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Transfer of stylistic phonetic variables indexing sexuality in second language contextsFisher, Isaac W. January 1900 (has links)
Master of Arts / Department of Modern Languages / Earl K. Brown / This paper reports on a study that analyzes how a sequential bilingual speaker (L1 Mexican Spanish, L2 American English) uses stylistic phonetic variation in different speech types during an interview (short answer, spontaneous speech, dramatic anecdote, reading) to construct a dynamic gay persona. There are many stylistic variables that can interact when an individual is creating a persona in an interaction, and this becomes even more complex when analyzing L1 speech as well as L2 speech as there are two collections of stylistic phonetic variables (indexical fields) interacting from two different cultural ideologies available to the interlocutors.
It is problematic to assign one distinct variable to an identity, such as gay, as it homogenizes a diverse social group of individuals and underestimates members' ability to manage perceptual salience of their identity as a gay individual based on context and social pressure(s). While the field of Lavender Linguistics (language use associated with the LGBTQ community) has shown that there are many resources that can be used to "sound gay," this case study focuses on how a speaker stylistically creates a gay persona throughout the interview through stylistic variation of two principle variables: 1) word-final /s/ duration, and 2) center of gravity of word-final /s/.
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Língua Urubu Ka\'apor: um estudo de caso sobre aspectos fonéticos e fonológicos / Urubu Ka\'apor language: a case study on phonetic and phonology aspectsSantos, Elizabeth das Graças da Silva 07 December 2018 (has links)
Esta dissertação apresenta uma análise fonológica segmental da língua Urubu Ka\'apor, baseada em dados coletados no ano de 2008 e 2011, bem como os resultados obtidos com a análise acústica dos sons vocálicos presentes no inventário fonético da língua. Essa língua é falada no Estado do Maranhão (Brasil) descrita como pertencente à família linguística Tupi-Guarani - tronco Tupi (RODRIGUES, 1986). O povo Ka\'apor vive na Terra Indígena (T.I.) Alto Turiaçu e há uma estimativa de 1541 pessoas compondo a população Ka\'apor (IBGE,2010). Em relação à análise fonética proposta neste trabalho, o parâmetro acústico utilizado para a caracterização da qualidade vocálica foi os valores dos Formantes, que são as ressonâncias criadas no trato vocal, a partir dos pulsos de ar que passam pelas cordas vocais, provocando vibração. As frequências dos três primeiros formantes (F1, F2, F3) são suficientes para a identificação das vogais e, de modo geral, a maior parte delas pode ser corretamente identificada apenas com os dois primeiros formantes (LADEFOGED, 2001, p.33). Os dados utilizados nesta análise são itens lexicais gravados com colaboradores adultos, do sexo masculino. E para a medição dos valores dos formantes, utilizou-se o software Praat, no qual é possível visualizar, no espectrograma, os formantes das vogais e obter seus valores de frequência. A partir de tais valores, é possível analisar o movimento de dispersão das vogais, caracterizando o espaço acústico ocupado por cada série de segmento. Com isso, pretende-se que a análise acústica das vogais da língua Ka\'apor auxilie na descrição das características fonéticas desses sons, bem como na análise fonológica da língua (KAKUMASU, 1986; CALDAS, 2009; LOPES, 2009). A análise proposta neste trabalho confirma a existência das seguintes qualidades vocálicas [a, ã, ɛ, ɛ̃, i, ĩ, ɨ, ɔ, ɔ̃, u, ũ ] / This dissertation presents a segmental phonological analysis of the Urubu Ka\'apor language based on data collected in the years 2008 and 2011, as well as the results obtained with the acoustic analysis of vowel sounds present in the phonetic inventory of the language. This language is spoken in the state of Maranhão (Brazil) described as belonging to the Tupi-Guarani linguistic subfamily - Tupi family (RODRIGUES, 1986). The Ka\'apor people live in the Alto Turiaçu Indigenous Land. There are an estimated number of 1541 Ka\'apor people (IBGE, 2010). In relation to the phonetic analysis proposed in this work, the acoustic parameter used for the characterization of vowels quality was the values of the Formants, which are the resonances created in the vocal tract, from the air pulses that pass through the vocal cords, causing vibration. The frequencies of the first three