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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mecanismos de ativação mecânica de misturas de nióbio e alumínio para a síntese por reação do NbAlsub(3) / Mechanical activation mechanisms of niobium and aluminium mixtures for the reaction synthesis of NbAI3

ROCHA, CLAUDIO J. da 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:54:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:07:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Neste trabalho, a moagem com alta energia foi utilizada para a ativação mecânica de misturas de pós de alumínio e nióbio, na proporção de 75% atômico de alumínio, para a síntese por reação de combustão do NbAl3. O objetivo foi investigar os mecanismos de ativação atuantes e a eventual preponderância de um deles. A moagem foi realizada tanto nos pós de alumínio e de nióbio separadamente (pré-ativação), como nas misturas. O processo de síntese por reação foi realizado no modo combustão simultânea, em pastilhas compactadas a partir de misturas com e sem ativação mecânica. O comportamento térmico das pastilhas foi registrado durante todo o ciclo térmico de aquecimento e, as principais características térmicas da reação de combustão, foram determinadas. O parâmetro de rede, o tamanho de cristalito e a microdeformação elástica do alumínio e do nióbio foram determinados por difratometria de raios X, mediante análise pelo método de Rietveld. A microscopia eletrônica de varredura foi utilizada para caracterização microestrutural dos pós moídos e da pastilha reagida. Constatou-se que o mecanismo preponderante de ativação mecânica é o aumento da área de interface, que ocorre durante a formação de agregados de partículas de alumínio e nióbio. A eficiência na formação de interfaces diminuiu com a utilização de nióbio pré-ativado (encruado) e com o aumento da quantidade de ácido esteárico (utilizado como agente controlador de processo durante a moagem). O efeito principal da ativação mecânica na síntese por reação de combustão foi a redução da temperatura de ignição com o aumento do tempo de moagem. A alta densidade de defeitos cristalinos, gerada durante a pré-ativação dos pós de alumínio e nióbio e na ativação mecânica das misturas, não produziu efeitos mensuráveis sobre o comportamento térmico das pastilhas. / Tese (Doutoramento) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares - IPEN/CNEN-SP

Auto-redução e fusão redução de pelotas auto-redutoras de cromita. / Self-reduction and fusion reduction of chromite self-reducing pellets

