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Harmful agents (PCDD/Fs, PCBs, and PBDEs) in Finnish reindeer (<em>Rangifer tarandus tarandus</em>) and moose (<em>Alces alces</em>)Holma-Suutari, A. (Anniina) 18 November 2014 (has links)
In Finland there is a food monitoring program which has found elevated dioxin and polychlorinated biphenyl concentrations in the muscle of semi-domesticated reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) calves. This led to further research on the concentrations of persistent organic pollutants in reindeer muscle, liver, and other internal organs. The research was further expanded on wild moose (Alces alces) muscle and liver.
The main objective of this thesis is to increase knowledge of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin (PCDD), polychlorinated dibenzofuran (PCDF), polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB), and polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) pollution levels in the Finnish terrestrial environment, and in semi-domesticated reindeer and wild moose in particular. The research gives information of exposure conditions in the reindeer’s food chain, as well as species differences and individual variation in accumulation and distribution of pollutants in reindeer and moose. Local differences between the contaminant concentrations were explored. Toxic equivalencies (TEQs) set by the World Health Organization (WHO) of PCDD/Fs and PCBs were calculated in order to assess the validity of selling reindeer and moose tissue.
It was observed that there is a species-, individual-, and tissue-specific accumulation of dioxins, dioxin-like PCB, and PBDE compounds in reindeer and moose. Varying exposure conditions mainly explain the differences, although taking into account the age of an individual animal, its metabolic patterns have a role, too. Reindeer placenta and milk proved to be important factors in the transporting of compounds from hind to calf. The highest PCDD/F and PCB concentrations (as WHO-TEQs) were observed in reindeer calves in the study area in which animals are fed in natural pastures only. Despite the findings, it was concluded that it is safe to eat reindeer and moose meat since the concentrations of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs in the muscle are relatively low, and because of the low fat content in these animals. Reindeer liver, for its part, had quite a lot of dioxin-like compounds that may compromise its safety as food, at least on a regular basis.
The study shows that Finnish semi-domesticated reindeer and wild moose are good indicator species of POP contamination in a terrestrial environment, reindeer describing the situation in northern parts of the country especially. / Tiivistelmä
Suomalaisessa ruokamonitorointitutkimuksessa löydettiin kohonneita dioksiinien ja polykloorattujen bifenyylien pitoisuuksia puolivillin poron vasojen lihaksista. Se johti lisätutkimuksiin pysyvien orgaanisten yhdisteiden pitoisuuksista poron lihaksessa, maksassa ja muissa sisäelimissä. Tutkimus laajeni koskemaan myös hirven (Alces alces) lihasta ja maksaa.
Väitöskirjatyö lisää tietämystä polykloorattujen dibentso-p-dioksiinien (PCDD), polykloorattujen dibentsofuraanien (PCDF), polykloorattujen bifenyylien (PCB) ja polybromattujen difenyylieettereiden (PBDE) pitoisuuksista suomalaisessa maaympäristössä ja erityisesti porossa ja hirvessä. Tutkimus antaa tietoa yhdisteille altistumisesta sekä viitteitä lajien- ja yksilöiden välisistä eroavai¬suuksista yhdisteiden kertymisessä ja niiden jakaantumisessa eri kudosten välillä. Alueellista vaihtelua yhdisteiden pitoisuuksissa selvitettiin myös. Maailman terveysjärjestön (WHO) asettamia PCDD/F- ja PCB-yhdisteiden toksisuusekvivalenttiarvoja (TEQ) tarkasteltaessa pystyttiin arvioimaan kemiallista elintarvikekelpoisuutta suhteessa EU:n antamiin sallittuihin pitoisuuksiin.
