Spelling suggestions: "subject:"spectateur clase"" "subject:"spectateur chase""
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Diverse mechanisms of pectic polysaccharide degradation distinguished in fruit cell walls in vivoOthman, Babul Airianah January 2012 (has links)
Cell wall loosening and degradation are important processes in major stages of plant development including fruit ripening. Three main mechanisms have been proposed to contribute towards cell wall polysaccharide degradation in vivo: enzymic hydrolysis by endopolygalacturonase (EPG), enzymic elimination by pectate lyase (PL), and non-enzymic scission by hydroxyl radicals (•OH). However, little idea as to which of these three mechanisms predominates in homogalacturonan degradation especially during fruit ripening. This study presents an attempt to discover the respective contribution of those three mechanisms of attack. The strategy used to achieve the objective of this study was to identify and measure homogalacturonan molecules that exhibit symptoms of each mechanism of attack. A method that was developed in this study is a fluorescent labelling method mainly to study the •OH attack on pectic polysaccharides. This labelling method is based on the ability of 2-aminoacridone (2-AMAC) to reductively aminate oxo groups of sugar moieties followed by exhaustive digestion with Driselase. In a model in-vitro experiment, the developed novel fluorescent labelling method, when applied to homogalacturonan, that had been attacked by •OH (Fenton reagent), produced at least three fluorescent ‘fingerprint’ compounds, separable by high-voltage paper electrophoresis (HVPE) based on their charge/mass properties at pH 6.5 and also by high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) on a C18 column with a fluorescence detector at λem= 520 nm. These fingerprint compounds include: a monomer, 1A*; a dimer, 2A*; and an unidentified compound, X*. In-vivo application with alcoholinsoluble residue (AIR) of seven species of fruit (pear, mango, banana, apple, avocado, strawberry and strawberry tree fruit) at three stages of softening produced at least two fluorescent fingerprint compounds: a monomer, 1AF and a dimer, 2AF. XF, an interesting compound found in a few samples in in-vivo experiments, showed electrophoretic mobility similar to X*; however, the retention time of this compound on HPLC did not agree with that of X*. 2AF was suggested to be exclusive evidence for •OH attack in vivo while 1AF was suggested to be a useful evidence not only to reveal •OH attack but also to reveal EPG and PL attack on pectic polysaccharides during fruit softening. HVPE and HPLC results showed an increasing pattern of 2AF in mango, banana, avocado and strawberry tree fruit, which indicated progressive •OH attack on pectic polysaccharides during the softening process. There was no clear evidence of 2AF at any stage of softening in apple and strawberry, which may suggest that fruit softening in apple and strawberry was not associated with •OH attack. On the other hand, HVPE analysis of 1AF showed and increasing pattern in pear, mango, banana, avocado and strawberry tree fruit, which may indicate EPG, PL and/or •OH attack during fruit softening. Production of these fluorescent fingerprint compounds provides good evidence for •OH attack on pectic polysaccharides, and has the potential to give useful information for EPG and PL attack in vivo.
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Régulation de la transcription des gènes de virulence bactériens : dynamique des complexes nucléoprotéïques / Dynamics of nucleoprotein complexes in the transcriptional regulation of bacterial virulence genesDuprey, Alexandre 03 November 2016 (has links)
Les bactéries sont en permanence confrontées à des changements d'environnements. La régulation transcriptionnelle joue alors un rôle majeur dans l'adaptation des bactéries. En particulier, la bactérie phytopathogène D. dadantii s'est récemment adaptée à l'hôte végétal. Elle produit en particulier des pectate lyases (Pel) qui dégradent la pectine, ciment des parois végétales, et jouent un rôle majeur dans le développement de la maladie. Les gènes pelD et pelE, malgré la forte divergence dans leur expression, sont issus d'un transfert horizontal suivi d'une duplication récente. La question de l'intégration de ces gènes avec les régulations préexistantes s'est alors posée.Dans un premier temps, les mécanismes moléculaires détaillés de la régulation de pelD ont été étudiés. Il a été montré que cette régulation s'appuie sur un promoteur divergent de forte affinité pour l'ARN polymérase mais de faible efficacité pour la transcription et sur un arrangement stratégique de quatre sites de fixation de répresseur FIS et deux sites de l'activateur CRP. Tous ces éléments interagissent entre eux pour produire une régulation fine de l'expression de pelD. L'origine de la divergence régulatrice entre les paralogues pelD et pelE a par la suite été explorée. De manière surprenante, la divergence entre ces deux gènes et leur sélection s'appuie presque exclusivement sur un décalage de la position du promoteur de pelE (« TSS turnover ») qui l'a transformé en initiateur de la dégradation de la pectine. Ce mécanisme très fréquent chez les eucaryotes pluricellulaires (homme, drosophile, souris…) n'avait jamais encore été décrit chez les bactéries.A travers l'étude des promoteurs pelD et pelE de D. dadantii, de nouveaux mécanismes renforçant l'importance de la régulation transcriptionnelle dans les processus adaptatifs ont ainsi été découverts / Bacteria face frequent environmental changes. Transcriptional regulation plays a major role in the adaptation to these changes. In particular, the phytopathogen bacteria Dickeya have recently adapted to vegetal hosts. They produce Pecate lyases (Pel), among others, to degrade pectin in plant cell walls, which is necessary for disease development. The pelD and pelE genes, despite the strong divergence in their expression, originate from a horizontal gene transfer followed by a recent duplication. This raises the question of their integration into the preexisting regulatory networks.Detailed molecular mechanisms of the transcriptional regulation of pelD were studied first. It was shown that this regulation relies on a high-affinity but low transcription efficiency divergent promoter and a strategic arrangement of four FIS repressor binding sites and two CRP activator binding sites. These elements interact together to fine-tune the expression of pelD. Next, the origin of the regulatory divergence between the paralogous genes pelD and pelE was explored. Surprisingly, their divergence and selection relies mostly on a TSS turnover which happened on the pelE regulatory region and transformed pelE into an initiator of pectin degradation. This widespread phenomenon in multicellular eukaryotes (human, fly, mouse…) had not yet been seen in bacteria. To conclude, through the study of D. dadantii pelD and pelE promoters, new mechanisms highlighting the relevance of transcriptional regulation in adaptation were discovered in this work
