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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uma clínica para respirar

Lopérgolo, Ana Cristina Delgado 18 December 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:40:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ana Cristina Delgado Lopergolo.pdf: 3462553 bytes, checksum: 6a446430af6904675330d75f2d9dd909 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-12-18 / The present thesis has constituted itself from the survey of many practical possibilities in the dealings with a particular set of issues raised from the encounters of a psy as related to certain varieties of therapeutic initiatives. Under the inspiration of one of such initiatives the work carried out at the Peri-Peri Local Psychology Care Unit with babies and their parents this report´s chapters are structured using pregnancy as a metaphor. In the chapter named The Thesis Pre-history , there is a report about the author´s beginning professional path, before she started at the Ambulatório de Especialidades do Jardim Peri-Peri, when a certain design, a certain reference had constituted her as a therapist. In Part 1, or The First Trimester referring to the period when the author´s had already joined the Unit s children´s mental health care team the thesis maps the constitution of such clinical practice, from the viewpoint of both children psychiatry and psychoanalysis, and, still, it tries and approaches some issues as posed by this same practice at present. In Part 2, or The Second Trimester , the thesis explores the work carried out with the team in charge with the babies; maps some of the possible intervention strategies, charged with the effort of hearing the sufferings of such young patients the babies as well as the dealings with the sufferings of both parents and members of the rest of the team. Some therapeutic initiatives in which this psy took part are discussed. Such initiatives are based on a clinical practice which is politically prone to view the care unit in such a way so as to incite changes, resist to the processes which oppress subjectivities and to promote differences. After the third trimester, a baby is ready to be born. It is in The Third Trimester , that the Final Considerations are presented, stressing that the preparing of a psy is a never ending process, because of the impossibility of dissociation between practice and theory. The thesis is born ! / Essa tese de doutorado constitui-se num traçado de possibilidades práticas no trato de uma problemática dos encontros de um psi envolvido com determinadas variedades de iniciativas terapêuticas. Inspirada em uma dessas iniciativas - o trabalho com os bebês e seus pais desenvolvido no Ambulatório do Peri-Peri - essa tese utilizou-se da gravidez como metáfora para a construção dos seus capítulos. No capítulo intitulado A Pré- História da Tese , faz um recorte do percurso profissional da autora, anterior à sua inserção no Ambulatório de Especialidades do Jardim Peri-Peri, apresentando um certo esquema, uma certa referência que a constitui enquanto terapeuta. Na Parte 1, ou O Primeiro Trimestre , a partir da inserção da autora na equipe de saúde mental infantil do ambulatório, a tese se propõe a mapear a constituição dessa clínica, tanto pelo viés da psiquiatria infantil, quanto pelas contribuições da psicanálise e, ainda, abordar algumas questões colocadas por essa clínica na atualidade. Na Parte 2, ou O Segundo Trimestre , a tese explora o trabalho realizado na equipe de bebês, mapeia algumas estratégias de intervenções possíveis, tanto na escuta do sofrimento de alguém tão pequeno o bebê , quanto no acolhimento do sofrimento de seus pais e também da equipe. Também são apresentadas algumas das iniciativas terapêuticas que envolveram esse psi . Iniciativas, essas, caudatárias de uma posição clínico-política, que investe na clínica como ocasião de produzir mudanças, produzir resistência aos processos de massacre das subjetividades e incitar diferenças. O Terceiro Trimestre , do ponto de vista de uma gravidez, é considerado como aquele em que o bebê é viável; é nesse capítulo que a autora tece as Considerações Finais da tese, ressaltando o caráter interminável da formação psi , pela indissociabilidade que há entre a teoria e a prática. A tese nasceu !

