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Exploring Experiences of Information Overload: The Influence of Computer-Mediated Communication in the WorkplaceWatts, Christina January 2016 (has links)
Without question, it is apparent that organizations are predominantly dependent on the use of computer-mediated communication (CMC) to conduct their daily operations. As a result, information is rapidly flowing throughout the workplace and being exchanged at a rate unlike ever before. Unfortunately, this rapid flow of information has increased the potential for information overload to occur among employees. Through a phenomenological based approach, this study explored the experiences of information overload that occur as a result of CMC use in the workplace, from the subjective point of view of ten participants. Findings indicated that the experiences described among these participants can be understood through the examination of four descriptive themes: Constant Communication, Unpredictability, Miscommunication, and lastly Increased Workload and Responsibilities. Furthermore, two theories: Media Richness Theory (MRT) and Social Influence Theory (SIT), served as the theoretical framework for this study.
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Důvěryhodnost a distribuce informací v kontextu ekonomicko-technologické transformace / Credibility and distribution of information in the context of economic and technological transformationPeřinka, Petr January 2012 (has links)
The recent economic crisis has hit most sectors of human activities. The media sector was no exception. Before the crisis began, media companies had to face challenges of technological and cultural transformation, the impact was even more accelerated by global economic downturn. The boom of the Internet and, by extension, social media, redefine consumer behavior in relation to information whose quantity and accessibility are rapidly increasing through technological innovation. The goal of this work is to evaluate impact of transformational effects on distribution and credibility of information presented in mainstream media. All this in terms of both consumer and mass media, because this synergistic relationship can not by separated.
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Maximização de limites de carregamento e padronização de subestações e linhas de transmissão: um suporte ao planejamento de redes elétricas em ambiente de restrições financeiras. / Equipment rating maximization and standardization of substations and transmission lines: a support for the planning of electrical networks in the context of financial constraints.Dorel Soares Ramos 10 April 1996 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por meta focalizar a adaptação necessária na metodologia de planejamento atual, norteada segundo uma ótica determinística e conservadora, afim de permitir a elaboração de Programas de Obras de Transmissão/Subtransmissão, condicionados por limitações de teto no montante de investimento a curto e médio prazos. Para tanto, como tema central, busca-se desenvolver uma base conceitual e metodológica, para permitir uma exploração maximizada das possibilidades de carregamento de equipamentos e instalações do sistema de transmissão, contemplando a especificação das ferramentas computacionais necessárias para dar consequência prática à proposta. Considerando o potencial de análise proporcionado por métodos e técnicas de natureza probabilística, aplicados ao planejamento de Sistemas Elétricos, a espinha dorsal da evolução metodológica delineada no texto repousa sobre a avaliação de confiabilidade global e quantificação de riscos operativos. O texto foi estruturado em 8 capítulos onde, a partir de um capítulo introdutório, enfoca-se sequencialmente os temas: * Conceitos e Metodologias para Maximização do Carregamento de Transformadores de Potência. * Conceitos e Metodologias para Maximização do Carregamento de Linhas aéreas de Transmissão. * Impacto das Restrições Financeiras no planejamento e possibilidade de atuação a nível técnico para administrar o conflito entre qualidade de serviço e recursos limitados. * Conceitos e Metodologias para relaxação dos Critérios limitantes para o carregamento máximo de componentes do sistema, em ambiente de severas restrições financeiras, no horizonte de curto prazo. * Resultados obtidos em aplicações concretas a situações do Setor Elétrico, visando caracterizar o alcance do ferramental preconizado nos capítulos anteriores. * Critérios e Procedimentos para Padronização de Subestações e Linhas de Transmissão , coerentes com os conceitos de maximização de carregamento introduzidos nos dois primeiros capítulos. Ao final do texto, incluiu-se um capítulo de \"Conclusões\", com o objetivo de sumarizar os aspectos mais relevantes abordados no texto, assim como indicar linhas de ação e novos desenvolvimentos, necessários para permitir a efetivação prática da metodologia proposta. / An important problem posed to power system planners in developing countries is now becoming commonplace, even in developed countries, and concerns on how to fit an expansion plan into a tight budget, with the least reduction in reliability levels. This problem is known as power system planning under financial constraints and a series of methods is now available to deal with it. So, this work addresses the necessary adjustments in order to permit the Transmission / Sub-transmission Expansion Program establishment when there are investments constraints in a medium/short term range. The main emphasis is on the development of a methodological and conceptual framework, aiming at a maximizes exploration of the loading capability of transformers and transmission lines of the power network. In this context, a new methodological framework for transmission system planning in a financial constrained environment is presented. The proposed approach combines transmission projects priority evaluation and ranking as well as criteria flexibilization, being particularly suitable for short-term planning. The problem to be faced is to operate the system after a project postponement, while the service quality is kept so adequate as it is possible. One of the main issues to be focused is the transmission system uprating since a maximized equipment utilization can contribute to avoid a more significant restriction to the costumers. Therefore, a detailed description of the models for transmission lines and transformers loading limits assessment is presented, with emphasis on the main concepts and the application of probabilistic tools to circumvent the inherent conservatism of deterministic methods. A summary of the contents is presented in what follows: * Concepts and Methodology for Transformers loading maximization. * Concepts and Methodology for Transmission Lines loading maximization. * Financial Restrictions impacts on Expansion Planning Process and the possibilities to manager the conflict between service quality and investment constraints. * Concepts and Methodologies to the relaxation of Criteria that limits the loading capability of transmission lines, aiming at short term Planning under severe financial restrictions, * Obtained results in concrete applications of the proposed methodology and computational tools to Brazilian Electric Power System. * Methods and Criteria to standardization of Substations and Transmission Lines, according the main issues formerly introduced. * Conclusion and Future Research.
