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Design and Synthesis of Beta-Hairpin Peptidomimetics for Modulating Integrin Mediated Cell Adhesion, Abeta Fibrillogenesis and p53-MDM2 Protein-Protein InteractionsJain, Priyesh 31 December 2010 (has links)
Inhibiting therapeutically important protein-protein interactions has been a tremendous challenge for medicinal chemists. The folded 3D structures of peptides and proteins, mainly comprise secondary structural elements i.e α-helices and β-sheet have created an opportunity to design small molecules and peptidomimetic inhibitors of protein-protein interaction (PPI). Hence, information about the formation and stabilization of these secondary structures is vital for designing future drugs. In this dissertation, several cyclic beta-hairpin peptidomimetics that mimic the recognition surface have been designed and synthesized as inhibitors for different targets such as integrin mediated extracellular matrix -cell adhesion in multiple myeloma, p53-MDM2 PPI, amyloid beta fibrillogenesis inhibitor. Cyclization of linear peptides to restrict the number of conformations available to the linear peptide can increase its affinity for the target as well as increase its proteolytic resistance. In this study, different beta turn promoters that increase the propensity of cyclic peptides to adopt beta-sheet structures have been designed and synthesized. Chapter two discusses the design and synthesis of several cyclic III (Integrin Interaction Inhibitor) peptides that block adhesion of integrins to extracellular matrix components in Multiple Myeloma tumor cells. These cyclic peptides, as assayed by TOPRO 3 assay were more potent than the parent linear peptide with a bio-activity of 1.08 μM. We have also studied structure activity relationships (SAR) of these cyclic III peptide analogs to increase the potency and bioavailability of these peptides.
Chapter three describes the application of cyclic beta-hairpin peptidomimetics to inhibit abeta fibrillogenesis that is responsible for Alzheimer’s disease. We have successfully designed and synthesized cyclic peptides that target the hydrophobic region (17-21) of abeta fibril which is believed to cause self aggregation and plaque formation. We have also successfully explored these cyclic beta-hairpin peptides to disrupt p53-MDM2 interactions. Chapter five discusses the design and synthesis of novel cysteine based Peptide Nucleic Acid (PNA) monomers that are aimed to increase cellular uptake by introducing positively charged species attached to the cysteine side chain. We have successfully synthesized CPNA monomers and made efforts to make PNA oligomers.
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Design, Synthesis & Biological Activity of Novel Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase (PTP) MimeticsKaulagari, Sridhar Reddy 15 November 2010 (has links)
Protein phosphorylation is a post translational modification of proteins in which a serine, a threonine or a tyrosine residue is phosphorylated by an enzyme, kinase. Phosphorylation of proteins is a reversible and very important regulatory mechanism that occurs in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Phosphorylation turns many protein enzymes on and off, preventing or causing many diseases such as diabetes, cancer and rheumatoid arthritis. The phosphorylation on tyrosine residues of proteins is essential for transmission of signals for cell growth, proliferation and differentiation. Protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) in concert with protein tyrosine kinases (PTKs) regulate many signal transduction pathways by controlling the degree of phosphorylation of tyrosine residues within the protein. While the roles and mechanisms of protein tyrosine kinases are well documented, our present understanding of protein tyrosine phosphatases is very limited. In this regard we still have much more to learn about PTPs. Here we propose the design and synthesis of novel protein tyrosine phosphatase mimetics and their activity against tyrosine phosphatases. Chapter two describes the synthesis of 2-aminopyrimidine chlorides, sulfonamides and the sequence of reactions to make its amino acid analog. Chapter three describes the synthesis of α-aryl, α,β-epoxy carboxylates, phosphonates and their biological activity against tyrosine phosphatases. These compounds could be very helpful in significantly improving the current understandings about the roles and mechanisms of the PTPs. These proposed tyrosine phosphatase inhibitors are believed to work effectively in treating the diseases by modulating the phosphorylation in signal transductions pathways. Chapter four describes the design and the synthesis of Peptide Nucleic Acids (PNAs) both standard as well as hybrid PNAs with novel cysteine based monomers that are aimed to increase the cellular uptake by introducing positively charged or amphipathic species attached to cysteine thiol functional group.
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Vectorisation d'oligonucleotides par la vitamine b2Marlin, Fanny 07 November 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Les oligonucléotides antisens et leurs analogues, tels que les Peptide Nucleic Acids (PNA), ont la capacité d'inhiber ou de moduler l'expression d'un gène cible, de manière spécifique de séquence. Leur utilisation pour des applications thérapeutiques est cependant limitée par leur faible internalisation cellulaire ou leur mauvaise localisation intracellulaire, etnécessite le développement de stratégies efficaces de vectorisation. La Riboflavine, ou vitamine B2, est une vitamine essentielle qui a les caractéristiques requises pour être potentiellement utilisée en tant qu'agent ciblant de vectorisation. Le travail accompli au cours de ce projet de thèse a permis de démontrer la capacité de deux dérivés de la Riboflavine, la Flavine et le Lumichrome, à induire une internalisation par endocytose de PNA conjugués, dans plusieurs lignées cellulaires. En outre, un phénomène d'internalisation photochimique induit par la Rhodamine a été mis en évidence avec des double-conjugués Flavine ou Lumichrome - PNA - Rhodamine et conduit à une sortie efficace des endosomes de ces conjugués. Ce travail de thèse a donc permis de caractériser un conjugué trifonctionnel pour l'internalisation et lalibération cytoplasmique de molécules bioactives.
