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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Personal identity and the concept of a person : a critical examination of the main themes of Sydney Shoemaker's Self-knowledge and self-identity.

Lau, Kwok-choi. January 1976 (has links)
M. Phil. thesis, University of Hong Kong, 1976. / Photocopy from typescript.

Organizational, Professional and Personal Roles in an Era of Change: the Case of the Catholic clergy

Power, Georja Jane, res.cand@acu.edu.au January 2003 (has links)
The effects of transformations in the cultural context on the structures of the Catholic organization and consequently on the identity and role of priests is explored in this research. The way these transformations affect clergy relationships with the church, diocesan authorities and parishioners, and ultimately the psychological wellbeing of priests, are investigated in the light of recent research and literature. Quantitative and qualitative data from the Catholic Church Life Surveys (CCLS) of 1996 and 2001 is analyzed, together with qualitative data generated through semi-structured interviews. The theoretical underpinning for the interpretation of changing clerical identity and roles and the relationship dynamics is personality theory, including a neoanalytic model (Horney, 1950), and a psychodynamic approach using an iconic reading of Freud (Cozzens, 2000). Social identity theory (Haslam, 2001), and Fowler’s (1996) theory of faith development also contribute to the theoretical framework. The NEO-FFI personality factors (Costa & McCrae, 1992) are used as covariates throughout the analysis. Four major themes are addressed in this research. First, ambiguities in the identity and role of clergy brought about through structural changes in the organization following the Second Vatican Council. Second, cultural changes which challenged the institutional hierarchical structure of the church and some of its theological and ecclesiological positions. Third, the contribution to satisfaction with ministry and personal wellbeing made by priests’ relationships with the organization, diocesan authorities, and parishioners, as well as intimacy with colleagues and friends. Finally, the impact of psychodynamic factors on the spiritual and psychological dimensions of priestly life. It was found that although the sacramental role of priests remains largely intact, their identity as religious and spiritual leaders is under challenge through greater participation in parish life by educated and theologically trained lay people. It is argued that the competence to appropriately express leadership, preach meaningful homilies and promote spiritual growth in parishioners rests on the attainment of mature psychological development and continued faith and spiritual formation. Analysis of personality factors showed that sound organizational and structural supports are needed to assist priests in their personal and professional lives. Over half the priests in the present study were found to be vulnerable to emotional and psychological distress, while others had strong resources to cope with increased ambiguity and complexity in ministry. A review of literature suggests that cultural changes over the last 30 years compound the effects of Vatican II, particularly the patriarchal hierarchical structure of the organisation and teachings on sexual morality that are under pressure from changing attitudes by both clergy and laity. Quantitative and qualitative analyses showed that there is little support by priests for the obligation of celibacy, the successful attainment of which demands a high level of mature psychosexual development. It was argued that without a strong clerical commitment to celibacy, education and training programs currently being implemented in seminaries would be largely ineffectual. Key factors impacting on the relationships of priests with parishioners were found to be first, a decline in the authority of priests, second, the revelations of sexual abuse by priests, and third, the difficulty numbers of clergy have with establishing and maintaining close, intimate relationships. The NEO-FFI factors Neuroticism, Extraversion, and Agreeableness were found to be significant predictors in the quality of relationships between priests and parishioners, with 30% of clergy experiencing difficulty in these relationships. It was argued that maturity in spiritual, psychological, and psychosexual development was found to impact significantly on clergy personal wellbeing and professional competence, which in turn contributes to satisfaction with ministry.

Persoonlikheid as veranderlike by die vakkeuse van standerd sewe-leerlinge

Liebenberg, Gabriel Jacobus Le Roux 01 April 2014 (has links)
M.Ed. (Educational Psychology) / Please refer to full text to view abstract

Selfkennis as faset van vakkeuse by standerd sewe leerlinge

Vosloo, Esaias Renier Engelberth Snyman 17 November 2014 (has links)
M.Ed. (Psychology of Education) / Please refer to full text to view abstract

Pedagogiikka Tapiolan kuorossa ja Kari Ala-Pöllänen yhteistoiminnallisena lapsikuoronjohtajana

