Spelling suggestions: "subject:"phosphatidylinositols"" "subject:"phosphatidylinositol""
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Modulation der Strahlensensibilität mittels alleiniger sowie kombinierter PI3K/mTOR-Inhibierung im Glioblastommodell: die Rolle des PTENs / Modulation of radiation sensitivity in the glioblastoma model through sole and combined PI3K/mTOR inhibition: the role of PTENLutyj, Paul January 2020 (has links) (PDF)
Den aktuellen Forschungsgegenstand dieser Arbeit bildet der in Glioblastomen häufig überaktivierte PI3K/AKT/mTOR-Signalweg. Eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Aktivierung des Signalwegs spielt das Tumorsuppressorprotein PTEN. Ein mutiertes PTEN sorgt für die zuvor genannte Überaktivierung des PI3K/AKT/mTOR-Signalwegs und korreliert mit einer Radioresistenz. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die strahlensensibilisierende Wirkung des neuartigen dualen PI3K/mTOR-Inhibitors NVP-BEZ235 an zwei humanen Glioblastomzelllinien mit unterschiedlichem PTEN-Status (GaMG: PTEN wt und U373-MG: PTEN mut) analysiert. Vergleichend dazu erfolgten Untersuchungen mit dem mTOR-Inhibitor Rapamycin und dem PI3K-Inhibitor LY294002.
Untersucht wurden die Auswirkungen auf die Zellproliferation, die Strahlensensibilität, das Proteinexpressionsmuster, die Zellzyklusverteilung, die Induktion und Reparaturfähigkeit des DNS-Schadens sowie die Einleitung des programmierten Zelltods.
U373-MG stellte sich im Vergleich zu GaMG als die strahlensensiblere Zelllinie heraus. Des Weiteren konnte gezeigt werden, dass die mTOR-Inhibition durch NVP-BEZ235, unabhängig vom PTEN-Status, für die Einflussnahme auf Proliferation und Proteintranslation vordergründig ist. Es kam zu keinen radiosensibilisierenden Effekten durch Zugabe von NVP-BEZ235, Rapamycin und LY294002 24 Stunden vor Bestrahlung, was auf das Ausbleiben eines erhöhten DNA-Schadens und einer verzögerten DNA-Reparatur, einen G1-Arrest und der Aktivierung des PI3K-Signalwegs zum Zeitpunkt der Bestrahlung sowie der Unterdrückung der Apoptose zurückzuführen ist. Trotz Ausbleiben radiosensibilisierender Effekt, konnte durch die Testsubstanzen eine starke zytostatische Wirkung gezeigt werden. / The current research topic of this work is the PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling pathway, which is often overactivated in glioblastomas. The tumor suppressor protein PTEN plays a decisive role in the activation of the signaling pathway. A mutated PTEN provides the overactivation of the PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling pathway and correlates with radiation resistance. In the present paper, the radiosensitizing effect of the novel dual PI3K/mTOR inhibitor NVP-BEZ235 on two human glioblastoma cell lines with different PTEN status (GaMG: PTEN wt and U373-MG: PTEN mut) was analyzed. Comparative studies were carried out with the mTOR inhibitor rapamycin and the PI3K inhibitor LY294002.
The effects on cell proliferation, radiation sensitivity, protein expression pattern, cell cycle distribution, induction, and repairability of DNA damage as well as the initiation of programmed cell death were investigated.
U373-MG turned out to be more radiosensitive compared to GaMG. Furthermore, it has been shown that mTOR-Inhibition by NVP-BEZ235 is essential for the influence on proliferation and protein translation, regardless of the PTEN status. The addition of NVP-BEZ235, rapamycin and LY294002 24 hours prior to irradiation did not lead to any radiosensitizing effect. This is due to the absence of increased DNA damage and delayed DNA repair, a G1 arrest and the activation of the PI3K signaling pathway at the time of irradiation and the suppression of apoptosis. Despite the lack of radiosensitizing effects, the test substances showed strong cytostatic effects.