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Förädling av stjälkfibrer för fler naturliga fiberalternativ : Enzymbehandling för avlägsnande av pektin i stjälkfibrer för ökad spinnbarhet. / Processing of bast fibres with pectate lyaseLarsson, Malin, Nilsson, Annie January 2015 (has links)
Grewia optiva är en utav många outnyttjade stjälkfibrer som skulle kunna bidra till ökandet utav de naturliga fiberalternativen. Fibern har idag inte så många användningsområden på grund utav dess hårda och styva uppbyggnad, vilket gör den svår att spinna till garn. På uppdrag av organisationen Bhartiya Gramotthan Sanstha (BGS) har i detta projekt en redan befintlig metod utvecklats för att förädla fibern. Vad som främst eftersöktes var nedbrytandet av pektin som är en av de faktorer som bidrar till fiberns hårda och styva struktur. I metoden användes biologiskt nedbrytbara enzym som katalysatorer. En fungerande metod skulle kunna öka användningsområdet hos stjälkfibrer generellt och öka möjligheten till användandet utav fler naturliga fibrer. Enzymet som har använts i metoden är ett pektatlyas EC som katalyserar reaktionen som sker då pektinmolekyler klyvs. För att effektivisera processen adderades en komplexbildare, EDTA, som tidigare visat goda resultat för lin. Efter enzymbehandlingen skedde en viktreduktion av fibrerna samt förändring av deras utseende. I svepelektronmikroskop observerades förändring av ytstruktur samt separation mellan fiberbuntarna. Dessa parametrar är viktiga och har stor inverkan på spinnbarheten hos fibrer. I projektet har försök att spinna fibern gjorts men inte lyckats helt. Förändringen på ytstruktur och separation mellan fibrerna tyder dock på att behandlingen är ett steg i rätt riktning. / Grewia optiva is one of many unused bast fibres that could contribute to an increase of natural textile fibres on the industrial market. This fibre has to-day not as many applications due to its stiff and hard structure that makes the fibre difficult to spin into yarn. On behalf of the organisation Bhartiya Gramotthan Sanstha (BGS) has an existing method been developed to process the Grewia optiva fibre. The method is developed to break down substances like pectin that is responsi-ble for the hard and stiff structure of the fibre. Degradable biological en-zymes were used as catalyser in the method. With a functioning method like this the applications of bast fibres could increase and contribute to the use of more natural fibres. The enzyme used to catalyse the chemical reaction and the cleavage of pec-tin molecules in this method was a pectate lyase EC In this method EDTA was used as a chelator to efficient the chemical process. EDTA has been used as a chelator in earlier reports and showed good results. After the enzymatic treatment a weight reduction of the fibre was notable. In SEM-analysis separation between fibres and changes on the fibre surfaces was observed. These parameters are important and affect the spinning capability of the fibre. To test the spinning capability of the enzyme treated fibre they were spun in a ring spinning system, unfortunately not successfully. The surface changes and the separation shows that the enzymatic treatment had occurred and indicates that the method has developed in the right direction.
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Analysis of pectate lyase genes in Dickeya chrysanthemi strain L11, isolated from a recreational lake in Malyasia: a draft genome sequence perspectiveChan, K., Kher, H., Chang, Chien-Yi, Yin, W., Tan, K. 19 March 2015 (has links)
Yes / Dickeya chrysanthemi is well known as a plant pathogen that caused major blackleg in the European potato industry in the 1990s. D. chrysanthemi strain L11 was discovered in a recreational lake in Malaysia. Here, we present its draft genome sequence. / University of Malaya High Impact Research (HIR) Grants UM C/625/1/HIR/MOHE/CHAN/01 (grant no. A-000001-50001) and UM C/625/1/HIR/MOHE/CHAN/14/1 (grant no. H-50001-A000027)
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Biopolymer Composite based on Natural and Derived Hemp Cellulose Fibres.Quajai, Sirisart, soj@kmitnb.ac.th January 2006 (has links)
The aim of this research was to study the effect of pre-treatment and modification processes on the properties of hemp cellulose fibre for biopolymer composites application. Hemp fibres have been modified by various extraction, swelling, chemical and enzymatic treatments. The morphology and mechanical properties of the modified fibres have been measured. Biopolymer composites have been prepared using the modified fibres and matrices of cellulose acetate butyrate and cellulose solutions derived from hemp. The first fibre treatment employed was acetone extraction and mercerization. A low pressure acrylonitrile grafting initiated by azo-bis-isobutylonitrile was performed using alkali treated fibre. The AN grafted fibres had no transformation of crystalline structure as observed after mercerization. The mechanical properties performed by a single fibre test method were strongly influenced by the cellulose structure, lateral index of crystallinity, and fraction of grafting. Bioscouring of hemp using pectate lyase (EC, Scourzyme L, was performed. Greater enzyme concentration and a longer treatment improved the removal of the low methoxy pectin component. Removal of pectate caused no crystalline transformation in the fibres, except for a slight decline in the X-ray crystalline order index. Smooth surfaces and separated fibres were evidence of successful treatment. The shortening of fibre by grinding and ball-milling was introduced to achieve a desired fibre size. An increase in the milling duration gradual ly destroyed the crystalline structure of the cellulose fibres. An increase in solvent polarity, solvent-fibre ratio, agitation speed and drying rate resulted in the rearrangement of the ball-milled cellulose crystalline structure to a greater order. The thermal degradation behaviour of hemp fibres was investigated by using TGA. The greater activation energy of treated hemp fibre compared with untreated fibre represented an increase in purity and improvement of structural order. The all hemp cellulose composites were prepared by an introduction of fibres into 12% cellulose N-methyl-morpholine N-oxide (NMMO) solution and water-ethanol regeneration. A broadening of the scattering of the main crystalline plane, (002) and a depression of the maximum degradation temperature of the fibres were observed. These revealed a structural change in the fibres arising from the preparation. The mechanical properties of composites depended on size, surface area, crystallinity and the structural swelling of the fibres. Composites of cellulose acetate butyrate (CAB) and modified hemp fibres were prepared. Composites containing pectate lyase enzyme treated fibres showed better mechanical property improvement than untreated and alkali treated fibres respectively.