Erkkilä, T. (Tuomas) 16 October 2013 (has links)
Abstract The educational process behind the work done with children’s choirs has not been written about or talked about very much. Performances get natural visibility and audibility, but most of the work is done in a closed space. The pedagogical process happens behind the scenes and as a result, children and youths grow up as musicians and human beings, as individuals and as a group. The Tapiola Choir celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2013. In this doctoral thesis, I study the educational part of the work done with the choir. In particular, this thesis examines the co-operative pedagogy of Mr. Kari Ala-Pöllänen as a conductor. The specific focus is on the process of qualifying the travelling choir because this is where many pedagogical processes come together. Methodologically, my thesis is a data based case study. The data is based on an in-depth interview. The empirical part is only focused on the period (1994–2008) when Mr. Ala-Pöllänen acted as a conductor of the choir. However, in the beginning of the book I create a view of the whole frame of reference for the choir by exploring the complete archive of the Tapiola Choir and the written material about choral pedagogy. The analysis was done by searching for characters in the qualification process and by using a theory called Big Five personality domains. The results show how a co-operative way of thinking and working promoted the educational goals in all of the teaching done by conductor Ala-Pöllänen. Art and education worked hand in hand, serving the aims of both a shorter and a longer time frame. The naturally occurring interaction between both harder and softer values, in addition to the determined aim to develop the social skills of children, is emphasized in the communication. Both the artistic and educational ambition of the conductor is obvious, but yet does not appear to conflict with the teaching in practice. Many demands are made of the children and youth in a choir that is conducted co-operatively, and they get special instruction to help them with that responsibility. The basic characteristics that the conductor requires from the choir are mainly clear and they are consistent with the professional attitude and favourable prerequisites that are for collaboration. This thesis is about the pedagogical wisdom that is needed to succeed in educating a mostly heterogenic group of children. According to my survey, this is based on sufficient theoretical knowledge, an understanding of the behaviour and growth of a child and a practical personal background - all of these things are connected to the communication skills that are needed to influence a group of individuals in a cohesive manner. / Tiivistelmä Kasvatuksellisista päämääristä lapsikuorotyössä puhutaan ja kirjoitetaan vähän. Esiintymislavalla tapahtuva toiminta saa näkyvyyttä ja kuuluvuutta, mutta suurin osa työstä tapahtuu suljetussa tilassa. Juuri siellä tapahtuu se pedagoginen prosessi, jonka seurauksena lapset ja nuoret kasvavat muusikkoina sekä ihmisinä, yksilöinä ja ryhmässä. Tapiolan kuoro, espoolainen lapsi- ja nuorisokuoro täyttää 50 vuotta vuonna 2013. Väitöstutkimuksessani käsittelen kasvatuksellista toimintaa Tapiolan kuorossa ja Kari Ala-Pölläsen yhteistoiminnallista pedagogiikkaa Tapiolan kuoron johtajana. Erityinen fokus on matkakuorovalinnan prosessissa, jossa toiminnan pedagogisia sisältöjä kiteytyy. Menetelmällisesti väitöstyöni on aineistolähtöinen tapaustutkimus. Aineisto perustuu syvähaastatteluun. Empiirinen osa keskittyy Kari Ala-Pölläsen johtajakauteen 1994–2008, mutta työn alussa luon kuoron arkiston ja muun kuoropedagogisen aineiston kautta läpileikkauksen kuoron toiminnan viitekehykseen. Analyysimenetelmänä matkakuorovalinnan tarkastelussa toimii valintatilanteen kuvauksessa ilmenevien persoonallisuudenpiirteiden tarkastelu ns. viiden suuren mallin mukaisesti. Tulokset osoittavat, kuinka Kari Ala-Pölläsen johtajakaudella yhteistoiminnallinen työskentelytapa palveli kasvatuksellista tavoitetta johtajan kaikessa toiminnassa. Taide ja kasvatus tukevat toisiaan palvellen lyhyen ja pitkän aikavälin päämääriä. Kovien ja pehmeiden arvojen luonteva vuorovaikutus sekä määrätietoinen pyrkimys sosiaalisten taitojen kehittämiseen korostuvat Kari Ala-Pölläsen kommunikaatiossa. Ilmeistä tutkimukseni tulosten nojalla on kuoronjohtajan sekä taiteellinen että kasvatuksellinen kunnianhimo, mikä ei ole ristiriitaista käytännön toiminnassa. Lapsilta ja nuorilta odotetaan yhteistoiminnallisesti johdetussa kuorossa hyvin monenlaisia taipumuksia ja edellytyksiä, ja näihin heitä määrätietoisesti kasvatetaan. Persoonallisuuden piirteiden perusasiat, joita johtaja toivoo ja odottaa kuoroltaan, ovat selkeitä ja liittyvät jäsenten ammattimaiseen asenteeseen ja suotuisiin yhdessä toimimisen edellytyksiin. Onnistuminen hyvin heterogeenisen ryhmän kasvatuksessa kiteytyy pedagogiseen viisauteen. Se tarkoittaa tässä tutkimuksessa riittävää teoreettista osaamista ja lapsen käytöksen ja kehityksen ymmärtämistä, omakohtaista kokemustaustaa ja tälle perustalle rakentuvaa kommunikatiivista taitoa kohdata ja vaikuttaa samanaikaisesti yksilöistä koostuvaan ryhmään.