Adolfo Pillihuaman Zambrano 05 October 2009 (has links)
Neste trabalho estudou-se a evolução da redução da pelota auto-redutora de cromita contendo coque de petróleo, ferro-silício, cal hidratada, sílica e cimento Portland ARI (alta Resistência Inicial), para a obtenção da liga ferro-cromo alto carbono (FeCrAC). As principais variáveis estudadas foram: influência das adições de Fe-75%Si em sinergismo com coque de petróleo, adição de fluxantes, temperatura e tempo de redução. Além disso, foram realizadas experiências para confirmação dos resultados de auto-redução num forno rotativo de laboratório. Inicialmente os materiais (cromita, ferro-silício, coque de petróleo, cal dolomitica, sílica e cimento Portland ARI), foram caracterizados por análise química e análise granulométrica. Após a caracterização, os materiais, foram aglomerados na forma de pelotas (P1, P2, P3, P4 e P5), com adições de 0, 1, 2 e 4% Fe-75%Si, e adições de 2% Fe-75%Si e de fluxantes (3,83% cal dolomitica e 2,88% sílica), respectivamente. A redução das pelotas foi feita num forno de indução podendo atingir temperaturas de até 1973K (1700oC). Os ensaios experimentais foram realizados nas temperaturas de 1773K (1500°C), 1823K (1550oC) e 1873K (1600oC), utilizando-se cadinhos de grafite. Após os ensaios de redução os produtos obtidos (escória e metal) foram analisados por microscopia ótica, por microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e por análise de espectro de dispersão de energia (EDS). O processo de redução nas pelotas 1, 2, 3 e 4 segue os seguintes fenômenos i) via intermediários gasosos (CO/cromita) formam-se glóbulos metálicos nucleados na superfície das partículas de cromita, inicialmente rico em ferro; ii) estes crescem, pela redução na superfície da cromita deixando óxidos refratários na periferia da partícula de cromita original; iii) uma escoria incipiente se forma com os componentes da pelota (aglomerantes inorgânicos, cinza do redutor e fluxantes) e com a dissolução da ganga das partículas pequenas reduzidas da cromita; iv) a escória incipiente dissolve parte refratária da superfície da cromita, liberando a fase metálica e a escória vai se tornando cada vez mais refratária; v) o nódulo metálico segue crescendo e enriquecendo-se de cromo, reduzindo os óxidos de cromo e eventualmente de ferro dissolvido na escória incipiente; vi) o coalescimento da fase metálica é favorecido pela formação de escória e dissolução da ganga refrataria da cromita. O processo de redução da pelota 5 pela presença de fluxantes forma uma quantidade maior de escória inicial e apresenta os seguintes fenômenos: i) as reações indireta e direta reduzem as partículas finas de cromita, com formação de nódulos metálicos e fase escória nos primeiros instantes de redução; ii) os nódulos metálicos são formados pela redução das partículas finas de cromita. As partículas grandes sofrem pequena redução superficial e são encobertas pela escória, permanecendo dispersas na mesma; iii) a formação de escória encobrindo a cromita prejudica a redução gasosa aumentando o tempo de redução da mesma, porem facilita o coalescimento da fase metálica; iv) o nódulo metálico segue crescendo e enriquecendo-se de cromo, reduzindo aos poucos as partículas grandes de cromita. Existe regeneração do gás redutor (Boudouard) que pode ser diretamente com C do redutor ou com C dissolvido na fase metálica. A auto-redução carbotérmica das pelotas de cromita, na faixa de temperatura 1773K (1500oC) a 1873K (1600°C), sofre grande influência da temperatura, seja com ou sem adição de Fe-75%Si. O aumento da temperatura de 1773K (1500°C) para 1873K (1600°C) diminui o tempo para atingir redução completa conforme segue: i) 8 vezes para pelota sem Fe-75%Si; ii) 4 vezes para pelota com 1% de Fe-75%Si; e iii) 3 vezes para pelota com 2% de Fe-75%Si. Há um efeito significativo de adições de Fe-75%Si em pelotas auto-redutoras de cromita no tempo para atingir redução completa. O teor benéfico destas adições foi de 2%, contribuindo com aproximadamente 9% de calor necessário para redução completa, para as temperaturas ensaiadas de 1873K (1600ºC), 1823K (1550ºC) e 1773K (1500ºC). A evolução da redução é altamente sensível (diminui) com adição de fluxantes formadores de escória com temperatura líquidus abaixo de 1773K (1500ºC). A evolução da redução pela reação indireta (CO/cromita) é notavelmente mais rápida que a redução pela reação direta (C/cromita e C dissolvido na fase metálica/óxido de cromo na escória). A redução gasosa atuante nos primeiros estágios de redução, vai sendo prejudicada à medida que aumenta a quantidade de escória. As pelotas (1, 2, 3 e 4) sem adição de fluxantes (sílica e cal dolomítica), após reduzidas, são altamente porosas e têm pequena formação de fase escória se comparar com aquelas com adição de fluxantes com formação maior de fase escória (pelota 5). A pelota 3 com 2% de Fe-75%Si apresentou melhores resultados em relação ao tempo de redução. A pelota com adição de 4% Fe-75%Si (pelota 4), não apresentou diminuição do tempo de redução, devido a uma maior formação de escória que prejudica a reação indireta (mais rápida). As evidências micrográficas, auxiliadas por análises por EDS, mostraram que as reduções das partículas de cromita, foram praticamente completas quando as frações de reação se aproximam da unidade, confirmando a confiabilidade da metodologia utilizada. A redução da pelota auto-redutora, independente da sua composição, acontece de forma não isotérmica apesar de ser ensaiada numa temperatura isotérmica, apresentando-se um gradiente de temperatura entre a superfície e o centro da pelota, ao longo do tempo, mas esta desaparece conforme a reação progride tornando-se uniforme ao final da reação; evidenciando que a transferência de calor é a etapa lenta do processo devido: às reações de redução serem bastante endotérmicas; ao tamanho das pelotas; às altas temperaturas; e por ser um material poroso e refratário. A resistência a compressão das pelotas (1, 2, 3, 4 e 5) após 28 dias de cura e antes de serem reduzidas foi de ~4 kgf/pelota, porém tornou-se bastante alta após reduzidas (150 a 400 kgf/pelota); tornando-as aptas para carga em reatores de fusão. Estes resultados foram confirmados com ensaios no forno rotativo de laboratório, utilizando-se a pelota 2 (2% de Fe-75%Si), evidenciando: i) que as reduções de Cr e Fe foram praticamente completas (fração média de reação de 0,99) em 30 minutos de ensaio a 1500ºC; ii) a coalescência das partículas metálicas, obtidas por redução depende da capacidade da escória de dissolver os óxidos remanescentes na partícula de cromita reduzida; iii) há formação