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Macroencapsulation of Phase Change Materials for Thermal Energy StoragePendyala, Swetha 01 January 2012 (has links)
The use of a latent heat storage system using phase change materials (PCMs) is an effective way of storing thermal energy. Latent heat storage enables high-energy storage density which reduces the footprint of the system and the cost. However, PCMs have very low thermal conductivities making them unsuitable for large-scale use without enhancing the effective thermal conductivity. In order to address, the low thermal conductivity of the PCMs, macroencapsulation of PCMs has been adopted as an effective technique. The macroencapsulation not only provides a self-supporting structure of PCM and separates the PCM from thermal fluids but also enhances the heat transfer rate.
The current work involves study of various concepts of encapsulation of low cost inorganic PCMs. Sodium nitrate (NaNO3), a low cost PCM, was selected for thermal storage in a temperature range of 300 - 500˚C. Various techniques like electroless coatings, coatings using silicates, coatings with metal oxide (SiO2) and sand encapsulation are discussed. A novel technique of metal oxide coating was developed where firstly a high temperature polymer, such as, polymer (stable > 500˚C) was coated over PCM pellets, and cured, so that the pellet becomes insoluble in water as well as several organic solvents and later the metal oxide is coated over the pellet using self-assembly, hydrolysis, and simultaneous chemical oxidation at various temperatures. The coated PCM pellets were characterized.
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Framställning av gas för el- och värmeproduktionHector, Martin January 2008 (has links)
Kan man producera brännbar gas av biobränsle i en småskalig anläggning? Kan detta göras till en rimlig kostnad? Är det möjligt för en privatperson installera förgasningsanläggningen själv eller krävs det en fackman? Skulle man kunna göra gas av sitt trädgårdsavfall? Svaret på dessa frågor är ja, det går. Men om man vill göra det på ett säkert och miljövänligt sätt är svaret tyvärr nej. Detta gäller i alla fall den anläggningen som detta arbete handlar om. Tack vare Compower i Lund så kunde jag få tillgång till en kinesisk ”stalk gasifier” Målet var att med denna panna framställa och analysera den gas som produceras från biobränslen (gengas). Gasen skulle i bästa fall kunna användas i Compowers microkraftverk för el och värmegenerering. Efter installation och uppstart såg det lovande ut. Brännbar gas producerades efter ca 20 min och gasen brann fint. Bränslet bestod då av en blandning mellan pellets och flis. Vid samtliga prov brinner gasen med klarblå låga och ingen synlig rök finns i samband med förbränningen. Pga. skrubber funktionen blir lågan pulserande Det visade sig dock efter en stunds eldning att flisen var för blöt och tjärbildning uppstod i pannan. Efter nedstängning upptäcktes porositeter i fläkthusets gods och tjära hade läckt ut på golvet. Vid eldning nr. 2 användes endast pellets och det fungerade bra tills det visade sig att askan från pelletsen tillsammans med tjäran bildade en sörja och chokade luftgenomströmningen så att ingen gas kunde ta sig igenom utan tvingades ut igenom luftintaget. När vi senare kom in på emissionsmätningarna så visade det sig att vi inte kunde mäta alla ämnena i gasen innan dess att vi förbrände den. Vi fick istället inrikta oss på att mäta emissionerna efter det att vi tänt gasen. Detta gav oss rimligare världen om än höga. Efter den sista eldningen, eldning nr 3, kunde vi konstatera att så länge pannan eldades som den skulle så fungerade den bra, dock var CO-emissionerna höga. När det gällde stängning så var det inte lika enkelt och det fanns även en stor risk för utsläpp av koloxid vilket alltid bör undvikas.
