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The effect of photoperiod and high fat diet on the cognitive response in photoperiod-sensitive F344 ratsMcLean, Samantha, Yun, Haesung, Tedder, Andrew, Helfer, Gisela 05 July 2021 (has links)
Yes / In many species, seasonal changes in day length (photoperiod) have profound effects on physiology and behavior. In humans, these include cognitive function and mood. Here we investigated the effect of photoperiod and high fat diets on cognitive deficits, as measured by novel object recognition, in the photoperiod-sensitive F344 rat, which exhibits marked natural changes in growth, body weight and food intake in response to photoperiod. 32 male juvenile F344 rats were housed in either long or short photoperiod and fed either a high fat or nutrient-matched chow diet. Rats were tested in the novel object recognition test before photoperiod and diet intervention and re-tested 28 days after intervention. In both tests during the acquisition trials there was no significant difference in exploration levels of the left and right objects in the groups. Before intervention, all groups showed a significant increase in exploration of the novel object compared to the familiar object. However, following the photoperiod and diet interventions the retention trial revealed that only rats in the long photoperiod-chow group explored the novel object significantly more than the familiar object, whereas all other groups showed no significant preference. These results suggest that changing rats to short photoperiod impairs their memory regardless of diet. The cognitive performance of rats on long photoperiod-chow remained intact, whereas the high fat diet in the long photoperiod group induced a memory impairment. These findings suggest that rats exposed to long photoperiod have different cognitive responses to rats exposed to short photoperiod and high fat diet.
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A neuroendocrine role for chemerin in hypothalamic remodelling and photoperiodic control of energy balanceHelfer, Gisela, Ross, A.W., Thomson, L.M., Mayer, C.D., Stoney, P.N., McCaffery, P.J., Morgan, P.J. 05 October 2016 (has links)
Yes / Long-term and reversible changes in body weight are typical of seasonal animals. Thyroid
hormone (TH) and retinoic acid (RA) within the tanycytes and ependymal cells of the hypothalamus have been implicated in the photoperiodic response. We investigated signalling downstream of RA and how this links to the control of body weight and food intake in photoperiodic F344 rats. Chemerin, an inflammatory chemokine, with a known role in energy metabolism, was identified as a target of RA. Gene expression of chemerin (Rarres2) and its receptors were localised within the tanycytes and ependymal cells, with higher expression under long (LD) versus short (SD) photoperiod, pointing to a physiological role. The SD to LD transition (increased food intake) was mimicked by 2 weeks of ICV infusion of chemerin into rats. Chemerin also increased expression of the cytoskeletal protein vimentin, implicating hypothalamic remodelling in this response. By contrast, acute ICV bolus injection of chemerin on a 12h:12h photoperiod inhibited food intake and decreased body weight with
associated changes in hypothalamic neuropeptides involved in growth and feeding after 24hr. We describe the hypothalamic ventricular zone as a key site of neuroendocrine regulation, where the inflammatory signal, chemerin, links TH and RA signaling to hypothalamic remodeling. / BBSRC (grant number BB/K001043/1) and the Scottish Government.