de fase incipiente de escória não-continua, aos 5 minutos de ensaio, pela parte da ganga do minério de cromita com os componentes de aglomerantes e/ou fluxantes; iv) a recuperação do teor metálico é alto (99%), em 30 minutos de ensaio, a 1500º C. Os resultados mostram um grande potencial do processo de auto-redução na produção de ferro-cromo alto carbono (FeCrAC). / The evolution of reduction of the self-reducing pellets of chromite for obtaining ferro-chromium high carbon (FeCrHC) was analyzed. The influences of Fe-75%Si additions, addition of fluxing agents, temperature and time of reduction were studied. The materials (chromite, ferro-silicon, petroleum coke, dolomite lime, silica and cement Portland), were characterized by chemical and particle size analysis. After characterization, the materials were agglomerated in the form of pellets (P1, P2, P3 and P4), with additions of 0, 1, 2 and 4% Fe-75%Si, respectively, and P5 with additions of 2% Fe-75%Si and fluxing agents (3.83% dolomite lime and 2.88% silica). The reduction of pellets was made using induction furnace with capability to reach temperatures up to 1973K (1700ºC). The experiments were performed at temperatures of 1773K (1500ºC), 1823K (1550ºC) and 1873K (1600ºC), using graphite crucibles. After the reduction the products (slag and metal) were analyzed by optical microscopy, scanning electronic microscopy (MEV) and energy dispersion spectrum analysis (EDS). The reduction process in pellets 1, 2, 3 and 4 followed phenomena as: i) gaseous reduction (CO/chromite) produces metallic globules on the surface of chromite particles, initially rich in iron; ii) these globules grow continuing the reduction at the periphery of chromite particles, leaving refractory oxides at this area of the original chromite particle; iii) an incipient slag is formed with the components of the pellet (inorganic binders, ash of reducer and fluxing agents) and with the dissolution of gangue from small particles of the reduced chromite; iv) the incipient slag dissolves refractory oxides remaining at the periphery of the chromite particles, liberating the metallic phase and the slag becomes more refractory; v) the metallic phase grows and becomes richer in chromium by reducing chromium oxides and eventually of iron dissolved in the incipient slag; vi) the coalescence of the metallic phase is favored by the slag formation and dissolution of refractory gangue of the chromite. The reduction process of pellet 5 follows as: i) indirect and direct reactions reduce fine particles of chromite, with formation of metallic nodules and slag phase at the beginning of reduction; ii) the metallic nodules are formed by the reduction of fine particles of chromite. Large chromite particles are reduced at the peripherical surfaces and are embebeded by the slag and remain dispersed in it; iii) the slag formed is harmful for the gaseous reduction and the time for completing the reduction is increased, but facilitates the coalescence of the metallic phase; iv) the metallic nodule follows growing and becomes richer in chromium. The carbothermic self-reduction pellets of the chromite at the temperature range of 1773K (1500ºC)-1873K (1600ºC), presents great influence of the temperature, either, with or without addition of Fe-75%Si. The increase of the temperature from 1773K (1500ºC) to 1873K (1600ºC) decreases the time for completing the reduction as: i) 8 times for pellet without Fe-75%Si; ii) 4 times for pellet with 1% of Fe-75%Si; and iii) 3 times for pellet with 2% of Fe-75%Si. A significant effect of additions of Fe-75%Si in self-reducing pellets of chromite in the reduction time was observed. The best addition was with 2% and its contribution was approximately 9% of necessary heat for complete the reduction, for the temperatures of 1873K (1600ºC), 1823K (1550ºC) and 1773K (1500ºC). The evolution of reduction is highly sensitive (it decreases) with addition of fluxing agents which form the slag with liquidus temperature below 1500ºC. The evolution of reduction for the indirect reaction (CO/chromites) is remarkably faster than that of the reduction by the direct reaction (C/chromite and C dissolved in the metallic phase/chromium oxide in the slag). At the beginning the gaseous reduction is predominant but it becomes less important with formation of larger amount of slag. The pellets (1, 2, 3 and 4) without addition of fluxing agents (silica and dolomite lime), after reduced, are highly porous and have small formation of slag phase than pellet 5 with addition of fluxing agents. Pellet 3 with 2% of Fe-75%Si presented the best results with relation to time for completing the reduction of chromite. The pellet with addition of 4% Fe-75%Si (pellet 4) did not present advantage with relation to that of 2% addition due to larger volume of slag formation. The micrograph analysis showed that the reductions of chromite particles practically were complete when the reaction fractions approach to the unit, confirming the confidence of the methodology used for determining the reaction fraction. The reduction of the self-reducing pellet, regardless its composition, happens by not isothermal way although it is submitted at isothermal temperature. The temperature gradient between surface and the core of the pellet is larger at the beginning but it disappears as the reaction progresses, becoming uniform with time. The heat transfer showed to be the slowest step of the process due to, the endothermic reactions of reduction, the size of the pellets, the high temperatures and porous nature and refractory material. The compression strength of the pellets (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5), after 28 days of curing, before of the reduction was ~4kgf/pellet but it increased up to 150 - 400 kgf/pellet; which are acceptable for charging the melting furnace for metal/slag separation. These results were confirmed by using laboratory rotating furnace, with pellet 2 (2% of Fe-75%Si), as: i) the reductions of Cr and Fe were practically complete (fraction of reaction 0,99) after 30 minutes of experiment at 1500ºC; ii) the coalescence of metallic particles, depends the capability of the slag to dissolve remaining oxides in the reduced chromite particle; iii) incipient not-continuous slag phase forms, at 5 minutes of experiment, from the gangue of the chromite and from the components of binders and/or fluxing agents; iv) the yield of metallic recovery is high (99%), after 30 minutes of experiment at1500º C. The results show that the self-reduction process presents a great potential for the ferro-chromium high carbon production (FeCrHC).

