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Συμβολή στη φαρμακογνωστική μελέτη του H. vesiculosumΒογιατζόγλου, Αμαλία 02 March 2015 (has links)
Το γένος Hypericum L. περιλαμβάνει πάνω από 450 taxa παγκοσμίως, ενώ στην Ελλάδα έχουν καταγραφεί 50 taxa (35 είδη και 15 υποείδη). Το υπερικό είναι γνωστό από την αρχαιότητα για την επουλωτική και αντικαταθλιπτική του δράση. Το H. perforatum αποτελεί το γνωστότερο είδος από το οποίο προκύπτουν τα εμπορικά διαθέσιμα φυτικά εκχυλίσματα. Η έρευνα της χημικής σύστασης των εκχυλισμάτων του υπερικού έχει αναδείξει την παρουσία ενώσεων μοναδικών ως προς τη δομή και περιορισμένης κατανομής, όπως οι ναφθοδιανθρόνες και οι φλωρογλουκινόλες.
Το Hypericum vesiculosum Griseb. ανήκει στο ίδιο γένος με το H. perforatum L., ωστόσο δεν έχει μελετηθεί ως προς την φυτοχημική του σύσταση. Xαρακτηρίζεται υπενδημικό αυτοφυές φυτό και εξαπλώνεται στη βόρεια και ανατολική Ελλάδα, στη βόρεια και κεντρική Ελλάδα και στην Πελοπόννησο. Σκοπός της παρούσας εργασίας ήταν η φυτοχημική ανάλυση του H. vesiculosum και η μελέτη της αγχολυτικής δράσης του μεθανολικού εκχυλίσματος σε γηραιούς θηλυκούς και αρσενικούς μύες. Το φυτό συλλέχθηκε στην Πελοπόννησο από την περιοχή της λίμνης Στυμφαλίας, του νομού Κορινθίας.
Τα μεθανολικά εκχυλίσματα των H. vesiculosum και H. perforatum μελετήθηκαν και συγκρίθηκαν ως προς τη φυτοχημική τους σύσταση με τη χρήση υγρής χρωματογραφίας υψηλής απόδοσης με ανιχνευτή συστοιχίας φωτοδιόδων (High Performance Liquid Chromatography – Diode Array, HPLC – DAD), σε στήλη αντίστροφης φάσης Luna C-18. Παρατηρήθηκε ταύτιση των HPLC χρωματογραφημάτων ανάμεσα στα δύο taxa, σε μεγάλο βαθμό, ενώ ταυτοποιήθηκαν και ποσοτικοποιήθηκαν οι ενώσεις χλωρογενικό οξύ, ρουτίνη, υπεροζίτης, ισοκεριστρίνη, κερσιτρίνη, κερσετίνη, αμεντοφλαβόνη, κερσετίνη, υπερικίνη και υπερικίνη στο H. vesiculosum για πρώτη φορά. Όλες οι κορυφές που ταυτοποιήθηκαν ήταν σε μικρότερο ποσοστό στο Η. vesiculosum σε σχέση με το H. perforatum, με εξαίρεση την κερσιτρίνη σε ποσοστό 20,3%. Οι ναφθοδιανθρόνες στο σύνολο τους ήταν λιγότερες σε ποσοστό 85%. Με σκοπό την απομόνωση των ναφθοδιανθρονών από το ξηρό μεθανολικό εκχύλισμα πραγματοποιήθηκαν διαδοχικές κλασματώσεις με εξάνιο και οξικό αιθυλεστέρα, αλλά και κλασική υγρή χρωματογραφία στήλης με Silica 60A και Sephadex LH-20. Ύστερα από καθαρισμό τους με ημιπαρασκευαστικό HPLC και καθαρότητα μεγαλύτερη από 98%, πραγματοποιήθηκε η ταυτοποίηση τους με φασματομετρία μάζας (Mass Spectrometry, MS), όπου διαπιστώθηκε ότι οι απομονωθείσες ενώσεις ήταν η υπερικίνη, με μοριακό βάρος 504 και η ψευδοϋπερικίνη, με μοριακό βάρος 520.
H αγχολυτική δράση του μεθανολικού εκχυλίσματος από το H. vesiculosum εξετάσθηκε σε γηραιούς αρσενικούς και θηλυκούς μύες, ηλικίας περίπου 12 μηνών, με τη δοκιμή του ανοικτού πεδίου (Open Field Test). Η χορήγηση του εκχυλίσματος έγινε ενδοπεριτοναϊκά 24 ώρες και 1 ώρα πριν από τη δοκιμασία, σε ποσότητα 250mg/Kg. Η παράμετρος που εξετάστηκε ήταν ο θιγμοτακτισμός μετρώντας τον χρόνο που παρέμειναν οι μύες στην περιφέρεια της συσκευής. Τα αποτελέσματα επιβεβαίωσαν την αγχολυτική δράση του εκχυλίσματος στους γηραιούς μύες και στα δύο φύλα. Συγκεκριμένα ο χρόνος θιγμοτακτισμού μειώθηκε σε ποσοστό 24% στις ομάδες που έλαβαν το εκχύλισμα. Στο H. vesiculosum εδείχθη για πρώτη φορά η παρουσία των ναφθοδιανθρονών και έγινε σύγκριση της φυτοχημικής του σύστασης σε σχέση με το H. perforatum. Η αγχολυτική δράση που επέδειξε το φυτό στους γηραιούς μύες, θα μπορούσε να χρησιμοποιηθεί στην θεραπευτική για μελλοντική εφαρμογή η οποία, ωστόσο, χρειάζεται περαιτέρω διερεύνηση. / The genus Hypericum L. includes over 450 taxa worldwide and in Greece there have been recorded 50 taxa (35 species and 15 subspecies). St. John’s wort is known since ancient times for it’s healing and antidepressant actions. H. perforatum is the best known species from which the commercially available herbal extracts are produced. The investigation of Hypericum extracts’ chemical composition has revealed the presence of unique compounds, in structure and limited distribution, such as naphthodianthrones and phloroglucinols.
The taxon Hypericum vesiculosum Griseb. belongs to the same genus with H. perforatum L., however, it has not been studied before for its phytochemical composition. It is a subendemic plant and spreads to the northern and eastern Greece, the northern and central Greece and the Peloponnese. The purpose of this study was the phytochemical analysis of H. vesiculosum and investigation of methanolic extract’s potential anxiolytic activity, in aged female and male mice. The plant was collected from the Peloponnese region of Lake Stymfalia (prefecture of Corinthia).
