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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vroue en huishoudelike geweld in troos vir die gebrokenes van Bettina Wyngaard

Cloete, Glenda January 2014 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA / Hierdie studie onderneem 'n analise van Bettina Wyngaard se debuutroman Troos vir die gebrokenes (2009). Die fokus val spesifiek op die uitbeelding van huishoudelike geweld en die wyse waarop die karakters hierdie kwessie hanteer en met die uitdagings van versoening en vergifnis wroeg. Eerstens word agtergrondgegewens omtrent die roman en die auteur verskaf. Die motivering vir die studie asook die probleemstelling word uiteengesit. Daarna volg 'n oorsigtelike blik oor huishoudelike geweld. Die teoretiese begronding van die omskrywing van postkolonialisme en die kenmerkende verskynsels van postkoloniale literatuur word belig. Daar word ook lig gewerp op die kritiese perspektief vanuit die swart feministiese oogpunt. Die studie maak gebruik van 'n saamgestelde leesmodel waarin die konsepte en argumente van 'n verskeidenheid literatuurteoriee aangepas en benut word. Daarna kom die teksanalise aan die beurt. Daar word veral klem gele op die hoofkarakter Frieda Daniels. Verskeie kante van haar karakter word belig, onder andere haar uitbeelding as die willose slagoffer van huishoudelike geweld, asook hoe sy as die anker en rolmodel van die gemeenskap uitgebeeld word. Nog 'n belangrike aspek is haar rol as agent van verandering en haar wroeging met emosies wat wissel van bitterheid tot versoening. Daar word ook geraak aan die rol van die kerk in haar verhouding met die patriargie en die noodlydendes n Volgende aspek is die uitbeelding van ander vroulike karakters. Die fokus val op Ma Mina as 'n belangrike teespeler en haar rol as vrou met moed en selfvertroue. Die ander vroulike karakters soos Lilly, Lucy, Linda en Leonie se onderskeie rolle word ook bestudeer. 'n Kritiese perspektief op die voorstelling van geslagsrolle is onderliggend aan die analise. Die uitbeelding van die manlike karakters kom vervolgens onder die loep sodat met balans gekyk kan word na die hantering van geslagsrolle in die teks. Die studie ondersoek onder andere die karakter John Daniels binne die gegewe van aandadigheid, berou en verantwoordelikheid. Ter afsluiting word gekyk na die samelewingstrukture en die wyse waarop dit op huishoudelike geweld reageer. In die slothoofstuk word die bevindinge van die studie opgesom en saamgevat / South Africa

Die huishouding van God as helende en bevrydende ruimte in 'n tydperk van liminaliteit : die ontwikkeling van 'n teologiese basisteorie