The alkali sorption process by solid sorbents at high temperature

Rieger, Michael January 2000 (has links)
The aluminosilicate materials kaolinite, calcium montmorillonite and emathlite have been tested as solid sorbents for alkali vapour in controlled gaseous environments, in order to study their sorption characteristics. The study used pan pelletised and extruded pellets in single pellet and fixed bed reactor systems under gaseous environmental conditions containing water vapour, hydrogen chloride and nitrogen at a temperature of 850°C. The means of producing the pellets and the composition of the gaseous environment were shown to determine the sorption performance of the sorbent pellets. The physical properties of the pellet (particle size, total pore volume, surface area, crush strength) significantly affect the sorption effectiveness, while the formation of reaction products is dependent upon the sorbents' chemical composition and on the sorption conditions. Reaction products identified under the various sorption conditions indicated possible pathways for alkali capture. Hydrogen chloride mixtures were shown to cause a reverse of the sorption process for some sorbents. A leaching method for extracting sodium from treated pellets enabled the type of bonding to be determined but not necessarily the prime sorption mechanism. With the introduction of water vapour, some evidence was presented that the alkali sorption rate can change significantly. The previously reported effect of hydrogen chloride upon alkali capture by the sorbent material, calcium montmorillonite; shown by McLaughlin (1990) was confirmed and the effect was also investigated for emathlite and kaolinite. Reversibility depended upon the presence or absence of hydrogen chloride. Both water vapour and hydrogen chloride determine sorption activity and capacity. Likewise the structural characteristics of the pellet influences the sorption activity and capacity. The sorption process is not due to aluminosilicate reaction alone but also due to replacement mechanisms. Conclusions are drawn regarding mechanism and theoretical model proposed.

Prefactibilidad técnica y económica para la instalación de una planta de pellets para combustibles a partir de desechos de madera.

