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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Autismus - Použití systémů alternativní a augmentativní komunikace u jedinců s poruchou autistického spektra / Autism - Application alternative and augmentative communication systems at the individuals with pervasive development disorders

Vošická, Edita January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with alternative and augmentative communication systems using at the individuals with pervasive development disorders. Thesis is divided the theoretical and the experimental part. Theoretical part contains mainly informations about communication disability, speech development, diagnosis of communication abilities, alternative and augmentative communication systems and possibilities of aid to the families with child with pervasive development disorder. Experimental part presents research using questionnaire, which was send to the parents or legal representatives with child with pervasive development disorder. The research prepares base for next extensive researchs.

The competency passport as an asset based approach for empowerment in Bosnia-Herzegovina : an empirical case study

Hoflich, Gabriel 11 1900 (has links)
Text in English / This study examines the successes and limitations of the Competency Passport (CP) for the empowerment of unemployed citizens in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). The CP was designed to identify formally, informally and non-formally acquired competencies of people with the help of a counsellor. In the process, the CP uses the asset-based approach which focuses on the strengths of people. The investigation was conducted on the basis of qualitative interviews and a focus group discussion. The results have shown that the CP was able to identify competencies and, thereby, has helped to increase the self-confidence of people. In the area of employment, the impact of the CP showed some limitations as it was not yet sufficiently recognized by the society of BiH. Employers have given little feedback on the CP. The public sector, especially, needs a paradigm shift in the recognition of informally and non-formally acquired competencies by the CP. / Development Studies / M.A. (Development Studies)

La régulation des gestionnaires de hedge funds en droit européen et américain : Enjeux et perspectives. Une étude comparée des régimes juridiques issus de la directive AIFM et du Dodd Franck Act / The regulation of hedge fund advisers under EU and US laws : Challenges and perspectives. An analysis of financial regulation through the prism of the AIFM Directive and the Dodd Franck Act

Rivière, Anne 23 June 2017 (has links)
Plusieurs trillions de dollars d’actifs sous gestion : tel est le poids de l’industrie des hedge funds dans le système financier. Acteurs indispensables des marchés, les hedge funds sont pourtant des créatures méconnues. Réservés aux investisseurs professionnels ou qualifiés, ils ont longtemps tiré partie d’exemptions et échappé à une trop forte contrainte réglementaire. La crise financière de 2008 a bouleversé ce schéma et fait apparaître, en Europe et aux États-Unis, une même volonté d’encadrer davantage ces structures, par le biais de leurs gestionnaires. Aussi cette étude propose-t-elle une analyse comparée des dispositions introduites en la matière par la directive AIFM et par le Dodd Frank Act. Après un nécessaire éclairage sur cette industrie de l’ombre, elle examine les apports des deux textes, les confronte avant d’en dégager forces et faiblesses. Le traumatisme de la crise a fait émerger un double impératif : mieux protéger les investisseurs et prévenir le risque systémique. C’est à la lumière de ces deux objectifs que la seconde partie s’attarde sur le bien-fondé des réformes, leur portée réelle ainsi que leurs limites. Cette vue d’ensemble de la régulation applicable aux gestionnaires de hedge funds est également prétexte à une réflexion plus large sur la régulation financière, ses finalités, ses contours et ses défis. Nous concluons sur une feuille de route pour un acte II de la directive AIFM et formulons plusieurs propositions, en particulier l’interdiction totale de commercialisation auprès d’investisseurs de détail et la création d’une base de données mondiale du risque systémique. / The hedge fund industry manages several trillion dollars in assets. Though they are key players of the financial system, hedge funds remain mysterious creatures. Available only to professional or qualified investors, they managed, for a long time, to take advantage of exemptions and to avoid a heavy regulatory burden. The 2008 financial crisis profoundly changed perspectives and led the European Union and the United States to introduce new regulations targeting hedge funds, through their managers and advisers. This study is a comparative analysis of such regulations, brought about by the AIFM Directive and the Dodd Frank Act. After a brief overview of the industry, both texts are examined and compared so as to identify their respective strengths and weaknesses. Two imperatives emerged out of the crisis: increasing investor protection and preventing systemic risk. In light of these two objectives, part II discusses the validity of the reforms, their scope and their limits. This extensive analysis of hedge fund regulation also leads to broader remarks on financial regulation, its aims, contours and challenges. Finally, a roadmap for a revised version of the AIFM Directive is proposed and concrete measures are suggested, such as the total prohibition of marketing to retail investors and the creation of a global database of systemic risk.

