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Anti-Neoplastic Effects of Extracts from Gnaphalium gracile on Colon, Pancreatic, and Prostate Cancer CellsCanter, Joshua R 01 May 2015 (has links)
Over 4,000 flavonoids have been identified, and among these, many of them are known to possess cardioprotective, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antitumor effects. However, most of these properties have yet to be fully understood. In this study, extracts from Gnaphalium gracile, thought to possess a mixture of flavonoids, have been tested for cytotoxic activity on pancreatic (MiaPaca, Panc28), colon (HCT-116, Caco-2), and prostate (PC3, LNCaP), cancer cell lines. Polar extracts from the leaves of G. gracile have the most cytotoxic effect on these cancer cell lines, particularly the prostate cancer cell lines PC3 and LNCaP. Evidence suggests the extracts have antineoplastic effects on these cancer cells lines possibly due to differentiation status on pancreatic and colon cancer, but not prostate cancer. Cytotoxic activity is not dependent on tumorigenic potential. Further research is needed to identify the bioactive compounds within these extracts.
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Inhibition of peroxide removal systems and ascorbate-induced cytotoxicity in pancreatic cancerVan Beek, Hannah 01 May 2016 (has links)
Compared to normal cells, cancer cells tend to have higher concentrations of reactive oxygen species (ROS) such as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) due to an accelerated cellular metabolism. The high ROS content leaves cancer cells increasingly susceptible to oxidative stress-induced cell death. This susceptibility can be manipulated in selective cancer therapy by further increasing production of ROS or inhibiting peroxide removal systems or a combination of the two.
Pharmacological ascorbate (high-dose intravenous ascorbate) has been shown to sensitize pancreatic cancer to ionizing radiation (IR) by increasing production of ROS such as H2O2. Glutathione reductase (GR) and thioredoxin reductase (TrxR) are both important enzymes in peroxide removal systems. GR and TrxR function to recycle key electron donors in the cellular removal of H2O2. We hypothesized that inhibiting the peroxide removal systems via inhibition of GR and TrxR would enhance ascorbate-induced cytotoxicity in pancreatic cancer cells.
Inhibition of TrxR activity enhanced ascorbate-induced cytotoxicity in MIA PaCa-2 pancreatic cancer cells. Additionally, knockdown of GR protein expression in combination with pharmacological ascorbate treatment increased MIA PaCa-2 pancreatic cancer cell sensitivity to IR. In MIA PaCa-2 and 403 F1 patient-derived pancreatic cancer cells, inhibition of both TrxR and GR activity combined with pharmacological ascorbate enhanced radiosensitivity. However, this effect was not seen in 339 patient-derived pancreatic cancer cells treated with the same dose of ascorbate. In conclusion, inhibition of TrxR activity, GR activity, or both enhances radiosensitivity and ascorbate-induced cytotoxicity in some, but not all, pancreatic cancer cell lines. Treatments combining ascorbate with inhibition of H2O2 removal may be an effective strategy for treatment of pancreatic adenocarcinoma.
