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Development of a Cytosolic pH Reporter for Tobacco By2 CellsUrbanowski, Michael E 01 January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The regulation of pH is a critical homeostatic function of plant cells. In addition to acting as the primary cationic species responsible for energizing the plasma membrane, protons likely act as an important regulator and messenger. Despite this importance, few studies have thoroughly described cytosolic pH patterns as the plant cell progresses through the cell cycle. To investigate pH in plant cells, I chose Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco) Bright Yellow-2 (BY-2) cells as a model system. My research has two aims. First, I will measure and report the interphase cytosolic pH of BY-2 cells. Next, I will assay the cytosolic pH as BY-2 cells progress through mitosis and cytokinesis. I hypothesize that pH patterns are be temporally or spatially associated with structures such as the mitotic spindle or the phragmoplast. To investigate cytosolic pH in BY-2 cells, I will develop a cytosolic pH reporter based on a pH sensitive ratiometric fluorescent dye. This dye will be able to resolve both temporal and spatial changes in pH throughout the cytosol while imposing a minimal amount of stress on BY-2 cells. I found that pH-GFP, a variant of eGFP, had qualities of a robust pH reporter. To introduce the dye, explored biolistic bombardment, Agrobacterium mediated transient transformation, and polyethylene glycol mediated transformation as methods for introducing the pH-GFP gene into BY-2 cells. I observed very few transformation events using these methods and my observations did not support these approaches as suitable for introducing pH-GFP into BY-2 cells.
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Skeletal Muscle Interstitium and Blood pH at Rest and During Exercise in HumansStreet, Darrin January 2003 (has links)
The aims of this thesis were to: 1) develop a new method for the determination of interstitial pH at rest and during exercise in vivo, 2) systematically explore the effects of different ingestion regimes of 300 mg.kg-1 sodium citrate on blood and urine pH at rest, and 3) to combine the new interstitial pH technique with the findings of the second investigation in an attempt to provide a greater understanding of H+ movement between the extracellular compartments. The purpose of the first study was to develop a method for the continuous measurement of interstitial pH in vastus lateralis was successfully developed using microdialysis and 2,7-bis-(2-carboxyethyl)-5-(and-6)-carboxyfluorescein (BCECF). To avoid the presence of an artificial alkalosis during exercise, it was necessary to add 25 mM HCO3- to the perfusate. The outlet of the probe was cut less than 10 mm from the skin and connected to a stainless steel tube completing the circuit to a microflow-through cuvette (8 fÝl) within a fluorescence spectrophotometer. This prevented the loss of carbon dioxide from the dialysate and any subsequent pH artefact. Interstitial pH was collected from six subjects before, during and after five minutes of knee-extensor exercise at three intensities 30, 50, and 70 W. Mean,,bSEM interstitial pH at rest was 7.38,,b0.02. Exercise reduced interstitial pH in an almost linear fashion. The nadir value for interstitial pH at 30, 50 and 70 W exercise was 7.27, 7.16 and 7.04, respectively. The lowest pH was obtained 1 min after exercise, irrespective of workload, after which the interstitial pH recovered in a nearly exponential manner. The mean half time of interstitial recovery was 5.2 min. The changes in interstitial pH exceeded the changes in venous blood pH. This study demonstrated that interstitial pH can be measured using microdialysis and that it is continuously decreased during muscle activity. The purpose of the second study was to establish an optimal ingestion regime for the ingestion of 300 mg.kg-1 of sodium citrate and maximise the alkalotic effect while minimising any side effects. Increasing the effectiveness of alkali ingestion may lead to further increases in muscle performance. Ingesting 300 mg.kg-1 sodium citrate at a rate of 300 mg.min-1 was identified as the optimal ingestion regime to maximise alkalosis at rest, which occurred 3.5 h post-ingestion. This was determined by monitoring eight human subjects ingesting 300 mg.kg-1 sodium citrate at five different rates, control (no ingestant), bolus, 300, 600 and 900 mg.kg.min-1 on five days separated by at least 48 hours. Sodium citrate was ingested in capsule form with water ad libitum, with the exception of bolus, which was combined with 400 ml less than 25 percent orange juice and consumed in less than 1 min. Arterialised blood (mean 71.3,,b3.5 mmHg) acid-base and electrolyte status was assessed via the withdrawal of ~5 ml of blood every 30 min across an eight hour duration, placed on ice and analysed within five minutes. No alkalotic difference was found between ingestion rates (mean 7.445,,b0.004, 7.438,,b0.004 and 7.442,,b0.004 for 300, 600 