Rojas Valdivia, Ariel Manuel January 2004 (has links)
Memoria para optar al Título Profesional de Ingeniero Forestal

Kassavastärkelse och Tanniner som additiv i bränslepellets : Påverkan på energianvändning, hållfasthet och bulkdensitet / Cassava Starch and Tannin as additive in fuel pellets : Impact on energy use, durability and bulk density

Norberg, Dunia January 2017 (has links)
Ur miljösynpunkt är energianvändningen en av flera stora utmaningar i framtiden. För att uppnå ett hållbart samhälle måste användningen av olja och andra fossila råvaror minska. Enligt Europeiska målen 2020 måste halten växthusgaser i atmosfären minska med 20 % i förhållandet till utsläppsnivåerna på 1990-talet. Produktionen och användningen av bränslepellets har ökat betydligt över hela världen de senaste åren (Eriksson 2016). I Sverige är tillgången på träråvara i skogen mycket god. Råvaran som används för att tillverka bränslepellets kommer huvudsakligen från kutter- och sågspån från sågverk och träindustri runt om i Sverige. Bränslepellets tillverkas genom att sågspånet pressas under högt tryck till små cylindriska stycken med högt energiinnehåll. För att förbättra pellets och göra det konkurrenskraftig mot alternativa uppvärmningsmetoder som värmepumpar, kan olika typer av additiv användas. Sågspånet som har använts kommer torkat och malt från Stora Enso Timber AB i Grums med en fukthalt på 10,5 %. Ökande procenthalter, från 0-1,5 %, av kassavastärkelse och tanniner har tillsatts i sågspånet vid produktionsanläggningen på Karlstads universitet. Syftet var att minska energianvändningen i samband med pelleteringen i pelletspressen samt öka hållfastheten för pellets. Andra parametrar som har undersökts är pelletsens bulkdensitet, hårdhet och mängd smul efter produktionen, för att undersöka om dessa parametrar korrelerar med hållfastheten. Resultatet visade att en tillsättning av 1,5 % tanniner gav den största reduceringen av den specifika elanvändningen, vilket motsvarade 3,8 %. Den högsta hållfastheten för pellets erhölls vid tillsättningen av samma additiv och procentmängd. Ökning motsvarade 3,0 %. Ju högre bulkdensitet, ju mindre utrymme behöver pelletsen i pelletssäckarna för att uppnå samma vikt pellets. Detta resulterar i en transportvinst, då fler pelletssäckar kan rymmas i en transportbil. Bulkdensiteten korrelerade mycket väl med hållfastheten. Ju högre bulkdensitet, ju bättre hållfasthet för pelletsen. Resultatet stämmer väl överens med tidigare arbeten. Hårdheten för pellets ökade och mängden smul minskade vid en additivtillsättning av kassavastärkelse och tanniner. / From an environmental point of view, energy use is one of several major challenges in the future. The use of oil and other fossil raw materials must reduce in order to achieve a sustainable society. According to the European goals 2020, the level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere must decrease with 20 % in relation to emission levels in the 1990s. The production and use of fuel pellets has increased significantly worldwide over the last few years (Eriksson 2016). The availability of wood raw material in the forest in Sweden is very good. The raw material used to produce fuel pellets comes mainly from cutter shavings and sawdust from sawmills and wood industry across Sweden. Fuel pellets are manufactured by pressing the sawdust under high pressure into small cylindrical pieces with high energy content. In order to improve pellets and make it competitive against alternative heating methods such as heat pumps, different types of additives can be used. The sawdust that has been used comes dried and grounded from Stora Enso Timber AB in Grums with a moisture content of 10,5%. Increasing percentages, from 0-1,5%, of cassava starch and tannins have been added to the sawdust at the production plant at Karlstad University. The purpose was to decrease energy consumption in conjunction with pelleting in the pellet press, and to increase the durability of pellets. Other parameters that have been looked into is the pellet bulk density, hardness and amount of crumb after production, to see if these parameters correlate with the durability. The result showed that an addition of 1,5 % tannins gave the greatest reduction in the specific power consumption. The decrease was 3,8 %. The highest durability of pellets was obtained with the addition of the same additive and percentage. The increase was 3,0 %. The higher bulk density, the less space the pellets need in the pellets bags to achieve the same weight of pellets. This results in a transport gain, as more pellets can be accommodated in a transport vehicle. Bulk density correlated very well with durability. The higher bulk density, the better durability of the pellets. The results agree well with previous work. The hardness of pellets increased, and the amount of crumb decreased during an additive addition of cassava starch and tannins.