Bekker, Christelle 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh (Practical Theology and Missiology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The patriarchal and hetero-normative structures in the church have the potential to hurt and alienate people. According to the population census of 2001, there has been a decrease in the number of people belonging to churches within the white and colored church groups in South Africa. In the Independent African churches the numbers are growing. These churches can be described as conservative in their understanding of gender issues and sexual diversity (Jenkins 2002).The church today exists in a liminal phase as a result of globalization and availability of information, which create an opportunity for reformation. According to Castells (2004) the development of a contra-culture identity is the most consequential way of bringing about change in society, because it does not simply offer resistance against oppressive structures, but also question the ideologies at the heart of dominating structures. Throughout the ages, church structures were developed with reference to the patriarchal family, of which examples can be found in the letters to Timothy and Titus. Patriarchy is characterized by the institutionally sanctioned authority of men over women and their children. The primary relationships within the household influence all subsequent relationships – also in the church. This conjecture defines the opportunity for the household to be a key to transformation. To form an image of the household of God – which can be viewed as ideal for believers – the life and teachings of Jesus as well as the slavery-images in the New Testament, should be explored. To interpret this image for the church, the book of James is used, because James was writing to a community of believers. This community is not viewed as having been made up out of family members all familiar with their established positions, but as a family of God, cared for within households. An interwoven community such as this corresponds with the eco-feministic understanding of the interdependence of all things. The theme of friendship with God is dominant in the book of James. Within friendship relationships, people exist as equal partners – even in the household. Nobody is requested to relinquish ownership of their bodies – even in marriage. To every person room for individualization is allowed – even to children, by parents. Hospitality as central value of friendship invites the stranger to enter into joyful togetherness and mutual provision of care. Friendship with God brings completion, and liberates people from envy and competitive actions. People who have been made whole, can live in simplicity and in this way leave room for all people to have enough to satisfy their needs, as well as take responsibility for God’s recreation. The key to living in friendship relationships, is the release of awarded power. This new understanding of relationships within the church and household, can be established through the understanding of God as Mother, Lover and Friend, through “unmaking” and “merrymaking”. As the interpretation of the household as healing and liberating space, described in the letter of James, find substance in the reality of ministry, it will offer for all believers, but in particular for the oppressed and marginalized ones, a home for their faith and a place of healing. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die handhawing van patriargale en heteronormatiewe denke binne die gemeenskap van gelowiges het die potensiaal om mense te verwond en van die kerk te vervreem. In Suid-Afrika kwyn die getalle van tradisioneel blanke en bruin kerkgroepe volgens die bevolkingsensus van 2001. Hierteenoor toon Onafhanklike Afrika-kerke groei. Die groeiende Afrika-kerke word deur Jenkins (2002) beskryf as konserwatief, veral ten opsigte van gender-vraagstukke en seksuele diversiteit. Die kerk bestaan vandag as gevolg van globalisasie en inligtingsmatigheid in ’n liminale fase wat ’n geleentheid bied tot reformasie. Volgens Castells (2004) is die ontwikkeling van ’n kontra-kultuur identiteit die mees sinvolle wyse om verandering in die samelewing teweeg te bring, omdat dit nie bloot weerstand bied teen onderdrukkende strukture nie, maar die ideologie agter die heersende strukture bevra. Kerklike strukture is deur die eeue aan die hand van die patriargale gesin ontwikkel, waarvan voorbeelde in onder andere Timoteus en Titus gevind kan word. Patriargie word gekenmerk deur die institusioneel bekragtigde outoriteit van mans oor vroue en hul kinders. Die primêre verhoudings in die huishouding beïnvloed alle latere verhoudings – ook in die kerk. Hierdie gegewe maak dat die huishouding ’n sleutel tot transformasie kan wees. Om ’n beeld te vorm van die huishouding van God – wat as ideaal vir gelowiges kan dien – word daar na die leer en lewe van Jesus en die slawe-beeld in die Nuwe Testament gekyk. Om hierdie beeld vir die kerk te kan vertolk, is van die boek Jakobus gebruik gemaak. Die gemeenskap in Jakobus word nie beskou as opgebou uit gesinseenhede waar elkeen sy of haar plek ken nie, maar as familie van God wat in huishoudings versorg word. Die tema van vriendskap met God kom spesifiek op die voorgrond in Jakobus. Alhoewel eerste-eeuse vriendskapsverhoudings binne die konteks van weldoenerskap verstaan moet word, bied Jakobus ’n verdere perspektief naamlik dat mense as volwaardige vennote binne die verhoudinge verstaan kan word – ook in die huishouding! Niemand gee seggenskap op hul liggame op nie – ook in die huwelik. Aan elke mens word ruimte gegun om te individualiseer - ook aan kinders deur ouers. Gasvryheid as sentrale waarde van vriendskap nooi die vreemdeling in tot ’n vreugdevolle saamwees en wedersydse versorging. Vriendskap met God bring voltooidheid en bevry mense van afguns en kompeterende optrede. Heel mense kan in eenvoud leef en op hierdie wyse ruimte laat vir alle mense om genoeg te hê om van te leef en medeverantwoordelikheid vir God se herskepping te kan neem. Die sleutel tot die uitleef van vriendskapsverhoudings is die afstaan van toegekende mag. Hierdie nuwe verstaan van verhoudings binne die kerk en huishouding kan deur die verstaan van God as Moeder, Geliefde en Vriend deur ontdaning en viering gevestig word. As hierdie spesifieke interpretasie van Jakobus oor die huishouding van God as helende en bevrydende ruimte, in ’n bedieningspraktyk gestalte kan vind, sal dit vir alle gelowiges, maar veral die onderdruktes en gemarginaliseerdes in die samelewing, ’n geloofstuiste en herstelruimte bied.

