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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ολιστική ενεργειακή θεώρηση κτιρίων

Σακκά, Αγγελική 06 November 2014 (has links)
Στις χώρες της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης ο κτιριακός τομέας απορροφά περίπου το 40% της συνολικής ενεργειακής κατανάλωσης, γεγονός που καθιστά απαραίτητο το λειτουργικό και φιλικό προς το περιβάλλον σχεδιασμό των κτιρίων, παράλληλα με τον περιορισμό των συνολικών ενεργειακών αναγκών τους για την εξοικονόμηση ενέργειας. Όσον αφορά τα ήδη υπάρχοντα κτίρια, μπορούν να γίνουν διάφορες παρεμβάσεις ώστε να επιτευχθεί η μέγιστη δυνατή εξοικονόμηση ενέργειας. Από την άλλη, η Ε.Ε.,στα πλαίσια της βιώσιμης ανάπτυξης και της προστασίας του περιβάλλοντος, έχει θέσει ως στόχο για το 2020 τα καινούρια κτίρια να είναι μηδενικών εκπομπών διοξειδίου του άνθρακα. Για την υλοποίηση του στόχου αυτού, είναι αναγκαίος ο σχεδιασμός των κτιρίων σύμφωνα με τις αρχές της βιοκλιματικής αρχιτεκτονικής, για την ελαχιστοποίηση των ενεργειακών τους αναγκών αλλά και η εφαρμογή συστημάτων Ανανεώσιμων Πηγών Ενέργειας για την παραγωγή θερμικής και ηλεκτρικής ενέργειας και την ελαχιστοποίηση έτσι των εκπομπών CO2 στην ατμόσφαιρα από τα ορυκτά καύσιμα. Στην παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία, αναπτύσσονται στρατηγικές που αποσκοπούν στην αρμονική ένταξη των κτιρίων στο φυσικό περιβάλλον, παρουσιάζονται τα θέματα εξοικονόμησης ενέργειας στα κτίρια, διατυπώνονται οι βασικές παράμετροι για την επίτευξη ολιστικής ενεργειακής κάλυψης των κτιρίων και την προετοιμασία του επόμενου βήματος σχετικά με την ενέργεια στα κτίρια για το έτος 2020 και δίνονται νέες τεχνολογικές λύσεις που αναπτύχθηκαν στο εργαστήριο ηλιακής ενέργειας, με σκοπό την βέλτιστη αξιοποίηση της ηλιακής ενέργειας και των άλλων ΑΠΕ στα κτίρια. Στα πλαίσια της πλήρους κάλυψης των κτιριακών ενεργειακών αναγκών από ΑΠΕ και της προώθησης των κτιρίων σχεδόν μηδενικής κατανάλωσης από συμβατικές ενεργειακές πηγές, μελετάται πειραματικά η συμβολή των φωτοβολταϊκών σε δυσμενή κλίση και προσανατολισμό. Εξετάζεται η συνεισφορά διάχυτων ανακλαστήρων στην ενεργειακή τους απόδοση, η επίδραση του υλικού της θερμομόνωσης και του περιορισμού των θερμικών απωλειών. Τέλος, εξετάζεται η αξιοποίηση κάθε τμήματος του κτιρίου που μπορεί να έχει θετική συμβολή στο ενεργειακό θέμα. Έτσι προτείνονται τρόποι τοποθέτησης φωτοβολταϊκών σε οριζόντιες και επικλινείς στέγες και στις προσόψεις των κτιρίων, με προσθήκη ανακλαστήρα όπου είναι δυνατό, που μπορούν να συνεισφέρουν στην επίτευξη μηδενικού ενεργειακού ισοζυγίου στα κτίρια. / In the countries of the European Union the building sector accounts for about 40% of the total energy consumption, so it is necessary that the buildings should be designed in a functional and environmentally-friendly way, in addition to the minimization of of the total energy needs to achieve energy savings. As for the existing buildings, they should be renovated so that maximum energy savings is achieved. On the other hand, the EU’s target for 2020 is that new buildings must be of zero carbon dioxide emissions. For the implementation of this goal, buildings should be designed according to the principles of bioclimatic architecture to minimize energy needs, but also systems of Renewable Energy Sources should be applied to produce thermal energy and electricity, in order to minimize carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels. In the present thesis, strategies aiming to harmonic integration of buildings in the natural environment are developed, holistic energy saving aspects for buildings are presented, aspects regarding the next step to the target for 2020 are given, and some new designs of building integrated RES, investigated at the Solar Energy Laboratory, are suggested. Approaching the holistic contribution of the renewable energy sources (RES) to buildings for total cover of their energy demand, and the achievement of nearly zero energy buildings, the contribution of photovoltaics in disadvantageous inclination and azimuth angle is experimentally studied. The contribution of diffuse reflectors to pV’s energy efficiency, the impact of thermal insulation materials and the impact of limitating the thermal losses to PV’s operation, are studied as well. Furthermore, the use of every single part of the building in order to contribute to its energy supply, is considered. Designs for photovoltaic integration on horizontal and inclined roofs and facades are suggested, combined with booster reflector if possible, aiming to achieve zero energy balance of buildings.