國民黨政府對美國台灣獨立運動之因應(1961-1972) / Strategy of the KMT government on Taiwan independence movement in the United States (1961-1972)

陳昱齊 Unknown Date (has links)
戰後在海外發展的台灣獨立運動,藉由抨擊國民黨政府在台灣的施政、質疑關於台灣地位歸屬中國的論述,對國民黨政府統治台灣的「正當性」與「合法性」構成雙重挑戰。雖然國民黨政府在公開場合中,總是強調所謂的「台獨運動」不過是「一小撮人」的「荒謬主張」,是「分裂祖國」的「險惡陰謀」,這些從事台獨的運動者甚至被稱為「叛國者」;然而,海外台灣獨立運動在1960年代快速發展乃至1970年初,美國、日本、加拿大與歐洲等地台獨組織整合成立「世界台灣獨立聯盟」(World United Formosans for Independence,W.U.F.I),將海外台獨運動帶入另一波新階段卻也是不爭的事實,如此之發展自然非國民黨政府所樂見。在反對任何形式「台獨」的原則下,國民黨政府究竟採取怎樣的因應策略來「對付」此一情勢,便是值得深究的課題,而本文將集中探討美國台獨運動的案例。 本研究將利用各單位所典藏之「外交部檔案」,輔以海外台獨團體所發行的刊物、文宣、時人的回憶錄、口述訪談等資料,試圖以較系統性的方式探討國民黨政府如何從面對突發「海外台獨」案例後,開始摸索因應原則,進而在具體案件中實踐,事後檢討成效、修訂策略,又此歷程中反映出哪一些的侷限與挑戰,國民黨政府又是如何設法(或無法)克服或跨越,乃至確立一套因應機制,整合性地運用各種手法的過程。 本文透過分析一手史料並將視野置於「島外」,不僅為海外台獨運動的發展歷史提供一個「官方觀點」的面向,也為國民黨政府在台灣的統治機制提供一個更全面的觀點。 / By criticizing the KMT rule in Taiwan, questioning the claim about Taiwan being retroceded to China, overseas Taiwan Independence Movement brings double challenges to the KMT government in Taiwan. In public, the KMT government always claims that the so-called “Taiwan Independence Movement” is just an absurd proposition claimed by merely a handful of people as well as a malicious scheme to separate Taiwan from the motherland, and participants in Taiwan Independence Movement are labeled as“seditious elements’’. However, overseas Taiwan Independence Movement grew rapidly in the 1960s. In the early 1970s, groups in the United States, Japan, Canada and Europe worked together to establish the “World United Formosans for Independence’’ (W.U.F.I), which brought overseas Taiwan Independence Movement to a new stage, a fact the KMT government doesn’t want to face. The strategies the KMT government, opposing any type of“Taiwan independence”adopts in response to the situation is a topic deserving in-depth study, and this thesis will focus on the case of the United States. This thesis consults materials such as the archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, magazines, oral materials, memoirs and reminiscences of those who were involved in Taiwan Independence Movement. It resorts to a more systematic methodology to explore how the KMT government faces the challenges that the overseas Taiwan Independence Movement brings about. It attempts to uncover the strategies the KMT government adopts in different stages in the process of dealing with various actions launched by the activists. By analyzing the primary sources and focusing its perspective on events "outside the island ", this thesis not only gives an “official perspective” on the development of the overseas Taiwan Independence Movement, but also provides a more comprehensive viewpoint about the ruling mechanism of the KMT government in Taiwan.