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Die Strukturbildung der beta-Helix in der Pektatlyase Pel-15 / The structure formation of the beta-helix in the pectate lyase Pel-15Fiedler, Christian January 2010 (has links)
Pektatlyase (Pel-15) aus dem alkalophilen Bodenbakterium Bacillus spec. KSM-P15 ist mit 197 Aminosäuren eines der kleinsten, bekannten β-3-Solenoidproteine. Sie spaltet Polygalakturonsäurederivate in einem Ca2+-abhängigen β-Eliminierungsprozess. Wie bei allen Proteinen dieser Enzymfamilie ist auch die Polypeptidkette von Pel-15 zu einer einsträngigen, rechtsgängigen, parallelen β-Helix aufgewunden. In diesem Strukturmotiv enthält jede Windung drei β-Stränge, die jeweils durch flexible Schleifenbereiche miteinander verbunden sind. Insgesamt acht Windungen stapeln sich in Pel-15 übereinander und bilden entlang der Helixachse flächige, parallele β-Faltblätter aus. Im Bereich dieser β-Faltblätter existiert ein ausgedehntes Netzwerk von Wasserstoffbrückenbindungen, durch das der hydrophobe Kern, der sich im Inneren der β-Helix befindet, vom umgebenden Lösungsmittel abgeschirmt wird. Besondere Abschlussstrukturen an beiden Enden der β-Helix, wie sie typischerweise bei anderen Ver-tretern dieser Strukturklasse ausgeprägt werden, sind in Pel-15 nicht zu beobachten. Stattdessen sind die terminalen Bereiche der β-Helix über Salzbrücken und hydrophobe Seitenkettenkontakte stabilisiert.
In der vorliegenden Dissertation wurde die Pektatlyase Pel-15 hinsichtlich ihres Faltungsgleichgewichtes, ihrer enzymatischen Aktivität und der Kinetik ihrer Strukturbildung charakterisiert. In eine evolutionär konservierte Helixwindung wurden destabilisierende Mutationen eingeführt, und deren Auswirkungen mittels spektroskopischer Methoden analysiert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Pel-15 in Gegenwart des Denaturierungsmittels Guanidiniumhydrochlorid einen hyperfluoreszenten Gleichgewichtsustand (HF) populiert, der nach Messungen von Faltungs- und Entfaltungskinetiken ein konformationelles Ensemble aus den Zuständen HFslow und HFfast darstellt. Diese HF-Zustände sind durch eine hohe Aktivierungsbarriere voneinander getrennt. In Rückfaltungsexperimenten populieren nur etwa 80 % der faltenden Moleküle den Zwischenzustand HFslow, der mit einer Zeitkonstante von ca. 100 s zu HFfast weiterreagiert. Die Denaturierungsmittelabhängigkeit dieser Reaktion ist sehr gering, was eine trans-/cis-Prolylisomerisierung als geschwindigkeitslimitierenden Schritt nahelegt. Die Existenz eines cis-Peptides in der nativen Struktur macht es erforderlich, den denaturierten Zustand als ein Ensemble kinetisch separierter Konformationen, kurz: DSE, zu betrachten, das durch die Spezies Ufast und Uslow populiert wird.
Nach dem in dieser Arbeit aufgestellten „Minimalmodell der Pel-15 Faltung“ stehen die HF-Spezies (HFslow, HFfast) mit den Konformationen des DSE in einem thermodynamischen Kreisprozess. Das Modell positioniert HFfast und die native Konformation N auf die „native Seite“ der Aktivierungsbarriere und trägt damit der Tatsache Rechnung, dass die Gleichgewichtseinstellung zwischen diesen Spezies zu schnell ist, um mit manuellen Techniken erfasst zu werden. Die hochaffine Bindung von Ca2+ (Kd = 10 μM) verschiebt sich das Faltungsgleichgewicht bereits in Gegenwart von 1 mM CaCl2 soweit auf die Seite des nativen Zustandes, das HFfast nicht länger nachweisbar ist.
Entgegen anfänglicher Vermutungen kommt einer lokalen, evolutionär konservierten Disulfidbrücke im Zentrum der β-Helix eine wichtige Stabilisierungsfunktion zu. Die Disulfidbrücke befindet sich in einem kurzen Schleifenbereich der β-Helix nahe dem aktiven Zentrum. Obwohl ihr Austausch gegen die Reste Val und Ala die freie Stabilisierungsenthalpie des Proteins um ca. 10 kJ/mol reduziert, lässt die Struktur im Bereich der Mutationsstelle keine gravierende Veränderung erkennen. Auch die katalytisch relevante Ca2+-Bindungsaffinität bleibt unbeeinflusst; dennoch zeigen Enzymaktivitätstests für VA-Mutanten eine Reduktion der enzymatischen Aktivität um fast 50 % an. Die evolutionär konservierte Helixwindung im Allgemeinen und die in ihr enthaltene Disulfidbrücke im Besonderen müssen nach den vorliegenden Ergebnissen also eine zentrale Funktion sowohl für die Struktur des katalytischen Zentrums als auch für die Strukturbildung der β-Helix während der Faltungsreaktion besitzen.
Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit finden in mehreren Punkten Anklang an Faltungseigenschaften, die für andere β -Helixproteine beschrieben wurden. Vor allem aber prädestinieren sie Pel-15 als ein neues, β-helikales Modellprotein. Aufgrund seiner einfachen Topologie, seiner niedrigen Windungszahl und seiner hohen thermodynamischen Stabilität ist Pel-15 sehr gut geeignet, die Determinanten von Stabilität und Strukturbildung des parallelen β-Helix-Motivs in einer Auflösung zu studieren, die aufgrund der Komplexität bestehender β-helikaler Modellsysteme bislang nicht zur Verfügung stand. / Pectate lyase Pel-15 was isolated from alcaliphlic Bacillus spec. strain KSM-P15. Like all pectate lyases Pel-15 binds and subsequently cleaves polygalacturonic acid, the main pectic compound in plant cell walls and middle lamellae, in a Ca2+ dependent beta-elimination reaction. With 197 amino acids and a molecular mass of only 21 kDa the protein is one of the smallest right-handed parallel beta-helical proteins known today. Polypeptide chains that are classified into this structural family adopt super-helical folds in which each “solenoid stack” consists of three beta-structured regions that are connected by flexible turn segments. Along its longitudinal axis the right-handed parallel beta-helix thus comprises three elongated parallel beta-sheets that are stabilized by an extensive network of hydrogen bonds wrapping around the densely packed hydrophobic core. Together with the shield-like arrangement of hydrogen bonds this hydrophobic core is considered as the main contributor to an exceptionally high stability that is a common feature of all beta-helical proteins. In contrast to most right-handed parallel beta-helices, Pel-15 is devoid of any terminal capping domains and laterally associated secondary structure. Therefore, this protein is considered to be a promising model protein of a pure beta-helix which will help to understand the determinants of both parallel beta-sheet formation and stability.
In the dissertation at hand optical spectroscopic methods were used to assess the enzymatic activity, the folding/unfolding equilibrium and the kinetic mechanism of structure formation in neutral buffered solutions. Results indicate that Pel-15 populates a hyper-fluorescent equilibrium intermediate (HF) that is effectively populated in presence of the denaturing agent guanidinium hydrochloride (GdmCl). According to kinetic folding and unfolding experiments HF is not only an essential on-pathway intermediate but has to be considered as a conformational ensemble in which several hyperfluorescent states are in thermodynamic equilibrium with each other. According to their existence in kinetic folding trajectories these different HF-species were termed HFslow and HFfast. The activation energy between both states is remarkably high leading to a time constant of about 100 seconds for the reaction HFslow ⇆ HFfast. Since native Pel-15 contains an energetically disfavoured cis-prolyl peptide between A59 and P60 it is proposed that HFslow and HFfast differ in their prolyl peptide conformations.
Two main results emerge from this dissertation. First, an extensive study of the Pel-15 folding- and unfolding behaviour facilitated the proposal of a “minimal folding model”. According to this model the HF-states and the according denatured species Uslow and Ufast are aligned into a thermodynamic circle. This implies that unfolded polypeptide chains reach the HF-ensemble via parallel folding trajectories. Since the native conformation N together with HFfast are on the same side of the activation barrier, it is the reaction HFslow ⇆ HFfast that is the rate limiting step in the folding reaction of Pel-15. Second, the importance of an evolutionarily conserved disulfide bond in the central region of Pel-15 was tested by site directed mutagenesis and subsequent spectroscopic characterization. The exchange of the disulfide against a hydrophobic pair of alanine and valine decreases the folding free energy by about 10 kJ/mol. Although this value is unexpectedly high, structural perturbations around both mutational positions are small as was deduced from X-Ray crystallography. Interestingly, the stability decrease is accompanied by a major loss of enzymatic activity while the Ca2+ binding affinity is not significantly affected. It is therefore concluded that the allosterically relevant disulfide bond stabilizes long-range interactions that stabilize several adjacent solenoid turns near the N-terminus of the protein. Indeed, planar stacking interactions are perturbed and flexibility of N-terminal loops is increased once the disulfide bond is removed.
This dissertation establishes Pel-15 as a novel beta-helical model protein and – even more important – smoothes the way for a generally accepted perspective on the formation and stability of parallel beta-sheet proteins.
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A pectato liase codificada pelo gene pecCl1 é importante para agressividade de Colletotrichum lindemuthianum / The pectate lyase encoded by the gene pecCl1 is important for aggressiveness of Colletotrichum lindemuthianumFassoni, Andréia Cnossen 20 July 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-07-20 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Colletotrichum lindemuthianum is the causal agent of common bean anthracnose. Genes that encode cell wall-degrading enzymes are essential for the development of this disease. The pectinases are characterized as the most important group of cell wall- degrading enzymes produced by phytopathogen fungi. The gene coding for pectate lyase, pecCl1, was previously identified in a suppressive subtractive library of bean infected with C. lindemuthianum. Isolation of the gene pecCl1 made it possible to obtain mutants and to analyze the regulation of this gene during development of anthracnose, determining whether the pectate lyase is a pathogenic factor. Thus, the aim of our study was structurally and functionally characterize the gene encoding pectate lyase in C. lindemuthianum. Initially, was performed the structural analysis of the gene pecCl1. The complete nucleotide sequence of the gene pecCl1 was deposited in Genbank with accession number JX270683. The analysis of the promoter region revealed some putative cis-elements and potential binding motifs of transcription factors involved in the regulation of pectate lyase gene expression. The deduced amino acid sequence of pecCl1 showed sequence identity with the pectate lyase F of Colletotrichum higginsianum and the pectate lyase C of Glomerella graminicola M1.001. Furthermore, it was found putative conserved domain pfam03211 of the pectate lyases superfamily. The gene pecCl1 is represented by a single copy in the C. lindemuthianum genome. However, into the genome of Colletotrichum graminicola, three sequences encoding pectate lyase showed sequence identity with the gene pecCl1 of C. lindemuthianum, and into the genome of C. higginsianum seven sequences encoding pectate lyase showed sequence identity with the gene pecCl1 of C. lindemuthianum, indicating that the C. lindemuthianum genome can possess other genes encoding pectate lyase. Phylogenetic analysis of pectate lyase amino acid sequences of filamentous fungi exhibited the formation of two distinct groups which are grouped on the basis of members of the pectate lyases multigene family. The Split-Marker technique was effective in C. lindemuthianum pecCl1 gene inactivation, allowing the study of pecCl1 function in a mutant by specific integrations and without ectopic integrations. The pecCl1 gene inactivation did not lead to complete