Työssä havaittiin laji-, yksilö-, ikä- ja kudosspesifistä dioksiinien, dioksiinienkaltaisten PCB- ja PBDE-yhdisteiden kerääntymistä porossa ja hirvessä. Tämä on todennäköisimmin seurausta vaihtelevasta altistumisesta yhdisteille, mutta myös lajien metabolisissa toiminnoissa yksilön eri ikäkausina voi olla eroavaisuuksia. Poron istukan ja maidon havaittiin olevan tärkeitä yhdisteiden kulkeutumisessa emolta sikiölle ja vasalle. Korkeimmat dioksiinien ja dioksiinien kaltaisten PCB-yhdisteiden konsentraatiot (WHO-TEQ-pitoisuuksina) havaittiin poron vasoilla tutkimusalueella, jossa eläimet olivat laiduntaneet ainoastaan luonnonlaitumilla.
Huolimatta havaituista haitta-ainepitoisuuksista todettiin, että sekä luonnostaan vähärasvaisen poron että hirvenlihan syönti on turvallista suhteellisen alhaisten dioksiinien ja dioksiininkaltaisten PCB-yhdisteiden pitoisuuksien perusteella. Poron maksa puolestaan sisälsi melko korkeita dioksiinien kaltaisten yhdisteiden pitoisuuksia, mikä voi vaikuttaa sen turvalliseen käyttöön elintarvikkeena ainakin usein syötynä.
Suomalainen puolivilli poro ja villi hirvi sopivat hyvin POP-kontaminoitumisen indikaattoreiksi maaympäristössä; poron erityisesti kuvaten tilannetta maan pohjoisosissa.
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Analýza alternativ odstraňování PCDD/F při spalování odpadů / Evaluation of the alternatives of PCDD/F removing in the incineration plantsFrýba, Lukáš January 2011 (has links)
The thesis is focused on analyzing the current status of the technology used for cleaning flue gas from persistent organic pollutants, especially PCDD/F. For the three most commonly used methods of solution operational and energy efficiency comparison was made, where achievable energy export and the impact of the change in working conditions on the efficiency indicators of energy production and use of the energy was evaluated. In conditions we considered an alternative machine-technological solutions used for the final disposal of persistent organic pollutants resulting from the waste combustion in terms of additional operating costs and energy efficiency.
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Évaluation de l’association entre l’exposition postnatale aux p,p’-DDT et p,p’-DDE et l’indice de masse corporelle chez les enfants japonaisPlouffe, Laurence 12 1900 (has links)
Les enfants sont exposés au p,p’-dichlorodiphényltrichloroéthane (p,p’-DDT) et au p,p’-dichlorodiphényldichloroéthylène (p,p’-DDE) par transfert placentaire et par le lait maternel. Plusieurs études laissent croire que cette exposition pourrait avoir un impact sur l’indice de masse corporelle (IMC) pendant l’enfance. Le but de notre étude était d’évaluer l’association entre l’exposition par le lait maternel et l’IMC des enfants japonais âgés de 42 mois. Nous avons utilisé les données d’une étude pilote (n=290) de la Japan Environment and Children Study (JECS). Le p,p’-DDT et le p,p’-DDE ont été mesurés dans le lait maternel, et les concentrations chez l’enfant ont été estimées pour trois périodes (0-6 mois, 6-12 mois, 12-24 mois) à l’aide d’un modèle de toxicocinétique. Les associations avec l’IMC à 42 mois ont été évaluées à l’aide de modèles de régression linéaire multivariée. Aucune association n’a été observée avec les concentrations de p,p’-DDT mesurées dans le lait maternel, ni avec les concentrations estimées chez les enfants. Des associations positives avec les concentrations de p,p’-DDE estimées ont été observées chez les filles. Chaque augmentation d’un logarithme naturel dans les concentrations estimées était associée avec une augmentation du score z de l’IMC de 0.23 (I.C. 95% : 0.01, 0.45) pour la période d’exposition 0-6 mois, de 0.26 (I.C. 95% : 0.06, 0.47) pour la période 6-12 mois, et de 0.24 (I.C. 95% : 0.05, 0.43) pour la période de 12-24 mois. Ces associations étaient dans le même ordre de grandeur que l’association observée dans une méta-analyse publiée récemment (augmentation du score z de l’IMC de 0.13 par augmentation d’un logarithme naturel dans l’exposition prénatale), ce qui supporte l’hypothèse que l’exposition développementale au p,p’-DDE est associée avec une augmentation de l’IMC durant l’enfance. / Children are exposed to p,p’-dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (p,p’-DDT) and p,p’-dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (p,p’-DDE) through