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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Des concepts et méthodes associés à la co-circulation des virus dans les populations naturelles d’hôtes à la nécessité d’interdisciplinarité : l’exemple du chat et de ses virus / From concepts and methods associated with viruses’ co-circulation in natural populations to the need for interdisciplinarity : the example of the cat and its viruses

Hellard, Éléonore 06 April 2012 (has links)
De nombreux parasites circulent dans les populations naturelles. Au sein d’un hôte, souvent pluri-infecté, ils peuvent interagir, augmentant ou réduisant le risque d’infection et les symptômes d’autres pathogènes. L’étude de ces interactions commence seulement dans les populations naturelles. Les enjeux sont cruciaux : détecter les interactions d’intérêt, estimer la probabilité de coinfection, comprendre la cocirculation des parasites. La détection des interactions sur le terrain est compliquée par la nature des données (e.g., présence-absence) et les facteurs confondants créant des associations statistiques (fausses interactions). Ce travail visait à mener une réflexion transversale sur ces interactions et le multiparasitisme, avec des applications à des données sérologiques pour 4 virus félins suivis dans des populations rurales de chats domestiques. De nouvelles méthodes de modélisation dynamique et statistique ont été développées pour prendre en compte les facteurs générant de fausses interactions (effet cumulatif de l’âge, facteurs de risque communs) et évaluer le biais des méthodes classiques. Des synergies entre 3 couples de virus félins ont été révélées. On a aussi identifié des caractéristiques comportementales et physiologiques (modes de vie, niveau de testostérone), qui, en modulant l’exposition et la sensibilité aux pathogènes, génèrent une forte hétérogénéité entre les hôtes. Enfin, une vision intégrative des systèmes hôte-parasites est indispensable pour appréhender la complexité des communautés et évaluer l’impact de la multitude d’hôtes, de parasites et d’interactions sur la coévolution, la conservation des espèces et la gestion des maladies infectieuses / Numerous parasites circulate within natural host populations. Within a host, often pluri-infected, parasites can interact, increasing or decreasing the infection risk and/or symptoms’ severity of other pathogens. Studies of such interactions only start in natural populations. Their stakes are high: detecting interactions of interest, estimating coinfection probabilities and understanding the cocirculation of parasites. The detection of interactions in the field is however complicated by the nature of data (often presence-absence) and the existence of confounding factors that can create statistical associations (false interactions). This work aimed at having a cross-cutting reflection on those interactions and on multiparasitism, with applications on a rich dataset of four feline viruses followed in rural populations of domestic cats. New dynamical and statistical modeling methods were developed to take into account factors generating false interactions (cumulative effect of age, shared risk factors) and evaluate the biases of classical methods. Synergies between three pairs of feline viruses were revealed. In addition, we identified behavioral and physiological factors (e.g., way of life, testosterone levels) that, by modulating exposition and/or susceptibility to pathogens, generate strong heterogeneity between hosts. Finally, a more integrative approach to host-parasites systems is proposed. It now appears necessary if one wants to deal with communities’ complexity and further evaluate the impact of multiple hosts, multiple parasites and their interactions on their coevolution, species conservation and infectious diseases management

Etablierung neuer Richtlinien für die Desinfektionsmittelprüfung im Bereich Tierhaltung sowie für die tierärztliche Praxis