and 900 mg.min-1, respectively). All experimental ingestion regimes were associated with elevations in [HCO3-] (29.6, 29.7, 29.8, 29.9 and 26.3 mmol.l-1 for bolus, 300, 600, 900 and control, respectively). The 300 ingestion regime had the greatest impact on [H+], a 0.66 meq.l-1,,e10-8 change. Bolus ingestion (3.93,,b0.08 mmol.l-1) of sodium citrate had no effect on control (4.06,,b0.08 mmol.l-1) blood [K+], however, 300 mg.min-1 decreased blood [K+] (p less than 0.05). There was no effect of sodium citrate on blood [Cl-], but after 2.5 h blood [Cl-] was lower than pre-ingestion values (p less than0.05). All ingestion rates of sodium citrate increased (p less than 0.05) urine pH above control. This is the first study to investigate the effect of varying ingestion rates on acid-base status at rest in humans. The results suggest that ingesting sodium citrate in small doses in quick succession induce a greater blood alkalosis than the commonly practised bolus protocol. Using the interstitial pH technique described above and the optimal ingestion regime (300 mg.min-1) identified above, the final experiment was designed to assess the influence of sodium citrate ingestion on interstitial pH at both rest and during exercise. Five subjects ingested 300 mg.kg-1 sodium citrate at 300 mg.min-1 again in capsule form with water ad libitum. Prior to ingestion, each subject had a cannula placed into their cephalic vein and one microdialysis probe (CMA-60) inserted into their left thigh, orientated along the fibres of vastus lateralus. This probe was used for the measurement of pH as described above. At the end of this period, an exercise protocol required five subjects to perform light exercise (10 W) for 10 min, before starting an intense exercise period (~90-95% leg VO2peak) to exhaustion followed by a 15 min recovery period. Dialysate and blood samples were collected across all periods. Mean,,bSEM interstitial pH for placebo and alkalosis were 7.38,,b0.12 and 7.24,,b0.16, respectively. Sodium citrate ingestion was not associated with an interstitial alkalosis. An exercise induced acidosis was observed in the interstitium during placebo but not during alkalosis (p less than 0.05). Mean,,bSEM venous pH were 7.362,,b0.003 and 7.398,,b0.003 for placebo and alkalosis, respectively. Sodium citrate ingestion was not associated with a venous alkalosis. Sodium citrate ingestion was associated with an increase in mean,,bSEM venous [HCO3-] (placebo 25.5,,b0.2, alkalosis 28.1,,b0.2). This increase in the blood bicarbonate buffer system was not associated with an increase in time to exhaustion (placebo 352,,b71, alkalosis 415,,b171). This was the first study to investigate the effects of sodium citrate ingestion on interstitial pH. The results of this study demonstrated that an interstitial alkalosis does not ensue after alkali ingestion, however, it was associated with the lack of an exercise induced acidosis suggesting an improved pH regulation during exercise.
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Bicarbonate and dichloroacetate: Evaluating pH altering therapies in a mouse model for metastatic breast cancerRobey, Ian, Martin, Natasha January 2011 (has links)
BACKGROUND:The glycolytic nature of malignant tumors contributes to high levels of extracellular acidity in the tumor microenvironment. Tumor acidity is a driving force in invasion and metastases. Recently, it has been shown that buffering of extracellular acidity through systemic administration of oral bicarbonate can inhibit the spread of metastases in a mouse model for metastatic breast cancer. While these findings are compelling, recent assessments into the use of oral bicarbonate as a cancer intervention reveal limitations.METHODS:We posited that safety and efficacy of bicarbonate could be enhanced by dichloroacetate (DCA), a drug that selectively targets tumor cells and reduces extracellular acidity through inhibition of glycolysis. Using our mouse model for metastatic breast cancer (MDA-MB-231), we designed an interventional survival study where tumor bearing mice received bicarbonate, DCA, or DCA-bicarbonate (DB) therapies chronically.RESULTS:Dichloroacetate alone or in combination with bicarbonate did not increase systemic alkalosis in mice. Survival was longest in mice administered bicarbonate-based therapies. Primary tumor re-occurrence after surgeries is associated with survival rates. Although DB therapy did not significantly enhance oral bicarbonate, we did observe reduced pulmonary lesion diameters in this cohort. The DCA monotherapy was not effective in reducing tumor size or metastases or improving survival time. We provide in vitro evidence to suggest this outcome may be a function of hypoxia in the tumor microenvironment.CONCLUSIONS:DB combination therapy did not appear to enhance the effect of chronic oral bicarbonate. The anti-tumor effect of DCA may be dependent on the cancer model. Our studies suggest DCA efficacy is unpredictable as a cancer therapy and further studies are necessary to determine the role of this agent in the tumor microenvironment.