formants (F1, F2, F3) are sufficient to identify the vowels and, in general, most of them can be correctly identified only with the first two formants (LADEFOGED, 2001, p.33). The data used in this analysis are lexical items recorded with adult male speakers. The Praat software was used for the measurement of the formant values. By this software it is possible visualize spectrogram\'s vowels, the formants of the vowels and to obtain their frequency values. From these values, it is possible to analyze the dispersion movement of the vowels, characterizing the acoustic space occupied by each segment series. Thus, it is intended that the acoustic analysis of Ka\'apor vowels helps in the description of the phonetic characteristics of these sounds, as well as in the phonological analysis of the language (KAKUMASU, 1986; CALDAS, 2009; LOPES, 2009). The analysis proposed in this work confirms the existence of the following vocalic qualities: [a, ã, ɛ, ɛ̃, i, ĩ, ɨ, ɔ, ɔ̃, u, ũ]
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ABX-discriminability measures and applications / Mesures de discriminabilité ABX et applicationsSchatz, Thomas 29 September 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse est, au départ, une contribution indirecte au problème de la modélisation de l'acquisition des catégories phonétiques chez l'enfant. Les modèles computationnels déjà proposés n'ont encore jamais été testés de manière systématique pour déterminer s'ils sont réellement à même de rendre compte d'une partie conséquente des observations empiriques disponibles. Nous développons une approche permettant une évaluation systématique des modèles sur la base de Mesures de Discriminabilité ABX. Nous montrons l'intérêt de notre approche en l'appliquant à deux problèmes reliés: la traitement des catégories phonétiques à la naissance et à l'âge adulte. La prochaine étape sera bien sûr d'appliquer notre approche aux modèles d'acquisition des catégories phonétiques.L'intérêt des Mesures de Discriminabilité ABX ne se restreint pas au cas particulier de l'évaluation des modèles de traitement des catégories phonétiques. Elle sont utiles dans l'étude de signaux autre que la parole et de catégories autres que les catégories phonétiques, ainsi que dans le cadre de champs disciplinaires autres que les sciences cognitives, comme l'ingénierie, l'exploration des données ou l'intelligence artificielle par exemple. Nous le justifions en étudiant les propriétés de ces mesures dans un cadre abstrait général et en présentant trois grandes familles d'applications: l'évaluation de la capacité de systèmes opérant en l'absence de supervision explicite à représenter une structure catégorielle; la formulation de modèles computationnels simples du comportement dans des tâches de discrimination; la définition de mesures descriptives pour des représentations associées à des données catégorielles. / This thesis constitutes an indirect contribution to the problem of modeling phonetic category acquisition in infancy. Some specific computational models of phonetic category acquisition have been proposed, but they were never tested extensively nor compared quantitatively to see whether they were really able to account for a sizable portion of the available empirical observations. In this thesis, we introduce ABX-Discriminability Measures and we develop a methodology based on these measures that allows to perform such a systematic evaluation. We demonstrate the interest of our framework by applying it to the evaluation of models for two related problems: phonetic category processing at birth and in adulthood. The next step, applying our framework to models of phonetic category acquisition, is left for future work.The interest of ABX-Discriminability Measures is not restricted to the particular problem of evaluating models of phonetic category processing in humans. We argue that their interest generalizes to the study of other signals than speech and other category structures than phonetic categories, as well as to other research fields than cognitive science, like low-resource engineering, data mining and artificial intelligence for example. To make this point, we study the properties of these measures in a general abstract framework and we detail the rationale for three broad family of potential applications: evaluating systems operating without explicit supervision in their ability to represent a category structure; providing simple computational models of behavior in discrimination tasks; providing descriptive measurements for representations of categorical data.