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Der Einfluss des PI3-Kinase Signalwegs auf die Regulation des alternativen HIV-1 prä-mRNA Spleißens / The influence of the PI3-kinase pathway on the regulation of of alternative HIV-1 pre-mRNA splicingHillebrand, Frank January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden ausgehend von HIV-1 basierten Minigenkonstrukten und der proviralen NL4-3 DNA die Einflüsse der PI3K Signalwegmodulation auf das alternative Spleißen der HIV-1 prä-mRNA sowie auf die Virus Replikation untersucht. Mittels RT-PCR Analysen konnte gezeigt werden, dass die PI3K Inhibition im Falle der HIV-1 basierten Minigenkonstrukte in einer erhöhten Abundanz ungespleißter bzw. intronhaltiger mRNAs resultierte, während im Kontext des Virus die Induktion alternativer Tat Transkriptvarianten nachgewiesen werden konnte. Als Folge der Inhibition des PI3K Signalwegs kam es zu einem vermehrten Einschluss der HIV-1 Leader Exone2/2b und 3. Da der Einschluss dieser Exone durch die hnRNP A/B- und F/H-abhängigen Silencer Elemente ESSV und GI2-1 negativ reguliert wird, wurde vermutet, dass die PI3K Inhibition mit der Funktionalität dieser spleißregulatorischen Aktivität interferiert. Unterstützt wurde diese Hypothese durch Replikationsexperimente mit ESSV und GI2-1 Mutanten in Gegenwart und Abwesenheit des PI3K-Inhibitors. Zusätzlich wurde auch der Einfluss des Inhibitors unter Überexpressionsbedingungen von hnRNP H auf das alternative HIV-1 Spleißen analysiert. In dieser Arbeit konnte ebenfalls gezeigt werden, dass die PI3K Inhibition ein verändertes hnRNP H Spleißmuster bedingt sowie die SR-Protein Phosphorylierung und Expression beeinflusst. Des Weiteren war es im Verlauf der vorliegenden Arbeit möglich, eine Interferenz der PI3K Modulation mit der Virus Replikation nachzuweisen. Die Überexpression der aktivierten Akt-Kinase lies hier nur eine sehr geringe Virus Produktion zu während die PI3K Inhibition diese auf ca. die Hälfte reduzierte. Weiterführende Experimente zeigten, dass die Überexpression der aktivierten Akt-Kinase den nuklearen Export Rev-abhängiger HIV-1 mRNAs zu blockieren scheint. Darüber hinaus beeinflusste die PI3K Inhibition neben dem alternativen HIV-1 Spleißen auch die virale Transkription sowie die zelluläre Translation. Zusammen könnten diese Effekte die reduzierte virale Replikation erklären. Der PI3K Signalweg spielt somit eine zentrale Rolle bei dem alternativen HIV-1 Spleißen und der viralen Replikation und bietet so die Möglichkeit der Entwicklung neuer Ansätze einer antiviralen Therapie. / In this thesis outgoing from HIV-1 based minigenes and the proviral NL4-3 DNA the influences of the PI3K signaling modulation on the alternative HIV-1 pre-mRNA splicing and also the viral replication were investigated. By performing RT-PCR analysis it could be shown that in the case of the minigene experiments the PI3K inhibition displayed an increased amount of unspliced or intron containing mRNAs, while the production of alternative Tat variants was demonstrated in the context of the virus. As a result of the PI3K inhibition an increased inclusion of the HIV-1 leader exons2/2b and 3 was observed. Because the inclusion of these exons is negatively regulated by the hnRNP H/F- and hnRNP A/B-dependent silencere elements ESSV and GI2-1, it was suggested that the PI3K inhibition interferes with the functionality of this splicing regulatory activity. Replication experiments either with GI2-1 or ESSV mutants in the presence or absence of the PI3K-Inhibitior supported this hypothesis. In addition, the influence of the inhibitor on the alternative HIV-1 splicing was analyzed under hnRNP H overexpression conditions. Furthermore, it was shown that the hnRNP H splicing pattern as well as the SR-protein phosphorylation and expression were altered as a consequence of the PI3K inhibition. During this thesis an interference of the PI3K modulation with the viral replication was also shown. The overexpression of the activated Akt kinase nearly prevented viral production while the PI3K inhibition reduced viral production by half. In further experiments it was shown that the overexpression of the activated Akt kinase seems to block the nuclear export of Rev-dependent HIV-1 mRNAs. In addition, beside the effect on the viral splicing pattern the PI3K inhibition also showed an influence on the viral transcription and the cellular translation suggesting that the sum of all these effects could contribute to the reduced virus production. These findings demonstrate that the PI3K signaling pathway has indeed a central influence on the alternative HIV-1 splicing as well as on the viral replication and may offer a new approach for antiviral therapy.
