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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Poor People’s Campaign: How It Operated - and Ultimately Failed - Within the Structure of a Formal Nonprofit

Hall, Emily M. January 2012 (has links)
This thesis shows that because the Poor People’s Campaign was created by and operated within the formal structure of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) - a nonprofit organization - it was unable to achieve success by almost any measure. SCLC’s organizational structure made it extremely difficult to create a national campaign from the ground up, and its leadership strategy guaranteed that it would be virtually impossible to sustain that kind of national campaign.

The Poor People's Campaign : how it operated - and ultimately failed - within the structure of a formal nonprofit

Hall, Emily M. January 2012 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / This thesis shows that because the Poor People’s Campaign was created by and operated within the formal structure of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) - a nonprofit organization - it was unable to achieve success by almost any measure. SCLC’s organizational structure made it extremely difficult to create a national campaign from the ground up, and its leadership strategy guaranteed that it would be virtually impossible to sustain that kind of national campaign.

In the middle : on sourcing from China and the role of the intermediary

Balkow, Jenny January 2012 (has links)
In the past three decades China’s rapid transition from a closed economy to become the factory of the world has astonished economists all over the world. Surveys among sourcing practitioners show that China is the most interesting market for sourcing and research points to lower costs as the main reason.This dissertation is an exploratory study of the role of the intermediary for Swedish small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) that source from China. Three questions are discussed. The first question concerns why Swedish SMEs choose to source from China. Although costs are a major factor for the companies, it is usually other triggers that cause the change in strategy, such as management interest or pressure from a large customer. The second research question concerns how Swedish SMEs choose to source from China and how the role of the intermediary is related to this process. The study shows that finding a good supplier is not difficult. The companies use informal channels, references and sometimes unorthodox methods such as following the supplier of the raw material to find suppliers that deliver high quality goods. The problem is however to maintain a steady quality and on time delivery which is why intermediaries are introduced late in the relationship. The cases in this study show example of five different intermediated strategies; Direct, Service,Traditional, RepO and FICE/WFOE. The traditional intermediated strategy is the only strategy where there is little or no relation between buyer and supplier, whereas the other four strategies involve different degrees of interaction between all three actors in the dyad; the buyer, the supplier and the intermediary.The third research question concerned the role of the intermediary. The study shows that the respondents are influenced by their structural view on what role the different forms of intermediaries may take. Although the respondents discuss the importance of having a long-term view on the relationship with the supplier they continuously allow intermediaries to enter the relationship on a short-term basis for quality control. These quality control centers (QC) commonly work on a fixed commission based on services that has to be specified. When the buyers are trying to change their strategy to look for an intermediary with higher involvement they usually turn to internal intermediaries (i.e. subsidiaries). When deciding on a long term intermediary the buyer usually looks for competences that supplement their own knowledge – that is Chinese language, good knowledge of the Chinese market but also technological competence. What the western owned intermediaries in China stresses however is the need to find intermediaries to supplement the suppliers’ competences, so that they are able to translate the needs of the buyer’s customer and becomes a physical reminder that they are sent from the buyer. The case of QC, shows that if a company let the relationship with the intermediary develop through interaction they can become just as involved.The study is based on interviews with key informants at Swedish SMEs andat different types of intermediaries in China. The empirical data are presented infive themes developed through an iterative process of theoretical studies anddata collection. The first two themes are directly related to the first tworesearch questions. The third theme focuses on the sourcing process andactivities of four small Swedish design companies. The fourth theme displayshow the intermediaries in China discuss their role. Finally, the fifth theme pictures the supply chain of one focal company at five points in time when they are in the process of changing their supply chain to increase transparency. / Disputationen sker fredagen den 30 mars kl. 13.00 i sal B1014 på Internationella Handelshögskolan, Högskolan i Jönköping

Assessing the political and investment risk climate of the PRC : a SAB-Miller case study