Schmidt, Franziska 12 June 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Desinfektionsmittel sind ein elementarer Bestandteil der Tierseuchenbekämpfung und damit auch der Lebensmittelsicherheit. Die Prüfung chemischer Desinfektionsmittel ist Voraussetzung für deren zuverlässige Wirksamkeit und zielgerichteten Einsatz. In Deutschland geschieht dies nach den Richtlinien der Deutschen Veterinärmedizinischen Gesellschaft e.V. (DVG). Seit der ersten Fassung sind die Richtlinien einem ständigen Anpassungsprozess unterworfen. Im Zuge der europäischen Harmonisierung gilt es nun, sich gesamteuropäischen Richtlinien, verfasst durch das europäische Komitee für Normung (Comité Européen de Normalisation) (CEN) anzupassen. Das Thema dieser Arbeit entwickelte sich im Kontext der derzeitigen Diskussion über Verbesserungsvorschläge zu den bestehenden Richtlinien und deren Anpassung an die europäischen Normen. Es wurden je zwei Testviren für die Bereiche Tierhaltung und tierärztliche Praxis ausgewählt, um sie auf Eignung für die Viruzidieprüfung zu testen und gegebenenfalls zu etablieren. Des Weiteren wurde in einem zweiten Teil, in Anlehnung an die Forderungen der europäischen Normen die Prüfung zu vereinfachen, ein alternatives Zellkulturnachweissystem für das Newcastle-Disease-Virus (NDV) geprüft. Die Prüfung der viruziden Wirksamkeit erfolgte mit fünf verschiedenen Grundsubstanzen, gewählt um ein möglichst breites Spektrum an Desinfektionsmittelwirkstoffen abzudecken. Es wurden Glutaraldehyd, Ethanol, Natronlauge, Natriumhypochlorit und Peressigsäure verwendet. Die Versuche wurden mit einer niedrigen Eiweißbelastung und bei einer Temperatur von 20°C durchgeführt. Um eine praxisnahe Situation zu simulieren wurde auf, bereits in den DVG-Richtlinien, verankerten Stahl- und Holzkeimträgertests zurückgegriffen. Als mögliche Prüfviren für die Tierhaltung wurden das Equine Arteritis-Virus (EAV) und das Bovine Virus Diarrhoe Virus verwendet. Bei beiden Viren handelt es sich um weit verbreitete Tierseuchenerreger mit einer großen epidemiologischen Bedeutung. Die Untersuchung von fünf verschiedenen Desinfektionsmitteln erfolgte im Keimträgertest auf Holz. Sowohl EAV als auch BVD stellen ein weniger geeignetes Prüfvirus dar, da beide Viren enorme Titerverluste im Trocknungsvorgang der Holzkeimträger zeigten. Die Viren ließen sich zwar leicht vermehren, aber die erzielten Ausgangstiter reichten nicht aus um die Trocknungsverluste zu kompensieren und aussagekräftige Ergebnisse zu produzieren. Für den Bereich tierärztliche Praxis wurden das Feline Coronavirus (FCoV) und das Murine Parvovirus (MPV) genutzt. FCoV ist ein weltweit in Hauskatzenpopulationen vorkommendes Virus mit einer hohen Seroprävalenz und wurde daher ausgewählt. MPV wurde als Stellvertreter für die, in der Praxis häufig vorkommenden Parvovirusinfektionen gewählt. Es schien ein ideales Modellvirus aufgrund seiner weiten Verbreitung in der Forschung zu sein. Bei beiden Viren erfolgte die Prüfung auf Stahlkeimträgern. Unter Laborbedingungen konnte FCoV ohne Probleme zu hohen Titern vermehrt werden. Es gab keine nennenswerten Trocknungsverluste. FCoV erwies sich als geeignetes Prüfvirus. MPV hingegen ist bedingt durch die langen Versuchszeiten und schwierig auszuwertenden Zellkulturen, sowie wegen der niedrigen Ausgangstiter weniger geeignet als Modellvirus für die Desinfektionsmittelprüfung. Die Anzucht von NDV in Allantoisflüssigkeit von SPF Hühnereiern erschien sehr aufwendig und mit hohem Eiweißfehler belastet. In den Versuchen konnte ein deutlich höherer Eiweißgehalt als in den vergleichend geprüften, in Zellkultur angezogenen Viren nachgewiesen werden. Infolge der Probleme mit der Kultivierung der LMH-Zelllinie und den damit verbundenen langen Wartezeiten bis zur eigentlichen Versuchsdurchführung kann nur eine teilweise Empfehlung, von auf Zellkultur vermehrtem NDV (NDV (ZK)) gegeben werden. Nach Behebung dieser Probleme ist durchaus eine Ablösung, von in Allantoisflüssigkeit angezüchtetem NDV durch NDV (ZK) zu empfehlen. Die Verfälschung der Ergebnisse durch die höheren Eiweißgehalte bei Desinfektionsmitteln mit deutlichem Eiweißfehler könnten so vermieden werden.