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Lead levels and sources of exposure in migratory game birds after the implementation of lead-free shot in CanadaStevenson, Amy L. January 2002 (has links)
In Canada, regulations against the use of lead (Pb) shot for waterfowl hunting were first established in the early 1990s with the creation of a few non-toxic shot zones, and culminated with a national ban in 1997. Prior to establishment of the first non-toxic shot zones in Canada, a nation-wide survey of Pb accumulation in wing bones of young-of-the-year (YY) dabbling and diving ducks determined the incidence of elevated Pb exposure in different parts of the country (Scheuhammer & Dickson, 1996). The objective of the present study was to determine the incidence of elevated Pb accumulation in the same species several years after the national ban on Pb shot; to survey waterfowl hunters to determine approximate levels of compliance with the Pb shot ban; and to use stable Pb isotope analysis to help determine the relative importance of different sources of Pb exposure. / Wing bones from 721 YY black, mallard, and ring necked ducks, and 579 YY woodcock from selected zones in Ontario, Quebec, BC, and the Maritimes, Canada were analyzed for Pb using flame atomic absorption spectrometry. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)
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European bioenergy markets : integration and price convergence /Olsson, Olle, January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Lic.-avh. Uppsala : Sveriges lantbruksuniv., 2009. / Härtill 2 uppsatser.
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Caracterizacao de ceramicas de zirconia-lantania processadas pela tecnica dos citratosFRANCA, YONE V. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:43:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T13:56:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
06477.pdf: 5155491 bytes, checksum: 44155d466a1c3a4a47a6da7fad6a1eb0 (MD5) / Dissertacao (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN/CNEN-SP
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[pt] As pelotas de minério de ferro têm suas propriedades fortemente
dependentes da natureza das fases escorificadas que se formam durante o processo
de queima. Neste trabalho são apresentados os resultados de uma das pesquisas
que compõem o projeto cooperativo entre a Samarco e o Grupo de Siderurgia do
DEMa / PUC-Rio, envolvendo a possibilidade de utilização de minérios de ferro
portadores de fósforo (pellet feed), na produção de pelotas para redução direta.
Com este objetivo foram geradas amostras de escórias sintéticas de mesma
composição que as das pelotas RD comerciais, as quais foram submetidas a
condições experimentais análogas as do processo industrial. Inicialmente a ciclos
térmicos em forno tipo pot-grate e, posteriormente, em escala laboratorial, usando
forno de mufla, seguido de etapas de resfriamento em velocidades distintas. Foi
possível então constatar que velocidades mais altas de resfriamento, aplicadas na
etapa final dos ciclos térmicos, produziam escórias sintéticas sensivelmente
amorfas, o que levou a conclusão que as fases escorificadas das pelotas RD
também se apresentariam como estruturas não cristalinas. Finalmente, por meio de
teste especificamente desenvolvido para a análise seletiva de fósforo em fases
oxídicas, conseguiu-se obter uma maior eficiencia na mensuração deste elemento
quando dissolvido em escórias amorfas, o que viabilizou a medida das
quantidades de fósforo que efetivamente migraram para as mesmas, quando se
submetiam as amostras de pellet feed a diferentes temperaturas, variados tempos
de residencia e distintas basicidades. Por fim, foi possivel concluir ser o
incremento de basicidade do pellet feed um fator de significativa melhoria para o
transporte e a dissolução do fósforo pelas escórias, em particular quando
submetidos a temperaturas superiores a 900 graus Celsius. / [en] Iron ore pellets have their properties strongly dependent on the nature of the
phases present in the slags formed during pelletization. In this work are presented
the first results of a research program involving the utilization of phosphorous
bearing iron ores in the production of DR pellets (Direct Reduction pellets).
Aiming at this, synthetic slags, produced with same composition of the gangue of
a commercial DR pellet, were submitted to operational conditions similar to those
of the industrial pelletizing process, but performed in a pot-grate reactor and in a
laboratory furnace. The obtained slags samples were cooled at different rates,
permitting to observe that at high cooling rates the slags obtained were
amorphous, suggesting the occurrence of a similar amorphous structure for the
slags present in the DR pellets. Finally, tests developed for a selective analysis of
phosphorous in oxide phases, showed better efficiency when applied to
amorphous slags than in crystalline ones.
