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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Patientupplevelser av att leva med pacemaker : en litteraturöversikt / Patient experiences of living with pacemaker : a literature review

Adolfsson, Emelie January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Den svenska statistiken visar att ungefär 7000 pacemakeroperationer sker per år i Sverige. Det är viktigt att, som sjuksköterska, ge rådgivning och utbildning till patient och närstående före implantationen, vid utskrivning och vid uppföljningarna. För att bedriva en personcentrerad omvårdnad och uppnå en fördjupad kunskap inom vården av patienter med pacemaker krävs en utökad förståelse för patientens upplevelse och livskvalitet. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva patienters upplevelse av att leva med en pacemaker, och deras hälsorelaterade livskvalitet. Metod: En icke-systematisk litteraturöversikt gjordes, med sökningar i PubMed och i CINAHL. Sökningarna ledde till 12 vetenskapliga originalartiklar, varav 11 artiklar hade en kvantitativ metod och en artikel hade en kvalitativ ansats. Artiklarna genomgick kvalitetsgranskning via Sophiahemmet Högskolas bedömningsunderlag för vetenskaplig klassificering och kvalitet och därefter gjordes en integrerad dataanalys av artiklarna. Resultat: Den integrerade dataanalys resulterade i två huvudkategorier: Erfarenheter av att leva med pacemaker och Livskvalitet vid pacemaker. Patienter kunde känna en oro över hur bra pacemakern skulle fungera och det framkom att det varierade hur mycket informerade patienterna var. Den hälsorelaterade livskvaliteten förbättrades för de flesta personerna ett år efter pacemakerimplantationen. Resultatet visade även att faktorer som påverkar livskvaliteten var bland annat kön, ålder, graden av information och om de gick på uppföljningarna. Slutsats: Denna studie visade att patienter kan ha olika upplevelser efter en pacemakerimplantation, både positiva och negativa. Dessutom framkom att patienter kan känna att de och deras närstående skulle behöva mer information om pacemakern. Med ökad kunskap om patienternas upplevelse och med förbättrad och ökad patient- och familjeutbildning skulle oro kunna reduceras och patienters livskvalitet och upplevelse skulle kunna förbättras. / Background: The Swedish statistics show that approximately 7,000 pacemaker surgeries take place yearly in Sweden. It is important, as a nurse, to provide counseling and education to the patient and relatives before the implantation, upon discharge and during the follow-ups. To conduct person-centred care and achieve in-depth knowledge of the care of patients with a pacemaker, an expanded understanding of the patient's experience and quality of life is required. Aim: The aim was to describe patients' experience of living with a pacemaker, and their healthrelated quality of life. Method: A non-systematic literature review was done, with searches in PubMed and in CINAHL. The searches led to 12 original scientific articles, of which 11 articles had a quantitative method and one article had a qualitative approach. The articles underwent a quality-review through Sophiahemmet University's assessment document for scientific classification and quality, and then an integrated data-analysis of the articles was made. Results: The integrated data analysis resulted in two main categories: Experiences of living with a pacemaker and Quality of life with a pacemaker. Patients could feel a concern about how well the pacemaker would work and it appeared that it varied how much informed patients were. The health-related quality of life improved for most people one year after pacemaker implantation. The results also showed that factors affecting the quality of life included gender, age, level of information and whether they went for follow-up. Conclusions: This study showed that patients can have different experiences after a pacemaker implantation, both positive and negative. In addition, it emerged that patients may feel that they and their relatives need more information about the pacemaker. With increased knowledge about the patients' experience and with improved and increased patient- and family-education, anxiety could be reduced, and the patients' quality of life and experience could be improved.