Lanhove, Tom 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research assignment has investigated the overall nature of the investment climate in the People's Republic of China (PRC).The investment climate was analysed using a Political Risk Analysis (PRA) framework, whereby the PRC was scrutinised closely for its most defining socioeconomic features and, especially, for its most salient political risk factors. Based on this, the assignment evaluated this climate with specific relevance to the investment plans of the South African company SAB-Miller. Since its accession to the World Trade Organisation (WTO)in 2001, the PRC has intensified its economic restructuring process, a necessary and inevitable process, in order to comply with the terms of the WTOframework. This period of adjustment has heightened the anxiety over the strength of the Chinese economy, and the repercussions and/or opportunities for the multinational SAB-Miller.To remedy this uncertainty, this assignment has drawn up an in-depth qualitative scenario, in order to forecast the major trends of the PRC's short-term socio-political future. The main findings of the assignment indicate that a 'high-road' scenario is the most likely to occur in the PRC in the short-term. Clearly, this favourable forecast 1S dependent on the continuation of the current economic and socio-political restructuring process in the PRC. With regards to the main macro-political risks factors, the assignment draws attention to several critical areas of concern. Firstly, the lack of legitimatisation from the 'bottom-up' is a worrying feature, especially in light of the growing economic disparities between citizens and between provinces. Secondly, the financial and governmental sectors need a thorough restructuring, according to WTO criteria. Thirdly, the fragmentation of the market inside the PRe undermines the potential of the PRC government to diffuse the benefits of economic growth and to absorb the downsides of globalisation. Micro-specific risk factors for the company SAB-Miller are focussed predominantly on the speed and the depth of the implementation of the guidelines of the WTO. Especially with regards to the lowering of intra-provincial trade barriers and the efficacy of the distribution networks. Lastly, SAB-Miller should eliminate any risk factors, which may originate from inside the company's behaviour, such as the effects of its adopted labour policies. Lastly, it should maintain a clear level of transparency in their associations with governmental institutions. Throughout the assignment, these risk factors will be investigated and related to the overall political risk climate and utilised to draw conclusions concerning the potential of the investment plans of SAB-Miller. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie werkstuk het die beleggingsklimaat van die Volksrepubliek China (VRC) ondersoek. Die beleggingssklimaat is ontleed deur gebruik te maak van 'n model vir Politieke Risiko Analise (PRA), waarby die VRC sorgvuldig onderwerp is aan 'n ondersoek van sy mees kenmerkende sosio-ekonomiese faktore en van die belangrikste risiko faktore. Hierop gebaseer, het die werkstuk ook die beleggingsklimaat ontleed met spesifieke betrekking tot die beleggingsplanne van die Suid Afrikaanse maatskappy SAB-Miller. Sedert toetreding tot die Wêreld Handelsorganisasie (WHO) in 2001, het die VRC sy transformasie proses versnel ten einde te voldoen aan die WHO se toelatingskriteria. Hierdie tydperk van aanpassing het kommer gewek oor die Chinese ekonomie asook oor die gevolge daarvan vir die maatskappy SABMiller. Om hierdie onsekerheid aan te spreek het die werkstuk 'n kwalitatiewe scenario voorgestel, ten einde die hoofpunte van die VRC se sosio-ekonomiese kort-termyn toekoms vooruit te skat. Die gevolgtrekking van hierdie werkstuk toon aan dat 'n 'high-road' scenario die waarskynlikste is gedurende die kort termyn. Dis ook duidelik dat die gunstige vooruitskattings afhanklik is van die voortsetting van die huidige sosioekonomiese transformasie proses van die VRC. Met betrekking tot die vernaamste makro-politieke risiko faktore het die werkstuk aandag gegee aan verskeie kommerwekkende aspekte. Eerstens, die gebrek aan elektorale regmatigheid van die 'grond-af, waarskynlik in die lig van die toenemende ekonomisiese verskille tussen burgers asook tussen provinsies. Tweedens, moet die finansiële- en staatssektore grondig herstruktureer word volgens die WHO riglyne. Derdens, ondermyn die fragmentasie van die mark van binne China die mag van die VRCse regering om die voordele van die ekonomiese groei gelykmatig te versprei, asook om die nadele van Globalisasie te absorbeer. Mikro-spesifieke risiko faktore vir die SAB-Miller maatskappy het hoofsaaklik gefokus op die spoed en die diepgang van die implementering van die WHO riglyne. In besonder met betrekking tot die hoë interprovinsiale handelsbelemmerings en die optimale effektiwiteit van die verspreidingskakels. Laatstens, moet SAB-Miller enige risiko faktore elimineer wat as gevolg van die maatskappy se eie gedrag kan onstaan, byvoorbeeld die maatskappy se arbeidsvoorwaardes. SAB-Miller moet ook 'n duidelike aanspreeklikheidsfunksie daarstel, in hulle betrekkinge met Chinese staatsinstellings. Deur die hele werkstuk word hierdie risiko faktore ondersoek en in verband gebring met die algemene politieke risiko klimaat, en word ook gebruik om gevolgtrekkinge te maak aangaande die potensiaal van SAB-Millerse beleggingsplanne.