The methanol extract of H. vesiculosum Griseb. and H. perforatum L. were analysed with high performance liquid chromatography, connected with a photodiode array detector (High Performance Liquid Chromatography - Diode Array, HPLC - DAD) and a reversed phase column Luna C-18. The HPLC chromatograms demonstrated great resemblance between the two taxa. In H. vesiculosum, the compounds chlorogenic acid, rutin, hyperoside, isoquercitrin, quercitrin, quercetin, amentoflavone, hypericin and hypericin were identified and quantified for the first time. All peaks were quantified in smaller proportion in H. vesiculosum compared to H. perforatum, with the exception of quercitrin of which the percentage was 20.3 %. The total propotion of naphthodianthrones was less than 85 % in Η. vesiculosum. In order to isolate the naphthodianthrones from the dry methanol extract, sequential fractionations were performed with hexane and ethyl acetate but also classic liquid column chromatography with Silica 60A and Sephadex LH-20. After isolating the two compounds with semipreparative HPLC and purity greater than 98%, their identification was performed with mass spectrometry (Mass Spectrometry, MS). The isolated compounds were hypericin, with molecular weight 504 and pseudohypericin, with molecular weight 520.
The potential anxiolytic activity of the methanolic extract of H. vesiculosum was examined in aged male and female mice (12 months old), with the open-field test (Open Field Test). The short-term administration of the extract was intraperitoneally 24 h and 1 h before the test, at the dose of 250mg/Kg body weight. The parameter which was considered was the time the mice stayed in the periphery of the device (thigmotaxis time). The results confirmed the anxiolytic activity of the extract at the aged mice in both sexes. More specifically the thigmotaxis time was decreased in a percentage of 24% for the groups who received the extract. The presence of naphthodianthrones was shown in H. vesiculosum for the first time but also the phytochemical compositions of Η. vesiculosum and H. perforatum were compared. In conclusion, the present results show that H. vesiculosum contains the main bioactive constituents of H. perforatum in almost the same quantities and engenders anxiolytic behavior in both male and female aged mice
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Estudo fitoquímico e atividades biológicas preliminares de extratos de Polygonum Acre (Polygonaceae) H.B.K. e Synadenium Carinatum (Euphorbiaceae) Boiss /Sofiati, Filipe Toni. January 2009 (has links)
Orientador: Rosemeire Cristina Linhari Rodrigues Pietro / Banca: Rosemeire Cristina Linhari Rodrigues Pietro / Banca: Luis Carlos Marques / Banca: Taís Maria Bauab / Resumo: Embora milhares de espécies vegetais sejam utilizadas na medicina tradicional do mundo, estima-se que apenas 1% são conhecidas por estudos científicos, com valor terapêutico demonstrado. As espécies Polygonum acre e Synadenium carinatum são de fácil cultivo, estando largamente distribuídas no Brasil, e possuindo um alto índice de utilização na medicina popular. Entre os usos populares da espécie Polygonum acre podem ser citados: anti-séptico, antiinflamatório, hipotensor, anti-hemorroidal, diurético, vermicida e anti-diarréico. A espécie Synadenium carinatum é popularmente utilizada para o tratamento de cânceres. No entanto, não existem estudos científicos que comprovem esses efeitos, nem informações sobre a segurança de utilização dessas drogas pelos seres humanos além de haver poucos estudos fitoquímicos destas espécies. Neste trabalho foram realizados os estudos fitoquímico, microbiológico, a busca de atividades biológicas dos extratos dessas plantas e a investigação de aspectos relativos à segurança de utilização. Os testes fitoquímicos indicaram a presença de flavonóides, taninos, saponinas, mono, sesqui e diterpenos, e derivados cinâmicos nas espécies P. acre e S. carinatum, enquanto que apenas a espécie P. acre respondeu positivamente quanto à presença de proantocianidinas condensadas e leucoantocianidinas. Na avaliação da atividade antimicrobiana através do método de difusão em ágar e da técnica de Concentração Inibitória Mínima, a espécie P. acre apresentou atividade antimicrobiana nas concentrações de 300 mg/mL, enquanto a atividade antimicrobiana para os extratos de S. carinatum não foi evidenciada. Nos testes de toxicidade aguda, pode-se observar que na dose de 2 g/kg, o extrato etanólico 70% de P. acre apresentou taxa de mortalidade de 50%, enquanto o extrato etanólico 70% de S. carinatum não apresentou toxicidade ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Although there are thousands of plant species used in traditional medicines in the world, it is estimated that only 1% are known by scientific studies with demonstrated therapeutic value. The species Polygonum acre and Synadenium carinatum are easy to culture, being widely distributed in Brazil, and having a high rate of use in folk medicine. Among the popular uses of the species Polygonum acre may be cited anti-septic, anti-inflammatory, hypotensive, anti-hemorrhoid, diuretic, vermifuge, and anti-diarrheal. The Synadenium carinatum species is popularly used in the treatment against cancer. However, there are no scientific studies that show these effects, no information about the safe use of these drugs by human beings and there are few phytochemical studies of this species. In this work, the phytochemical study and microbiological quality control, the search for biological activities of the extracts of plants and the investigation of aspects related to safe use were done. The phytochemical tests indicated the presence of flavonoids, tannins, saponins, mono, sesqui and diterpenes, and cinnamic derivatives in P. acre and S. carinatum species, while only the species P. acre responded positively about the presence of condensed proanthocyanidins and leucoanthocianidins. In the evaluation of antimicrobial activity by the ágar diffusion method and Minimum Inhibitory Concentration technique, the P. acre species had antimicrobial activity at concentrations of 300 mg / mL, while the antimicrobial activity for the extracts of S. carinatum was not demonstrated. In the tests of acute toxicity the ethanol extract 70% of P. acre at a dose of 2 g/kg showed 50% of mortality while the ethanol extract 70% of S. carinatum has no toxicity. At the dose of 1 g/kg the 70% ethanol extract of P. acre showed 50% of mortality while the latex of S. carinatum caused 100% of death the mice... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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Perfil fitoquímico de materiais biológicos usados em dessalinizador caseiro de água salobraCosta, Tadeu Antônio de Campos January 2011 (has links)
116f. / Submitted by Ana Hilda Fonseca (anahilda@ufba.br) on 2013-04-03T15:36:36Z
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Dissertação Tadeu Antônio de Campos Costa.pdf: 7198947 bytes, checksum: 7254dbbef38a263048595926793a3ec7 (MD5) / Rejected by Ana Hilda Fonseca(anahilda@ufba.br), reason: trocar tese por dissertação on 2013-04-23T16:03:13Z (GMT) / Submitted by Ana Hilda Fonseca (anahilda@ufba.br) on 2013-04-23T16:05:02Z
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Dissertação Tadeu Antônio de Campos Costa.pdf: 7198947 bytes, checksum: 7254dbbef38a263048595926793a3ec7 (MD5) / Rejected by Ana Hilda Fonseca(anahilda@ufba.br), reason: Trocar tese por dissertação on 2013-04-23T16:08:55Z (GMT) / Submitted by Ana Hilda Fonseca (anahilda@ufba.br) on 2013-04-23T16:11:23Z
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Dissertação Tadeu Antônio de Campos Costa.pdf: 7198947 bytes, checksum: 7254dbbef38a263048595926793a3ec7 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Hilda Fonseca(anahilda@ufba.br) on 2013-05-09T15:50:00Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