placental and lactational transfer. Studies have revealed that these exposures could lead to increased body mass index (BMI) during childhood. Our aim was to assess whether exposure through breast milk is associated with BMI in Japanese children at 42 months of age. We used data from a pilot study (n=290) of the Japanese Environment and Children Study (JECS). p,p’-DDT and p,p’-DDE levels were measured in breast milk, and levels in children were estimated using a toxicokinetic model for three exposure periods (0-6 months, 6-12 months, 12-24 months). Associations with BMI at 42 months of age were assessed using multivariate linear regression models. Our study revealed no significant association with levels of p,p’-DDT measured in breast milk or estimated in children. Positive associations with p,p’-DDE were found in girls during all exposure periods. For each log increase in the estimated p,p’-DDE levels, BMI z-score increased by 0.23 (C.I. 95%: 0.01, 0.45) for the 0-6 months exposure period, 0.26 (C.I. 95%: 0.06, 0.47) for the 6-12 months exposure period and 0.24 (C.I. 95%: 0.05, 0.43) for the 12-24 months exposure period. Our results in girls were similar to those found in a previous meta-analysis that included boys and girls (BMI z-score increase of 0.13 by log increase in prenatal p,p’-DDE levels), supporting that early-life exposure to p,p’-DDE may be associated with increased BMI during childhood.
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A sea of contested evidence: Disputes over coastal pollution in Hout Bay, Cape Town, South AfricaBeukes, Amy 23 June 2022 (has links)
The City of Cape Town's (CoCT) wastewater management system discharges effluent from households, industries and other sources into the Atlantic Ocean through deep-water marine outfalls in Green Point, Camps Bay and Hout Bay. At total capacity, these three outfalls discharge 55.3 megalitres (Ml) into marine receiving environments daily. With minimal pre-treatment that amounts to screening and sieving, this results in microbial and chemical pollution of the sea (including chemicals of emerging concern), marine organisms, recreational beaches, and Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). This research focuses on contestations over evidence of that pollution in Hout Bay. The study documents the work of independent scientists seeking to provide evidence of coastal pollution obtained via microbial and chemical analyses of water (coastal and inland) and marine organisms (Mytilus galloprovincialis) samples. It also presents accounts of pollution obtained via ethnographic research with local residents, fishers, frequent water users and river activists who have observed and experienced poor coastal water quality. However, the form of evidence that is considered and informs decision-making processes by the CoCT has consistently sought to invalidate these forms of evidence, from both independent scientists and the public. Debates around knowledge of water and contests over evidence that highlight the entanglements of science, politics, and ways of knowing make visible a consistent pattern in coastal water-quality governance by the City, which results in inaction regarding the ever-growing issue of coastal pollution in Cape Town.
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Le droit à un environnement de qualité au Québec : une réponse aux problèmes de pollution diffuse?Gourde, Karine 02 1900 (has links)
Les Québécois sont de plus en plus conscients de l’environnement qui les entoure et de l’importance d’en assurer la qualité et la pérennité.
Certains phénomènes, tels les changements climatiques, l’accumulation de polluants organiques persistants et l’amincissement de la couche d’ozone, que nous qualifierons de phénomènes environnementaux diffus, sont engendrés par de multiples émetteurs de polluants et ont des effets globaux qui ne peuvent être liés à un événement précis et dont les impacts sont difficiles à identifier et à quantifier pour le moment.
En l’absence de preuve quant aux effets qu’auront ces phénomènes diffus sur les citoyens et les difficultés liées à la preuve scientifique du lien causal entre ce dommage et un émetteur de polluant donné, les recours classiques en responsabilité civile et pour troubles de voisinage, prévus aux articles 1457 et 976 C.c.Q., apparaissent inopérants.