Utredning av slaggning vid förbränning av träpellets i värmeanläggningar : I sammarbete med Härjeåns Energi AB / An investigation of slagging tendencies of wood pellet ash during combustion in heating boilers : In association with Härjeåns Energi AB

Andersson, Robin January 2017 (has links)
Sammanfattning Medlemsländerna i FN enades om ett klimatavtal i Paris 2015. För att möta utmaningarna som klimatavtalet kräver behöver samhället en omställning från ett beroende av fossil energi. Förbränning av biobränslen har god potential att konkurrera ut fossila bränslen. Pellets av stamved har ett högt energivärde och har goda framtidsutsikter till att bli en stark konkurrent till fossilbaserad energi, främst för små- och mellanskalig värme- och kraftproduktion. För att göra pellets mer attraktivt på marknaden gäller det att den levereras med hög kvalitet, med fokus på energivärde, hållbarhet och avsaknaden av driftproblem vid förbränning. Härjeåns Energi i Sveg vill veta mer om driftproblemet slaggbildning och hur det kan undvikas genom åtgärder i hela kedjan från råvaruhantering till pelletsproduktion och förbränning. Det övergripande syftet med projektet var att kartlägga askrelaterade problem vid förbränning av träpellets i rosterpannor med fokus på sintring och slaggning samt att ge rekommendationer på åtgärder hur producenten och privatpersoner kan undvika sådana problem. Arbetet med detta examensarbete delades upp i två delar, dels en genomgång av forskningen på området, och dels en utredning av hanteringen hos Härjeåns Energi samt dess underleverantörer. Forskningsgenomgången genomfördes genom att läsa och sammanfatta den forskning som har bedrivits på området under de senaste 25 åren. Utredningen av hanteringen hos företaget och dess underleverantörer genomfördes med hjälp av tidigare gjorda analyser av pellets, råmaterial och slaggningsprov, samt intervjuer med personal på företagen. Resultatet av studien visade att den viktigaste faktorn som påverkar slaggbildning är halten av vissa askbildande element i bränslet, så som kisel, kalium, kalcium, natrium, magnesium, aluminium och järn i aska. Även askhalt, förbränningsteknik och förbränningstemperatur är betydande faktorer. Slaggningsbenägna ämnen härstammar ofta från olika typer av kontamineringar av råmaterial, i form av sand, jord och lera, vilket troligtvis är fallet för Härjeåns Energi. Resultatet visade även att asksmältstemperaturer hos råmaterial var konstant höga under sommarveckorna 2016, för att variera med flera lägre temperaturer under det resterande året. Den tillverkade pelletsen höll höga asksmältstemperaturer hela 2016, utom i oktober. Vad de lägre asksmältstemperaturerna hos Härjeåns Energi exakt beror på är svåra att svara på. Fler utredningar är i behov för att säkert fastställa orsaken. Det är upp till pelletsproducenten, underleverantörer av råmaterial och utrustningstillverkaren att minimera riskerna för slaggbildning och dess effekt på driften. Privatpersoner har små möjligheter att själva påverka förbränningsresultatet gällande slagg och sintring i sin förbränningsutrustning. / Abstract The member states of the UN have united behind a convention on climate change 2015, the “Paris agreement”. To face the challenges of a required conversion to renewable energy, the dependence of fossil fuels need to be drastically reduced. Combustion of biomass has a god potential to replace fossil fuels in many applications. Pellets made from stemwood has a high energy value and is a good candidate to replace fossil fuels in small and medium scale heat and power production. To make pellets more attractive on the market, the delivered pellets need to have high quality and enable low maintenance and operational problems during combustion. Härjeåns Energi in Sveg would like to know more about the ash related issues like slagging and sintering, and how it can be avoided be measures related to handling, pellet production and end use (combustion). The overall objectives of the present work was to identify ash related problems during combustion of wood pellets in heating boilers, focusing on sintering and slagging, and to provide recommendations on measures how to avoid such problems for producers and individuals. This work with the report was divided into two parts. The first part included a research review on the subject. The second part included an investigation of the handling by Härjeåns Energi and their subcontractors. The research review was carried out by reading the research, mainly in scientific peer- review papers from the last 25 years. The investigation of the handling was carried out by evaluating analysis data of pellets, raw material and slagg samples. The results showed that the most important factor that influence slag formation is the concentrations of certain ash forming elements in fuel, such as silicon, potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium aluminum and iron. Also ash content, combustion technology and combustion temperature are of importance. Substances in the fuels that are associated with slagging tendencies originate mainly from different kinds of contaminations, e.g. sand, soil and clay. This is most likely the case for Härjeåns Energi. The results also showed that the ash fusion temperatures of the raw material ash where constantly high during the weeks of the summer 2016. The remaining weeks of the year showed more varying ash melting temperatures. The produced pellets from Härjeåns Energi 2016 had a high ash molting temperature during the year of 2016, except in October. The exact reason behind the relative low ash melting temperatures is difficult to point out specifically in this work, and need more careful investigations. Overall, it is the pellets producer, the subcontractors and the manufacturer of the heating devices that have the possibilities to develop product and measures which avoid or reduces slagging related problems. The end users (customers) have very small opportunities to influence the outcome of the combustion of pellets.