Συμβατικός και ευφυής έλεγχος σε φωτοβολταϊκή εγκατάσταση

Μπράτης, Ιωάννης-Διονύσιος 13 January 2015 (has links)
Στην παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία προσομοιώθηκε, μέσω του προγράμματος Matlab και συγκεκριμένα μέσω της εργαλειοθήκης Simulink, ένα υβριδικό μικροδίκτυο το οποίο αποτελούνταν από μια φωτοβολταϊκή διάταξη των 85W, ένα συσσωρευτή ιόντων-λιθίου (Liion battery), δυο DC-DC μετατροπείς και ένα R-L φορτίο. Στην συνέχεια πραγματοποιήθηκαν 4 διαφορετικές τεχνικές ελέγχου σε 2 σημεία, έναν στην πλευρά του φωτοβολταϊκού και έναν στην πλευρά της μπαταρίας. Ο έλεγχος στην πλευρά του φωτοβολταϊκού στόχευε το ρεύμα του φωτοβολταϊκού κάθε χρονική στιγμή να έχει την κατάλληλη τιμή προκειμένου να επιτυγχάνεται η μέγιστη ισχύς μέσω σημείου απόδοσης της μέγιστης ισχύος (MPPT). Ο έλεγχος στην πλευρά της μπαταρίας έχει ως σκοπό την διατήρηση της τάσης του φορτίου στα 100 V.(Vload_reference=100V). Οι έλεγχοι που πραγματοποιήθηκαν ήταν με χρήση PI ελεγκτών, έλεγχοι εκμεταλλευόμενοι την παθητικότητα του Euler-Lagrange συστήματος (PBC), με χρήση ασαφών (fuzzy) ελεγκτών και με χρήση νευρο-ασαφών (neuro-fuzzy) ελεγκτών. / In this diploma thesis a DC hybrid microgrid was simulated by using the program Matlab and specifically the toolbox Simulink. The microgrid consists of a photovoltaic array, a Li-ion battery storage, two DC-DC converters and an R-L load. Four different control methods were then applied to our system in 2 places, one on the photovoltaic array and one on the battery. The one on the photovoltaic array aimed that the PV current would be such that every time the maximum power from the PV would be achieved through a maximum power point tracker. The one on the battery has the purpose of maintaining the load voltage at 100 Volts. The control methods which were implied were PI controllers, passivity based control, fuzzy controllers and neuro-fuzzy controllers.

Μοντελοποίηση και εξομοίωση μετασχηματιστών διανομής για την διασύνδεση συστημάτων ήπιων μορφών ενέργειας