Patienters erfarenheter av att leva med pacemaker : En litteraturbaserad metod / Patients' experiences of living with pacemakers : A literature based method

Slaiwa, Francis January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Hjärt- och kärlsystemet kan drabbas av ett stort antal sjukdomar som tar miljoner människors liv i hela världen varje år. Patientens dagliga liv påverkas negativt av dessa sjukdomar och symtom som uppkommer i samband med dessa sjukdomar. Pacemakeroperation är en av behandlingsalternativ med syfte till att förbättra hjärtats funktion och rytm. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa patienters erfarenheter av att leva med pacemaker. Metod: En litteraturbaserad metod baserat på fem kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar med inriktning på patientperspektivet. Resultat: Patienter upplever oro och rädsla direkt efter pacemakerimplantation, efter en viss tid dessa problem försvinner. Första året efter implantationen patienter får stöd av sina familjemedlemmar. Pacemakerimplantation var ett sätt att behålla patientens krafter och skydda deras liv. Pacemaker var en trygghets apparat för ett bra liv utan yrsel och svimningsanfall . Patienter upplever förändringar i deras kropps utseende, och har obekväma känsla. Begränsningar och förändringar i patientens roll i familjen efter pacemakerimplantation. Patienter upplever oro över sina familjemedlemmar. Ingen förtroende för pacemakers och dess teknik en del patienter upplevde. Vissa patienter accepterar pacemaker och upplever den som en del av deras kropp. Konklusion: Erfarenheter som patienter med pacemaker har är individuell, därför är det viktigt att sjuksköterskan bemöter dessa erfarenheter och utformar omvårdnaden utifrån patientens individuella behov. / Background: The cardiovascular system can be affected by a large number of diseases that take the lives of millions yearly. Patients' lives are affected by symptoms that occur in connection with these diseases. Pacemaker surgery is one of the treatment options that aims to improve the heart's function and rhythm. Aim: Patients' experiences of living with pacemakers. Method: A literature based method on five qualitative scientific articles focusing on the patient perspective. Findings: Patients experience anxiety and fear immediately after pacemaker implantation, which after a certain time disappear. Pacemaker implantation was a way to retain the patient's strength and protect their lives. It was a safety device for a good life without dizziness and fainting spells. Patients experience changes in their body appearance, and feel uncomfortable. Limitations and changes in the patient's role in the family after pacemaker implantation were seen as well as anxiety about their family members. Little confidence in pacemakers and its technology was experienced by a few patients, while others accept the pacemaker and experience it as part of their body. Conclusion: Experience that patients with pacemakers have is individual, therefore it is important that the nurse responds to these experiences and designs the care based on the patient's individual needs.

Qualidade de vida do portador de marcapasso cardíaco definitivo: antes e após implante / Quality of life of permanent cardiac pacemaker patients: before and after the pacemaker implant

