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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Multi-scale characterisation of permafrost landscapes and landforms in Northwest Canada based on in situ, geophysical and remote sensing data / Skalenübergreifende Charakterisierung von Permafrostlandschaften und -landformen in Nordwest-Kanada auf Basis von In-situ-, geophysikalischen und fernerkundlichen Daten

Kunz, Julius January 2025 (has links) (PDF)
Most of the periglacial environments of the Earth are experiencing enormous changes in the context of the current climate warming. These changes have strong impacts on both the thermal regime in the subsurface and on geomorphological processes taking place. In order to assess how periglacial regions will develop in the future, it is important to know the recent subsurface structures and to understand complex interactions between different surface and subsurface characteristics. Small-scale heterogeneities play an important role in this context, as they make large-scale predictions regarding future developments very difficult. In this study, these small-scale heterogeneities in surface and subsurface characteristics were examined within the area of individual landforms but also at a regional scale within the Mackenzie Delta Region. In addition to surface-subsurface interactions, the focus was on the geomorphological landforms of pingos and retrogressive thaw slumps. Pingos are key features of polar permafrost environments, are very sensitive to changes in environmental conditions and, hence, are interesting periglacial features to study surface-subsurface interactions. In contrast to this, retrogressive thaw slumps are a result of rapid thaw of ice-rich permafrost and arise more frequently in recent decades due to climate change. To enhance knowledge about the formation and development of these landforms, detailed, three-dimensional investigations were performed at a retrogressive thaw slump in the Richardson Mountains, at a hydrostatic pingo on the Tuktoyaktuk Peninsula and at a hydraulic pingo in the more southern Ogilvie Mountains. Quasi-three-dimensional electrical resistivity tomography (ERT), ground-penetrating radar (GPR) and frost probing surveys were conducted to obtain high-resolution three-dimensional information about the subsurface structures in the area of the landforms. Additional drone surveys and monitoring of ground surface temperatures provided information about surface characteristics and thermal regimes in different relief positions. The aim of this methodological approach was to measure various surface and subsurface properties in the area of the different landforms in order to analyse their interactions and relationships in more detail. In the area of the pingos, the aim was to better understand the internal structures of the landforms in particular and to determine their relationship to the local hydrology. At the retrogressive thaw slump the main objective was the investigation of relationships between subsurface structures like ice content variabilities or active layer thickness and the spatiotemporal slump development. At the retrogressive thaw slump site, the approach revealed strong heterogeneities in subsurface properties in the area close to the retreating headwall. Variations in ice content and partly unfrozen layers seem to affect the spatiotemporal slump development and the local hydrology. The local hydrology is additionally affected by a strong permafrost table topography, which was revealed by frost probing and GPR. Spatial and temporal variations in slump development were obtained from satellite data but also from two high-resolution digital elevation models derived from drone surveying. These data provide evidence on an acceleration of slump growth but also confirmed material accumulation in the slump floor indicating slump stabilisation. At the two pingo sites the focus was on the three-dimensional internal structures of the features and the delineation of frozen and unfrozen areas but also of potential massive ice bodies. At the hydrostatic pingo, a massive ice core could be detected but its position was not centred below the pingo. Instead, it is located below the western flank, whereas the eastern flank is underlain by ice-poor permafrost and partly unfrozen sediments. This contrasts with theory and raises some questions about pingo formation in general. At the hydraulic pingo, probably unfrozen areas could be detected below the centre of the pingo, which may enable ascend of artesian water. This fits to theory but the measurements failed to detect a clearly delineated, massive ice core at this site. The results of both pingo sites are among the first high-resolution, three-dimensional subsurface models of pingos and provide valuable insights to enhance knowledge about pingo formation. The more regional analysis of surface-subsurface relationships in the Mackenzie Delta Region was performed based on data collected at 25 reconnaissance sites along a north-south transect between the Richardson Mountains in the south and Richards Island and the Tuktoyaktuk Peninsula in the north. Six sites were located on Richards Island, whereas the other sites were located along the Dempster and the Inuvik-Tuktoyaktuk Highways. At each