A critical reflection on the African Women's Protocol as a means to combat HIV/AIDS among women in Africa.

Amollo, Rebecca January 2006 (has links)
<p>It is within the context of the persistent feminisation of the HIV and AIDS pandemic that this study, based on the normative provisions of the African Women's Protocol, focused on gender, sex and sexuality in the context of HIV and AIDS. The regime of the African Women's Protocol embodies a framework that can be utilised to combat HIV/AIDS amongst women in Africa by addressing some of the most important issues that need to be tackled if women are to live through this epidemic.</p>

The political and economic relations of the People's Republic of China (PRC) and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), 1949-2010

Ismail, Norafidah Binti January 2011 (has links)
The main concern of this thesis is the development of political and economic relations between the PRC and the KSA. The relations that officially developed after the establishment of diplomatic relations are the focus of analysis of the thesis. By examining the historical and statistical data, the thesis assesses the factors that have cultivated and maintained the Sino-Saudi political and economic relations, as well as the implications of these bilateral links. In analysing the relations, a theoretical conception of complex interdependence has been used. The thesis first provides background on China’s policy towards the superpowers and the Middle Eastern countries between 1949 and 1989, and looks at how China and Saudi Arabia related to each other over this period. The thesis then argues that over the first decade (1990-2000) of Sino-Saudi diplomatic relations, the two countries began to lay the basis for complex interdependence between them. It highlights a number of characteristics of complex interdependence which came to exist. The thesis then goes on to examine whether, in the second decade (2001-2010) of bilateral relations, an intensification of complex interdependence ensued. The complex interdependence approach links closely with constructivist theory in terms of how this thesis is conceived. The thesis argues that China and Saudi Arabia between 1949 and 1977 shared an understanding that their ideological positions made official links between them impossible. Over the course of the following twelve years, this understanding gradually changed. The change laid the basis for the development of diplomatic relations in 1990. In the years between 1990 and 2010, the policy responses of China and Saudi Arabia to major regional events exhibited a commonality of perception. This underpinned the development of the relationship. To identify clearly the growth of Sino-Saudi relations, the thesis is divided into three time periods: 1949-89; 1990-2000; and 2001-10. The time period 1949-89 has three distinct phases: 1949-65; 1966-77; and 1978-89. The 1949-65 and 1966-97 periods are characterised by the absence of state-to-state relations between the PRC and the KSA. However, unofficial contact between Muslims on mainland China and Saudi officials and leaders was established and largely maintained. State-to-state contact only existed between the KSA and ROC governments, which shared broadly anti-Communist sentiments. During the 1978-89 phase, hope for the establishment of diplomatic relations between the PRC and the KSA was high. Some intergovernmental contact was initiated, direct communications between the leaders of the two countries were enhanced, and a joint endeavour towards the development of diplomatic ties was pursued. The 1988 missile deal smoothly accelerated the process of developing these ties. In the 1990-2000 phase, four decades after the establishment of the PRC, Sino-Saudi diplomatic relations were established. The establishment of these diplomatic relations