Detecció dels metabòlits del plastificant di(2-etilhexi)l ftalat com a marcadors de l'ús de transfusions en l'esport

Monfort Mercader, Núria, 1983- 19 December 2012 (has links)
El di(2-etilhexil) ftalat (DEHP) és un plastificant que s’afegeix als productes de clorur de polivinil (PVC) per a dotar-los de més flexibilitat. El material mèdic fet de PVC, i en particular els dispositius i bosses que s’utilitzen en les transfusions de sang, conté el DEHP com additiu. Així, el receptor d’una transfusió està altament exposat a aquest compost. L’objectiu de la tesi va ser estudiar els metabòlits del DEHP en orina com a possibles marcadors de la pràctica d’una transfusió de sang en l’esport. Es va desenvolupar i validar un mètode d’anàlisi per cromatografia líquida acoblada a espectrometria de masses en tàndem per a la quantificació dels principals metabòlits del DEHP en orina humana: mono-(2-etilhexil) ftalat (MEHP), mono-(2-etil-5-hidroxihexil) ftalat (MEHHP), mono-(2-etil-5-oxohexil) ftalat (MEOHP), mono-(2-carboximetilhexil) ftalat (2cx-MMHP) i mono-(2-etil-5-carboxipentil) ftalat (5cx-MEPP). El mètode es va aplicar a mostres procedents de voluntaris sans (grup control), de pacients hospitalitzats que havien rebut una transfusió de sang i de pacients hospitalitzats sotmesos a tractaments mèdics amb materials de PVC i no a transfusions. Es van obtenir diferències significatives en les concentracions dels tres metabòlits estudiats (MEHP, MEHHP, MEOHP) entre les mostres dels pacients transfosos respecte els altres dos grups de població. El mètode també es va aplicar a mostres d’orina de vint-i-cinc voluntaris sans que s’havien sotmès a un procediment d’autotransfusió. Els resultats van indicar concentracions elevades dels cinc metabòlits del DEHP en orina fins a les 48 hores després d’haver rebut la sang. Finalment, es van determinar les concentracions dels cinc metabòlits de DEHP en una població d’esportistes i es van calcular límits de referència que permetessin sospitar d’una transfusió. Així doncs, els resultats indiquen que la mesura dels metabòlits de DEHP en orina pot ser usada com una eina pel cribatge de l’ús de transfusions en l’esport. / The plasticizer di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) is used in polyvinyl chloride products (PVC) to increase its flexibility. Medical devices made of PVC, especially blood bags used in blood transfusions, contain DEHP as additive. Therefore, subjects submitted to blood transfusion are widely exposed to this compound. The aim of the project was to evaluate DEHP metabolites in urine as possible markers of the use of a blood transfusion in sports. An analytical method was developed and validated to quantify the main DEHP metabolites mono-(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (MEHP), mono-(2-ethyl-5-hydroxyhexyl)phthalate (MEHHP), mono-(2-ethyl-5-oxohexyl)phthalate (MEOHP), mono-(2-carboxymethylhexyl)phthalate (2cx-MMHP) and mono-(2-ethyl-5-carboxypentyl)phthalate (5cx-MEPP), in human urine by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. The methodology was applied to samples belonging to healthy volunteers (control group), hospitalized patients subjected to blood transfusions and hospitalized patients subjected to medical treatments involving plastic material different to blood transfusions. Significant differences were obtained in the concentrations of the three metabolites studied (MEHP, MEHHP, MEOHP) between transfused patients samples’ and the other two population groups. The method was also applied to urine samples from twenty-five healthy volunteers who were subjected to an autologous blood transfusion. The results indicated high concentrations of the five DEHP metabolites in urine up to 48 hours after the blood transfusion. Finally, the concentration of the five DEHP metabolites were evaluated in a sportsmen population and reference limits to allow suspicion of blood transfusion were calculated. Thus, the results indicate that the DEHP metabolites could be used as markers of blood transfusions in sports.

Návrh rekonstrukce dřevěných konstrukcí stávajícího objektu / The reconstruction design of timber structures of the existing building

Bartlová, Jana January 2015 (has links)
The content of this work was to carry out construction-technical survey of timber structures of the existing building in order to design an appropriate procedure for their reconstruction. The survey showed construction in an unsatisfactory to disrepair, so further work also includes the static calculation of new structures proposed instead of the current. Timber structure in the building has form of staircase, roof and ceiling construction. Newly designed the following types of stairs and roof trusses from which the lower belts are used as ceiling beams. The new proposal also includes possible roofing, roofing options, developed one of them. The work also includes drawings, bill of materials and cost estimate staircase structure and truss. Specialization in the field of civil engineering is represented by drawings of the new truss and passport (view of current state) whole object on parcel ST.74 / 1, land Tišnov (okr.Brno-venkov), the content of which was the basis for this work.

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