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Biomass Pre-treatment for the Production of Sustainable Energy : Emissions and Self-ignitionRupar-Gadd, Katarina January 2006 (has links)
Organic emissions with focus on terpenes, from biomass drying and storage were investigated by Solid Phase Microextraction (SPME) and GC-FID and GC-MS. The remaining terpenes in the biomass (Spruce and pine wood chips) after drying were dependant on the drying temperature and drying medium used. The drying medium used was steam or hot air; the drying temperatures used were 140degreeC, 170degreeC and 200degreeC. Steam drying at 170degreeC left more of the terpenes remaining in the wood chips, not emitting them into the drying medium. The terpenes emitted from storage of forest residues and bark and wood chips increased up to three-four or four-five months of storage, and then dropped down to approximately the same low level as the first month. The leachate taken from the forest residue pile contained 27µg PAH per liter. The SPME response for a monoterpene (a-terpene) at different temperatures, amounts and humidities was quantified. The highest concentration calibrated was 250 ppm and the lowest 9.4 ppm. There is a better linear agreement at higher temperatures (70degreeC and 100degreeC) than lower temperatures (below 40degreeC). Organic emissions from biofuel combustion were measured at three medium sized (~ 1MW) biomass fired moving grate boilers fired with different fuels: dry wood fuel, forest residues and pellets. The PAH emissions varied by almost three orders of magnitude between the three boilers tested, 2.8-2500 microgram/m3. It was difficult to identify any general parameters correlating to the PAH emissions. The variation in PAH emission is most probably a result of boiler design and tuning of the combustion conditions. When comparing the contribution to self-heating from different wood materials by means of isothermal calorimetry with different metals added and stored at different temperatures, the differences were quite large. Some of the samples released as much as 600mW/kg, whereas others did not contribute at all to the self-heating. The storage temperature, at which the samples released the most heat, was 50C. There was a peak in heat release for most of the samples after 10-30 days. Stepwise increase in temperature did not favour the heat release in the sample Dry Mix; the heat released was even lower than when it was directly put in the different storage temperatures. When metal is added, there is an increase in heat release, the reference sample without metal released 200mW/kg compared to 600mW when copper was added.
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Sustainable production of bio-energy products in the sawmill industryVidlund, Anna January 2004 (has links)
<p>One of the great challenges facing society is to convert theglobal energy system to a sustainable process. Currently, 80%of the world´s energy is supplied through the combustionof fossil fuels. Not only are the fossil resources limited, theutilisation also increases the level of greenhouse gases in theatmosphere. The convertion to a sustainable energy system isproblematic since the technology needed to exploit mostnon-fossil energy sources is not yet fully developed, e.g.solar energy. Biofuel is an available renewable energy sourcewhich is already widely used in many countries. If an effectiveswitch-over from fossil fuels to biofuels is to be realised,biofuels must be viewed as a limited resource. Consequently, itis important that the handling, upgrading and utilisationprocesses involving biofuels are efficient so that itspotential can be fully exploited.</p><p>This thesis considers efficient biofuel utilisation andupgrading within the sawmill industry. The goal has been toanalyse not only the technical opportunities for energy savingsin the sawmill industry, but also to analyse the costeffectiveness and environmental impact of studied measures. Theheat demand of the sawmill industry is almost completelycovered by its own by-products; primarily bark, sawdust andwood chips. The increased demand and improved economic value ofwoody biofuels on the market is thus an incentive for thesawmill industry to place more focus on energy issues. Thesawmill industry also has a more or less constant heat loadover the year, which is a beneficial factor for integrationwith district heating networks, biofuel upgrading plants andcombined heat and power plants.</p><p>The conclusion of the study is that a variety of energyproducts such as heat, unrefined biofuel, pellets andelectricity can be efficiently produced in the sawmill industryand sold for profit to external customers. The payback periodsfor the proposed investments are moderate and both theemissions of volatile organic compounds and global CO2 aredecreased. Should the proposed measures be fully implemented atSwedish sawmills, about 2.8 TWh of biofuel could be savedannually, 0.5 TWh of waste heat could be sold as districtheating and 0.8 TWh of green electricity could be produced.Language: English</p><p><b>Keywords:</b>Sawmill industry, energy efficiency, heatrecovery, integration, biofuel, upgrading, district heating,fuel pellets, CHP, VOC, CO2</p>