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Fala espontânea e leitura oral no português do Brasil: comparação por meio de análise acústica / Spontaneous speech and oral reading in portuguese of Brazil: comparison by means of acoustic analysisSilva, Carmen Lucianna Miranda e 13 April 2009 (has links)
A fala espontânea, também nomeada como discurso espontâneo, compõe a investigação de várias pesquisas nas áreas da fonética e da fonologia. Pesquisas relevantes na área podem ser observadas no Journal of the International Phonetic Association (JIPA), referência base para a nossa pesquisa e publicação onde constam estudos que investigam diferentes línguas nos aspectos fonético- acústicos da fala espontânea. O objetivo geral desta pesquisa é investigar aspectos fonético-acústicos da fala espontânea no português do Brasil e comparar a leitura oral tendo como justificativa principal o desafio que este estudo propõe diante da escassez de pesquisas em relação à fala espontânea com o português do Brasil. Nossas hipóteses basearam-se em estudos de alguns autores que estudaram a fala espontânea em diferentes línguas, como Barry e Andreeva; Shriberg (2001) e que chegaram a algumas definições para fala espontânea. Segundo esses autores, a fala espontânea se opõe ao discurso lido por ser uma fala despreparada e não treinada, além de apresentar duração de discurso mais longa e maior ocorrência de disfluência do que a leitura oral. Barry e Andreeva (2001) destacam também mudanças na prosódia, já que a função das palavras é diferente em cada uma dessas modalidades de fala. A partir destes trabalhos, surge o objetivo específico da pesquisa: verificar os aspectos estudados nos trabalhos acima citados no português do Brasil e caracterizar cada modalidade de fala (fala espontânea e a leitura oral) por meio da identificação de possíveis similaridades ou possíveis diferenças nos aspectos de: duração das frases, pausas (duração e número de ocorrências), freqüência fundamental (F0 inicial e F0 final e F0 máxima e F0 mínima) e medidas de Voice Onset Time (VOT) de consoantes oclusivas surdas. A coleta das amostras de fala espontânea e de leitura oral foi realizada a partir da observação dos métodos sugeridos por Local e Walker (2005) e da aplicação de provas semi-dirigidas por meio da gravação de diálogos quase-espontâneos, observadas em Nicolaidis (2001) e Andreeva e Barry (2001) em pesquisas com a fala espontânea. O corpus constitui a participação de quatro homens com idade média de trinta e seis anos. Os critérios para a seleção dos sujeitos foram: sujeitos do sexo masculino, falantes do português do Brasil, monolíngues, com nível superior (completo ou incompleto), bons leitores, não profissionais da voz, sem queixa e/ou alteração de fala e voz e que não fizessem uso de drogas. Na pesquisa consta a avaliação de 48 (quarenta e oito) frases de todos os sujeitos, sendo 12 (doze) de cada sujeito, 6 (seis) frases de fala espontânea e 6 (seis) de leitura oral do mesmo texto. Além destes dados, para as medidas de Voice Onset Time VOT, foram realizadas medidas de 60 (sessenta) consoantes oclusivas surdas, 10 (dez) de cada tipo de oclusiva (velar, alveolar e bilabial, com medidas na modalidade espontânea e na versão lida. As consoantes oclusivas analisadas foram retiradas das frases selecionadas e também colhidas de forma aleatória de outras frases do discurso. O programa para gravação e medidas acústicas foi o Winpitch Prow 1.0. Os resultados mostraram algumas particularidades de cada tipo de fala, porém vale ressaltar os aspectos obtivemos dados com significância estatística: maior ocorrência e durações mais longas de pausas na fala espontânea, F0 inicial mais alta do que e F0 final na leitura oral, F0 final mais alta em fala espontânea e medidas de VOT mais longas em leitura oral. / Spontaneous speech, also known as spontaneous speech constitutes the investigation of research in the fields of Phonetics and Phonology. The relevant research in the field has been published in the Journal of the International Phonetic Association (JIPA) and is reference of our research. The main objective of this study is to investigate the phonetic acoustic aspects of Brazilian Portuguese speech and to compare it to oral reading. The major challenge of this study is the lack of research related to the spontaneous speech in Brazilian Portuguese language. Our hypothesizes are based on the works of some authors who have studied the spontaneous speech in different languages. Barry, Andreeva and Shriberg (2001) and developed some definitions of spontaneous speech. According to these authors, spontaneous speech is much different than oral reading because it is unprepared and unrehearsed. Spontaneous speech typically results in a longer discourse duration and has a greater occurrence of disfluency than oral reading. Barry and Andreeva(2001), also studied the prosody changes, since the function of words is different in each of these speech modalities. From these studies is born the specific objective of this research; to examine the aspects studied in the research above as it relates to Brazilian Portuguese and to characterize each speech modality (spontaneous speech and oral reading) through the identification