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Développement d'un système autonome de détection et de quantification des microARNs avec une plateforme nanofluidique pour la prise en charge du cancer du pancréas / Development of an autonomous system for the detection and the quantification of microRNAs using a nanofluidic platform for pancreatic cancer detectionCacheux, Jean 12 October 2018 (has links)
85% des patients atteints de cancer du pancréas présentent au diagnostic des formes avancées de la maladie qui empêchent leur prise en charge thérapeutique efficace. Il est donc urgent de mettre en évidence des marqueurs diagnostics permettant de détecter plus tôt ces cancers, mais également leur rechute, afin d'améliorer leur prise en charge. Les miARNs (micro acides ribonucléiques) sont des biomarqueurs du cancer du pancréas, présentant une valeur clinique démontrée pour la détection précoce des tumeurs et le suivi de la réponse au traitement. Cependant, les méthodes actuelles d'extraction et de détection de ces molécules ne sont pas adaptées à une utilisation clinique. Les nouvelles technologies issues des méthodes de micro et nanofabrication ont le potentiel de permettre la mise en place de tests diagnostiques, offrant un haut degré de portabilité et de robustesse, une lecture en temps réel, et à bas coût. Nous proposons ici une plateforme nanofluidique couplée à une détection en fluorescence permettant la mesure en temps réel d'interactions moléculaires en milieu hyper-confiné. Nous décrivons dans un premier temps la plateforme de détection via un modèle théorique à une dimension basé sur la dynamique moléculaire permettant de prédire la capture spécifique des miARNs dans un nanocanal fonctionnalisé. L'originalité du système réside dans une accroche non homogène des miARNs sur la surface du capteur. Ainsi, nous démontrons que l'étude du profil spatial d'hybridation engendré permet de déterminer l'affinité du miARN capturé avec la séquence sonde en une seule étape, sans lavage. Nous démontrons également l'excellente spécificité du biocapteur qui permet la discrimination rapide (moins de 10 minutes) de SND (single nucleotide difference). Les performances du dispositif pour des applications au plus près des problématiques biologiques dans le cadre de la détection du cancer du pancréas sont enfin discutées : les effets de la préparation d'échantillon types biofluides complexes sur l'extraction de miARNs sont étudiés, puis deux approches permettant la détection de miARNs endogènes sont décrites et comparées, conduisant à la détection de miARNs extraits de cultures cellulaires modèles du cancer du pancréas. / 85% of patients affected by pancreatic adenocarcinoma (PDA) are diagnosed at an advanced stage, preventing effective care and curative treatments. Therefore, it is urgent to identify reliable biomarkers for the early detection of disease status, including relapse. MiRNAs (micro ribonucleic acids) are biomarkers of PDA, with demonstrated clinical value for early detection of tumors and monitoring of response to treatment. However, current methods of extraction and detection of miRNA are not compatible with clinical use. New technologies derived from micro and nanofabrication methods have the potential to facilitate the implementation of diagnostic tests, by offering a high degree of portability and robustness, short time to results at low cost. Here, we propose a nanofluidic platform coupled to fluorescence detection for the real time measurement of molecular interactions in a confined environment. We first describe the detection platform via a one-dimension theoretical model based on molecular dynamics to predict the capture of miRNAs into biofunctionalized nanochannels. The originality of the system lies in the non-homogeneous hybridization of miRNA targets onto the sensor. We demonstrate that the analysis of the spatial hybridization profile enables the determination of the affinity of the captured miRNA with the probe sequence in a wash-free single step. We then show the rapid discrimination (less than 10 minutes) of single nucleotide difference (SND) using this strategy. The performance of the device in the context of pancreatic cancer detection is discussed: the effect of sample preparation of complex biofluids is studied and two labeling approaches compatible with the detection of endogenous miRNAs are described and compared, leading to the detection of miRNAs extracted from model cell cultures of pancreatic cancer.
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DNA damage and disruption of cellular bioenergetics contribute to the anti-cancer effects of pharmacological ascorbateBuranasudja, Visarut 01 December 2018 (has links)
The clinical potential of pharmacological ascorbate (P-AscH-; IV delivery achieving mM concentrations in blood) as an adjuvant in cancer therapy is being re-evaluated. At mM concentrations, P-AscH- is thought to exhibit anti-cancer activity via generation of a flux of H2O2 in tumors, which leads to oxidative distress. Here, we use cell culture models of pancreatic cancer, MIA PaCa-2, PANC-1, and 339 cells, to examine the effects of P-AscH- on DNA damage, and downstream consequences, including changes in bioenergetics. We have found that the high flux of H2O2 produced by P-AscH- induces both nuclear and mitochondrial DNA damage. In response to this DNA damage, we observed that poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 (PARP-1) is hyperactivated, as determined by increased formation of poly (ADP-ribose) polymer. Using our unique absolute quantitation, we found that the P-AscH--mediated the overactivation of PARP-1, which results in consumption of NAD+, and subsequently depletion of ATP (potential energy crisis) leading to mitotic cell death. Time-course studies with MIA PaCa-2 cells showed that the level of NAD+ and ATP were reduced by 80% immediately after a 1-h exposure to P-AscH- (4 mM; 14 pmol cell-1); both species returned to near basal levels within 24 h. In parallel with these metabolic and energetic restorations, the lesions in nuclear DNA were removed within 3 h; however, even after 24 h, lesions in mitochondrial DNA were only partially repaired. We have also found that the Chk1 pathway has a major role in the maintenance of genomic integrity following treatment with P-AscH-. Hence, combinations of P-AscH- and Chk1 inhibitors could have the potential to improve outcomes of cancer treatment. Hyperactivation of PARP-1 and DNA repair are ATP-consuming processes. Using a Seahorse XF96 Analyzer, we observed no changes in OCR or ECAR/PPR following treatment with P-AscH-. OCR and ECAR/PPR together indicate the rate of production of intracellular ATP; therefore, the rate of production is unchanged after challenge with P-AscH-. Thus, the severe decrease in ATP is due solely to increased demand. Genetic deletion and pharmacological inhibition of PARP-1 preserved both NAD+ and ATP; however, the toxicity of P-AscH- remained. These data indicate that loss of NAD+ and ATP are secondary factors in the toxicity of P-AscH-, and damage to DNA is the primary factor. These preclinical findings can guide the best use of P-AscH- as an adjuvant in cancer therapy.