was daunting for the ROC, which wanted to preserve the diplomatic recognition that the KSA had granted it for the preceding 45 years. The strenuous efforts of the ROC to prevent a dramatic shift of diplomatic recognition to mainland China were in vain. The 1990-2000 phase was marked by significant growth in the newly established Riyadh-Beijing diplomatic relationship. Economic interests were at the heart of the agendas of the leaders and officials of the two countries. They began to enhance co-operation and to sign agreements related to various aspects of their bilateral relations. A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Oil Co-operation was concluded in 1999. The value of Sino-Saudi total trade rose by 643 percent between 1990 and 2000 and the volume of Saudi oil exports to China increased by 6,721 percent between 1991 and 2000. After nearly ten years official diplomatic relations were established, President Jiang Zemin viewed the development of bilateral relations as impressive, while Crown Prince Abdullah seemed to suggest that there was now “an intimate relationship” between the two countries, saying that he considered the PRC to be the KSA’s closest friend. The period 2001-10 is also sub-divided into two phases: 2001-05 and 2006-10. This period exhibits the three characteristics of complex interdependence that Keohane and Nye (2000) put forward in their scholarly work: multiple channels, the minimal role of military force, and the absence of a hierarchy of issues. Security issues were largely excluded from Sino-Saudi bilateral relations, while economic interests dominated the agendas of the two countries. In the first phase (2001-05), high-level officials continued to play a leading role in bilateral economic relations. They consistently called for the participation of the private sector in expanding Riyadh-Beijing economic ties. The value of Sino-Saudi total trade continued to climb, reaching USD16.1bn in 2005, and the PRC’s oil imports from the KSA reached 22.2 million tonnes in the same year. Some joint investment projects that involved the participation of Chinese and Saudi companies in the hydrocarbons sector were successful. With regard to the construction industry, Chinese companies won four construction projects from the Saudi Arabian cement industry. The second phase (2006-10) was marked by substantial advancement in Sino-Saudi relations. Following the exchange visits of the state leaders in 2006, bilateral contacts expanded rapidly. The visits led to the formulation of more strategies, with the intention of cementing the relationship, increasing contact and concluding more agreements. The Chinese leaders called for “strategic co-operation”, “a friendly and co-operative strategic partnership”, and “strategic friendly relations”, specifically referring to economic co-operation. This second phase saw Sino-Saudi total trade increase to USD 33bn in 2009, and the volume of PRC oil imports from the KSA reached a peak of 41.8million barrels in the same year. With regard to the hydrocarbons joint ventures, in which investments were jointly made by Saudi ARAMCO and Sinopec, the projects in Quanzhou and Rub’ Al-Khali were good examples of the strong co-operation between PRC and KSA companies. The Quanzhou plant launched operation in 2009, and the gas-exploration project in Rub’Al-Khali engaged in drilling for another three years (its operation began in 2004). The achievement of SINOPEC SABIC Tianjin Petrochemical Co., Ltd, as part of the Tianjin petrochemical project, is another example of such co-operation. In non-hydrocarbons joint ventures, mutual investment increased exponentially, particularly in the mining sector.

Approche juridique des obligations et des devoirs des personnes hospitalisées / Legal approach of hospitalized people's obligations and duties