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Identifizierung von durch PI3K-Inhibition induzierten Spleißvarianten in T-Zellen mittels Exon Array und die Effekte funktionell relevanter Gene auf T-Zell-Funktionen und Viabilität / Identification of splice variants in response to PI3K inhibition in T cells using an Exon Array approach and effects of functional relevant genes on key T cell functions and viabilityRein, Alice Felicitas January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Die Interaktion des Masernvirus mit T-Zellen stört die Aktivierung der TCR-Signalkaskade durch die Hemmung der Phosphatidylinositol-3-Kinase (PI3K), die zur Einstellung der T-Zell-Funktionen führt und dadurch nachgeschaltete (downstream) Signalwege sowie den Eintritt in den Zellzyklus, aber auch die Genexpression reguliert. Infolgedessen können die Aktivität spleißregulatorischer Faktoren sowie die Spleißmuster von mRNAs verändert werden, wie zum Beispiel bei der alternativ gespleißten SHIP1-Isoform SIP110, die eine T-Zell-inhibitorische Aktivität zeigt. Um alternativ gespleißte (AS) und differentiell regulierte (RG) Transkripte in T-Zellen infolge von PI3K-Inhibition zu erfassen, wurde ein Human Exon 1.0 ST Array an RNA-Proben von humanen T-Zellen, 24 h stimuliert und stimuliert/ PI3K-inhibiert, durchgeführt. Durch die Anwendung geeigneter bioinformatischer Algorithmen konnten spezifisch in PI3K-inhibierten Zellen angereicherte Transkripte nachgewiesen und in die Kategorien AS (2192 Gene) und RG (619 Gene) eingeteilt werden. Ausgewählte Gene wurde mittels RT-PCR und qPCR validiert, gefolgt von der funktionellen Annotation beider Genlisten. AS Gene konnten verstärkt in ECM-Rezeptor Interaktionen, fokaler Adhäsion, Proliferation, Zytoskelettorganisation und Tumorsignalwegen gefunden werden, während RG Gene eher in der DNA-Replikation, DNA-Reparatur und Stressantwort vertreten waren. Gene beider Gruppen konnten auf Signalwege bezogen werden, die essentiell für den TCR-Signalweg, die Zytoskelettdynamik und den Zellzykluseintritt waren. Das stützt die Annahme, dass die Außerkraftsetzung der PI3K-Schüsselprozesse der T-Zell-Aktivierung sowohl auf der Ebene der RG als auch der AS Gene wirkt. Über die Ingenuity Pathway Analyse konnten wir unsere Genlisten mit Genen vergleichen, die bereits auf solche Schlüsselprozesse und die Viabilität bezogen werden können. In der Überschneidung wurden z.B. die AS GTP-Austauschfaktoren Vav1 und Vav3 gefunden, die für die Übersetzung extrazellulärer Signale in Zytoskelettdynamik, Proteinphosphatasen und Adapter von Bedeutung sind.
Ausgewählte Gene (AS - FBXO6 und LAT2, RG - SLFN5) wurden aus PI3K-arretierten T-Zellen kloniert und deren Effekt auf grundlegende zelluläre Funktionen durch Überexpression in HEK293T-Zellen überprüft. Die Fusionsproteine veränderten weder die Zellviabilität noch die Proliferation dieser Zellen. Über einen auf siRNA basierenden Knockdown wurde überprüft, ob das RG Gene SLFN5 als Suppressor auf die T-Zell-Aktivierung agiert. Der Knockdown in primären T-Zellen zeigte keinen Einfluss auf die Zellviabilität, Proliferation und Polarisation. Jedoch konnte ein signifikanter Effekt auf die T-Zell-Adhärenz auf Fibronektin gezeigt werden, was darauf schließen lässt, dass SLFN5 die T-Zell-Adhärenz negativ reguliert.
Des Weiteren wurde die MV-induzierte Regulation selektierter Gene betrachtet und Unterschiede in der Regulation im Vergleich zur direkten PI3K-Inhibition festgestellt. Ein Grund dafür könnte sein, dass das MV eine Inhibition auf vielen Ebenen induziert, anstelle der alleinigen PI3K-Inhibition.