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Efeitos de doze semanas de jejum intermitente em ratas Wistar recém-desmamadas. / Effects of twelve weeks of intermittent fasting on freshly weaned female Wistar rats.Bonassa, Ana Cláudia Munhoz 12 November 2018 (has links)
A crescente incidência de disfunções metabólicas, como resistência à insulina e diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (T2DM), está correlacionada com a elevação da ocorrência de obesidade e sobrepeso. Em busca da melhora da saúde e de um corpo ideal segundo os padrões estéticos propagados atualmente, um número cada vez maior de indivíduos adere às dietas da moda que prometem rápida redução do peso corporal, ao invés de adotar uma alimentação balanceada e a prática regular de exercícios físicos. Uma dieta bastante divulgada e até recomendada por profissionais da saúde é o jejum intermitente (JI), que consiste em alternar períodos de jejum de até 24 horas com períodos de ingestão alimentar. Diversos estudos experimentais têm relatado alterações metabólicas em consequência do JI, como modificações da glicemia e da tolerância à glicose, porém, os resultados encontrados na literatura são conflitantes e, além disso, o impacto do jejum intermitente, em longo prazo, sobre as ilhotas pancreáticas ainda não foi devidamente elucidado. Desta forma, o presente estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar os impactos de doze semanas de JI em ratas Wistar. Para tal, ratas Wistar com 30 dias de idade foram distribuídas aleatoriamente em dois grupos: controle, com livre acesso à ração balanceada; e jejum intermitente, submetido a 24 horas de jejum intercalado com 24 horas de livre acesso à ração balanceada. Foi observado que os animais submetidos ao JI, apresentaram menor ganho de peso corporal, redução do comprimento da tíbia e da distância naso-anal, e alteração da composição corporal, incluindo diminuição da massa muscular e aumento do tecido adiposo. Em média, o consumo de ração do grupo JI foi menor, porém, no dia que era disponibilizado alimento, os animais apresentaram hiperfagia o que resultou em grande aumento das dimensões do estômago. O jejum intermitente reduziu os valores plasmáticos do colesterol total, triglicérides, LDL, HDL e glicemia, e aumentou a concentração basal da insulina plasmática, bem como a secreção da insulina após o estímulo com glicose. Foi observada redução significativa da massa de ilhotas pancreáticas e aumento da porcentagem de células dispersas de ilhotas em apoptose. Ainda nas células dispersas de ilhotas pancreáticas, houve aumento do conteúdo de espécies reativas de oxigênio mitocondrial e total, e do peróxido de hidrogênio (H2O2), além de aumento da expressão do sistema antioxidante. Assim, nossos dados sugerem que esse protocolo estudado de 24 horas de jejum intercalados com 24 horas de alimentação à vontade não seja saudável em longo prazo. Mais estudos em longo prazo são necessários para investigar qual seria o melhor protocolo de jejum intermitente de forma a reduzir os efeitos colaterais e melhorar a saúde, para então o JI ser considerado uma boa alternativa para perda e manutenção do peso. / The increasing incidence of metabolic dysfunctions, such as insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), is correlated with increased occurrence of obesity and overweight. In pursuit of improved health and an ideal body according to today\'s aesthetic standards, an increasing number of individuals adhere to fad diets that promise a rapid reduction of body weight, instead of adopting a balanced diet and regular practice of physical exercises. A well-publicized diet and even recommended by health professionals is intermittent fasting (IF), which consists of alternating fasting periods of up to 24 hours with periods of food intake. Several experimental studies have reported metabolic changes as a consequence of IF, such as changes in glucose and glucose tolerance, but the results found in the literature are conflicting and, in addition, the impact of intermittent fasting in the long term on pancreatic islets has not yet been properly elucidated. Thus, the present study aimed to characterize the effects of twelve-week IF on Wistar rats. For this, 30-day-old Wistar rats were randomly assigned to two groups: control, with free access to balanced chow; and intermittent fasting, subjected to 24-hour fast intercalated with 24 hours of free access to the balanced chow. It was observed that the animals submitted to IF presented lower body weight gain, reduced tibia length and naso-anal distance, and altered body composition, including decreased muscle mass and increased adipose tissue. On average, the dietary intake of the IF group was lower, but