Compartilhamento de recursos de aprendizagem e pesquisa: estudo de cons?rcios acad?micos de peri?dicos eletr?nicos

Paula Neto, Sidney de 12 December 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:36:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Sidney de Paula.pdf: 1955966 bytes, checksum: 5486373f72c4aff65e2cad6cca344e17 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-12-12 / This study has the objective to analyse the access and use policies of electronic information resources, in particular of joumals available by consortium. Therefore, it was defined as study objective the consortium among the S?o Paulo state public universities which develop specific actions of access and sharing of electronic joumals. Having in mind the specific focus ofthe present research - the access and use policies of electronic joumals ofthe CRUESP consortium - an exhausting searching and analisys was made regarding the constitution of the consortium. To obtain thr current status of the CRUESP consortium, the current managers and the assistant ofFAPESP, who play an important role in the constitution and management process of the consortium, were interviewed. The results of the research show that the policies ofthe CRUESP consortium, that currently exists just as an implict way, should be detailed and discussed with all the actors involved: users, managers and editors. An important aspect of the current policy is to maintain the electronic filing and, at least, a printed signature, avoiding the duplicity of those resources. For the future, the consortium of CRUESP and the electronic joumals consortia in Brazil should assure the filing of collections and he improvement of the filing technologies and scientific editing of those joumals. They should also be aware to initiatives such as open Open Archives, that appears like altematives of access to the leaming and research resources. / Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar as pol?ticas de acesso e uso dos recursos eletr?nicos de informa??o, em particular dos peri?dicos disponibilizados por meio de cons?rcios. Para tanto, estabeleceu-se como objeto de estudo o cons?rcio das universidades estaduais paulistas, que desenvolve a??es espec?ficas de acesso e compartilhamento de peri?dicos eletr?nicos. Tendo em vista o foco espec?fico da pesquisa - as pol?ticas de acesso e uso de peri?dicos eletr?nicos do cons?rcio CRUESP - foi feito levantamento exaustivo e an?lise da documenta??o referente ? constitui??o do cons?rcio. Para obter o retrato atual do cons?rcio CRUESP, foram entrevistados os atuais gestores e a assessora da FAPESP, atores importantes do processo de constitui??o e gest?o do cons?rcio. Os resultados da pesquisa apontam que a pol?tica do cons?rcio do CRUESP, que hoje existe de modo apenas impl?cito, deve ser explicitada e discutida com todos os atores envolvidos no processo: usu?rios, gestores e editores. Um aspecto importante da pol?tica atual ? a de manter o arquivamento eletr?nico e pelo menos uma assinatura impressa, evitando a duplicidade desses recursos. Para o futuro, o cons?rcio do CRUESP e os cons?rcios de peri?dicos eletr?nicos no Brasil, devem assegurar o arquivamento das cole??es e o aprimoramento das tecnologias de arquivamento e de editora??o cient?fica desses peri?dicos. Devem, ainda, estar atentas para as iniciativas como as dos arquivos abertos (Open Archives), que se colocam como alternativas de acesso aos recursos de aprendizagem e pesquisa.

Aspectos simb?licos da produ??o cient?fica: uma an?lise de peri?dicos da ?rea da Nutri??o / Symbolical aspects of the scientific production: analysis of periodicals in the area of Nutrition