Θεοχάρης, Ανδρέας 26 August 2009 (has links)
Αναπτύσσεται ένα πλήρες δυναμικό μοντέλο μετασχηματιστή που λαμβάνει υπόψη τη γεωμετρία του πυρήνα και τη συνδεσμολογία των τυλιγμάτων. Το μοντέλο μπορεί εύκολα να ενσωματωθεί στις καταστατικές εξισώσεις ενός συστήματος ισχύος με σκοπό τη μελέτη της δυναμικής του απόκρισης και τον υπολογισμό ανωτέρων αρμονικών. Ο βρόχος υστέρησης του υλικού του πυρήνα εισάγεται με το μοντέλο που: (α) προτείνει ο Tellinen και (β) προτείνουν οι Jiles και Atherton. Τα μοντέλα αυτά υπολογίζουν σωστά τις απώλειες υστέρησης του πυρήνα, επιτρέποντας στα διάφορα τμήματα του πυρήνα να διαγράφουν διαφορετικούς βρόχους. Η επίδραση των δινορευμάτων ενσωματώνεται στο μοντέλο με μη γραμμικές ωμικές αντιστάσεις για τον υπολογισμό των οποίων αξιοποιούνται οι σχετικές με τα δινορεύματα, ευρέως αποδεκτές, εργασίες του Bertotti. Ο πίνακας Ld των αυξητικών επαγωγών του μετασχηματιστή υπολογίζεται για οποιαδήποτε γεωμετρία πυρήνα και αριθμό τυλιγμάτων με την βοήθεια του Ισοδυνάμου Αυξητικού Κυκλώματος (ΙΑΚ) του πυρήνα. Ο αναλυτικός υπολογισμός των στοιχείων του πίνακα Ld αναδεικνύει τον τρόπο εξάρτησης των αυξητικών επαγωγών του μετασχηματιστή από τη γεωμετρία του πυρήνα και από τη χαρακτηριστική καμπύλη του υλικού. / A dynamic and complete transformer model is developed which takes into account the magnetic core geometry and the windings connections. This model can easily be incorporated with the state equations of a power system, in order to calculate its dynamic response and the harmonic content. The magnetic hysteresis of the core material is introduced the model that is proposed by: (a) Tellinen and (b) Jiles and Atherton. These models can estimate the hysteresis power losses even when the hysteresis loops into several parts of the core differ. The eddy currents effects are incorporated into the model by non-linear ohmic resistances which are based on Bertotti’s work for the eddy currents. The matrix Ld of the incremental inductances of the windings is calculated, for any possible core geometry and number of windings, using the Equivalent Incremental Circuit (EIC) of the core. The analytical calculation of the elements of the matrix Ld shows the dependency of the incremental inductances on the core geometry and the characteristic curve of the core material.

Βέλτιστος σχεδιασμός πολλαπλασιαστών τάσης για φωτοβολταϊκά πλαίσια συνδεδεμένα στο δίκτυο χαμηλής τάσης