Brasil, Virginia Visconde 27 April 2001 (has links)
A estimulação cardíaca artificial que utiliza o marcapasso cardíaco definitivo é uma das alternativas para o tratamento das arritmias. Entretanto, o uso do marcapasso tem provocado reações singulares e alterações nos hábitos de vida dos portadores, o que, indiretamente, pode afetar sua qualidade de vida. Este estudo teve por objetivo verificar como o paciente portador de marcapasso cardíaco definitivo avalia sua qualidade de vida antes e após o implante do marcapasso. Foram entrevistados 80 pacientes imediatamente antes e após quatro meses de implante. Para avaliação da qualidade de vida, utilizou-se o Índice de Qualidade de Vida (IQV) de Ferrans e Powers: versão cardíaca (1992), que foi traduzido e adaptado para portadores de marcapasso. A maioria dos pacientes era do sexo masculino (65,5%), maior que 61 anos (52,5%) e referiu como principais sintomas falta de ar (62,5%), cansaço (51,3%), tontura (45,0%), precordialgia (42,5%) e dor ou edema nas pernas (41,3%). Os demais sintomas referidos no pré-implante foram palpitação (26,3%), fraqueza (26,3%), síncope / desmaio (21,3%), turgor jugular (5,0%), inapetência / insônia (5,0%), hipertensão / nervosismo /suor frio (5,0%), cefaléia (3,8%). Todos os sintomas regrediram significativamente após o implante, exceto o turgor jugular. Dentre as atividades que deixaram de fazer pós-implante, 25,0% deixaram de pegar peso e 23,3% de trabalhar. O uso de eletrodomésticos foi mantido por 60,0% dos pacientes, 25,0% deixaram de usar ferro elétrico, 13,4% não usam mais chuveiro elétrico e 10,0% não usam mais telefone celular nem ligam a televisão. Os incômodos referidos por serem portadores de marcapasso foram atrapalhar o sono, interferir no trabalho, gerar medo, dor no sítio do gerador e interferência das pessoas na própria vida. As variáveis que mais influenciaram na mudança da qualidade de vida foram as dos Domínios \"Saúde e Funcionamento\" e \"Psicológico / Espiritual\" do IQV. Conclui-se que existe diferença entre a qualidade de vida antes e após o implante de marcapasso cardíaco definitivo, sendo maior, o Índice de Qualidade de Vida após o implante (14,88 versus 17,43) / The artificial cardiac pacing is one of the alternatives for arrhythmias treatment using the permanent cardiac pacemaker. It had provoked some peculiar reactions and changes in the life style of the patients, which can affect their quality of life indirectly. The aim of this study was to verfy how the pacemaker patients evaluate their quality of life before and after the pacemaker implant. It was interviewed 80 patients right before the implant and 4 months after the surgery. It was used the Quality of Life Index: cardiac version of Ferrans & Powers (1992), which was translated and adapted for pacemaker patients. The majority of the patients were male (65,0%), over 61 years old (52,5%) and reported symptoms such as breathless (62,5%), tiredness (51,3%), dizziness (45,0%), precordialgia (42,5%), leg ache or leg edema (41,3%), palpitation (26,3%) and weakness (26,3%). The other symptoms referred were syncope (21,3%), jugular turgor (5,0%), inappetence / sleeplessness (5,0%), hypertension / nervosism / cold sweating (5,0%), cephalea (3,8%). All the symptoms reduced siginificantly, except the jugular turgor. Among the activities they quit after the implant, 25,0% quit carrying heavy things, 23,3% quit their jobs and 31,7% didn´t stop doing anything. The use of house wares was not altered for 60,0% of the patients, 25,0% stopped doing ironing, 13,4% quit taking electric shower and 10,0% neither use cellular phone nor feel confortable in setting TV. The pacemaker patients reported that what most bothered them were the sleep disturbing, the pain in the pacemaker setting, to have fear, the interference in their work and people interference in their own lives. The most influential variables in the quality of life changes were the ones from \"Health and Functioning\" and \"Psychological / Spiritual\" dimensions of the Quality of Life Index. It was concluded that there is difference between the quality of life before and after permanent cardiac pacemaker implant, and the Quality of Life Index is higher after the implant (14,88 versus 17,43)

Upplevelser av livskvalitet i samband med en pacemakeroperation : En litteraturstudie

Engelmark, Emilia, Johansson, Elin January 2009 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this literature study was to describe how patients experience their quality of life while undergoing a pacemaker implantation. Searches were carried out in the databases Academic Search Elite, Ebsco Host, Pub Med, Pub Med Central, Science Direct and manually. Keywords used were quality of life, treatment outcomes, emotions, pacing and life. This resulted in nineteen peer rewieved articles that were selected for the study results. The results showed that patients undergoing a pacemaker implantation experienced an improvement in their physical health with increased functional status, more energy and strength. From a psychological perspective, some patients experienced an improvement in quality of life while others felt worried and depressed. A common factor among the patients was anxiety and insecurity concerning daily routine activities. The amount of time passed after the pacemaker implantation was also a common factor that had impact on how patients experienced their physical and psychological health. To get a deeper knowledge and understanding when meeting patients undergoing a pacemaker implantation it is important that more research, especially qualitative, is carried out.</p>