Bloedfamilie en gender en gender-identiteit van wit mans in die tekste Kontrei (Kleinboer) en Om na 'n Wit plafon te staar (Afrikaans)

Schoeman, Mercia Nelmarie 28 March 2011 (has links)
Na die 1994-verkiesing in Suid-Afrika het die posisie van wit, Afrikaanse mans (WAM’s) binne die gender-orde verander. Die vervlegting van WAM’s se subjektiwiteit met ’n dominante ideologie is deur die nuwe regering ongedaan gemaak. Gevolglik het veranderde diskoerse van mag en maskuliniteit al hoe meer in Suid-Afrikaanse literatuur ter sprake gekom. Hierdie verhandeling kyk na hoe WAM’s se maskuliniteit in twee literêre tekste, Kontrei deur Kleinboer (2003) en Om na ’n wit plafon te staar deur Jaco Kirsten (2009), manifesteer. Hierdie twee tekste is aan ’n stiplees onderwerp en, gebaseer op sekere teorieë van maskuliniteit, is sekere merkers van maskuliniteit belig. Beide tekste het die lewe van ’n WAM in post-apartheid Suid-Afrika as onderwerp en in beide tekste manifesteer magsverlies, onsekerheid, psigologiese gefragmenteerdheid en vervreemding op verkillende wyses in die manlike subjektiwiteit. ’n Eklektiese benadering tot maskuliniteit word in hoofstuk twee gevolg deurdat verskeie teorieë oor maskuliniteit bestudeer is. Die teoretiese perspektiewe van Jacques Lacan, Michel Foucault en Judith Butler word bespreek, aangesien hulle idees aangaande maskuliniteit suksesvol en ekstensief deur ander akademici toegepas is op die analise van maskuliniteit en literatuur. Psigoanalise en maskuliniteit word bespreek met spesifieke verwysing na die simboliek van die Oedipus-kompleks en die Lacaniaanse leegte wat maskuliniteit onderlê. In samehang met psigoanalise word maskuliniteit belig deur die falliese aard van die tekste en karakters uit te wys. Foucault se teorie oor diskoerse wat mekaar onderhou en terselfdertyd ondermyn, word in die tekste belig en die fragmentering van die karakters se maskuliniteit word uitgewys. Butler se herhaaldelike “performances” van die manlike rol kom in beide tekste voor. Verder word maskuliniteit as ’n sosiale konstruksie teen die agtergrond van Marxisme en sosiologie beskou. Hoofstuk drie kyk na die konteks waarbinne WAM’s se maskuliniteit in Suid-Afrika afspeel. In hoofstuk vier en vyf word die manlike karakters in beide tekste bespreek deur na hegemoniese merkers van maskuliniteit te kyk. Die man as jagter, soldaat en boer, beoefenaar van geweld en hoë-risiko gedrag, sy gebrek aan emosionele intimiteit, sy optrede teenoor vrouens en swartes as “ander”, sy seksualiteit, patriargale en fratriargale verbintenisse en politiese ingesteldhede word as merkers van maskuliniteit bespreek. ENGLISH : After the 1994 elections in South Africa the position of white, Afrikaans men (WAM’s) changed within the gender order. The intertwinement of WAM’s subjectivity with a dominant ideology was undone by the new government. Consequently, changing discourses of power and masculinity became more present within South African literature. This dissertation looks at how WAM’s masculinity manifests in two literary texts, Kontrei by Kleinboer (2003) and Om na ’n wit plafon te staar by Jaco Kirsten (2009). These two texts were submitted to a close reading and, based on certain theories of masculinity, certain markers of masculinity were exposed. Both texts have the life of a WAM in post-apartheid South Africa as subject and in both texts the loss of power, uncertainty, psychological fragmentation and alienation manifest in different ways in the masculine subjectivity. An eclectic approach of masculinity is followed in chapter two as a variety of theories about masculinity were studied. The theoretical perspectives of Jacques Lacan, Michel Foucault and Judith Butler are discussed, as their ideas have been used successfully and extensively by academics to analyze masculinity an literature. Psycho-analysis and masculinity are discussed with specific reference to the symbolism of the Oedipus complex and the Lacanian emptiness that underlies masculinity. Interconnected with psycho-analysis the phallic nature of the text and characters are exposed. Foucault’s theory about discourses that support and undermine each other simultaneously is exposed in the texts and the fragmentation of the characters’ masculinities are shown. Butler’s repetitive “performances” of the male role appears in both texts. Furthermore, masculinity is seen as social construct against a Marxist and sociological background. Chapter three looks at the context in which masculinity unfolds for WAM’s in South Africa. In chapter four and five the male characters in both texts are discussed by looking at hegemonic markers of masculinity. The man as hunter, soldier and farmer, perpetrator of violence and high risk behaviour, his lack of emotional intimacy, his behaviour towards women and blacks as “other”, his sexuality, patriarchal and fraternal connections and political predispositions are discussed as markers of masculinity. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Afrikaans / unrestricted