Further, the behavior of the phosphor dissolution in the obtained slags
during the heating of pellet feed samples was evaluated. In this phase different
temperatures, resident times and basicities were tested using a laboratory furnace.
The results indicated improvements in the phosphor dissolution with the basicity
increase when temperatures above 900 Celsius degrees were applied.
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[pt] O presente trabalho apresenta uma análise da influência da
composição gasosa, vazão e pressão sobre a cinética da
redução de dois tipos de
pelotas de minério de ferro para redução direta, de baixo
conteúdo de sílica, na
faixa de temperatura de 500 a 900°C. Os valores adotados
para cada parâmetro
operacional procuraram reproduzir as condições reais da
zona de redução de um
processo industrial de redução direta, utilizando o forno
de cuba, onde existe um
perfil térmico longitudinal, além de gradientes de pressão
e potencial redutor. A
metodologia experimental envolveu um modelo estatístico
fatorial de múltiplos
níveis, ou seja, 3 níveis para a temperatura e 2 níveis
para o poder redutor, a
pressão e a vazão, com o intuito de avaliar os efeitos
destas variáveis no processo
de redução. A partir dos dados experimentais foi proposto
um modelo
semiempírico baseado no princípio da superposição e reação
exponencial, que
mostrou uma correlação de 99,2% para a pelota A e 98,5%
para a pelota B.
O coeficiente de saturação da redução (B), o parâmetro da
escala temporal (t) e o
tempo correspondente ao grau de reação global máximo
(tG.R.máx), obtidos pelo
modelo, foram plotados em função da temperatura, todos
apresentando um erro
global inferior a 10%. Mediante este formalismo se pode
também prever que, na
faixa de 500°C até 900°C, o coeficiente B e t se mostraram
dependentes da
temperatura e do potencial redutor da mistura gasosa.
Verificou-se ainda a
dependência de tG.R.máx com a pressão total. O estudo em
questão é parte de um
programa de doutorado em andamento e que envolve a PUC-RJ
e a Samarco Mineração S/A. / [en] An analysis of the influence of the temperature, flow,
pressure and gas
composition on the kinetic of reduction for two types of
lo w silica hematite
pellets for direct reduction, over the temperature range
500°C to 900°C is
presented. The values adopted for each variable tried to
reproduce the real
parameters of the reduction zone of the shaft furnaces
where exists gradients
of reducing potential, gradients of pressure and
longitudinal thermal profile.
The experimental methodology involved a factorial
statistical model of
multiple level, i.e. 3 levels for the temperature and 2
levels for the reducing
potential, pressure and flow, with the aim to evaluate the
effects of the
variables on the reduction process. One semi-empiric model
was developed
from the experimental data. It was based on the
superposition principle and
exponential reaction. The model showed a correlation of
99.2% for the pellet
A and 98.5% for the pellet B. The reduction saturation
coefficient (B), time
scale factor (t) and the time of the maximum reaction
grade (tG.R.máx), all
obtained through the model, were plotted versus
temperature and they had
presented an inferior global error to 10%. The coefficient
B and t had depended
of the temperature and reducing potential and allowed the
prediction of its
behavior over the temperature range 500°C to 900°C. Also,
the analysis
showed the tG.R.máx is dependent of total pressure. The
investigation in question
is part of a doctorate in progress at Catholic University
in Rio de
Janeiro/Brazil, counting on professionals from the
academic area and experts from the iron ore agglomeration
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Využití procesu extruze při produkci bioplynu ze sena / Using of process the steam explosion at production of biogas from hayBRAUN, Petr January 2013 (has links)
Pellets from haylage, respectively hay were extruded in an extruder working with a high temperature according to the utility model CZ 21314 with different parameters. The researched parameters of extrusion with a constant time delay were a pressure extrusion and volatile solids. The highest production of methane (CH4) at a fermentation with the temperature 40 °C was monitored from the haylage with a content of the volatile solids 10,6 - 11 % by extrusion with the pressure 1,37 MPa. The highest production of CH4 at a fermentation with the temperature 50 °C was monitored from the haylage with a content of the volatile solids 13,5 - 16,7 % by extrusion with the pressure 1,37 - 1,66 MPa. A kontent of the volatile solids 11,5 % of haylage and extrusion with the pressure 1,35 ? 1,4 were estimated like optimum parameters for a fermentation with the temperature 40 - 50 °C with the highest production of CH4. For evaluation of the effectiveness of investment was used the metod of net present value (NPV). This method is the most commonly used and in most cases the most appropriate.