site, two-dimensional ERT surveys, frost probing and vegetation height measurements were performed. Year-round measurements of ground surface temperatures at nearly all sites completed the approach and allowed the investigation of site-specific ground thermal regimes. The ERT measurements revealed strong subsurface heterogeneities on various spatial scales but also some spatial patterns in subsurface resistivity, which seem to be related to recent morphology. The investigation of relationships between various surface parameters and the subsurface parameters of active layer thickness or electrical resistivity indicated a scale-dependent relationship between various parameters. On small spatial scales (< 10 m) there are only low to moderate correlations between surface and subsurface properties. On larger spatial scales several moderate and strong correlations could be detected using the site-specific mean values. This concerns especially relationships between the active layer thickness and several relief-related but also hydrological and vegetation-related parameters. Regarding the electrical resistivity of the subsurface, moderate or strong correlations are restricted to the hydro-geographical parameters of flow accumulation and topographic wetness index. The results of this study contribute to a better understanding of three-dimensional subsurface structures and heterogeneities in the area of pingos and retrogressive thaw slumps and therefore gain knowledge about the development of these landforms. The investigation of surface-subsurface interactions enhanced understanding of complex system interactions in periglacial environments, which should contribute to a better prediction of future landscape development in the Mackenzie Delta Region but also in other periglacial environments, especially in the context of ongoing global warming. / Die meisten Periglazialgebiete der Erde erfahren im Rahmen der aktuellen Klimaerwärmung weitreichende Änderungen, die einen erheblichen Einfluss sowohl auf das thermische Regime im Untergrund als auch auf die ablaufenden geomorphologischen Prozesse haben. Um abschätzen zu können, wie sich die Periglazialgebiete in Zukunft entwickeln, ist es notwendig, die aktuellen Untergrundeigenschaften zu kennen und komplexe Interaktionen zwischen Oberflächen- und Untergrundeigenschaften zu verstehen. Vor allem kleinräumige Heterogenitäten sind in diesem Zusammenhang besonders wichtig, da sie großskalige Vorhersagen bezüglich der zukünftigen Entwicklung deutlich erschweren. Im Rahmen dieser Studie wurden ebendiese kleinräumigen Heterogenitäten der Oberflächen- und Untergrundeigenschaften im Bereich einzelner Landformen aber auch auf einer größeren räumlichen Skala in der Mackenzie-Delta Region untersucht. Neben den Oberflächen-Untergrund-Interaktionen waren vor allem die geomorphologischen Formen der Pingos und Taurutschungen von Interesse. Pingos gehören zu den indikativen Landformen des polaren Permafrostes, sind sehr sensitiv gegenüber Veränderungen der äußeren Einflüsse und daher auch interessant für die Untersuchung von Wechselwirkungen zwischen Untergrund und Oberfläche. Im Gegensatz dazu resultieren Taurutschungen aus dem schnellen Abtauen von eisreichem Permafrost, welche in den letzten Dekaden durch die anhaltende Klimaerwärmung gehäuft auftraten. Um die Entstehung und Entwicklung dieser Landformen besser zu verstehen, wurden detaillierte dreidimensionale Untersuchungen an einer Taurutschung in den Richardson Mountains, einem hydrostatischen Pingo auf der Tuktoyaktuk-Halbinsel und an einem hydraulischen Pingo in den weiter südlich gelegenen Ogilvie Mountains durchgeführt. Um hochaufgelöste, dreidimensionale Informationen über die Untergrundstrukturen im Bereich der Landformen zu erhalten, wurden quasi-dreidimensionale, geoelektrische Widerstandstomographie (ERT), Georadar (GPR) und Messungen der Auftauschichtmächtigkeit durchgeführt. Zusätzlich wurden Drohnenbefliegungen sowie Monitoring von Oberflächentemperaturen durchgeführt, um weitere Informationen zu Oberflächeneigenschaften, dem Relief und dem thermischen Regime in verschiedenen Reliefpositionen zu erhalten. Ziel dieses methodischen Ansatzes war es, verschiedene Oberflächen- und Untergrundeigenschaften im Bereich der verschiedenen Landformen zu messen, um deren Wechselwirkungen und Beziehungen genauer zu analysieren. Im Bereich der Pingos ging es vor allem darum, die internen Strukturen der Landformen besser zu verstehen und ihre Beziehung zur lokalen Hydrologie zu untersuchen. An der untersuchten Taurutschung konnte der Ansatz starke Heterogenitäten der Untergrundeigenschaften im Bereich angrenzend an die zurückweichende Stirnwand der Rutschung aufzeigen. Sowohl Variationen im Eisgehalt als auch teilweise ungefrorene Schichten im Untergrund scheinen die raumzeitliche Entwicklung der Rutschung sowie die lokale Hydrologie zu beeinflussen. Die Hydrologie an diesem Standort ist zudem noch durch eine starke Topographie der Permafrosttafel beeinflusst, die durch Messung der Auftauschichtmächtigkeit sowie GPR-Messungen detektiert werden konnte. Die räumlichen und zeitlichen Variabilitäten in der Entwicklung der Rutschung wurden mit Hilfe von Satellitendaten und zwei hochaufgelösten, drohnenbasierten Geländemodellen abgeleitet. Diese Daten deuten auf