Di Fazio, Sophie 15 December 2010 (has links)
La relation médicale est en permanente mutation du fait des évolutions techniques ou des changements de mentalité. La charte des droits de la personne hospitalisée a reconnu des droits aux patients qui deviennent alors des partenaires incontournables de la relation médicale prenant un rôle de plus en plus actif. Ces droits ont profondément marqué les esprits des professionnels de santé qui se sentent stigmatisés par une société de consommation et de preuve. La relation de confiance perd de son intérêt au profit de l'information, du recueil du consentement, du respect de la dignité et de la confidentialité. Parler d'obligations et de devoirs n'est pas anodin. Ce concept a un double intérêt vu le contexte et les enjeux de notre société et il pourrait trouver tout naturellement une application dans le domaine sanitaire, notamment lors d'une hospitalisation. La réelle question est de savoir s'il existe, dans ce dernier cas, des obligations et des devoirs à la charge de la personne hospitalisée. Une première approche permettra de rechercher des éléments de réponse alors qu'une seconde approche aura pour but de recenser les obligations avec leurs sanctions éventuelles. Mettre en parallèle les droits et les obligations des personnes hospitalisées devrait permettre de relier enfin le praticien au patient, d'équilibrer la relation et reconnaître ainsi un contre poids aux droits, un complément et non un opposant à la Charte. Faut-il encore que ces obligations soient connues… / Medical relation is in permanent mutation due to technical evolutions or mentality changes. Patients have been awarded rights by the Charter of hospitalized people's rights that make them major partners in the medical relation taking a more and more active role. These rights have profoundly marked the minds of health professionals who feel stigmatized by a consumption and proof society. The trust relation loses its interest for the benefit of information, obtaining consent, dignity's respect and confidentiality. Talking about obligations and duties is not insignificant. This concept has a dual interest in view of the context and the stakes of our society and it could naturally find a scope in the sanitarian field, especially during hospitalization. The real question is to know if, in the latter case, obligations and duties dependent on the hospitalized people exist. A first approach will permit to search for answers, while a second approach will try to list obligations and their possible penalties. To draw a parallel between the rights and obligations of hospitalized people should finally permit to link practitioner and patient, to balance the relation and so to acknowledge a counterbalance to the rights, a complement not an opponent to the Charter. Still, these obligations have to be known...

Investigating Prosocial Behavior: A Case Study of Littering in Laos

Norrgren, Lisa, Swahnberg, Hanna January 2016 (has links)
Using vignette experiments, this thesis examines individuals’ decision-making in various social dilemmas. A case study of littering behavior amongst university students in Lao People's Democratic Republic is used to investigate whether individual preferences are stable across littering dilemmas and other social dilemmas. This study further investigates if a visual prompt can encourage prosocial behavior in littering situations. The results show that behavior in social dilemmas is dependent on individual preferences. Additionally, the study finds little evidence that visual prompts could be used in order to efficiently decrease littering in Laos. However, a negative relationship is found between littering behavior and knowledge regarding the consequences of littering. These findings indicate that policy makers could use knowledge increasing campaigns in order to increase prosocial decision making regarding littering. Yet, further studies are needed in order to validate the results. Lastly, we also find differences in what influence littering behavior, depending on the item being littered.

Outer Edges of the Middle Kingdom

Lilly, Charles N. 12 1900 (has links)
Outer Edges of the Middle Kingdom is a narrative by the author about his two years as a teacher in the People's Republic of China. Organized chronologically, the account begins in August, 1985, and ends in June, 1987. The narrator describes meeting students at Tianjin University, Tianjin, China, designing English classes for English majors, daily episodes in the classroom, and interaction with Chinese colleagues. The narrative alternates between life on a university campus and extensive trips the narrator made to various cities in China, including Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Kunming, Guilin, Harbin, Hohot, and Guangzhou. Also recounted are the narrator's reactions to the student demonstrations of December, 1986, and the resulting anti-bourgeois liberation campaign of January-April, 1987.

Význam individuálního plánování a jeho vliv na aktivizaci v domovech pro seniory / Importance of individual planning and its influence on activation in homes for elderly people

Tumlířová, Karolina January 2014 (has links)
The thesis called 'Individual planning and its effect on activation in retirement homes' is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part discusses the old age and the changes and problems that can accompany it. Further it deals with senior people's needs and the basic principles of communication with elderly people. The second chapter focuses on retirement homes as a social service. The third chapter describes the importance and the process of individual planning. The last chapter of the theoretical part contains information about activating people in retirement homes, its possibilities and importance. The practical part shows the use of individual plans and biographical sheets of retirement homes' clients in practice. It contains case histories of senior citizens and examples of documentation. The aim of the work is to link the theory with practical findings, to describe the importance of individual planning and its connection to all the elements of care, and to describe the positive effects of activation and individual approach in working with elderly people. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

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