Spelling suggestions: "subject:"pigmented"" "subject:"pigment""
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Kristallographische und spektroskopische Untersuchungen an Eu3plus-dotierten Molybdaten als potentielle Konverter für LEDsUhlich, Dominik 05 June 2009 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden Lanthanoidmolybdate der allgemeinen Zusammensetzung Ln2MoO6, Ln2Mo2O9, Ln2Mo3O12, MLnMo2O8 (Ln= La, Pr-Lu und Y; M = Li-Cs) bezüglich ihrer kristallographischen sowie spektroskopischen Eigenschaften untersucht. Die Darstellung dieser Verbindungen erfolgte über Festkörperreaktionen bei Temperaturen zwischen 800 und 1000°C. In den Molybdat-Wirtsgittern mit Ln = La bzw. Ln = Gd wurden Lanthan bzw. Gadolinium in Abstufungen von 10, 30, 50, 75 und 100% durch trivalentes Europium substituiert und daraufhin mittels Lumineszenzspektroskopie eine Anwendung in pcLEDs evaluiert. Als herausragend erwies sich das System LiLnMo2O8 (Ln = La, Pr-Lu und Y). In diesem tetragonalen Wirtsgitter lassen sich alle Lanthanoidionen unabhängig vom Ionenradius miteinander kombinieren, ohne dass es zu einer Phasenumwandlung kommt. Somit kann eine Vielzahl von interessanten optischen Materialien entwickelt werden. Als geeigneter LED-Leuchtstoff wurde LiLa1-xEuxMo2O8 hergestellt und auf seine optischen Eigenschaften hin untersucht. Dieses Wirtsgitter zeigt auch bei einer vollständigen Substitution von Lanthan durch Europium keine Löschung der Lumineszenz. Durch Optimierung der Synthesebedingungen konnte mit LiEuMo2O8 bei Anregung mit 465 nm reproduzierbar eine Quantenausbeute von 100% erreicht werden. Das Lumenäquivalent ist mit 280 lm/W für eine Leuchtstoffanwendung ausreichend hoch.
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Aspectos da variação espacial e temporal da biomassa e produção fitoplanctônica e parâmetros correlatos no estuário e baía de Santos / Aspects of the time-space variation of the phytoplankton biomass and production and related parameters in Santos Estuary and BayAncona, Cintia Maria 17 September 2007 (has links)
No intuito de identificar as relações entre as variações espaciais e temporais da biomassa e produção primária fitoplanctônica frente às variáveis físicas e químicas da coluna de água, foram realizadas coletas mensais de parâmetros físicos, químicos (nutrientes inorgânicos), séston e biomassa fitoplanctônica em 4 estações oceanográficas localizadas na baía e 3 no canal de Santos no período entre novembro de 2004 a dezembro de 2005. O transporte de propriedades entre os canais estuarinos e a baía foi estimado através de medidas realizadas em estações fixas, nas entradas dos canais de Santos e São Vicente, durante um ciclo completo de maré (13h). Os principais fatores limitantes ao desenvolvimento da biomassa fitoplanctônica e da produtividade primária foram: a disponibilidade de luz, a estratificação da coluna de água e a temperatura. Os canais de Santos e São Vicente atuaram como importadores de sal, nutrientes e biomassa fitoplanctônica na maioria das ocasiões estudadas. Os elevados teores de nutrientes inorgânicos dissolvidos, associados à ausência de correlação entre nutrientes e biomassa, indicam que não há limitação nutricional, apesar das condições distróficas observadas. Os altos teores de Cl-a (média de 10,1 mg m-3) indicam que o ambiente continua apresentando características eutróficas, já reportadas em trabalhos realizados na área há mais de 30 anos. / The relationship between time-space variations of phytoplankton biomass and primary productivity and the variability in physical and chemical characteristics of the water column was investigated by monthly samplings of temperature, salinity, inorganic nutrients, seston and phytoplankton biomass in 4 oceanographic stations in Santos Bay and 3 stations in Santos Channel, during the period from November 2004 to December 2005. The transport of properties between estuarine channels and the bay was estimated by measurements conducted in fixed stations located at Santos and São Vicente Channels inlets throughout a complete tidal cycle (13h). The main limiting factors to phytoplankton biomass development were: light availability, water column stratification and temperature. Santos and São Vicente channels imported salt, nutrients and phytoplankton biomass in the majority of the studied cases. High levels of dissolved inorganic nutrients and biomass indicate no nutritional limitation, despite the dystrophic conditions observed. High chlorophyll-a concentrations (mean value 9.82 mg m-3) indicate the environment still displays the eutrophic characteristics already reported in former studies conducted in this area by more than 30 years ago.