of possible similarities or possible differences in the following aspects: duration of the sentences, pauses (duration and number of occurrences), fundamental frequencies (F0 initial and F0 final and F0 maximum and F0 minimum) and Voice Onset Time (VOT) measurements of unvoiced occlusive consonants. The collection of spontaneous speech and oral reading samples was carried out through the observation of methods suggested by Local and Walker (2005) and the application of semi-directed proofs, through the record of nearly spontaneous dialogs, observed by Nicolaidis (2001), Andreeva and Barry(2001) in their research on spontaneous speech. The corpus was conducted with the participation of four men all 36 years old. The criteria used to select the subjects were that they be male individuals; Brazilian, monolingual, Portuguese speakers; graduation (complete or incomplete); good readers; amateur speakers; have no speech or voice alteration and non drug users. The study consists of the valuation of 48 sentences in total. Twelve sentences from each individual consisting of six spontaneous sentences and six oral readings of the same texts. In conjunction with these data Voice Onset Time measurements - Vot, were carried out in measurements of 60 unvoiced occlusive consonants, 10 of each kind of occlusive (velar, alveolar, and bilabial) along with measurements in the spontaneous modality and reading versions. The occlusive consonants analyzed were obtained from the selected sentences and also obtained in an aleatory way from another sentences of the discourse. The program used to record and acoustic measurements was Winpitch Prow 1.0. The results show some particularities of each kind of speech. It is striking we obtained significant the results aspects : pauses bigger (duration and number of occurrences) in the spontaneous speech, F0 initial increase than F0 final of the oral reading; F0 final increase in spontaneous speech and VOT measurements of longer duration than occurred in the oral readings.
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Processos de enfraquecimento consonantal na língua dinamarquesa / Consonant lenition in the Danish languageFernandez, Júlia Sales Paez 06 October 2016 (has links)
Essa pesquisa tem como principal objetivo observar como seis consoantes oclusivas: (p), (b), (t), (d), (k), (g), e três consoantes fricativas: (f), (v) e (r), da língua dinamarquesa se comportam em dados de fala espontânea com relação a diferentes variáveis linguísticas que possam apresentar efeitos sobre a variação. Serão feitas duas análises principais. A primeira partirá da comparação entre as formas fonológicas e as formas fonéticas de ocorrência. Essa primeira parte será dividida em 3 subpartes, na primeira subparte será tratado o conjunto de dados de monólogos, na segunda subparte será tratado o conjunto de dados de diálogos e na terceira subparte será tratado o conjunto de dados da variável (r) e seus apagamentos. Na segunda análise serão tratados dados estritamente fonéticos das 6 oclusivas em questão. Além disso, será feita uma descrição do sistema fonológico da língua, suas características segmentais e suprassegmentais, e o percurso histórico e social das mudanças nessa língua, de modo a prover ao leitor uma introdução aos estudos de língua dinamarquesa. Uma descrição do conceito de lenição também será apresentada juntamente com seu percurso histórico. Isso será feito de modo a auxiliar a forma de seleção dos dados. A metodologia adotada seguirá as análises quantitativas. E para todos os conjuntos de dados gerados será apresentado dois modelos, um modelo de efeitos fixos e um modelo de efeitos mistos, das variáveis estatísticas que melhor explica a variância. / This research has as its main goal to observe how do six plosive consonants: (p), (b), (t), (d), (k), (g), and three fricatives: (f), (v) e (r), of the Danish language behave in spontaneous speech data, relating with different kinds of linguistic variables that could have an effect on their variation. Moreover in this work, two main analyzes will be carried out. The first one will compare phonological forms and phonetic forms of occurrence. This first analysis will be divided into three sub parts, the first part will treat the monologue data set, the second part will treat the dialogue data set and the third part will treat the data set of the variable (r) and its deletions. In the second analysis, the treatments will be with strictly phonetic data set, and it will counts only with observations of the behavior of the six plosive consonants. The Danish phonological system, its segmental and suprasegmental characteristics, and the historical and social course of changes in language will be described, to give the reader an introduction to the studies of the Danish language. A description of the concept of lenition will also be presented along with its historical path. This helped to improve the selection of data to be analyzed. The methodology is based on quantitative analyses. Finally, for all the groups generated at the selection step, it will be presented two statistical models; one of fixed effects and one of mixed effects, of variables that could better explain the variance at the data.
