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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Agreement of steroid profiles in Athlete Biological Passport residues and corresponding serum samples

König, Simon, Rzeppa, Sebastian, Thieme, Detlef, Keiler, Annekathrin M. 26 February 2024 (has links)
The steroid module of the Athlete Biological Passport (ABP) is based on the analysis of six endogenous steroids in urine samples and a Bayesian statistical approach. However, the urinary steroid concentrations may be affected by confounders like microbial degradation, possible co-administration of diuretics as masking agents, insufficient conjugate hydrolysis or UGT2B17 gene polymorphisms affecting glucuronidation. Therefore, it can be helpful to use other matrices (ABP blood and serum samples) to quantify steroids and thereby support noticeable deviations in the Athlete Biological Passport, for example, abnormally increased urinary testosterone/epitestosterone (T/E) ratios. Aim of the study was to investigate the feasibility to re-use plasma obtained from athlete ABP blood samples for measuring a steroid profile. Therefore, testosterone, androstenedione, cortisol and cortisone were quantified in 36 intra-individual matching ABP blood and serum samples. The steroid levels measured in both matrices showed a high agreement indicating a good stability uninfluenced by storage temperature and duration. Our results pointed out the possibility to expand the athlete ABP blood analysis for steroid profiling.

Realisering Av Digitala Produktpass I Möbelindustrin : Optimering av produktinformation i svensk möbelindustri / Realization of Digital Product Passports in the Furniture Industry : Optimization of Product Information in the Swedish Furniture Industry

Svilenko Bengtsson, Jeff, Areskog, Lukas January 2024 (has links)
Till följd av att Europeiska unionen försöker uppnå de globala klimatmål som ställts i och med Agenda 2030, uppkommer även förslaget Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulations (ESPR) av den Europeiska kommissionen. Förordningen har i mål att skapa en större hållbarhet på den europeiska produktmarknaden genom att kravställa redovisning som kan främja cirkularitet inom framtida produktlivscykler. Med ESPR framkommer även begreppet kring digitala produktpass (DPP), en digital representation av en fysisk produkt som redovisar produktrelaterad data i syfte av att främja cirkularitet, transparens och mer hållbara konsumentmönster. Det digitala produktpasset är en central del av ESPR och gäller för samtliga produkter som säljs på den europeiska marknaden. Denna studie har undersökt hur ett praktiskt fall av implementation av digitala produktpass har tagit form hos en svensk, medelstor möbeltillverkare. Studien har undersökt hur dynamiken, som uppstått på grund av ESPR i en tillverkningsbaserad sektor, tagit form och vilka förberedelser, problem samt möjligheter som uppstått i och med förordningen. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer med centrala aktörer inom IT- och möbelproduktion har studien identifierat kritiska områden kring behovet av standardisering, utmaningar som medföljer teknologin samt osäkerheter kring validitet av data. Trots de tekniska och organisatoriska hinder som uppkommit, visar resultatet även på fördelar och möjligheter med DPP såsom ökad hållbarhet, större tillförlitlighet till kunder samt möjligheter till utökade och effektivisering av befintliga affärsprocesser och affärsmodeller. / In response to the European Union’s efforts to meet the global climate goals set forth by Agenda 2030, the European Commission has introduced the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulations (ESPR). The regulation aims to enhance sustainability in the European product market by requiring disclosures that can promote circularity in future product life cycles. With the introduction of ESPR, the concept of Digital Product Passports (DPP) emerged. A digital representation of a physical product that documents product-related data with the goal of promoting circularity, transparency, and more sustainable consumer patterns. The digital product passport is a central part of the ESPR and will apply to all products sold on the European market. This study has examined a practical case of how implementing digital product passports has taken shape at a medium-sized Swedish furniture manufacturer. The study explores the dynamics that have arisen due to ESPR in a manufacturing-based sector, examining the preparations done, problems that have arisen and opportunities that have emerged due to the regulation. Through semi-structured, qualitative interviews with key actors within IT and furniture production, the study has identified critical areas concerning the need for standardization, challenges associated with the technology and uncertainties regarding validity of data. Despite technical and organizational obstacles that have arisen, the results of this study also highlight the advantages and opportunities of DPPs, such as increased sustainability, greater reliability for customers, and opportunities to expand and streamline existing business processes and models.