Nous nous interrogeons donc sur l’existence d’un droit à l’environnement qui conférerait aux citoyens le droit de vivre dans un environnement sain et leur permettrait ainsi de réclamer que cesse toute atteinte environnementale engendrée par ces phénomènes, même si elle n’a pas d’effet directement sur eux.
Considérant l’importance de l’efficacité des recours qui pourraient permettre une mise en œuvre de ce droit, nous procéderons à l’analyse de trois sources potentielles d’un droit à l’environnement sous cet angle.
À cet effet, nous étudierons les recours constitutionnels et quasi-constitutionnels liés à la Charte canadienne des droits et libertés, à la Charte des droits et libertés de la personne et au recours institutionnel prévu dans la Loi sur la qualité de l’environnement.
Considérant l’absence de reconnaissance suffisante d’un droit à l’environnement et de recours efficaces pour en assurer la mise en œuvre, nous proposerons ensuite des pistes de solution afin que puisse être développé un mécanisme permettant une réponse judiciaire aux phénomènes environnementaux diffus. / The quality of the environment has become a growing concern in the recent years for Quebec citizens.
Phenomena such as climate change, persistent organic pollutants and the depletion of the ozone layer are caused by several sources, the effects of which cannot be distinguished one from the other and/or linked to a specific event.
Furthermore, these phenomena have yet to create damage to Quebec residents in order to create the necessary standing for the introduction of legal proceedings.
Also, the scientific uncertainty related to the source of potential damage and to the proof of said damage makes it impossible to legally attack the emitters of the pollutant contributing to this type of environmental phenomena under 1457 C.C.Q. or 976 C.C.Q.
We have identified the 3 potential sources of a right to a clean environment which could entitle Quebec citizens to go before the courts in environmental matters, even in the absence of specific damages to their person or property.
We have analysed the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms and the Environmental Quality Act and looked at the potential right to a clean environment possibly contained therein and the legal actions that could be taken to ensure their respect.
Considering the weakness of what our legal system had to propose, we have developed solutions that could be put forward in order to allow the war against climate change and other environmental phenomena of the same nature to become legally actionable.
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Poluentes Orgânicos Persistentes em sangue de aves marinhas no Arquipélago de São Pedro e São Paulo e na Ilha da Trindade / Persistent Organic Pollutants in blood of seabirds in the São Pedro and São Paulo Archipelago and Trindade IslandSilva, Daniela Alves Maia da 08 March 2019 (has links)
As aves marinhas são sensíveis às alterações em todos os níveis tróficos, decorrentes de variações na disponibilidade de presas e contaminação por alguns compostos, capazes de se acumular nos tecidos dos organismos e magnificar-se através da cadeia trófica. As ilhas oceânicas brasileiras abrigam importantes colônias reprodutivas de aves marinhas e, apesar de serem consideradas locais remotos, estão sujeitas à contaminação decorrente de atividades humanas. Este trabalho avaliou a presença de poluentes orgânicos persistentes (POPs) em sangue, uma matriz não-destrutiva, de seis espécies de aves marinhas no Arquipélago de São Pedro e São Paulo e na Ilha da Trindade, que possibilita o monitoramento destes indivíduos ao longo dos anos. Os resultados indicaram que os principais POPs detectados no sangue (em ng g-1 de massa úmida) foram PCBs (0,05 a 55,09), DDTs (0,01 a 17,36) e Mirex (0,01 a 5,53). A migração influenciou nos altos níveis de POPs encontrados em Pterodroma arminjoniana e a massa (g) média dos indivíduos apresentou uma forte correlação negativa com as concentrações dos compostos predominantes no sangue. O sexo das aves não contribuiu significativamente nas concentrações de POPs em espécies monotípicas, exceto para a espécie Sula leucogaster que apresenta dimorfismo sexual acentuado. O comportamento alimentar, avaliado através da análise de isótopos estáveis de carbono e de nitrogênio (δ13C e δ15N), bem como as condições biológicas de cada animal contribuíram para explicar as variações nos perfis de contaminação entre as diferentes espécies. No geral, observou-se que as concentrações de POPS nos dois locais