Matoso, Maria Cristina 28 June 2004 (has links)
Submitted by SBI Biblioteca Digital (sbi.bibliotecadigital@puc-campinas.edu.br) on 2016-04-06T11:44:18Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria Cristina Matoso.pdf: 2151922 bytes, checksum: 1bcf5b83eba06c89f6a5096d658c6c81 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-06T11:44:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria Cristina Matoso.pdf: 2151922 bytes, checksum: 1bcf5b83eba06c89f6a5096d658c6c81 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2004-06-28 / Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas ? PUC Campinas / Analysis of the symbolic dimension of the scientific journal, of what it represents to the scientific community, this dissertation emphasizes the importance of the mechanisms that attribute value to the scientific journal. It especially considers the creation of institutions whose objectives are to promote and stimulate the development of scientific and technological research, and whose policies support scientific publications. The corpus of the research is constituted by the scientific periodicals covering the area of Nutrition. The analysis focuses on their indexes, their explicit criteria for manuscripts? evaluation and selection by the scientific referees, and the composition of their Editorial Boards ? taking into account that authors may also perform the roles of editor or board member. The research results show how recent is the area of Nutrition and how the journals in such area need to reevaluate their objectives. It concludes that it?s necessary that journals adopt norms and specific patterns, besides proceeding to the selection and revision of the articles already entrenched in scientific editing, in order to have them indexed in mechanisms of the Nutrition area. Such procedures will assure that Brazilian science articles will be available at the main national and international database. / An?lise da dimens?o simb?lica da revista cient?fica, ou seja, o que ela representa para a comunidade cient?fica. Destaca-se a import?ncia dos mecanismos que atribuem valor ao peri?dico cient?fico, enfatizando-se a relev?ncia da cria??o dos ?rg?os de fomento que, al?m de promoverem e estimularem o desenvolvimento das investiga??es cient?ficas e tecnol?gicas, praticam pol?ticas de apoio ? publica??o cient?fica. Constitui o corpus desta pesquisa os peri?dicos cient?ficos da ?rea da Nutri??o, dos quais se analisar? a indexa??o, os crit?rios expl?citos de sele??o e avalia??o dos manuscritos pelos revisores cient?ficos, al?m da composi??o do Corpo Editorial considerando-se que o pesquisador-autor pode ainda desempenhar o papel de editor ou de membro do conselho editorial. Os resultados desta pesquisa indicam que a ?rea da Nutri??o ? ainda jovem e que os peri?dicos cient?ficos espec?ficos dessa ?rea precisam redimensionar os seus objetivos. ? necess?rio que adotem normas e padr?es espec?ficos, al?m de proceder ? sele??o e revis?o dos artigos j? sedimentados na editora??o cient?fica, almejando a sua indexa??o em mecanismos da ?rea. Tais procedimentos garantir?o a presen?a dos artigos da ci?ncia brasileira nas principais bases de dados nacionais e internacionais.

Remodelação alveolar e perfil bacteriano em implantes instalados em diferentes níveis relacionados à crista óssea / Bone remodeling and bacterial profile in dental implants inserted in different levels in relation to the crestal bone

Mariana Ribeiro de Moraes Rego 30 June 2014 (has links)
A substituição clínica de dentes naturais perdidos por implantes osteointegrados tem representado uma das primeiras opções terapêuticas para a reabilitação de pacientes total ou parcialmente edêntulos. Apesar dos excelentes índices de sucesso demonstrados pelas restaurações implanto-suportadas, alguns fatores permanecem não esclarecidos, principalmente no que diz respeito à remodelação óssea ao redor dos implantes osteointegrados. Desta forma, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a relação do nível de instalação dos implantes dentários com os parâmetros clínicos, com a remodelação óssea peri-implantar e com a colonização bacteriana, em implantes de plataforma regular, submetidos à carga imediata. Implantes de plataforma regular foram instalados em dois diferentes níveis em relação à crista óssea ao nível ósseo e supra ósseo (1 mm). No total, trinta e cinco implantes em 9 pacientes (idade média de 62,4 11,2 anos) foram avaliados radiograficamente no momento da instalação dos implantes (T1) e 6 meses após (T2), momento no qual também foram feitas análises clínicas e coleta de amostras para o teste microbiológico. Nos exames radiográficos foram analisadas a perda óssea, a partir de mensurações lineares da distância entre um ponto fixo do componente protético e o ponto mais coronário do contato osso-implante, e a densidade óptica alveolar obtida a partir de regiões ósseas de interesse (ROIs). As análises clínicas consistiram na avaliação da profundidade de sondagem e na mensuração do volume do fluido gengival peri-implantar. O perfil bacteriano dos sítios avaliados foi caracterizado por meio do método de análise de checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization. Os testes estatísticos realizados mostraram não haver relação entre o nível de instalação dos implantes em relação à crista óssea e a remodelação óssea alveolar, tanto com relação à perda óssea (p = 0,725), como com relação à densidade óptica alveolar (p = 0,975). Também não foi possível estabelecer uma correlação entre a remodelação óssea e parâmetros clínicos como profundidade de sondagem e volume do fluido gengival peri-implantar. Com relação ao perfil bacteriano, não foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os grupos avaliados para nenhuma das 40 bactérias analisadas. / The replacement of missing teeth with osteointegrated dental implants represents one of the first therapeutic options for the rehabilitation of totally or partially edentulous patients. In spite of clinical success rates for implant-supported restorations, some factors remain nuclear, especially those related to alveolar bone remodeling around osteointegrated implants. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the relation between the installation level of dental implants with bone remodeling and bacterial colonization, in regular platform implants, under an immediate loading protocol. Dental implants with regular platform were inserted in different levels related to the bone crest on the level of bone crest and above the bone crest. In total, thirty-five implants in 9 patients (mean age 62,4 11,2 years) were radiographically evaluated in the moment of implant installation (T1) and 6 months after (T2), when clinical analysis and sample collecting for microbiologic test were performed. In radiographic exams were analyzed the marginal bone loss, from linear measurements of the distance between a fixed point of prosthetic components and the most coronal point of bone-implant contact, and optical alveolar density, from bone regions of interest (ROIs). Clinical analysis consisted of probing depth evaluation and peri-implant crevicular fluid volume mensuration. The bacterial profile of selected sites was characterized by checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization method. Statistic tests showed no relation between implant insertion levels and alveolar bone remodeling, with relation to marginal bone loss (p = 0,725) and optical alveolar density (p = 0,975). It was not also possible to establish a correlation among alveolar bone remodeling and clinical parameters as probing depth and peri-implant crevicular fluid volume. With respect to the bacterial profile, no statistically significant differences were found between the study groups, for none of the 40 bacterial specimens analyzed.

