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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2) and TLR4 signaling in the innate response against bacterial components

Liljeroos, M. (Mari) 03 June 2008 (has links)
Abstract Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are transmembrane proteins involved in the recognition of specific microbial structures and thus the activation of signaling cascades of innate immunity. Regulation of the innate immune response is a complex biological process involving the combined synergistic and antagonistic effects of distinct signaling mediators. Although TLR signaling has been widely studied in recent years, there remain many unexplored unique features of each TLR signaling pathway. The present study evaluated the activation and regulation of TLR4 and TLR2 signaling with the aim of better understanding the molecular mechanisms that control these inflammatory signaling pathways. In the present study, the signal transduction mechanisms of TLR4 and TLR2 in response to Escherichia coli LPS and Staphylococcus aureus LTA were evaluated in mouse macrophages. The inductions, interactions, and activations of the signaling molecules and mediators in the TLR pathways were studied by using several molecular biology and protein chemistry methods. In addition, the role of TLR4 and TLR2 in the regulation of the hepatic inflammatory reaction during endotoxemia was studied. Mouse macrophages were found to induce central proinflammatory mediators in response to LPS and LTA stimulation. Specific roles for PI 3-kinase and Btk were described. These kinases were found to be activated by LPS and LTA; moreover, PI 3-kinase and Btk were found to form specific interactions with TLRs and their intracellular signaling mediators. In addition, a unique IRF2 signaling pathway for LTA-induced TLR2 was found, resulting in the activation of signal transducers and activators of transcription (Stats) and IFN-α secretion. The secreted IFN-α was shown to regulate the LTA-induced inflammatory responses, thereby combining the LTA-induced IRF proteins into NF-κB pathway. The present study provides insight into the signal transduction mechanisms of TLRs. The understanding of these molecular mechanisms that control the activation of TLR signaling cascades will in the future help to predict predisposition and outcome in infectious diseases, and to control the course of disease at an earlier stage. / Tiivistelmä Toll:n kaltaiset reseptorit (TLR) ovat solukalvon proteiineja, jotka tunnistavat taudinaiheuttajien eli patogeenien spesifisiä rakenteita johtaen elimistön puolustusjärjestelmän, immuniteetin, aktivoitumiseen. Immuniteetin säätely on monimutkainen biologinen prosessi, joka tapahtuu kudosten, solujen ja erilaisten synnynnäiseen immuniteettiin liittyvien molekyylien vuorovaikutuksina. Tulehdusvasteen säätelyssä tasapaino positiivisten ja negatiivisten säätelysignaalien välillä on erittäin tärkeää, jotta autoimmuunisairauksien, akuuttien tai kroonisten tulehdusten sekä infektiosairauksien synty voitaisiin välttää. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli saada lisätietoa TLR2 ja TLR4 proteiinien säätelemistä signaalireiteistä, niiden vasteista tiettyjä patogeenirakenteita vastaan ja ymmärtää paremmin synnynnäisen immuniteetin puolustusmekanismeja. Patogeenirakenteiden aiheuttamaa tulehdusvastetta tutkittiin pääosin soluviljelymallissa. Lisäksi selvitettiin immuunivasteen luonnetta fysiologisessa kokonaisuudessa ja sen korrelaatiota solutasolla nähtyihin vasteisiin käyttäen in vivo hiirimallia. Tutkimus tehtiin käyttäen useita molekyylibiologian ja proteiinikemian menetelmiä proteiini- ja mRNA-ekspressioiden sekä proteiini-interaktioiden tutkimiseen ja erilaisten aktiivisuuksien määrityksiin. Tulehdusvastetta tutkittiin etenkin sytokiinivastetta määrittämällä ja signaaliketjujen toimintaa analysoitiin estämällä spesifisesti niiden toimintaa. Tarkoituksena oli selvittää, mitkä tekijät ovat välttämättömiä kyseisten tulehdusta aiheuttavien bakteerien tunnistuksessa ja puolustusreaktiossa niitä vastaan. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin kahden kinaasin, PI 3-kinaasin ja Brutonin tyrosiinikinaasin, liittyvän oleellisesti TLR signaalireitteihin. Nämä TLR:ien stimulaation seurauksena aktivoituneet kinaasit muodostivat spesifisiä sidoksia TLR:ien ja niiden signaaliketjuihin liittyvien solunsisäisten signaalivälittäjien kanssa. Lisäksi TLR2 signaalireitillä havaittiin aktivoituvan tekijöitä, jotka johtivat interferoni-α välitteiseen tulehdusvasteen säätelyyn. TLR signaalireittien selvittäminen auttaa ymmärtämään tulehdussairauksien patofysiologiaa ja voi siten tulevaisuudessa johtaa parempien hoitomenetelmien kehittämiseen.