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Processos de enfraquecimento consonantal na língua dinamarquesa / Consonant lenition in the Danish languageJúlia Sales Paez Fernandez 06 October 2016 (has links)
Essa pesquisa tem como principal objetivo observar como seis consoantes oclusivas: (p), (b), (t), (d), (k), (g), e três consoantes fricativas: (f), (v) e (r), da língua dinamarquesa se comportam em dados de fala espontânea com relação a diferentes variáveis linguísticas que possam apresentar efeitos sobre a variação. Serão feitas duas análises principais. A primeira partirá da comparação entre as formas fonológicas e as formas fonéticas de ocorrência. Essa primeira parte será dividida em 3 subpartes, na primeira subparte será tratado o conjunto de dados de monólogos, na segunda subparte será tratado o conjunto de dados de diálogos e na terceira subparte será tratado o conjunto de dados da variável (r) e seus apagamentos. Na segunda análise serão tratados dados estritamente fonéticos das 6 oclusivas em questão. Além disso, será feita uma descrição do sistema fonológico da língua, suas características segmentais e suprassegmentais, e o percurso histórico e social das mudanças nessa língua, de modo a prover ao leitor uma introdução aos estudos de língua dinamarquesa. Uma descrição do conceito de lenição também será apresentada juntamente com seu percurso histórico. Isso será feito de modo a auxiliar a forma de seleção dos dados. A metodologia adotada seguirá as análises quantitativas. E para todos os conjuntos de dados gerados será apresentado dois modelos, um modelo de efeitos fixos e um modelo de efeitos mistos, das variáveis estatísticas que melhor explica a variância. / This research has as its main goal to observe how do six plosive consonants: (p), (b), (t), (d), (k), (g), and three fricatives: (f), (v) e (r), of the Danish language behave in spontaneous speech data, relating with different kinds of linguistic variables that could have an effect on their variation. Moreover in this work, two main analyzes will be carried out. The first one will compare phonological forms and phonetic forms of occurrence. This first analysis will be divided into three sub parts, the first part will treat the monologue data set, the second part will treat the dialogue data set and the third part will treat the data set of the variable (r) and its deletions. In the second analysis, the treatments will be with strictly phonetic data set, and it will counts only with observations of the behavior of the six plosive consonants. The Danish phonological system, its segmental and suprasegmental characteristics, and the historical and social course of changes in language will be described, to give the reader an introduction to the studies of the Danish language. A description of the concept of lenition will also be presented along with its historical path. This helped to improve the selection of data to be analyzed. The methodology is based on quantitative analyses. Finally, for all the groups generated at the selection step, it will be presented two statistical models; one of fixed effects and one of mixed effects, of variables that could better explain the variance at the data.