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Approaches to sensory marketing strategies within the beauty retail stores in Sweden : A qualitative insight concerning sensory interplay and sensory overloadGrandin, Veronica, Jönsson, Jessica, Kessén, Jakob January 2020 (has links)
As sensory marketing is becoming a more widely used strategy in the world, the need to distinguish oneself is more important than ever. The general knowledge of sensory cues, their interplay and sensory overload among Swedish retail beauty companies is researched in this thesis. We set out to identify the baseline knowledge of the store personnel and the implications thereof in Sweden on the subjects formerly mentioned. This investigative study aims to provide an insight into the workings and knowledge gap of retail store design from the perspective of store personnel with sensory- marketing, interplay and congruency in mind with focus on the senses vision, audio and scent. The knowledge of these are assumed to influence a stores’ ability to cater to and adapt to everyday and sensory-sensitive consumers. The study also aims to provide an insight into the subject of sensory overload, what causes it and the effects that might be had from the experience. To achieve this, we formed the research questions: “How do beauty retail stores in Sweden keep sensorial interplay in mind when designing their retail setting?” and “How do beauty retail stores in Sweden take sensory overload into consideration?”. We performed qualitative interviews with Swedish retail beauty stores’ employees. A foundational knowledge was established in the form of a literature review followed by empirical findings, to be discussed in the analysis. The conclusions drawn from our research, were that there is awareness among managers on sensory marketing. However, sensory cues are commonly broken down and compartmentalized into singular events. While we found that there are congruence considerations taken as to how the cues relate to the stores’ brand, there seemed to be little to none taken to how the cues interplay with each other. We could also conclude that sensory overload is not a consideration. However, that there are various reasons to this, one major being that Swedish retailers are careful about the implementation of sensory experiences and therefore consider themselves safe from the possibility.
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Saúde emocional de cuidadores familiares de idosos : Perspectivas de vida profissional e pessoal /Almeida, Bettina dos Santos January 2020 (has links)
Orientador: Sandra Leal Calais / Resumo: No Brasil há 1,5 milhão de idosos fragilizados e nesta sua dependência surge o papel do cuidador familiar, exigindo a tomada de decisões e a incorporação de atividades que passam a ser de sua inteira responsabilidade. A função de cuidador familiar pode desencadear sintomas depressivos e gerar situações estressantes. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar estresse, depressão, sobrecarga e existência de projeto vital dos cuidadores familiares em tempo integral e parcial de idosos dependentes. Os participantes foram 40 cuidadores e 38 idosos, sendo o Grupo A composto por 17 cuidadores em tempo parcial e 15 idosos e o Grupo B, 23 em tempo integral e 23 idosos. Destes, 45% foram captados da Organização da Sociedade Civil e 55% das redes sociais. Do Grupo A, 76,50% eram sexo feminino, sendo 70,60% filhas dos idosos e o Grupo B teve 91,30% de cuidadores mulheres e 52,20% filhas também. A média de idade do Grupo A foi de 50 anos e a do Grupo B foi de 58 anos, a idade dos grupos variou de 38 a 83 anos. Quanto à classe social, 47,10% dos cuidadores do Grupo A se encontram na classe B2 e 41,20% possuem o Ensino Superior Completo, enquanto no Grupo B 30,40% estão na classe C1 e 30,40% possuem o Ensino Fundamental Incompleto. A média de idade dos idosos do Grupo A foi de 81 anos e do Grupo B foi de 79 anos, sendo a amostra de idosos composta de 85% do sexo feminino. No Grupo A, 52,90% dos idosos apresentam o grau de dependência I e 39,10% do Grupo B, grau de dependência II. Os instrum... