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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kaltė kaip santuokos nutraukimo pagrindas / Fault as the grounds for divorce

Seniut, Irina 27 June 2014 (has links)
Šis magistro darbas skirtas kaltės kaip santuokos nutraukimo pagrindo analizei. Darbas suskirstytas į tris pagrindines struktūrines dalis. Pirmoji dalis skirta nagrinėti kaltės dėl santuokos nutraukimo sampratai šeimos teisėje. Didelis dėmesys šioje dalyje skiriamas Civiliniame kodekse pateiktų nuostatų dėl sutuoktinio kaltės apibrėžimo išaiškinimui. Taip pat nagrinėjami kaltės dėl santuokos nutraukimo įrodinejimo ypatumai bei išanalizuojami kaltės kaip instituto taikymo tikslai santuokos nutraukimo bylose. Kitoje dalyje nagrinėjama vieno iš sutuoktinių kaltės įtaka santuokos nutraukimo tvarkai, siekiant išsiaiškinti bylų dėl santuokos nutraukimo dėl vieno iš sutuoktinių kaltės negrinėjimo ypatumus. Skiriamas dėmesys ir taikinimo procedūros bei laikinųjų apsaugos priemonių taikymui nutraukiant santuoką vieno iš sutuoktinių kaltės pagrindu. Trečioji darbo dalis skirta vieno iš sutuoktinių kaltės konstatavimo santuokos nutraukimo bylose pasekmėms nagrinėti. Šioje darbo dalyje didžiausias dėmesys skirtinas kaltės dėl santuokos nutraukimo konstatavimo įtakos sutuoktinių turto padalijimui, išlaikymo priteisimui, vedybų sutarties taikymui, analizei. Trečioje dalyje taip pat nagrinėjama kaltės įtaka sutuoktinių neturtinėms teisėms ir pareigoms bei turtinės ir neturtinės žalos atlyginimo ypatumai nutraukiant santuoką vieno iš sutuoktinių kaltės pagrindu. / Fault as the grounds for divorce is analyzed in this Master’s paper. The paper is divided into three major sectiones. A thorough analysis of the concept of fault in family law is provided in the first part of this paper. The biggest attention in this section is paid to the interpretation of the definition of the spouse’s fault provided in the Civil Code of The Republic of Lithuania. The examination of the evidense in such cases and the objectives of the institute of fault divorce is also being analyzed in this section. Specific features of divorce on the fault grounds are analyzed in the second section in order to clarify the procedure of using spouse’s fault as the reason for divorce. It also includes the examination of conciliation procedure and some interim measures that can be taken in order to protect the other spouses interests and rights. A thorough analysis of the consequences of fault divorce is provided in the last section. Each type of the consequences is analyzed separately. The biggest attention is given to the effect of getting divorce based on fault grounds on marital property division, spousal maintenance, marriage contract as well as the influence of the fault of one spouse on moral rights and obligations and the possibility to compensate property and moral damages caused by other spuoses fault behavior.

Įskaitymas, kaip prievolės pasibaigimo pagrindas, ir jo taikymas teismų praktikoje / A set-off as a ground for discharge of obligations and its application in court practice

Budrys, Renaldas 09 July 2011 (has links)
Summary. A set-off as a ground for discharge of obligations and its application in court practice. The law of set–off provides another example of haw our modern legal thinking is still unconsciously dominated by Roman law. Both in modern and in Roman law are the rules relating to compensatio or set-off – from purely dogmatic point of view probably the most interesting manner of terminating an obligation. The law of set-off is based on tradition reaching back to Roman law. Nowadays, it should be noted that set-off is very considerable practical significance, on both a national and international level, it covers an enormous range of situations. The law of set-off is used in private and in public law too. Though, the law of set-off is used in many cases, but set-off has not traditionally been a topic to which a large amount of scholarly attention has been devoted. Because of this vacancy we decided to write this topic - A set-off as a ground for discharge of obligations and its application in court practice. Purpose of this topic was: • Determinate the background institution of set-off; • Discuss the articles 6.130 – 6.140 of our civil code; • Determinate how the law of set-off is used in our courts practice. • Discuss problematical aspects the institution of set-off; • Show different regimes concerning the effect of set-off. The law of the set-off was regulated in 1964 civil code, but this regulation was incomplete. Our new civil code became operative in 2001. This civil code... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Summary. A set-off as a ground for discharge of obligations and its application in court practice. The law of set–off provides another example of haw our modern legal thinking is still unconsciously dominated by Roman law. Both in modern and in Roman law are the rules relating to compensatio or set-off – from purely dogmatic point of view probably the most interesting manner of terminating an obligation. The law of set-off is based on tradition reaching back to Roman law. Nowadays, it should be noted that set-off is very considerable practical significance, on both a national and international level, it covers an enormous range of situations. The law of set-off is used in private and in public law too. Though, the law of set-off is used in many cases, but set-off has not traditionally been a topic to which a large amount of scholarly attention has been devoted. Because of this vacancy we decided to write this topic - A set-off as a ground for discharge of obligations and its application in court practice. Purpose of this topic was: • Determinate the background institution of set-off; • Discuss the articles 6.130 – 6.140 of our civil code; • Determinate how the law of set-off is used in our courts practice. • Discuss problematical aspects the institution of set-off; • Show different regimes concerning the effect of set-off. The law of the set-off was regulated in 1964 civil code, but this regulation was incomplete. Our new civil code became operative in 2001. This civil code... [to full text]