The role of religious education in the promotion of girls' educational rights in peri-urban schools : a case study of Chingola District in Zambia

Musongole, Dyless Witola 06 1900 (has links)
The study investigates the role of religious education in the promotion of girls’ educational rights in peri-urban schools in Chingola district, Zambia. Fifteen schools were involved in the study and are all in the outskirts of Chingola town. Data was collected through oral interviews, questionnaires and observations. Questionnaires were given to 260 girls ranging from grade 5 to 9. Five questionnaires were distributed to each class. Besides the school girls, six instructresses were interviewed on cultural beliefs and practices that hinder girls’ progress in education. In addition, 15 teachers were also interviewed specifically to identify topics in Religious Education and their relevance in the promotion of self-confidence and self-esteem among girls as well as various teaching methods which promote learner-centredness. The Religious Education curriculum at primary, secondary and college levels of education was evaluated to assess its relevance to the promotion of girls’ education. Furthermore, contributions by some Non-Governmental Organisations and Religious Education towards gender equity in education and the Zambian government policy on gender were highlighted. The findings of the study were in four categories namely: cultural beliefs and practices that hinder girls’ progress in education, other problems affecting girl-child education besides cultural norms, freedom to enable girls to make their own constructive decisions, and topics in Religious Education which have the potential to promote self-confidence and self-esteem among the girls. The cultural beliefs and practices highlighted were the initiation ceremonies, early pregnancies and early marriages. The other problems hindering girls’ progress and advancement which came out vividly were long distances from home to school, poverty, boys jeering at girls when they got wrong answers and household chores. Further findings identified topics in Religious Education and their relevance towards the promotion of girls’ educational rights despite the influence of cultural beliefs and practices in the peri-urban schools. Some of the topics were ‘Advantages of having a friend’ taught in grade 1, ‘Growing in responsibility’ taught in grade 2, ‘Bravery and courage’ taught in grade 4, ‘Happiness’ taught in grade 5, ‘Development and co-operation’ taught in grade 6, ‘Marriage and family life’ taught in grade 7, ‘How people make choices’ taught in grade 8, ‘The talents people have’ taught in grade 8, ‘How people develop’ and ‘How religion helps people’ taught in grade 8, ‘Freedom and community’ as well as ‘Ambitions and hopes’ taught in grade 9. In conclusion, the research study has revealed that Religious Education as a subject has the potential to promote the girls’ educational rights and advancement in the peri-urban schools. Other subjects taught like Mathematics, Science and Technology are experimental subjects. They were rigid and cannot be bent while Religious Education leaves room for freedom in making concrete decisions. It deals also with emotions, values, and feelings. Mathematics imposes the facts without query. / Religious Studies / M.A. (Religious studies)