apresentaram valores baixos e similares sugerindo a via atmosférica como principal mecanismo de entrada desses contaminantes para estas regiões. Os resultados inéditos de POPs em sangue das aves marinhas nas duas mais recentes unidades de conservação marinhas criadas no Brasil, podem contribuir como referência para o monitoramento desses compostos em longo-prazo nessas regiões. / Seabirds are sensitive to changes at all trophic levels, due to variations in prey availability and contamination by some compounds, which can be accumulated in the tissues of organisms and to be magnified through the trophic chain. The Brazilian oceanic islands harbor important seabird breeding colonies and, although they are considered remote sites, they are subject to contamination from human activities. This work evaluated the presence of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in blood, a non-destructive matrix, of six species of seabirds in the São Pedro and São Paulo Archipelago (SPSPA) and Trindade Island (TI), that allows the monitoring of these individuals over the years. The results indicated that the major POPs detected in blood (ng g-1 in wet weight) were PCBs (0.05 to 55.09), DDTs (0.01 to 17.36) and Mirex (0.01 to 5,53). Migration influenced the high levels of POPs found in Pterodroma arminjoniana and the mean mass (g) of the individuals drove a strong negative correlation with the concentrations of the predominant compounds in the blood. The gender of the individuals did not contribute significantly to the concentrations of POPs in monotypic species, except for the species Sula leucogaster that presents marked sexual dimorphism. The feeding behavior was evaluated through the analysis of stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen (δ13C and δ15N) as well as the biological conditions of each animal contributed to explain the variations in the contamination profiles between the different species. In general, we observed that POPS concentrations at both sites presented low and similar values suggesting the atmospheric transport as the main input mechanism of these compounds for these regions. The unpublished results of POPs, in blood of seabirds from the two most recent marine conservation units created in Brazil, can contribute as reference values for their long-term monitoring in those regions.
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Коришћење репичиног уља у исхрани шарана и лињака као фактора промене квалитета меса / Korišćenje repičinog ulja u ishrani šarana i linjaka kao faktora promene kvaliteta mesa / The use of rapeseed oil in the diet of carp and tench as a factor thataffecting meat qualityLjubojević Dragana 10 January 2014 (has links)
<p>Месо шарана, најзаступљеније врсте рибе на рибњацима у<br />Републици Србији, али и других ципринидних врста, представља<br />значајан нутритивни извор n-3 високо незасићених масних киселина,<br />које имају важну улогу на здравље људи. У раду су испитани<br />фактори који делују на хемијски и маснокиселински састав меса<br />шарана и других ципринидних врста које се гаје на подручју Србије.<br />Установљено је да је садржај масти и маснокисeлински састав риба<br />су под утицајем врсте рибе, чак и када припадају истој фамилији,<br />различитих фактора животне средине, начина гајења, а посебно<br />начина исхране. Утврђен је значај добре технологије производње на<br />рибњаку за одговарајућу структуру планктонских и бентосних<br />организама, што игра велику улогу у добијању меса шарана, али и<br />других ципринидних врста, које се могу гајити у поликултури са<br />њим, доброг хемијског и маснокиселинског састава. Указано је на<br />значај који формулисане смеше имају у исхрани риба на њихово<br />здравствено стање, производне параметре и квалитет меса. Извршено<br />је испитивање замене компоненти анималног порекла са<br />алтернативним компонентама биљног порекла и добијени су<br />задовољавајући резултати у погледу производних перформанси и<br />умерених промена квалитета меса, када је у питању маснокиселински<br />ДВМ Драгана Љубојевић<br />Коришћење репичиног уља у исхрани шарана и лињака као фактора променa квалитета меса<br />iii<br />састав. Анализом седимента, воде у рибњацима, као и меса риба из<br />рибњака и отворених вода установљен је степен загађености животне<br />средине. Представљен је нови производ од меса шарана и других<br />ципринидних риба. По први пут је успостављена ћелијска култура<br />масног ткива шарана, која омогућава анализирање молекуларних и<br />биохемијских механизама који се не могу изучавати на живим<br />рибама, који настају као последица промена у исхрани.