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A representação gráfica da oralidade em blogs idol japoneses / The graphical representation of orality in Japanese idol blogsAizawa, Erina Akemi 28 September 2016 (has links)
O objetivo do presente trabalho é fazer um estudo sobre as formas de representação da língua falada japonesa nos textos de blogs do gênero idol e as estratégias utilizadas por suas escreventes na sua redação. Para isso, foi utilizado como corpus de análise os dados linguísticos presentes nas postagens desses blogs. Destaque-se que, para a produção de textos em língua japonesa, os escreventes encontram disponíveis quatro sistemas de escrita (o hiragana, o katakana, o kanjie o rmaji), além dos elementos suprassegmentais(sinais de pontuação, diacríticos etc.)que, juntos, oferecem uma variedade de recursos estilísticos e expressivos, os quais são amplamente aproveitados dentro dos textos. Utilizando-se dos blogs idol como cerne, serão feitas discussões acerca da representação da forma oral em seus textos para, em seguida, por meio da análise dos excertos das postagens, descrever os procedimentos linguísticos que resultam em uma língua falada por escrito na língua japonesa. / This work proposes to make a study about the forms of representation found in the Japanese spoken language on idol blog texts and the strategies used in theircomposition. For that purpose, blogs posts will be used as analytical corpus linguistic data. It is noteworthy that the writers have four writing systems at disposal to produce texts in Japanese language (hiragana, katakana, kanji and roomaji), in addition to supra-segmental elements (punctuation marks, diacritics etc.) which together offer a variety of stylistic and expressive resources that are widely used in texts. Using the idol blogs as basis, discussions will be made about the representation of the oral form in it\'s writings by analyzing the excerpts from posts to then describe the linguistic procedures that result in a \"spoken language in writing\" in Japanese.
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Parental Reflective Functioning and Children’s Emergent Reading Skills: ERP and longitudinal behavioral measuresLau, Airey Nga-Lui January 2019 (has links)
The current study examined the correlations between parental reflective functioning and children’s phonological awareness and reading-related neural development (measured via a phoneme-processing experiment using EEG), and its utility as a predictor of children’s reading skills one year later when they have begun literacy education.
Fourteen pre-readers’ (mean age 4.51 years) phonological awareness and their parents’ reflective functioning skills were assessed, along with their EEG responses in a phoneme- processing task. Children’s phonological awareness and emergent reading skills were assessed again 12-15 months later, at the start of First Grade.
Left-lateralized neural indices were observed to be correlated with parental reflective functioning (PRF) and children’s later reading-related skills. Specifically, scores on measures of PRF: Interest & Curiosity were positively correlated with the N2 amplitude in the left temporal cortex (p = 0.049), and the P2 amplitude in the left temporal cortex was also correlated with children’s Phonological Awareness scores (p = 0.004) and with their Basic Reading scores (p = 0.002) one year later. Multiple linear regression analyses also revealed that scores on measures of PRF: Interest and Curiosity significantly predicted children’s future phonological awareness (p = 0.014) and basic reading skills (p = 0.002). This study is the first of its kind to identify correlations between parental engagement and neural indices of children’s pre-reading skills, and to reveal parental reflective functioning as a strong predictor of children’s later reading abilities.
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Traços fonético-fonológicos do português para falantes do espanhol e do inglês: segmentos dificultadores para a aquisição do português brasileiro / Phonetic-phonological aspects of Portuguese for Spanish and English speakers: segments that may difficult the acquisition of Brazilian PortugueseCamargo, Valeria Sena 27 October 2009 (has links)
O crescente interesse pela aprendizagem do português na modalidade brasileira (PB) tem levado muitas instituições nacionais a pesquisarem os diferentes modos de aquisição do português como língua materna e suas possíveis influências na aprendizagem de português como língua estrangeira, além de buscarem metodologias de ensino e prepararem profissionais, tornando-os capacitados para o ensino de Português a Falantes de Outras Línguas (PFOL). A experiência com alunos estrangeiros leva-nos a um constante questionamento a respeito do como fazer e quais as maiores dificuldades que o PB oferece a quem se interessa em aprendê-lo. Os sons do português na modalidade brasileira, particularmente os nasais, oclusivos, fricativos e laterais foram abordados neste trabalho, no qual se procurou realizar um estudo comparativo entre a ocorrência ou não destes nas