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Efeitos da peletização na plantabilidade e na qualidade fisiológica de sementes de milho superdoce armazenadas em câmara friaLagôa, André de Oliveira [UNESP] 14 March 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:28:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
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lagoa_ao_me_jabo.pdf: 218029 bytes, checksum: 5ecf13bf97693832189adc3184113f86 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / As sementes de milho superdoce possuem fino pericarpo e formato irregular dificultando a operação de semeadura. Em função disso, surge a possibilidade de utilizar o processo de peletização para facilitar a semeadura e obter estande uniforme sem a necessidade de desbaste de plantas. Embora essa técnica seja conhecida há muitos anos, pouco se estudou sobre o efeito desse procedimento na plantabilidade e na qualidade fisiológica de sementes de milho superdoce. Sendo assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da peletização na qualidade fisiológica e na ocorrência de falhas e de sementes duplas. A qualidade fisiológica das sementes e péletes foi avaliada pelos testes de germinação, primeira contagem de germinação e teste de frio. Foram avaliados também alguns atributos físicos das sementes e dos péletes por meio dos testes de fragmentação, retenção de peneiras, massa de mil sementes e volume aparente. O recobrimento foi muito eficiente na redução das falhas e da ocorrência de sementes duplas, proporcionando resultados altamente satisfatórios para esses atributos. Não houve efeito do armazenamento no potencial fisiológico nem nos resultados do teste a frio para as sementes nuas. As sementes recobertas foram afetadas negativamente pela peletização a partir dos 90 dias de armazenamento. Durante esse período todos os lotes de sementes peletizadas apresentaram-se dentro do padrão de germinação exigido pelo Ministério da Agricultura Pecuária e Abastecimento, os resultados permitiram concluir que o revestimento melhora a plantabilidade das sementes afetando positivamente a eficiência do processo de semeadura / The supersweet corn seeds have thin pericarps and irregular shape difficulting the sowing operation. As a result, there is the possibility of using the pelleting process to facilitate the seeding and more uniform stand without the need of thinning plants. Although this technique has been known for many years, little has been studied on the effect of this procedure in plantability and in physiological quality of supersweet corn seeds. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of pelleting on the water content during the storage and the occurrence of double seeds and lack of seeds in the holes during the sowing test. The physiological quality of seeds and pellets was evaluated by germination, first germination and cold test. It also was evaluated other physical attributes of seeds and pellets by means of fragmentation tests, retention sieves, seed weight and apparent volume. The coating was very effective in reducing seed double faults and providing highly satisfactory results for these attributes. There was not effect of storage on physiological potential or in the results of the cold test for naked seeds. The coated seeds were negatively affected by the coating from 90 days of storage. During this period all batches of pelleted seeds were inside the physiological pattern required by the ministry of agriculture. The results showed that the coating improves plantability seeds positively affecting the efficiency of the seeding process. Based on the results it can be concluded that the coating improve seed plantability, positively affecting the efficiency of the seeding process
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Estudo do processo de fabricacao de pastilhas de alumina-carbeto de boroOLIVEIRA, FABIO B.V. de 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:40:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T13:59:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
02946.pdf: 7476034 bytes, checksum: fd3391614294f4661b5833089f92d0e3 (MD5) / Dissertacao (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN/CNEN-SP
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