Remodelação alveolar e perfil bacteriano em implantes instalados em diferentes níveis relacionados à crista óssea / Bone remodeling and bacterial profile in dental implants inserted in different levels in relation to the crestal bone

Mariana Ribeiro de Moraes Rego 30 June 2014 (has links)
A substituição clínica de dentes naturais perdidos por implantes osteointegrados tem representado uma das primeiras opções terapêuticas para a reabilitação de pacientes total ou parcialmente edêntulos. Apesar dos excelentes índices de sucesso demonstrados pelas restaurações implanto-suportadas, alguns fatores permanecem não esclarecidos, principalmente no que diz respeito à remodelação óssea ao redor dos implantes osteointegrados. Desta forma, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a relação do nível de instalação dos implantes dentários com os parâmetros clínicos, com a remodelação óssea peri-implantar e com a colonização bacteriana, em implantes de plataforma regular, submetidos à carga imediata. Implantes de plataforma regular foram instalados em dois diferentes níveis em relação à crista óssea ao nível ósseo e supra ósseo (1 mm). No total, trinta e cinco implantes em 9 pacientes (idade média de 62,4 11,2 anos) foram avaliados radiograficamente no momento da instalação dos implantes (T1) e 6 meses após (T2), momento no qual também foram feitas análises clínicas e coleta de amostras para o teste microbiológico. Nos exames radiográficos foram analisadas a perda óssea, a partir de mensurações lineares da distância entre um ponto fixo do componente protético e o ponto mais coronário do contato osso-implante, e a densidade óptica alveolar obtida a partir de regiões ósseas de interesse (ROIs). As análises clínicas consistiram na avaliação da profundidade de sondagem e na mensuração do volume do fluido gengival peri-implantar. O perfil bacteriano dos sítios avaliados foi caracterizado por meio do método de análise de checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization. Os testes estatísticos realizados mostraram não haver relação entre o nível de instalação dos implantes em relação à crista óssea e a remodelação óssea alveolar, tanto com relação à perda óssea (p = 0,725), como com relação à densidade óptica alveolar (p = 0,975). Também não foi possível estabelecer uma correlação entre a remodelação óssea e parâmetros clínicos como profundidade de sondagem e volume do fluido gengival peri-implantar. Com relação ao perfil bacteriano, não foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os grupos avaliados para nenhuma das 40 bactérias analisadas. / The replacement of missing teeth with osteointegrated dental implants represents one of the first therapeutic options for the rehabilitation of totally or partially edentulous patients. In spite of clinical success rates for implant-supported restorations, some factors remain nuclear, especially those related to alveolar bone remodeling around osteointegrated implants. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the relation between the installation level of dental implants with bone remodeling and bacterial colonization, in regular platform implants, under an immediate loading protocol. Dental implants with regular platform were inserted in different levels related to the bone crest on the level of bone crest and above the bone crest. In total, thirty-five implants in 9 patients (mean age 62,4 11,2 years) were radiographically evaluated in the moment of implant installation (T1) and 6 months after (T2), when clinical analysis and sample collecting for microbiologic test were performed. In radiographic exams were analyzed the marginal bone loss, from linear measurements of the distance between a fixed point of prosthetic components and the most coronal point of bone-implant contact, and optical alveolar density, from bone regions of interest (ROIs). Clinical analysis consisted of probing depth evaluation and peri-implant crevicular fluid volume mensuration. The bacterial profile of selected sites was characterized by checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization method. Statistic tests showed no relation between implant insertion levels and alveolar bone remodeling, with relation to marginal bone loss (p = 0,725) and optical alveolar density (p = 0,975). It was not also possible to establish a correlation among alveolar bone remodeling and clinical parameters as probing depth and peri-implant crevicular fluid volume. With respect to the bacterial profile, no statistically significant differences were found between the study groups, for none of the 40 bacterial specimens analyzed.