Carvacrol: An in silico approach of a candidate drug on HER2, PI3Kα, mTOR, HER-α, PR, and EGFR receptors in the breast cancer

Herrera-Calderon, Oscar, Yepes-Pérez, Andres F., Quintero-Saumeth, Jorge, Rojas-Armas, Juan Pedro, Palomino-Pacheco, Miriam, Ortiz-Sánchez, José Manuel, Cieza-Macedo, Edwin César, Arroyo-Acevedo, Jorge Luis, Figueroa-Salvador, Linder, Peña-Rojas, Gilmar, Andía-Ayme, Vidalina 01 January 2020 (has links)
Carvacrol is a phenol monoterpene found in aromatic plants specially in Lamiaceae family, which has been evaluated in an experimental model of breast cancer. However, any proposed mechanism based on its antitumor effect has not been reported. In our previous study, carvacrol showed a protective effect on 7,12-dimethylbenz[α]anthracene- (DMBA-) induced breast cancer in female rats. The main objective in this research was to evaluate by using in silico study the carvacrol on HER2, PI3Kα, mTOR, hERα, PR, and EGFR receptors involved in breast cancer progression by docking analysis, molecular dynamic, and drug-likeness evaluation. A multilevel computational study to evaluate the antitumor potential of carvacrol focusing on the main targets involved in the breast cancer was carried out. The in silico study starts with protein-ligand docking of carvacrol followed by ligand pathway calculations, molecular dynamic simulations, and molecular mechanics energies combined with the Poisson–Boltzmann (MM/PBSA) calculation of the free energy of binding for carvacrol. As result, the in silico study led to the identification of carvacrol with strong binding affinity on mTOR receptor. Additionally, in silico drug-likeness index for carvacrol showed a good predicted therapeutic profile of druggability. Our findings suggest that mTOR signaling pathway could be responsible for its preventive effect in the breast cancer. / Revisión por pares

Epidermal Growth Factor Stimulation of RPE Cell Survival: Contribution of Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase and Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Pathways

Defoe, Dennis M., Grindstaff, Rachel D. 01 July 2004 (has links)
Epidermal growth factor (EGF) previously has been shown to stimulate short-term survival in vitro of cells derived from the native amphibian retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). In the present experiments, we have examined intracellular signaling pathways responsible for mediating these survival-specific growth factor effects, distinct from proliferative effects, using the human epithelial cell line RPE D407. When maintained as single cells in suspension culture in the absence of serum and exogenous survival factors, RPE D407 cell viability gradually declined over a 3-4 day period as a result of apoptotic cell death, a pattern similar to that seen for eye-derived RPE cells. Exposure to EGF (50 ng ml-1) enhanced cell survival by nearly 40% and caused a parallel increase in the tyrosine phosphate content of the EGF receptor (EGFR), as determined by immunoprecipitation and Western blotting. Both effects were completely blocked by 1μM AG1478, an EGFR-selective tyrosine kinase inhibitor. EGF also stimulated phosphorylation of the phosphatidylinositol 3′-kinase (PI3K)-dependent effector kinase Akt, as well as that of the MEK-dependent mitogen-activated kinase (MAPK), extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK). Furthermore, EGF-induced protection was substantially reduced by either the PI3K inhibitor LY294002 (25μM) or the MEK inhibitor U0126 (10μM), under conditions in which phosphorylation of Akt and ERK1/2, respectively, was blocked. Our results indicate that EGF-stimulated survival of RPE D407 cells takes place as a result of signaling through both PI3K and ERK/MAPK pathways. Further, residual anti-apoptotic activity stimulated by EGF in the presence of both blockers suggests that additional as yet unidentified growth factor-dependent survival pathways exist.