</p> / <p>Meso šarana, najzastupljenije vrste ribe na ribnjacima u<br />Republici Srbiji, ali i drugih ciprinidnih vrsta, predstavlja<br />značajan nutritivni izvor n-3 visoko nezasićenih masnih kiselina,<br />koje imaju važnu ulogu na zdravlje ljudi. U radu su ispitani<br />faktori koji deluju na hemijski i masnokiselinski sastav mesa<br />šarana i drugih ciprinidnih vrsta koje se gaje na području Srbije.<br />Ustanovljeno je da je sadržaj masti i masnokiselinski sastav riba<br />su pod uticajem vrste ribe, čak i kada pripadaju istoj familiji,<br />različitih faktora životne sredine, načina gajenja, a posebno<br />načina ishrane. Utvrđen je značaj dobre tehnologije proizvodnje na<br />ribnjaku za odgovarajuću strukturu planktonskih i bentosnih<br />organizama, što igra veliku ulogu u dobijanju mesa šarana, ali i<br />drugih ciprinidnih vrsta, koje se mogu gajiti u polikulturi sa<br />njim, dobrog hemijskog i masnokiselinskog sastava. Ukazano je na<br />značaj koji formulisane smeše imaju u ishrani riba na njihovo<br />zdravstveno stanje, proizvodne parametre i kvalitet mesa. Izvršeno<br />je ispitivanje zamene komponenti animalnog porekla sa<br />alternativnim komponentama biljnog porekla i dobijeni su<br />zadovoljavajući rezultati u pogledu proizvodnih performansi i<br />umerenih promena kvaliteta mesa, kada je u pitanju masnokiselinski<br />DVM Dragana LJubojević<br />Korišćenje repičinog ulja u ishrani šarana i linjaka kao faktora promena kvaliteta mesa<br />iii<br />sastav. Analizom sedimenta, vode u ribnjacima, kao i mesa riba iz<br />ribnjaka i otvorenih voda ustanovljen je stepen zagađenosti životne<br />sredine. Predstavljen je novi proizvod od mesa šarana i drugih<br />ciprinidnih riba. Po prvi put je uspostavljena ćelijska kultura<br />masnog tkiva šarana, koja omogućava analiziranje molekularnih i<br />biohemijskih mehanizama koji se ne mogu izučavati na živim<br />ribama, koji nastaju kao posledica promena u ishrani.</p> / <p>Meat of common carp, the most common fish species which is farmed in<br />the Republic of Serbia and meat of other cyprinid species, represent an<br />important nutritional source of n-3 highly unsaturated fatty acids, which<br />play an important role in human health. This paper examined the factors<br />that affect the chemical and fatty acid composition of carp and other<br />cyprinid species that are grown in Serbia. It was found that the fat content<br />and fatty acid composition of fish are influenced by fish species, even<br />when they belong to the same family, and also by different environmental<br />factors of cultivation, especially by diet. It was established the importance<br />of proper rearing technology in the pond for the appropriate structure of<br />planktonic and benthic organisms, which play a significant role in getting<br />carp meat, and meat of other cyprinid species that can be grown in<br />polyculture with carp of desirable chemical and fatty acid composition. It<br />was pointed out on the significance of formulated feed mixtures in fish<br />nutrition on fish health, production parameters and meat quality. An<br />investigation was done on replacing components of animal origin with<br />alternative components of plant origin and satisfactory results were<br />obtained in terms of production performance and moderate changes in the<br />quality of meat, regarding to fatty acid composition. The degree of<br />environmental pollution was established by analysis of sediment and<br />water in the ponds, and the flesh of fish from ponds and open water. The<br />new food product made from fish meat was presented. For the first time, it<br />was established cell cultures carp preadipocytes, which allows analysis of<br />the molecular and biochemical mechanisms that arise as a result of<br />ДВМ Драгана Љубојевић<br /> </p>
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Sources of dioxins and other POPs to the marine environment : Identification and apportionment using pattern analysis and receptor modelingSundqvist, Kristina January 2009 (has links)