Literatuur en maatskappykritiek : problematisering van seksualiteit in Tom Lanoye se ̀Monstertrilogie'

Joubert, Christiaan Johannes 03 1900 (has links)
This dissertation is a report on how Tom Lanoye, a contemporary Flemish author who explores themes of social relevance, deconstructs the sexual identity of his characters within the context of a postmodernist culture. The manifestation of this deconstruction process is described within those theoretical paradigms of Michel Foucault and Judith Butler that link sexual identity and social mores. For the purpose of this research Tom Lanoye‘s ‘Monster’ Trilogy was selected. Set against the backdrop of Belgium society during the late nineties of the twentieth century and highlighting the moral downfall of the Deschryver patriarchy, Lanoye’s novels address an assortment of contemporary gender and social political issues in his trilogy. These include the following: political corruption; incest; homosexuality; racism; the sexual abuse of minors; the relation between language and identity, volatile childrenparent relationships; the subversion of gender norms and sexual transformation. / In hierdie verhandeling word verslag gedoen van die wyse waarop Tom Lanoye as hedendaagse eksponent van die Vlaamse versetprosa die seksuele identiteit van sy karakters binne die konteks van 'n postmodernistiese verwysingsraam dekonstrueer. Die manifestasie van hierdie dekonstruksieproses word beskryf binne die teoretiese paradigmas met betrekking tot die verband tussen seksuele identiteit en maatskappy van Michel Foucault en Judith Butler. Vir die doel van hierdie ondersoek is Lanoye se 'Monstertrilogie' geselekteer. Gesitueer teen die agtergrond van die Belgiese maatskappy in die laat negentigerjare van die twintigste eeu en gefokus op die morele ondergang van die Deschryver-patriargie, sny Lanoye se trilogie 'n verskeidenheid van aktuele gender-en sosio-politieke kwessies aan. Hierdie kwessies sluit in: politieke korrupsie; bloedskande; homoseksualiteit, rassisme; die seksuele misbruik van minderjariges; die verhouding tussen taal en identiteit; onbestendige ouer-kind-verhoudings; die ondermyning van gendernorme en die kwessie van seksuele transformasie. / Afrikaans & Theory of Literature / M.A. (Afrikaans)

Literatuur en maatskappykritiek : problematisering van seksualiteit in Tom Lanoye se ̀Monstertrilogie'