GLI-IKBKE Requirement In KRAS-Induced Pancreatic Tumorigenesis: A Dissertation

Rajurkar, Mihir S. 30 November 2014 (has links)
Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC), one of the most aggressive human malignancies, is thought to be initiated by KRAS activation. Here, we find that transcriptional activation mediated by the GLI family of transcription factors, although dispensable for pancreatic development, is required for KRAS induced pancreatic transformation. Inhibition of GLI using a dominant-negative repressor (Gli3T) inhibits formation of precursor Pancreatic Intraepithelial Neoplasia (PanIN) lesions in mice, and significantly extends survival in a mouse model of PDAC. Further, ectopic activation of the GLI1/2 transcription factors in mouse pancreas accelerates KRAS driven tumor formation and reduces survival, underscoring the importance of GLI transcription factors in pancreatic tumorigenesis. Interestingly, we find that although canonical GLI activity is regulated by the Hedgehog ligands, in the context of PDAC, GLI transcription factors initiate a unique ligand-independent transcriptional program downstream of KRAS, that involves regulation of the RAS, PI3K/AKT, and NF-кB pathways. We identify I-kappa-B kinase epsilon (IKBKE) as a PDAC specific target of GLI, that can also regulate GLI transcriptional activity via positive feedback mechanism involving regulation of GLI subcellular localization. Using human PDAC cells, and an in vivo model of pancreatic neoplasia, we establish IKBKE as a novel regulator pf pancreatic tumorigenesis that acts as an effector of KRAS/GLI, and mediates pancreatic transformation. We show that genetic knockout of Ikbke leads to a dramatic inhibition of initiation and progression of pancreatic intraepithelial viii neoplasia (PanIN) lesions in mice carrying pancreas specific activation of oncogenic Kras. Furthermore, we find that although IKBKE is a known NF-кB activator, it only modestly regulates NF-кB activity in PDAC. Instead, we find that IKBKE strongly promotes AKT phosphorylation in PDAC in vitro and in vivo, and that IKBKE mediates reactivation of AKT post-inhibition of mTOR. We also show that while mTOR inhibition alone does not significantly affect pancreatic tumorigenesis, combined inhibition of IKBKE and mTOR has a synergistic effect leading to significant decrease tumorigenicity of PDAC cells. Together, our findings identify GLI/IKBKE signaling as an important oncogenic effector pathway of KRAS in PDAC that regulates tumorigenicity, cell proliferation, and apoptosis via regulation of AKT and NF-кB signaling. We provide proof of concept for therapeutic targeting of GLI/IKBKE in PDAC, and support the evaluation of IKBKE as a therapeutic target in treatment of pancreatic cancer, and IKBKE inhibition as a strategy to improve efficacy of mTOR inhibitors in the clinic.

Eukaryotic initiation factor 4B (eIF4B) : regulation by signaling pathways and its role in translation

Shahbazian, David. January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Mechanisms of Moraxella catarrhalis Induced Immune Signaling in the Pulmonary Epithelium

Campbell, Sara J. 19 May 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Análise do impacto das proteínas E6/E7 de diferentes variantes moleculares de HPV-16 sobre as vias de transdução de sinal mediadas por MAPK / Analysis of the impact of E6/E7 proteins of different molecular variants of HPV-16 upon MAPK signaling pathways