Организация инжиниринговой фирмы в литейном производстве : магистерская диссертация / The founfry engineering company establishment

Зуева, Т. А., Нуриддинов, А. Р., Некрасов, М. А., Иванова, Е. Д., Zueva, T. A., Nuriddinov, A. R., Nekrasov, M. A., Ivanova, E. D. January 2024 (has links)
There is a shortage of design and technological personnel at foundries. This problem is not unique to Russia - in “gold billion” countries it has existed for more than 30 years and is successfully solved with outsourcing. The engineering company offers enterprises in the region a comprehensive solution to technological problems, including development of casting design, technology development, development of tooling, subcontracting of tooling, production of a pilot batch of castings. For independent control of casting manufacturing parameters, the purchase of laboratory equipment is provided. A significant advantage of the designed enterprise is the presence of a website with a calculator, which allows the client to determine online the cost of work depending on the complexity of the casting and the problems that arise during its manufacture (except for shrinkage defects). The site provides for monitoring the integrity of the client’s filling out forms. The level of complexity is controlled by the number of dimensions in the drawing. The solution to these problems is specified in the contract. Examples of solving complex problems in the design of castings, equipment, and implementation in production are given. Emerging problems and solutions are described. An engineering company in foundry production is opened as an individual entrepreneur due to low turnover. Tax minimization was calculated, a simplified system was adopted, income minus expenses. / В настоящее время существует значительный дефицит конструкторско-технологического персонала на предприятиях литейного производства. Данная проблема не является уникальной для России – в промышленно развитых странах она существует уже более 30 лет и успешно решается при помощи аутсорсинга. Инжиниринговая фирма предлагает для предприятий региона комплексное решение технологических задач, в том числе: разработку конструкции отливки, разработку технологии, разработку оснастки, изготовление оснастки на субподряде, получение опытной партии отливок. Для самостоятельного контроля параметров изготовления отливки предусмотрена закупка лабораторного оборудования. Существенным преимуществом проектируемого предприятия является наличие сайта с расчетчиком, позволяющего клиенту в режиме онлайн определить стоимость работ в зависимости от сложности отливки и возникающих при ее изготовлении проблем (кроме усадочных дефектов). На сайте предусмотрен контроль добросовестности заполнения клиентом контрольных форм. Уровень сложности контролируется по количеству размеров на чертеже. Решение указанных проблем оговаривается в договоре. Приведены примеры решения сложных задач по конструированию отливок, оснастки, внедрению в производство. Описаны возникающие проблемы и решения. Инжиниринговая фирма в литейном производстве открывается в формате ИП, в связи с небольшими оборотами. Рассчитана минимизация налогообложения, принята упрощенная система, доходы минус расходы.

Product Requirements Management for Digital Product Passports : A Case Study on Object-Centric Information Modeling & Application of Requirements / Produktkravhantering för Digitala Produktpass : En Fallstudie om Objektcentrerad Informationsmodellering & Applicering av Krav