Influência do projeto acerto na recuperação pós-operatória em artroplastia total de quadril : estudo randomizado

Alito, Miguel Aprelino 25 August 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Simone Souza (simonecgsouza@hotmail.com) on 2017-09-20T14:37:32Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DISS_2014_Miguel Aprelino Alito.pdf: 4695957 bytes, checksum: 0f8d53c15612c14ec0bd4276f60d6c20 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Jordan (jordanbiblio@gmail.com) on 2017-09-26T12:50:06Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DISS_2014_Miguel Aprelino Alito.pdf: 4695957 bytes, checksum: 0f8d53c15612c14ec0bd4276f60d6c20 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-26T12:50:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DISS_2014_Miguel Aprelino Alito.pdf: 4695957 bytes, checksum: 0f8d53c15612c14ec0bd4276f60d6c20 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-08-25 / Introdução: Protocolos multimodais, quando empregados, melhoram variáveis clínicas perioperatórias e pós-operatórias. Existe pouca informação sobre abreviação do jejum préoperatório com oferta de líquidos claros enriquecidos com carboidratos e imunomoduladores em operações ortopédicas. O projeto ACERTO (ACEleração da Recuperação Total pósoperatória) é baseado em um programa europeu já existente (ERAS) e fundamentado no paradigma da medicina baseada em evidências. É antes de tudo um programa educativo. Objetivos: Avaliar variáveis clínicas, bioquímicas inflamatórias e segurança de um protocolo multimodal em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia de artroplastia total do quadril, utilizando-se técnica cimentada em fêmur e sem cimento no acetábulo (artroplastia total de quadril tipo híbrida). Métodos: Estudo prospectivo com 32 pacientes (16 do sexo masculino, com idade média de 58 anos variando de 26 a 85 anos) randomizados em dois grupos: 17 pacientes (Grupo ACERTO) submetidos a jejum abreviado com oferta de maltodextrina a 12,5%, 2h antes da indução anestésica e uso de dieta imunomoduladora por cinco dias previamente a cirurgia; 15 pacientes (Grupo CONTROLE) submetidos a jejum de 8 horas sem terapia nutricional préoperatória. Foram avaliados clinicamente broncoaspiração na indução anestésica e tempo de internação e em exames laboratoriais os níveis de hemoglobina (HB), velocidade de hemossedimentação (VHS) e proteína C reativa (PCR) no pré-operatório e com 48h de pósoperatório. Resultados: Não ocorreram óbitos, infecções, luxações da prótese, necessidade de reoperação, ou transfusões sanguíneas. Nenhum caso de broncoaspiração ocorreu na indução anestésica. Pacientes do Grupo ACERTO apresentaram, em média, dois dias a menos de internação hospitalar (P < 0,01). A taxa de HB foi similar entre os grupos no pré e pósoperatório. Valores de VHS se mantiveram semelhantes entre os grupos no pós-operatório (p = 0,09), mas a PCR foi maior no grupo CONTROLE no pós-operatório (p = 0,01). Conclusão: Abreviação do jejum pré-operatório com oferta de carboidratos na artroplastia total de quadril é segura, podendo ser praticada. O protocolo investigado como um todo diminuiu o tempo de internação hospitalar e valores de PCR no pós-operatório. / Introduction: Multimodal protocols, when used, enhance several perioperative clinical variables. Limited information is available about the reduction of preoperative fasting with administration of clear liquids enriched with carbohydrate and immunomodulators in orthopedic surgeries. The ACERTO (Accelerated Postoperative Total Recovery) is based on an existing European program (ERAS) and based on the paradigm of evidence-based medicine. It is an educational program. Objectives: To evaluate clinical, biochemical inflammatory variables and safety of the method, shortening up the fast with drink containing carbohydrates and use of immunomodulatory diet in patients undergoing surgery for total hip arthroplasty using cementless technique on the femur and the acetabulum without cement (total hip arthroplasty hybrid type). Methods: A prospective study of 32 patients (16 males, with a mean age of 58 years ranging de 26 to 85 years) were randomized into two groups: 17 patients (Group ACERTO) undergoing abbreviated to offer 12,5% maltodextrin fasting, 2h before induction of anesthesia and use of immunomodulatory diet for five days prior to surgery; 15 patients (Group CONTROL) fasted for 8 hours without preoperative nutritional therapy. Clinically aspiration during induction of anesthesia and hospitalization time and in laboratory tests the levels of hemoglobin (Hb), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and C-reactive protein (CRP) preoperatively and 48 hours postoperatively were evaluated. Results: There were no deaths, infections, dislocations of the prosthesis, reoperation, or blood transfusions. No cases of aspiration occurred during anesthetic induction. Group ACERTO patients had, on average, two days less hospitalization (P < 0,01). Results of hemoglobin did not differ among groups in preoperative and postoperative. VHS values remained similar between groups postoperatively (p = 0,09), but CRP was higher in the control group postoperatively (p = 0,01). Conclusion: Preoperative fasting abbreviation with of carbohydrates in total hip arthroplasty is safe and may be practiced. The protocol investigated as a whole, decreased hospital stay and CRP levels postoperatively.