loss of the pectate lyase activity, and consequently only decreased anthracnose symptoms in its host, which is consistent with the presence of other genes coding pectate lyase, allowing greater flexibility in pathogen aggressiveness. The analysis of differential expression of gene pecCl1 by qPCR was performed at different stages of bean infection and were observed expression levels of pecCl1 at all stages of development of the fungus in the plant, but a significant increase was observed five days after infection, in the onset of necrotrophic stage. At this stage, secondary hyphae cause extensive degradation of plant cell wall through the secretion of wide range of depolymerases, among these, the pectate lyase. Thus, the pectate lyase encoded by the gene pecCl1 is important to aggressiveness of C. lindemuthianum. The analysis of pectate lyases in C. lindemuthianum can not only assist in understanding the disease, but may also lead to discovery of one more target for disease control. / Colletotrichum lindemuthianum é o agente causal da antracnose do feijoeiro comum. Genes que codificam enzimas que degradam a parede celular são essenciais para o desenvolvimento dessa doença. As pectinases são caracterizadas como o grupo de enzimas que hidrolisam a parede celular mais importante produzidas por fungos fitopatogênicos. O gene pecCl1, que codifica pectato liase, foi previamente identificado em uma biblioteca subtrativa supressiva de feijoeiro infectado com C. lindemuthianum. O isolamento do gene tornou possível a obtenção de mutantes e análise da regulação deste gene durante o desenvolvimento da antracnose, visando determinar se a pectato liase é um fator de patogenicidade. Desta forma, o objetivo do nosso trabalho foi caracterizar estruturalmente e funcionalmente o gene que codifica pectato liase em C. lindemuthianum. Inicialmente, foi realizada a análise estrutural do gene pecCl1. A sequência completa de nucleotídeos do gene pecCl1 foi deposita no Genbank com número de acesso JX270683. A análise da região promotora revelou alguns possíveis cis-elementos e sítios de ligação a fatores de transcrição envolvidos na regulação da expressão gênica da pectato liase. A sequência de aminoácidos deduzida de pecCl1 apresentou identidade de sequências com a pectato liase F de Colletotrichum higginsianum e a pectato liase C de Glomerella graminicola M1.001. Além disso, detectou-se um possível domínio conservado pfam03211 da superfamília de pectato liases. O gene pecCl1 encontra-se representado por uma cópia única no genoma de C. lindemuthianum. No entanto, no genoma de Colletotrichum graminicola, três sequências que codificam pectato liase apresentaram identidade de sequências com o gene pecCl1 de C. lindemuthianum, e no genoma de C. higginsianum sete sequências que codificam pectato liase apresentaram identidade de sequências com o gene pecCl1 de C. lindemuthianum, indicando que o genoma de C. lindemuthianum pode possuir além do gene pecCl1 outros genes que codificam pectato liase. A análise filogenética de sequências de aminoácidos de pectato liases de fungos filamentosos mostrou a formação de dois grupos distintos, que se agruparam com base nos membros da família multigênica de pectato liases. A técnica de Split-Marker mostrou-se eficiente na inativação do gene pecCl1 de C. lindemuthianum, possibilitando o estudo da função do gene pecCl1, em um mutante com integração específica e livre de integrações ectópicas. A inativação do gene pecCl1 não levou a perda completa da atividade de pectato liase, e consequentemente, somente diminuiu os sintomas de antracnose em seu hospedeiro, o que é consistente com a presença de outros genes que codificam pectato liase no fungo, permitindo ao patógeno uma maior flexibilidade em sua agressividade. Foi realizada a análise da expressão diferencial do gene pecCl1 por qPCR nos diferentes estágios de infecção no feijoeiro e foram observados transcritos de pecCl1 em todas as fases de desenvolvimento do fungo na planta, mas houve um aumento significativo destes transcritos cinco dias após a infecção, no início da fase necrotrófica do fungo. Nesta fase, as hifas secundárias causam degradação extensiva da parede celular vegetal por meio da secreção de vasta gama de despolimerases, dentre estas, a pectato liase. Portanto, a pectato liase codificada pelo gene pecCl1 é importante para agressividade de C. lindemuthianum. A análise de pectato liases poderá não somente auxiliar na compreensão da antracnose em feijoeiro comum, mas também poderá levar a descoberta de mais um alvo para o controle dessa doença.
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Cell wall composition regulates cell shape and growth behaviour in pollen tubesChebli, Youssef 08 1900 (has links)
L’une des particularités fondamentales caractérisant les cellules végétales des cellules animales est la présence de la paroi cellulaire entourant le protoplaste. La paroi cellulaire joue un rôle primordial dans (1) la protection du protoplaste, (2) est impliquée dans les mécanismes de filtration et (3) est le lieu de maintes réactions biochimiques nécessaires à la régulation du métabolisme et des propriétés mécaniques de la cellule. Les propriétés locales d’élasticité, d’extensibilité, de plasticité et de dureté des composants pariétaux déterminent la géométrie et la forme des cellules lors des processus de différentiation et de morphogenèse. Le but de ma thèse est de comprendre les rôles que jouent les différents composants pariétaux dans le modelage de la géométrie et le contrôle de la croissance des cellules végétales. Pour atteindre cet objectif, le modèle cellulaire sur lequel je me suis basé est le tube pollinique ou gamétophyte mâle. Le tube pollinique est une protubérance cellulaire qui se forme à partir du grain de pollen à la suite de son contact avec le stigmate. Sa fonction est la livraison des cellules spermatiques à l’ovaire pour effectuer la double fécondation. Le tube pollinique est une cellule à croissance apicale, caractérisée par la simple composition de sa paroi et par sa vitesse de croissance qui est la plus rapide du règne végétal. Ces propriétés uniques font du tube pollinique le modèle idéal pour l’étude des effets à courts termes du stress sur la croissance et le métabolisme cellulaire ainsi que sur les propriétés mécaniques de la paroi. La paroi du tube pollinique est composée de trois composantes polysaccharidiques : pectines, cellulose et callose et d’une multitude de protéines. Pour comprendre les effets que jouent ces différents composants dans la régulation de la croissance du tube pollinique, j’ai étudié les effets de mutations, de traitements enzymatiques, de l’hyper-gravité et de la gravité omni-directionnelle sur la paroi du tube pollinique. En utilisant des méthodes de modélisation mathématiques combinées à de la biologie moléculaire et de la microscopie à fluorescence et électronique à haute résolution, j’ai montré que (1) la régulation de la chimie des pectines est primordiale pour le contrôle du taux de croissance et de la forme du tube et que (2) la cellulose détermine le diamètre du tube pollinique en partie sub-apicale. De plus, j’ai examiné le rôle d’un groupe d’enzymes digestives de pectines exprimées durant le développement du tube pollinique : les pectate lyases. J’ai montré que ces enzymes sont requises lors de l’initiation de la germination du pollen. J’ai notamment directement prouvé que les pectate lyases sont sécrétées par le tube pollinique dans le but de faciliter sa pénétration au travers du style. / One of the most important features characterizing plant cells and differentiating them from animal cells is the cell wall that surrounds them. The