Joubert, Christiaan Johannes 03 1900 (has links)
This dissertation is a report on how Tom Lanoye, a contemporary Flemish author who explores themes of social relevance, deconstructs the sexual identity of his characters within the context of a postmodernist culture. The manifestation of this deconstruction process is described within those theoretical paradigms of Michel Foucault and Judith Butler that link sexual identity and social mores. For the purpose of this research Tom Lanoye‘s ‘Monster’ Trilogy was selected. Set against the backdrop of Belgium society during the late nineties of the twentieth century and highlighting the moral downfall of the Deschryver patriarchy, Lanoye’s novels address an assortment of contemporary gender and social political issues in his trilogy. These include the following: political corruption; incest; homosexuality; racism; the sexual abuse of minors; the relation between language and identity, volatile childrenparent relationships; the subversion of gender norms and sexual transformation. / In hierdie verhandeling word verslag gedoen van die wyse waarop Tom Lanoye as hedendaagse eksponent van die Vlaamse versetprosa die seksuele identiteit van sy karakters binne die konteks van 'n postmodernistiese verwysingsraam dekonstrueer. Die manifestasie van hierdie dekonstruksieproses word beskryf binne die teoretiese paradigmas met betrekking tot die verband tussen seksuele identiteit en maatskappy van Michel Foucault en Judith Butler. Vir die doel van hierdie ondersoek is Lanoye se 'Monstertrilogie' geselekteer. Gesitueer teen die agtergrond van die Belgiese maatskappy in die laat negentigerjare van die twintigste eeu en gefokus op die morele ondergang van die Deschryver-patriargie, sny Lanoye se trilogie 'n verskeidenheid van aktuele gender-en sosio-politieke kwessies aan. Hierdie kwessies sluit in: politieke korrupsie; bloedskande; homoseksualiteit, rassisme; die seksuele misbruik van minderjariges; die verhouding tussen taal en identiteit; onbestendige ouer-kind-verhoudings; die ondermyning van gendernorme en die kwessie van seksuele transformasie. / Afrikaans and Theory of Literature / M.A. (Afrikaans)

Die feministiese biografie toegespits op die Afrikaanse digter Ingrid Jonker (Afrikaans)

Fourie, Elkarien 13 April 2004 (has links)
A feminist examination of the life of the Afrikaans poet Ingrid Jonker is preceded by a look at the conventional literary biography with its unique dual nature: scientific enquiry combined with the art of storytelling, which is aptly called “fiction under oath” (Gutiérrez 1992: 49). Subsequently, an overview of the theoretical basis of feminist ideology and literary approaches is presented with the emphasis on the psychoanalytical point of departure, which views women’s marginalized position as social instead of biological in origin, and therefore as changeable. Biography owes its important place in contemporary women’s writing to the fact that it documents the history and experience of women in the patriarchal system. Feminist biographers, influenced by Postmodernism, force the genre from its traditionally linear form and narrow focus on a famous, usually male subject. The result is a more fluid, cyclical portrayal of (usually) influential women, shedding more light on the social, domestic and personal spheres. Because this kind of biography does not claim to be authoritative, the biographer’s personal contribution and her methods are made explicit. The intuitive and experimental nature of feminist biography makes it suitable for an intertextual and even interdisciplinary approach. Jonker’s life is analysed against the background of a folk tale, The Red Shoes, which is an allegory for the sacrifice of the instinctive creative self or archetypal “wildish woman”. Ancient myths, which narratives of almost every culture share, are seen as responsible for the tenacious survival of the patriarchy through time, social change, and across cultural boundaries. For this reason, feminists see the creation of new myths or infusing old myths with new meaning as the key to women’s emancipation. Against this background, the following subtexts also act as shaping elements in the Ingrid Jonker biography: · The concept of a person’s life “script” unfolding according to repetitive messages laid down in the unconscious by authority figures; · The “conspiracy” between a biographee and her biographers in forming her public image; and · Six archetypes in the Jungian idiom that characterise a person’s journey to spiritual maturity, Examined with these subtexts in mind, Ingrid Jonker’s life story unfolds as follows: A poet in conflict with her time and “abandoned” by her parents, is displaced in pre-adolescence from a unstructured rural milieu where her instinctive creativity was allowed to develop freely, to a highly structured, limiting and artificial urban environment. She seems prophetically destined for a tragic end. Her obsession with death is fed by an inability to have meaningful relationships and to adjust to society’s double standards. Ever the victim of imagined or real betrayal, she joins the ranks of other female artists who follow the same destructive archetypal pattern. She is spurred on not only by her own feral recklessness, but also by other artists who are inspired by her flirtation with death. Upcoming generations are mesmerised by her “moth around a flame” life and, like children, ask time and again for the disastrous though darkly romantic story with its mythical proportions, which turned Jonker into an icon. In doing so, they manage their own collectively unconscious fear of the annihilation of death. The Red Shoes links with Kristeva’s distinction between semiotic and symbolic language. The former is non-rational, intuitive and signifies the maternal whereas the latter represents language that is masculine, rational, linear and therefore patriarchal and logocentric. / Dissertation (MA (Afrikaans))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Afrikaans / unrestricted