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Photoperiod Regulates Lean Mass Accretion, but Not Adiposity, in Growing F344 Rats Fed a High Fat DietRoss, A.W., Russell, L., Helfer, Gisela, Thomson, L.M., Dalby, M.J., Morgan, P.J. 2015 January 1916 (has links)
Yes / In this study the effects of photoperiod and diet, and their interaction, were examined for their effects on growth and body composition in juvenile F344 rats over a 4-week period. On long (16L:8D), relative to short (8L:16D), photoperiod food intake and growth rate were increased, but percentage adiposity remained constant (ca 3-4%). On a high fat diet (HFD), containing 22.8% fat (45% energy as fat), food intake was reduced, but energy intake increased on both photoperiods. This led to a small increase in adiposity (up to 10%) without overt change in body weight. These changes were also reflected in plasma leptin and lipid levels. Importantly while both lean and adipose tissue were strongly regulated by photoperiod on a chow diet, this regulation was lost for adipose, but not lean tissue, on HFD. This implies that a primary effect of photoperiod is the regulation of growth and lean mass accretion. Consistent with this both hypothalamic GHRH gene expression and serum IGF-1 levels were photoperiod dependent. As for other animals and humans, there was evidence of central hyposomatotropism in response to obesity, as GHRH gene expression was suppressed by the HFD. Gene expression of hypothalamic AgRP and CRH, but not NPY nor POMC, accorded with the energy balance status on long and short photoperiod. However, there was a general dissociation between plasma leptin levels and expression of these hypothalamic energy balance genes. Similarly there was no interaction between the HFD and photoperiod at the level of the genes involved in thyroid hormone metabolism (Dio2, Dio3, TSHβ or NMU), which are important mediators of the photoperiodic response. These data suggest that photoperiod and HFD influence body weight and body composition through independent mechanisms but in each case the role of the hypothalamic energy balance genes is not predictable based on their known function. / Scottish Government (Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services Division, http://www.scotland.gov.uk/), AWR LR LMT PJM and the BBSRC, (http://www.bbsrc.ac.uk/home/home.aspx, grant BB/K001043/1), AWR GH PJM
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Photoperiodic and diurnal regulation of WNT signalling in the arcuate nucleus of the 1 female Djungarian hamster, Phodopus sungorusBoucsein, A., Benzler, J., Hempp, C., Stöhr, S., Helfer, Gisela, Tups, A. 08 December 2015 (has links)
Yes / The WNT pathway was shown to play an important role in the adult central nervous system. We previously identified the WNT pathway as a novel integration site of the adipokine leptin in mediating its neuroendocrine control of metabolism in obese mice. Here we investigated the implication of WNT signaling in seasonal body weight regulation exhibited by the Djungarian hamster (Phodopus sungorus), a seasonal mammal that exhibits profound annual changes in leptin sensitivity. We furthermore investigated whether crucial components of the WNT pathway are regulated in a diurnal manner. Gene expression of key components of the WNT pathway in the hypothalamus of hamsters acclimated to either long day (LD) or short day (SD) photoperiod was analyzed by in situ hybridization. We detected elevated expression of the genes WNT-4, Axin-2, Cyclin-D1, and SFRP-2, in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus, a key energy balance integration site, during LD compared with SD as well as a diurnal regulation of Axin-2, Cyclin-D1, and DKK-3. Investigating the effect of photoperiod as well as leptin on the activation (phosphorylation) of the WNT coreceptor LRP-6-(Ser1490) by immunohistochemistry, we found elevated activity in the arcuate nucleus during LD relative to SD as well as after leptin treatment (2 mg/kg body weight). These findings indicate that differential WNT signaling may be associated with seasonal body weight regulation and is partially regulated in a diurnal manner in the adult brain. Furthermore, they suggest that this pathway plays a key role in the neuroendocrine regulation of body weight and integration of the leptin signal.
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A unifying hypothesis for control of body weight and reproduction in seasonally breeding mammalsHelfer, Gisela, Barrett, P., Morgan, P.J. 26 December 2018 (has links)