Κομπούγιας, Ιωάννης 19 July 2012 (has links)
Η παρούσα διδακτορική διατριβή εστιάζεται στον χώρο των Φ/Β πλαισίων εναλλασσομένου ρεύματος (AC-PV Modules) με μετατροπείς δύο βαθμίδων, και πιο συγκεκριμένα σε μετατροπείς Σ.Τ. – Σ.Τ με τους οποίους επιτυγχάνεται ανύψωση της τάσης και μπορούν να αποτελέσουν την πρώτη από τις δύο βαθμίδες. Τρεις είναι οι κύριοι στόχοι: A)Η εύρεση της καταλληλότερης επιλογής για την πρώτη βαθμίδα της διάταξης σύνδεσης ενός Φ/Β πλαισίου στο μονοφασικό δίκτυο χαμηλής τάσης. B)Ο βέλτιστος σχεδιασμός και η επιλογή του κατάλληλου Πολλαπλασιαστή Τάσης. C)Ο βέλτιστος σχεδιασμός της μονάδας ανύψωσης τάσης, η οποία αποτελεί την πρώτη βαθμίδα, μιας διάταξης δύο βαθμίδων, για τη σύνδεση Φ/Β πλαισίου με το δίκτυο χαμηλής τάσης. Η μελέτη των τυπικών επιπέδων τάσης που εμφανίζονται σε διατάξεις διασύνδεσης δύο βαθμίδων απέδειξε την ανάγκη σχεδιασμού μετατροπέων Σ.Τ.-Σ.Τ. με υψηλά κέρδη τάσης, τα οποία δεν μπορούν να προσφέρουν οι κλασσικοί μετατροπείς. Το γεγονός αυτό αποτέλεσε το έναυσμα για τη διερεύνηση της λειτουργικής συμπεριφοράς των Πολλαπλασιαστών Τάσης και εστιάσθηκε στην εξαγωγή νέων απλών και ακριβέστερων μαθηματικών σχέσεων για τη λειτουργία τους, στον ορισμό και την υλοποίηση του βέλτιστου σχεδιασμού και τέλος στη βέλτιστη επιλογή των στοιχείων του κυκλώματος. Για τον καλύτερο δυνατό σχεδιασμό του ανυψωτή τάσης διεξάγεται τεκμηριωμένη σύγκριση μεταξύ διαφόρων δημοφιλών τοπολογιών Πολλαπλασιαστών Τάσης, καθώς και της μορφής της τάσης που θα τον τροφοδοτεί. Η εκτεταμένη έρευνα καταλήγει στην εφαρμογή θετικής παλμικής τάσης εισόδου, με τη χρήση μιας παραλλαγής του μετατροπέα Boost (Mod Boost), ενώ επικρατέστερος Πολλαπλασιαστής Τάσης είναι μία παραλλαγή του Half-Wave Cockcroft-Walton με πυκνωτή εξομάλυνσης (Modified Half-Wave Cockcroft-Walton with Smoothing Capacitor). Στα πλαίσια της διδακτορικής διατριβής προτείνεται επιπλέον ένας νέος επαναληπτικός αλγόριθμος, ο οποίος συνδυάζει επιτυχώς θεωρητικές εξισώσεις και προσομοίωση, έχοντας ως στόχο το βέλτιστο σχεδιασμό του σύνθετου ανυψωτή τάσης, ο οποίος ονομάστηκε “Mod Boost – Mod H-W C-W SC VM” και συνίσταται από τον τροποποιημένο μετατροπέα Boost και τον προαναφερθέντα Πολλαπλασιαστή Τάσης. Τα συμπεράσματα και τα θεωρητικά αποτελέσματα της παρούσας διδακτορικής διατριβής επιβεβαιώνονται μέσω της προσομοίωσης και της σύγκρισης με κατάλληλα εργαστηριακά πρωτότυπα. / The current PhD thesis focuses on the field of AC PV Modules using Dual-Steps Inverters and more specifically on DC-DC Converters that are voltage boosters and can act as the first one of the two stages of the inverter. Three goals are accomplished in this work: A)The optimum choice of the topology for the first stage of a dual steps inverter of an AC-PV Module connected to the single-phase low voltage utility grid. B)The optimum choice and design of the Voltage Multiplier. C)The optimum design of the first stage of a dual steps inverter of an AC-PV Module. The analysis of the typical voltage levels at the dual steps topologies turns the research interest to DC-DC Converters with voltage gain (more than 20) higher than what is typical for the classical topologies. Based on that, a theoretical analysis is held on Voltage Multipliers according to which the crucial magnitudes are highlighted and new, simple and accurate formulas are extracted, which describe the operation of the voltage multipliers. Moreover theoretical supported choices about the capacitances in every stage are suggested, an optimum design is determined and for its implementation new accurate easy-to-use formulas are extracted. For an optimal design of the voltage booster, well established comparisons are made between popular types of voltage Multipliers and voltage triggering sources. The intensive research leads to the use of a positive voltage pulsing source that is generated by a modified Boost converter (Mod Boost Converter). Moreover a modified Half-Wave Cockcroft-Walton with Smoothing Capacitor VM is set as the best choice among the studied Voltage Multipliers. Furthermore, a novel iterative optimum design algorithm is introduced, which uses both the theoretical equations of a VM optimum design and a simulation software, so as to make feasible an optimum design of the novel DC-DC Converter. The new converter, named Mod Boost – Mod H-W C-W SC VM, results from the series connection of the modified converters Boost and Half Wave Cockcroft Walton with Smoothing Capacitor VM. Finally, the conclusions and the theoretical analysis of this work are validated by PSPICE simulations and experimental results, extracted by measurements on laboratory prototypes.

Estudo dos impactos de um sistema fotovoltaico conectado à rede elétrica utilizando análises QSTS / Study of a grid-connected photovoltaic system impacts using QSTS analysis