Oncolytic viruses cancer therapy

Zeicher, Marc 21 October 2008 (has links)
Wild-type viruses with intrinsic oncolytic capacity in human includes DNA viruses like some autonomous parvoviruses and many RNA viruses. Recent advances in molecular biology have allowed the design of several genetically modified viruses, such as adenovirus and herpes simplex virus that specifically replicate in, and kill tumor cells. However, still several hurdles regarding clinical limitations and safety issues should be overcome before this mode of therapy can become of clinical relevance. It includes limited virus spread in tumor masses, stability of virus in the blood, trapping within the liver sinusoids, transendothelial transfer, and/or vector diffusion of viral particles to tumor cells, limited tumor transduction, immune-mediated inactivation or destruction of the virus. For replication-competent vectors without approved antiviral agents, suicide genes might be used as fail-safe mechanism. Cancer stem cells are a minor population of tumor cells that possess the stem cell property of self-renewal. Therefore, viruses that target the defective self-renewal pathways in cancer cells might lead to improved outcomes.<p>In this thesis, data we generated in the field of oncolytic autonomous parvoviruses are presented.<p>We replaced capsid genes by reporter genes and assessed expression in different types of human cancer cells and their normal counterparts, either at the level of whole cell population, (CAT ELISA) or at the single cell level, (FACS analysis of Green Fluorescent Protein). Cat expression was substantial (up to 10000 times background) in all infected tumor cells, despite variations according to the cell types. In contrast, no gene expression was detected in similarly infected normal cells, (with the exception of an expression slightly above background in fibroblasts.). FACS analysis of GFP expression revealed that most tumor cells expressed high level of GFP while no GFP positive normal cells could be detected with the exception of very few (less than 0.1%) human fibroblast cells expressing high level of GFP. We also replace capsid genes by genes coding for the costimulatory molecules B7-1 and B7-2 and show that, upon infection with B7 recombinant virions, only tumor cells display the costimulatory molecules and their immunogenicity was increased without any effect on normal cells. Using a recombinant MVM containig the Herpes Simplex thymidine kinase gene, we could get efficient killing of most tumor cell types in the presence of ganciclovir, whithout affecting normal proliferating cells. We also produced tetracycline inducible packaging cell lines in order to improve recombinant vectors yields. The prospects and limitations of these different strategies will be discussed.<p>An overview is given of the general mechanisms and genetic modifications by which oncolytic viruses achieve tumor cell-specific replication and antitumor efficacy. However, as their therapeutic efficacy in clinical trials is still not optimal, strategies are evaluated that could further enhance the oncolytic potential of conditionally replicating viruses in conjunction with other standard therapies. <p>Another exciting new area of research has been the harnessing of naturally tumor-homing cells as carrier cells to deliver oncolytic viruses to tumors. The trafficking of these tumor-homing cells (stem cells, immune cells and cancer cells), which support proliferation of the viruses, is mediated by specific chemokines and cell adhesion molecules and we are just beginning to understand the roles of these molecules. Finally, we will explore some ways deserving further study in order to be able to utilize various oncolytic viruses for effective cancer treatment. <p><p> / Doctorat en sciences, Spécialisation biologie moléculaire / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Development of cancer immunotherapy based on parvoviral vectors and hybrid cell vaccination

Cheong, Siew Chiat 16 February 2005 (has links)
Cancer is a worldwide health problem and despite advances in traditional treatments i.e. surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, the cure rate remains disappointing for some cancers. Different novel therapeutic strategies are being developed. In this thesis two nontraditional cancer therapy approaches are studied: gene therapy using viral vectors and antitumour vaccination with dendritic cell - tumour cell (DC/TC) hybrids.<p>We have developed a novel ELISPOT titration method for viral vectors that is based on the actual expression of the transgene in target cells. This method was developed with recombinant parvovirus MVM-IL2, but it should be adaptable for other vectors carrying expression cassettes for secreted transgene products for which antibodies are available. The ELISPOT titration method allows for faster and better quantification of transducing units present in vector stocks as opposed to titration by in situ hybridisation (annexe I). The MVMIL2 vector has shown an anti-tumour effect against melanoma in an immunocompetent mouse model (annexe IV). Previous work concerns photodynamic inactivation of adenoviral vectors for biosafety and an in vivo study in which a synergistic effect of antiangiogenesis gene therapy combined with radiotherapy could be shown (annexes V and VI).<p>DC/TC hybrids have been proposed as cancer vaccines for their simultaneous expression of antigen presentation machinery and tumour associated antigens. Hybrids are classically generated by polyethylene glycol (PEG) or electrofusion. These methods however require special skills and equipment and cause rather high cell lethality. Fusion via the expression of viral fusogenic membrane glycoproteins (FMG), such as the vesicular stomatitis virus-G (VSV-G) (annexe III) or the Gibbon ape Leukemia Virus (GaLV) FMG, have recently been described. We have mainly focussed on the latter. Transduction of cells with GaLV-FMG proved to be a limiting step for an efficient generation of hybrids. On the other hand, constitutive expression of GaLV-FMG leads to lethal syncytia formation in human cells. Therefore we developed a novel fusion strategy for the generation of DC/TC cell hybrids that involves the use of a non-human fusogenic cell line that constitutively expresses the GaLV-FMG. With this method we were able to generate reproducible yields of DC/TC triparental hybrids. The formation of tri-parental hybrids via the fusogenic cell line is an interesting alternative to existing DC/TC fusion methods because of its simplicity and its flexibility in the choice of fusion partners, i.e. autologous or allogeneic DCs and tumour cells.<p>Moreover, the tri-parent hybrid system offers the possibility to further enhance the immune response by the addition of transgenes that code for immuno-modulating factors to the fusogenic cell line (annexe II). / Doctorat en sciences biomédicales / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Studium výskytu genotypů lidského parvoviru B19 u pacientů FN Motol / Human parvovirus B19 genotype study among the patients of Motol Univeristy Hospital