Yes / Animals have evolved diverse seasonal variations in physiology and reproduction to accommodate yearly changes in environmental and climatic conditions. These changes in physiology are initiated by changes in photoperiod (daylength) and are mediated through melatonin, which relays photoperiodic information to the pars tuberalis of the pituitary gland. Melatonin drives thyroid‐stimulating hormone transcription and synthesis in the pars tuberalis, which, in turn, regulates thyroid hormone and retinoic acid synthesis in the tanycytes lining the third ventricle of the hypothalamus. Seasonal variation in central thyroid hormone signalling is conserved among photoperiodic animals. Despite this, different species adopt divergent phenotypes to cope with the same seasonal changes. A common response amongst different species is increased hypothalamic cell proliferation/neurogenesis in short photoperiod. That cell proliferation/neurogenesis may be important for seasonal timing is based on (i) the neurogenic potential of tanycytes; (ii) the fact that they are the locus of striking seasonal morphological changes; and (iii) the similarities to mechanisms involved in de novo neurogenesis of energy balance neurones. We propose that a decrease in hypothalamic thyroid hormone and retinoic acid signalling initiates localised neurodegeneration and apoptosis, which leads to a reduction in appetite and body weight. Neurodegeneration induces compensatory cell proliferation from the neurogenic niche in tanycytes and new cells are born under short photoperiod. Because these cells have the potential to differentiate into a number of different neuronal phenotypes, this could provide a mechanistic basis to explain the seasonal regulation of energy balance, as well as reproduction. This cycle can be achieved without changes in thyroid hormone/retinoic acid and explains recent data obtained from seasonal animals held in natural conditions. However, thyroid/retinoic acid signalling is required to synchronise the cycles of apoptosis, proliferation and differentiation. Thus, hypothalamic neurogenesis provides a framework to explain diverse photoperiodic responses. / MRC. Grant Number: MR/P012205/1 - Scottish Government - BBSRC. Grant Number: BB/K001043/1 - Physiological Society
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Untersuchung der physiologischen Funktion des Saccarosetransporters SUT4 in ausgewählten SolanaceenChincinska, Izabela Anna 04 June 2010 (has links)
Saccharosetransporter sind Membranproteine, die von der SUT-Genfamilie kodiert werden. In Solanaceen wurden Subfamilien: SUT1, SUT2, und SUT4 identifiziert. Die Funktion von SUT4 wurde bisher nur fragmentarisch geklärt. Mittels real time PCR wurde eine Organ- und Entwicklungs-spezifische SUT4-Expression in Wildtyp Kartoffeln (Solanum tuberosum ssp. tuberosum) der Varietät Désirée gezeigt. Die Expression von SUT4, SUT2 und SUT1 zeigt eine Tagesrhythmik. Mit Hilfe der RNA Interferenz-Technik wurden transgene Pflanzen mit einer reduzierten SUT4-Expression hergestellt. StSUT4-RNAi Kartoffeln zeigten: reduzierte Stängelelongation, frühere Blühinduktion, frühzeitige Knollenbildung, Veränderungen des Kohlenhydratprofils in den Source- und Sink-Organen, sowie in den Phloemexudaten. Eine vermehrte Zuckertranslokation von Source-zu–Sink wurde postuliert. Bestimmte Aspekte des StSUT4-RNAi Phänotyps wurden früher bereits für Pflanzen mit Veränderungen der Gibberellin-Antwort, sowie für Pflanzen mit deregulierter photoperiodischen Signaltransduktion beschrieben. In den StSUT4-RNAi Blättern wurden verringerte Transkriptmengen eines GA-Biosynthese-Enzyms (GA20ox1) und eine erhöhte PhyB-mRNA-Akkumulation festgestellt. Der Versuch der Komplementation des StSUT4-RNAi Phänotyps durch GA3-Behandlung war nicht erfolgreich. Es wurde gezeigt, dass es unter Beschattung zu einer erhöhten SUT4-mRNA-Akkumulation kommt. In den StSUT4-RNAi Pflanzen wurden Veränderungen der Expression photoperiodisch regulierter Gene beobachtet. Eine Rolle des SUT4 als ein Integrator der pflanzlichen Antwort auf Licht, Hormone und Zucker wurde postuliert. / Sucrose transporters are membrane proteins, which are encoded by the SUT gene family. In Solanaceen the SUT1, SUT2, and SUT4 subfamily have been identified. So far, the function of the sucrose transporters belonging to the SUT4 subfamily is only poorly understood. The expression of SUT4 in wild type of potato, Solanum tuberosum ssp. tuberosum var. Désirée analyzed via real time PCR shows to be sink and development specific. The expression of SUT4, SUT2 und SUT1 follow a diurnal rhythm. An RNA interference approach was used for the generation of transgenic plants with reduced SUT4 expression. The transgenic potato plants show a reduced internode elongation, early flowering, early tuberization, changes of the carbohydrate content in source as well as in sink organs of these plants, together with changes in phloem efflux from leaves. Increased translocation rate of soluble sugars was postulated. Particular aspects of the StSUT4-RNAi phenotype were already described for plants with changes in the gibberellin response or changes in the photoperiodic signaling pathway. In the StSUT4-RNAi leaves was observed a reduction of the transcript level of the GA biosynthetic enzyme GA20ox1 and increased accumulation of PhyB transcripts. However, the complementation of the StSUT4-RNAi phenotype by GA3 treatment was not successful. Under shade conditions (or under far red light enrichement), the StSUT4 transcripts accumulated to higher levels. In the StSUT4-RNAi plants were observed changes in the expression of genes involved in the photoperiodic pathway. An integrative function of SUT4 in the coordination of the light signalling, the hormone signalling and the sugar signalling pathways of higher plants was postulated.