on the day that food was available, the animals presented hyperphagia which resulted in a large increase in the stomach size. Intermittent fasting reduced plasma levels of total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL, HDL, and glycaemia, and increased basal plasmatic insulin level, as well as insulin secretion after stimulation with glucose. We observed significant reduction in pancreatic islet mass and increase in percentage of islet-dispersed cells in apoptosis. Still in islet-dispersed cells, there was an increase in mitochondrial and total reactive oxygen species content, and of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), in addition to an increase in expression of antioxidant system. Thus, our data suggest that this protocol of 24-hour fasting intercalated with 24-hour feed at will is not healthy in the long run. More long-term studies are needed to investigate the best intermittent fasting protocol in order to reduce side effects and improve health, so IF be considered a good alternative for weight loss and maintenance.
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Le décryptage omique de l'hétérogénéité de l'adénocarcinome pancréatique : de la paillasse au lit du patient / Omics deciphering of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma heterogeneity : from bench to bedsideDuconseil, Pauline 23 February 2018 (has links)
L'hétérogénéité de l'adénocarcinome canalaire pancréatique (ADCP) est l'obstacle majeur au traitement efficace des patients. En effet, les caractéristiques cliniques et la sensibilité aux traitements sont associés à un phénotype donné et sont plutôt régis à un niveau transcriptomique. Nous avons donc analysé le transcriptome de xénogreffes provenant des patients (Patients Derived Xenografts : PDX) lors des biopsies de tumeurs ou de pièces chirurgicales. Après extraction d’ARN, nous avons trouvé une signature moléculaire capable de diviser les patients en deux groupes, en fonction de leur survie. Nous avons également montré que la réponse autraitement pouvait être prédite par l‘analyse transcriptomique. Nous avons ensuite analysé les tumeurs et leurs stromas, et mis en évidence deux soustypesde stromas et deux sous-types de tumeurs, définis par la transcriptomique basée sur l'ARN, ou la méthylation de l'ADN. Nous avons étudié la réponse aux traitements administrés seuls ou en combinaison avec des chimiothérapies de routine. Nous avons mis en évidence des sous-groupes de patients plus chimiosensibles à certains traitements. Tous ces résultats sont encourageants,mais pas encore applicables en pratique clinique. Nous développons maintenant les organoïdes, véritable représentation de la tumeur en 3dimensions. Contrairement aux PDX, les organoïdes nous permettent d'obtenir des résultats rapidement exploitables. Nous pensons que dans un avenir proche, le traitement des cancers du pancréas sera précédé d'une caractérisation moléculaire étendue afin de sélectionner les traitements les plus appropriés et de pouvoir enfin proposer une médecine personnalisée. / Heterogeneity of Pancreatic Ductal AdenoCarcinoma (PDAC) has become the majorimpediment to the effective treatment of patients. Clinical outcome and sensitivity to treatments are associated with a given phenotype and associated at a transcriptomic level. Recent data indicate that studying the expressionof a selected gene set could inform selection of the most appropriate treatments.We areoptimizing this approach by analysing transcriptome of Patient-Derived Xenografts (PDX)from surgical as well as endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration (EUS-FNA)biopsies of tumors, as a source of RNA. We have found a molecularsignature capable of dividing patients into two groups, function of theirsurvival.Independently, we have shown that treatment response pattern can also be foundat a transcriptomic level. We thenanalysed tumors and their stromas, and have found two sub-types of stromas and two sub-types of tumors. These wereindinstinctly defined by RNAseq-based transcriptomics, or DNA methylation. We also studied response to treatments administered alone or incombination to routine chemotherapies. All these results are encouraging, but not yetapplicable in clinical pratice. We are now developing the PDAC Biopsy DerivedPancreatic Cancer Organoids (BDPCO): BDPCO culture represents an excellent source of “exvivo” material. Unlike PDX, which take many months to grow, BDPCO allow us to obtainexploitable material rapidly useful for clinical application. We are convinced that in the near future, the treatment ofpancreatic cancers will be preceded by an extensive molecular characterization of cancercells in order to select the most appropriate treatments.