The cross-cultural comparability of tile 16 personality factor inventory (16pf)

Abrahams, Fatima January 1996 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / This study focused on the 16PF (SA 92), a personality questionnaire that was developed in the USA and adapted for South African conditions. The main aim of the study was to determine whether the scores of the 16PF are comparable in a cross-cultural setting in South Africa. The influence of age, language, socio-economic status and gender on the scores were also determined. The sample consisted of black, white, coloured, and Indian university students and were drawn from the University of Western Cape, University of Pretoria, University of Durban- Westville, and University of Natal To achieve the aims outlined construct comparability studies and item comparability studies were conducted. In addition, descriptive statistics were also calculated to provide a general picture of the performance of the various sub-samples. A qualitative study was also conducted to determine some of the reasons for the occurrence of item incomparability of the racial sub-sample. The results showed that the racial variable had the greatest influence on the scores obtained. Problems existed with the construct and item comparability of the 16PF when the different race groups were compared. In addition, significant mean differences were also found on the majority of factors when the scores of the different race groups were compared. The results of the qualitative study showed that participants whose home language was not English or Afrikaans had difficulty in understanding many of the words and the construction of sentences contained in the 16PF. The implications of using the 16PF in South Africa, with its multicultural population was outlined, taking the new labour legislation pertaining to selection into consideration. Finally, a number of options for test users, and users of the 16PF in particular were presented.

Female secondary school educators' personality awareness in relation to work related stress

Wood, Frauke Patricia 30 November 2007 (has links)
1 online resource (122 leaves : ill.) / Educator stress is a grave problem. The aim of this research is to understand female secondary school educators' personality awareness in relation to work related stress, with particular reference to an independent school in Witbank, Mpumalanga, South Africa. In the literature study I determined the nature of work related stress in educators' lives and investigated personality awareness. My empirical research established the level of work related stress experienced by female educators and how an awareness of different personalities may influence the person's experience of work related stress. The research methods were qualitative in nature and included an interview as well as focus group observations. Findings suggested that all the educators were stressed to a lesser or greater degree, but the critical fact was that what is stressful to one person may not be stressful to another. Based on the findings, recommendations were made for improvements to help alleviate educator stress. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (specialisation in Guidance and Councelling)

The cross-cultural compatability of the 16 personality factor inventory (16PF)

Abrahams, Fatima 11 1900 (has links)
This study focused on the 16PF (SA 92), a personality questionnaire that was developed in the USA and adapted for South African conditions. The main aim of the study was to determine whether the scores of the 16PF are comparable in a cross-cultural setting in South Africa. The influence of age, language, socio-economic status and gender on the scores were also determined. The sample consisted of black, white, coloured, and Indian university students and were drawn from the University of Western Cape, University of Pretoria, University of DurbanWestville, and University of Natal. To achieve the aims outlined construct comparability studies and item comparability studies were conducted. In addition, descriptive statistics were also calculated to provide a general picture of the performance of the various sub-samples. A qualitative study was also conducted to determine some of the reasons for the occurrence of item incomparability of the racial sub-sample. The results showed that the racial variable had the greatest influence on the scores obtained. Problems existed with the construct and item comparability of the 16PF when the different race groups were compared. In addition, significant mean differences were also found on the majority of factors when the scores of the different race groups were compared. The results of the qualitative study showed that participants whose home language was not English or Afrikaans had difficulty in understanding many of the words and the construction of sentences contained in the 16PF. The implications of using the 16PF in South Africa, with its multicultural population was outlined, taking the new labour legislation pertaining to selection into consideration. Finally, a number of options for test users, and users of the 16PF in particular were presented. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / D.Com. (Industrial Psychology)