Rekonstruksie van lewe na egskeiding

De Klerk, Willem Christian 30 November 2002 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans with summaries in Afrikaans and English / Despite the fact that many people in South Africa are affected by divorce, not much research is done on divorce recovery. This study on divorce recovery is shaped by a feminist theological perspective and a postmodem social constructionist discourse. As qualitative research, narrative group work was embarked on over a period of a year with five women who went through divorce. Through therapeutic letters different themes emerged. These themes formed the focus for each chapter and are enriched by relevant literature reflections. In the first chapter the stark reality of divorce in South Africa, the discursive positioning, epistemology and research methodology are discussed, and the stories of the participants are told. Divorce is deconstructed by the participants as resistance to patriarchy and not only an interpersonal crisis. The majority of claimants in divorce cases in South Africa are women. The dominant oppressive biblical discourse that divorce is always sin is reconstructed. An alternative religious discourse is co-constructed amongst the participants: that divorce under certain circumstances is God's will for women who are caught in humiliating and oppressive marriages. The various spheres of life that women reconstruct after divorce are discussed. These include: • practical matters such as the legal proceedings, housing and finances • emotional reconstruction where emotions such as fear. senses of guilt, and rage from a feminist perspective view are discussed. • reconstruction of social relations which includes aspects such as the relation with the former husband, family, new male friends and children • spiritual reconstruction which includes a feminist perspective on the Bible, sin, the will of God, and also a divorce ritual • the reconstruction of identity. Finally the five participants' reconsructed stories are told. / Ten spyte daarvan dat baie mense in Suid-Afrika deur egskeiding geraak word, word daar nie veel navorsing oor egskeidingsherstel gedoen nie. Hierdie studie oor egkeidingsherstel word gedoen vanuit 'n feministies teologiese perspektief en 'n sosiale konstruksieteorie diskoers. Oor 'n tydperk van 'n jaar is deur middel van kwalitatiewe navorsing saam met vyf vroue wat deur egskeiding geraak is, groepswerk gedoen. Uit die terapeutiese briewe wat geskryf is het verskillende temas uitgekristalliseer. Hierdie temas het die grondslag gevorm vir elke hoofstuk wat deur 'n relevante literatuurstudie aangevul is. In die eerste hoofstukke word die harde werklikhede van egskeiding, die diskoersposionering, epistemologie en navorsingsmetodiek bespreek. Die verhale van die deelnemers word vertel. Egskeiding word deur die deelnemers dekonstrueer as weerstand teen patriargie en nie net 'n interpersoonlike krisis nie. Die meerderheid eisers in egskeidingsgedinge in Suid-Afrika is vroue. Die onderdrukkend dominante Bybelse diskoers dat egskeiding altyd sonde is word rekonstrueer. 'n Alternatiewe godsdienstige diskoers, dat egskeiding vir vroue wat in vernederende en onderdrukkend huwelik vasgevang is, onder sekere omstandighede die wil van God kan wees, word saam met die deelnemers rekonstrueer. Die verskillende lewensterreine wat vroue na egskeiding rekonstrueer, word bespreek. Dit sluit in: • praktiese aangeleenthede soos die regsproses, behuising en finansies • emosionele rekonstruksie wat emosies soos angs, skuldgevoelens en woede word vanuit 'n feministiese perspektiefbespreek • spirituele rekonstruksie wat 'n feministiese perspektief op die Bybel, sonde, die wil van God en 'n egskeidingsritueel insluit • die rekonstruksie van identiteit Ten slotte word die vyf deelnemers se nuwe verhale vertel. / Practical Theology / D.Th. (Pastoral Therapy)