Bastos, Camila Bianka Silva 27 February 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-12T20:27:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Camila Bianka Silva Bastos.pdf: 1963598 bytes, checksum: bee88eacc3f6e3c327425297316a691d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-27 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This dissertation presents a study of the operation of two different three-phase grid-connected test-grids with the connection of a 1MWp photovoltaic system. Two analysis methods are used to evaluate the impacts of this photovoltaic systeM, these methods being conventional static analysis and the analysis known as Quasi-Static Time-Series Analysis. Despite the fact that all grids have unique characteristics, it is important to use test-grids, which simulate the real grid characteristics, to analyze the kinds of problems that can occur and then look for alternatives, if necessary. The impacts evaluated are related to the system losses, minimized with the allocation study of the generation on the grid, voltage profile and tap position curve, when automatic load tap changers are used. It was verified that the photovoltaic system interconnection point is the most influenced one after its connection to the grid. The Quasi-Static Time-Series Analysis allow the correct evaluation of the load-generation interaction, running the time series power flow through estimated data for the load and irradiance curves during 168 hours. The conventional static analysis only considers critical operation conditions, like minimum and maximum load, and no generation or maximum generation, and does not evaluate different case scenarios that occur in reality. The photovoltaic systems can bring many advantages to the electric systems, like the improvement on the final consumer voltage profile, line losses reduction, and also environmental impacts reduction. However, with the increase of distributed photovoltaic generation on the electrical grid, it s necessary to be aware of the impacts that this may cause by performing interconnection studies. / Esta dissertação apresenta um estudo da operação de uma rede teste trifásica de média tensão com a interligação de um sistema fotovoltaico de 1,0 MWp. Dois métodos de análise são utilizados para avaliar os impactos deste sistema fotovoltaico, sendo estes métodos as análises estáticas convencionais eas análises conhecidas como Quasi-Static Time-Series Analysis. Apesar de cada rede elétrica apresentar características únicas, é importante a utilização de sistemas testes, que simulam as características de sistemas reais, para analisar que tipos problemas podem surgir e então buscar alternativas, se necessário. Os impactos avaliados se referem às perdas no sistema, minimizadas com a correta alocação da geração, perfil de tensão e curva de posição do tap, no caso de transformador com comutação automática de tap. Contata-se que o ponto de conexão do sistema fotovoltaico é o mais influenciado pela sua conexão à rede. As análises QSTS possibilitam avaliar corretamente a iteração entre carga e geração, efetuando o fluxo de potência consecutivo através de dados estimados para as curvas de carga e de irradiância solar ao longo de 168 horas. Já as análises convencionais consideram apenas condições críticas de operação, como por exemplo, carga leve ou nominal e geração nula ou máxima, não avaliando então diferentes cenários de operação que ocorrem na prática. Os sistemas fotovoltaicos podem trazer muitos benefícios aos sistemas elétricos, como melhoria do perfil de tensão de atendimento ao consumidor, redução de perdas nas linhas, além da redução nos impactos ambientais. Entretanto, com o aumento de geração fotovoltaica distribuída na rede, é necessário estar atento aos impactos que isto pode causar através de estudos de interconexão.

Sistemas fotovoltaicos integrados ao perfil de uso da edificação / Integrated photovoltaic systems to use the building profile