Translatio signorum : penser les signes à l’Age classique à partir de la division signum formale/ signum instrumentale / Translatio signorum : semiotic Theories in Early Modern Philosophy - from the division between signum formale and signum instrumentale / Translatio signorum : i segni nel XVII secolo tra signum formale e signum instrumentale

Leblanc, Hélène 19 December 2015 (has links)
L’histoire de la pensée des signes se caractérise par une oscillation entre définition large et étroite de son objet. Le XVIIe siècle constitue par rapport à cette histoire une période charnière, marquée par la tendance à une conception particularisante du signe, qui exclut en particulier que les idées puissent être considérées sous cette notion. Mais ce retour ne se fait pas de façon homogène. C’est en effet à cette époque qu’apparaît, au sein de la scolastique tardive, un débat majeur autour de la définition du signe, qui se formalise par l’introduction, au sein des traditionnelles taxinomies, de la division entre ‘signum formale’, qui fait écho à la tendance médiévale à inclure les concepts sous le terme de ‘signes’, et ‘signum instrumentale’, qui correspond à une définition qui remonte à Augustin, et selon laquelle le signe est exclusivement sensible, et strictement différent de la chose signifiée. Cette thèse retrace les termes de ce débat scolastique tardif à partir du commentaire au Peri Hermeneias de Sebastião do Couto, afin de montrer que le XVIIe siècle se caractérise globalement par un retour à une conception strictement instrumentale du signe, qui se libère toutefois de la référence augustinienne qui lui avait donné lieu. Se démarquant de la voie qui avait fait de la Logique de Port-Royal le texte paradigmatique de la pensée sémiotique de l’Age classique, on montrera ainsi que celle-ci se définit par une translatio, visible surtout chez Bayle, Gassendi, et Hobbes, d’un modèle linguistico-psychologique à une sémiotique régie par le paradigme du signe naturel, emblématique d’une mutation de la logique désormais ordonnée au modèle de la physique. / All along its history, semiotic has oscillated between a large and a narrow definition of its object. The 17th century is, in this regard, a pivotal period, with a trend towards a narrower construal of the term ‘sign’, which, for most authors of that time,does not apply anymore to concepts and ideas. This move however is not an homogeneous one. The first half of the century witnesses, among late scholasticism, to an important debate about the definition of ‘sign’, stirred by the introduction, among traditional taxonomies, of the division between ‘signum formale’ and ‘signum instrumentale’. The former echoed the medieval inclusion of concepts under the category of ‘signs’. The latter matches the definition of Augustine, according to which the sign is exclusively sensible and strictly different from the thing signified. The reconstruction of the terms of this late scholastic debate, which originates in Sebastião do Couto’s commentary on Peri Hermeneias, shows that the 17th century authors have tended to return to a strictly instrumental conception of signs, but one from which the traditionnal Augustinian reference is absent. In contrast with the rather common interpretation according to which the definition of signs to be found in the Port-Royal’s Logic offered the new paradigm for representation, this works argues that the semiotic thought of this period is better defined as a translatio, especially visible among Bayle, Gassendi and Hobbes, from a linguistico-pschychological model to a natural semiotics, emblematic of a new logic that has been submitted to physical science.