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Biodegradable microdevices for biological detection and smart therapySnelling, Diana Kathryn 01 September 2010 (has links)
Biodegradable, pH-responsive hydrogel networks composed of poly(methacrylic acid) crosslinked with varying mol percentages of polycaprolactone diacrylate were synthesized. These materials were characterized using NMR and FTIR. The equilibrium and dynamic swelling properties of these pH-responsive materials were studied. Also, the materials’ degradation was characterized using swelling studies and gel permeation chromatography.
Methods were developed to incorporate these novel hydrogels as sensing components in silicon-based microsensors. Extremely thin layers of hydrogels were prepared by photopolymerizion atop silicon microcantilever arrays that served to transduce the pH-responsive volume change of the material into an optical signal. Organosilane chemistry allowed covalent adhesion of the hydrogel to the silicon beam. As the hydrogel swelled, the stress generated at the surface between the hydrogel and the silicon caused a beam deflection downward. The resulting sensor demonstrated a maximum sensitivity of 1nm/4.5E-5 pH unit. Sensors were tested in protein-rich solutions to mimic biological conditions and found to retain their high sensitivity. The existing theory was evaluated and developed to predict deflection of these composite cantilever beams.
Another type of hydrogel-based microsensor was fabricated utilizing porous silicon rugate filters as transducers. Porous silicon rugate filters are garnering increased attention as components of in vivo biosensors due to their ability for remote readout through tissue. Here, the biodegradable, pH-responsive hydrogel was polymerized within the pores of a porous silicon rugate filter to generate a novel, completely degradable sensor. Silicon was electrochemically etched in hydrofluoric acid to generate the porous silicon rugate filter with its reflectance peak in the near infrared region. Poly(methacrylic acid) crosslinked with polycaprolactone diacrylate was polymerized within the pores using UV free radical photopolymerization. The reflectance peak of this sensor varied linearly with pH in the region pH 2.2 to 8.8. This work shows promise towards utilizing porous silicon rugate filters as transducers for environmentally responsive hydrogels for biosensing applications. / text
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Caractérisation et analyse des mécanismes de fracture en fatigue des élastomères chargésMzabi, Samy 27 January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
voir pp. 293-294 du pdf
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Dynamique du mouillage et du séchage d'une goutte d'eau sur un film de polymère hydrosolubleTay, Astrid 27 November 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Afin d'éviter l'apparition de traces de type tache de café, une stratégié consiste à hydrophiliser les surfaces en déposant une couche de polymère hydrophile. La question qui s'est alors posée est : que se passe-t-il lorsque l'on mouille cette surface avec de l'eau ? La surface ainsi hydrophilisée empèche-t-elle la formation de traces ? Pour répondre à ces questions, nous avons observé l'étalement de gouttes d'eau sur des films de polymère hydrophile. Nous avons alors constaté que la goutte s'étale d'autant mieux (angle de contact faible, rayon de goutte élevé) que la fraction d'eau dans le film de polymère est élevée. Ainsi, une préhydratation de la couche polymère aide à l'étalement de la goutte. Nous avons montré que l'absorption d'eau de la phase vapeur, issue du gradient d'humidité imposé par la goutte elle-même, est l'origine principale de la préhydratation de la couche de polymère. Cette préhydratation est d'autant plus efficace que la ligne de contact avance lentement. Nous avons modélisé qualitativement ce phénomène. Cependant, lorsque la ligne triple ralentit, il existe des transferts de matière autres que celui par la phase vapeur : la dissolution du polymère dans la goutte aux vitesses intermédiaires de la ligne triple et la diffusion de l'eau dans le film de polymère, devant la ligne de contact, aux très faibles vitesses. Ces deux transferts modifient également la dynamique de la ligne de contact. Nous avons estimé à l'aide d'arguments simples, les vitesses critiques en-dessous desquelles la dissolution du polymère dans la goutte, puis la diffusion de l'eau dans le film de polymère affectent l'angle de contact. Ces vitesses dépendent de différents paramètres dont l'épaisseur de la couche de polymère ou encore les coefficients de diffusion de l'eau dans le film de polymère ou du polymère dans l'eau. En variant la physico-chimie du polymère, nous avons observé deux comportements de la ligne de contact lors du séchage de la goutte d'eau : 1. la ligne recule et laisse un dépôt continu de type volcan (cas du polymère neutre) 2. la ligne est accrochée et un anneau de polymère de type tache de café se forme (cas des polymères chargés). Nous donnons des arguments qui laissent à penser que la forte pression osmotique due à la présence des charges confinées non écrantées sur le squelette du polymère est une des raisons possibles du blocage de la ligne de contact. En pratique, le fait que la préhydratation par la phase vapeur soit le mécanisme dominant pour l'étalement d'une goutte posée sur un film fin de polymère, signifie que pour que la ligne de contact avance le plus loin possible, il faut un polymère qui s'hydrate très facilement, donc très hygroscopique. On pourra alors choisir un polymère chargé déposé en une couche de faible épaisseur. Cependant, le choix d'un polymère chargé pour favoriser l'étalement provoque un blocage de la ligne triple non désiré en condition de séchage. L'ajout de sel permettrait alors une reculée à vitesse constante avec un dépôt de taille réduite.