Nettelbladt, Max, Stojanovski, Kevin January 2024 (has links)
This thesis provides insights into the feasibility of managing product requirements in a concept leveraging an object-centric information model. The aim of this concept is to provide efective management of product requirements in the context of rising volume and complexity of requirements. Firstly, benefts and challenges between the current document-centric way of managing requirements and the novel object-centric concept for managing requirements are mapped and presented. Secondly, the organizational prerequisites necessary for adopting the object-centric product requirement applicability concept are explored and insights into how this transition can be facilitated with knowledge management are generated. Thirdly, the accuracy of this novel concept is evaluated in terms of applying the correct requirements onto products and not more nor less. The methods in this thesis are of mixed nature and combine qualitative and quantitative data sets. The quantitative data was collected from the analysis of the requirement applicability concept and the previous tests of the same concept on diferent products at Company X. The analysis of quantitative data for concept accuracy revolved around interpreting the nature of negative- and positive delta values following an automatic application of requirements in the novel object-centric concept. The former of these delta values relates to relevant requirements missing onto products whereas the latter relates to non-relevant requirements being applied following the automatic application. The qualitative data was collected mainly through a comprehensive literature review, semi-structured interviews, a workshop, meetings, Company X documents and observations. The analysis of qualitative data was done via an adaptation of two frameworks: The Multi-Dimensional Framework for Digital Transformation by Hanelt et al, 2021 and The Process of Organizational Knowledge Creation by Nonaka, 1994. These adapted frameworks were leveraged to generate insights into the necessary organizational prerequisites for adopting the object-centric product requirement applicability concept. While benefts and challenges exist between the two diferent ways of managing requirements, these are not weighted and thus no defnitive conclusion on best practice is drawn. Instead these fndings provide organizations a reference point for evaluating each approach in relation to their own circumstances. Some of the prerequisites identifed as critical for adopting an object-centric product requirement applicability model are a digital library of requirement specifcations that are convertible to object-centric data format, and a suitable PLM strategy chosen by the Top Management Teams that is aiding the development of the concept. As for knowledge management in order to transition to the new concept, fndings show that standardized knowledge creation and knowledge exchange is necessary as well as developing centralized knowledge databases. Lastly, the quantitative fndings indicate that the applicability concept is accurate, but that there is a need for additional iterations with model improvements where the negative delta can be eliminated and the positive delta held at an acceptable level. / Den här studien ger insikter om genomförbarheten av att hantera produktkrav i ett koncept som utnyttjar en objektcentrerad informationsmodell. Syftet med detta koncept är att tillhandahålla efektiv hantering av produktkrav i samband med att de ökar i volym samt komplexitet. Studien kartlägger först fördelar och utmaningar mellan det nuvarande dokumentcentrerade sättet att hantera krav och det nya objektcentrerade konceptet. Även de organisatoriska förutsättningar som krävs för att införa det objektcentrerade produktkravskonceptet undersöks i samband med hur denna övergång kan underlättas med hjälp av kunskapshantering. Slutligen så utvärderas det objektcentrerade konceptet för kravapplicering beträfande hur exakt konceptet är i att applicera rätt krav på produkter. Metodiken i denna studie kombinerar kvalitativa och kvantitativa datamängder. Den kvantitativa datan samlades in från analys av kravappliceringskonceptet samt de tidigare testerna av konceptet på olika produkter som gjorts av Företag X. Analysen av kvantitativ data för hur exakt konceptet är i att applicera rätt krav kretsar kring att förstå grundorsakerna till de negativa och positiva deltavärden som uppkommit efter en automatisk applicering av krav i det nya objektcentrerade konceptet. Det negativa deltavärdet relaterar till nödvändiga krav som saknas på produkter, medan det positiva deltavärdet avser icke-relevanta krav som har applicerats efter en systemförfrågan och automatisk applicering av krav. Den kvalitativa datan samlades huvudsakligen in genom en omfattande litteraturstudie, semistrukturerade intervjuer, workshops, möten, dokument från Företag X och observationer. Analysen av kvalitativ data gjordes via en anpassning av två vetenskapliga ramverk: The Multi-Dimensional Framework for Digital Transformation av Hanelt et al, 2021 och The Process of Organizational Knowledge Creation av Nonaka, 1994. Dessa anpassade ramverk utnyttjas för att generera insikter i de nödvändiga organisatoriska förutsättningarna som krävs för att införa det objektcentrerade kravappliceringskonceptet i en organisation. Fördelar och utmaningar med de två olika sätten att hantera krav viktades inte i denna studie, därför dras ingen defnitiv slutsats om bästa praxis. Istället ger dessa fynd en referenspunkt till organisationer att utvärdera bästa praxis i förhållande till sina egna omständigheter. Några av förutsättningarna identiferade som kritiska för att tillämpa en objektcentrerad produktkravappliceringsmodell är ett digitalt bibliotek av kravspecifkationer som är konverterbara till objektcentrerat dataformat, samt en PLM-strategi införd av de högsta ledningsgrupperna som hjälper till med stödja det objekcentrerade konceptet för produktkravsapplicering. Vad gäller kunskapshantering för att övergå till det nya konceptet visar resultaten att standardiserad kunskapsskapande och utbyte av kunskap är nödvändigt, samt utvecklingen av centraliserade kunskapsdatabaser. Slutligen indikerar de kvantitativa resultaten att tillämpningskonceptet är noggrant, men att ytterligare iterationer med modellförbättringar behövs där den negativa deltan kan elimineras och där den positiva deltan hålls på en acceptabel nivå.

La reconnaissance mutuelle en droit bancaire et financier européen / Mutual recognition in European banking and financial law

Gaspard, Roger 11 December 2018 (has links)
En instituant un système généralisé d’équivalence des législations des Etats membres de l’Union européenne, le principe de reconnaissance mutuelle irrigue l’ensemble du droit européen. En droit bancaire et financier, ce principe fonde deux méthodes bien distinctes. La première, méthode d’interdiction des cumuls de réglementations, est mise en œuvre par les tribunaux nationaux et européens sous l’égide du droit européen originaire. Elle permet de qualifier d’entrave à une liberté de circulation européenne toute réglementation d’un Etat membre d’accueil qui se cumulerait avec une réglementation de l’Etat membre d’origine. La deuxième, qui constitue une méthode de répartition des compétences entre les différents Etats membres européens, a été consacrée par le législateur européen dans plusieurs directives et règlements. Cette méthode, dite du passeport financier, a la particularité d’accorder une compétence de principe à l’Etat membre d’origine. Cette étude propose une analyse et une vue d’ensemble de chacune de ces méthodes, éminemment importantes pour la pratique du droit des affaires. Elle invite, plus généralement, à une réflexion globale sur les méthodes d’intégration des différents marchés bancaires et financiers nationaux. / The principle of mutual recognition is fundamental to European law whereby it stands for the equivalence of the regulations of member States of the European Union. In banking and financial law, the principle of mutual recognition is exemplified in two different applications. The first aims at eliminating duplicative regulations and is used by national and European courts in reliance on European Union primary law. It classifies any regulation of a host state that overlaps with a regulation of a home state that has already been applied to a certain matter as a restriction to a European freedom of movement. The second application is the financial passport, which was set forth by European lawmakers in various directives and regulations. The passport allocates regulatory powers among European member states and gives primary jurisdiction to the home member state within a harmonized field. This thesis describes and analyzes each of these applications which are crucial to the practice of business law. Overall, it calls for a reflection on the different methods of integrating financial markets.