Dubišová, Mária January 2018 (has links)
Parvovirus B19 is a common human pathogen that typically infects erythroid progenitors and causes hematological problems such as anemia and aplastic crises. The clinical presentation depends mainly on the immunological status of the patient. PVB19 can cause serious clinical disorders in immunocompromised patients after transplantation. More than 1500 samples from 90 patients who passed the HSCT in 2015 were tested for the presence of PVB19 in this work. This work describes the incidence of the virus and two typical periods of onset of infection in patients after the transplantation. Although several sources report the negative effect of PVB19 infection on the survival of allogeneic graft patients, this work did not confirm this assertion. Also, the results of this work suggest that allogenic grafts are not the main source for transmission, but that it is likely to be reactivated after long-term persistent or latent PVB19 infections. PVB19 is divided into 3 genotypes. Genotype 1 is the most widespread, genotype 2 is very rare in Europe for the last 10 years, and genotype 3 occurs mainly in tropical localities. This work as the first describes the distribution of genotypes in the Czech Republic. More than 130 samples from 125 PVB19 positive patients, stored in the Motol University Hospital from 2004...

Detecção e caracterização de parvovírus canino e coronavírus canino

Pinto, Luciane Dubina January 2013 (has links)
O parvovírus canino (CPV-2) e o coronavírus canino (CCoV-II) são considerados os principais patógenos responsáveis pela gastroenterite viral aguda em cães filhotes, causando, em alguns casos a alta morbidade e mortalidade, sobretudo em função da capacidade de potencializar infecções por outros agentes. Esses vírus estão distribuídos mundialmente na população canina, sendo responsáveis por diversos surtos em muitos países, sobretudo onde ocorre grande concentração de animais, como em abrigos e canis. O CPV-2 e o CCoV-II foram identificados a partir da década de 1970 e desde então, têm sido detectados em animais clinicamente saudáveis, assim como em cães que apresentam vômitos e diarreia severa. A presente tese tem como objetivo a identificação desses agentes na população canina do Brasil, sendo constituída de dois capítulos distintos: Capítulo 1- Caracterização de cepas de parvovírus canino circulantes no Brasil entre 2008 e 2010 e o Capítulo 2 - Caracterização do coronavírus canino pantrópico no Brasil. No Capítulo 1, foram analisadas amostras de fezes de 144 cães pela reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) para CPV-2, 29,2% (42/144) das amostras foram positivos. Das 42 amostras positivas, 71,4% (30) dos cães tinham sinais de gastroenterite hemorrágica. O sequenciamento de 583 pb do gene VP2 das amostras positivas, identificaram 78,6% (33/42) como CPV-2c, 19% (8/42) como CPV-2b e 2,4% (1/42) como tipo de 2a. A análise filogenética dos CPV-2 encontrados nas amostras brasileiras mostrou que elas são muito semelhantes às de outros países e o CPV-2c tornou-se predominante no Brasil. No Capítulo 2, foram analisadas amostras de órgãos de cinco cães jovens pela transcrição reversa (RT-PCR) para os genes M e S de CCoV-II, sendo que três cães foram positivos para CCoV-II e CPV-2, um foi positivo apenas para CCoV-II e um para o CPV-2 e o outro foi negativo para todos os agentes pesquisados. O sequenciamento dos produtos de amplificação identificou que eles eram CPV-2c e CCoV-IIa. A análise filogenética dos CCoV-IIa circulantes na população canina da região Sul do Brasil mostrou que são semelhantes aos