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: In Brazil, there are 1.5 million frail elderly people and in this dependence the role of the family caregiver arises, requiring decision making and the incorporation of activities that become their entire responsibility. The role of family caregiver can trigger depressive symptoms and generate stressful situations. Thus, the aim of this study was to assess stress, depression, burden and existence of a vital project for family caregivers in full and part-time for dependent elderly. The participants were 40 caregivers and 38 elderly, with Group A comprising 17 part-time and 15 elderly caregivers and Group B, 23 full-time and 23 elderly. Of these, 45% were raised from the Civil Society Organization and 55% from social networks. From Group A, 76.50% were female, 70.60% were daughters of the elderly and Group B had 91.30% female caregivers and 52.20% were daughters as well. The average age of Group A was 50 years and that of Group B was 58 years, the age of the groups ranged from 38 to 83 years. Regarding social class, 47.10% of Group A caregivers are in class B2 and 41.20% have completed Higher Education, while in Group B 30.40% are in class C1 and 30.40% have Education Incomplete Fundamental. The average age of the elderly in Group A was 81 years old and in Group B it was 79 years old, with the elderly sample being 85% female. In Group A, 52.90% of the elderly have a degree of dependency I and 39.10% of Group B, a degree of dependency II. The assessment instruments used were the... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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Förslag till kommunikationsplan inom byggbranschen / Proposition for communication plan in the construction industryMalmqvist, Fia, Ellus, Simon January 2015 (has links)
Kommunikation innebär överföring från sändare till mottagare och kan vara en väldigt komplex process då mottagaren kan tolka informationen både rätt och fel. När mängden information blir så pass stor så den inte längre blir hanterbar leder det till informationsöverflöd hos mottagaren. Svensk Byggtjänst anordnadeen temadag för byggbranschen där ämnet kommunikation togs upp. VD:n för Svensk Byggtjänst, Erik Hellqvist, slutsats var att det går att spara omkring 4,5 miljard kronor på förbättrad kommunikation inom byggbranschen. Syftet med rapporten är att ge förslag till en kommunikationsplan med mål att i slutändan kunna minska kostnader och leda till tidsbesparingar. Rapporten bygger på undersökningar och studier om hur de anställda upplever kommunikationen i praktiken mot hur det själva föredrar att kommunicera med varandra. Studien visar bland annat att 100 % av yrkesarbetarna föredrar att kommunicera person till person och att arbetsledningen anser att 25 % av de mailen de får in under en arbetsvecka är överflödiga. En slutsats efter att ha genomfört undersökningar och enkäter är att ungefär 90 % föredrar att kommunicera person till person. Det finns även en del anställda som känner att de saknar tillgång till kommunikationsmedel som hade underlättat i arbetet, så som en ipad eller en arbetstelefon. Det förekommer även informationsöverflöd via mail ute på byggarbetsplatser, arbetsledningen upplever att de hade klarat sig utan 25 % av de inkomna mailen i dagsläget. En slutsats efter att ha deltagit i möten på byggarbetsplatsen är att de ofta är väldigt tidsineffektiva och lite oorganiserade, då det 10 gånger av 11 saknas dagordning. Slutsatserna och resultaten från enkäter och undersökningar leder vidare till ett förslag till en kommunikationsplan. / Communication means conduction from a transmitter to a receiver and can be a very complex process where the recipient may interpret the information both correctly and incorrectly. When the amount of information reaches a level that is unmanageable it leads to an information overload in the receiver. Svensk Byggtjänst arranged a theme day for the construction industry where the subject of communication was discussed. The CEO for Svensk Byggtjänst, Erik Hellqvist, conclusion was that it is possible to save around 4,5 billion Swedish crones in improved communication within the construction industry. The purpose of the report is to propose a communication plan with the goal to ultimately reduce costs and time. The report is based on examinations and studies on how the employees are experiencing the communication in practice versus how they would prefer to communicate with each other. The study shows, among other things, that 100 % of the workers prefer to communicate man‐to‐man and that the staff management believes that 25 % of the e-mails they receive during a workweek is redundant. A conclusion to the surveys and questionnaire is that roughly 90 % prefer to speak man-to-man. There are also a significant part of the employees that feels they lack certain means of communication, such as ipad and mobile phone. There is also information overload through email on the construction site. The staff management feel that they had managed without 25% of the incoming e-mails in the current situation. An other conclusion after participating in meetings on the construction site is that’s its often time inefficient and unorganized due too the lack of agendas in 10 out of 11 meeting. Conclusions and the results from the surveys and questionnaires leads to a proposed communications plan.