Reduplikuotiniai lietuvių kalbos žodžiai / Reduplicative words in lithuanian language

Uselytė, Jurgita 22 June 2005 (has links)
Reduplication is a morphological process in which the root or stem of a word, or part of it, is repeated. Reduplication is used both inflectionally to convey a grammatical function, such as plurality, intensification, etc., and derivationally to create new words. It is found in many languages, though its importance and productivity varies. Reduplication is often described phonologically in two different ways: (1) as reduplicated segments (i.e. sequences of consonants/vowels) or (2) as reduplicated prosodic units (i.e. syllables or morae). In addition to phonological description, reduplication often needs to be described morphologically as a reduplication of linguistic constituents (i.e. words, stems, roots). As a result, reduplication is interesting theoretically as it involves the interface between phonology and morphology. Reduplication often involves copying only once. However, in some languages, reduplication can happen more than once (and thus a duple is not created). Triplication is the term for copying three times (i.e. in Lithuanian language av av av; dū dū dū; bum bum bum; plest plest plest). Full reduplication involves a reduplication of the entire word (i.e. nunù, riri, rururù, ka-ka). In Lithuanian there are two types of fullreduplication: word reduplication (i.e. baubau, bė́bė; bobõ; būbū), syllable reduplication (i.e. girkšt girkšt, jo jo, kepu kepu). Partial reduplication involves a reduplication of only part of the word, eg. papákšt (veiksmažodis pakštelėti)... [to full text]

Sankasų įrengimo technologijų modeliavimas įvertinant vietos sąlygas / Modelling of subgrade design and construction technologies taking into account local conditions

Černiavskij, Aleksandr 22 July 2008 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe nagrinėjama geležinkelio pagrindo, tai yra žemės sankasų įrengimų technologija įvertinant vietos sąlygas. Sukuriami du žemės sankasų modeliai ant sauso pagrindo iš molingųjų ir drenuojančių gruntų, taip pat du modeliai durpynuose iš drenuojančių ir dulkingųjų gruntų, kurių gylis 4 m. Remiantis šiuo metu egzistuojančiais įkainiais buvo įvertintos pylimų iš skirtingų gruntų įrengimo kainos. Pylimams ant sauso pagrindo buvo sudarytas daugiakriteris sprendimo priėmimo uždavinys ir išspręstas 4 būdais: SAW, AHP, TOPSIS, MCDM-23. Naujausi darbai esantys mokslinių duomenų bazėse, Lietuvos institucijų pateikiama informacija, bei kita medžiaga internete tiriama analizės būdu; alternatyvų rodiklių reikšmės nustatomos remiantis praktika, bei kokybiniais mokslinio tyrimo metodais. Atlikus tyrimus priėita išvada, kad žemės sankasas 1 – o tipo geležinkeliams ant tvirto pagrindo arba pelkėse ekonomiškiau įrenginėti i�� dulkingųjų ar molingųjų gruntų. Darbą sudaro 7 dalys: 1) įvadas, 2) geležinkelių sankasų įrengimo reikšmė, 3) sankasų įrengimo technologinės alternatyvos, 4) skirtingų sankasų įrengimo technologijų modeliavimas, 5) daugiakriterių sprendimų priėmimo metodų aptarimas ir parinkimas, 6) išvados, 7) literatūros sąrašas. Darbo apimtis – 101 puslapių. / The master thesis covers the analysis of technology regarding the rail foundation or rail bed mounting in consideration of local conditions. Two rail bed models are designed over the dry foundation made of clayey and drained soil as well as two models in peatery made of drained and dusty soil at a depth of 4 m. The prices for mounting of embankment by using various soils were estimated with reference to the current prices. The thesis defined a multiple criteria task concerning the embankments over the dry foundation, which was solved in four ways: SAW, AHP, TOPSIS, MCDM-23. The new articles in academic databases, the information provided by Lithuanian institutions, and other material found in the Internet were examined with a help of analysis: the values of alternative indexes are determined in accordance to the practice and qualitative research methods. Research revealed that it is more efficient to mount the rail beds by utilizing drained and dusty soil over the solid foundation or in the peatery in case of the rails of the 1st type. The thesis consist of 7 sections: 1) introduction, 2) the importance of rail beds mounting, 3) technological alternatives for the rail beds mounting, 4) modeling of technologies for the different beds, 5) selection and consideration of multiple criteria solutions, 6) conclusions, 7) reference list. Thesis consist of 101 pages.