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Phase I animal safety study of new second generation porphyrin based photosensitizers in the Syrian Golden hamsterWittmann , Johannes , Clinical School - South Western Sydney, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW January 2007 (has links)
Pancreatic cancer kills over 1700 people each year in Australia. In 2000, there were 1908 new cases diagnosed and it remains one of the least treatable malignancies. In the USA, it was the fourth leading cause of cancer death in 2004, with 31,860 new cases and 31,270 recorded deaths. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a novel, potentially useful treatment for locally advanced pancreatic cancer with only limited research and clinical work addressing this until now. PDT induces non-thermal, cytotoxic and ischaemic injury to a targeted volume of tissue. During PDT, a photosensitizer is activated by non-thermal light in the presence of oxygen, generating cytotoxic oxygen species and inducing cellular injury and microvascular occlusion. The aim of this thesis was to conduct an animal safety study using two second generation photosensitizers, talaporfin sodium and verteporfin, to assess the risks of pancreatic PDT by looking at injury to organs adjacent to the pancreas and assessing recovery from PDT treatment of the pancreas. The Syrian Golden hamster animal model was used to compare the results of this research to previous work by other authors. The study design incorporated a number of additional experiments, including quantitative tissue fluorescence techniques, plasma level analysis and histopathology techniques. The methods for the animal safety study were similar to the approach used in the clinical setting and provided vital data on the likely risks and side effects of phototherapy in humans. The first study, looking at talaporfin sodium, found likely risks of duodenal injury, gastric injury and death with a limited effect on normal pancreas at photosensitizer doses likely to be employed for pancreatic cancer PDT. The second study, using verteporfin, found similar results with a more potent effect on the normal pancreas at studied drug doses. Both agents had short drug-light intervals, ranging from 15 minutes to 2 hours, reducing the need for pre-treatment hospitalization and short photosensitivity periods of about one to two weeks. Some animals suffered minor cutaneous photosensitivity injuries. A human pancreatic cancer PDT pilot study is feasible and the risks and complications should be acceptable.
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The role of endoplasmic reticulum stress in beta-cell lipoapoptosisPreston, Amanda Miriam, Clinical School - St Vincent's Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW January 2008 (has links)
Beta-cell failure is a key step in the progression from metabolic disorder to overt type 2 diabetes (T2D). This failure is characterised by both secretory defects and loss of beta-cell mass, the latter most likely through increases in the rate of apoptosis. Although the mechanisms underlying these beta-cell defects are unclear, evidence suggests that chronic exposure of beta-cells to elevated fatty acid (FA) plays a role in disease development in genetically susceptible individuals. Furthermore, it has been postulated that endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress signalling pathways (the unfolded protein response; UPR) play a role in FA-induced beta-cell dysfunction. The broad aim of this thesis was to explore the nature of these relationships. Experiments detailed in this thesis demonstrate that MIN6 beta-cells mount a comprehensive ER stress response with exposure to elevated saturated fatty acid palmitate, but not the unsaturated fatty acid, oleate, within the low elevated physiological range. This response was time-dependent and involved both transcriptional and translational changes in UPR transducers and targets. The differential activation of ER stress in MIN6 beta-cells by saturated, but not unsaturated FA species may represent a mechanism of differential beta-cell death described in many studies with these FA. Furthermore, these experiments describe defects in ER to Golgi trafficking with chronic palmitate treatment, but not oleate or thapsigagin treatment, identifying this as a potential mechanism by which palmitate treatment induces ER stress. Moreover, these studies have shown the relevance to ER stress to a whole body model of T2D by demonstrating UPR activation in the islets of the db/db mouse. In conclusion, studies detailed in this thesis have demonstrated that ER stress occurs in in vitro and in vivo models of beta-cell lipotoxicity and apoptosis. In addition, these studies have identified defects in ER to Golgi trafficking as a mechanism by which palmitate treatment induces ER stress. These studies highlight the importance of ER stress in the development of T2D.