Deep ocean clay crusts : behaviour and biological origin

Kuo, Matthew Yih-Han January 2011 (has links)
In water depths of 500m to greater than 2,000m, off the West coast of Africa, sediments comprise very soft clays with extremely high water contents and plasticity. In situ CPT and T-bar testing in these areas have identified 'crusts' with undrained shear strengths of up to15kPa at 0.5m depth, before the strength reduces by an order of magnitude to normallyconsolidated strengths by 2m depth. This thesis presents an investigation into the behaviour and origin of these crusts. Mini ball-penetrometer tests on natural cores confirm the crustal strength, and indicate a sensitivity of 3 within the crust. However, pipeline interface tests using the Cam-shear device demonstrate a significant variability in the measured interface friction coefficient. Particularlylow strengths are observed when shearing in an undrained manner on a rough interface. These results are attributed to the heterogeneity of natural samples, and demonstrate the need to better understand the origin of the crust material in relation to interface micro-mechanics. A microbiological investigation of crust material by extracting bacteria DNA from claysamples is described, and identifies the presence of the bacterium, Marinobacter aquaeolei. This bacterium is then used to inoculate sterile samples to determine its ability to produce crustal strength. Through this work, it is concluded that M. aquaeolei is unable to create crustal strength, although extracelluar polysaccharides produced by this bacterium will influence thepermeability of sediments through the clogging of voids. It is therefore also concluded that future geotechnical investigation into marine sediments should consider the presence of bacteriaand their ability to influence the soil properties. Wet sieving of crust material shows that the crust comprises a mixture of burrowing invertebrate faecal pellets and clay. Pellets are found to represent 20% to over 55% of the crust material by dry mass. Individual pellets are shown to exhibit unconfined compressive strengths of between 5kPa and 50kPa, thus demonstrating their strength and robustness. Consolidationbehaviour is governed by the percentage of pellets in natural samples. Based ontheir location, abundance and strength, it is concluded that the origin of crustal strength lies with the presence of burrowing invertebrate faecal pellets. When sheared on rough pipeline interfaces, however, pellets are observed to crush, expelling void-filling fragments that may generatepositive excess pore pressures. Smeared clay produced when shearing natural samplesobstructs the dissipation of pore pressures, which may encourage hydroplaning, and explainthe observation of very low interface friction coefficients. It is therefore suggested that smooth pipelines offer more sliding resistance by minimising the risk of pellet crushing. This thesis proposes that wet sieving of core samples should be undertaken during the site investigationsfor future deep-water, hot-oil pipeline installations to provide design information on both the consolidation and strength behaviour of natural sediments.

Výzkum trhu dřevěných pelet v České republice / Marketing research of bio pellets in Czech republic

Kožoušková, Kateřina January 2009 (has links)
The marketing research was made because firm Leitiger wanted to entry to the czech market. They need a complete research of wood pellets. There is made a political situation, analysis of the houses, analysis of the gas, analysis of the coal. Then there is a comperation of the fuels. The main part of this research is analysis of the competitors.

Návrh na založenie firmy PeleBrick / A Proposal for Fundation a Company PeleBrick

Polák, Daniel January 2011 (has links)
The aim of my diploma’s thesis is a proposal to establish a company PeleBrick. The company will concentrate on production of ecological products from wood biomass. In the first part are theoretical basis for the establishment of a trade, a business plan and explain what is the biomass. In the second, practical part, is already broken up the actual business plan with all the necessities.

Phosphorus recovery from municipal wastewater using anoxic/aerobic membrane bioreactors and magnesium carbonate pellets

Murugesan, Brindha 28 October 2019 (has links)
No description available.

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