Harmonization of International Securities Markets Regulation: A Trade Perspective

Jorai, Goolshan Sharma 20 November 2012 (has links)
Widespread cross-border securities trading have led to the internationalization of securities markets. No one seriously disputes that such securities dealings require regulation, but there is no academic consensus on the best normative approach to such regulation. The academic debate initially focused on whether regulatory competition or cooperation constitutes the better model. However, the debate seems to have evolved to adopt a hybrid model combining the virtues of these two approaches. ‘Harmonization’ constitutes the dominant hybrid model. Nevertheless, the implementation of the harmonization model has barely received any attention in the literature. The aim of this thesis is hence two-fold: first, justify why harmonization should be the preferred model for the regulation of international securities markets; and second, develop, applying an international trade regulation perspective, a regulatory framework to implement the harmonization model using the World Trade Organization and General Agreement on Trade in Services (WTO/GATS) framework.

Harmonization of International Securities Markets Regulation: A Trade Perspective

Jorai, Goolshan Sharma 20 November 2012 (has links)
Widespread cross-border securities trading have led to the internationalization of securities markets. No one seriously disputes that such securities dealings require regulation, but there is no academic consensus on the best normative approach to such regulation. The academic debate initially focused on whether regulatory competition or cooperation constitutes the better model. However, the debate seems to have evolved to adopt a hybrid model combining the virtues of these two approaches. ‘Harmonization’ constitutes the dominant hybrid model. Nevertheless, the implementation of the harmonization model has barely received any attention in the literature. The aim of this thesis is hence two-fold: first, justify why harmonization should be the preferred model for the regulation of international securities markets; and second, develop, applying an international trade regulation perspective, a regulatory framework to implement the harmonization model using the World Trade Organization and General Agreement on Trade in Services (WTO/GATS) framework.

Příprava realizace bioplynové stanice v Žitíně / Preparation for the implementation biogas plant in Žitín

Chaloupková, Tereza January 2014 (has links)
The subject of the thesis is the rough construction of production technology biogas plant in Žitín. The content of this work are the technical report, technical regulations, safety, environmental protection, design of mechanical assemblies, solution building equipment, inspection and test plans, calculation of building, individual work schedule and budget.

Zvýšení bezpečnosti a plynulosti dopravy na I/43 Černá Hora - Sebranice / Safety and fluency increasing - road I/43 Černá Hora - Sebranice

Bažant, Petr January 2015 (has links)
A part of the road I/43 in the section between Černá Hora and Sebranice is the subject of diploma thesis. The output of thesis is to identify problematic parts of the safety and fluency of traffic and to propose appropriate measures. The road I/43 is very problematic and discussed of these aspects. Becouse of the character and the results of traffic accidents is called Highway of death. The thesis contains proposals of structural modification in selected problematic sections. These structural modifications are intended to increase the safety of traffic, but in order to limit of flow of traffic. Depending on the long-delayed contruction of expressway R43 is in order to make quick and effective increase the safety and the fluency of traffic counting with traffic intensity in the full range.

System Architecture for Asset Traceability using Digital Product Passports and Fingerprint Technology

Marco Fabio Buecheler (20290857) 19 November 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Asset traceability systems support sustainable value creation. Use case scenarios include the transition from a linear to a circular economy (CE) and legislative initiatives in Europe and North America. Traceability systems are needed to consistently link physical assets with the corresponding digital life cycle data. However, there is a lack of system architectures for consistent asset life cycle traceability. Therefore, the work proposes a traceability system architecture using digital product passports (DPPs) and fingerprint (FP) technology. By providing asset related data, DPPs increase the transparency across value chain partners. The system architecture uses the Asset Administration Shell (AAS) to create interoperable and standardized DPPs. Besides, consistent product identification (ID) and unique (single occurrence) identifiers are a prerequisite for effective traceability systems. Using natural markers to identify assets can enhance consistent asset traceability in sustainable supply chains. When using FP technology, the inherent surface structure of an asset is captured by an imaging system and then compressed into a digital asset fingerprint. Since assets are not artificially marked, the work investigates the use of Bounding Symbols (BSs) to locate an asset’s fingerprint Region of Interest (ROI). Furthermore, four fingerprint creation algorithms are compared and evaluated regarding their feasibility for asset life cycle traceability. The research validates the proposed system architecture in an experimental setup by using aluminum raw castings (medallions) as the investigated asset type. Key findings include the successful identification of 80 medallions with a 100% success rate. The related fingerprint information was stored in a DPP as an AAS submodel.</p>

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