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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Construir la veu filosòfica mitjançant l'escriptura col·laborativa: una comunitat d'aprenentatge de la Filosofia a Batxillerat

Corcelles Seuba, Mariona 13 September 2010 (has links)
L'objectiu de la recerca és mostrar com, mitjançant l'escriptura col·laborativa, elsestudiants de filosofia de 1r de Batxillerat aprenen a desenvolupar les competènciesfilosòfiques de problematitzar, conceptualitzar i argumentar, les quals hem anomenat"veu filosòfica".És un estudi descriptiu i exploratori, amb un disseny d'anàlisi de cas que combina lesmetodologies quantitativa i qualitativa. Se situa en el context natural de l'aula.Aquest context s'ha organitzat com a comunitat d'aprenentatge i pretén esdevenir uncontext dialògic i multivocal combinant la interacció entre iguals i l'ensenyament del'escriptura per elaborar textos argumentatius filosòfics.L'estudi analitza, d'una banda, la qualitat filosòfica dels textos individuals i conjuntselaborats per quatre equips al llarg de la intervenció (curs 08-09), i d'altra banda, laqualitat filosòfica dels processos d'escriptura col·laborativa de dos equips en cincsessions per publicar un text filosòfic a la revista de l'institut. Per últim, també analitzales percepcions pel que fa al context d'ensenyament i d'aprenentatge dels 48 estudiants iel professor que han participat en la intervenció.Els resultats mostren que hi ha millores en la qualitat filosòfica dels escrits delsestudiants, especialment els individuals. Quant a l'anàlisi de la qualitat filosòfica delsprocessos d'escriptura col·laborativa, s'observen les dificultats dels estudiants perpassar del nivell abstracte al concret i com l'escriptura col·laborativa permet concretar ireformular les idees per construir coneixement en l'àmbit de la filosofia. Per últim, lespercepcions dels estudiants i del professor aporten valoracions positives que reforcenaquest context educatiu i a la vegada elements per millorar-lo. / El objetivo de la investigación es mostrar cómo, mediante la escritura colaborativa,los estudiantes de filosofía de 1º de Bachillerato aprenden a desarrollar las competenciasfilosóficas de problematizar, conceptualizar, y argumentar, que hemos llamado como"voz filosófica".Es un estudio descriptivo y exploratorio basado en un diseño de análisis de caso quecombina metodología cuantitativa y cualitativa. Se sitúa en el contexto natural del aula.Este contexto se ha organizado como comunidad de aprendizaje y pretende potenciarun contexto dialógico y multivocal combinando la interacción entre iguales y laenseñanza de la escritura para elaborar textos argumentativos filosóficos.El estudio analiza por un lado, la calidad filosófica de los textos individuales yconjuntos elaborados por cuatro equipos a lo largo de la intervención (curso 08-09), ypor otro lado, la calidad filosófica de los procesos de escritura colaborativa de dosequipos a lo largo de cinco sesiones para publicar un texto filosófico en la revista delinstituto. Por último, el estudio también analiza las percepciones respecto al contexto deenseñanza y de aprendizaje de los 48 estudiantes y el profesor que han participado en laintervención.Los resultados muestran que hay mejoras en la calidad filosófica de los escritos delos estudiantes, especialmente los individuales. En el análisis de la calidad filosófica delos procesos de escritura colaborativa, se observan las dificultades de los estudiantespara pasar del nivel abstracto al concreto y cómo la escritura colaborativa permiteconcretar y reformular las ideas para construir conocimiento en el ámbito de la filosofía.Por último, las percepciones de los estudiantes y del profesor aportan valoracionespositivas que refuerzan este contexto educativo y a la vez elementos para mejorarlo. / The aim of this research is to study how through collaborative writing philosophystudents in High School learn to develop philosophical skills (to ask questions, toconceptualize, and to argue). These skills we have termed as "philosophical voice."It is a descriptive and exploratory study based on case analysis. It combinesquantitative and qualitative methodology and it is situated in the natural classroomcontext.This educational setting is organized as a community of learning and aims topromote a dialogic and multivocal educational context through the combination of peerinteraction and the teaching of writing to develop philosophical argumentative texts.The study analyzes one the one hand, philosophical quality of individual and grouptexts elaborated by four teams over the academic course intervention. On the otherhand, it analyzes the collaborative writing process quality of two teams over fivesessions to publish a philosophical text in the High School's Journal. Finally, the studyalso examines the perceptions of the learning context of 48 students and a teacher whoparticipated in the intervention.The results show, first, that there are improvements in the quality of thephilosophical writings of the students, especially the individual text. Moreover, theanalysis of the collaborative writing process show the students' difficulties in movingfrom abstract to concrete level and how writing can helps to reformulate the ideas intopractice and to build knowledge in the field of Philosophy. Finally, perceptions ofstudents and teacher provide positive feedback to reinforce the educational context and,at the same time, elements for his improvement.

Challenges faced by student teachers of Nyadire Teachers' College in engaging pupils in philosophical inquiry and feasible solutions

Zimbiti, Clementine T. 11 1900 (has links)
Philosophical inquiry as a pedagogical approach develops higher order thinking and problem solving skills. Inquiry-based learning is an important approach for sustainable development, considering the fact that today’s societies has to deal with everyday challenges. Philosophical inquiry is a powerful educational approach that has cognitive, social and practical benefits. This study examined the challenges faced by the Nyadire Teachers’ College (NTC) student teachers in Mashonaland East Province in Zimbabwe in engaging pupils in philosophical inquiry and ways of overcoming them. The study employed the qualitative design because of its focus on participants’ perceptions and actions. The researcher viewed participants as reflective beings whose actions were influenced by their thoughts. The study sample comprised forty student teachers on campus who had just completed their Teaching Practice (TP), eight student teachers on TP and ten lecturers from various departments. The data were collected through individual interviews, focus group discussions, non-participant observation of lessons and document analysis. The evidence from literature indicates that philosophical discourse and pedagogy develop learners’ ability to be responsible and accountable for their actions. It has also indicated teachers’ inability to introduce children to thoughtful discussion as one of the barriers to the use of philosophical inquiry as a pedagogy. The findings of the study indicated that NTC student teachers lacked skills and dispositions to engage pupils in philosophical inquiry. This was attributed to lack of critical pedagogy in teacher education at NTC. The findings also indicated that there were challenges in practicing schools. The study established knowledge and competence gaps amongst NTC student teachers as one of the challenges. The study suggested that NTC teacher education should expose student teachers to theory and practice of critical pedagogy. It also suggested in-service education on mentoring for teachers in schools, as mentoring demands more skills and knowledge than mere teaching. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Philosophy of Education)

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