encontrados em outros países. No entanto, os espécimes brasileiros tendem a agrupar-se em um único clado, sugerindo um ancestral comum. Os sinais clínicos e lesões causados pela nova variante de CPV-2 e do subtipo pantrópico CCoV-II foram muito semelhantes entre si, sendo de grande importância a inclusão do diagnóstico diferencial entre esses dois agente virais. Esta foi a primeira caracterização do subtipo CCoV-IIa em cães no Brasil. A detecção e caracterização do CPV-2 e do CCoV-II, que estão circulando atualmente, são essenciais para o entendimento da evolução viral e para o desenvolvimento de medidas de controle e prevenção. / Canine parvovirus (CPV-2) and canine coronavirus (CCoV-II) are considered the major pathogens causing acute viral gastroenteritis in puppies, in some cases with high morbidity and mortality, especially in terms of ability to potentiate infections by other agents. These viruses are distributed worldwide being responsible for outbreaks in many countries, especially where there is high concentration of animals, such as shelters and kennels. The CPV-2 and CCoV-II were identified from the late 1970 and since then have been detected in clinically healthy animals, as well as in dogs with vomiting and severe diarrhea. This work aims the identification of these agents in the canine population of Brazil, comprised by two distinct chapters: Chapter 1- Typing of canine parvovirus strains circulating in Brazil between 2008 and 2010, and Chapter 2- Characterization of pantropic canine coronavirus in Brazil. In chapter 1, stool samples of 144 dogs were analyzed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for CPV-2, 29,2% (42/144) of them were positive. Of the 42 positive samples, 7,4% (30) of the dogs had signs of hemorrhagic gastroenteritis. The sequencing of 583 bp VP2 gene of the positive samples identified 78,6% (33/42) as CPV-2c, 19% (8/42) as CPV-2b and 2,4% (1/42) as type 2a. Phylogenetic analysis of CPV-2 found in the canine population of Brazil, has shown that they are very similar to those of other countries and CPV-2c has become prevalent in Brazil. In Chapter 2 organ samples of five puppies were analyzed by reverse transcription (RT-PCR) for CCoV-II M and S genes, of wich three dogs were positive to CCoV-II and CPV-2, one was positive only to CCoV-II and one for CPV-2 and the other was negative for all the agents searched. The sequencing of the amplification products identified that they were CPV-2c and CCoV-IIa. Phylogenetic analysis of circulating CCoV-IIa in canine population in southern Brazil showed that they are similar to those found in other countries. However, the Brazilian specimens tend to group together in a single clade, suggesting a common ancestor. Clinical signs and injuries caused by the new CPV-2 variant and of pantropic subtype of CCoV-II are very similar to each other, being of great importance for the diagnosis including the differential diagnosis of these two viral agents. This was the first characterization of subtype CCoV-IIa in dogs in Brazil. The detection and characterization of CPV-2 and CCoV-II, that are currently circulating, are essential to understanding the viral evolution and to the development of more effective control and prevention measures.

Investigation of the role of minute virus of mice (MVM) small non-structural protein NS2 interactions with host cell proteins during MVM infection

Miller, Cathy Lea, January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Missouri--Columbia, 2001. / Typescript. Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 172-183). Also available on the Internet.