Rekonstruksie van lewe na egskeiding

De Klerk, Willem Christian 30 November 2002 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans with summaries in Afrikaans and English / Despite the fact that many people in South Africa are affected by divorce, not much research is done on divorce recovery. This study on divorce recovery is shaped by a feminist theological perspective and a postmodem social constructionist discourse. As qualitative research, narrative group work was embarked on over a period of a year with five women who went through divorce. Through therapeutic letters different themes emerged. These themes formed the focus for each chapter and are enriched by relevant literature reflections. In the first chapter the stark reality of divorce in South Africa, the discursive positioning, epistemology and research methodology are discussed, and the stories of the participants are told. Divorce is deconstructed by the participants as resistance to patriarchy and not only an interpersonal crisis. The majority of claimants in divorce cases in South Africa are women. The dominant oppressive biblical discourse that divorce is always sin is reconstructed. An alternative religious discourse is co-constructed amongst the participants: that divorce under certain circumstances is God's will for women who are caught in humiliating and oppressive marriages. The various spheres of life that women reconstruct after divorce are discussed. These include: • practical matters such as the legal proceedings, housing and finances • emotional reconstruction where emotions such as fear. senses of guilt, and rage from a feminist perspective view are discussed. • reconstruction of social relations which includes aspects such as the relation with the former husband, family, new male friends and children • spiritual reconstruction which includes a feminist perspective on the Bible, sin, the will of God, and also a divorce ritual • the reconstruction of identity. Finally the five participants' reconsructed stories are told. / Ten spyte daarvan dat baie mense in Suid-Afrika deur egskeiding geraak word, word daar nie veel navorsing oor egskeidingsherstel gedoen nie. Hierdie studie oor egkeidingsherstel word gedoen vanuit 'n feministies teologiese perspektief en 'n sosiale konstruksieteorie diskoers. Oor 'n tydperk van 'n jaar is deur middel van kwalitatiewe navorsing saam met vyf vroue wat deur egskeiding geraak is, groepswerk gedoen. Uit die terapeutiese briewe wat geskryf is het verskillende temas uitgekristalliseer. Hierdie temas het die grondslag gevorm vir elke hoofstuk wat deur 'n relevante literatuurstudie aangevul is. In die eerste hoofstukke word die harde werklikhede van egskeiding, die diskoersposionering, epistemologie en navorsingsmetodiek bespreek. Die verhale van die deelnemers word vertel. Egskeiding word deur die deelnemers dekonstrueer as weerstand teen patriargie en nie net 'n interpersoonlike krisis nie. Die meerderheid eisers in egskeidingsgedinge in Suid-Afrika is vroue. Die onderdrukkend dominante Bybelse diskoers dat egskeiding altyd sonde is word rekonstrueer. 'n Alternatiewe godsdienstige diskoers, dat egskeiding vir vroue wat in vernederende en onderdrukkend huwelik vasgevang is, onder sekere omstandighede die wil van God kan wees, word saam met die deelnemers rekonstrueer. Die verskillende lewensterreine wat vroue na egskeiding rekonstrueer, word bespreek. Dit sluit in: • praktiese aangeleenthede soos die regsproses, behuising en finansies • emosionele rekonstruksie wat emosies soos angs, skuldgevoelens en woede word vanuit 'n feministiese perspektiefbespreek • spirituele rekonstruksie wat 'n feministiese perspektief op die Bybel, sonde, die wil van God en 'n egskeidingsritueel insluit • die rekonstruksie van identiteit Ten slotte word die vyf deelnemers se nuwe verhale vertel. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D.Th. (Pastoral Therapy)

Barriers to leaving an abusive relationship amongst heterosexual women living in the Inanda district in KwaZulu-Natal