Hochmann Valls, Jimena Paola 07 July 2016 (has links)
A infecção persistente por HPV-16 está fortemente associada ao risco de desenvolvimento de neoplasias do colo do útero, vagina, vulva, pênis, canal anal e orofaringe. O estudo detalhado da variabilidade nucleotídica intra-típica de HPV-16 resultou em importantes achados no que concerne à filogenia e evolução viral, e à história natural das infecções. Variantes Asiático-Americanas (AA) e E-350G de HPV-16 foram associadas com maior risco de persistência da infecção viral e desenvolvimento de câncer de colo de útero quando comparadas à variante Européia protótipo (E-P ou E-350T), embora esta ainda apresente alto risco quando comparada aos outros tipos virais. Mais recentemente, diferenças funcionais entre as proteínas E6/E7 das distintas variantes moleculares de HPV- 16 estão sendo descritas, a fim de explicar as diferenças nas associações epidemiológicas observadas. Dados do nosso grupo apontaram para a transcrição aumentada do gene MEK2 especificamente em queratinócitos humanos primários (PHKs) transduzidos com E6/E7 da variante E-350G. Pelo exposto, objetivou-se: (1) Analisar os níveis de ativação de proteínas efetoras das vias de transdução de sinal mediadas por MAPK e PI3K/AKT em queratinócitos imortalizados por E6/E7 de três variantes moleculares de HPV-16 (AA, E-P, E-350G); (2) Analisar os efeitos das proteínas E6/E7 dessas variantes sob as vias de MAPK quanto à indução de fatores de transcrição; (3) Analisar o potencial transformante de PHKs imortalizados pelas diferentes variantes, e em cooperação com a proteína celular c-MYC; (4) Analisar o potencial de migração e invasão em PHKs imortalizados pelas diferentes variantes de HPV-16, e em cooperação com a proteína celular c-MYC. Neste estudo observou-se que a variante AA de HPV-16 induziu a maior ativação das vias de sinalização estudadas (MAPK, e PI3K/AKT). Ademais, PHKs imortalizados por esta variante apresentaram maior capacidade de migração, de invasão através de uma matriz de colágeno, além de maior potencial transformante. Adicionalmente, as células imortalizadas pela variante AA apresentaram maior expressão da proteína mesenquimal vimentina e diminuição dos níveis da proteína epitelial E-caderina, sugerindo ativação parcial de Transição Epitélio Mesênquima (EMT) nestes queratinócitos. Ademais, quando o oncogene c-MYC foi co-transduzido nas diferentes linhagens infectadas por E6/E7 de HPV-16, foi observado que em PHKs imortalizados pela variante AA também houve maior ativação da via de MAPK-ERK, maior migração, e um potencial transformante semelhante, em relação às células co-transduzidas pela variante E-350G e c-MYC. Em conjunto, estes dados sugerem que a variante AA de HPV-16 possui vantagem seletiva sob as outras variantes em promover transformação celular, migração e invasão, e isto poderia explicar, ao menos em parte, a maior prevalência desta variante no câncer cervical. Os resultados gerados neste estudo são de extrema relevância para avaliar o impacto da variabilidade intra-típica de HPV-16 sobre o potencial oncogênico observado em estudos epidemiológicos / Persistent infection with HPV-16 is strongly associated with risk of developing neoplasia in the uterine cervix, vagina, vulva, penis, anal canal and oropharynx. The detailed study of HPV-16 intra-typical nucleotide variability resulted in important findings regarding phylogeny and viral evolution, and the natural history of infections. Asian-American (AA) and E-350G variants of HPV-16 were associated with increased risk of persistent viral infection and development of cervical cancer compared to the European prototype (E-P or E-350T), although this variant still presents higher risk when compared to other viral types. More recently, functional differences between the E6/E7 proteins of distinct molecular variants of HPV-16 are being described, in order to explain the differences in the epidemiological associations observed. Data from our group pointed to increased transcription of the MEK2 gene specifically in primary human keratinocytes (PHKs) transducing E6/E7 of the E-350G variant. Consequently, the aims of this study were: 1) To examine the activation levels of effector proteins of the signal transduction pathways mediated by MAPK and PI3K/AKT in PHKs immortalized by E6/E7 of three different molecular variants of HPV-16 (AA, E-P, E-350G); (2) To analyze the effects of E6/E7 of different molecular variants of HPV-16 upon MAPK pathways concerning the induction of transcription factors; (3) To analyze the transforming potential of PHKs immortalized by different molecular variants of HPV-16, and in cooperation with the cellular protein c- MYC; (4) To analyze the potential of migration and invasion in PHKs immortalized by different molecular variants of HPV-16, and in cooperation with the cellular protein c- MYC. In this study we observed that the AA variant of HPV-16 induced higher activation of both signaling pathways studied (MAPK, and PI3K/AKT). Furthermore, this variant presented increased migration capacity, higher invasion through a collagen matrix, and greater transforming potential. Moreover, cells immortalized by the AA variant showed higher expression of the mesenchymal protein vimentin and a decrease of the epithelial protein E-cadherin, suggesting partial activation of Epithelial Mesenchymal Transition (EMT). In addition, when the c-MYC oncogene was co-transduced in the different cells lines infected with HPV-16 E6/E7, we observed that in PHKs immortalized by the AA variant there was also an enhanced activation of the MAPK-ERK pathway, a higher ability to migrate, and similar transformation potential in comparison with cells co-transduced with the E-350G variant and c-MYC. Taken together, this data suggest that the AA molecular variant of the HPV-16 has a selective advantage over the other variants to promote cell transformation, migration and invasion, and this could partly explain the higher prevalence of this variant in cervical cancer. The results generated in this study are very important to assess the impact of intra-typical variability of HPV-16 on the oncogenic potential observed in epidemiological studies

Análise do impacto das proteínas E6/E7 de diferentes variantes moleculares de HPV-16 sobre as vias de transdução de sinal mediadas por MAPK / Analysis of the impact of E6/E7 proteins of different molecular variants of HPV-16 upon MAPK signaling pathways