Detecção e caracterização de parvovírus canino e coronavírus canino

Pinto, Luciane Dubina January 2013 (has links)
O parvovírus canino (CPV-2) e o coronavírus canino (CCoV-II) são considerados os principais patógenos responsáveis pela gastroenterite viral aguda em cães filhotes, causando, em alguns casos a alta morbidade e mortalidade, sobretudo em função da capacidade de potencializar infecções por outros agentes. Esses vírus estão distribuídos mundialmente na população canina, sendo responsáveis por diversos surtos em muitos países, sobretudo onde ocorre grande concentração de animais, como em abrigos e canis. O CPV-2 e o CCoV-II foram identificados a partir da década de 1970 e desde então, têm sido detectados em animais clinicamente saudáveis, assim como em cães que apresentam vômitos e diarreia severa. A presente tese tem como objetivo a identificação desses agentes na população canina do Brasil, sendo constituída de dois capítulos distintos: Capítulo 1- Caracterização de cepas de parvovírus canino circulantes no Brasil entre 2008 e 2010 e o Capítulo 2 - Caracterização do coronavírus canino pantrópico no Brasil. No Capítulo 1, foram analisadas amostras de fezes de 144 cães pela reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) para CPV-2, 29,2% (42/144) das amostras foram positivos. Das 42 amostras positivas, 71,4% (30) dos cães tinham sinais de gastroenterite hemorrágica. O sequenciamento de 583 pb do gene VP2 das amostras positivas, identificaram 78,6% (33/42) como CPV-2c, 19% (8/42) como CPV-2b e 2,4% (1/42) como tipo de 2a. A análise filogenética dos CPV-2 encontrados nas amostras brasileiras mostrou que elas são muito semelhantes às de outros países e o CPV-2c tornou-se predominante no Brasil. No Capítulo 2, foram analisadas amostras de órgãos de cinco cães jovens pela transcrição reversa (RT-PCR) para os genes M e S de CCoV-II, sendo que três cães foram positivos para CCoV-II e CPV-2, um foi positivo apenas para CCoV-II e um para o CPV-2 e o outro foi negativo para todos os agentes pesquisados. O sequenciamento dos produtos de amplificação identificou que eles eram CPV-2c e CCoV-IIa. A análise filogenética dos CCoV-IIa circulantes na população canina da região Sul do Brasil mostrou que são semelhantes aos encontrados em outros países. No entanto, os espécimes brasileiros tendem a agrupar-se em um único clado, sugerindo um ancestral comum. Os sinais clínicos e lesões causados pela nova variante de CPV-2 e do subtipo pantrópico CCoV-II foram muito semelhantes entre si, sendo de grande importância a inclusão do diagnóstico diferencial entre esses dois agente virais. Esta foi a primeira caracterização do subtipo CCoV-IIa em cães no Brasil. A detecção e caracterização do CPV-2 e do CCoV-II, que estão circulando atualmente, são essenciais para o entendimento da evolução viral e para o desenvolvimento de medidas de controle e prevenção. / Canine parvovirus (CPV-2) and canine coronavirus (CCoV-II) are considered the major pathogens causing acute viral gastroenteritis in puppies, in some cases with high morbidity and mortality, especially in terms of ability to potentiate infections by other agents. These viruses are distributed worldwide being responsible for outbreaks in many countries, especially where there is high concentration of animals, such as shelters and kennels. The CPV-2 and CCoV-II were identified from the late 1970 and since then have been detected in clinically healthy animals, as well as in dogs with vomiting and severe diarrhea. This work aims the identification of these agents in the canine population of Brazil, comprised by two distinct chapters: Chapter 1- Typing of canine parvovirus strains circulating in Brazil between 2008 and 2010, and Chapter 2- Characterization of pantropic canine coronavirus in Brazil. In chapter 1, stool samples of 144 dogs were analyzed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for CPV-2, 29,2% (42/144) of them were positive. Of the 42 positive samples, 7,4% (30) of the dogs had signs of hemorrhagic gastroenteritis. The sequencing of 583 bp VP2 gene of the positive samples identified 78,6% (33/42) as CPV-2c, 19% (8/42) as CPV-2b and 2,4% (1/42) as type 2a. Phylogenetic analysis of CPV-2 found in the canine population of Brazil, has shown that they are very similar to those of other countries and CPV-2c has become prevalent in Brazil. In Chapter 2 organ samples of five puppies were analyzed by reverse transcription (RT-PCR) for CCoV-II M and S genes, of wich three dogs were positive to CCoV-II and CPV-2, one was positive only to CCoV-II and one for CPV-2 and the other was negative for all the agents searched. The sequencing of the amplification products identified that they were CPV-2c and CCoV-IIa. Phylogenetic analysis of circulating CCoV-IIa in canine population in southern Brazil showed that they are similar to those found in other countries. However, the Brazilian specimens tend to group together in a single clade, suggesting a common ancestor. Clinical signs and injuries caused by the new CPV-2 variant and of pantropic subtype of CCoV-II are very similar to each other, being of great importance for the diagnosis including the differential diagnosis of these two viral agents. This was the first characterization of subtype CCoV-IIa in dogs in Brazil. The detection and characterization of CPV-2 and CCoV-II, that are currently circulating, are essential to understanding the viral evolution and to the development of more effective control and prevention measures.