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An investigation into the moderating role of psychological safety on the relationship between job demands and job resources and intention to quitDomela- Serobanyane, Malinda 16 March 2022 (has links)
Background Employee turnover has been a major concern for organisations as far as a global competitive advantage is concerned. Amongst the proximal antecedents of turnover, intention to quit has been determined to exhibit the feelings and perceptions of employees concerning alternatives for the possibility of quitting the current employment relationship. Globally, an increasing portion of employees experiences some form of work overload, emotional and technological demands at the workplace, consequential in the feelings of being vulnerable and insecure. The current study, therefore, investigated the moderating role of pf psychological safety in the relationship between job demands, job resources, and intention to quit. The rationale for the research study Knowledge as to whether job demand and job resources have implications for employee retention will make it possible for practitioners to devise strategies to ensure that employees' level of intention to quit is reduced. For instance, to ensure that job demands are managed to prevent emotional and physical drain and consequently intention to quit. To ensure that employees are offered access in terms of resources to improve their motivation, and thereby reduce the intention to quit. Moreover, knowledge and consideration of the moderating effect of psychological safety on the relationship between job demands and job resources will allow managers to enhance retention strategies and thus provide assurance for higher organisational productivity. Aim of the study The current research study was an exploratory attempt to investigate the moderating effect of psychological safety on the relationship between job demands, job resources, and intention to quit. Whereas the existing literature on conservation resources theory provides valuable frameworks for understanding intention to quit, few researchers have investigated how the intention to quit may be influenced by job demands and job resources, through the mediating effect of psychological safety. Research Design, Sampling, and realised sample The cross-sectional study was used in the current research study as a quantitative approach through descriptive statistics to measure the relationship between intention to quit, job demands, and resources, and this associated being moderated by psychological safety. In other words, by applying descriptive statistics, the cross-section design was used in the current study to enable a detailed analysis of the variables in a systematic and standardised manner (ZangirolamiRaimundo, Echeimberg, & Leone, 2018). This research implemented a structured questionnaire method to get primary data. In other words, the respondents were asked to respond to similar questions in a prearranged manner (Doyle, 2009). A realised sample of n= 114 from the central banking environment was obtained using a convenience sampling approach. Statistical analyses To statistically analyse data, the Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) programme was used. Exploratory Factor Analysis discovered common factors among the items; factor analysis was used to identify common variances. Through direct extraction and rotation methods to improve the interpretation of the factor loadings to reduce ambiguities in the initial analysis. The reliability and validity of the intention to quit, job demands-resources, and psychological safety were assessed through coefficient alpha and factor analysis. In other words, in evaluating the results, the test of reliability data was conducted to determine the Cronbach alpha, which would be acceptable when found to be at a minimum of 0.7 (Taber, 2018). Descriptive and correlational designs were used to provide analysis of data. First to classify and summarise data, and secondly to determine and test for the relationship between intention to quit, job demands-resources and psychological safety as variables of this study Results In investigating the association between job demands (work overload and technological demands) and intention to quit, correlation analysis results indicated a weak and negative relationship between technological demand and intention to quit. to determine whether job resources (job autonomy and performance feedback) would be able to predict the intention to quit, the multiple regression model was performed. Although a weak and negative correlation between job resources and intention to quit existed, there was no sufficient evidence that job resources could be a good predictor of intention to quit since the regression model highlighted an insignificant value of 0.411 which is greater than 0.05. The multiple regression highlighted that when psychological safety was introduced, it was found that combined psychological safety and job demand were good predictors of intention to quit and it was significant at 0.05 since the significance level of the model was 0.03. The multiple regression highlighted that when psychological safety was introduced, it was found that combined psychological safety and job demand were good predictors of intention to quit and it was significant at 0.05 since the significance level of the model was 0.02. Findings The findings from the results supported various discussions and studies in the literature and practice, that psychological safety moderates the relationship between job demands, job resources, and intention to quit. Further evidence was also found in support of the conservation of resources theory. Managerial Implications The results of the present research study embrace a practical implication for organisations in that the findings support the literature suggesting that psychological safety moderates the relationship between job demands, job resources, and intention to quit. The findings further contribute to a growing body of knowledge surrounding intention to quit, job demands, job resources, and psychological safety fields of research.