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Integrering av ekosystemtjänsbegreppet i LCA-metodik : Kartläggning av möjligheter genom en fallstudie på pelletsproduktion / Integrating the Ecosystem-Service Concept into LCA-methodology : Mapping of possibilities through a case study on pellet productionNordin, Emma January 2014 (has links)
De nyttor som människan får direkt och indirekt från ekosystemen kallas ekosystemtjänster. Mänsklighetens påverkan på ekosystemen idag leder till degradering av tjänsterna och då mänskligheten ytterst är beroende av vad de tillför, är bevarandet av dessa tjänster viktig. Livscykelanalys, LCA, är ett väletablerat verktyg som används för att fastställa miljöpåverkan från olika produktprocesser men få ekosystemtjänster beaktas i LCA. Det finns därför ett behov av att vidare undersöka och utveckla möjligheterna att med livscykelbaserade metoder analysera påverkan på ekosystemtjänster. Huvudsyftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka om det är möjligt att integrera ekosystemtjänstbegreppet i LCA-metodik. Detta har kartlagts med hjälp av en fallstudie på pelletsproduktion, som bl.a. identifierat berörda ekosystemtjänster och möjligheten att kvantifiera dem, vilka ekosystemtjänster som går att studera med LCA idag samt möjliga sätt att analysera påverkan på ekosystemtjänster med LCA. Ett delmål har varit att grundligt beskriva både ekosystemtjänster och LCA samt aspekter som kan koppla ihop dessa områden. En omfattande litteraturstudie och en LCA modellering rörande pelletsproduktion utgjorde grund för arbetet. I dagsläget är det inte möjligt att integrera ekosystemtjänstbegreppet i LCA-metodiken med undantag för de fåtal ekosystemtjänster som i LCA-metodiken redan beaktas i viss utsträckning. Det stora hindret är att det inte finns någon fullständig och enhetlig metodik för kartläggning, klassificering och kvantifiering av ekosystemtjänsterna, vilket anses nödvändigt för att kunna analysera påverkan på dem. Ett stort antal ekosystemtjänster såsom klimatreglering, näringsflöden, biodiversitet och rekreation kan kopplas till pelletsproduktion men påverkan på dem är inte möjlig att fullt ut analysera med LCA. Detta illustreras av LCA-modelleringen av pelletsproduktion där endast påverkan på tjänsterna förnybara energikällor och vattenanvändning ingår. Då kunskapen rörande olika ekosystemtjänster skiljer sig mycket åt varierar förutsättningarna för att inkludera dem i LCA-metodiken. Befintliga tillvägagångssätt för att försöka analysera påverkan på ekosystemtjänster med hjälp av LCA föreslår nya miljöpåverkanskategorier och samlandet av tjänsterna i gemensamma enheter såsom exergi och solekvivalenter. Metoderna är dock begränsade och täcker inte in ekosystemtjänsterna på ett fullgott sätt. Mer forskning behövs för att bättre utveckla tillvägagångsätten för analys av påverkan på ekosystemtjänster genom LCA. / The profits humankind obtains directly and indirectly from ecosystems are called ecosystem services. The impact human activities have on ecosystems lead to degradation of the ecosystem services and since humankind fully depends on what the ecosystems provide, the preservation of these services is crucial. Lifecycle assessment, LCA, is a well-established tool used to assess environmental impacts from different product processes but few ecosystem services are considered. Thus, there is a need to study and develop the possibilities to analyze ecosystem services through LCA based methods. The project aimed to determine whether it is possible to integrate the ecosystem-service concept into LCA-methodology. A case study on pellet production was carried out to identify relevant ecosystem services and the possibilities to quantify them, which ecosystem services that could be analyzed in LCA today and also available approaches to study impacts on ecosystem services with LCA. An intermediate goal was to present a comprehensive description of both ecosystem services and LCA and to map common aspects that connect the two fields. The analysis was based on a comprehensive literature study, and a specific LCA-modeling of pellet production. At present, it is not possible to integrate the ecosystem-service concept into LCA-methodology, except for the few ecosystem services that to some extent already are covered in the methodology. The main obstacle is the lack of coherent approaches to map, classify, and foremost quantify ecosystem services, which is considered crucial for analyzing the impact on them. A large number of ecosystem services such as climate regulation, nutrient cycling, biodiversity and recreation can be influenced by pellet production but it is not possible to fully analyze these impacts with LCA. This is illustrated by the LCA-modeling on pellet production where only impacts on the services renewable resources and water use could be included. The possibilities to analyze ecosystem services within LCA vary due to the variation in knowledge about certain services. The present approaches for analyzing more services with LCA propose new environmental impact categories an aggregation of services into common units such as exergy and solar equivalents. The methods are limited due to the fact that they are not able to cover the diversity of the services. More research is needed to develop the approaches for analyzing impacts on ecosystem services through LCA.