cell wall plays a critical role in providing protection to the protoplast; it acts as a filtering mechanism and is the location of many biochemical reactions implicated in the regulation of the cell metabolism and the mechanical properties of the cell. The local stiffness, extensibility, plasticity and elasticity of the different cell wall components determine the shape and geometry of the cell during differentiation and morphogenesis. The goal of my thesis is to understand the role played by the different cell wall components in shaping the plant cell and controlling its growth behaviour. To achieve this goal, I studied the pollen tube, or male gametophyte, as a cellular model system. The pollen tube is a cellular protuberance formed by the pollen grain upon its contact with the stigma. Its main purpose is to deliver the sperm cells to the female gametophyte to ensure double fertilization. The pollen tube is a tip-growing cell characterized by its simple cell wall composition and by the fact that it is the fastest growing cell of the plant kingdom. This makes it the ideal model to study the effects of drugs, mutations or stresses on cellular growth behaviour, metabolism and cell wall mechanics. The pollen tube cell wall consists mainly of proteins and three major polysaccharidic components: pectins, cellulose and callose. To understand the role played by these components in regulating pollen tube growth, I investigated the effects of mutations, enzymatic treatments, hyper-gravity and omni-directional gravity on the pollen tube cell wall. Using mathematical modeling combined with molecular biology and high-resolution electron and fluorescent microscopy I was able to show that the regulation of pectin chemistry is required for the regulation of the growth rate and pollen tube shape and that cellulose is crucial for determining the pollen tube diameter in the sup-apical region. Moreover, I investigated the role of the pectate lyases, a group of pectin digesting enzymes expressed during pollen tube development, and I showed that this enzyme activity is required for the initiation of pollen germination. More importantly, I directly showed for the first time that the pollen tube secretes cell wall loosening enzymes to facilitate its penetration through the style.
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Cell wall composition regulates cell shape and growth behaviour in pollen tubesChebli, Youssef 08 1900 (has links)
L’une des particularités fondamentales caractérisant les cellules végétales des cellules animales est la présence de la paroi cellulaire entourant le protoplaste. La paroi cellulaire joue un rôle primordial dans (1) la protection du protoplaste, (2) est impliquée dans les mécanismes de filtration et (3) est le lieu de maintes réactions biochimiques nécessaires à la régulation du métabolisme et des propriétés mécaniques de la cellule. Les propriétés locales d’élasticité, d’extensibilité, de plasticité et de dureté des composants pariétaux déterminent la géométrie et la forme des cellules lors des processus de différentiation et de morphogenèse. Le but de ma thèse est de comprendre les rôles que jouent les différents composants pariétaux dans le modelage de la géométrie et le contrôle de la croissance des cellules végétales. Pour atteindre cet objectif, le modèle cellulaire sur lequel je me suis basé est le tube pollinique ou gamétophyte mâle. Le tube pollinique est une protubérance cellulaire qui se forme à partir du grain de pollen à la suite de son contact avec le stigmate. Sa fonction est la livraison des cellules spermatiques à l’ovaire pour effectuer la double fécondation. Le tube pollinique est une cellule à croissance apicale, caractérisée par la simple composition de sa paroi et par sa vitesse de croissance qui est la plus rapide du règne végétal. Ces propriétés uniques font du tube pollinique le modèle idéal pour l’étude des effets à courts termes du stress sur la croissance et le métabolisme cellulaire ainsi que sur les propriétés mécaniques de la paroi. La paroi du tube pollinique est composée de trois composantes polysaccharidiques : pectines, cellulose et callose et d’une multitude de protéines. Pour comprendre les effets que jouent ces différents composants dans la régulation de la croissance du tube pollinique, j’ai étudié les effets de mutations, de traitements enzymatiques, de l’hyper-gravité et de la gravité omni-directionnelle sur la paroi du tube pollinique. En utilisant des méthodes de modélisation mathématiques combinées à de la biologie moléculaire et de la microscopie à fluorescence et électronique à haute résolution, j’ai montré que (1) la régulation de la chimie des pectines est primordiale pour le contrôle du taux de croissance et de la forme du tube et que (2) la cellulose détermine le diamètre du tube pollinique en partie sub-apicale. De plus, j’ai examiné le rôle d’un groupe d’enzymes digestives de pectines exprimées durant le développement du tube pollinique : les pectate lyases. J’ai montré que ces enzymes sont requises lors de l’initiation de la germination du pollen. J’ai notamment directement prouvé que les pectate lyases sont sécrétées par le tube pollinique dans le but de faciliter sa pénétration au travers du style. / One of the most important features characterizing plant cells and differentiating them from animal cells is the cell wall that surrounds them. The cell wall plays a critical role in providing protection to the protoplast; it acts as a filtering mechanism and is the location of many biochemical reactions implicated in the regulation of the cell metabolism and the mechanical properties of the cell. The local stiffness, extensibility, plasticity and elasticity of the different cell wall components determine the shape and geometry of the cell during differentiation and morphogenesis. The goal of my thesis is to understand the role played by the different cell wall components in shaping the plant cell and controlling its growth behaviour. To achieve this goal, I studied the pollen tube, or male gametophyte, as a cellular model system. The pollen tube is a cellular protuberance formed by the pollen grain upon its contact with the stigma. Its main purpose is to deliver the sperm cells to the female gametophyte to ensure double fertilization. The pollen tube is a tip-growing cell characterized by its simple cell wall composition and by the fact that it is the fastest growing cell of the plant kingdom. This makes it the ideal model to study the effects of drugs, mutations or stresses on cellular growth behaviour, metabolism and cell wall mechanics. The pollen tube cell wall consists mainly of proteins and three major polysaccharidic components: pectins, cellulose and callose. To understand the role played by these components in regulating pollen tube growth, I investigated the effects of mutations, enzymatic treatments, hyper-gravity and omni-directional gravity on the pollen tube cell wall. Using mathematical modeling combined with molecular biology and high-resolution electron and fluorescent microscopy I was able to show that the regulation of pectin chemistry is required for the regulation of the growth rate and pollen tube shape and that cellulose is crucial for determining the pollen tube diameter in the sup-apical region. Moreover, I investigated the role of the pectate lyases, a group of pectin digesting enzymes expressed during pollen tube development, and I showed that this enzyme activity is required for the initiation of pollen germination. More importantly, I directly showed for the first time that the pollen tube secretes cell wall loosening enzymes to facilitate its penetration through the style.