eine Beschleunigung des Rutschungswachstums hin, konnten aber auch eine Materialakkumulation im Bereich vor der rückschreitenden Erosionsstirn bestätigen, welche als Indiz für eine Stabilisation gesehen werden kann. An den beiden Pingos lag der Fokus auf deren dreidimensionalen internen Strukturen und der Abgrenzung von gefrorenen und ungefrorenen Bereichen sowie von potentiellen massiven Eiskörpern. Am hydrostatischen Pingo konnte ein massiver Eiskörper nachgewiesen werden, allerdings ist seine Position nicht zentral unter dem Pingo lokalisiert. Stattdessen ist er eher unter der westlichen Flanke des Pingos sowie dessen angrenzender Umgebung lokalisiert, während die östliche Flanke von eisarmem Permafrost und teilweise ungefrorenen Sedimenten unterlagert ist. Dies steht ein Stück weit in Kontrast zur bisher geltenden Theorie und wirft neue Fragen hinsichtlich der Pingo-Genese auf. Am hydraulischen Pingo konnten mutmaßlich ungefrorene Bereiche zentral unter dem Pingo detektiert werden, welche möglicherweise den Aufstieg von artesischem Grundwasser ermöglichen. Dies passt zur Theorie, wobei allerdings mit Hilfe der Messungen kein klar abgegrenzter, massiver Eiskern detektiert werden konnte. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studien gehören zu den ersten hochaufgelösten, dreidimensionalen Untergrundmodellen von Pingos und bieten daher wertvolle Einblicke, um das Verständnis zur Entstehung von Pingos zu verbessern. An der untersuchten Taurutschung war das Hauptziel die Untersuchung von Zusammenhängen zwischen Untergrundeigenschaften wie beispielsweise relativen Eisgehaltsänderungen oder der Auftauschichtmächtigkeit und der raumzeitlichen Entwicklung der Taurutschung. Die eher großskalige Analyse von Wechselwirkungen zwischen Oberfläche und Untergrund in der Mackenzie-Delta Region wurde auf Basis von 25 Messprofilen entlang eines Nord-Südtransektes zwischen den Richardson Mountains im Süden und Richards Island bzw. der Tuktoyaktuk Halbinsel im Norden durchgeführt. Sechs dieser Untersuchungsgebiete lagen auf Richards Island, wohingegen die restlichen Profile entlang des Dempster- und Inuvik-Tuktoyaktuk-Highways lagen. An jeder dieser Lokalitäten wurde ein zweidimensionales ERT-Profil, sowie die Mächtigkeit der Auftauschicht und die Vegetationshöhe gemessen. Ganzjährige Messungen der Oberflächentemperatur an nahezu allen Standorten ermöglichte zudem die Untersuchung lokalitätsspezifischer thermischer Regime. Die ERT-Messungen konnten auf verschiedenen räumlichen Skalen starke Heterogenitäten aber auch scheinbar reliefbedingte räumliche Muster im oberflächennahen Untergrund detektieren. Die Untersuchung von Wechselwirkungen zwischen verschiedenen Oberflächenparametern mit den Untergrundparametern der Auftauschichtmächtigkeit sowie der elektrischen Widerstände zeigte einige skalenabhängige Zusammenhänge zwischen verschiedenen Parametern. Auf kleinen räumlichen Skalen (<10 m) gibt es scheinbar nur schwache bis moderate Zusammenhänge zwischen Oberflächen- und Untergrundeigenschaften. Auf räumlich etwas größeren Skalen (~200 m) konnten unter der Verwendung von lokalen Mittelwerten hingegen einige moderate und auch starke Zusammenhänge nachgewiesen werden. Dies betrifft vor allem Zusammenhänge zwischen der Auftauschichtmächtigkeit und reliefbezogenen, hydro-geographischen, oder vegetationsbezogenen Parametern. In Bezug auf die elektrischen Widerstände des Untergrundes beschränken sich moderate und stärkere Zusammenhänge lediglich auf die hydro-geographischen Merkmale der Einzugsgebietsgröße sowie des topographischen Feuchteindizes (TWI). Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie tragen zu einem besseren Verständnis der dreidimensionalen Untergrundstrukturen und Heterogenitäten im Bereich von Pingos und Taurutschungen bei und helfen so, deren Entstehung und Entwicklung besser zu verstehen. Die Untersuchung von Wechselwirkungen zwischen Oberflächen- und Untergrundeigenschaften kann zudem das Verständnis bezüglich komplexer Systeminteraktionen in Periglazialgebieten verbessern. Dies soll dazu beitragen, die zukünftige Landschaftsentwicklung in der Mackenzie-Delta Region, aber auch in den anderen Periglazialgebieten der Erde besser einschätzen zu können – besonders auch im Rahmen der anhaltenden Klimaerwärmung. / Most of the periglacial environments on Earth are experiencing enormous changes during the ongoing climate warming. These changes strongly affect the thermal regime in the subsurface as well as geomorphological processes taking place. To assess how periglacial environments will develop in the future, it is important to know the recent subsurface structures and to understand their complex relationships to surface characteristics. Small-scale heterogeneities play an important role in this context, as they make large-scale predictions regarding future development very difficult. This study presents a multimethodological approach to reveal relationships between surface and subsurface properties and their respective small-scale distribution along a north-south transect throughout the Mackenzie Delta Region in Northwest Canada. In addition, high-resolution three-dimensional investigations of two pingos and a retrogressive thaw slump reveal new insights in the morphological development of these landforms.