Dissertação Tadeu Antônio de Campos Costa.pdf: 7198947 bytes, checksum: 7254dbbef38a263048595926793a3ec7 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-05-09T15:50:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Dissertação Tadeu Antônio de Campos Costa.pdf: 7198947 bytes, checksum: 7254dbbef38a263048595926793a3ec7 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2011 / CAPES / Para tornar potáveis águas salobras ou salinas, é necessário fazer a dessalinização,
processo que normalmente exige alto investimento e recursos tecnológicos
complexos para a produção em larga escala. Uma solução simples e eficiente para
as comunidades do Semi Árido pode ser a dessalinização de água salobra pelo
contato com materiais biológicos, através do uso de dispositivos caseiros contendo,
por exemplo, sementes que adsorvam parte do sal da água, reduzindo a salinidade
da mesma. Em estudo desenvolvido recentemente sobre a capacidade de sorção de
sais de água salobra por sementes típicas de regiões semi áridas foram
consideradas mais eficientes sementes de umbu (Spondias tuberosa Arruda) e
Umburana (Amburana cearensis A. C. Smith). Em função disso, foi estudado neste
trabalho o perfil químico desses materiais biológicos no seu estado natural e
transformado em carvão quando aquecido a 250 °C por 1 hora, que foi a melhor
condição encontrada para maior eficiência de dessalinização. Da análise fitoquímica
da semente da umburana foi observada a presença de alcalóides, taninos,
saponinas, cumarinas, triterpenos, esteróides e flavonóides, e o seu carvão
apresentou resultados positivos para alcalóides, taninos, saponinas, esteróides e
flavonóides. Na semente do umbu observou-se a presença de taninos, cumarinas,
ácidos orgânicos, esteróides e flavonóides e no carvão não foram observados
resultados positivos. No perfil dos ácidos graxos obtido por cromatografia gasosa
(CG) dos ésteres metílicos produzidos por reação de esterificação dos extratos
hexânicos das sementes, foram encontrados: na semente in natura da umburana
dez ácidos graxos, sendo oito saturados (palmitíco, margárico, oléico, esteárico, nnonadecílico,
araquídico, n-heneicosóico e lignocérico), um insaturado (ácido oléico)
e outro que não foi possível identificar; o carvão desta semente apresentou os
mesmos ácidos graxos, além do ácido mirístico; a semente in natura do umbu
apresentou sete ácidos graxos saturados (mirístico, palmitíco, esteárico, nnonadecílico,
araquídico, n-heneicosóico e behênico) e dois ácidos insaturados
(oléico e linoléico); o seu carvão, apresentou a mesma composição dos ácidos
graxos saturados que a semente in natura, mas apenas um insaturado (ácido
oléico). A análise por CLAE dos extratos da semente da umburana in natura e como
carvão e do umbu in natura revelou pela primeira vez à presença de ácido Lascórbico
e ácido gálico nestes materiais biológicos. A presença de alcalóides
identificados no carvão da umburana não é um bom indicativo para sua utilização
como dessalinizador, devido à conhecida toxicidade de substâncias dessa família,
assim como pela presença de cumarina, em função da sua toxicidade e solubilidade
parcial em água. No entanto, devido à facilidade de obtenção da cumarina a partir da
semente moída da umburana, sua utilização poderá ser viável em indústrias de
produtos de limpeza e cosméticos ou como material de partida para síntese de
fármacos, entre outros. No carvão produzido com a semente de umbu não foi
identificado nenhum dos metabólitos encontrados na semente in natura e este
resultado é promissor para a sua utilização como dessalinizador. No seu carvão foi
observado apenas ácido L-ascórbico, substância solúvel em água, que além de
evitar doenças, é extremamente importante no combate dos radicais livres oriundos
de processos oxidativos. Além disso, este material, rico em ácidos graxos, poderá
ser mais bem aproveitado, principalmente pela presença do ácido linoléico, considerado benéfico à saúde. / Salvador
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ContribuiÃÃo ao estudo fitoquÃmico de CrÃton rhamnifolius (Euphorbiaceae) / Contribution to the phytochemical study of Croton rhamnifolius(Euphorbiaceae)Francisca Karen Souza da Silva 22 February 2008 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico / O presente trabalho relata o estudo dos constituintes quÃmicos volÃteis das folhas, talos e raÃzes de Croton rhamnifolius (Euphorbiaceae), popularmente conhecida no nordeste do Brasil por âQuebra-facaâ, como tambÃm os constituintes quÃmicos nÃo-volÃteis das raÃzes. A anÃlise por CGL/EM do Ãleo essencial das folhas de C. rhamnifolius (OEFCR) permitiu a identificaÃÃo de 21 constituintes quÃmicos, dos quais os componentes majoritÃrios foram identificados como sendo o 1,8 â cineol (31,81%) e o â felandreno (11,84 %). O Ãleo essencial dos talos (OETCR) apresentou 14 constituintes, todos identificados, onde o -pineno (30,81%) e o âcariofileno (12,86 %) foram os componentes principais. No Ãleo essencial das raÃzes (OERCR), foram identificados 8 constituintes quÃmicos, sendo majoritÃrios, o valenceno (25,97%), e o borneol (20,05%). A anÃlise fitoquÃmica do extrato etanÃlico da raiz resultou no isolamento de um alcalÃide indÃlico diterpenoÃdico de carÃter inÃdito que foi denominado rhamnifolina (1), dois diterpenos do tipo beiereno, denominado de estachenona (2) e 12-oxo-estachenona (3), e de dois triterpenos pentacÃclicos, um da sÃrie oleanano, o Ãcido 3-acetil-olean-14-en-28-Ãico (Ãcido acetil aleuritÃlico, AAA) (4) e o lupeol (5) da sÃrie lupano. A determinaÃÃo estrutural dos constituintes nÃo volÃteis foi realizada atravÃs de mÃtodos espectromÃtricos EM, IV e RMN 1H e 13C, inclusive tÃcnicas uni e bidimensionais (HMBC e HSQC), enquanto a identificaÃÃo da constituiÃÃo volÃtil foi utilizada cromatografia gÃs-lÃquido acoplada à espectrometria de massa (CGL/EM) e cromatografia gÃs-lÃquido com detecÃÃo por ionizaÃÃo em chama (CGL/DIC) e comparaÃÃo com dados descritos na literatura. / The present work reports the study on the volatile chemical constitution of the leaves, twigs and roots of Croton rhamnifolius (Euphorbiaceae), popularly known in the Northeast of Brazil as âquebra-facaâ (Port. Lit. = knife breaker) as well as of the non-volatile constituints of the roots. GC-MS analysis of the essential oil from leaves of C. rhamnifolius (OEFCR) allowed the identification of 21 constituents from which 1,8-cineol (31,81%) and - phelandrene (11,84%) were the major components. For the essential oil from twigs (OETCR) all 14 components were identified and - pinene (30,81%) and - cariophyllene (12,86%) were the major ones. For the essential oil from roots (OERCR) jsut 8 components were identified with valencene (25,97%) and borneol (20,05%) arising as the chief components. The phytochemical analysis of the ethanol extract from the roots led to the isolations and characterization of a diterpenoid incorporating an indol alkaloid moiety that hÃs been named as rhamnifolin (1), two beierene diterpenes, stachenone (2) and 12-oxostachenone (3), and two pentacyclic triterpenes: one, the 3-acetyl-olean-14-ene-28-oic acid (aleuritolic acid, AAA) (4) belonging to the oleanane and the other, lupeol (5), belonging to the lupane series. The structure determination of all non-volatile constituents was performed by mean of spectroscopic techniques such as MS, IR, 1H and 13C NMR, including uni and bidimensional pulse sequences. The identification of the volatile constitution was performed by GC-MS for the qualitative analysis while GC-FID was used for the quantitative analysis. Comparison to data published in the literature was also used for identification wherever the case.
