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Reading difficulties in a non-dominant language : a study of two interventions for multilingual childrenNag-Arulmani, Sonali January 2000 (has links)
Relatively little is known about the reading acquisition process in a non-dominant language in multilingual children. This study examined reading difficulties in a nondominant language, English, among 91 Grade three children whose dominant spoken language was Kannada, a South Indian language. Three sets of research questions were addressed: a) the associations between single word reading in the non-dominant language and decoding skills, phonological skills, language proficiency levels and working memory, b) the associations of phonological processing across language systems (the non-dominant reading language and the dominant spoken language) and with single word reading, and c) the relative effectiveness of a fifteen hour phonological skills intervention when compared with a language exposure intervention on reading outcomes. The results extended the findings from the monolingual literature of close links between single word reading, decoding and phonological skills. The role of language proficiency was especially evident at higher levels of reading attainment, replicating models of reading developed on anglo-centric samples. Lower single word reading skills were also found to be associated with lower working memory again extending associations found in the early stages of reading development of monolingual children. The literacy culture in India and its impact on specific reading comprehension strategies and the labelling of reading difficulty are discussed. It is in the study of the mixed phonological domain that limitations of monolingual frameworks begin to show. The mixed language phonological domain was found to be characterised by close associations across language systems and sharing of underlying phonological abilities. Factor analysis of six phoneme level tasks found a two-factor phonological structure which have been labelled as explicit, whole word manipulation ability and implicit, partial manipulation ability. The implications of these findings for a model of the mixed language phonological domain, and for interventions and early screening are discussed. In the intervention study, positive training effects were found with the Phonological Intervention on the skills triad of single word reading, phonological skills and decoding skill. The unique role of the dominant language phonology on phonological, decoding strategies and implications for planning phonological interventions in a non-dominant language are discussed. The Language Exposure condition failed to show any intervention specific impact on the outcome variables. The possibility of the language exposure intervention being most suitable after decoding skills are firmly in place is discussed.
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Cognitive and linguistic skills in Swedish children with cochlear implants - measures of accuracy and latency as indicators of developmentWass, Malin, Ibertsson, Tina, Lyxell, Björn, Sahlen, Birgitta, Hällgren, Mathias, Larsby, Birgitta, Mäki-Torkko, Elina January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of the present study was to examine working memory (WM) capacity, lexical access and phonological skills in 19 children with cochlear implants (CI) (5;7-13;4 years of age) attending grades 0-2, 4, 5 and 6 and to compare their performance with 56 children with normal hearing. Their performance was also studied in relation to demographic factors. The findings indicate that children with CI had visuospatial WM capacities equivalent to the comparison group. They had lower performance levels on most of the other cognitive tests. Significant differences between the groups were not found in all grades and a number of children with CI performed within 1 SD of the mean of their respective grade-matched comparison group on most of the cognitive measures. The differences between the groups were particularly prominent in tasks of phonological WM. The results are discussed with respect to the effects of cochlear implants on cognitive development.
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The Assessment of Articulation and Phonological Skills in Preschool Cleft Palate ChildrenRasmussen, Michelle G. 01 May 2015 (has links)
There has been a lack of comprehensive analyses of the articulation and phonological skills of preschool cleft palate children. Therefore, a comprehensive analysis, following a model suggested by Ingram (1981), was completed on three preschool children with cleft palates. The analysis was completed on a videotaped conversational play sample.
Each sample was transcribed using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), compensatory substitution symbols, and diacritics. The samples were analyzed for a phonetic inventory of the sounds in the initial, medial, and final positions of words; for homonyms; for substitutions, distortions, and omissions; and for phonological processes. Each of the four analyses was summarized on a summary sheet.
The results of the study indicated that each of the four analyses provides information that would enhance intervention planning. The results demonstrated that the subjects appeared to benefit more from some of the analyses than others. Each subject scored differently on the whole analysis. This was not predictable from the former testing results available for the subjects. Therefore, it seems essential that a comprehensive speech analysis be provided for preschool children who have cleft palates and are at risk of articulation and phonological delay.