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Méthodes de quantification des déplacements en Imagerie par Résonance Magnétique et leurs applications pour la caractérisation mécanique des tissus mous et le guidage de la thérapie par ultrasons focalisésLarrat, Benoît 20 January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Dans mon travail de thèse, différentes techniques IRM, certaines nouvellement introduites dans la littérature, ont été implémentées et testées, essentiellement sur le rongeur à haut champ magnétique. Les applications abordées couvrent un large spectre de pathologies dont l'importance en termes de santé publique n'est plus à démontrer : cancer, fibrose hépatique, maladie d'Alzheimer, sclérose en plaque...Ces examens pourraient être utilisés à différents stades de la prise en charge clinique : détection, caractérisation, thérapie, suivi post traitement. En ce qui concerne les applications diagnostiques (chapitres 2 et 3), l'élastographie par IRM est réalisée pour la première fois à 7T. La résolution isotrope atteint 300μm dans les cas les plus favorables et les fréquences accessibles couvrent le spectre 100-1000Hz. Le potentiel de la technique est évalué sur des modèles animaux de différentes pathologies : stéato-hépatite non induite par la consommation d'alcool, maladie d'Alzheimer, sclérose en plaque. Dans le foie, nos résultats montrent que les données d'élastographie sont sensibles à l'activation des cellules produisant le collagène responsable de la fibrose hépatique avant l'apparition de celle-ci. Cela permet chez l'animal de distinguer la stéatose simple (accumulation de graisse) de la stéato-hépatite non alcoolique. Dans le cerveau, les pathologies affectant la myéline résultent en une modification significative des paramètres viscoélastiques des structures de la substance blanche telles que le corps calleux. Ces résultats, s'ils sont confirmés chez les patients, pourraient fournir des nouveaux contrastes aux médecins pour détecter, grader et évaluer la réponse à un traitement pour les pathologies concernées. Dans une approche plus prospective, l'intérêt d'une mesure des paramètres viscoélastiques à plusieurs fréquences est démontré théoriquement et expérimentalement par élastographie IRM multifréquences et élastographie ultrasonore transitoire SSI, deux techniques indépendantes. Les tissus mous sont très dispersifs. L'origine de cette dispersion est l'atténuation, elle-même très probablement induite par la diffusion des ondes sur des structures dures aux échelles inférieures à notre résolution d'imagerie (~1mm). La dépendance des courbes de dispersion mesurées à l'échelle macroscopique vis-à-vis de modifications de composition et de structure à des échelles bien inférieures à la longueur d'onde et à la résolution d'imagerie est démontrée ici. Fort de ce résultat, il est possible de porter un nouveau regard sur les techniques d'élastographie, véritables outils de caractérisation rhéologique in vivo, qui peuvent être utilisées pour suivre des phénomènes biologiques intervenant aux échelles microscopiques donc invisibles par imagerie anatomique directe. Cette approche pourrait apporter beaucoup en routine clinique dans les années à venir, par exemple pour suivre les effets des évolutions du réseau vasculaire sur l'élasticité effective et sa dépendance fréquentielle lors de la croissance et de la chimiothérapie des tumeurs. En ce qui concerne les applications thérapeutiques (chapitres 4 et 5), l'IRM est utilisé comme outil de guidage et de contrôle des ultrasons focalisés. Pour la première fois, une technique de focalisation adaptative basée sur des mesures IRM permet de corriger des aberrations fortes d'un faisceau d'ultrasons. Cette technique non invasive est basée sur la quantification et la maximisation de l'énergie acoustique au point focal par le bais de mesures de la force de radiation acoustique. Cela représente une avancée importante au niveau fondamental. Dans la perspective des HIFU transcraniens chez l'homme, l'intérêt clinique semble d'ores et déjà très pertinent. Parallèlement, un protocole complet de guidage IRM des HIFU transcraniens avant, pendant et après le traitement est ici développé. Il associe un élément ultrasonore focalisé et un système de positionnement dans l'IRM 7T. Trois séquences utilisant la phase du signal IRM sont optimisées pour trois applications complémentaires : imagerie de la force de radiation acoustique, imagerie de la température, et élastographie. Le protocole proposé est testé avec succès in vivo sur des rats sans puis avec tumeurs implantées. Dans le