Detecção e caracterização de parvovírus canino e coronavírus canino

Pinto, Luciane Dubina January 2013 (has links)
O parvovírus canino (CPV-2) e o coronavírus canino (CCoV-II) são considerados os principais patógenos responsáveis pela gastroenterite viral aguda em cães filhotes, causando, em alguns casos a alta morbidade e mortalidade, sobretudo em função da capacidade de potencializar infecções por outros agentes. Esses vírus estão distribuídos mundialmente na população canina, sendo responsáveis por diversos surtos em muitos países, sobretudo onde ocorre grande concentração de animais, como em abrigos e canis. O CPV-2 e o CCoV-II foram identificados a partir da década de 1970 e desde então, têm sido detectados em animais clinicamente saudáveis, assim como em cães que apresentam vômitos e diarreia severa. A presente tese tem como objetivo a identificação desses agentes na população canina do Brasil, sendo constituída de dois capítulos distintos: Capítulo 1- Caracterização de cepas de parvovírus canino circulantes no Brasil entre 2008 e 2010 e o Capítulo 2 - Caracterização do coronavírus canino pantrópico no Brasil. No Capítulo 1, foram analisadas amostras de fezes de 144 cães pela reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) para CPV-2, 29,2% (42/144) das amostras foram positivos. Das 42 amostras positivas, 71,4% (30) dos cães tinham sinais de gastroenterite hemorrágica. O sequenciamento de 583 pb do gene VP2 das amostras positivas, identificaram 78,6% (33/42) como CPV-2c, 19% (8/42) como CPV-2b e 2,4% (1/42) como tipo de 2a. A análise filogenética dos CPV-2 encontrados nas amostras brasileiras mostrou que elas são muito semelhantes às de outros países e o CPV-2c tornou-se predominante no Brasil. No Capítulo 2, foram analisadas amostras de órgãos de cinco cães jovens pela transcrição reversa (RT-PCR) para os genes M e S de CCoV-II, sendo que três cães foram positivos para CCoV-II e CPV-2, um foi positivo apenas para CCoV-II e um para o CPV-2 e o outro foi negativo para todos os agentes pesquisados. O sequenciamento dos produtos de amplificação identificou que eles eram CPV-2c e CCoV-IIa. A análise filogenética dos CCoV-IIa circulantes na população canina da região Sul do Brasil mostrou que são semelhantes aos encontrados em outros países. No entanto, os espécimes brasileiros tendem a agrupar-se em um único clado, sugerindo um ancestral comum. Os sinais clínicos e lesões causados pela nova variante de CPV-2 e do subtipo pantrópico CCoV-II foram muito semelhantes entre si, sendo de grande importância a inclusão do diagnóstico diferencial entre esses dois agente virais. Esta foi a primeira caracterização do subtipo CCoV-IIa em cães no Brasil. A detecção e caracterização do CPV-2 e do CCoV-II, que estão circulando atualmente, são essenciais para o entendimento da evolução viral e para o desenvolvimento de medidas de controle e prevenção. / Canine parvovirus (CPV-2) and canine coronavirus (CCoV-II) are considered the major pathogens causing acute viral gastroenteritis in puppies, in some cases with high morbidity and mortality, especially in terms of ability to potentiate infections by other agents. These viruses are distributed worldwide being responsible for outbreaks in many countries, especially where there is high concentration of animals, such as shelters and kennels. The CPV-2 and CCoV-II were identified from the late 1970 and since then have been detected in clinically healthy animals, as well as in dogs with vomiting and severe diarrhea. This work aims the identification of these agents in the canine population of Brazil, comprised by two distinct chapters: Chapter 1- Typing of canine parvovirus strains circulating in Brazil between 2008 and 2010, and Chapter 2- Characterization of pantropic canine coronavirus in Brazil. In chapter 1, stool samples of 144 dogs were analyzed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for CPV-2, 29,2% (42/144) of them were positive. Of the 42 positive samples, 7,4% (30) of the dogs had signs of hemorrhagic gastroenteritis. The sequencing of 583 bp VP2 gene of the positive samples identified 78,6% (33/42) as CPV-2c, 19% (8/42) as CPV-2b and 2,4% (1/42) as type 2a. Phylogenetic analysis of CPV-2 found in the canine population of Brazil, has shown that they are very similar to those of other countries and CPV-2c has become prevalent in Brazil. In Chapter 2 organ samples of five puppies were analyzed by reverse transcription (RT-PCR) for CCoV-II M and S genes, of wich three dogs were positive to CCoV-II and CPV-2, one was positive only to CCoV-II and one for CPV-2 and the other was negative for all the agents searched. The sequencing of the amplification products identified that they were CPV-2c and CCoV-IIa. Phylogenetic analysis of circulating CCoV-IIa in canine population in southern Brazil showed that they are similar to those found in other countries. However, the Brazilian specimens tend to group together in a single clade, suggesting a common ancestor. Clinical signs and injuries caused by the new CPV-2 variant and of pantropic subtype of CCoV-II are very similar to each other, being of great importance for the diagnosis including the differential diagnosis of these two viral agents. This was the first characterization of subtype CCoV-IIa in dogs in Brazil. The detection and characterization of CPV-2 and CCoV-II, that are currently circulating, are essential to understanding the viral evolution and to the development of more effective control and prevention measures.