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Vývoj a struktura fonologických dovedností v raném předškolním věku / Development a Structure of Phonological Sensitivity in Preschool Age.Kulhánková, Eliška January 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Fonologické dovednosti v prevenci čtenářských obtíží / Phonological skills in prevention of reading disabilitiesKRAJÍCOVÁ, Markéta January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis called ?Phonological skills in prevention of readers difficulty? focuses on recognizing of the relationship between phonological skills and reading in czech (transparent) language environment. Theoretical part gives a definition of dyslexia and gives her typology. It delimits the causes, diagnostics, rectification and influence of dyslexia on a child. It advises how to work with pupils with dyslexia. Practical part contains own testing of pupils´ phonological skills. It describes procedure and the method of measurement, it gives description of exercises and gained experience.
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Développement des habiletés phonologiques précoces et apprentissage de la lecture et de l’écriture chez l’enfant sourd : Apport du Langage Parlé Complété (LPC)/Early phonological skills dévelopment and acquisition of literacy in deaf children : Effect of Cued Speech (CS)Colin, Stéphanie 09 June 2004 (has links)
De nombreuses études longitudinales ont montré un lien causal entre habiletés phonologiques précoces et plus tard le développement de la lecture et de l’écriture chez l’enfant entendant (Bryant, MacLean, Bradley & Crossland, 1990). Pour apporter une contribution aux connaissances concernant ce lien chez les enfants sourds, nous avons réalisé une étude longitudinale qui s’échelonne de la troisième maternelle à la seconde primaire. Les performances d’enfants sourds sévères et profonds prélinguaux exposés (précocement vs tardivement) ou non au Langage Parlé Complété (« LPC », code manuel destiné à lever l’ambiguïté de la lecture labiale seule) sont comparées à celles d’enfants entendants de même âge chronologique. Diverses épreuves phonologiques, de lecture et d’écriture ont été proposées. Les résultats ont montré que les habiletés phonologiques précoces prédisaient le niveau de reconnaissance de mots écrits en première primaire chez les enfants sourds comme chez les enfants entendants. Cependant, un effet plus important de l’apprentissage de la lecture est observé sur le niveau d’habiletés phonologiques, de lecture et d’écriture lors des deux premières primaires chez les enfants sourds. De plus, les performances des enfants sourds exposés précocement au LPC ne diffèrent pas de celles des enfants entendants et sont plus élevées que celles des autres enfants sourds, en particulier en première et seconde primaire. L’exposition précoce au LPC permettrait donc le développement de représentations phonologiques précises et par conséquent l’utilisation d’un décodage phonologique efficace en lecture et en écriture au début de l’apprentissage de la lecture. / Longitudinal studies have shown a causal connection between early phonological skills and later literacy development in hearing children (Bryant, MacLean, Bradley & Crossland, 1990). The aim of our study is to investigate whether early phonological skills predict later literacy performance in deaf children either exposed (early versus late) or not exposed to Cued Speech (“CS”, a manual system delivering phonetically augmented speechreading through the visual modality). Different phonological and literacy tasks were administered from kindergarten to seconde grade. The results show that the early phonological skills in kindergarten predict written word recognition in first grade in the deaf as well as in the hearing groups. However, an effect of learning to read seems to be more important on the level of phonological and literacy skills during the first and seconde grade in deaf children. In addition, the performances of early CS users do not differ from those of hearing children and are higher than those of the other deaf children, especially in first and second grade. Early exposure to Cued Speech may permit the development of accurate phonological representations and, consequently, the use of accurate phonological decoding to recognize written words and to spell at an early stage in learning to read.