網路人際的隱性人格理論之初探:以網路聊天室為例 / A Primary Study of Implicit Personality Theory in Internet Human Relations-The Case of Internet Relay Chat

羅懷慈, Lydia Lo January 1990 (has links)
論文摘要 隨著資訊及運輸科技的日新月異,人與人之間的互動已不再受距離或空間影響,「地球村」的觀念已然成型,相對「人際傳播行為」也因為跨區域、跨國界而更加複雜及重要。例如錯誤的「人際傳播策略」搭上不同的文化背景,便引發了嚴重的911攻擊事件;而近來引起國內八卦風潮的「璩美鳳光碟事件」也是由於處理不當的人際關係所引起的,如果這兩個事件的當事人(或政府)可以在事前便清楚該問題並採取正確的「人際傳播策略」,則所有的災難可能早就「消弭於無形」之間了。 人際傳播重要的「認知、過濾」理論-隱性人格論(Implicit Personality Theory),常被用於解釋人際互動間進展及是否持續接觸的重要理論之一,它牽涉到訊息蒐集、篩選、判斷等認知處理過程,同時也被引申到人際傳播的效果闡述上,經過多年來的論證已顯示此理論對於人際交往及傳播的影響層面是無庸置疑的,不過當面對被視為未來趨勢的虛擬網路世界時,隱性人格理論是否仍在網路交往過程中扮演一重要角色,抑或是會產生本質的改變,還是根本毫無影響,目前似乎沒有任何具體答案,因此如何將已精粹成形的人際傳播理論運用在網際網路中的人際傳播上,相信該是「人際傳播學」在21世紀開啟的此時最迫切的課題。 本研究嘗試從訊息處理過程AID(A)的不同階段切入,並採用深度訪談方式訪問數位IRC的重度使用者,探討他們在網路聊天室內對於交談對象的虛擬人際互動過程,進而了解在網路的交往過程中是否一如真實世界中一般,有「隱性人格理論」所描述的現象產生;或者另有其他角色及影響層面。 經本研究歸納深度訪談內容及訊息,顯示「隱性人格理論」在虛擬的網路世界中的確存在且有其不同層面的影響力,不僅在互動過程中該理論的現象發生得更早,並且牽涉到更多自我主觀的認知判斷,但相對真實世界而言,該判斷是比較脆弱且易變的,也間接顯示出網路人際關係與現實世界中的交往是有本質上的差異。 / THESIS ABSTRACT The interaction among people is no longer limited by distance or space according to the development of new technology for information and transportation. The concept of ‘Global Village’ has been formed and ‘interpersonal communication behavior’ is getting more and more complicated and important as it is among the regions and across boundaries. For instance, serious attacking event of ‘911’ was caused by incorrect ‘communication strategy’ and different cultural background; and the ‘Ms. Chu event’ was also caused by inappropriate interpersonal relationship. These great sufferings could be avoided if the people or governments involved in those two events could have clarified the problems and taken proper ‘communication strategies’ in advance. ‘Implicit Personality Theory’, an important theory of ‘recognition and filtering’ in interpersonal communication, is a theory that was commonly applied to explain the progress of interpersonal interaction and to confirm the continuous connection. It involves in the process of handling recognition on information collection, screening, and judgment, etc. Other than that, it is also extended to elaborate the effect of interpersonal communication. After years of expound and prove, it is obviously that this theory has been demonstrated a deep impact to interpersonal association and communication. However, when facing the so-called future trend of virtual cyber world, there is still no concrete solution whether ‘Implicit Personality Theory’ will play an important role in the cyber world? If there an essential change will be occurred, or even no any influence at all. Consequently, it is considered the most urgent issue in the opening of 21st century that how the maturely formed ‘interpersonal communication theory’ can be applied to interpersonal connection in the cyber world. This study tried to get in from the different phases of AIDA in the process of handling information, and from an in-depth interview of several heavy users of IRC to explore the process of virtual interpersonal interaction to the chatting partner in internet chat room and further to understand if the phenomenon as described in ‘Implicit Personality Theory’ will be occurred in the process of cyber association, just the same as that in the real world, or if there any other party and object will be impacted. It was demonstrated that ‘Implicit Personality Theory’ exists in virtual cyber world and impacts to different parts throughout the induction of the contents and information from the in-depth interviews. The phenomenon of this