Strategy for viable, sustainable urban agriculture in a dynamic, urbanising society

Leech, Michael Graham 08 1900 (has links)
At Constitutional level, legislation in South Africa entrenches the provision of food and water for all its citizens. In instances where citizens are unable to provide in these basic requirements for themselves, social assistance should be provided to ensure a healthy life for all. In this regard, legislation and Town Planning ordinances and regulations are in place to ensure that built-up environments in which we live and work are healthy and safe for all. However, this study revealed that food provisioning by community gardeners is peripheral in legislation, ordinances and regulations and the practice of urban agriculture is, in many instances, in conflict with the principle of safe and healthy food for all. Community gardeners/urban agriculturists are food farmers within the city who produce food for themselves and others without the checks and balances that are otherwise applicable to food brought into the city from outside. While food production on any piece of available land is vital for these community gardeners for their sustenance and survival, it could become a potential health hazard if no checks or testing measures are in place to ensure that the food being produced is safe for human consumption. The study sought the views and perceptions of community gardeners, residents, Environmental Health Practitioners and Town Planners in the eThekwini Metro region with regards to community gardening/urban agriculture and its impact on food provisioning to citizens. For data collection, a one-on-one interviewing survey method was used with all four groups and results were calculated and converted to average percentages and analysed. The results revealed that there was conflict between legislation, ordinances and regulations regarding the production of food in the built-up environment of the EThekwini Municipality. It was also revealed that there was no cohesive policy to control the production of food produced and sold by community gardeners in the study area. The need for control measures and regulations regarding food production and sale by community gardeners was highlighted. Moreover, where ineffective or none such measures or controls exist, a transparent and consultative process involving all stakeholders must take place in order to establish up viable and sustainable control measures. The people who will be most affected by these rules, namely the community gardeners, should be pivotal role players in the establishment of a sustainable urban agriculture policy. Recommendations to address the problems illuminated by the study are presented. / Environmental Sciences / Ph.D. (Environmental Management)

Assessing the capacity of small independent providers to deliver improved sanitation at scale in low income urban settlements

Godfrey, Amaka O. January 2009 (has links)
More than half of the human population will be living in urban areas in 2008, of which 81 percent will be in poor areas of towns and cities of the developing world. Governments of most African cities are unable to provide the urgently needed sanitation facilities amongst other services. The informal sector (small independent providers) rather than externally supported efforts provide the majority of household sanitation facilities. The commonly held assumption amongst sector professionals is that partnership with the informal private sector to develop the sanitation market is a sustainable way of increasing access to improved sanitation in low-income urban areas. This research assesses the capacity of small independent providers of sanitation services (SIPS) to up scale and accelerate the delivery of improved sanitation. The thesis adds to an · improved understanding of the capacity of small independent sanitation providers to upscale the delivery of improved sanitation and answers the following questions: what is their level of knowledge, skills and experiences of various sanitation options?; what are house owners' preferences?; and what are their experiences of obtaining sanitation services from small independent providers?. The research adopted a mix of qualitative and quantitative research methodologies in order to ensure the validity and reliability of the findings. The field work was conducted in the three municipalities in the city of Oar es Salaam, Tanzania. The thesis concludes that small independent providers have the potential to upscale the delivery of improved sanitation facilities but not without capacity building, particularly in the areas of developing appropriate sanitation technologies; appropriate enabling environment (infrastructure to support hygienic emptying and sludge disposal, and effective policy and regulatory framework) and support with demand generation. The implications of the research highlight the need to integrate any SIPS capacity enhancement and 'official' involvement in sanitation provision as part of an urban improvement programme. The recommendations from the thesis outline key support areas for the respective SIPS typologies, and the responsibilities of the various stakeholders (government, NGOs, donors) and SIPS. Potential areas of further research include development of appropriate sanitation technology for low-income urban settlements and creating an effective enabling environment.

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