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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Developmental Pedagogy in Marriage and Family Therapy Education

Hoff, Christopher Russell 29 November 2016 (has links)
<p> New practice domains are opening up for practitioners of family therapy in the medical, organizational, and human relations fields. In this new environment, family therapy educators and supervisors are required to cross the epistemological spaces of scientist-practitioner, postmodernism, and critical theory. These new possibilities require that family therapist educators become comfortable moving between multiple epistemologies. This poses increasing challenges that will require a hybridization of knowledge and practice approaches in MFT education.</p><p> Through focus groups consisting of 34 participants, all of who were in their first quarter of a Master&rsquo;s degree program in Marriage and Family Therapy. We found a rich set of themes that reflect the experiences of students in their first quarter of learning multiple, potentially contradictory theories. The data that emerged reflect both the deep and varied <i>student experiences </i> that took place as they were introduced to multiple perspectives in their first quarter, as well as <i>student desires</i> that they would have liked to have had met during their experience. The results in each of these areas uniquely inform potential future MFT pedagogical practices. </p><p> <i>Keywords:</i> pedagogy, epistemology, family therapy, narrative analysis</p>

Analytic Approach to J.S. Bach's Eighteen Little Preludes

Tsai, Yi-Chuan 01 May 2014 (has links)
This document is an analytical and pedagogical guide to J.S. Bach's Eighteen Little Preludes, which can be considered by teachers as valid pedagogical material for transitioning from late elementary level to intermediate levels of J.S. Bach's keyboard works. This paper contains a brief biography of J.S. Bach and historical background of the Eighteenth Little Preludes. In addition, this paper focuses on the pedagogical aspects of each prelude and includes a discussion of styles, interpretation, performance techniques, as well as technical solutions.

Toward a Program of Acquiring Culture Themes by Beginning Students of Chinese as a Foreign Language

Chai, Donglin 27 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.

On Critical Librarianship & Pedagogies of the Practical

Hudson, David James 02 1900 (has links)
Keynote address by David James Hudson, Learning & Curriculum Support Librarian, University of Guelph. Critical Librarianship & Pedagogy Symposium, February 25-26, 2016, The University of Arizona.

Singing and Cystic Fibrosis| A collective case study on the effects of private voice lessons on the pulmonary function and quality of life of adult Cystic Fibrosis patients

Goldenberg, Rachel Brager 28 January 2016 (has links)
<p> Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is a genetic disease that affects multiple systems including the respiratory tract. Thickened secretions in the airway must be removed to prevent deterioration of pulmonary function. Airway clearance techniques are based on physiological principles such as cephalad airflow, the combination of expiratory airflow with high frequency oscillation at the chest wall or oral cavity, and repetitive cough. Diaphragmatic breathing, respiratory muscle training, and voicing during therapy have also been shown to improve or maintain pulmonary function in CF patients. The physiology of airway clearance is similar to the physiology of singing, which involves controlled airflow resulting in pressure oscillations and vibration. Singers build awareness of their bodies and learn to manage their breath. It is also a relatively inexpensive and enjoyable activity that requires little equipment or space. Singing should not replace medically recommended therapies, but it may be a viable adjunct therapy.</p><p> In this concurrent mixed methods collective case study, the effects of nine private singing lessons on the pulmonary function, measured by FEV<sub> 1</sub> and quality of life, measured by the Cystic Fibrosis Questionnaire-Revised (CFQ-R) of four CF patients were investigated. Participants also completed an exit questionnaire to determine their satisfaction with the lessons and impressions of the study. Lessons were taught by the same teacher and tailored to the needs of each participant. The teacher kept a journal of the proceedings of each lesson. To evaluate the efficacy of the lessons, the teacher assessed each participant before and after the lessons using a rubric and helped the participants to create modified phonetograms. Two single-factor analyses of variance (ANOVAs) were performed on the phonetograms to compare the pre and post voice lesson effects in terms of maximum and minimum sound pressure levels. Due to the small sample size, no further statistical analysis was performed, and the results of the study will be pilot data for future research.</p><p> Effects on FEV<sub>1</sub> were inconclusive, but the teacher observed all participants coughed during singing and not during conversation, suggesting the mobilization of mucus. All participants improved in the domain of body image on the CFQ-R. This, combined with comments from participants on the exit questionnaire about gaining confidence, suggests an overall improvement in self-esteem resulting from the lessons. Most participants also improved in the domain of physical functioning. Two participants improved significantly in terms of maximum vocal intensity as indicated by their phonetograms. The teacher was well informed about CF but did not need to structure the musical aspects of the lessons in any specialized way, although an emphasis was placed on breathing and the allowance and encouragement of coughing from participants, which is deviant from the norm. All participants reported satisfaction with the treatment and wrote about breath control being one of the most important gains from the lessons. All but one reported they would continue lessons if given the chance. The results suggest singing lessons may provide some airway clearance and improve the quality of life of adult CF patients. Further investigation of this topic is warranted.</p>

An experiment in Christology and ecclesiology with adolescent pupils

Boyle, James Desmond January 1994 (has links)
No description available.

