Spelling suggestions: "subject:"parar"" "subject:"horní""
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Analýza frekvenčního naladění lopatek oběžného kola parní turbíny / Frequency analysis of the blades of the steam turbine impellerKrejčí, Jaroslav January 2015 (has links)
The master thesis deals with modal analysis of the blade of the steam turbine impeller. This analysis is made to find the frequency response of the blade in order to predict the dangerous speeds of the steam turbine. At first the problem situation is described. Than follows the research study which is focused on steam turbines and especially on the rotor dynamic systems and the way to ascertain the modal parameters of the dynamic system by experiment. After that the solution of the problem is performed by computational modelling. The results of the computation are analyzed in detail for different variations of the blade length by Campbell diagram. A graph showing dependency between dangerous speeds of the turbine and the blade length is made out of the results. Then the results are verified by experiment and the coefficients of proportional damping are specified. In conclusion the optimal variation of the blade length for the given operational state is determined.
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Roštový kotel s přirozenou cirkulací na spalování směsi dřeva a hnědého uhlí / Grate Boiler for Wood Chips and Coal CombustionLauš, Ladislav January 2015 (has links)
The work deals with the constructional and calculation design of the boiler for burning wood and combustion coal in scale (30/70-coal), in load 50 t/h, parameters of steam output p=7,5 MPa, t=480 °C and a temperature of feed water 105 °C. It is a boiler with natural water circulation by evaporation surfaces. In proposal first steichiometric calculations and enthalpic calculations of air and flue gas are performed. Then it is calculated heat balance, the boiler losses and the thermal efficiency is determined. After designing the combustion chamber and dimensions of pulls are determined. In last chapter the overall energy balance are checked. Drawing documentation of steam boiler is a part of the work.
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Roštový kotel na spalování biomasy o parametrech páry 88 t / h, 9,6 MPa, 520°C / Steam boiler for biomass grate firing ,steam parametrs 88 t / h, 9,6 MPa,520°CHlaváč, David January 2015 (has links)
The thesis deals with steam boiler design of 88 tons per hour capacity and with the outlet steam parameters of 9,6 MPa and 520 °C. Fuel for boiler is wood chips. The main focus of the thesis is on heat calculation, design of dimensions and layout of heat surfaces. The thesis also include drawing of steam boiler.
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Roštový kotel na spalování biomasy / Grate Boiler for Biomass CombustionKopeček, Marián January 2016 (has links)
The thesis includes design of steam boiler burning woodchips with parameters of steam 88 t/h, 9,6 MPa, 520 °C. For these parameters is processed a heat calculation and dimensional design of boiler.
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Návrh kotle na spoluspalování zemního plynu a vysokopecního plynu / Draft boilers for co-firing natural gas and blast furnace gasŠebela, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
The aim of a diploma thesis is design of draft boiler for co-firing blast furnace gas and natural gas. In the first part is made the stoichiometric calculation for the gas mixture. Next is the proposal of combustion chamber and proposal of individual heating surfaces of boiler. Next part contains the thermal calculation and control of individual heating surfaces. Part of the work is also drawing documentation of boiler.
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Parní kondenzační turbína s jedním regulovaným odběrem / Extraction Condensing Steam TurbineDrápela, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis describes a design of condensing steam turbine out of entered data of vapor parameters. There is selected a reaction blading type according to a conception of the company PBS Energo PLC. The turbine has one controlled extraction and three uncontrolled ones. The work also includes a proposal of thermal scheme, bearing and gearbox assignment. Furthermore there is also made a draft design of longitudinal section turbine
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Rekonstrukce parní kondenzační turbíny / Retrofit Steam Condensing TurbineHolečková, Michaela January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is the retrofit of a condensing steam turbine. The thesis obtains a revision of the steam turbine, the reconstruction of steam turbine blades and the basic calculation of bolt torques of the turbine split plane. The master thesis is assigned to a specific retrofit of the steam turbine Lang. In the introductory part the thesis is focused on the turbine description and the basic functions of selected turbine components. The following part deals with the revision and the proposal of repairs for all components and the recommendation of additional modernizations of specific measuring equipments. The analysis of anchoring the stator and rotor blading and their reconstruction is discussed in the next part. In the last part the thesis focuses on the sealing of the turbine split plane and the calculation of the various bolt torques closely linked to the sealing.
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Kondenzační parní turbína / Condensing steam turbineMartynek, Filip January 2017 (has links)
Content of this thesis is design of one-housing condensing steam turbine with two uncontrolled extractions. First part is describing design of balance scheme. Including cycle joints calculation, design of equipment for whole steam and condense cycle. Thesis continues with preliminary and detail design of regulativ stage. Main goal of this part is thermodynamic calculation of flow channel. Second part is describing lubricating oil and cooling system. Contains process description of lubricating oil scheme including calculation, specification of components and pipe branches design. Diploma thesis is finished with detail lubricating oil scheme.
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CFD simulace proudění páry v neregulovaném odběru parní turbíny / CFD simulation flow of steam in the unregulated extraction of steam turbineFilip, Patrik January 2017 (has links)
Diploma thesis named CFD simulation of the steam flow in the unregulated extraction of the steam turbine is about an analysis of the balance piston impact on the area of the steam turbine, where the extraction is located. First part describes basic knowledge of the steam turbine in general. At the end of this chapter, there is a description of the solved steam turbine. Next chapter is about introduction to the CFD. Practical part deals with a construction of 3D models, meshing and setting of the boundary conditions in the program ANSYS CFX. The main part of this thesis summarizes the results of the CFD simulation and stipulates the temperature range on the extraction pipe. In conclusion, there is a recommendation how to determine design temperature of the extraction pipe influenced by the balance piston.
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Návrh turbíny do kombinovaného cyklu / Design turbines to combined cycleVeselý, Petr January 2017 (has links)
The topic of thesis is condensing turbine in gas-steam cycle, which can be divided into four basic parts. A history of gas-steam cycle is described in the beginning. Second part is all about calculation of heat recovery steam generator. Penultimate section deals with calculations of steam turbine parameters and reaction blading type. Last part contains electric power and steam turbine efficiency.
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