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Children with Cochlear Implants : Cognition and Reading Ability / Barn med cochleaimplantat : Kognition och läsförmågaWass, Malin January 2009 (has links)
The present thesis investigated cognitive ability in children with severe to profound hearing impairment who have received cochlear implants (CIs). The auditory stimulation from a cochlear implant early in life influences most cognitive functions as a consequence of the plasticity of the brain in the young child. It is important to understand the cognitive consequences of auditory stimulation from CIs in order to provide adequate support to these children. This thesis examined three specific aspects of cognitive ability (working memory, phonological skill and lexical access), and reading ability in children with CIs, as compared to children with normal hearing in the same age. The relations between cognitive abilities and reading skills were also investigated, as well as the associations between demographic variables (e.g., age at implantation and communication mode), cognitive abilities and reading skills. The children with CI generally had lower performance levels than the normal hearing children in tasks of phonological and general working memory, phonological skills and lexical access. They had specific problems in tasks with high demands on phonological working memory, whereas their performance levels in tasks of visuospatial working memory were on par with the hearing children. A majority of the children with CI demonstrated reading skills within the normal range for hearing children, both for decoding and reading comprehension. The relations between demographic factors and cognitive skills varied somewhat between the studies. The patterns of result are discussed with reference to contemporary theories of working memory, phonological skills, and lexical access. / Avhandlingens övergripande syfte var att studera kognitiva förmågor hos barn med grav hörselskada eller dövhet som fått cochleaimplantat (CI). Auditiv stimulering från CI i tidig ålder påverkar de flesta kognitiva funktioner som en följd av hjärnans plasticitet hos små barn. Det är viktigt att förstå de kognitiva konsekvenserna av auditiv stimulering från CI för att kunna ge dessa barn bästa möjliga stöd. Avhandlingen undersökte tre specifika aspekter av kognitiv förmåga (arbetsminne, fonologiska förmågor och lexikal aktivering), samt läsförmåga hos barn med CI, i jämförelse med barn med normal hörsel i samma åldrar. Relationerna mellan kognitiva förmågor och läsförmåga studerades också, liksom sambanden mellan demografiska faktorer (t ex implantationsålder och kommunikationssätt) och kognitiva förmågor samt läsfärdigheter. Barnen med CI hade generellt lägre prestationsnivå än barnen med normal hörsel i uppgifter som mäter fonologiskt och generellt arbetsminne, fonologiska förmågor och lexikal aktivering. De hade specifika problem i uppgifter som i hög grad belastar fonologiskt arbetsminne, medan deras visuospatiala arbetsminneskapacitet var jämförbar med den hos barnen med normal hörsel. Majoriteten av barnen med CI hade läsfärdigheter i nivå med normalhörande barn, för både avkodning och läsförståelse. Sambanden mellan demografiska faktorer och kognitiva förmågor och läsförmåga varierade mellan studierna. Resultatmönstren diskuteras utifrån teorier om arbetsminne, fonologiska färdigheter och lexikal aktivering.
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Diagnostika jazykových schopností u dětí s vývojovou dysfázií / Assessment of language skills of specific language impaired childrenPodpěrová, Helena January 2016 (has links)
Diploma thesis Assessment of language skills of specific language impaired children deals with children with specific language impairment in preschool and early school age (6-8 years). The thesis is to map the resources that are dealing with this issue and define the concept of specific language impairment in our country and foreign environment, because it is a very problematic term The theoretical part describes the status of speech therapy and special education diagnosis of children with specific language impairment in Czech Republic and foreign countries. It maps out how this developmental disorder speech therapists and special educators diagnose, what tools to use and what diagnostic criteria used in their practices. The aim of our research activities in the framework of this thesis is to determine whether and what value could have a Battery of tests of phonological skills (Seidlová Málková, Caravolas 2013) for the diagnostic process of specific language impairment. And also try to detect whether the battery includes tests to detect potential child with specific language impairment and thus contribute to the differential diagnosis. Keywords: Specific language impairment, language assessment, diagnostic markers, Battery of tests of phonological skills
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Läsförmåga hos barn med Cochleaimplantat : Relaterat till kognitiva och språkliga förmågor / Reading Ability in Children with Cochlear Implants : Related to cognitive and linguistic abilitiesFrejd, Emma, Magnusson, Elin January 2010 (has links)