Att lära om miljö : Forskar- och högskolestuderandes tolkningar av ett miljöinnehåll i utbildningen / Learning about environmental issues : Post- and undergraduate students’ interpretations of environmental contentin education

Lundholm, Cecilia January 2003 (has links)
This thesis focuses on students’ perspectives on environmental education and is based on three case studies. The aim is to explore and describe the students’ interpretations of, and learning about, ecology and environmental issues. The students’ learning processes are analysed from an intentional perspective, i.e. a perspective which takes into account the students’ educational aims defined as projects. In the first case study interviews were carried out with six first-year civil engineering students following a compulsory course in Ecology. In the second case study the dialogue between a group of four biology students was tape-recorded while they were working on a task on environmental reports. The third case study was based on interviews with six postgraduate students regarding their interpretations of environmental research and the task of writing a thesis. In all the three cases the students interpret a cultural context concerning values. The three case studies show the way values and emotions become an aspect of the learning process and reveal the students’ difficulties in differentiating between values and descriptions of phenomena. This is analysed and explained in relation to the students’ various projects that come into conflict in the educational setting. The differences among the three groups of students can be explained as a difference in the students’ ability to identify various kinds of projects, and the students’ possibilities of choosing between the projects.

Lärare om Testbaserat lärande : En intervjustudie om lärares inställning till test som verktyg för att stärka lärandet.

Wirebring, Urban January 2016 (has links)
Testbaserad inlärning är en pedagogisk metod som bygger på användningen av test och prov som verktyg för att stärka inlärningen istället för som underlag för bedömning. En enig forskarkår i kognitionsvetenskap och psykologi har med robusta och tydliga resultat visat hur upprepad testning kan användas för att stimulera och stärka inlärning. (Wiklund-Hörnqvist 2015).Metoden bygger på ett kognitivt fenomen som kallas testeffekten. Genom att testa sig själv på det stoff man försöker lära sig, till exempel genom att utsätta sig för ett diagnostiskt test, uppmuntras eleven att plocka fram ur minnet information om det denne läst och försöker lära. Denna minnesframplockning stärker förmågan att minnas informationen vid senare tillfällen på ett bättre sätt, jämfört med om eleven i stället för att testa sig på innehållet, skulle ha läst om samma text efter samma tidsintervall. (Roediger &amp; Karpicke 2006).Trots den enighet som råder bland forskarna ser vi ganska lite av upprepad testning som lärandemetod i skolan. Baserat dels på en kandidatuppsats gjord på gymnasielärare (Wirebring 2014), dels på erfarenhet av samtal med forskare och lärare, kan jag dra slutsatsen att användningen av test och prov som metod för att stärka inlärningen verkar sällsynt. Detta trots att kunskapen om testeffekten inte är särskilt ny (James 1890). Fenomenet omskrivs förvisso redan i förra seklets början, men forskning på testbaserad inlärning tog fart framför allt under de två senaste decennierna.Jag ser en lucka i mötet mellan en enig forskarkår och de yrkesverksamma lärarna. Det verkar som om många lärare inte hört talas om testbaserad inlärning eller begreppet testeffekten. Därtill förefaller diskussioner kring hur de vetenskapliga rönen om testbaserat lärande skall kunna tolkas, användas och implementeras i den pedagogiska verksamheten svårfunna. De forskare som studerar testbaserat lärande gör det företrädelsevis inom kognitionsvetenskapliga fält. De studerar ju hur hjärnan fungerar, inte hur skolan fungerar. Hur kan det vara att ett område som har så tydliga kopplingar till den pedagogiska verksamheten inte diskuteras av pedagogerna själva? Min undersökning handlar just om detta. Genom ett par pedagogiska glasögon betraktat, hur ser man på användningen av upprepad testning i skolan? Hur ser lärarna på testbaserat lärande i sin verksamhet? Till vilken grad känner de till metoden överhuvudtaget? Vilka är metodens möjligheter och begränsningar enligt de som arbetar i pedagogisk verksamhet.Detta är mitt huvudsakliga syfte med studien. Undersökningen bygger på ett antal kvalitativa intervjuer med lärare i gymnasieskolan och strävar efter att bidra med ett pedagogiskt perspektiv på testbaserade inlärningsmetoder.