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Peptide nucleic acid (PNA) hybridization to nucleic acid targetsNulf, Christopher J. January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (Ph. D.) -- University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, 2004. / Vita. Bibliography: References located at the end of each chapter.
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Establishment of a Long Term Cell Culture Model for Testing Anti-Infectives against Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosisKimsawatde, Gade Carolyn 05 May 2015 (has links)
Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) is a very slow growing bacterium that is the causative agent of Johne's disease (JD) in ruminants and has long been suggested to be associated with complications of Crohn's disease (CD) in humans. Although there is no direct evidence that MAP is the primary etiological agent for CD, most CD patients are found to have MAP in their intestinal tissues. The current control measures for JD in cattle, sheep, and goats have only been minimally effective, and there are only medications to treat the symptoms of mycobacterial infections associated with CD in humans.
Along with not being able to cure MAP infections, there is no established laboratory animal model for testing therapeutics. When mice are infected with MAP they develop systemic infection and do not mimic disease observed in ruminants. J774A.1 murine macrophages typically have a very short lifespan of about 4-6 days, however MAP infected cell cultures can survive up to about 10 days. Using a modified protocol of Estrella et al. (2011), we have been able to establish a 45-60 day long-term MAP infected J774A.1 murine macrophage cell culture model. With the addition of retinoic acid (RA), vitamin D (VD), and phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) in combination in cell culture, we were able to screen novel therapeutics before embarking on in vivo testing in animals. This is a significant step forward in Crohn's and Johne's disease treatment research. We are not only able to test various drugs against specific strains of MAP to determine susceptibility, but we are also able to test a wide variety of drugs at the same time, with relatively minimal cost.
We have evaluated the efficacy of clarithromycin, azithromycin, isoniazid, amikacin, ethambutol, ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, rifampicin, clofazimine, as well as a combination of clarithromycin, rifampicin, and clofazimine using our MAP infected macrophage cell culture model. We were able to determine the drugs' differential ability to kill intracellular MAP in the early stages of infection, versus chronic stages of infection, and against two different strains of MAP, 43015 and 19698 that affect humans and cattle respectively. The minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of each drug was determined as per NCCLS protocol in vitro, and the drugs were tested at the MIC value, along with one concentration above and below the MIC in our cell culture model. The antimicrobials were found to be effective at different stages of cell culture infection and in different strains of MAP. Some drugs were more effective at early stages of MAP infection, whereas others were more effective in chronic or latent stages of infections. It is important to note that although a drug may be effective at a certain stage of infection, it may not necessarily be effective against all strains of MAP. The most promising results were seen with a combination of clarithromycin, clofazimine, and rifampicin, which was effective at all stages of infection with both strains of MAP tested. This long term cell culture model will provide researchers with important screening tools for evaluating new therapeutics before embarking on costly in vivo testing, and allow the assessment of therapeutics at different stages of MAP infection but also against an array of intracellular pathogens. / Ph. D.
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Internalisation cellulaire et activité biologique de PNA bloqueurs stériques de la traduction, conjugués au peptide (R/W)9Cordier, Céline 23 January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Les Peptide Nucleic Acids (PNA) sont des oligonucléotides antisens analogues de l'ADN, dont le squelette phosphodiester a été remplacé par un squelette pseudo-peptidique d'unités 2-aminoéthylglycine, sur lequel sont greffées des bases azotées. Des PNA dirigés contre les ARN messagers peuvent inhiber la traduction in vitro et dans les cellules humaines. Lorsqu'ils sont dirigés contre la partie codante du transcrit, des PNA polypyrimidiques peuvent bloquer physiquement l'élongation de la traduction en stoppant la machinerie ribosomale. Le transcrit n'est pas dégradé et une protéine tronquée est générée in vitro. Dans le cas de protéines dont la surexpression conduit à des pathologies, des protéines tronquées inactives peuvent jouer un rôle de dominant négatif dans les cellules. Des protéines tronquées de l'Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 (IGF1R), récepteur cellulaire surexprimé dans de nombreux cancers, inhibent la tumorigénèse et la résistance à l'apoptose de cellules cancéreuses. La pénétration cellulaire des PNA est la principale limite à leur utilisation in vivo et il est nécessaire de développer des transporteurs efficaces pour ces oligonucléotides neutres. Les Cell Penetrating Peptides (CPP) sont des peptides naturels ou synthétiques, qui peuvent être conjugués à différentes molécules pour promouvoir leur internalisation cellulaire. Les objectifs de ce travail de thèse étaient de comprendre les critères requis pour l'arrêt de l'élongation de la traduction par les PNA et d'étudier leur internalisation cellulaire médiée par le CPP (R/W)9. Nous avons montré qu'un couplage covalent entre ce peptide et deux PNA 13-mer permet l'internalisation des conjugués dans un système cellulaire rapporteur, conduisant à leur activité biologique en présence d'un agent lysosomotropique. Les conjugués interagissent avec les glycosaminoglycanes membranaires et sont internalisés par endocytose en moins d'une heure. De plus, les conjugués formés avec un peptide analogue comportant des lysines sont six fois moins internalisés, mettant en évidence l'importance des résidus arginines du peptide (R/W)9 pour l'interaction avec la membrane. Enfin, nous avons montré que le peptide (R/W)9 couplé à un PNA dirigé contre la séquence codante de l'IGF1R permet son internalisation dans les cellules de cancer de la prostate et que le conjugué inhibe spécifiquement l'expression de la chaîne β du récepteur.