In the studies underlying this thesis, various source tracing techniques were applied to environmental samples from the Baltic region. Comprehensive sampling and analysis of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) in surface sediments in Swedish coastal and offshore areas resulted in a unique data set for this region. Nearly 150 samples of surface sediments were analyzed for all tetra- to octa-chlorinated PCDD/Fs. The levels showed large spatial variability with hotspots in several coastal regions. Neither Sweden nor the EU has introduced guideline values for PCDD/Fs in sediment, but comparisons to available guidelines and quality standards from other countries indicate that large areas of primarily coastal sediments may constitute a risk to marine organisms. Multivariate pattern analysis techniques and receptor models, such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF), were used to trace sources. These analyses suggested that three to six source types can explain most of the observed pattern variations found in the sediment samples. Atmospheric deposition was suggested as the most important source to offshore areas, thus confirming earlier estimates. However, spatial differences indicated a larger fraction of local/regional atmospheric sources, characterized by PCDFs, in the south. This was indicated by the identification of several patterns of atmospheric origin. In coastal areas, the influence of direct emission sources was larger, and among these, chlorophenol used for wood preservation and emissions from pulp/paper production and other wood related industry appeared to be most important. The historic emissions connected to processes involving chemical reactions with chlorine (e.g. pulp bleaching) were found to be of less importance except at some coastal sites. The analysis of PCDD/Fs in Baltic herring also revealed spatial variations in the levels and pollution patterns along the coast. The geographical match against areas with elevated sediment levels indicated that transfer from sediments via water to organisms was one possible explanation. Fugacity, a concept used to predict the net transport direction between environmental matrices, was used to explore the gas exchange of hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) between air and water. These estimates suggested that, in the Kattegat Sea, the gaseous exchange of HCHs primarily resulted in net deposition while PCBs were net volatilized under certain environmental conditions. The study also indicated that, while the air concentrations of both PCBs and γ-HCH are mostly dependent upon the origin of the air mass, the fluctuations in α-HCH were primarily influenced by seasonal changes.
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Le droit à un environnement de qualité au Québec : une réponse aux problèmes de pollution diffuse?Gourde, Karine 02 1900 (has links)
Les Québécois sont de plus en plus conscients de l’environnement qui les entoure et de l’importance d’en assurer la qualité et la pérennité.
Certains phénomènes, tels les changements climatiques, l’accumulation de polluants organiques persistants et l’amincissement de la couche d’ozone, que nous qualifierons de phénomènes environnementaux diffus, sont engendrés par de multiples émetteurs de polluants et ont des effets globaux qui ne peuvent être liés à un événement précis et dont les impacts sont difficiles à identifier et à quantifier pour le moment.
En l’absence de preuve quant aux effets qu’auront ces phénomènes diffus sur les citoyens et les difficultés liées à la preuve scientifique du lien causal entre ce dommage et un émetteur de polluant donné, les recours classiques en responsabilité civile et pour troubles de voisinage, prévus aux articles 1457 et 976 C.c.Q., apparaissent inopérants.
Nous nous interrogeons donc sur l’existence d’un droit à l’environnement qui conférerait aux citoyens le droit de vivre dans un environnement sain et leur permettrait ainsi de réclamer que cesse toute atteinte environnementale engendrée par ces phénomènes, même si elle n’a pas d’effet directement sur eux.
Considérant l’importance de l’efficacité des recours qui pourraient permettre une mise en œuvre de ce droit, nous procéderons à l’analyse de trois sources potentielles d’un droit à l’environnement sous cet angle.
À cet effet, nous étudierons les recours constitutionnels et quasi-constitutionnels liés à la Charte canadienne des droits et libertés, à la Charte des droits et libertés de la personne et au recours institutionnel prévu dans la Loi sur la qualité de l’environnement.
Considérant l’absence de reconnaissance suffisante d’un droit à l’environnement et de recours efficaces pour en assurer la mise en œuvre, nous proposerons ensuite des pistes de solution afin que puisse être développé un mécanisme permettant une réponse judiciaire aux phénomènes environnementaux diffus. / The quality of the environment has become a growing concern in the recent years for Quebec citizens.