Upplevelser av livskvalitet i samband med en pacemakeroperation : En litteraturstudie

Engelmark, Emilia, Johansson, Elin January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this literature study was to describe how patients experience their quality of life while undergoing a pacemaker implantation. Searches were carried out in the databases Academic Search Elite, Ebsco Host, Pub Med, Pub Med Central, Science Direct and manually. Keywords used were quality of life, treatment outcomes, emotions, pacing and life. This resulted in nineteen peer rewieved articles that were selected for the study results. The results showed that patients undergoing a pacemaker implantation experienced an improvement in their physical health with increased functional status, more energy and strength. From a psychological perspective, some patients experienced an improvement in quality of life while others felt worried and depressed. A common factor among the patients was anxiety and insecurity concerning daily routine activities. The amount of time passed after the pacemaker implantation was also a common factor that had impact on how patients experienced their physical and psychological health. To get a deeper knowledge and understanding when meeting patients undergoing a pacemaker implantation it is important that more research, especially qualitative, is carried out.

l'utilisation des cellules souches pour créer une pacemaker cardiaque biologique

Kanani, Sandra 15 December 2005 (has links) (PDF)
En étudiant des modèles de cellules souches, nous avons montré que l'induction des oscillations dans des myocytes ventriculaires normaux inexcitables n'est pas possible en les connectant à des cellules souches. Jusqu'à aujourdhui, cette induction n'a jamais été démontrée même sous de bonnes conditions. Les résultats référencés [5],[4] ne font apparaître qu'une augmentation de la fréquence d'oscillation (soit dans les cellules en culture, soit dans le coeur).<br />Les oscillations ne deviennent possibles que pour les myocytes qui ont un seuil d'excitation des oscillations induites bien plus bas que la normale. Seules les méthodes qui diminuent le niveau d'expression de courant IK1 donnent des résultats. <br />Il existe une autre approche, qui consiste à ne pas connecter directement les cellules souches à des myocytes, mais à d'autres types de cellules cardiaques avec un seuil d'excitation très bas. De cette façon, des oscillations sont induites sans avoir à modifier le courant IK1 . Ces cellules transitoires pourront être des cellules AV node, de Purkinje ou des cellules voisinant SA node.<br />Pour amener un tissus cardiac à oscillation, les pacemakers artificiels de petite taille exigent des courants d'une magnitude bien plus élevée que dans les expériences menées avec des paires de cellules ou des cultures. Pour éviter ce problème, la taille des pacemakers artificiels doit être plus grande que la constante électrotonique ?<br />Pour le courantpacemaker, la plupart des expérimentateurs ont l'habitude de ne mesurer que l'inactivation. Cette seule mesure ne suffit pas pour étudier les oscillations. Les définitions incluant à la fois inactivation et activation du courant pacemaker doivent prévaloir contrairement à la tradition dans le domaine.

Role of Ca^<2+> Release from Sarcoplasmic Reticulum in Pacemaker Activity of the Sinoatrial Node

HONJO, Haruo, INADA, Shin, NIWA, Ryoko, SHIBATA, Nitaro, MITSUI, Kazuyuki, BOYETT, Mark R., KAMIYA, Kaichiro, KODAMA, Itsuo 12 1900 (has links)

Self supervision as a method for detecting impending cardiac pacemaker failure a research report submitted in partial fulfillment ... /

McHugh, Mary L. January 1978 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Michigan, 1978.

Implanted cardiac pacemakers and body image a quasi- experimental study a research report submitted in partial fulfillment ... /

Cusack, Mary Ann. January 1979 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Michigan, 1979.

The cardiac patient's concept of his pacemaker as it relates to his adjustment

Doughty, Susan Emily Davis. January 1975 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Wisconsin, School of Nursing. / eContent provider-neutral record in process. Description based on print version record.

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