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Evaluation of the antinociceptive, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic activities of Ruta Graveolens L. in mice and ratsLoonat, Firdows January 2012 (has links)
Magister Pharmaceuticae - MPharm / Evaluation of the antinociceptive, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic activities of Ruta graveolens L. in mice and rats FIRDOWS LOONAT M. Pharm. Pharmaceutical Sciences thesis: School of Pharmacy, University of the Western Cape Ruta graveolens (Rutaceae) L. is a medicinal plant that is commonly used to manage and treat essential events such as pain, inflammation and fever. Despite its popularity, particularly as a medicinal plant in the Calvinia district and Bredasdorp region of South Africa, scientific data to substantiate its widespread traditional use and the possible mechanisms of action for this plant species is lacking. Therefore, the objectives of this study were: to scientifically evaluate and validate the antinociceptive, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic activities of Ruta graveolens using the acetic-acid writhing test and hot-plate test, the carrageenan rat paw oedema test, and the E. coli-induced pyrexia test, respectively; to investigate the possible mechanisms of the antinociceptive, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic activities of the plant using interaction studies; to determine some secondary metabolites present in the plant species using standard phytochemical analytical procedures; to characterise the plant species using HPLC techniques; and to determine the safety profile of the plant species using an acute toxicity study.Three percent (3 %) acetic acid (0.25 ml, i.p.) produced a substantial number of writhes in mice. The leaf methanol extract of Ruta graveolens (100 mg/kg, i.p.) significantly reduced the number of writhes induced by 3 % acetic acid (0.25 ml, i.p.). R. graveolens (100 mg/kg,i.p.) produced 54 % inhibition of 3 % acetic acid-induced writhes. Indomethacin (20 mg/kg,i.p.) and paracetamol (500 mg/kg, i.p.) significantly reduced the number of 3 % acetic acidinduced writhes. Indomethacin (20 mg/kg, i.p.) and paracetamol (500 mg/kg, i.p.) produced 57 % and 80 % inhibition of 3 % acetic acid-induced writhes, respectively. R. graveolens (25– 50 mg/kg, i.p. and 200 – 400 mg/kg, i.p.) and indomethacin (10 mg/kg, i.p.) did not significantly reduce the number of writhes induced by 3 % acetic acid. However, combined therapy of the leaf methanol extract of R. graveolens (25 mg/kg, i.p.) and indomethacin (10 mg/kg, i.p.) significantly reduced the number of 3 % acetic acid-induced writhes. The combined therapy of the lowest and sub-effective doses of the leaf methanol extract of R. graveolens (25 mg/kg, i.p.) and indomethacin (10 mg/kg, i.p.) produced 59 % inhibition of the writhes elicited by 3 % acetic acid. The leaf methanol extract of R. graveolens (50 – 400 mg/kg, i.p.) greatly delayed the reaction time in mice to thermal stimulation produced with hot-plate. 50 – 400 mg/kg (i.p.) of the leaf methanol extract of R. graveolens significantly antagonised rat paw oedema induced by 1 % carrageenan (0.1 ml, subplantar) over the 4 h period of testing. In addition, indomethacin (10 mg/kg, i.p.) significantly antagonised 1 % carrageenan-induced rat paw oedema. R. graveolens (25 mg/kg, i.p.) and indomethacin (2mg/kg, i.p.) given separately did not significantly alter rat paw oedema induced by 1 % carrageenan. However, combined therapy of the leaf methanol extract of R. graveolens (25 mg/kg, i.p.) and indomethacin (2 mg/kg, i.p.) significantly reduced 1 % carrageenan-induced rat paw oedema. The leaf methanol extract of R. graveolens (400 mg/kg, i.p.) significantly reduced the mean rectal temperature of normothermic rats. Ruta graveolens (100 – 400 mg/kg, i.p.) significantly reduced pyrexia induced by E. coli (50 μg/kg, i.m.) over the 5 h period of testing. In addition, pentoxifylline (50 mg/kg, i.p.) significantly reduced E. coliinduced pyrexia. Ruta graveolens (25 – 50 mg/kg, i.p.), paracetamol (500 mg/kg, i.p.) and pentoxifylline (10 mg/kg, i.p.) did not significantly reduce pyrexia induced by E. coli.However, combined therapy of the leaf methanol extract of R. graveolens (25 mg/kg, i.p.)and pentoxifylline (10 mg/kg, i.p.) significantly reduced E. coli (50 μg/kg, i.m.)-induced pyrexia.The phytochemical studies of the powdered leaves of Ruta graveolens indicated the presence of alkaloids, cardiac glycosides, flavonoids, saponins, tannins and triterpene steroids. The HPLC fingerprint indicated characteristic peaks at the following retention times; 1.654 min,2.271 min, 2.403 min, 4.705 min and 7.691 min. The LD50 obtained for Ruta graveolens after oral administration was probably greater than 4000 mg/kg which shows that the plant extract is non-toxic to mice.In conclusion, the data obtained indicate that Ruta graveolens possesses antinociceptive, antiinflammatory and antipyretic activities. Since prostaglandins have been shown to mediate acetic acid-induced writhes, prostaglandins, histamine, serotonin, capsaicin and bradykinin implicated in carrageenan-induced rat paw oedema, and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) implicated in E.coli-induced pyrexia, it is possible that R. graveolens may be producing its antinociceptive, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic activities by affecting these chemical mediators. The data obtained also justify the use of the plant species by traditional medicine practitioners for the treatment of painful and inflammatory conditions, and pyrexia.