línguas maternas dos informantes, a saber, espanhol falado nas Américas e inglês estadunidense e quais os possíveis obstáculos enfrentados por alunos dessas nacionalidades ao produzirem os sons do PB. Por meio da gravação de quatro informantes, denominados aqui sujeitos-aprendizes, analisamos quais sons oferecem dificuldades de produção e procuramos identificar em quais situações elas ocorrem. A metodologia escolhida foi a da gravação da leitura dos quatro informantes que, num primeiro momento, leram uma lista contendo 43 palavras e, numa segunda etapa de coleta de dados, leram um pequeno texto. As conclusões a que chegamos com a análise dos resultados obtidos levam-nos a ratificar a relevância da formação dos profissionais que atuam ou pretendem atuar no ensino de português para estrangeiros, além da necessidade premente de manuais didáticos que contemplem não somente as questões gramaticais e culturais da língua, mas também as questões fonéticofonológicas que caracterizam o PB. / The increasing interest on learning Brazilian Portuguese(BP) has moved many universities and other national institutions towards researches on different manners of Portuguese acquisition as first language (L1) and some possible influences on acquisition of Portuguese as a second language (L2), as well as a search for teaching strategies and for preparing teachers, making them capable to teach Portuguese as a Foreign Language. The experience with foreign students leads us to a frequent questioning about how to do (how to teach) and what may be the main difficulties offered by BP to those who want to learn it. The sounds of BP, particularly the nasals, fricatives, oclusives and liquids were studied, trying to do a comparative study between the occurence or not of them in the four subjects first language, i.e, Spanish spoken in America and English spoken in the United States and what could be predicted as obstacles to be faced by students who have these languages as their L1 when they produce the sounds of BP. We recorded 4 subjects, identified in this work as subject-learners and analyzed which are the sounds that may be difficult to produce, trying to identify in what situation they occur. As methodology, we chose to record the four subject-learners readings who, in a first moment, read a list of 43 words and, at a second phase of the data collection, read a short text. The conclusions we came up with when analyzing the data confirmed the relevancy of teachers well prepared to teach Portuguese as a foreign language, as well as teaching books that comprise not only grammar and cultural aspects of the BP but also phonetic-phonological aspects pertaining to BP.
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Visualising articulation : real-time ultrasound visual biofeedback and visual articulatory models and their use in treating speech sound disorders associated with submucous cleft palateRoxburgh, Zoe January 2018 (has links)
Background: Ultrasound Tongue Imaging (UTI) is growing increasingly popular for assessing and treating Speech Sound Disorders (SSDs) and has more recently been used to qualitatively investigate compensatory articulations in speakers with cleft palate (CP). However, its therapeutic application for speakers with CP remains to be tested. A different set of developments, Visual Articulatory Models (VAMs), provide an offline dynamic model with context for lingual patterns. However, unlike UTI, they do not provide real-time biofeedback. Commercially available VAMs, such as Speech Trainer 3D, are available on iDevices, yet their clinical application remains to be tested. Aims: This thesis aims to test the diagnostic use of ultrasound, and investigate the effectiveness of both UTI and VAMs for the treatment of SSDs associated with submucous cleft palate (SMCP). Method: Using a single-subject multiple baseline design, two males with repaired SMCP, Andrew (aged 9;2) and Craig (aged 6;2), received six assessment sessions and two blocks of therapy, following a motor-based therapy approach, using VAMs and UTI. Three methods were used to measure therapy outcomes. Firstly, percent target consonant correct scores, derived from phonetic transcriptions provide outcomes comparable to those used in typical practice. Secondly, a multiplephonetically trained listener perceptual evaluation, using a two-alternative multiple forced choice design, to measure listener agreement provides a more objective measure. Thirdly, articulatory analysis, using qualitative and quantitative measures provides an additional perspective able to reveal covert errors. Results and Conclusions: There was overall improvement in the speech for both speakers, with a greater rate of change in therapy block one (VAMs) and listener agreement in the perceptual evaluation. Articulatory analysis supplemented phonetic transcriptions and detected covert articulations and covert contrast as well as supporting the improvements in auditory outcome scores. Both VAMs and UTI show promise as a clinical tool for the treatment of SSDs associated with CP.
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