futur proche, ce système de thérapie ultrasonore sous guidage IRM pour le petit animal sera très utile pour étudier les effets des ultrasons sur le cerveau sain et sur des modèles tumoraux. Associé à la technique de focalisation adaptative précédemment mentionnée, ce travail complète le protocole 100% IRM de planification, réalisation et suivi du traitement ultrasonore non invasif du cerveau. Ces techniques sont actuellement en cours de transfert sur l'homme. Bien sûr, comme nous l'avons vu dans les conclusions partielles de chaque chapitre, de nombreuses études sont encore nécessaires pour optimiser certains paramètres, certains outils, les valider cliniquement et leur trouver une place pertinente. Un travail de comparaison avec d'autres méthodes existantes, parfois plus simples, plus anciennes, plus largement disponibles ou moins chères reste aussi à accomplir dans plusieurs cas. Enfin, il va de soi que la validation clinique d'une technique intéressante ne garantie pas son adoption par la communauté médicale, cette adoption dépendant de nombreux critères rationnels comme le coût de l'examen, son accessibilité, sa prise en charge par les systèmes d'assurances sociales, son essor commercial.
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The properties of [H42E]HRP-C, a horseradish peroxidase variant in which histidine 42, a proton acceptor, is replaced by a glutamateJennings, Simon Peter January 1998 (has links)
No description available.
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Human Multidrug and Toxin Extrusion Protein 1: Symmetry of substrate fluxesDangprapai, Yodying January 2011 (has links)
Human multidrug and toxin extrusion 1 (hMATE1) is a major candidate for being the molecular identity of organic cation/proton (OC/H+) exchange activity in the luminal membrane of renal proximal tubules (RPT). Although physiological function of hMATE1 supports luminal OC efflux, the kinetics of hMATE1-mediated OC transport have typically been characterized through measurement of uptake i.e., the interaction between outward-facing hMATE1 and OCs. To examine kinetics of hMATE1-mediated transport in a more physiologically relevant direction i.e., an interaction between inward-facing hMATE1 and cytoplasmic substrates, I measured the time course of hMATE1-mediated efflux of the prototypic MATE1-substrate, [3H]1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium ([3H]MPP), under a variety of conditions, including different values for intra- and extracellular pH, from CHO cells that stably expressed hMATE1. I showed that an IC50/Ki for interaction between extracellular H+ and outward-facing hMATE1 determined from conventional uptake experiments [12.9 ± 1.23 nM (pH 7.89); n = 9] and from the efflux protocol [14.7 ± 3.45 nM (pH 7.83); n = 3] were not significantly different (P = 0.6). To test a hypothesis that H+ interacts symmetrically with each face of hMATE1, kinetics of interaction between intracellular H+ and inward-facing hMATE1 were determined using the efflux protocol. The IC50 for interaction with H+ was 11.5 nM (pH 7.91), consistent with symmetrical interactions of H+ with the inward-facing and outward-facing aspects of hMATE1. The efflux protocols demonstrated in this study are a potential means to examine kinetics at cytoplasmic face of hMATE1 and also a practical tool to screen uptake of substrates at extracellular face of hMATE1.
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Effects of pH on the Autoxidation of NitroxylButtitta, Lisa Ann January 2012 (has links)
The reactive nitric oxide species (RNOS) nitroxyl (HNO) has exhibited both beneficial and deleterious biological effects. In particular, HNO autoxidation can lead to harmful modifications of biomolecules, yet the products of HNO/O₂ remain undetermined. A conceivable product is peroxynitrous acid (ONOOH), however a comparison of the chemistry of HNO/O₂ to synthetic peroxynitrite (ONOO⁻) determined that these RNOS have distinct reactive profiles. This study compares the reactivity of HNO and NO⁻ in the presence of O₂ to synthetic ONOO⁻ and the autoxidation of HNO at high pH (NO⁻/O₂) in an effort to shed light on the products of HNO autoxidation. All species exhibited the capacity for two-electron oxidation, but differences between ONOO⁻ and NO⁻/O₂ and HNO/O₂ were observed in terms of one-electron oxidation, hydroxylation, nitration and buffer effects. NO⁻/O₂ exhibited a reactive profile similar to ONOO⁻, suggesting that protonation of ONOO⁻leads to a unique species from the autoxidation of HNO.
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