Jimena Paola Hochmann Valls 07 July 2016 (has links)
A infecção persistente por HPV-16 está fortemente associada ao risco de desenvolvimento de neoplasias do colo do útero, vagina, vulva, pênis, canal anal e orofaringe. O estudo detalhado da variabilidade nucleotídica intra-típica de HPV-16 resultou em importantes achados no que concerne à filogenia e evolução viral, e à história natural das infecções. Variantes Asiático-Americanas (AA) e E-350G de HPV-16 foram associadas com maior risco de persistência da infecção viral e desenvolvimento de câncer de colo de útero quando comparadas à variante Européia protótipo (E-P ou E-350T), embora esta ainda apresente alto risco quando comparada aos outros tipos virais. Mais recentemente, diferenças funcionais entre as proteínas E6/E7 das distintas variantes moleculares de HPV- 16 estão sendo descritas, a fim de explicar as diferenças nas associações epidemiológicas observadas. Dados do nosso grupo apontaram para a transcrição aumentada do gene MEK2 especificamente em queratinócitos humanos primários (PHKs) transduzidos com E6/E7 da variante E-350G. Pelo exposto, objetivou-se: (1) Analisar os níveis de ativação de proteínas efetoras das vias de transdução de sinal mediadas por MAPK e PI3K/AKT em queratinócitos imortalizados por E6/E7 de três variantes moleculares de HPV-16 (AA, E-P, E-350G); (2) Analisar os efeitos das proteínas E6/E7 dessas variantes sob as vias de MAPK quanto à indução de fatores de transcrição; (3) Analisar o potencial transformante de PHKs imortalizados pelas diferentes variantes, e em cooperação com a proteína celular c-MYC; (4) Analisar o potencial de migração e invasão em PHKs imortalizados pelas diferentes variantes de HPV-16, e em cooperação com a proteína celular c-MYC. Neste estudo observou-se que a variante AA de HPV-16 induziu a maior ativação das vias de sinalização estudadas (MAPK, e PI3K/AKT). Ademais, PHKs imortalizados por esta variante apresentaram maior capacidade de migração, de invasão através de uma matriz de colágeno, além de maior potencial transformante. Adicionalmente, as células imortalizadas pela variante AA apresentaram maior expressão da proteína mesenquimal vimentina e diminuição dos níveis da proteína epitelial E-caderina, sugerindo ativação parcial de Transição Epitélio Mesênquima (EMT) nestes queratinócitos. Ademais, quando o oncogene c-MYC foi co-transduzido nas diferentes linhagens infectadas por E6/E7 de HPV-16, foi observado que em PHKs imortalizados pela variante AA também houve maior ativação da via de MAPK-ERK, maior migração, e um potencial transformante semelhante, em relação às células co-transduzidas pela variante E-350G e c-MYC. Em conjunto, estes dados sugerem que a variante AA de HPV-16 possui vantagem seletiva sob as outras variantes em promover transformação celular, migração e invasão, e isto poderia explicar, ao menos em parte, a maior prevalência desta variante no câncer cervical. Os resultados gerados neste estudo são de extrema relevância para avaliar o impacto da variabilidade intra-típica de HPV-16 sobre o potencial oncogênico observado em estudos epidemiológicos / Persistent infection with HPV-16 is strongly associated with risk of developing neoplasia in the uterine cervix, vagina, vulva, penis, anal canal and oropharynx. The detailed study of HPV-16 intra-typical nucleotide variability resulted in important findings regarding phylogeny and viral evolution, and the natural history of infections. Asian-American (AA) and E-350G variants of HPV-16 were associated with increased risk of persistent viral infection and development of cervical cancer compared to the European prototype (E-P or E-350T), although this variant still presents higher risk when compared to other viral types. More recently, functional differences between the E6/E7 proteins of distinct molecular variants of HPV-16 are being described, in order to explain the differences in the epidemiological associations observed. Data from our group pointed to increased transcription of the MEK2 gene specifically in primary human keratinocytes (PHKs) transducing E6/E7 of the E-350G variant. Consequently, the aims of this study were: 1) To examine the activation levels of effector proteins of the signal transduction pathways mediated by MAPK and PI3K/AKT in PHKs immortalized by E6/E7 of three different molecular variants of HPV-16 (AA, E-P, E-350G); (2) To analyze the effects of E6/E7 of different molecular variants of HPV-16 upon MAPK pathways concerning the induction of transcription factors; (3) To analyze the transforming potential of PHKs immortalized by different molecular variants of HPV-16, and in cooperation with the cellular protein c- MYC; (4) To analyze the potential of migration and invasion in PHKs immortalized by different molecular variants of HPV-16, and in cooperation with the cellular protein c- MYC. In this study we observed that the AA variant of HPV-16 induced higher activation of both signaling pathways studied (MAPK, and PI3K/AKT). Furthermore, this variant presented increased migration capacity, higher invasion through a collagen matrix, and greater transforming potential. Moreover, cells immortalized by the AA variant showed higher expression of the mesenchymal protein vimentin and a decrease of the epithelial protein E-cadherin, suggesting partial activation of Epithelial Mesenchymal Transition (EMT). In addition, when the c-MYC oncogene was co-transduced in the different cells lines infected with HPV-16 E6/E7, we observed that in PHKs immortalized by the AA variant there was also an enhanced activation of the MAPK-ERK pathway, a higher ability to migrate, and similar transformation potential in comparison with cells co-transduced with the E-350G variant and c-MYC. Taken together, this data suggest that the AA molecular variant of the HPV-16 has a selective advantage over the other variants to promote cell transformation, migration and invasion, and this could partly explain the higher prevalence of this variant in cervical cancer. The results generated in this study are very important to assess the impact of intra-typical variability of HPV-16 on the oncogenic potential observed in epidemiological studies