Phenomena such as climate change, persistent organic pollutants and the depletion of the ozone layer are caused by several sources, the effects of which cannot be distinguished one from the other and/or linked to a specific event.
Furthermore, these phenomena have yet to create damage to Quebec residents in order to create the necessary standing for the introduction of legal proceedings.
Also, the scientific uncertainty related to the source of potential damage and to the proof of said damage makes it impossible to legally attack the emitters of the pollutant contributing to this type of environmental phenomena under 1457 C.C.Q. or 976 C.C.Q.
We have identified the 3 potential sources of a right to a clean environment which could entitle Quebec citizens to go before the courts in environmental matters, even in the absence of specific damages to their person or property.
We have analysed the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms and the Environmental Quality Act and looked at the potential right to a clean environment possibly contained therein and the legal actions that could be taken to ensure their respect.
Considering the weakness of what our legal system had to propose, we have developed solutions that could be put forward in order to allow the war against climate change and other environmental phenomena of the same nature to become legally actionable.
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Analysis of Heavy Metals and Persistent Organic Pollutants in Sewage Sludge from Thohoyandou Wastewater Treatment Plant and transfer to Vegetables.Akinsaya, Nurudeen Akinwale 18 May 2018 (has links)
MENVSC / Department of Hydrology and Water Resources / Sewage sludge (biosolids) from wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) has been widely used
as a soil improver in Europe, United States of America and some developing countries
including South Africa. It has its benefits for farmers as a good source of organic matter and
minerals, however, sludge after treatment still contains pathogenic organisms, heavy metals
and persistent organic pollutants (POPs). The POP and heavy metal contaminants that
accumulate in sludge may transfer through the food chain and cause adverse effects on
human beings.
In this study, a field experiment was carried out on farmland fertilized with sewage sludge
from a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) that vasically receives domestic wastewater and
storm water. Vegetable spinach (Spinacia oleracea) was used for this study and was planted
on a farmland under controlled conditions. Ten ridges each of dimensions 20 m × 0.3 m was
made and dry sludge weights of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50 kg were applied as
manure on each of the ridges, respectively.
Representative samples of sludge and soil were taken for analysis of heavy metals and POPs.
At maturity, in twelve weeks, the root and leave samples of the vegetable were taken from all
the ridges including the control. The soil, sludge, and vegetable samples were analyzed for
total heavy metal content (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Co, Zn, Al, Fe, Mn), speciated heavy metal
content and POP (PAH, PCB). Soil and sludge samples were also analyzed for total organic
content, pH, cation exchange capacity (CEC), conductivity and alkalinity. The analysis for
total heavy metals and speciated heavy metal content was carried out using inductively
coupled plasma optical emission spectrophotometer (ICP-OES), and CEC analysis was
carried out using atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS). A two-dimensional gas
chromatograph with time of flight mass spectrometry detector (GC X GC TOFMS) was used
for POP measurements. pH measurement was made using a pH meter and conductivity
measurement using a conductivity meter. Alkalinity and total organic content analysis was
performed using titrimetric apparatus. The highest total heavy metal concentration of 378.9
mg / kg was recorded in Fe metal in soil and Leaf sample while the lowest total metal
concentration of 0.0003 mg / kg was in Cu metal in root sample. The highest heavy metal
concentration of 1002 mg / kg in speciated forms was in Mn metal in F1 fraction and the
lowest of 0.0004 mg / kg was in Cd metal in F5 fraction. PAHs were only found in soil
samples and their concentrations ranged from 2.53 mg / kg to 146.5 mg / kg. There were no
PCB detected in all the samples analysed. The results indicated that the trace metals
concentrations found in the exchangeable fraction were higher than those observed in any of
the preceding extractions except in the case of Cd, Cr, Fe and Pb where Fe-Mn oxide and
organic matter fractions predominated and were closely followed by exchangeable fraction.
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