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Brain Sites of Movement Disorder: Genetic and Environmental Agents in Neurodevelopmental PerturbationsPalomo, T., Beninger, R. J., Kostrzewa, R. M., Archer, Trevor 01 December 2003 (has links)
In assessing and assimilating the neurodevelopmental basis of the so-called movement disorders it is probably useful to establish certain concepts that will modulate both the variation and selection of affliction, mechanisms-processes and diversity of disease states. Both genetic, developmental and degenerative aberrations are to be encompassed within such an approach, as well as all deviations from the necessary components of behaviour that are generally understood to incorporate "normal" functioning. In the present treatise, both conditions of hyperactivity/hypoactivity, akinesia and bradykinesia together with a constellation of other symptoms and syndromes are considered in conjunction with the neuropharmacological and brain morphological alterations that may or may not accompany them, e.g. following neonatal denervation. As a case in point, the neuroanatomical and neurochemical points of interaction in Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are examined with reference to both the perinatal metallic and organic environment and genetic backgrounds. The role of apoptosis, as opposed to necrosis, in cell death during grain development necessitates careful considerations of the current explosion of evidence for brain nerve growth factors, neurotrophins and cytokines, and the processes regulating their appearance, release and fate. Some of these processes may posses putative inherited characteristics, like asynuclein, others may to greater or lesser extents be endogenous or semi-endogenous (in food), like the tetrahydroisoquinolines, others exogenous until inhaled or injested through environmental accident, like heavy metals, e.g. mercury. Another central concept of neurodevelopment is cellular plasticity, thereby underlining the essential involvement of glutamate systems and N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor configurations. Finally, an essential assimilation of brain development in disease must delineate the relative merits of inherited as opposed to environmental risks not only for the commonly-regarded movement disorders, like Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease and epilepsy, but also for afflictions bearing strong elements of psychosocial tragedy, like ADHD, autism and Savantism.
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Vagus Nerve Stimulation Mitigates Intrinsic Cardiac Neuronal Remodeling and Cardiac Hypertrophy Induced by Chronic Pressure Overload in Guinea PigBeaumont, Eric, Wright, Gary L., Southerland, Elizabeth M., Li, Ying, Chui, Ray, KenKnight, Bruce H., Andrew Armour, J., Ardell, Jeffrey L. 01 May 2016 (has links)
Our objective was to determine whether chronic vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) mitigates pressure overload (PO)-induced remodeling of the cardioneural interface. Guinea pigs (n = 48) were randomized to right or left cervical vagus (RCV or LCV) implant. After 2 wk, chronic left ventricular PO was induced by partial (15–20%) aortic constriction. Of the 31 animals surviving PO induction, 10 were randomized to RCV VNS, 9 to LCV VNS, and 12 to sham VNS. VNS was delivered at 20 Hz and 1.14 ± 0.03 mA at a 22% duty cycle. VNS commenced 10 days after PO induction and was maintained for 40 days. Time-matched controls (n = 9) were evaluated concurrently. Echocardiograms were obtained before and 50 days after PO. At termination, intracellular current-clamp recordings of intrinsic cardiac (IC) neurons were studied in vitro to determine effects of therapy on soma characteristics. Ventricular cardiomyocyte sizes were assessed with histology along with immunoblot analysis of selected proteins in myocardial tissue extracts. In sham-treated animals, PO increased cardiac output (34%, P < 0.004), as well as systolic (114%, P < 0.04) and diastolic (49%, P < 0.002) left ventricular volumes, a hemodynamic response prevented by VNS. PO-induced enhancements of IC synaptic efficacy and muscarinic sensitivity of IC neurons were mitigated by chronic VNS. Increased myocyte size, which doubled in PO (P < 0.05), was mitigated by RCV. PO hypertrophic myocardium displayed decreased glycogen synthase (GS) protein levels and accumulation of the phosphorylated (inactive) form of GS. These PO-induced changes in GS were moderated by left VNS. Chronic VNS targets IC neurons accompanying PO to obtund associated adverse cardiomyocyte remodeling.
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Mechanisms underlying low flow-low gradient aortic stenosisEl Kenani, Manar 21 October 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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