Padayachee, Dhevamoney 01 1900 (has links)
Text in English, with abstracts and keywords in English, Afrikaans and isiZulu / South Africa has been known to have the highest rate of gender-based violence globally. This qualitative study locates gender-based violence using the interpretive phenomenological paradigm and multicultural feminism as both allowed participants’ to be given a voice. This study thus enabled women who have been abused to discuss their perception of their own experiences. The primary aim of the study is orientated towards an increased understanding of the possible barriers that prevent women from leaving their abusers. The main findings point out how victim manipulation, financial abuse, isolation and responses by social and legal services serve as barriers to the women leaving their abusive partners. The secondary aim contributes to an understanding of the risk factors influencing gender-based violence. Furthermore, the study explores the impact of prolonged abuse on the participants. The criteria used for the selection were women with diverse backgrounds from the Inanda district, who have lived in abusive relationships for two years or longer. Eight participants completed the research process and were selected using the purposive sampling method. Significantly, this study provides an insight into the reality of how women process and give meanings to their experiences of abuse. Hence, the research sought to inform the literature and the greater community on the lived experiences of women in abusive relationships. / Suid-Afrika het wêreldwyd die hoogste persentasie van geslagsgebaseerde geweld. Hierdie kwalitatiewe studie plaas geslagsgebaseerde geweld met behulp van die interpretatiewe fenomenologiese paradigma en multikulturele feminisme, aangesien albei die deelnemers 'n stem laat kry. Hierdie studie het dus vroue wat mishandel is, in staat gestel om hul persepsie van hul eie ervarings te bespreek. Die primêre doel van die studie is gerig op 'n groter begrip van die moontlike hindernisse wat vroue verhoed om hul misbruik te verlaat. Die belangrikste bevindings wys daarop hoe manipulasie van slagoffer, finansiële mishandeling, isolasie en reaksies deur maatskaplike en regsdienste dien as hindernisse vir die verlaat van hul vrouens met hul maat. Die sekondêre doel dra by tot die begrip van die risikofaktore wat geslagsgebaseerde geweld beïnvloed. Verder ondersoek die studie die impak van langdurige mishandeling op die deelnemers. Die kriteria wat gebruik is vir die keuring was vroue met verskillende agtergronde uit die distrik Inanda, wat al twee jaar of langer in beledigende verhoudings leef. Agt deelnemers het die navorsingsproses voltooi en is met behulp van die doelgerigte steekproefmetode gekies. Hierdie studie bied 'n insig in die werklikheid van hoe vroue hul ervarings van mishandeling verwerk en betekenisse gee. Daarom het die navorsing probeer om die literatuur en die groter gemeenskap in te lig oor die ervarings van vroue in beledigende verhoudings. / Iningizimu Afrika yaziwa ukuthi inesilinganiso esiphakeme kunazo zonke sodlame olususelwa ebulilini emhlabeni jikelele. Lolu cwaningo lwekhwalithi lubheka udlame olususelwa ebulilini kusetshenziswa ukuhumusha okuyi-phenographical paradigm kanye nobungqingili bezamasiko njengoba bobabili abahlanganyeli bavunyelwe ukuba banikezwe izwi. Lolu cwaningo lwenze ukuthi abesifazane abahlukunyeziwe bakhulume ngokubona kwabo ngokwenzeka kwabo. Inhloso yokuqala yocwaningo isekelwe ekuqondeni okwandayo kwemigoqo engahle ivimbele abesifazane ukuba bashiye abahlukumezi babo. Okutholakele okukhulu kuveza ukuthi ukuxhaphaza izisulu, ukuhlukunyezwa ngokwezimali, ukwahlukaniswa nezimpendulo ngezinsizakalo zezenhlalo nezomthetho kusebenza njengezithiyo kwabesifazane beshiya abalingani babo abahlukumezayo. Inhloso yesibili inomthelela ekuqondeni kwezimpawu zobungozi ezinomthelela udlame olususelwa ebulilini. Ngaphezu kwalokho, lolu cwaningo lubheka umthelela wokuhlukunyezwa isikhathi eside kwabahlanganyeli. Abangu-8 ababambe iqhaza baphothula inqubo yokucwaninga futhi bakhethwa besebenzisa indlela enamasampula enenjongo. Okusemqoka ukuthi lolu cwaningo luhlinzeka ngokuqonda kweqiniso lokuthi abesifazane basebenza kanjani futhi banikeze izincazelo kulokho kwabo okuhlukumezeka. Ngakho-ke, lolu cwaningo lufune ukwazisa izincwadi kanye nomphakathi omkhulu ngokuhlangenwe nakho kokuphila kwabesifazane ebudlelwaneni bokuhlukumeza. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)

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