Márcia Rose Alves de Macedo Azzolino Ricetta 08 December 2010 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, o consumo de energia vem crescendo mundialmente nos grandes centros urbanos, e esforços na área de eficiência energética estão sendo implantados, a fim de reduzir o consumo no horário da ponta e interrupções da rede. O aproveitamento das fontes renováveis, como o fotovoltaico em uma edificação se torna um atrativo a mais para a matriz energética num momento em que o país prima pela universalização dos serviços de energia e a classificação de edifícios comerciais, de serviço e públicos, além dos residenciais quanto à eficiência energética através do Procel Edifica (RTQ-C e RTQ-R). Os sistemas fotovoltaicos podem configurar perfis de uso nas edificações de modo a gerar energia para consumo próprio ou ligado à rede e ainda ter influência na arquitetura do prédio com revestimento: os perfis podem está em telhados, fachadas ou janelas, amenizando em alguns casos a carga térmica no prédio com sombreamento arquitetônico. Hoje, com o avanço da tecnologia no setor de armazenagem é possível, o atendimento com segurança e eficiência a uma edificação ou direcionar esta armazenagem a uma demanda específica como o atendimento à demanda de ciclo profundo, tais como, iluminação externa e recarga de veículos elétricos. Partindo da premissa de sistemas interruptos de energia, UPS, uso de fonte secundária como FV, baterias e Flywheel é apresentado uma forma de melhor gerenciar a energia armazenada, podendo estender a vida útil da bateria e conseqüentemente de todo o sistema fotovoltaico na edificação. Esta forma de armazenar energia proporciona um serviço de uso contínuo sem percepção das interrupções da rede com garantia de 20 anos, tal qual o módulo fotovoltaico, com esta proposta as perdas de energia elétrica na edificação serão atenuadas, pois a eletricidade será utilizada de forma eficiente e inteligente. O ponto de partida do estudo de caso no prédio do IBAM são os sistemas fotovoltaicos com geração distribuída (mini-redes) conectados à rede que são instalados para fornecer energia ao consumidor, complementando a quantidade de energia demandada, caso haja algum aumento do consumo de energia na edificação, ou ainda utilizar o sistema fotovoltaico na hora da ponta e interrupções do sistema da rede no período fora da ponta. A estocagem inercial por meio do Flywheel tem um papel fundamental nesta mini-rede (Flywheel, bateria VRLA, UPS, inversor e STS), pois a sua utilização pode ser apontada como uma inovação tecnológica quanto à regulação de tensão no sistema de energia elétrica, além de preparar a edificação para o smart-grid. Esta configuração de acumulação de energia permitiu a analise do deslocamento desta energia armazenada para o consumo no horário de ponta, mudando o conceito de sistemas fotovoltaicos autônomos no meio urbano e rural no país. Este conceito de armazenagem se confirma então como um aporte na eficiência de energia na edificação, podendo carrear economia de energia substancial, além de proporcionar uma confiabilidade no serviço de energia, com um baixo retorno do investimento e com uma garantia de funcionamento com pequena ou nenhuma manutenção durante o período de vida de 20 anos. / In recent years, energy consumption is globally growing in urban centers, and efforts in the area of energy efficiency are being implemented to reduce consumption of this at the time of the tip and grid outages. The use of renewable sources such as photovoltaic in a building becomes a more attractive energy matrix for a moment in which Brazil press for universal energy service and labeling of commercial buildings, service and public and residential on the efficiency energy through Procel Build (RTQ RTQ-C and-R). Photovoltaic systems can be used as coatings on buildings to generate energy for its own or connected to the mini-grid and still have influence on the architecture of the building: the coatings can is in roofs, facades or windows, softening in some cases the thermal load on building with architectural shading. Putting photovoltaic panels on the facades of the building allows us to serve the demand of the load with deep cycle, such as exterior lighting and possibly charging for electric vehicles. Today, with advancing technology in the storage industry is possible to service safely and efficiently in a storage building or direct this to a specific demand. Assuming uninterrupted power systems, UPS, use of secondary sources like PV, batteries and Flywheel is presented a way to better manage the stored energy and can extend battery life and consequently the entire PV system in the building. This way of storing energy provides a service perception of continuous use without interruption of the network with 20-year warranty, like the PV module, with this proposed loss of electricity in the building will be softened because the electricity will be used efficiently and intelligently. The starting point of the case study conducted in a commercial building in Rio de Janeiro is the photovoltaic systems with distributed generation (mini-grids) that are connected to the grid installed to provide power close to consumers, enhancing the amount of energy ofered if there is some increase in energy consumption in the building, or to use the PV system at the time of the tip and the grid system outages during off-peak. The storage through the inertial flywheel has a key role in this mini-grid (Flywheel, VRLA battery, UPS, inverter and STS), because their use can be considered a technological innovation for the voltage regulation in electric power system, and to prepare the building for the smart-grid. The accumulation of power by batteries and Flywheel UPS allowed the analysis of displacement of energy stored for consumption at peak hours, the same being managed by mini-grids, changing the concept of photovoltaic systems in urban and rural areas in Brazil . This form of storage is then confirmed as an intake of energy efficiency in building, as well as for the Brazilian energy matrix. Thus may carry substantial energy savings, and provide a service reliability of power, with a low return on investment and a guarantee of operation with little or no maintenance during the life of 20 years.

Uma contribuição ao estudo de algoritmos de rastreamento de máxima potência de sistemas fotovoltaicos utilizando a equação de Monod

Camilo, Jones Clemente January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Prof. Dr. Alfeu Joãozinho Sguarezi Filho / Coorientador: Prof. Dr. Joel David Melo Trujillo / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica, Santo André, 2018. / Neste trabalho é proposto um algoritmo de rastreamento de máxima potência com a utilização da equação de Monod. O algoritmo aplica-se em sistemas fotovoltaicos conectados à rede elétrica. Os resultados e as comparações mostram que o algoritmo proposto apresenta algumas vantagens em comparação ao algoritmo de perturbação e observação para diversas condições de operação, em especial quando os painéis são submetidos a sombreamento parcial. / In this work we propose an algorithm of maximum power point tracking with using the Monod Equation. The algorithm applies to photovoltaic systems connected to the grid. The results and the comparition show that the algoritmo proposal has some advantages compared to algoritm Perturb and Observe in many situation of operation, in special when the fotovoltaics painels have parcial shading.