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Aspectos da variação espacial e temporal da biomassa e produção fitoplanctônica e parâmetros correlatos no estuário e baía de Santos / Aspects of the time-space variation of the phytoplankton biomass and production and related parameters in Santos Estuary and BayCintia Maria Ancona 17 September 2007 (has links)
No intuito de identificar as relações entre as variações espaciais e temporais da biomassa e produção primária fitoplanctônica frente às variáveis físicas e químicas da coluna de água, foram realizadas coletas mensais de parâmetros físicos, químicos (nutrientes inorgânicos), séston e biomassa fitoplanctônica em 4 estações oceanográficas localizadas na baía e 3 no canal de Santos no período entre novembro de 2004 a dezembro de 2005. O transporte de propriedades entre os canais estuarinos e a baía foi estimado através de medidas realizadas em estações fixas, nas entradas dos canais de Santos e São Vicente, durante um ciclo completo de maré (13h). Os principais fatores limitantes ao desenvolvimento da biomassa fitoplanctônica e da produtividade primária foram: a disponibilidade de luz, a estratificação da coluna de água e a temperatura. Os canais de Santos e São Vicente atuaram como importadores de sal, nutrientes e biomassa fitoplanctônica na maioria das ocasiões estudadas. Os elevados teores de nutrientes inorgânicos dissolvidos, associados à ausência de correlação entre nutrientes e biomassa, indicam que não há limitação nutricional, apesar das condições distróficas observadas. Os altos teores de Cl-a (média de 10,1 mg m-3) indicam que o ambiente continua apresentando características eutróficas, já reportadas em trabalhos realizados na área há mais de 30 anos. / The relationship between time-space variations of phytoplankton biomass and primary productivity and the variability in physical and chemical characteristics of the water column was investigated by monthly samplings of temperature, salinity, inorganic nutrients, seston and phytoplankton biomass in 4 oceanographic stations in Santos Bay and 3 stations in Santos Channel, during the period from November 2004 to December 2005. The transport of properties between estuarine channels and the bay was estimated by measurements conducted in fixed stations located at Santos and São Vicente Channels inlets throughout a complete tidal cycle (13h). The main limiting factors to phytoplankton biomass development were: light availability, water column stratification and temperature. Santos and São Vicente channels imported salt, nutrients and phytoplankton biomass in the majority of the studied cases. High levels of dissolved inorganic nutrients and biomass indicate no nutritional limitation, despite the dystrophic conditions observed. High chlorophyll-a concentrations (mean value 9.82 mg m-3) indicate the environment still displays the eutrophic characteristics already reported in former studies conducted in this area by more than 30 years ago.
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Recent and fossil phytoplankton pigments in Lake Baikal as markers for community structure and environmental changesFietz, Susanne 04 July 2005 (has links)
Der Baikalsee ist der älteste, tiefste und größte (gemessen am Volumen) See der Welt, mit über 1500 endemischen Arten. Er wurde 1996 zum UNESCO Weltnaturerbe deklariert; doch auch dieses einzigartige Ökosystem könnte in Zukunft durch anthropogen bedingte Klimaänderungen und Nährstoff-Einträge gefährdet sein. Rezente und fossile Phytoplankton-Pigmente werden immer häufiger in Monitorings genutzt, um aktuelle und historische Änderungen der Phytoplankton-Produktivität und –Zusammensetzung zu bestimmen, welche Änderungen von klimatischen und anderen Umweltbedingungen anzeigen. Dennoch wurden im Baikal bislang keine rezenten und nur in wenigen Studien fossile Phytoplankton-Pigmente untersucht. Drei Hauptaspekte wurden in dieser Arbeit untersucht: (1) die Phytoplnkton und Phytoplankton-Pigment Verteilung in der euphotischen Zone, (2) deren Sedimentation zum Seeboden und Degradierung im oxischen Oberflächensediment, und (3) Änderung der fossilen Pigmente während des Holozäns (seit 10.000 Jahren) und der vorangegangenen Warmzeit (vor 129.000-117.000 Jahren). Schlussfolgernd läßt sich sagen, dass Pigment-basierte Analysen im Baikal verlässliche Aussagen über rezente und historische Phytoplankton-Variationen ermöglichen, welche durch Umwelteinflüsse (natürlichen oder menschlichen Ursprungs) induziert werden. Im Rahmen des EU-Projekts CONTINENT und des Langzeit-Monitorings der Staatlichen Universität Irkutsk werden die Ergebnisse zur Phytoplankton-Entwicklung seit der letzten Warmzeit bis zum Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts den lokalen Naturschutz und globale Klimastudien unterstützen. / Lake Baikal is the World´s oldest, deepest and largest (by volume) lake and contains over 1,500 endemic species. Since 1996, after becoming a UNESCO World Heritage Area, the effects of global warming and local anthropogenic eutrophication on its unique ecosystem become a subject of international discussion. Recent and fossil phytoplankton pigments are being increasingly used to monitor recent and past responses of the phytoplankton composition and productivity to changes of climatic and other environmental conditions in aquatic systems. However, phytoplankton pigments were not yet investigated in the water column of Lake Baikal and only little in its sediment. Three main aspects were investigated in this thesis: (1) the distribution of phytoplankton and phytoplankton pigments in the euphotic zone, (2) its sedimentation through the water column and preservation within the oxidised surface sediment, and (3) variation of fossil phytoplankton pigments in the pristine lake during Holocene (since 10,000 years ago) and last interglacial (129,000-117,000 years ago). Taken together, pigment-based analyses were shown to accurately reflect phytoplankton variation caused by environmental changes of natural or human origin in Lake Baikal. In conjunction with the EU project CONTINENT and the long-term monitoring in Irkutsk, the phytoplankton development determined from the last interglacial up until the early 21st century will be used for future research of climate changes as well as for the Lake Baikal’s protection.