Desenvolvimento de tecnologia de queijo tipo Minas artesanal da microrregião do Campo das Vertentes para produção industrial com emprego de leite pasteurizado

Fernandes, Lorena Evangelista 28 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Geandra Rodrigues (geandrar@gmail.com) on 2018-06-19T12:42:02Z No. of bitstreams: 1 lorenaevangelistafernandes.pdf: 3413787 bytes, checksum: 3ec0f338e3d4a5a74fb584252625026d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2018-06-27T11:14:53Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 lorenaevangelistafernandes.pdf: 3413787 bytes, checksum: 3ec0f338e3d4a5a74fb584252625026d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-27T11:14:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 lorenaevangelistafernandes.pdf: 3413787 bytes, checksum: 3ec0f338e3d4a5a74fb584252625026d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-28 / CNPq - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / A tradição e a qualidade na produção de queijos no estado de Minas Gerais é destaque no cenário nacional. A Microrregião do Campo das Vertentes foi reconhecida oficialmente como região produtora do queijo Minas artesanal pelo Instituto Mineiro de Agropecuária (IMA) em 2009 e conta com um grande número produtores familiares que preservam a produção em pequena escala com a utilização de leite cru e métodos tradicionais. No Brasil, queijos elaborados a partir de leite cru possuem exigências legislativas que controlam seu comércio nas esferas municipais, estaduais e federais. Sendo assim, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo criar uma alternativa aos laticínios para produzir um queijo similar aqueles encontrados no mercado local e regional a partir de leite pasteurizado e culturas lácteas industriais, podendo ser comercializado em qualquer região do país sob inspeção. Para isso, após a identificação da unidade industrial (laticínio) e queijaria tradicional, localizados na Microrregião do Campo das Vertentes, foi elaborado um plano de fabricação, maturação, coleta e transporte dos queijos junto aos produtores. Foram feitas análises do perfil de textura (TPA), de aspectos físico-químicos, microbiológicas e sensoriais dos queijos artesanais tradicionais e dos queijos produzidos a partir da tecnologia desenvolvida ao longo de 60 dias de maturação. Adotou-se o delineamento em parcelas subdivididas no tempo e os resultados obtidos foram submetidas à análise estatística ANOVA e a Teste de Tukey em nível de 5% de significância por meio do software SISVAR. O emprego de leite pasteurizado e de culturas lácteas mistas não influenciou no perfil de textura dos queijos industriais, avaliados aos 2, 20, 40 e 60 dias após a fabricação, em relação aos artesanais (p>0,05). Da mesma forma, o perfil microbiológico, analisado aos 2 e 60 dias de maturação apresentou contagens de coliformes a 30 ºC, coliformes a 45 ºC, Staphylococcus aureus, Listeria spp. e Salmonella spp. abaixo dos limites estabelecidos pela legislação vigente, não apresentando diferenças entre tratamentos. A análise de aspectos físico-químicos, feita aos 2, 20, 40 e 60 dias, mostrou que a tecnologia não influenciou os teores de cloreto de sódio, umidade e resíduo mineral fixo dos queijos (p>0,05). Atividade de água, gordura, pH, proteína total, extensão e profundidade de proteólise apresentaram diferenças significativas em períodos pontuais entre os queijos artesanais e industriais (p<0,05). Dos atributos sensoriais avaliados pela equipe técnica de pesquisa da EPAMIG ILCT, textura, gosto salgado e odor não diferiram estatisticamente entre tratamentos (p>0,05). Já o aspecto global dos queijos foi melhor avaliado nos queijos artesanais aos 40 dias quando comparados aos industriais no mesmo período. A consistência, o aroma e o sabor obtiveram notas mais altas ao fim da maturação (60 dias) e a cor interna e sabor residual