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Microwave assisted moulding of starch-based foamsZhou, Jiang January 2004 (has links)
This thesis reports a fundamental study on microwave assisted moulding (MAM), a novel technology where expandable starch based pellets made from extrusion are expanded within a mould cavity into blocks using microwave heating. Foamability or degree of expansion of starch-based pellets during microwave heating was studied comprehensively in terms of: the variation of raw natural materials, the extrusion conditions, the additives and the preconditioning of pellets before foaming. The expansion behaviour, foamed cell structures and mechanical properties of expanded pellets were characterized together with the characterization of microstructure of the extrudate materials and physical properties. Characteristics in microwave assisted moulding of the expandable pellets were then studied in terms of: the interfacial bonding and fusion between foamed pellets, the achievement of uniform heating through a moulded block, the loading of pellets and mould filling during foaming. It has been found that the degree of free expansion during microwave heating of the starch-based pellets is dependent on the degree of cook of starch during extrusion, the better the distructurization of the native starch granules, the higher the foamability in microwave heating. The maximum expansion ratio achieved in this work is 14, corresponding a foam porosity of 93%. Hydrophilic additives such as PYA and glycerol have adverse effect on the foamability due to combination effects of the melting point of the materials, degree of cook of starch in the pellets and water molecular mobility during foaming. Nucleation agents such as talc powder can refine cell structure of the foams and enhance elastic modulus, strength and energy absorption during compression. Addition of salts enhances microwave heating rate, expansion ratio and plasticization of the foam. Foamed blocks can be made using the MAM technology by adequate mould material, pre-treatment of the pellets, and control of initial loading in the mould cavity. This study paved the way for further development of the MAM technology for moulding of starch-based foams.
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Análise do processo de redução de minério de ferro por carbono na forma de pelotas auto-redutoras. / Analysis of the iron ore reduction process by carbon in the form of self-reducing pellets.Mourão, Marcelo Breda 09 December 1988 (has links)
Através de revisão bibliográfica e estudo experimental, o presente trabalho apresenta uma análise da influência de diversos parâmetros sobre a velocidade da reação entre minério de ferro e carbono, aglomerados na forma de pelotas auto-redutoras. Os parâmetros estudados foram: temperatura, tipo e quantidade de redutor, uso de adições, composição e vazão dos gases no recipiente de reação, tamanho da pelota. A técnica experimental consistiu em medi-se a velocidade de reação por análise termogravimétrica, complementada por análise do gás de saída e difração de Raios-X em pelotas parcialmente reduzidas. Verificou-se que o mecanismo controlador da velocidade de reação é determinado por um conjunto de parâmetros inter-relacionados, e que pode mudar o progresso de reação. A etapa química da reação é controlada pela gaseificação do carbono por CO2. Transporte de calor e difusão gasosa através dos poros da pelota exercem forte influência sobre a velocidade; os fatores que favorecem a influência de transporte de calor são: aumento de temperatura; aumento da reatividade do redutor; uso de catalisador; diminuição do diâmetro da pelota; início de reação; redução sob atmosfera CO/CO2 de composição próxima ao equilíbrio wustitaferro. A influência de difusão gasosa se faz sentir quando a reação é efetuada sob atmosfera de gás inerte, que penetra nos poros da pelota, diluindo a atmosfera CO/CO2 reinante no interior da mistura de partículas. Nessas condições, esta influência é maior quanto menor for a temperatura de reação, quanto menos reativo for o redutor, quanto menor for a pelota, e nos estágios finais de reação. Verificou-se ainda que parâmetros relacionados à composição das pelotas, bem como a temperatura do processo, tem grande influência sobre o comportamento dimensional dos aglomerados.Assim, pelotas com ganga básica (com carvão vegetal e adições básicas) tendem a inchar catastroficamente, ao passo que pelotas com ganga ácida (com coque ou carvão mineral como redutores) não apresentam este fenômeno. Microscopia eletrônica de varredura indicou a presença de ferro filamentar em pelotas que apresentaram inchamento catastrófico. Analisou-se ainda como a presença de matéria volátil no redutor afeta a cinética de reação e o comportamento dimensional das pelotas, e também sob que condições o ferro formado na redução catalisa a reação. / The factors that affect the rate of reaction