Jungtinių Tautų taikos palaikymo misijų teisinis reglamentavimas / Legal Regulation of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations

Mikšytė, Lina 07 February 2011 (has links)
Šiame magistriniame darbe autorė analizuoja Jungtinių Tautų taikos misijų teisinį reglamentavimą. Autorės iškeltas darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti taikos misijų rūšių teisinius pagrindus, pamatinius taikos principus ir atskleisti praktikai būdingas problemas. Darbą sudaro dvi dalys. Pirmosios dalies pirmame poskyryje pateikiamas Jungtinių Tautų taikos misijų istorinis vystymasis nuo Šaltojo karo iki šių dienų, išskiriamos skirtingos taikos misijų rūšys. Antrame poskyryje analizuojamas Jungtinių Tautų taikos misijų rūšių teisinis pagrindas, trečiajame ‒ atribojama pagrindinių Jungtinių Tautų organų kompetencija, vykdant saugumo politiką. Analizei naudojama Jungtinių Tautų Chartija, Tarptautinio Teisingumo Teismo praktika. Ketvirtajame poskyryje autorė pateikia trijų pamatinių taikos principų turinio analizę. Antroji dalis skirta praktinėms taikos misijų problemoms. Analizuojant Jungtinių Tautų Organizacijos oficialius dokumentus, pateikiamos tradicinių taikos misijų Konge, platesnio masto taikos misijų Bosnijoje ir Afganistane esminės teisinio pagrindo ir pamatinių taikos misijų principų taikymo problemos. Paskutiniame poskyryje analizuojamas Lietuvos valstybės dalyvavimas taikos misijose: a) pateikiama nacionalinių teisės aktų, susijusių su Lietuvos dalyvavimu taikos operacijose teisinė analizė; b) Lietuvos vadovavimas Afganistano Goro provincijos atkūrimui. Darbo pabaigoje autorė pateikia teisinio reglamentavimo ir praktinių problemų išvadas. Pagrindinės praktikoje sutinkamos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In this paper the author performs analysis of United Nations peacekeeping legal regulation. The author’s goal ‒ to analyze legal basis of different kinds of peacekeeping operations, fundamental peacekeeping principles and disclose typical problems in practice. The work is divided in two parts. First part begins with section devoted to historical development of peacekeeping missions ‒ from the Cold War to the present, and classification of peacekeeping missions. In the second section the author analyses legal basis of different types of peacekeeping operations. The third section comprises separation of powers of the main United Nations organs, while conducting security policy. Furthermore, the author analyses The Charter of The United Nations and the practice of The International Court of Justice. The fourth section consists of content analysis of three substantial peacekeeping principles. In the second part the practical peacekeeping challenges are analysed. The author reviews Official United Nations documents and raises problems related to application of legal basis and fundamental principles of traditional peacekeeping in Congo and wider peacekeeping operations in Bosnia and Afghanistan. The second part is concluded by legal analysis of Lithuanian participation in peacekeeping operations: a) national legislation related to the participation in peacekeeping operations b) Lithuania’s leadership in one of Afghanistan province – Ghor ‒ reconstruction. At the end, the author... [to full text]

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