Avaliação da soroprevalência do Parvovírus B19 em mulheres em idade fértil no município de Goiânia / Evaluation of the seroprevalence of Parvovirus B19 in women of reproductive age in Goiânia city

Rios, Washington Luiz Ferreira 28 August 2008 (has links)
Submitted by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2016-10-11T13:21:49Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Washington Luiz Ferreira Rios - 2016.pdf: 1419922 bytes, checksum: b2851f6185570fbdbcac15cb2824ecd4 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2016-10-11T13:22:11Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Washington Luiz Ferreira Rios - 2016.pdf: 1419922 bytes, checksum: b2851f6185570fbdbcac15cb2824ecd4 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-11T13:22:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Washington Luiz Ferreira Rios - 2016.pdf: 1419922 bytes, checksum: b2851f6185570fbdbcac15cb2824ecd4 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-08-28 / The goal of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of specific IgG antibodies against PB19 virus, which identify previous immunity, and IgM antibodies, characteristic of acute infection, in women of childbearing age in Goiânia, a capital city in the Midwestern Region of Brazil. To achieve this, 101 serum samples collected from health women identified via prenatal care services, birth control groups, communitarian work groups, and public night schools near Public Health Units were tested. The samples were stored in the section of Parasitology of the Tropical Pathology and Public Health Institute of the Federal University of Goiás (IPTSP/UFG) and were tested using ELISA (IgM and IgG) against parvovirus B19. The women were evaluated according to several aspects (economic, social, cultural, age, marital status, previous blood transfusion, pregnancy evolution, among others). The statistical tests used were variance analysis,  2 , and multivariance analysis (logistic regression). The results showed that the population analyzed was young, poor, presented low level of formal education, underwent regular prenatal care exams (in terms of number of attendances), and lived in brick houses with few rooms and many inhabitants, with a regular sanitation system. Prevalence of previous PB19 infection was the lowest found in the literature available (8.9%), average prevalence detected was 60%, and acute infection was 26.7%, similar to the one found in periods of epidemics. Furthermore, 25% of the acutely infected women were pregnant during the sample collection, which represented a risk of vertical transmission. / Objetivou-se avaliar a prevalência de anticorpos específicos das classes IgG contra o vírus PB19, identificadores de imunidade prévia, e IgM, característicos de infecção aguda, em mulheres em idade fértil no município de Goiânia. Para isso, foram testados 101 soros coletados em mulheres saudáveis atendidas nos serviços de atendimento pré-natal, controle de natalidade, grupos comunitários e escolas noturnas próximo às Unidades Públicas de Saúde. Os soros estavam armazenados no setor de Parasitologia do Instituto de Patologia Tropical e Saúde Pública da Universidade Federal de Goiás (IPTSP/UFG) e foram testados por ELISA (IgM e IgG) contra o parvovírus B19. As mulheres foram avaliadas sob vários aspectos (econômico, social, cultural, idade, estado conjugal, história de transfusão sanguínea, evolução da gravidez, entre outros). Os testes estatísticos usados foram análise de variância,  2 e análise multivariada (regressão logística). Os resultados mostraram tratar-se de população jovem, carente, com baixo nível de escolaridade, saneamento básico regular, pré- natal regular (em quantidade de consultas), morando em casas de tijolo, porém com poucos cômodos e muitos habitantes. A prevalência da infecção prévia pelo PB19 foi a mais baixa da literatura (8,9%), sendo a prevalência média descrita de 60% e a de infecção aguda de 26,7%, semelhante à encontrada nos períodos epidêmicos. Além do mais, 25% das mulheres agudamente infectadas estavam grávidas no período de coleta, o que representou risco de transmissão vertical.

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