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Maturity indexing, pharmacological properties and postharvest performance of pomegranate fruit grown in South AfricaFawole, Olaniyi Amos 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD(Agric))--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The development and application of science-based tools for determining optimum fruit
maturity and postharvest handling protocols to maintain quality and reduce losses during
postharvest handling and marketing is essential to maintain the competitiveness of the emerging
pomegranate industry in South Africa. Currently, there are no quality standards for the South
African pomegranate industry, neither is there a general consensus on the optimal harvest
maturity indices for fruit cultivars. These information are important to ensure the delivery of
good quality fruit to consumers, particularly for long supply chains. The overall aims of this
study were (a) to develop science-based management tools for determining optimum maturity
indices and storage performance of pomegranate fruit cultivars grown in South Africa, and (b) to
characterise the physico-chemical and pharmacological properties of selected cultivars relevant
to postharvest handling and industrial applications. In Section II, seasonal studies on pomegranate (‘Baghwa’ and ‘Ruby’) fruit growth and
the evolution of maturity indices during development were conducted. Significant increases in
total soluble solids (TSS), sugars (glucose and fructose) and anthocyanin composition, coupled
with significant decline in titratable acidity (TA), organic acids and total phenolics (TP) occurred
with advancing fruit maturity. Fruit at advanced maturity stages were characterized by intense
pigmentation of peel and aril, which coincided with maximum accumulation of anthocyanins.
Among all the major maturity indices investigated, TSS, BrimA and anthocyanins did not show
significant (p<0.05) seasonal variability, and strong correlations were found among the indices.
In combination, these indices accounted for fruit juice sugar content, acidity and colour and
could serve as reliable markers to determine optimal maturity for both pomegranate cultivars.
The studies in Section III focused on characterization of postharvest quality including
nutritional, medicinal and antioxidant properties of fruit parts. Quality attributes of eight
commercial cultivars were analysed by cluster analysis, which enabled the cultivars to be
separated into two clusters (cluster 1 = ‘Ruby’, ‘Arakta’ and ‘Ganesh’; cluster 2 = ‘Bhagwa’,
‘Acco’ and ‘Herskawitz’) and two ungrouped cultivars (‘Molla de Elche’ and ‘Wonderful’)
based on important quality attributes (size, texture, colour, soluble solids, acidity, juiciness and
phenolics). Furthermore, pomegranate fruit peel extracts were studied to highlight their potential
for value-adding in pharmaceutical and other industrial applications. The results showed that fruit peels of the investigated cultivars possess strong antibacterial, antioxidant and antityrosinase
activities, and hence could be exploited as potential sources of natural antimicrobial
and antioxidant agents, as well as a potential tyrosinase inhibitor.
The research reported in Section IV investigated the effects of harvest maturity and
storage conditions on postharvest quality and nutritional value of ‘Bhagwa’ and ‘Ruby’ cultivars.
Fruit harvested at commercial maturity were stored at 5±0.3°C, 7±0.5°C and 10±0.4°C with
92±3% RH and at room temperature (20±2.2°C, 65±5.5% RH) for 16 weeks. Fruit physiological
responses and quality were affected by storage condition, with the maximum levels of respiration
occurring at higher temperature and extended storage duration. Fruit colour and antioxidant
capacity varied slightly among storage temperatures, with total soluble solids and titratable
acidity decreasing gradually over time at different temperatures. Considering that fruit stored at
5°C and 92% RH had significantly reduced weight loss, low incidence of physiological disorders
and best results in maintaining flavour attributes (TSS and TA, TSS:TA ratio), the investigated
cultivars may be stored at 5°C and >92% RH for 8 - 12 weeks. In paper 9 (Section IV), the research investigated the relationships between instrumental
and sensory measurements of pomegranate fruit at different harvest maturities during storage and
shelf life. Mature ‘Bhagwa’ fruit harvested at different times could not be discriminated by
sensory attributes assessed by a trained panel. However, TSS (R2 = 0.677) and juice content (R2
= 0.512) were the two most decisive quality attributes at shelf life related to harvest maturity
status. For ‘Ruby’, however, a combination of instrumental and sensory attributes appeared to be
influential in discriminating mature fruit harvested at different times, with TSS:TA ratio being
the most decisive (R2 = 0.654) in distinguishing different fruit harvests, followed by sweet taste
(R2 = 0.474) and hue angle (R2 = 0.431). The results showed that to ensure the best post-storage
quality of ‘Bhagwa’, the optimum harvest maturity was between 167 - 175 DAFB (H2 and H3)
when fruit reached maximum TSS level (>16°Brix; H3) and juice content (>65 mL/100 g aril;
H2). However, for ‘Ruby’, this study indicated that the optimum harvest date was at 143 DAFB
(H2) when TSS:TA ratio was >55, which coincided with significantly higher sensory rating for
sweet taste after shelf life of fruit at H2 than H1 and H3, respectively.
The results from this thesis provide new understanding and better insights on fruit
characteristics of major pomegranate cultivars grown in South Africa. Overall, the study
provides new knowledge on science-based tools for assessing fruit readiness for harvest as well as storage conditions to maintain fruit postharvest quality and reduce losses. It also provides
scientific information on phytochemical contents and antioxidant compounds in fruit to promote
value-adding of pomegranate as a good raw material with potential applications in health food
products and other industrial applications such as pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING; Die ontwikkeling en toepassing van wetenskapgegronde instrumente vir die bepaling
van optimale vrugrypheid en naoes-hanteringsprotokolle om gedurende die naoes-hantering en
-bemarking van vrugte gehalte te behou en verliese te verminder, is noodsaaklik om die
mededingendheid van die ontluikende granaatbedryf in Suid-Afrika te verseker. Tans is daar
nie enige gehaltestandaarde vir die Suid-Afrikaanse granaatbedryf óf algemene
eenstemmigheid oor die optimale oesrypheidsaanwysers vir vrugtekultivars nie. Hierdie
inligting is belangrik om die naoes-lewering van uithalervrugte aan verbruikers te verseker,
veral vir lang verskaffingskettings. Die oorkoepelende doelwitte van hierdie studie was (a) om
wetenskapgegronde bestuursinstrumente te ontwikkel vir die vasstelling van optimale
rypheidsaanwysers en bergingsprestasie van granaatkultivars wat in Suid-Afrika verbou word,
en (b) om die fisiko-chemiese eienskappe en farmakologiese kenmerke van gekose kultivars te
In deel II is seisoenale studies oor granaatgroei en die ontwikkeling van rypheidsaanwysers
gedurende groei onderneem. Namate vrugte ryp geword het, is beduidende toenames in totale
oplosbare vaste stowwe (TSS), suikers (glukose en fruktose) en antosianien-samestelling
opgemerk, sowel as ’n beduidende afname in titreerbare suur (TA), organiese suur en totale fenol
(TP). Vrugte in gevorderde stadia van rypheid is gekenmerk deur intense pigmentasie van die skil
en aril, wat met maksimum opbou van antosianien verband gehou het. Van ál die belangrike
rypheidsaanwysers wat ondersoek is, het TSS, BrimA en antosianien onbeduidende (p<0.05)
seisoenale veranderlikheid getoon, en is sterk verbande tussen die aanwysers opgemerk.
