed increased levels of the self-accepting introject style in session 15 compared to session 3. Results also indicated that clients with managing and cultivating of self introject styles as measured at session 3 showed improvements in dysfunctional attitudes, interpersonal problems and self-esteem by the end of 16-weeks of psychotherapy. Having a history of childhood abuse was not related to any of the outcome measures; clients, regardless of history of childhood abuse improved over time. Results did show history of childhood abuse to be related to perceptions of early childhood attachment experiences; specifically, clients with histories of childhood abuse showed higher scores overall for perceptions of experiences with caregivers as rejecting and angry. Finally, results indicated that clients with a history of childhood abuse have a significantly greater number of depressive episodes on average than clients without a history of childhood abuse. Implications for future research and clinical work are discussed.
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The Present Status of an Early Infantile Autism First Reported in Japan Thirty Years AgoSUGIYAMA, TOSHIRO, WAKABAYASHI, SHINICHIRO 03 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Teachers perceptions of personal program plan requirements and school team collaborationDemmans, Tricia Mae 31 March 2010
The purpose of the study was to explore the overall perceptions that resource room teachers had of the required SMART goals, rubric outcome sampling, and the collaborative effort of Personal Program Planning team. This study included a descriptive, embedded single-case study having three sub-units. Each subunit consisted of one resource room teacher who was teaching in a central Saskatchewan urban school division at the elementary level. Each resource room teacher was asked to select one student with a cognitive, behavioural, or multiple disability and a previous PPP document written for him or her (i.e., this is not the students first year of meeting the criteria for Intensive Supports) by that particular resource room teacher. Each resource room teacher participated in three separate focus open-ended interviews designed to explore their perceptions of SMART goals, rubric outcome sampling, and the collaborative nature of the PPP process.<p>
Pattern-matching and exploration building were the two analytic techniques used in this study. Numerous themes were identified in the data. The themes present in data collected from at least two of the participants included: the need to be flexible with parents; resource room teachers have large workloads; concern over EAs not being able to attend PPP meetings; the need for rubrics to be discussed within the context of a PPP meeting; the effect of having different knowledge bases and levels of expertise represented in a PPP team; the use of visual aides during the PPP meeting; and working with the dual role of resource room teacher and vice principal.
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An Examination of the Relationships Among Childhood Abuse, Introject Style and Psychotherapy Outcome for DepressionSen, Sumita Julia 25 February 2010 (has links)
The current study explored the relationship between client’s history of childhood abuse and psychotherapy outcome, specifically, depressive symptoms, interpersonal problems, dysfunctional attitudes, self-esteem and attachment. The study also explored the relationship between client’s history of childhood abuse and current introject style, as well as the relationship between client introject style and psychotherapy outcome. The current study consisted of a sample of 60 clients and was drawn from an archival database of clients who were diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder and received 16 weeks of psychotherapy treatment (Watson, Gordon, Stermac, Kalogerakos & Steckley (2003). Client’s history of childhood abuse was determined using the Traumatic Stress Inventory (TSI short-form; McCann & Pearlman, 1992). Introject styles were established using the Structural Analysis of Social Behaviour (SASB; Benjamin, 1974), an observer rated process measure. The middle 15 minutes of an early (session 3) and late session (session 15) were rated using the SASB. Results indicated that women who experienced childhood abuse showed a reduction in levels of their self-accepting introject style in session 15 compared to session 3 while women without childhood abuse showed increased levels of the self-accepting introject style in session 15 compared to session 3. Results also indicated that clients with managing and cultivating of self introject styles as measured at session 3 showed improvements in dysfunctional attitudes, interpersonal problems and self-esteem by the end of 16-weeks of psychotherapy. Having a history of childhood abuse was not related to any of the outcome measures; clients, regardless of history of childhood abuse improved over time. Results did show history of childhood abuse to be related to perceptions of early childhood attachment experiences; specifically, clients with histories of childhood abuse showed higher scores overall for perceptions of experiences with caregivers as rejecting and angry. Finally, results indicated that clients with a history of childhood abuse have a significantly greater number of depressive episodes on average than clients without a history of childhood abuse. Implications for future research and clinical work are discussed.
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Effects of parent training on parenting: : Associated Change between Parental Behaviors and Preadolescent Problem BehaviorsAndersson, Jonas January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this study was to find out if change in parent behavior is associated with change in preadolescent problem behavior during parent training programs. A total of 561 single parents or couples of mainly Swedish origin were randomized into one out of four parent training programs with different theoretical bases. Parents’ self-reports of their own behavior and of their children’s intensity as well as impact of problem behavior, lack of attention, and hyperactivity showed that effects were equal across interventions for both children and parents. 12 parent constructs were measured. All of them except positive parent behavior constructs correlated with all four outcomes for children on significant levels. Negative parent behavior predicted change in all child outcomes on a highly significant level.
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Teachers perceptions of personal program plan requirements and school team collaborationDemmans, Tricia Mae 31 March 2010 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to explore the overall perceptions that resource room teachers had of the required SMART goals, rubric outcome sampling, and the collaborative effort of Personal Program Planning team. This study included a descriptive, embedded single-case study having three sub-units. Each subunit consisted of one resource room teacher who was teaching in a central Saskatchewan urban school division at the elementary level. Each resource room teacher was asked to select one student with a cognitive, behavioural, or multiple disability and a previous PPP document written for him or her (i.e., this is not the students first year of meeting the criteria for Intensive Supports) by that particular resource room teacher. Each resource room teacher participated in three separate focus open-ended interviews designed to explore their perceptions of SMART goals, rubric outcome sampling, and the collaborative nature of the PPP process.<p>
Pattern-matching and exploration building were the two analytic techniques used in this study. Numerous themes were identified in the data. The themes present in data collected from at least two of the participants included: the need to be flexible with parents; resource room teachers have large workloads; concern over EAs not being able to attend PPP meetings; the need for rubrics to be discussed within the context of a PPP meeting; the effect of having different knowledge bases and levels of expertise represented in a PPP team; the use of visual aides during the PPP meeting; and working with the dual role of resource room teacher and vice principal.
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