obtiveram melhor avaliação a partir dos 20 dias nos queijos artesanais. Nos testes de intenção de compra (FACT) e aceitação (Escala Hedônica) não foi observada influência do fator tratamento (p>0,05). A tecnologia desenvolvida para fabricação de QMA com emprego de leite pasteurizado e cultivos lácteos industriais é uma alternativa possível para produção em laticínios, podendo gerar benefícios sociais e econômicos como forma de auxílio na consolidação do estado de Minas Gerais como principal e mais tradicional produtor de queijos do Brasil, seja em nível artesanal como industrial. / Cheese-making tradition and quality in the state of Minas Gerais has stood out in the national scenario. The Campo das Vertentes region was officially recognized as a Minas cheese producing region by the Minas Gerais Institute of Agriculture (IMA) in 2009, with on-farm small-scale cheese making using raw milk and traditional methods. In Brazil, cheeses made from raw milk have legislative requirements that regulate marketing in the municipal, state, and federal spheres. Thus, the present study aimed to study an alternative to the dairy industry to produce cheese similar to those found in the local market, using pasteurized milk and industrial cultures, thus allowing product commercialization throughout the country under inspection. For that, after the selection of the dairy processing unit and the traditional cheese factory, located in the Campos das Vertentes region, a plan of manufacture, ripening, collection, and transport of cheeses was established together with the producers. The traditional artisanal cheese and industrial cheese produced using the technology under study were characterized for the texture profile (TPA), and physicochemical, microbiological, and sensory evaluation during 60 days of ripening. A split plot design was used, and the results were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey's test at a 5% level of significance using the SISVAR software. The use of pasteurized milk and mixed starter cultures did not affect the texture profile of the industrial cheeses after 2, 20, 40, and 60 days of ripening, when compared to the artisanal cheeses (p>0.05). Concerning the microbiological profile after 2 and 60 days of ripening, counts of coliforms at 30ºC, coliforms at 45ºC, Staphylococcus aureus, Listeria spp., and Salmonella spp. were below the limits established by the current legislation, with no significant differences between the treatments. With regard to the physicochemical characteristics, sodium chloride, moisture levels, and fixed mineral residue of cheeses were not affected after 2, 20, 40, and 60 days of ripening (p>0.05). In contrast, significant differences (p<0.05) were observed for water activity, fat, pH, total protein, extent and depth of proteolysis between the artisanal and industrial cheeses during storage. The sensory evaluation performed by the EPAMIG ILCT research team showed no significant differences for texture, salty taste, and odor between treatments (p>0.05). On the other hand, higher overall impression scores were obtained for the artisanal cheeses when compared to the industrial cheeses at 40 days of ripening. In addition, higher consistency, aroma, and flavor scores were observed at the end of ripening (60 days), while the attributes internal color and residual flavor of the artisanal cheeses exhibited higher scores after 20 days of ripening. The treatment did not affect the purchase intention (FACT) and acceptance test (hedonic scale) (p>0.05). The technology developed to make artisanal Minas cheese using pasteurized milk and industrial cultures can be an effective alternative for the dairy industry, and can generate social and economic benefits, allowing the consolidation of the state of Minas Gerais as the leading cheese producer at both the artisanal and industrial levels in Brazil.