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Self-Organization of β-Peptide Nucleic Acid Helices for Membrane ScaffoldingHöger, Geralin 14 February 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Templatgesteuerte Reaktionen von Peptidnukleinsäuren / Verknüpfungsreaktionen für die hochempfindliche und einzelbasenspezifische DNA-Detektion während der PCR sowie Zyklisierungsreaktionen zur Verminderung der ProduktinhibierungRoloff, Alexander 28 May 2014 (has links)
Reaktionen zwischen reaktiven Oligonukleotiden, die durch komplementäre Nukleinsäuretemplate in hoher effektiver Molarität angeordnet werden, haben auf dem Gebiet der Nukleinsäurediagnostik an Bedeutung gewonnen. Sie bieten die Möglichkeit zur Erzeugung von mehreren Signalmolekülen pro Templat, wenn die templatgebundenen Produkte durch neue Reaktanden verdrängt werden. Da die Produkte ebenfalls hohe Templataffinitäten aufweisen, schränken sie jedoch die katalytische Templataktivität ein (Produktinhibierung). In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde zunächst ein neuer Ansatz zur Umgehung der Produktinhibierung entwickelt. Dazu wurde eine DNA-vermittelte PNA-Verknüpfungsreaktion in eine PCR integriert. Die Reaktion wurde direkt durch das während der PCR vervielfältigte Templat ausgelöst und erfolgreich in der einzelbasenspezifischen Genotypisierung von genomischer DNA eingesetzt. Die Nachweisgrenze war mit 30 Templatmolekülen im Vergleich zu bisherigen templatgesteuerten Reaktionen um etliche Größenordnungen niedriger. Ein alternativer Ansatz widmete sich neuen Strategien zur Verminderung der Produktinhibierung. Templatgesteuerte Verknüpfungs-Zyklisierungsreaktionen lieferten zyklische Verknüpfungsprodukte, welche gegenüber ihren linearen Pendants durch deutlich geringere Templataffinitäten gekennzeichnet waren. Daher überstiegen die Ausbeuten jene von Verknüpfungsreaktionen ohne Zyklisierung. Die Zunahme der Templataffinität in Folge der Verknüpfung wurde jedoch durch die Zyklisierung nicht vollständig kompensiert. Daher wurden templatgesteuerte Transferreakionen entwickelt, bei denen das DNA-Templat die Zyklisierung von nicht verknüpften Reaktionsprodukten steuert. Diese waren durch geringere Templataffinitäten als die linearen Reaktanden gekennzeichnet. Die Transfer-Zyklisierungsreaktionen lieferten bei fortgeschrittener Reaktion höhere Ausbeuten als Transferreaktionen ohne Zyklisierungsschritt. Dies bestätigte die erfolgreiche Verminderung der Produktinhibierung. / Reactions between reactive oligonucleotides that are aligned by complementary nucleic acid templates at high effective molarities have gained considerable attention in the field of nucleic acid diagnostics. They are capable of generating multiple signaling molecules per target, if the template-bound products are replaced by fresh reactants. However, since product molecules usually exhibit high template affinities, they impede the catalytic activity of the template (product inhibition). This work initially describes the development of a new approach that bypasses product inhibiton. To this end, a DNA-mediated PNA-ligation reaction was integrated in a PCR. The reaction was directly triggered by the template which was amplified during PCR. Furthermore, the reaction was successfully applied in single base-specific genotyping of genomic DNA. The limit of detection (30 template molecules) was several magnitudes lower compared to previous template-controlled reactions. In an alternative approach, new strategies to reduce product inhibition were developed. Template-mediated ligation-cyclization (“cycligation”) reactions generated cyclic ligation products that were characterized by significantly lower template affinities compared to their linear counterparts. The yields upon cycligation were higher than those from ligation reactions without cyclization. However, the increase in template affinity gained upon ligation of the reactants could not be completely compensated through product cyclization. Therefore, template-mediated transfer reactions were designed in which the DNA-template actuates the cyclization of non-ligated products. These were characterized by reduced template affinities compared to the linear reactants. The transfer-cyclization reactions produced higher yields than transfer reactions without a cyclization step, thereby confirming the successful reduction of product inhibition.
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