Gesamentlik sou die aanwysers kon rekenskap gee van sapsuikerinhoud, -suurgehalte én -kleur, en
sou dit dus as betroubare rypheidsmerkers kon dien om optimale rypheid vir albei granaatkultivars
te bepaal. Die studies in deel III het gekonsentreer op die tipering van die naoes-kenmerke, onder
meer die voedings-, medisinale en antioksidant-kenmerke van vrugtedele. Kenmerke van agt
kommersiële kultivars is deur middel van groepsontleding bestudeer, waarvolgens die kultivars
op grond van belangrike kenmerke (grootte, tekstuur, kleur, oplosbare vaste stowwe, suurgehalte,
sappigheid en fenol) in twee groepe (groep 1 = ‘Ruby’, ‘Arakta’ en ‘Ganesh’; groep 2 =
‘Bhagwa’, ‘Acco’ en ‘Herskawitz’) en twee niegegroepeerde kultivars (‘Molla de Elche’ en ‘Wonderful’) ingedeel is. Ten einde die toegevoegde waarde van granaatskille vir farmaseutiese
en kosmetiese doeleindes te bevorder, is skilekstrakte ook bestudeer. Die resultate toon dat die
vrugteskille van die bestudeerde kultivars oor sterk antibakteriese, antioksidant- en antitirosinase-
eienskappe beskik. Daarom kan die skil van die granaatkultivars as moontlike bron
van natuurlike antimikrobiese en antioksidant-agense sowel as ’n moontlike tirosinase-inhibitor
ontgin word.
Die navorsing in deel IV het ondersoek ingestel na die uitwerking van oesrypheid en
bergingsomstandighede op die naoes-gehalte en -voedingswaarde van die kultivars ‘Bhagwa’ en
‘Ruby’. Vrugte wat op kommersiële rypheid geoes is, is vir 16 weke by 5±0.3 °C, 7±0.5 °C en
10±0.4 °C met 92±3% RH, sowel as by kamertemperatuur (20±2.2 °C, 65±5.5% RH) geberg.
Die bergingsomstandighede het die fisiologiese reaksies en gehalte van die vrugte beïnvloed:
Maksimum vlakke van respirasie het teen hoër temperature en met verlengde berging
voorgekom. Die kleur en antioksidantvermoë van die vrugte het effens tussen
bergingstemperature verskil, en totale oplosbare vaste stowwe en titreerbare suur het mettertyd
geleidelik by verskillende temperature afgeneem. Gedagtig daaraan dat die vrugte wat teen 5 °C
en 92% RH geberg is beduidend minder gewigsverlies, ’n lae voorkoms van fisiologiese
afwykings en die beste resultate in blywende geurkenmerke (TSS en TA, TSS:TA-verhouding)
getoon het, kan die bestudeerde kultivars vir 8 tot 12 weke teen 5 °C en >92% RH geberg word
(navorsingstuk 8). In navorsingstuk 9 (deel IV) is daar ondersoek ingestel na die verhouding tussen
instrument- en sintuiglike metings van granate in verskillende stadia van oesrypheid gedurende
berging en raklewe. Geen verskil in sintuiglike kenmerke kon bespeur word by ryp ‘Bhagwa’-
vrugte wat op verskillende tye geoes is nie. Tog was TSS (R2 = 0.677) en sapinhoud (R2 = 0.512)
die twee bepalendste gehaltekenmerke wat betref oesrypheidstatus gedurende raklewe. By
‘Ruby’ kon ’n kombinasie van instrument- en sintuiglike kenmerke egter wél tussen stadia van
oesrypheid onderskei, met die TSS:TA-verhouding die bepalendste (R2 = 0.654) in die
onderskeid tussen verskillende vrugteoeste, gevolg deur ’n soet smaak (R2 = 0.474) en
skakeringshoek (R2 = 0.431). Die resultate toon dat die beste nabergingsgehalte vir ‘Bhagwa’
verkry word by ’n optimale oesrypheid van 167–175 DAFB (H2 en H3), wanneer vrugte die
maksimum TSS-vlak (>16°Brix; H3) en sapinhoud (>65 mL/100 g aril; H2) bereik het. Vir
‘Ruby’ dui hierdie studie op ’n optimale oesdatum van 143 DAFB (H2) met ’n TSS:TA-verhouding van >55, wat verband gehou het met ’n beduidend hoër telling vir soet smaak by H2
eerder as by H1 en H3 ná raklewe.
Die resultate van hierdie tesis bied ’n beter begrip van, en insig in, die vrugtekenmerke van
granaatkultivars wat in Suid-Afrika verbou word. Oor die algemeen bied die studie wetenskaplike
inligting om moontlik die toegevoegde waarde van granate as ’n goeie bron van minerale elemente
sowel as farmaseutiese, kosmetiese en antioksidant-verbindings te bevorder. Dit bied ook kennis
oor die ontwikkeling van wetenskapgegronde instrumente vir die vasstelling van optimale
vrugrypheid en naoes-hanteringsprotokolle om gedurende die naoes-hantering en -bemarking van
granate vruggehalte te behou en verliese te verminder.