<p>Cochleaimplantat (CI) är ett tekniskt hörselhjälpmedel som används av personer med grav hörselnedsättning eller dövhet. Ett CI ger barn med medfödd dövhet möjlighet att höra och utveckla talad kommunikation. CI ersätter inte normal hörsel och det finns stora individuella variationer i språk och talfärdighet hos personer med CI. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att studera kognitiva och språkliga förmågor hos barn med CI med fokus på läsförmåga. I studien deltog 57 barn i åldrarna 7;3-10;4 år. Sju av barnen hade CI. För att besvara frågeställningarna användes utvalda delar av SIPS (Sound Information Processing System), Fonemtest, TOWRE, Ortografiska val, Ortografisk inlärning, Woodcock och Blockmönster ur WISC III. Testresultatet analyserades på grupp- och individnivå och jämfördes med resultat från en kontrollgrupp med normalhörande barn. Barnen med CI presterade som grupp i nivå med normalhörande barn på majoriteten av testen. På de fonologiska testen presterade barnen med CI lägre än normalhörande men hade generellt en avkodningsförmåga i nivå med normalhörande barn. Barn med CI i årskurs 3 hade även en läsförståelse i nivå med normalhörande medan barnen med CI i årskurs 1-2 presterade signifikant lägre än normalhörande barn. Resultaten i studien indikerar att varken sen implantation, taluppfattningsnivå eller kommunikationssätt behöver leda till sämre läsförmåga.</p> / <p>A cochlear implant (CI) is a technical hearing device used by individuals with severe to profound hearing impairment. CI can provide children with congenital hearing impairment the abilities to hear and develop speech and language outcome. CI does not replace normal hearing and there are great individual variations in language and verbal skills in persons with CI. The aim of this study was to examine the cognitive and linguistic abilities in children with CI with focus on reading ability. In the present study 57 children between the ages of 7;3-10;4 participated. Seven of the children had CI. SIPS (Sound Information Processing System), Phonological Output, TOWRE, Orthographic Choices, Orthographic Learning , Woodcock and Block Design Test from WISC III were selected to answer the question at issue. The results were analyzed both at a group and at an individual level and were compared with results from a group with normal hearing children. Children with CI performed as a group at the level of normal hearing children on the majority of the tests. The children with CI had lower performance levels than the normal hearing children in tasks of phonological skills but they generally had a decoding ability within the normal range for hearing children. Children with CI in grade 3 also demonstrated a reading comprehension within the normal range for hearing children whereas children with CI in grade 1-2 had lower performance level than normal hearing children. The results of the present study indicate that late implantation; neither speech perception nor means of communication have to result in poorer reading ability.</p>
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Läsförmåga hos barn med Cochleaimplantat : Relaterat till kognitiva och språkliga förmågor / Reading Ability in Children with Cochlear Implants : Related to cognitive and linguistic abilitiesFrejd, Emma, Magnusson, Elin January 2010 (has links)
Cochleaimplantat (CI) är ett tekniskt hörselhjälpmedel som används av personer med grav hörselnedsättning eller dövhet. Ett CI ger barn med medfödd dövhet möjlighet att höra och utveckla talad kommunikation. CI ersätter inte normal hörsel och det finns stora individuella variationer i språk och talfärdighet hos personer med CI. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att studera kognitiva och språkliga förmågor hos barn med CI med fokus på läsförmåga. I studien deltog 57 barn i åldrarna 7;3-10;4 år. Sju av barnen hade CI. För att besvara frågeställningarna användes utvalda delar av SIPS (Sound Information Processing System), Fonemtest, TOWRE, Ortografiska val, Ortografisk inlärning, Woodcock och Blockmönster ur WISC III. Testresultatet analyserades på grupp- och individnivå och jämfördes med resultat från en kontrollgrupp med normalhörande barn. Barnen med CI presterade som grupp i nivå med normalhörande barn på majoriteten av testen. På de fonologiska testen presterade barnen med CI lägre än normalhörande men hade generellt en avkodningsförmåga i nivå med normalhörande barn. Barn med CI i årskurs 3 hade även en läsförståelse i nivå med normalhörande medan barnen med CI i årskurs 1-2 presterade signifikant lägre än normalhörande barn. Resultaten i studien indikerar att varken sen implantation, taluppfattningsnivå eller kommunikationssätt behöver leda till sämre läsförmåga. / A cochlear implant (CI) is a technical hearing device used by individuals with severe to profound hearing impairment. CI can provide children with congenital hearing impairment the abilities to hear and develop speech and language outcome. CI does not replace normal hearing and there are great individual variations in language and verbal skills in persons with CI. The aim of this study was to examine the cognitive and linguistic abilities in children with CI with focus on reading ability. In the present study 57 children between the ages of 7;3-10;4 participated. Seven of the children had CI. SIPS (Sound Information Processing System), Phonological Output, TOWRE, Orthographic Choices, Orthographic Learning , Woodcock and Block Design Test from WISC III were selected to answer the question at issue. The results were analyzed both at a group and at an individual level and were compared with results from a group with normal hearing children. Children with CI performed as a group at the level of normal hearing children on the majority of the tests. The children with CI had lower performance levels than the normal hearing children in tasks of phonological skills but they generally had a decoding ability within the normal range for hearing children. Children with CI in grade 3 also demonstrated a reading comprehension within the normal range for hearing children whereas children with CI in grade 1-2 had lower performance level than normal hearing children. The results of the present study indicate that late implantation; neither speech perception nor means of communication have to result in poorer reading ability.
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