between iron oxides and carbon were analysed by means of literature review and experimental investigation. The iron ore and the carbon were agglomerated in the form of self-reducing pellets. The investigated variables were: temperature, type and amount of redactor, presence of additives, gas composition and flow in the reactor vessel, and pellet\'s size. The experimental technique employed was thermogravimetric analysis, complemented by gas analysis and X-ray diffraction. It was shown that the rate control may change in the course of the reaction, and it depends on a number of interrelated varibles. The slowest reaction of the chemical step is the carbon gaseification by CO2. Heat transfer and gaseous diffusion through pellets pores play an important role in the rate; the factors that favours the heat transfer influence are: temperature increase, reducto\'s reactivity increase, the use of catalyst, pellet\'s size decrease, start up the reaction; reduction under CO/CO2 atmosphere near wustite-iron equilibrium. When the reaction is performed under inert gas atmosphere, gaseous diffusion through pellet\'s pores can dilute the CO/CO2 atmosphere prevailing in the pallet\'s core. Under these conditions, this effect is more pronounced for lower temperature, lower carbon reactivity, smaller pellets and at the end of the reaction. It was also found that variables related to pellet composition as well as process temperature greatly affect the pellet\'s dimensional behavior. In fact, pellets containing basic guangue (e.g.wood charcoal and/or basic additives) show catastrophic swelling; in contrast, pellets containing acid gangue (e.g. coke or coal) have good dimensional stability. Iron whiskers were observed with scanning electron microscope on pellets that swell catastrophically. The influence of reductor\'s volatile matter upon kinetics and dimensional behavior of pellets was also analysed as well as the catalysis of the reaction by the iron formed in the course of the reduction.
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Comportamento óptico estrutural da zircônia dopada com Er3+,Pr3+ e estabilizante de fase Y3+ / Optical and structural behavior of the ZrO2 doped with Er3+, Pr3+ and Y3+Vicente, Fábio Simões de 13 September 1999 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é a produção e caracterização de filmes finos de Zircônia (ZrO2) dopada com íons terras raras Er3+, Pr3+ estabilizante de fase y3+. Os filmes foram produzidos por evaporação térmica através de canhão de elétrons (EB-PVD) em um sistema não comercial de evaporação desenvolvido em nosso laboratório, onde conseguimos produzir de maneira eficiente e com boa qualidade filmes de até 7,0 pm de espessura. Além da Zircônia na forma de filmes finos, investigamos também pastilhas policristalinas e fibras monocristalinas de ZrO2 fazendo um estudo em paralelo do material nos três grupos de amostras, observando os efeitos estruturais e de luminescência em relação a configuração (monocristalina ou policristalina) de cada amostra. As pastilhas de Zircônia dopada foram produzidas por prensagem e sinterização dos pós dos componentes óxidos metálicos com a finalidade de serem evaporadas por canhão de elétrons para a produção dos filmes, e verificamos intensa luminescência nestas amostras quando excitadas por Laser. As fibras monocristalinas foram produzidas pela técnica de LHPG (Laser Heated Pedestal Growth) onde obtém-se um monocristal de Zircônia pela fusão a Laser de CO2, da cerâmica na forma de bastões. Como pouca informação sobre filmes finos de Zircônia dopada com Terras Raras foi reportada até agora, nossa atenção fica voltada sobre a caracterização do material através de microscopia eletrônica e difração de Raio-X como também medidas de luminescência. / The aim of this work is the production and characterization of Rare Earth Stabilized Zirconia (RESZ) and Rare Earth Yttria Stabilized Zirconia (RE-YSZ) thin films. Thin films were produced by Electron Beam Gun (EB-PVD) in a non commercial evaporation system developed in our laboratory, where we have efficiently produced good Zirconia thin films up to 7.0 pm in thickness. Doped Zirconia pellets and single crystal fibers were investigated in a parallel study with the thin films and the luminescent and structural behavior of these materials have been analyzed. The pellets were produced by pressing and sintering the mixed oxides powders and it was used as evaporation source for thin film production in the electron beam gun, and intense luminescence was observed in these samples when excited by Laser. The single crystal fibers were obtained by Laser Heated Pedestal Growth (LKPG) method, using ceramic extruded rods that were fused by C02 Laser. As few information on Rare Earth Doped Zirconia thin films were reported, we have focused our attention on the structural characterization through electron microscopy and X-Ray diffraction as also luminescence.