La vía canónica PI3K/AKT/mTOR y sus alteraciones en cáncer / The PI3K/AKT/mTOR canonical pathway and its alterations in cancer

Aldecoa, Franklin, Ávila, J. 30 December 2021 (has links)
La vía PI3K/AKT/mTOR participa en múltiples procesos celulares fundamentales para la célula. Algunas mutaciones genéticas de los componentes de esta vía se han asociado a diversas enfermedades humanas: las más importantes son los carcinomas de mama, tiroides y endometrio, el glioblastoma multiforme, el cáncer de próstata y los linfomas. La vía canónica PI3K/AKT/mTOR se ha estudiado ampliamente en los últimos años. Sin embargo, el conocimiento de la complejidad de sus componentes principales y su interrelación con los elementos de otras vías va en aumento. Por ello, es importantes actualizar cada cierto tiempo la información disponible para la comprensión de este mecanismo. Así mismo, se están y se han desarrollado numerosos ensayos con medicinas selectivas en búsqueda de un tratamiento más inteligente para las enfermedades asociadas a alteraciones de esta vía. Por tanto, realizamos una revisión de esta vía de transducción con el objetivo de tener una visión cercana de su funcionamiento, sus alteraciones y enumerar algunas moléculas promisorias para ser utilizadas en futuros tratamientos. / The PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway is involved in multiple cellular processes which are essential for the cells. Some genetic mutations of the components of this pathway have been associated with various human diseases, the most important of which are breast, thyroid and endometrium carcinomas; glioblastoma multiforme; prostate cancer and lymphomas. The PI3K/AKT/mTOR canonical pathway has been extensively studied in recent years. However, as the complexity of its main components and their correlation with the components of other pathways are increasing, it is important to update from time to time the available information to understand this mechanism. Furthermore, many trials have been conducted with selective medicines aimed to look for a more intelligent treatment for diseases associated with alterations in this pathway. Therefore, we review this transduction pathway to take a close look at its functioning and alterations, and to list some promising molecules for future treatments. / Revisión por pares

Dietary flavonoid (-)epicatechin stimulates phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-dependent anti-oxidant response element activity and up-regulates glutathione in cortical astrocytes

Bahia, P.K., Rattray, Marcus, Williams, R.J. 09 1900 (has links)
No / Flavonoids are plant-derived polyphenolic compounds with neuroprotective properties. Recent work suggests that, in addition to acting as hydrogen donors, they activate protective signalling pathways. The anti-oxidant response element (ARE) promotes the expression of protective proteins including those required for glutathione synthesis (xCT cystine antiporter, gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase and glutathione synthase). The use of a luciferase reporter (ARE-luc) assay showed that the dietary flavan-3-ol (-)epicatechin activates this pathway in primary cortical astrocytes but not neurones. We also examined the distribution of NF-E2-related factor-2 (Nrf2), a key transcription factor in ARE-mediated gene expression. We found, using immunocytochemistry, that Nrf2 accumulated in the nuclei of astrocytes following exposure to tert-butylhydroquinone (100 microM) and (-)epicatechin (100 nM). (-)Epicatechin signalling via Nrf2 was inhibited by wortmannin implicating a phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-dependent pathway. Finally, (-)epicatechin increased glutathione levels in astrocytes consistent with an up-regulation of ARE-mediated gene expression. Together, this suggests that flavonoids may be cytoprotective by increasing anti-oxidant gene expression.

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