Abschließend wurde untersucht, ob ausgewählte Gene an der Regulation in verschiedenen T-Zelllinien beteiligt sind und als Tumorsuppressoren agieren könnten. FBXO6 als Regulator der CHK1-Stabilität wurde in den meisten Zelllinien nicht exprimiert. Die Annahme, dass eine Stress-induzierte defekte Ubiquitinierungsmaschinerie an der Resistenz von Tumorzellen auf Chemotherapeutika beteiligt ist, macht FBXO6 zu einem interessanten Kandidaten als Biomarker für Tumorsensitivität gegenüber Krebsmedikamenten. Diese Annahme bedarf jedoch weiterer Untersuchungen. / The interaction of measles virus (MV) with T cells interferes with the activation of the TCR-signaling by the inhibition of the phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3K), leading to the termination of T cell functions and consequently to the regulation of downstream signaling as well as cell cycle entry. PI3K-inhibition also affects the activity of splice regulatory elements and the splicing pattern of mRNAs, as for example the alternatively spliced SHIP1 isoform SIP110 that shows T cell inhibitory activity. To integrate early alternatively spliced (AS) and differentially regulated (RG) transcripts in response to PI3K interference in T cells at a general level, we performed a Human Exon 1.0 ST Array analysis on RNAs isolated from human T cells PI3K-inhibited or not prior to 24h stimulation. Applying suitable bioinformatic algorithms, transcripts detected specifically in PI3K-inhibited cells were assigned to categories defining RG (619 genes) and AS species (2192 genes). A selection of genes was validated by RT-PCR and qPCR followed by functional annotation of both gene lists. AS genes were found to be enriched in ECM-receptor interactions, focal adhesion, proliferation, cytoskeleton organization and tumor signaling, while RG genes were rather related to processes as DNA-replication, DNA-repair and stress response. Some genes that belonged to both groups target pathways essential for TCR-signaling, cytoskeletal dynamics and cell cycle entry, strongly support the notion that PI3K abrogation interferes with key T cell activation processes at the level of differential regulation as well as alternative splicing. Using Ingenuity Pathway Analysis we compared our gene lists to genes already known to specifically relate to key T cell functions and viability. In the overlap we found for example AS GTP-exchange factors Vav1 and Vav3 important for translating extracellular signals into cytoskeletal dynamics, protein phosphatases and adaptors.
Selected candidate genes (AS - FBXO6 und LAT2, RG - SLFN5) were cloned from PI3K-arrested T cells into the pEGFP-vector and tested by overexpression in HEK293T for their effect on basic cell functions. These fusion proteins did not affect viability and proliferation of these cells. Using siRNA-based knockdown the potential of the RG gene SLFN5 to act as suppressors of key steps in T cell activation was tested. Its knockdown in primary T cells did not affect cell viability, proliferation and polarization. However, T cell adherence on fibronectin was significantly enhanced indicating that SLFN5 negatively regulates T cell adhesion to the ECM.
Additionally we had a look at the MV induced regulation of selected genes and found a difference of the regulation in comparison to direct PI3K-inhibition. A reason for these unexpected results could be that MV induces a multi-level inhibition, rather than PI3K-inhibition only.
Finally we wanted to find out, if selected genes were also implicated in the regulation of different T cell lines and therefore could act as tumor suppressors. FBXO6, a regulator of CHK1 stability, for example was not expressed in most investigated cell lines. Assuming that a stress-induced defective ubiquitination complex is involved in the resistance of tumor cells to chemotherapeutic agents FBXO6 might be an interesting candidate as biomarker for tumor sensitivity to cancer medication. If some of these differences in regulation are the result of immortalization, corresponding genes could consequently act as tumor suppressor. This issue has to be subject to further research.