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A methodical approach for non-destructive estimation of plant pigments by means of remission spectroscopy applied in fruit and vegetable analysesPflanz, Michael 27 October 2014 (has links)
Anbaubegleitende spektral-optische Analysen direkt an der Pflanze haben zunehmend Bedeutung für die gartenbauliche Produktion. Veränderungen individueller Pflanzeninhaltsstoffe können mit Hilfe optischer Sensoren unmittelbar und beliebig oft erfasst werden, wodurch Pflanzenreaktionen auf veränderte Umgebungs- und Kulturbedingungen instrumentell messbar sind. Im Konzept eines Präzisionsgartenbau könnten diese zusätzlichen Informationen adaptiven Kulturmaßnahmen dienen und zur effizienten Nutzung von Ressourcen in der Produktion von Obst und Gemüse beitragen. Die wellenlängenspezifische Lichtabsorption pflanzlicher Gewebe ermöglicht zerstörungsfreie Reflexions- oder Transmissionsmessungen und die Adressierung von Pigmentgruppen im ultravioletten und sichtbaren Bereich des elektromagnetischen Spektrums. Auf Grund veränderlicher Gehalte während des Wachstum und der Entwicklung pflanzlicher Gewebe, sind Pigmente zudem wichtige Indikatoren für den physiologischen Zustand von Obst und Gemüse. Präzise zerstörungsfreie Spektralanalysen werden allerdings durch komplexe optische Eigenschaften biologischen Materials, besonders im Hinblick auf die Reifeentwicklung von Obst und Gemüse erschwert. Zur Lösung dieser Problematik wurde ein neuer iterativer Ansatz (iMLR) entwickelt, der überlagerte in-situ und in-vivo Spektren individueller Pigmente aus einem Summenmessspektrum separiert. Dieser Algorithmus wurde in eine eigenständige Applikation überführt. Eine Datenbank enthält spektrale Signaturen von Chlorophyll a und b, Lycopin, β-Carotin, α-Carotin, Lutein und Violaxanthin. Obwohl die spektrale Analyse einzelner Pigmente durch optische Störgrößen in komplex aufgebauten biologischen Geweben und Pigmentgemischen erschwert ist, konnte ein neuer Ansatz erarbeitet und validiert werden. Diese Methode minimiert spektrale Überlagerung von in-situ und in-vivo aufgezeichneten Messsummensignalen und analysiert Pigmentgehalte in Farbstoffgemische zuverlässig. / Spectral measurements on plants have already been introduced in practice through extensive research and through the recent increase in the availability of low-cost devices. It can be expected that optical sensor systems may contribute to an economic and sustainable use of natural resources as a part of the concept for precision horticulture. In terms of phytomonitoring approaches, such technologies which address variable amounts of individual chromophoric plant components become more important. Their wavelength-selective light absorption makes pigments specifically responsive to reflection or transmission recordings in the ultraviolet and visible range of the electromagnetic spectrum. Additionally, pigments serve as indicators for physiological stages of leaf and fruit. Consequently, the instrumental recording of variable pigment contents has high potential with regards to dynamic plant-adapted processes during the production of fruit and vegetables. Solving the known issues of non-destructive spectroscopy, a new approach was figured out in the present work to obtain a more precise analysis of individual pigment contents, which vary during the cultivation of horticultural crops. The tool is based on an iterative algorithm (iMLR), that separates coinciding in-situ and in-vitro spectra from sum signals of individual pigments. Finally, the algorithm was integrated into a stand-alone application containing a library of chlorophyll a and b, as well as signatures of lycopene, β-carotene, α-carotene, lutein and violaxanthin. It can be pointed out that individual pigment compositions are suitable indicators of the physiological stage of horticultural products. However, the spectral analysis of single pigment levels is challenging due to complex interactions of coinciding absorption and diffuse light scattering in natural pigment mixtures or in fruit extracts. From this, an improved method for the reliable decomposition of spectral signals was developed.
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