theory not only appeared earlier in the process of interaction, but also more involved in judgment of recognition from self subjective. However, for the real world, this kind of judgment is weaker and easier to change, and indirectly shows that there were essential differences between cyber interpersonal relationship and real world communication. / 目錄 目錄.............................I 表目錄............................II 圖目錄............................III 第一章 概論 第一節 研究動機..................... 1 第二節 研究目的..................... 3 第三節 研究問題..................... 4 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 人際傳播之定義.................. 5 第二節 人際傳播的理論基礎................ 9 第三節 隱性人格理論...................10 第四節 網際網路與人際傳播................16 第五節 網路人際傳播...................17 第六節 網路即時聊天...................21 第三章 研究方法 第一節 研究架構-A-I-D模式............... 27 第二節 研究方法.....................29 第三節 研究對象.....................31 一、 設定合格受訪者條件............31 二、 受訪者選取................33 第四節 研究設計.....................35 一、 研究工具.................35 二、 進行程序.................37 第四章 研究發現 第一節 研究對象共同特性 ................ 41 第二節 第一階段-“A”ttention注意 ............. 42 一、 在IRC中..................42 二、 在真實世界中................46 第三節 第二階段-”I”nterest興趣 ............. 47 三、 在IRC中..................47 四、 在真實世界中................55 第四節 第三階段-“D”esire欲望...............56 一、 在IRC中..................57 二、 在真實世界中................60 第五節 總整理.......................61 第五章 結論與建議 第一節 研究結論......................66 第二節 檢討與建議.....................69 參考文獻............................ 72 附件一:1996∼2001年蕃薯藤網路使用行為大調查........ 78 附件二:一對一深度訪談過錄文稿............... 83 附件三:受訪者背景與網路即時聊天室使用經驗簡介....... 111 圖表目錄 圖目錄...............................II 圖2-1-1 傳播金字塔 5 圖2-1-2 5W公式 6 圖2-1-3 人際傳播的基本概念 8 圖2-3-1 交際關係的六個階段 13 圖2-5-1 微軟Out-look的e-mail 19 圖2-5-2 台北科技大學紅樓BBS資訊站 19 圖2-6-1 IRC多對多互動聊天畫面 22 圖2-6-2 IRC「悄悄話」一對一聊天房間 22 圖2-6-3 可針對特定對象,選擇擬人化動作 25 圖3-1-1 隱性人格理論的內向傳播過程 27 圖3-1-2 AIDA模式 28 圖3-1-3 研究架構 28 圖3-3-1:英國網路重度使用者定義圖示 32 表目錄...............................III 表2-1-1 人際傳播理論 9 表2-5-1 網路人際傳播介面比較表 20 表3-2-1 質化研究與量化研究的取向觀點 29 表3-2-2 質化與量化研究的差異 29 表3-3-1 網路使用時數描述性統計結果 33 表3-3-2 網路上癮者與非上癮者網路使用時數t檢定 33 表3-3-3 受訪者簡介 34 表4-5-1 兩種場域「推測性格」行為不一致的受訪者 41 表4-5-2 兩種場域「意願受影響」行為的差異 41 表4-5-3 受訪者與陌生人接觸的差異化比較表 42

Female secondary school educators' personality awareness in relation to work related stress

Wood, Frauke Patricia 30 November 2007 (has links)
1 online resource (122 leaves : ill.) / Educator stress is a grave problem. The aim of this research is to understand female secondary school educators' personality awareness in relation to work related stress, with particular reference to an independent school in Witbank, Mpumalanga, South Africa. In the literature study I determined the nature of work related stress in educators' lives and investigated personality awareness. My empirical research established the level of work related stress experienced by female educators and how an awareness of different personalities may influence the person's experience of work related stress. The research methods were qualitative in nature and included an interview as well as focus group observations. Findings suggested that all the educators were stressed to a lesser or greater degree, but the critical fact was that what is stressful to one person may not be stressful to another. Based on the findings, recommendations were made for improvements to help alleviate educator stress. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (specialisation in Guidance and Councelling)

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