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Distribution spatiale et activité des poissons en milieu lacustre - Impacts des facteurs environnementaux à partir d'une approche multi-échelle. Application à la retenue des BarioussesRoy, Romain 04 July 2014 (has links)
Le fonctionnement des milieux aquatiques d’origine anthropique est étroitement dépendant des usages ; l’environnement des communautés biologiques est donc généralement fluctuant. L’étude du lien entre environnement et organisme est alors plus complexe que dans les environnements stables. Ce travail de thèse vise à mieux comprendre comment l’ichtyofaune réagit face aux changements des conditions environnementales dans une retenue soumise à marnage, la retenue des Bariousses, située sur la Vézère.Une approche multi-échelle à la fois biologique (communauté et individus) et temporelle (cycles annuel et journalier) a été adoptée. Une attention particulière a été donnée à la zone littorale car elle joue un rôle crucial pour les communautés piscicoles des milieux lacustres et constitue la première zone affectée par les variations du niveau de l’eau. L’étude se décompose en quatre parties. La première présente les caractéristiques du site d’étude et la seconde décrit l’impact des variations du niveau de l’eau sur les habitats à partir d’une analyse cartographique de la zone littorale. Les conséquences de la contrainte hydrologique via les modifications des conditions d’habitats ont été ensuite analysées en parallèle des effets de la température de l’eau et de la photopériode. Ensuite, la troisième partie présente l’effet de la variabilité temporelle des conditions environnementales, induites par les variations du niveau de l’eau, sur la composition de la communauté littorale (échantillonnage par pêche électrique). Un système innovant de positionnement par télémétrie acoustique (Vemco Positioning System) a finalement permis dans une quatrième partie d’étudier cet impact à un niveau individuel en analysant le comportement de 90 individus de trois espèces différentes (sandre, brochet et perche commune) avec une précision satisfaisante (erreur moyenne de 3.3 m après filtration). Nous avons mis en évidence que les fluctuations du niveau de l’eau induisent une variabilité temporelle de la surface et du volume occupés par la zone littorale. De plus, une diminution progressive de la complexité structurelle des habitats littoraux avec une tendance à l’homogénéisation (dominance des substrats fins et de l’absence de végétation) est observée suite à un abaissement du niveau de l’eau. Malgré ces changements des conditions d’habitats induites par les variations du niveau de l’eau, la communauté piscicole littorale n’a pas montré de nets changements de composition. Une forte variabilité inter individuelle des réponses comportementales aux fluctuations environnementales est notée mais, la température et la photopériode représentent deux paramètres structurant majeurs de l’activité et du choix des habitats. Le niveau d’eau affecte une partie du peuplement, certains individus fréquentent davantage la zone littorale et sont moins mobiles lorsque les habitats accessibles en bordure sont plus complexes (niveau d’eau élevé). Ces résultats ont permis de proposer quelques pistes de réflexion sur la gestion des niveaux d’eau sur cette retenue, en lien avec le peuplement de poissons. / Aquatic ecosystem functioning in human-impacted environments is highly dependent of its uses; in consequence, the environment of biological communities is generally fluctuating. Studying the link between environment and organism in fluctuating environments is generally more complex compared to steady environments. The main objective of this work was to better understand how fish populations respond to environmental modifications in a reservoir affected with water level fluctuations (WLF), the Bariousses’s reservoir located on the Vézère River.A multiscale approach was used with different biological (community and individual) and temporal (annual and daily cycles) scales. A special attention was given to the littoral zone as it plays a key role for lake fish communities and since it is strongly affected by WLF. This work is divided in 4 parts. The first part presents the characteristics of the study site and the second part describes the impact of WLF on the studied habitats using a mapping of the littoral zone. The consequences of hydrological stress through the changes in habitat conditions were also analyzed as well as the effects of water temperature and photoperiod. The third part shows the effect of the temporal variability of environmental conditions induced by WLF on the composition of the littoral fish community (sampled by electrofishing). The fourth part presents an innovative positioning system acoustic telemetry (Vemco Positioning System) that was used to study the impact of WLF at the individual scale by analyzing the behavior of 90 individuals from three different fish species (pikeperch, pike and perch) with a satisfactory accuracy (average error of 3.3 m after filtration).The results of this work showed that WLF induced a temporal variability of the littoral zone surface and volume. In addition, a gradual decrease of the structural complexity of littoral habitats was associated with lower water level inducing a trend to homogenization (dominance of thinner substrates without vegetation). Despite these changes in habitats conditions induced by WLF, littoral fish community did not show any clear change in composition. High inter-individual variability of behavioral responses was observed in response to environmental fluctuations, but the temperature and photoperiod were the two major structural parameters controlling fish activity and spatial distribution. Water level affected a part of the fish population since more individuals attended the littoral zone and were less mobile when available habitats were more complex (with a high water level). These results allowed us to suggest some ideas for the management of water levels in the studied reservoir focused on the fish population.