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Isoform-spezifische Analyse der PI3-Kinase (Klasse I) im Multiplen Myelom / Isoform-specific analysis of the PI3-kinase (class I) in multiple myelomaOk [geb. Hofmann], Claudia Barbara January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Das Multiple Myelom (MM) ist eine unheilbare Erkrankung, die aus einer klonalen Proliferation maligner Plasmazellen im Knochenmark hervorgeht. Dabei liegt ein komplexes Signalnetzwerk vor, das zum Überleben und Wachstum der MM-Zellen führt. Das MM ist durch eine enorme genetische und phänotypische Heterogenität gekennzeichnet. Die konstitutive Aktivierung des PI3K/Akt-Signalwegs spielt bei ungefähr der Hälfte der Patienten mit MM eine wichtige Rolle für das Überleben der MM-Zellen und ist daher ein potentieller therapeutischer Ansatzpunkt. Isoform-spezifische Untersuchungen der katalytischen Untereinheiten der Klasse I-PI3K (p110α, p110β, p110γ, p110δ) sollten zur Erkenntnis führen, welche dieser Isoformen für das MM Zellüberleben wichtig sind, um spezifischere Behandlungen mit möglichst geringen Nebenwirkungen zu erlauben. Dafür wurden zunächst Isoform-spezifische Knockdown-Experimente mit MM Zelllinien durchgeführt und sowohl deren Überleben als auch die Aktivierung der nachgeschalteten Komponenten im PI3K Signalweg untersucht. Zur Verifizierung der Ergebnisse wurden sowohl MM Zelllinien als auch Primärzellen mit Isoform-spezifischen PI3K-Inhibitoren behandelt (BYL 719 für p110α, TGX 221 für p110β, CAY10505 für p110γ und CAL 101 für p110δ) und in gleicher Weise untersucht. In beiden Versuchsansätzen stellte sich die katalytische Untereinheit p110α als wichtigste Isoform für das Überleben von MM Zellen mit konstitutiv phosphoryliertem Akt Signal heraus. Weder der Knockdown noch die pharmakologische Inhibition der anderen drei Isoformen (p110β, p110γ, p110δ) führten in MM-Zelllinien zur Beeinträchtigung des Zellüberlebens. Auch reagierten die Primärzellen von MM Patienten größtenteils nicht mit Apoptose auf eine Behandlung mit TGX 221, CAY10505 oder CAL 101. Aufbauend auf der postulierten Bedeutung von p110α, wurde der dafür spezifische Inhibitor BYL 719 mit bereits klinisch etablierten Therapeutika in Kombination verwendet, woraus eine im Vergleich zur Einzelbehandlung verstärkte Apoptose resultierte. Insgesamt deuten diese Daten darauf hin, dass PI3K/p110α eine therapeutisch nutzbare Zielstruktur zur Behandlung des Multiplen Myeloms darstellt. Daher scheinen weitergehende prä-klinische Studien mit p110α Inhibitoren erfolgversprechend. / Multiple myeloma (MM) is an incurable disease, which results from clonal proliferation of malignant plasma cells in the bone marrow. Thereby, a complex signaling network regulates the survival and growth of MM cells. This malignant hematological disease is characterized by profound genetic and phenotypical heterogeneity. The PI3K/Akt signaling pathway is constitutively activated in about 50% of patients with MM and therefore plays an important role for the survival of MM cells. Accordingly, treatment of MM patients with the most isoform-specific drugs may be a desirable goal to achieve therapeutic utility with a minimum of undesired side effects. Therefore, an isoform-specific analysis of the catalytic subunits of the PI3K class I (p110α, p110β, p110γ, p110δ) was undertaken to reveal their individual role(s) for MM cell survival. Initially, isoform-specific knockdown experiments in MM cell lines were performed to assess their survival and the activation states of down-stream components of the PI3K pathway. These experiments were then complemented using isoform-specific pharmacological inhibitors (BYL 719 for p110α, TGX 221 for p110β, CAY10505 for p110γ and CAL 101 for p110δ) in MM cells and primary MM cells. Cell lines with constitutively phosphorylated Akt reduced this signal after p110α knockdown or pharmacologic inhibition and these treatments also affected their survival. Conversely, neither knockdown nor drug-mediated inhibition of any of the other three p110 isoforms influenced MM cell survival. In addition, whereas most primary MM samples were sensitive against BYL-719 only a few samples displayed apoptotic effects when treated with TGX 221, CAY10505 or CAL-101. These results showed that p110α is the major contributor of PI3K-mediated cell survival, and therefore the inhibitor BYL 719 was tested in combination with clinically relevant therapeutics for MM. Such treatment led to increased rates of apoptosis in MM cell lines in comparison to the respective single drug treatments. Taken together, we assume that PI3K/p110α is a therapeutically valuable target structure for the treatment of MM that would warrant more extensive pre-clinical studies.