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Modulation of the Immune Response in Concordant XenotransplantationBersztel, Adam January 2003 (has links)
<p>Xenotransplantation, i.e. transplantation between different species, could be a possible solution to the present shortage of organ donors. The immunological response to a xenograft is strong and difficult to suppress. It is driven both by the humoral and cellular part of the immune system. The aim of this thesis was to characterise and modulate this response in a concordant mouse-to-rat model, using both vascularised and non-vascularised grafts.</p><p>Exposure of mouse cells or tissue to the circulation of a rat, either through transplantation or transfusions, easily evoked an immune response, consisting of IgM antibodies. A response that was aimed both at antigens present on mouse mononuclear cells and on erythrocytes. A non-immunosuppressed rat rejected a mouse heart graft within three days. The combined use of cyclosporine A (CyA) and deoxyspergualin (DSG) as immunosuppression prevented the rejection of vascularised heart transplants as well as of non-vascularised pancreatic islet grafts. This acceptance was sustained for the heart transplant also after the termination of DSG treatment, but not for the pancreatic islet graft. Furthermore, a second heart graft was accepted when transplanted under monotherapy with CyA 56-154 days after the first transplantation. This finding was interpreted as a humoral unresponsiveness, which could not be reproduced when the primary heart was substituted with a cellular graft, consisting of pancreatic islets or heart cells, or by blood transfusions. However, the rejection of a mouse heart after blood transfusions occurred in the absence of antibodies directed against mouse erythrocytes, in contrast to the observations in non-transfused animals. This indicates that a partial humoral tolerance restricted to the response against erythrocytes can be induced. This mechanism may offer a possibility to induce total humoral tolerance against a xenograft if the appropriate antigens are administered in conjunction with CyA and DSG.</p>
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Genetic studies of endocrine abdominal tumorsHessman, Ola January 2001 (has links)
<p>Pancreatic endocrine tumors (PETs) occur sporadically or in the familial multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) syndrome, whereas midgut carcinoids are nonfamilial, malignant endocrine tumors of the intestine. For these tumor entities morphological criteria are of limited use for prognostic prediction and selection of treatment. Genetic characterization may give additional information of clinical use and reveal pathways involved in tumor development.</p><p>Molecular genetic alterations in sporadic and MEN1-associated PETs and midgut carcinoids were studied with LOH and mutational analysis. In addition, immunohistochemistry was used to clarify gene expression. Detected genetic aberrations were correlated to the disease course of individual patients.</p><p>Somatic mutations of the<i> MEN1</i> gene at chromosome <i>11q13</i> were detected in 1/3 of sporadic PETs<i>. </i>Moreover, LOH was found in 70% of the lesions. All tumors with somatic <i>MEN1</i> mutations displayed loss of the remaining allele showing that the <i>MEN1</i> gene is involved in development of sporadic PETs.</p><p> Sporadic and MEN1 PETs were analyzed for LOH at <i>3p,</i> <i>11q13</i> and <i>18q</i>. A relation of LOH at <i>11q13</i> and <i>3p</i> to malignancy was found for the sporadic tumors. None of the benign tumors (all of them insulinomas) had allelic loss at <i>3p</i> or <i>11q13</i>, versus 92 % (p<0.01) of the malignant tumors (including malignant insulinomas). 1/4 of both sporadic and MEN1 lesions displayed LOH at <i>18q</i>, without altered <i>Smad4/DPC4</i>.</p><p>Genome-wide LOH screening of MEN1 PETs revealed multiple allelic deletions without general correlation to tumor size or malignancy. All tumors displayed LOH at the <i>MEN1 </i>locus, and 30% on chromosomes 3, 6, 8, 10, 18 and 21. Intratumoral heterogeneity was revealed, with chromosome 6 and 11 deletions in most tumor cells. Chromosome 6 deletions were mainly found in lesions from patients with malignant features. </p><p>A similar genome-wide LOH screening was performed on midgut carcinoids. Deletions at chromosome <i>18q</i> were found in 88% of the tumors indicating a potential tumor suppressor locus.</p>
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