Att stanna kvar : En studie om idrottslärare som stannar kvar i yrket ur ett salutogent perspektiv / To remain : A study of the physical education teachers who remain in the profession of a salutogenic perspective

von Bothmer, Viktor, Grändås, Emil January 2017 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar Syftet med studien har varit att ur ett salutogent perspektiv undersöka vad som påverkar idrottslärare att stanna kvar inom idrottsläraryrket. Syftet har lett fram till följande mer preciserade frågeställningar Hur skattar idrottslärare sin känsla av sammanhang(KASAM) i relation till sitt yrkesutövande? Vilka faktorer uppfattar lärare ger en positiv respektive en negativ inverkan på att stanna i yrket? Metod Vårt urval har begränsats till fyra idrottslärare som alla har jobbat över 26 år i yrket. Vi använde oss av både intervjuer (huvudmetod) och ett skattningsformulär som metod. Formuläret utgår från Antonovskys KASAM-formulär. Teoretiskt ramverk för analys och tolkning av studiens empiri har varit Antonovskys KASAM-teori. Resultat Respondenterna nämner olika faktorer som motiverade dem att stanna i yrket. Positiva psykosociala faktorer är tungt vägande skäl att stanna kvar. Framförallt är det bra kollegor som ger energi i arbetet, den nära kontakten med elever och ett välfungerande samarbete med ledningen som är viktiga faktorer. Alla respondenterna ansåg sitt yrke vara meningsfullt och såg inte den ekonomiska faktorn som en anledning att lämna yrket trots att ingen var nöjd med lönen. Idrottslärarna i vår studie har i genomsnitt ett högt KASAM vilket visar på att de överlag är nöjda med sitt yrkesval. Slutsats Det är viktigt för lärarna att ha motiverande faktorer för att stanna kvar i yrket. Våra respondenter utryckte betydelsen av psykosociala faktorer och att yrket känns meningsfullt som skäl till att de stannat kvar över tid. Sammantaget bidrar dessa faktorer till en känsla av sammanhang. Antonovsky beskriver meningsfullhet, som en viktig del i att skapa sammanhang. Meningsfullhet kan i sin tur användas för att motverka stressorer i arbetet. Om läraren har tillräckliga resurser för att möta de stressorer hen ställs inför finns förutsättningar för hen att fortsätta arbeta inom sitt yrke över tid. / Aim The study aims from a salutogenic perspective to find out what drives physical education teachers to remain in the profession PE teaching. The objective has led till the following more specific issuses How would PE teacher rate their sensibility of coherence (SOC) in relation to their profession? What factors perceive PE teachers gives a positive and also a negative impact in staying in their profession? Method Our selection has been limited to four PE teachers as everyone has worked over 26 years in the profession. We used both interviews (main method) and an assessment questionnaire as Method. The form is based on Antonovsky's SOC-form. Theoretical framework for the analysis and interpretation of the empirical of the study has been Antonovskys SOC theory. Results The respondents mention various factors, which motivated them to stay in the profession. Positive psychosocial factors are important reasons to remain in the occupation. In particular, good colleagues providing energy in the work as well as close contact with students and well functioning cooperation with the management are important factors. All respondents considered their profession to be meaningful and did not regard the economic factors as a reason to leave the profession despite that none of them was satisfied with the salary. PE teachers in our study have in average a high SOC indicating that they are generally satisfied with their choice of career. Conclusions It is important for teachers to have a number of motivating factors to remain in the profession. Our respondents expressed the importance of psychosocial factors and that the profession is meaningful as reasons to remain in the position as a PE teacher. Taken together, these factors contribute to a sense of coherence. Antonovsky describes meaningfulness, as an important part of creating a context. Meaningfulness may, in turn, be used to counteract the stressors of work. If the teacher has adequate and sufficient resources to confront the stressors he/she meets there are good presumptions for him/her to continue in the profession over time.

Förenkling eller förvirring? Läromedels möjligheter och begränsningar : En analys av tryckta och digitala läromedel inom ämnet svenska som andraspråk

Fredin, Sofia, Josefina, Nilsson January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

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