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Die parallele beta-Helix der Pektat-Lyase aus Bacillus subtilis : Stabilität, Faltungsmechanismus und FaltungsmutantenWalter, Monika January 2002 (has links)
Die Pektat-Lyasen gehören zu einer Proteinfamilie, die meistens von pflanzenpathogenen Mikroorganismen sekretiert werden. Die Enzyme katalysieren den Abbau von Polygalakturonsäure, einem Hauptbestandteil in <br />
pflanzlichen Mittellamellen und Primärzellwänden. Der Abbau der alpha-1,4-verbrückten Galakturonsäurereste erfogt durch eine beta-Eliminierungsreaktion, dabei entsteht ein Produkt mit einer ungesättigten C4-C5 Bindung am nicht reduzierenden Ende, das durch spektroskopische Messungen beobachtet werden kann. Für die enzymatische Reaktion der Pektat-Lyasen ist Calcium nötig und das pH-Optimum der Reaktion liegt bei pH 8.5. Alle bis jetzt bekannten Strukturen der Pektat- und Pektin-Lyasen haben das gleiche Strukturmotiv - eine rechtsgängige parallele beta-Helix. Die Struktur der Pektat-Lyase aus Bacillus subtilis (BsPel) ist im Komplex mit Calcium gelöst worden. BsPel ist ein monomeres Protein mit einer ungefähren Molekularmasse von 43 kDa, das keine Disulfidbrücken enthält. Dies erlaubte sowohl eine effiziente rekombinante Expression des Wildtypproteins, als auch von destabilisierten Mutanten im Cytoplasma von E. coli. Parallele beta-Helices sind relativ große, jedoch verhältnismäßig einfach aufgebaute Proteine. Um detailliertere Informationen über die kritischen Schritte bei der in vitro-Faltung von parallelen beta-Helices zu erhalten, sollte in der vorliegenden Arbeit versucht werden, den Faltungsmechanismus dieses Proteins näher zu charakterisieren. Dabei sollte vor allem die Frage geklärt werden, welche Wechselwirkungen für die Stabilität dieses Proteins einerseits und für die Stabilität von essentiellen Faltungsintermediaten andererseits besonders wichtig sind.<BR><br>Rückfaltung von BsPel, ausgehend vom guanidiniumchlorid-denaturierten Zustand, war bei kleinen Proteinkonzentrationen und niedrigen Temperaturen vollständig möglich. GdmCl-induzierte Faltungsübergänge waren aber nicht reversibel und zeigten eine apparente Hysterese. Kinetische Messungen des Fluoreszenz- und CD-Signals im fernen UV ergaben eine extreme Denaturierungsmittelabhängigkeit der Rückfaltungsrate im Bereich des Übergangmittelpunktes. Der extreme Abfall der Rückfaltungsraten mit steigender Denaturierungsmittelkonzentration kann als kooperative <br />
Entfaltung eines essentiellen Faltungsintermediats verstanden werden. Dieses Faltungsintermediat ist temperaturlabil und kann durch den Zusatz Glycerin im Renaturierungspuffer stabilisiert werden, wobei sich die Hysterese verringert, jedoch nicht vollständig aufgehoben wird. Durch reverse Doppelsprungexperimente konnten zwei transiente Faltungsintermediate nachgewiesen werden, die auf zwei parallelen Faltungswegen liegen und beide zum nativen Zustand weiterreagieren können. Fluoreszenzemissionsspektren der beiden Intermediate zeigten, daß beide schon nativähnliche Struktur aufweisen. Kinetische Daten von Prolin-Doppelsprungexperimenten zeigten, daß Prolinisomerisierung den geschwindigkeitsbestimmenden Schritt in der Reaktivierung des denaturierten Enzyms darstellt. Desweiteren konnte durch Prolin-Doppelsprungexperimenten an Mutanten mit Substitutionen im Prolinrest 281 gezeigt werden, daß die langsame Renaturierung von BsPel nicht durch die Isomerisierung der einzigen cis-Peptidbindung an Prolin 281 verursacht wird, sondern durch die Isomerisierung mehrerer trans-Proline. Die beiden beobachteten transienten Faltungsintermediate sind somit wahrscheinlich zwei Populationen von Faltungsintermediaten mit nicht-nativen X-Pro-Peptidbindungen, wobei sich die Populationen durch mindestens eine nicht-native X-Pro-Peptidbindung unterscheiden.<BR><br>Der Austausch des Prolinrestes 281 gegen verschiedene Aminosäuren (Ala, Ile, Leu, Phe, Gly) führte zu einer starken Destabilisierung des nativen Proteins und daneben auch zu einer Reduktion in der Aktivität, da die Mutationsstelle in der Nähe der putativen Substratbindetasche liegt. Die Rückfaltungskinetiken der Prolinmutanten war bei 10°C annähernd gleich zum Wildtyp und die geschwindigkeitsbestimmenden Schritte der Faltung waren durch die Mutation nicht verändert. Die durch die Mutation verursachte drastische Destabilisierung des nativen Zustands führte zu einem reversiblen Entfaltungsgleichgewicht bei pH 7 und 10°C. GdmCl-induzierte Faltungsübergänge der Mutante P281A zeigten bei Messungen der Tryptophanfluoreszenzemission und der Aktivität einen kooperativen Phasenübergang mit einem Übergangsmittelpunkt bei 1.1 M GdmCl. Durch die Übereinstimmung der Faltungsübergänge bei beiden Messparametern konnten die Faltungsübergänge nach dem Zwei-Zustandsmodell ausgewertet werden. Dabei wurde eine freie Sabilisierungsenthalpie der Faltung für die Mutante von <nobr>- 64.2 ± 0.4 kJ/mol</nobr> und eine Kooperativität des Übergangs <br />
von <nobr>- 58.2 ± 0.3 kJ/(mol·M)</nobr> bestimmt.<BR> <br />