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Avaliação da atividade biológica de extratos vegetais contra leishmania (viannia) guyanensis (kinetoplastida: trypanosomatidae) e análise de frações semi-purificadas de caesalpinia ferrea martius (fabales - caesalpiniaceae)Falcão, Nivea Maria Simões 30 March 2010 (has links)
Submitted by Geyciane Santos (geyciane_thamires@hotmail.com) on 2015-06-09T14:25:49Z
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Previous issue date: 2010-03-30 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Leishmaniasis is a world public health problem wide considered by the World Health Organization as one of five infectious endemic diseases of major relevancy. The search for leishmanicids agents with fewer side effects is one of the greatest challenges in modern research, and is increasingly related to the uses of medicinal plants and other natural products. The species Caesalpinia ferrea Martius widely distributed in Brazil it is popularly used for many therapeutic purposes, including the treatment of various infections like those caused by leishmaniasis, making it a promising tests of biological activity against leishmania. The objective of this study was to evaluate by bioassays the activity of hexane and methanol extracts against protozoa, analyzing semi-purified fractions obtained from the most active. The fruits of C. ferrea were collected at the National Institute of Amazon Research, V8’s Campus in the City of Manaus - AM and processed in the departments of Natural Products and leishmaniasis and Chagas Diseases at INPA. The studies were performed with the whole fruit and its separate parts, coconut shell and seed. Hexane e methanol crude extracts were prepared from the fruits, coconut shell and seeds, which were tested to evaluate the biological activity in vitro against promastigotes of the stationary phase of the protozoan Leishmania (Viannia) guyanensis. The extracts were analyzed by thin layer chromatography Comparison (CCDC) and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) to determine the chromatographic profile. All biological assays were carried out experimentally in vitro in microplates containing 106/mL promastigotes to axenic cultures of L. (V.) guyanensis evaluating the inhibitory activity and stimulating parasite growth. The most active crude extract was submitted to CCDC and fractionation by partition líquid-líquid resulting in semi-purified fractions that were evaluated for their chemical composition. The results showed that the epicarp methanolic extract of C. ferrea, showed anti-leishmanial activity for L. (V.) guyanensis in the concentration of 20 mg/mL/24h. However, contrary to expectations, there was a stimulatory effect on L. (V.) guyanensis by the hexanic extract obtained from the fruit seed of C. ferrea. Chemically analyzing the coconut shell and fruits methanolics extracts of, which showed anti-leishmanial activity, we verified the presence of substances such as chlorophyll, flavonoids, xanthones, tannins, triterpenes and saponins as major constituents, and shows antioxidant activity. The results showed that the methanolics extracts of coconut shell and fruitsof C. ferrea can be considered as an promising alternative in the treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis and should be undertaken pharmacological and toxicological tests in vivo of extract, making other fractioning in order to isolate the substances responsible for the anti-leishmanial activity. / A leishmaniose é um problema de saúde pública mundial considerada pela Organização Mundial da Saúde como uma das cinco doenças infecto-parasitárias endêmicas de maior relevância. A busca por agentes leishmanicidas com poucos efeitos colaterais é um dos maiores desafios na pesquisa moderna, e cada vez mais está relacionada aos usos de plantas medicinais e outros produtos naturais. A espécie Caesalpinia ferrea Martius largamente distribuída no Brasil, é usada popularmente para muitos fins terapêuticos, inclusive no tratamento de diversas infecções como as causadas pela Leishmaniose, tornando-a promissora para a realização de ensaios de atividade biológica contra a leishmania. O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de avaliar, através de bioensaios, a atividade de extratos hexânicos e metanólicos contra protozoários, analisando também frações semi-purificadas obtidas do extrato de melhor atividade leishmanicida. Os frutos de C. ferrea foram coletados no Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Campus do V8 na Cidade de Manaus-AM, e processados nos departamentos de Produtos Naturais e de Leishmaniose e Doença de Chagas no INPA. Os estudos foram realizados com os frutos inteiros e suas partes separadas, epicarpos e sementes. Foram preparados extratos brutos hexânicos, e metanólicos a partir dos frutos inteiros e também das partes separadas, epicarpos e sementes, os quais foram submetidos aos ensaios para avaliação da atividade biológica in vitro contra formas promastigotas da fase estacionária de protozoários da espécie Leishmania (Viannia) guyanensis. Os extratos brutos foram analisados através de Cromatografia em Camada Delgada Comparativa (CCDC) e Ressonância Magnética Nuclear (RMN) para determinação do perfil cromatográfico. Todos os ensaios biológicos foram realizados experimentalmente in vitro, em microplacas contendo 106/mL formas promastigotas de culturas axênicas de L. (V.) guyanensis (MHOM/BR/75/IM 4147) avaliando-se a atividade inibitória ou ativadora de crescimento parasitário. O extrato bruto de melhor atividade biológica foi submetido à CCDC e fracionamento por partição líquido-líquido obtendo-se frações semi-purificadas que foram avaliadas quanto a sua composição química. Os resultados mostraram que o extrato metanólico do epicarpo de C. ferrea, apresentou atividade leishmanicida para L. (V.) guyanensis na concentração de 20 mg/mL/24h. No entanto, ao contrário das expectativas, houve um efeito estimulante em L. (V.) guyanensis pelo extrato hexânico obtido das sementes de frutos de C. ferrea. Analisando quimicamente o extrato metanólico de frutos e epicarpos, os quais demonstraram atividade leishmanicida, verificou-se a presença de substâncias como a clorofila, flavonóides, xantonas, taninos, triterpenos e saponinas como constituintes majoritários, além de apresentar atividade antioxidante. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que os extratos metanólicos de frutos e epicarpos de C. ferrea podem ser considerados como importantes alternativas no tratamento das leishmanioses, devendo ser realizado testes farmacológicos e toxicológicos in vivo desses extratos, realizando outros fracionamentos a fim de se confirmar alguma substância de melhor atividade leishmanicida.
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Kanadinės jakšūnės (Desmodium canadense (L.) DC.) fitocheminis tyrimas / Phytochemical analysis of showy tick-trefoil (Desmodium canadense (L.) DC)Kairytė, Vaiva 09 June 2009 (has links)
Kanadinė jakšūnė nėra gerai ištyrinėtas vaistinis augalas, todėl buvo tikslinga atlikti Lietuvoje išaugintos žaliavos fitocheminius tyrimus augalo veikliųjų junginių sudėčiai nustatyti. Sukaupti duomenys gali būti naudojami iš kanadinės jakšūnės gaminamų preparatų standartizacijai ir naujų, dar nenustatytų farmakologinių poveikių paieškai.
Tyrimo objektas ir metodai: kanadinės jakšūnės žaliava ištirta efektyviosios skysčių chromatografijos metodu.
Darbo tikslas ir uždaviniai: atlikti kanadinės jakšūnės kaupiamų flavonoidų ir fenilpropanoidų kokybinės ir kiekybinės sudėties tyrimą bei nustatyti, kokiame augalo organe ir kokiu vegetacijos tarpsniu jų kaupiama daugiausiai. Taip pat nustatyti dominuojančius veikliuosius junginius žolėje ir atskiruose organuose bei atlikti palyginamąja ataugusios žaliavos analizę.
Ištirti kanadinės jakšūnės žolėje ir lapuose sukauptų flavonoidų suminių kiekių dinamiką skirtingais vegetacijos tarpsniais antraisiais – septintaisiais augimo metais ir pateikti žaliavos rinkimo rekomendacijas bei nustatyti, ar augalo amžius turi įtakos kaupiamų veikliųjų junginių kiekiui.