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Efeito de parâmetros ambientais na migração de baleias-jubarte (Megaptera novaeangliae) entre Mar de Scotia e Banco dos Abrolhos / Effect of environmental parameters in the migration of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) between Scotia Sea and Abrolhos BankAbras, Daniela Rodrigues 24 February 2015 (has links)
Fatores exógenos, como fotoperíodo, temperatura da superfície do mar e abundância de presas, e endógenos, como os ciclos circadianos e circanuais e alterações metabólicas são conhecidos como iniciadores dos movimentos migratórios. Este trabalho tem como objetivo estabelecer os principais parâmetros iniciadores da migração das baleias-jubarte. Foram analisados o fotoperíodo, índice de oscilação do oceano austral (SOI), temperatura da superfície do mar, concentração de clorofila-a e densidade de krill em relação ao número máximo de indivíduos avistados e o dia do pico de avistagem. O fotoperíodo mostrou ser o principal fator que influencia a migração da Antártica em direção a Abrolhos, enquanto que o caminho contrário, além de fotoperíodo, parece ser influenciado também pelo os fatores tais como temperatura da superfície do mar e a quantidade de presas disponíveis no verão anterior. Quanto maior a densidade de krill, maior o número máximo de indivíduos avistados e a temporada reprodutiva mais longa. O SOI mostrou ter influência no ciclo reprodutivo do krill. Valores negativos registraram maior densidade de krill e valores positivos, menor densidade de krill, através do modelo GLM. Altos valores de TSM apresentaram correlação negativa com a densidade de krill, e com o número de baleias avistadas e o tempo de permanência na área reprodutiva, indicando que o aquecimento da região antártica impõe condições não favoráveis para a temporada reprodutiva das baleias. / Exogenous factors, such as photoperiod, sea surface temperature and abundance of prey, and endogenous, such circadian and circannual cycles and metabolic changes are known as initiators of migratory movements. This work aims to establish the main parameters initiators of the migration of the humpback whales. The photoperiod, the Southern Ocean Index (SOI), the sea surface temperature, the chlorophyll-a concentration and the density of krill were analyzed in relation to the maximum number of individuals sighted and the duration of the reproductive season. The photoperiod showed to be the main factor that influences the migration from Antarctica to Abrolhos, while the opposite way, besides photoperiod, seemed to be influenced also by other factors such as sea surface temperature and the amount of prey available in the previous summer. The higher the density of krill, the greater the maximum number of individuals sighted and the longer the reproductive season. The SOI showed to have influence on the reproductive cycle of krill. Negative values correspond to higher density of krill, and positive values, lower density of krill, through the GLM model. High values of TSM presented negative correlation with the density of krill, and with the number of whales sighted and the reproductive season duration in the reproductive area, indicating that the Antartic warming impose unfavorable conditions for the reproductive season of whales.