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Struktur und Bindungsverhalten der N-terminalen p85-src-homology-2-Domäne mittels NMR-SpektroskopieWeyrauch, Bernd Unknown Date (has links)
Univ., Diss., 2006--Frankfurt (Main)
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Unraveling Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase function in the yeast Golgi-endosomal systemDemmel, Lars 16 August 2005 (has links) (PDF)
In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, experiments with temperature-sensitive mutants of the PI4-kinase Pik1p revealed that the PI4P pool generated by this enzyme is essential for Golgi morphology and normal secretory function and that the PI4P pool at the Golgi represents a regulatory signal on its own. In order to function as a spatial and temporal regulator of membrane traffic, PI4P synthesis and turnover must be tightly regulated. It remains elusive which factors are involved in the targeting and regulation of Pik1p. Little is also known about PI4P binding proteins mediating the effects of this phosphoinositide on Golgi function. Since it has been shown that multiple pathways leave the Golgi towards the plasma membrane one can ask the question whether Pik1p and its product PI4P specifically control one pathway? Here we demonstrate an interaction of Pik1p with the 14-3-3 proteins Bmh1p and Bmh2p. Interestingly, overexpression of Bmh1p and Bmh2p results in multiple genetic interactions with genes involved in late steps of exocytosis and it affects the forward transport of the general amino acid permease Gap1p. The detected interaction depends on the phosphorylation state of Pik1p and Pik1p phosphorylation accompanies its shuttling out of the nucleus into the cytoplasm where presumably the binding to Bmh1/2p occurs. Therefore, we reason that these interactions might serve the sequestration of Pik1p away from the Golgi. This study reveals that Pik1p shows a strong effect on the delivery of Gap1p to the surface whereas the transport of exocytosis markers implicated in the direct Golgi-to-plasma membrane pathway are not significantly disturbed. Cells carrying a deletion of gga2 also show a strong defect in delivery of Gap1p to the surface. In addition, pik1-101 gga2[delta]double mutants display synthetic genetic and membrane transport phenotypes and recruitment of Gga2 to the TGN partially depends on functional Pik1p. Therefore, our results suggest a role of Pik1p in the TGN to endosome pathway.
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Novel regulators of trafficking in the yeast Golgi-endosomal systemGravert, Maike 09 October 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Over the past few years a large amount of work has provided growing insight into the molecular mechanisms that direct post-Golgi trafficking events in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisae. However, a key event in this process, the formation of secretory vesicles at the Golgi and sorting of cargo into these transport carriers, remains poorly understood. It has been demonstrated that phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PI(4)P) generated by the PI(4)-kinase Pik1p plays an essential role in maintenance of Golgi secretory function and morphology. Up to now relatively few targets of Pik1/PI(4)P signaling at the Golgi have been identified and it thus remains elusive how Pik1p mediates its essential function in Golgi secretion. During my thesis work, I used synthetic genetic array analysis (SGA) of a temperature-sensitive mutant allele of PIK1 (pik1-101) in order to gain better understanding of Pik1p function at the TGN and to isolate new regulators of post-Golgi transport in yeast. I identified a total of 85 genes, whose deletion resulted in a synthetic growth defect when combined with the pik1-101 mutation. 21 isolated deletion mutants were used for further analysis, several of which were found to share common trafficking phenotypes with the pik mutant. A striking result of the screen was the finding that Pik1p interacts genetically with several components of a potential post-translational modification pathway referred to as “urmylation pathway”. In addition, a novel, previously uncharacterized subunit of the Transport protein particle (TRAPP) complex was isolated as genetic interactor of Pik1p, suggesting a function for the TRAPP complex in a Pik1p dependent trafficking pathway. Using tandem affinity purification, I could also demonstrate that TRAPP shows previously unknown interactions with other regulators of post-Golgi transport. The second part of this thesis describes the development of a new visual screening approach. Recent work indicates that secretory cargo in yeast can be transported to the cell surface via at least two different exocytic branches. Upon block of one pathway cargo can be partially redistributed into the other pathway. This partial redundancy of exocytic pathways provides one explanation why genetic screens in the past were largely unsuccessful in identifying the molecular machinery that directs vesicle budding and cargo sorting at the TGN. I collaborated in the development of a novel screening method that was devised to circumvent this problem. The method took advantage of the systematic yeast knockout array and was based on the assumption that a defect in cargo sorting and cell surface transport could be detected as intracellular accumulation of a GFP-tagged model cargo. The suitability of our approach for identifying regulators of secretory transport has been demonstrated in a small-scale pilot study that will be presented in this thesis. The screening method proofed to be applicable on a genome-wide scale and can now be used for the screening of additional markers. This novel approach provides an entry point to the comprehensive study of TGN sorting.