Caracterização física e físico-química do queijo Minas artesanal da microrregião Campo das Vertentes

Moreno, Victor Jose 02 August 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2017-05-16T14:52:02Z No. of bitstreams: 1 victorjosemoreno.pdf: 5093922 bytes, checksum: 5c807d58ce57b402c631ea172e436e47 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2017-05-17T16:15:34Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 victorjosemoreno.pdf: 5093922 bytes, checksum: 5c807d58ce57b402c631ea172e436e47 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-17T16:15:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 victorjosemoreno.pdf: 5093922 bytes, checksum: 5c807d58ce57b402c631ea172e436e47 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-08-02 / FAPEMIG - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais / A Microrregião de Campo das Vertentes no Estado de Minas Gerais foi reconhecida oficialmente como região produtora do queijo Minas artesanal, pelo Instituto Mineiro de Agropecuária (IMA) em novembro de 2009. Embora estudos tenham sido conduzidos por órgãos de pesquisas e agências de extensão rural tenham atuado no intuito de melhorias da fabricação deste queijo, faltam ainda mais embasamentos científicos. Neste contexto, este trabalho objetivou a caracterização física e físico-química do queijo Minas artesanal desta microrregião, em propriedades cadastradas ou em processo de cadastramento, adequadas às condições satisfatórias das boas práticas agropecuárias e de fabricação segundo o IMA. Os dados foram coletados de quatro propriedades que por ocasião deste estudo, cumpriam os prérequisitos legais, localizadas em três municípios, São João Del Rei, Lagoa Dourada e Coronel Xavier Chaves. Como metodologia, foi elaborado um plano de fabricação, maturação, coleta e transporte dos queijos junto aos produtores. Foi aplicado questionário diagnóstico visando levantar informações sobre as condições de fabricação. Dados climatológicos da região durante os períodos seco e chuvoso, para execução deste estudo e que foram solicitados ao Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia para se constatar possível influência do clima sobre as características físico-químicas dos queijos produzidos. Adotou-se o delineamento em blocos casualizados com parcelas subdivididas. Foram avaliados três fatores qualitativos: Período do ano com dois níveis (seco e chuvoso); fator queijaria com quatro níveis (1, 2, 3 e 4) e fator tempo de maturação com três níveis (10, 20 e 30 dias de maturação) utilizando-se três repetições. Os dados gerados foram tabulados em planilha eletrônica, e transcritos ao Sistema para Análises Estatísticas (SAEG), onde foram verificados os pressupostos ao uso da estatística paramétrica. Os seguintes resultados médios foram encontrados: pH 5,15; aw 0,91; teores percentuais (m/m) de EST = 64,2%; Umidade = 35,84%; GES = 53,0%; RMF = 5,40%; Gordura = 33,8%; NaCl = 2,61%; sal na umidade = 7,32%; umidade na massa desengordurada do queijo = 53,58%; proteína total = 23,3%; NSpH4,6/NT = 12,02% e NSTCA 12%/NT = 6,91%. Concluiu-se que os teores percentuais (m/m) de gordura, sólidos totais, índices de extensão da proteólise, umidade na massa desengordurada do queijo, umidade e sal na umidade foram os aspectos físico-químicos que mais sofreram variabilidade entre os produtores no período seco. Já no período chuvoso esta falta de padronização se percebe nos teores percentuais (m/m) de cloreto de sódio, sal na umidade, NSpH4,6/NT e NSTCA 12%/NT. Sendo que o sal na umidade e NSpH4,6/NT são os aspectos físico-químicos que mais sofreram variação (falta de padronização) em ambos os períodos. Os aspectos físico-químicos que sofreram menor dispersão em ambos os períodos, foram o pH, atividade de água e teores percentuais de gordura no estrato seco e proteína total. O queijo Minas artesanal da microrregião Campo das Vertentes, pode ser classificado pela legislação Federal, como queijo gordo de acordo com o teor percentual (m/m) de gordura no estrato seco (GES = 53,0%). De acordo com o teor percentual (m/m) de umidade (35,84%), como queijo de baixa umidade (massa dura) a queijo de média umidade (massa semidura), dependendo da época do ano. Adequando-se por outro lado à Legislação Mineira que estabelece uma umidade expressa em base úmida até 45,9%. / The Microrregião Campo das Vertentes in the State of Minas Gerais (Brazil) was officially recognized as producer region Minas artisanal cheese by Instituto Mineiro de Agropecuária, through the publication on Portaria No.1022 on November 3, 2009. Although studies have been conducted by agencies of research and rural extension agencies have acted in order to improve the manufacture of this cheese, more researches are still necessary. In this context, this study aimed at the physical and physicochemical characterization of Minas artisanal cheese in this Microrregião in registered properties or in those where registration are in process. They are appropriated to the satisfactory conditions of good agricultural practices and manufacturing in accordance with the Instituto Mineiro de Agropecuária. The data were collected from four properties that during this study fulfilled the legal prerequisites, located in three counties, São João Del Rei, Lagoa Dourada and Coronel Xavier Chaves. As methodology, it was done a plan for manufacturing, maturating, collecting and