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Environmental and neuroendocrine control of smoltification in long-river (Loire - Allier) Atlantic salmon / Contrôle environnemental et neuroendocrine de la smoltification chez le saumon Atlantique, Salmo salar, de longue rivièreFleming, Mitchell 20 December 2018 (has links)
La smoltification est un évènement métamorphique chez le saumon qui initie la migration de dévalaison et pré-adapte le juvénile à l’entrée en mer. Cette thèse a pour objectif d’étudier les régulations endocrines et environnementales de la smoltification chez le saumon Atlantique de la longue rivière Loire-Allier, population qui est en danger. Nous montrons la présence et la divergence fonctionnelle de deux paralogues de la sous-unité ß (tshßa & tshßb) de la thyrotropine (TSH) chez le saumon Atlantique et observons un pic d’expression de tshßb dans l’hypophyse à la smoltification, pic concomitant à l’initiation de la migration de dévalaison. Ce résultat est le premier à mettre en relation l’expression hypophysaire de TSH avec la smoltification et le comportement migratoire de dévalaison. L’exposition expérimentale à une photopériode constante de jours courts ou à une température augmentée n’affecte pas nettement le pic de tshßb ni l’initiation de la migration de dévalaison, ce qui met en évidence l’importance de contrôles endogènes. Cette étude apporte de nouvelles connaissances fondamentales sur le cycle de vie du saumon Atlantique avec la découverte de nouveaux acteurs dans le processus de smoltification et avec des implications dans le domaine de la conservation. / Smoltification is a metamorphic event in salmon, which initiates downstream migration and pre-adapts juvenile for seawater entry. The PhD aimed at investigating endocrine and environmental regulation of smoltification in the endangered long-river Loire-Allier Atlantic salmon. We report the presence and functional divergence of thyrotropin ß-subunit paralogs (tshßa & tshßb) in Atlantic salmon and showed a peak pituitary expression of tshßb at smoltification which was concomitant with the initiation of downstream migration. This is the first time pituitary TSH expression is related to smoltification and downstream migratory behavior. Experimental exposure to constant short-day photoperiod or to increased temperature did not markedly affect the peak of tshßb nor the initiation of downstream migration, highlighting the importance of endogenous controls. This study brings new insights to the life cycle of Atlantic salmon with the discovery of novel components of the smoltification process, and with implications for conservation.
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Efeito de parâmetros ambientais na migração de baleias-jubarte (Megaptera novaeangliae) entre Mar de Scotia e Banco dos Abrolhos / Effect of environmental parameters in the migration of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) between Scotia Sea and Abrolhos BankDaniela Rodrigues Abras 24 February 2015 (has links)
Fatores exógenos, como fotoperíodo, temperatura da superfície do mar e abundância de presas, e endógenos, como os ciclos circadianos e circanuais e alterações metabólicas são conhecidos como iniciadores dos movimentos migratórios. Este trabalho tem como objetivo estabelecer os principais parâmetros iniciadores da migração das baleias-jubarte. Foram analisados o fotoperíodo, índice de oscilação do oceano austral (SOI), temperatura da superfície do mar, concentração de clorofila-a e densidade de krill em relação ao número máximo de indivíduos avistados e o dia do pico de avistagem. O fotoperíodo mostrou ser o principal fator que influencia a migração da Antártica em direção a Abrolhos, enquanto que o caminho contrário, além de fotoperíodo, parece ser influenciado também pelo os fatores tais como temperatura da superfície do mar e a quantidade de presas disponíveis no verão anterior. Quanto maior a densidade de krill, maior o número máximo de indivíduos avistados e a temporada reprodutiva mais longa. O SOI mostrou ter influência no ciclo reprodutivo do krill. Valores negativos registraram maior densidade de krill e valores positivos, menor densidade de krill, através do modelo GLM. Altos valores de TSM apresentaram correlação negativa com a densidade de krill, e com o número de baleias avistadas e o tempo de permanência na área reprodutiva, indicando que o aquecimento da região antártica impõe condições não favoráveis para a temporada reprodutiva das baleias. / Exogenous factors, such as photoperiod, sea surface temperature and abundance of prey, and endogenous, such circadian and circannual cycles and metabolic changes are known as initiators of migratory movements. This work aims to establish the main parameters initiators of the migration of the humpback whales. The photoperiod, the Southern Ocean Index (SOI), the sea surface temperature, the chlorophyll-a concentration and the density of krill were analyzed in relation to the maximum number of individuals sighted and the duration of the reproductive season. The photoperiod showed to be the main factor that influences the migration from Antarctica to Abrolhos, while the opposite way, besides photoperiod, seemed to be influenced also by other factors such as sea surface temperature and the amount of prey available in the previous summer. The higher the density of krill, the greater the maximum number of individuals sighted and the longer the reproductive season. The SOI showed to have influence on the reproductive cycle of krill. Negative values correspond to higher density of krill, and positive values, lower density of krill, through the GLM model. High values of TSM presented negative correlation with the density of krill, and with the number of whales sighted and the reproductive season duration in the reproductive area, indicating that the Antartic warming impose unfavorable conditions for the reproductive season of whales.
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