Daugiausiai veikliųjų junginių visais vegetacijos tarpsniais susikaupia kanadinės jakšūnės lapuose, išskyrus žydėjimo tarpsnį, kai didžiausias nustatytų veikliųjų junginių kiekis randamas žieduose. Lapuose ir žolėje daugiausiai veikliųjų junginių šeštaisiais augimo metais sukaupta butonizacijos tarpsniu, o stiebuose – vegetacijos pabaigoje. Septintaisiais augimo metais... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Showy tick-trefoil is not widely explored medical plant. Therefore it is reasonable to carry out a phytochemical research for the plant which was grown in Lithuania in order to identify its composition of active compounds. Accumulated information of analysis can be useful in standardization of pharmaceutical preparations from showy tick-trefoil, also in researching previously unidentified pharmacological effects.
Object and methods: raw material of showy tick-trefoil was examining by methods of high pressure liquid chromatography.
Objectives: To perform accumulated flavonoids and fenilpropanoids quality and quantity analysis on showy tick-trefoil and identify in which organ and which vegetation period they are mostly compiled; to identify dominating active compounds in herb and individual organs; to make a comparative analysis of outgrowth raw material.
Also to investigate total amounts of compiled flavonoids in showy tick-trefoil herb and leaves in different vegetation periods from second till seventh year of herb growing; to give recommendations for picking raw material. Finally to indicate whether the age of the plant has any influence for quantity of active compounds.
The biggest amount of active compounds in every vegetation period is concentrated in leaves, except blooming period. In the sixth year of growing most of active compounds in leaves and in herb are founded during budding period, in stems – during the end of vegetation. During seventh year of growing... [to full text]
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Estudo fitoquímico e atividades biológicas preliminares de extratos de Polygonum Acre (Polygonaceae) H.B.K. e Synadenium Carinatum (Euphorbiaceae) BoissSofiati, Filipe Toni [UNESP] 27 February 2009 (has links) (PDF)
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sofiati_ft_me_arafcf.pdf: 498028 bytes, checksum: f700c538895a18a84971f88a7fb19e6f (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Embora milhares de espécies vegetais sejam utilizadas na medicina tradicional do mundo, estima-se que apenas 1% são conhecidas por estudos científicos, com valor terapêutico demonstrado. As espécies Polygonum acre e Synadenium carinatum são de fácil cultivo, estando largamente distribuídas no Brasil, e possuindo um alto índice de utilização na medicina popular. Entre os usos populares da espécie Polygonum acre podem ser citados: anti-séptico, antiinflamatório, hipotensor, anti-hemorroidal, diurético, vermicida e anti-diarréico. A espécie Synadenium carinatum é popularmente utilizada para o tratamento de cânceres. No entanto, não existem estudos científicos que comprovem esses efeitos, nem informações sobre a segurança de utilização dessas drogas pelos seres humanos além de haver poucos estudos fitoquímicos destas espécies. Neste trabalho foram realizados os estudos fitoquímico, microbiológico, a busca de atividades biológicas dos extratos dessas plantas e a investigação de aspectos relativos à segurança de utilização. Os testes fitoquímicos indicaram a presença de flavonóides, taninos, saponinas, mono, sesqui e diterpenos, e derivados cinâmicos nas espécies P. acre e S. carinatum, enquanto que apenas a espécie P. acre respondeu positivamente quanto à presença de proantocianidinas condensadas e leucoantocianidinas. Na avaliação da atividade antimicrobiana através do método de difusão em ágar e da técnica de Concentração Inibitória Mínima, a espécie P. acre apresentou atividade antimicrobiana nas concentrações de 300 mg/mL, enquanto a atividade antimicrobiana para os extratos de S. carinatum não foi evidenciada. Nos testes de toxicidade aguda, pode-se observar que na dose de 2 g/kg, o extrato etanólico 70% de P. acre apresentou taxa de mortalidade de 50%, enquanto o extrato etanólico 70% de S. carinatum não apresentou toxicidade... / Although there are thousands of plant species used in traditional medicines in the world, it is estimated that only 1% are known by scientific studies with demonstrated therapeutic value. The species Polygonum acre and Synadenium carinatum are easy to culture, being widely distributed in Brazil, and having a high rate of use in folk medicine. Among the popular uses of the species Polygonum acre may be cited anti-septic, anti-inflammatory, hypotensive, anti-hemorrhoid, diuretic, vermifuge, and anti-diarrheal. The Synadenium carinatum species is popularly used in the treatment against cancer. However, there are no scientific studies that show these effects, no information about the safe use of these drugs by human beings and there are few phytochemical studies of this species. In this work, the phytochemical study and microbiological quality control, the search for biological activities of the extracts of plants and the investigation of aspects related to safe use were done. The phytochemical tests indicated the presence of flavonoids, tannins, saponins, mono, sesqui and diterpenes, and cinnamic derivatives in P. acre and S. carinatum species, while only the species P. acre responded positively about the presence of condensed proanthocyanidins and leucoanthocianidins. In the evaluation of antimicrobial activity by the ágar diffusion method and Minimum Inhibitory Concentration technique, the P. acre species had antimicrobial activity at concentrations of 300 mg / mL, while the antimicrobial activity for the extracts of S. carinatum was not demonstrated. In the tests of acute toxicity the ethanol extract 70% of P. acre at a dose of 2 g/kg showed 50% of mortality while the ethanol extract 70% of S. carinatum has no toxicity. At the dose of 1 g/kg the 70% ethanol extract of P. acre showed 50% of mortality while the latex of S. carinatum caused 100% of death the mice... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
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Pharmacological evaluation of antidiarrhoeal and antidiabetic activities of Syzygium Cordatum Hochst. ex C. KraussDeliwe, Mzonke January 2011 (has links)
Magister Pharmaceuticae - MPharm / Syzygium cordatum is a medicinal plant indigenous to South Africa and Mozambique, commonly used to treat stomach aches, diabetes, respiratory problems and tuberculosis. In spite of the folklore use, adequate scientific data to credit its widespread traditional use is lacking. The objectives of this study were: to evaluate and validate scientifically the successful therapeutic claims by traditional medicine practitioners that Syzygium cordatum is effective in treating diarrhoea and diabetes; to determine the effects of the plant extract on gastrointestinal transit of a charcoal meal in mice; to determine the effects on castor oilinduced intestinal fluid accumulation; to determine the safety profile of the plant by carrying out acute toxicology study and to carry out preliminary screening of the active compounds present in the plant using standard phytochemical analytical procedures. The aqueous leaf extract of Syzygium cordatum (3.125 -50mg/kg, p.o) significantly reduced the faecal output caused by castor oil (0.7ml). All the doses used, reduced faecal output from 100% produced by castor oil to between 40 and 61%. S.cordatum (6.25 – 50mg/kg, p.o) significantly and in a dose dependent manner, delayed the onset of castor oil-induced diarrhoea. / South Africa
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