Studium tepelných vlastností materiálů vhodných k chlazení fotovoltaických panelů / Study of Thermal Properties of Materials for Cooling of Photovoltaic Panels

Dohnalová, Lenka January 2016 (has links)
The topic of this doctoral thesis is to study the thermal properties of PCM materials and discussion of their use for cooling of photovoltaic systems. The aim of the study is to measure and characterize the thermal properties of commercial PCM materials (Micronal®), their practical use is related to the phase transitions. The behavior of bulk materials at different temperatures is well described theoretically and experimentally verified. For the application use it is necessary to examine and determine the thermal properties of PCM materials depending on the phase transitions during heating and cooling. To study the thermal properties of materials the known transient methods of measuring are used which give full information about the behavior of the materials investigated in dependence on the temperature and thus allow the determination of the thermo-physical parameters of the system. For the transient measurements there are used especially pulse transient and step wise method. Newly is used also combination of linear temperature rise (the ramp wise) and the step wise method. The principle is based on the generation of a small amount of heat inside the studied sample and it is measured the thermal response of the system from which it may be then determined the necessary thermo-physical parameters. The theoretical part of this thesis focuses on characterization of methods for the determination of thermo-physical parameters of the investigated material. In the experimental part of the approached process of experiment, the results, the method of evaluation of the obtained data and also the discussion of results from the viewpoint of potential applications are presented.

Evaluation of the suitably of proposed site for construction of photovoltaic solar facility at Kakamas in the Northern Cape of South Africa

Tshilate, Lindelani 18 May 2019 (has links)
MESMEG / Department of Mining and Environmental Geology / Solar energy development is experiencing significant growth due to national interest in increasing energy efficiency, reducing dependence on fossil fuels, increasing domestic energy production, and curbing greenhouse gas emissions. Northern Cape is generally known to be one of the preferred areas for the generation of solar energy in South Africa, and even in the world, due to its abundant solar radiation. Although this area has abundant potential for solar power generation, not all the areas are suitable for construction of solar plant facilities especially those that are prone to sand storm and dust accumulation. Consequently, site evaluation is very crucial for planning, design and construction of the solar facility. The main objective of this study was to determine the suitability of a proposed site at Kakamas in the Northern Cape for construction of a photovoltaic solar facility. The specific objectives of this research were to assess and establish all the geotechnical aspects that may have an impact on the development of the site, to explore the surface conditions at the proposed site and to establish the soil properties and comment on the use of the on-site soils in the construction of the solar facility. Other specific objectives included to determine the variability of ground conditions and effects of such variability on the proposed development and to provide foundation recommendations for the design and construction of the solar facility. In order to obtain this information, methods such as desktop studies, geological survey, soil survey, magnetic survey and soil profiling were employed to obtain information about the geotechnical aspects of the study area and properties of the on-site soil. Field tests such as cone penetration and resistivity survey and laboratory tests such as foundation indicator test, California Bearing Ratio, pH and permeability test were also performed in order to determine the engineering, behavioral and hydraulic properties of the soil. The results of the geologic and magnetic survey indicated that the study area is underlain by mainly igneous and metamorphic rocks such as gneiss, quartzite, pegmatite, gneiss and calcrete. The results of the soil profiling and the resistivity survey showed that the study area is comprised of sandy soil with either two or three horizons while the cone penetration results revealed high variable soil consistency and stiffness which ranged from very loose to very stiff soils. The particle size distribution, atterberg limits and grading modulus indicated that the study area is characterized mainly by dry, cohesionless and non-plastic to slightly plastic coarse-grained sandy soil with sand content ranging from 71- 96%. From the CBR results, it was found that the soils in the study area generally classifies as G6 material and can be used as base, sub base and backfilling material in accordance with the TRH 14 specifications. The permeability test results indicated moderately permeable sandy silt soils with coefficient of permeability ranging between 1x10-3 to 8x10-3 cm/sec and ground water was encountered at 1.3 m depth. The material excavatability indicated variable material on site ranging from soft calcretes with soft excavation to highly competent material such as quartz and dorbank which require hard excavation while the side wall stability of trial pits indicated stable pit walls during the investigation giving an indication of stability of long pit excavations. The foundation analysis showed that driven piles and earth screws are the ideal foundation types for this site and that the site is generally suitable for construction of the solar facility provided all the recommendations are implemented. / NRF

Global Sensitivity Analysis of Inverter-Based Resources for Bulk Power System Dynamic Studies

Guddanti, Balaji January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

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