transporting of samples-cheese with the producers. It applied a diagnostic questionnaire aiming to up information on the manufacturing conditions. Climatological data of the region during the execution of this study were provided by the National Institute of Meteorology to observe possible influences of climate on physicochemical characteristics of the cheeses produced. Adopting a randomized block design with split plots. It evaluated three different qualitative factors: Period of the year with two levels (dry season and rainy); producer factor with four levels (producer 1, 2, 3 and 4) and maturation time factor with three levels (10, 20 and 30 days of maturation) using three replicates. Data generated the experiment were previously tabulated in a spreadsheet, and transcribed the System for Statistical Analyses (SAEG), which were verified to use the presupposition of parametric statistics, considering a significance level (p < 0.05).The following results were found: pH 5,15; water activity (aw = = 0,91); content (w/w) of (m/m) de total solids = 64,2%; moisture = 35,84%; FDM = 53,0%; mineral salts = 5,40%; fat = 33,8%; NaCl = 2,61%; salt-in-moisture = 7,32%; MNFS = 53,58%; total protein = 23,3%; extent of proteolysis = 12,02% e secondary proteolysis = 6,91%.It is concluded that content (w/w) of fat, total solids, extent of proteolysis, moisture in nonfat substances, moisture and salt-in-moisture were the physicochemical parameters that suffered the most variability among producers in the dry season period. In the rainy season this lack of standardization is perceived, in the content (w/w) of salt, Salt-in-moisture, extent of proteolysis and secondary proteolysis. Since the Salt-in-moisture and extent of proteolysis are the physicochemical parameters that suffered the most variation (lack of standardization) in both periods. The parameters that have suffered less dispersion in both periods were pH, water activity and percentage fat in dry matter and content of total protein. The Minas artisan cheese of Microrregião Campo das Vertentes, can be classified by federal legislation as fat cheese according to percentage (w/w) fat in dry matter (FDM = 53,0%). According to moisture content (w/w) - (35, 84%), as low moisture cheese (hard cheese) or average moisture cheese (semi-hard cheese), depending on the season of year. Suiting moreover to State of Minas Gerais legislation that determines a content (w/w) of moisture up to 45,9%.

Aspectos sensoriais e microbiológicos do queijo Minas artesanal da microrregião Campo das Vertentes

Resende, Eliane Campos 25 July 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2017-05-16T13:13:51Z No. of bitstreams: 1 elianecamposresende.pdf: 2968772 bytes, checksum: 630b5d78426fc1bc53c2edecef96af1e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2017-05-17T16:16:01Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 elianecamposresende.pdf: 2968772 bytes, checksum: 630b5d78426fc1bc53c2edecef96af1e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-17T16:16:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 elianecamposresende.pdf: 2968772 bytes, checksum: 630b5d78426fc1bc53c2edecef96af1e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-07-25 / No estado de Minas Gerais existem milhares de famílias na Serra da Canastra, Serro, Cerrado, Araxá, Campo das Vertentes e Triângulo Mineiro que são produtoras e dependentes da fabricação artesanal de queijo. A microrregião do Campo das Vertentes foi a quinta região reconhecida oficialmente pelo Instituto Mineiro de Agropecuária. Assim, esse experimento, objetivou avaliar os queijos Minas artesanal versando sobre requisitos sensoriais e microbiológicos. A coleta foi realizada em quatro queijarias selecionadas e cadastradas na microrregião, em dois períodos do ano, seco e chuvoso, analisados sensorialmente em três tempos de maturação (10, 20 e 30 dias) com três repetições. Para as análises microbiológicas utilizou-se apenas os tempos 0 e 30de maturação e os resultados foram transformados por médias logarítmica, contudo para ambas foi utilizando o teste de Tukey. Os resultados dos testes de aceitação e de intenção de compra corroboram entre si na atitude do consumidor que preferem adquirir o queijo Minas artesanal com maturação de 10 dias e no período seco, ou seja, mesmo elaborados a partir de leite cru e sem a devida maturação, estes são os preferidos pelos consumidores, contudo podendo constituir risco à saúde. Dessa forma a mudança de hábito da população para aquisição de produtos mais maturados, de preferência após os 20 dias, seriam imprescindíveis para a melhor qualidade e sua segurança. Utilizando o método de Análise Descritiva Quantitativa Modificada, os atributos apresentaram médio coeficiente de variação se mostrando instáveis. Os seguintes resultados foram encontrados: aspectos típicos, coloração amarelo-palha, textura variável, consistência semidura, aroma com tendência à forte e sabor intermediário sendo que os principais problemas detectados pelos provadores foi o excesso de sal e gosto amargo. Para as análises microbiológicas , observou-se no tempo 0 que 91,6 % para coliformes totais, 25% dos coliformes termotolerantes e 70,8% de estafilococos coagulase positiva estavam fora do padrão adotado pela legislação, enquanto que para a mesma sequência de micro-organismos, no tempo 30 de maturação este percentual passa a