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Unraveling Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase function in the yeast Golgi-endosomal systemDemmel, Lars 13 September 2005 (has links)
In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, experiments with temperature-sensitive mutants of the PI4-kinase Pik1p revealed that the PI4P pool generated by this enzyme is essential for Golgi morphology and normal secretory function and that the PI4P pool at the Golgi represents a regulatory signal on its own. In order to function as a spatial and temporal regulator of membrane traffic, PI4P synthesis and turnover must be tightly regulated. It remains elusive which factors are involved in the targeting and regulation of Pik1p. Little is also known about PI4P binding proteins mediating the effects of this phosphoinositide on Golgi function. Since it has been shown that multiple pathways leave the Golgi towards the plasma membrane one can ask the question whether Pik1p and its product PI4P specifically control one pathway? Here we demonstrate an interaction of Pik1p with the 14-3-3 proteins Bmh1p and Bmh2p. Interestingly, overexpression of Bmh1p and Bmh2p results in multiple genetic interactions with genes involved in late steps of exocytosis and it affects the forward transport of the general amino acid permease Gap1p. The detected interaction depends on the phosphorylation state of Pik1p and Pik1p phosphorylation accompanies its shuttling out of the nucleus into the cytoplasm where presumably the binding to Bmh1/2p occurs. Therefore, we reason that these interactions might serve the sequestration of Pik1p away from the Golgi. This study reveals that Pik1p shows a strong effect on the delivery of Gap1p to the surface whereas the transport of exocytosis markers implicated in the direct Golgi-to-plasma membrane pathway are not significantly disturbed. Cells carrying a deletion of gga2 also show a strong defect in delivery of Gap1p to the surface. In addition, pik1-101 gga2[delta]double mutants display synthetic genetic and membrane transport phenotypes and recruitment of Gga2 to the TGN partially depends on functional Pik1p. Therefore, our results suggest a role of Pik1p in the TGN to endosome pathway.
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Novel regulators of trafficking in the yeast Golgi-endosomal systemGravert, Maike 29 September 2006 (has links)
Over the past few years a large amount of work has provided growing insight into the molecular mechanisms that direct post-Golgi trafficking events in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisae. However, a key event in this process, the formation of secretory vesicles at the Golgi and sorting of cargo into these transport carriers, remains poorly understood. It has been demonstrated that phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PI(4)P) generated by the PI(4)-kinase Pik1p plays an essential role in maintenance of Golgi secretory function and morphology. Up to now relatively few targets of Pik1/PI(4)P signaling at the Golgi have been identified and it thus remains elusive how Pik1p mediates its essential function in Golgi secretion. During my thesis work, I used synthetic genetic array analysis (SGA) of a temperature-sensitive mutant allele of PIK1 (pik1-101) in order to gain better understanding of Pik1p function at the TGN and to isolate new regulators of post-Golgi transport in yeast. I identified a total of 85 genes, whose deletion resulted in a synthetic growth defect when combined with the pik1-101 mutation. 21 isolated deletion mutants were used for further analysis, several of which were found to share common trafficking phenotypes with the pik mutant. A striking result of the screen was the finding that Pik1p interacts genetically with several components of a potential post-translational modification pathway referred to as “urmylation pathway”. In addition, a novel, previously uncharacterized subunit of the Transport protein particle (TRAPP) complex was isolated as genetic interactor of Pik1p, suggesting a function for the TRAPP complex in a Pik1p dependent trafficking pathway. Using tandem affinity purification, I could also demonstrate that TRAPP shows previously unknown interactions with other regulators of post-Golgi transport. The second part of this thesis describes the development of a new visual screening approach. Recent work indicates that secretory cargo in yeast can be transported to the cell surface via at least two different exocytic branches. Upon block of one pathway cargo can be partially redistributed into the other pathway. This partial redundancy of exocytic pathways provides one explanation why genetic screens in the past were largely unsuccessful in identifying the molecular machinery that directs vesicle budding and cargo sorting at the TGN. I collaborated in the development of a novel screening method that was devised to circumvent this problem. The method took advantage of the systematic yeast knockout array and was based on the assumption that a defect in cargo sorting and cell surface transport could be detected as intracellular accumulation of a GFP-tagged model cargo. The suitability of our approach for identifying regulators of secretory transport has been demonstrated in a small-scale pilot study that will be presented in this thesis. The screening method proofed to be applicable on a genome-wide scale and can now be used for the screening of additional markers. This novel approach provides an entry point to the comprehensive study of TGN sorting.
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