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Desenvolvimento e otimização de péletes de liberação bifásica mediante delineamento experimentalMartins, Sarah Moherdaui 24 November 2015 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2015-11-24 / In recent years, the interest of the pharmaceutical industry for new drugs delivery
system has been growing, especially aiming the optimization of therapy and
reduction of side effects caused by conventional treatments. The multiparticulate
systems, besides their techonological and biopharmaceutical advantages when
compared to the monolithic systems, allow obtaining different ways of drug delivery,
such as the biphasic system, capable of delivering the drug in separate fractions into
the bloodstream, and ideal for the treatment of circadian diseases. Thus, this study
aimed to obtain a multi particulate system biphasic release, lasting 24 hours, using a
combination of polymeric materials hydroxypropyl methylcellulose and ethyl cellulose,
as well as a full factorial design 2² to optimize the development stage. Furthermore, it
was developed and validated analytical method by UV spectroscopy able to quantify
the model drug used, propranolol hydrochloride (PROP) test and the content of
dissolution of the dosage form. Using the sugar spheres coating technology, it was
possible to obtain the proposed system with a reduced number of experiments.
Pellets produced and used in the biphasic formulations showed mechanical
characteristics within the expected quality parameters, showing that the technique is
robust and can be applied on an industrial scale. The analytical method for the
quantification of the proposed drug was linear, precise, accurate, robust against
variations in wavelength of mark and sonication solvent in a concentration range of
0.80 - 96 mg L-1 and stable the experimental conditions analyzed, showing a method
capable of generating highly reliable results and therefore able to be used in the
laboratory routine quality control. / Nos últimos anos, o interesse da indústria farmacêutica por novos sistemas de
liberação de fármacos vem crescendo, visando sobretudo a otimização da
terapêutica e a diminuição dos efeitos colaterais ocasionados pelos tratamentos
convencionais. Os sistemas multiparticulados, além de possuírem vantagens
tecnológicas e biofarmacêuticas quando comparadas aos sistemas monolíticos,
possibilitam a obtenção de diferentes padrões de liberação de drogas, como por
exemplo, o sistema bifásico, capaz de disponibilizar o fármaco em frações distintas
para a corrente sanguínea, sendo ideais para o tratamento das doenças circadianas.
Desta maneira, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo a obtenção de um sistema
multiparticulado de liberação bifásica, com duração de 24 horas, utilizando a
combinação dos materiais poliméricos hidroxipropilmetilcelulose e etilcelulose, bem
como um planejamento fatorial completo 2² para a otimização da etapa de
desenvolvimento. Além disso, foi desenvolvido e validado um método analítico por
espectroscopia de UV capaz de quantificar o fármaco modelo utilizado, cloridrato de
propranolol (PROP), nos ensaios de teor e dissolução desta forma farmacêutica.
Utilizando-se a tecnologia de revestimento de núcleos inertes de sacarose, foi
possível a obtenção do sistema proposto com um número reduzido de experimentos.
Os péletes produzidos e utilizados nas formulações bifásicas apresentaram
características mecânicas dentro dos parâmetros de qualidade esperados,
demostrando que a técnica é robusta e pode ser aplicada em escala industrial. O
método analítico proposto para a quantificação do fármaco, mostrou-se linear,
preciso, exato, robusto em relação a variações no comprimento de onda, marca de
solvente e sonicação na faixa de concentração de 0,80 96 μg mL-1 e estável nas
condições experimentais analisadas, evidenciando um método capaz de gerar
resultados de alta confiabilidade e portanto apto a ser utilizado na rotina laboratorial
de controle de qualidade.