<br>BsPel enthält, wie die meisten monomeren rechtsgängigen parallelen beta-Helix-Proteine, einen internen Stapel wasserstoffverbrückter Asparagin-Seitenketten. Die Mehrheit der erzeugten Mutanten mit Substitutionen im Zentrum der Asn-Leiter (N271X) waren als enzymatisch aktives Protein zugänglich. Die Auswirkung der Mutation auf die Stabilität und Rückfaltung wurde an den Proteinen BsPel-N271T und BsPel-N271A näher analysiert. Dabei führte die Unterbrechung des Asparaginstapels im Inneren der beta-Helix zu keiner drastischen Destabilisierung des nativen Proteins. Allerdings führten diese Mutationen zu einem temperatur-sensitiven Faltungsphänotyp und die Hysterese im Denaturierungsübergang wurde verstärkt. Offenbar wird durch die Unterbrechung des Asparaginstapel ein essentielles, thermolabiles Faltungsintermediat destabilisiert. Der Asparaginstapel wird somit bei der Faltung sehr früh ausgebildet und ist wahrscheinlich schon im Übergangszustand vorhanden. / Pectate lyases belong to a family of proteins secreted by plant pathogenic microbes. The enzymes cleave alpha-1,4 linked galacturonic acid by a beta-elimination that results in an unsaturated product, which can be quantified spectrophotometrically. Calcium is essential for the activity and the pH-optimum is near 8.5. All known structures of pectate and pectin lyases have the same structural motif - a right handed parallel beta-helix. The structure of pectate lyase from Bacillus subtilis (BsPel) has been solved in complex with calcium. It is a monomeric protein, with a molecular mass of about 43 kDa and without disulfide bonds. This allows its high-yield recombinant expression in the cytoplasm of Escherichia coli. Parallel beta-helices are relative large proteins, however with a simple folding topology. The objective of this work was to characterize the folding mechanism of BsPel. In particular we investigated the role of the interactions of certain residues in the parallel beta-helix for the stability of the native protein and the stability of essential folding intermediates.<br />
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Refolding of BsPel was possible at low protein concentrations and low temperature. However, denaturation of BsPel was not freely reversible. De- and renaturation curves showed a large apparent hysteresis. Furthermore, the folding rate constant deduced from fluorescence and circulardichroism measurements showed a very strong dependence on denaturant concentrations near the midpoint of the renaturation transition. This can be explained with a cooperative unfolding of an essential folding intermediate. Upon stabilisation of the temperature-sensitive intermediate by addition of glycerol in the renaturation buffer, the hysteresis is reduced, but does not disappear. Reverse double mixing kinetic experiments have shown that two transient folding intermediates are on the folding pathway. These intermediates are on parallel pathways and both can fold to the native state. Fluorescence emission spectra have shown the native-like structure of both intermediates. Furthermore, data from proline double mixing kinetic experiments revealed that isomerization of peptidyl-prolyl bonds was responsible for the slow kinetics in the reactivation of the enzyme. However, the isomerization of the single cis-peptidyl-prolyl bond at Pro281 was not responsible for the slowest folding phase observed, but rather the isomerization of other trans-peptidyl-prolyl bonds. Thus, both transient folding intermediates observed probably represent two populations of folding intermediates with non-native X-Pro-peptide bonds. The difference of the two populations is at least one non-native X-Pro-peptide bond.<br />
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Mutations of the proline 281 against various residues (Ala, Ile, Leu, Phe, Gly) resulted in a strong destabilization of the native protein. Also, the activity of the mutant proteins was strong reduced due to the position of the mutation site near the putative active center of the protein. At 10°C the kinetic folding behavior of the proline mutants was not significant changed. However, the strong destabilization of the native state in the proline mutants resulted in a reversible folding equilibrium at pH 7 and 10°C. The unfolding of the P281A mutant was reversible as determined by fluorescence emission and enzyme activity measurements. The coincidence of these detected transitions is consistent with a two-state equilibrium transition. At pH 7 and 10°C the delta G°(H<sub>2</sub>O) for folding of P281A was <nobr>- 64.2 ± 0.4 kJ/mol,</nobr> with a midpoint of the transition at 1.1 M GdmCl and a cooperativity of <nobr>- 58.2 ± 0.3 kJ/(mol·M).</nobr><br />
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BsPel has an asparagine ladder in turn 2 of the parallel beta-helix with extensive network of side-chain hydrogen bonds between the Asn residues. Such an Asn-ladder is a conserved feature of many monomeric beta-helices crystallized so far. The middle Asn residue (271) was selected and exchanged for various residues. Most of the mutants were expressed at 25°C as soluble and active proteins but with a significant reduction in yield. Mutants N271T and N271A were selected to study the stability and refolding of these proteins in comparison with the wild-type protein. The substitution in the Asn-ladder did not drastically destabilize the native protein, but caused a temperature-sensitive-folding (tsf) phenotype with an increased hysteresis in the de- and renaturation transition curves. In addition, the disruption of the Asn-ladder resulted in destabilization of an essential, thermosensitive folding intermediate. Thus, the Asn-ladder is formed very early during the folding, probably well before the transition state of folding.
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