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Técnicas multivariadas (HCA e PCA) aplicadas na avaliação de biomassas vegetais para produção de pellets /Garcia, Dorival Pinheiro. January 2017 (has links)
Orientador: Gustavo Ventorim / Coorientador: José Cláudio Caraschi / Banca: Glaucia Aparecida Prates / Banca: Ricardo Marques Barreiro / Banca: Manoel Cleber de Sampaio Alves / Banca: Fábio Minoru Yamaji / Resumo: As previsões indicam crescimento da demanda por pellets de biomassa nos próximos anos, sobretudo depois dos recentes acordos firmados pela Conferência do Clima em Paris (COP21), que aponta a necessidade de substituir combustíveis fósseis por recursos energéticos com baixas emissões de carbono. Países desenvolvidos pesquisam plantas de ciclo curto e alto rendimento de massa seca que possam suprir essa necessidade por energia limpa e renovável. No Brasil, começam a se desenvolver culturas energéticas como o bambu, cana-energia, sorgo e capim-elefante, que são especialmente dedicados à geração de energia termoelétrica. Porém, pouco se sabe sobre a viabilidade técnica da produção de pellets com essas biomassas. Este estudo analisou as características físicas (densidade a granel, teor de umidade e durabilidade mecânica), químicas (CHNS/O, carbono fixo, voláteis, cinzas, extrativos, lignina e holocelulose) e térmicas (poder calorífico superior e inferior, densidade energética) de nove amostras de pellets, sendo cinco de biomassa florestal e quatro gramíneas. Objetivou-se determinar qual biomassa vegetal apresenta as melhores características bioenergéticas para a produção de pellets e as técnicas multivariadas de agrupamento hierárquico (HCA) e dos componentes principais (PCA) foram empregadas nessa avaliação. Os resultados, que foram comparados com os padrões estabelecidos na norma internacional ISO 17225, mostraram que os pellets de biomassa florestal apresentaram características ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: A biomass growth pellets demand is expected in the coming years, especially after the recent agreements signed by the Climate Conference in Paris (COP 21), which indicates the need to replace fossil fuels for energy sources with low carbon emissions. Short-cycle plants with dry mass high-output production is the aim of developed countries researches, in order to meet the need for clean and renewable energy. Energy crops like bamboo, energy cane, sorghum and elephant grass has begun in Brazil, which are especially applied to thermoelectric power generation. Nevertheless, there is little awareness about the technical feasibility of pellet production using these biomasses. This study examined the physical (bulk density, moisture content, mechanical durability), chemical (CHNS/O, fixed carbon, volatile, ash, extractive, lignin, holocellulose) and thermal characteristics (high and lower calorific value, energy density) of nine pellets samples. Five of them were plant biomass - from forest and four grass species. The purpose to determine which plant biomass has the best bioenergetic characteristics for the production of pellets and multivariate techniques of hierarchical Clustering (HAC) and the main components (PCA) were used in this evaluation. The results, compared with the standards set by ISO 17225, showed that forest biomass pellets presented more efficient bioenergetic characteristics than grass pellets. Thus, it was concluded that the Pinus woody biomass showed the best overall performance for the production of solid biofuels in pellets form, with favorable ash content, energy density, calorific value and specific volume / Doutor
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[pt] A tendência mundial de aumento da quantidade de finos (sinter feed e pellet feed) nas lavras de minério de ferro tem elevado a importância dos processos de aglomeração, em especial a pelotização, que tem por característica produzir pelotas de excelente qualidade química e alta resistência mecânica, além de ser um processo menos poluente que a sinterização. Atualmente, as jazidas de minério de ferro em lavra no Brasil, exploram minérios predominantemente hematíticos (hematita e/ou itabirito). Apesar do país não possuir tradição na exploração de minérios magnetíticos, existem ocorrências destes que vêm despertando crescente interesse, sendo, contudo, necessário à adequação das etapas do beneficiamento mineral e dos parâmetros operacionais da pelotização. O presente trabalho, fruto de uma interação da empresa Metal Data S/A e o Grupo de Siderurgia do DEMa/PUC-Rio, trata do estudo da pelotização de um minério de ferro magnetítico, proveniente de uma jazida brasileira em fase de pesquisa mineral, com o objetivo de analisar sua viabilidade exploratória para produção de pelotas a serem utilizadas como matéria prima na indústria siderúrgica. Os procedimentos experimentais foram divididos em três etapas: tratamento do minério, pelotização e redução, buscando assim, definir uma rota de tratamento do minério e, posteriormente, a caracterização química, mecânica e metalúrgica das pelotas produzidas. Foram estudados três tipos de misturas para a pelotização, envolvendo oito diferentes concentrados. Os resultados indicaram que o minério magnetítico é passível de concentração e capaz de produzir um pellet feed de qualidade, utilizando rota de beneficiamento com operações unitárias típicas. Este material mostrou potencial para a formação de pelotas cruas em discos de laboratório e, após as operações de queima, produziu pelotas que apresentaram granulometria entre 9,5 e 16,0 mm, resistência à compressão de 126 a 339 kg/pelota, índice de tamboramento de 67,7 a 94,9 %, porosidades de 23,8 a 40,74%, grau de metalização de 30 a 75%, entre outras. / [en] The global increasing trend of producing iron ore fines (sinter feed and pellet feed) has also increased the importance of the agglomeration processes, in particular the pelletizing, which has as main characteristic to produce high quality pellets with excellent mechanical resistance, besides being a less polluting process than the sintering. Currently, Brazilian mines exploit mainly hematite deposits (hematite and / or itabirite ores). Although the country has no tradition in exploiting magnetite minerals, there is a growing interest trend in magnetite occurrences, although it might be necessary to adequate mineral processing and pelletizing operating parameters when using such ore. This work is a result of an interaction between the company Metal Data S/A and the Siderurgy Group of the DEMa/PUC-Rio and describes the pelletizing process using magnetite iron ore from a Brazilian deposit in exploration stage, in order to evaluate its suitability for exploratory pellet production to be used as feedstock in the steel industry. The experimental procedures were divided into three steps - ore processing, pelletizing and reduction, aiming to define the ore treatment route and chemical, mechanical and metallurgical characteristics of the produced pellets. Three types of mixtures for pelletizing were analysed, involving eight different concentrates. The results indicated that the magnetite ore is likely to concentrate and capable of producing a pellet feed with adequate quality, using a processing route with typical unit operations. It was observed that this materal has a potential for the formation of green pellets in the laboratory pelletizing disc and, after burning operations, produced pellets that had particle size between 9.5 and 16.0 mm, compression strength from 126 to 339 kg / pellet, tumble index from 67.7 to 94.9%, porosity from 23.8 to 40.74%, degree of metallization from 30 to 75%, among others.
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Framställning av gas för el- och värmeproduktionHector, Martin January 2008 (has links)
<p>Kan man producera brännbar gas av biobränsle i en småskalig anläggning? Kan</p><p>detta göras till en rimlig kostnad? Är det möjligt för en privatperson installera</p><p>förgasningsanläggningen själv eller krävs det en fackman? Skulle man kunna göra</p><p>gas av sitt trädgårdsavfall?</p><p>Svaret på dessa frågor är ja, det går.</p><p>Men om man vill göra det på ett säkert och miljövänligt sätt är svaret tyvärr nej.</p><p>Detta gäller i alla fall den anläggningen som detta arbete handlar om.</p><p>Tack vare Compower i Lund så kunde jag få tillgång till en kinesisk ”stalk gasifier”</p><p>Målet var att med denna panna framställa och analysera den gas som produceras</p><p>från biobränslen (gengas). Gasen skulle i bästa fall kunna användas i Compowers</p><p>microkraftverk för el och värmegenerering.</p><p>Efter installation och uppstart såg det lovande ut. Brännbar gas producerades efter</p><p>ca 20 min och gasen brann fint. Bränslet bestod då av en blandning mellan pellets</p><p>och flis.</p><p>Vid samtliga prov brinner gasen med klarblå låga och ingen synlig rök finns i</p><p>samband med förbränningen.</p><p>Pga. skrubber funktionen blir lågan pulserande</p><p>Det visade sig dock efter en stunds eldning att flisen var för blöt och tjärbildning</p><p>uppstod i pannan.</p><p>Efter nedstängning upptäcktes porositeter i fläkthusets gods och tjära hade läckt ut</p><p>på golvet.</p><p>Vid eldning nr. 2 användes endast pellets och det fungerade bra tills det visade sig</p><p>att askan från pelletsen tillsammans med tjäran bildade en sörja och chokade</p><p>luftgenomströmningen så att ingen gas kunde ta sig igenom utan tvingades ut</p><p>igenom luftintaget.</p><p>När vi senare kom in på emissionsmätningarna så visade det sig att vi inte kunde</p><p>mäta alla ämnena i gasen innan dess att vi förbrände den. Vi fick istället inrikta oss</p><p>på att mäta emissionerna efter det att vi tänt gasen. Detta gav oss rimligare världen</p><p>om än höga. Efter den sista eldningen, eldning nr 3, kunde vi konstatera att så länge</p><p>pannan eldades som den skulle så fungerade den bra, dock var CO-emissionerna</p><p>höga. När det gällde stängning så var det inte lika enkelt och det fanns även en stor</p><p>risk för utsläpp av koloxid vilket alltid bör undvikas.</p>
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