ser de 50%, 33,3%, 16,6%, respectivamente, e estando muitas vezes dentro dos padrões exigidos pela legislação. Salmonella sp. e Listeria sp. se mostraram ausentes em todas as amostras. Faz-se necessários novos estudos para continuo desenvolvimento do Campo das Vertentes como região produtora, bem como para a melhoria dos queijos nela produzidos e padronização de tecnologia de fabricação visando a caracterização futura. / In the state of Minas Gerais there are many families in Serra da Canastra, Serro, Cerrado, Araxá, Campo das Vertentes and Triangulo Mineiro regions that are producing and dependent on artisanal cheesemaking. The Campo das Vertentes region was the fifth region officially recognized by the official Institute of Agriculture from the state of Minas Gerais. Thus, this experiment aimed to evaluate the Minas artisanal cheeses understanding on sensory and microbiological requirements. Data collection was conducted in four selected dairies and registered on the region, in two seasons, dry and rainy, sensorially analyzed in three stages of maturation (10, 20 and 30 days) with three replications. For microbiological analyzes only used them days 0 and 30 ripening and results were transformed by logarithmic averages, however for both was using the Tukey test. The results of the acceptance tests and purchase intent corroborate each other in the attitude of the consumer who prefer to acquire the Minas artisanal cheese matured for 10 days and in the dry season, or even made from raw milk and without proper maturation these are preferred by consumers, but may constitute a health risk. Thus, changes in the habits of the population to acquire more matured product, preferably after the 20 days, would be indispensable for the best quality and safety. Using the method of Quantitative Descriptive Analysis Modified, attributes showed an average coefficient of variation was showing unstable. The following results were found: typical aspects, straw-yellow color, texture variable, semi-hard consistency, aroma-prone intermediate and strong flavor and the main problems detected by the panelists was the excess salt content and bitter taste. For microbiological analysis, it was observed at time 0 to 91.6% for total coliforms, thermotolerants coliforms of 25% and 70.8% of coagulase positive staphylococci were outside the standard adopted by the law, while for the same sequence of micro-organisms, the maturation time 30 this percentage rises to 50%, 33.3%, 16.6%, respectively, and being often within the standards required by law. Salmonella sp. and Listeria sp. proved absent in all samples. It is necessary to continue further studies in the field of development of the Campo das Vertentes region as well as for the improvement of cheeses production and standardization of manufacturing technology aimed at further characterization.

Origen de la fábrica magnética del plutón granodiorita cerro del Pingo (25°40'S - 70°15'O): Implicancias en relación a su mecanismo de emplazamiento

Saldías Meza, José Ignacio January 2015 (has links)
Geólogo / La Granodiorita Cerro del Pingo (GCP) corresponde a un intrusivo epizonal de edad Cretácico Inferior (ca. 130 - 127 Ma), compuesto por granodioritas y tonalitas de biotita y anfíbola de grano medio y tonalitas de piroxeno, el cual se encuentra emplazado directamente al este de la rama oriental del Sistema de Fallas de Atacama (SFA). En su extremo sur, la GCP presenta localmente una foliación mesoscópica subparalela a la traza del SFA y, a lo largo de su borde occidental, desarrollo de milonitas y protomilonitas asociado a la actividad transcurrente sinestral de dicho sistema. Varios procesos han sido planteados para explicar el origen de las fábricas desarrolladas en plutones graníticos; algunos se refieren a procesos propios de la dinámica interna de la cámara magmática (e.g. Gutiérrez et al., 2013), mientras que otros las atribuyen a la actividad tectónica sin- y/o post-emplazamiento (e.g. Wilson et al., 1999). Por otro lado, el estudio estructural de plutones graníticos ha avanzado debido al uso de la técnica de anisotropía de susceptibilidad magnética (ASM). Esta técnica ha sido capaz de proporcionar una descripción cuantitativa de la fábrica magnética, la que usualmente es coaxial a la fábrica magmática. De esta manera, el objetivo de este estudio es interpretar el origen de la fábrica magnética presente en la GCP. Para lograrlo se realizó un estudio de ASM y de las propiedades magnéticas de este plutón. Se muestreó el plutón en 38 sitios obteniéndose 386 especímenes orientados in situ. La orientación y magnitud de los ejes principales del elipsoide de ASM fueron determinados mediante un susceptibilímetro Kappabridge KLY-3S, con una resolución de 3 x 10-8 SI. Además, se realizaron mediciones de temperatura de Curie en muestras seleccionadas de las distintas facies de la GCP, en conjunto con análisis petrográficos orientados a identificar los minerales portadores magnéticos presentes. Por último, se realizó un análisis macro- y microestructural de la GCP y las milonitas del SFA, para establecer la cinemática de los desplazamientos ocurridos a lo largo de la rama oriental del SFA y examinar el estado en que la GCP adquirió la fábrica magnética. Los resultados indican que la fábrica magnética de las facies granodioritas y tonalitas de biotita y anfíbola se encuentra definida por magnetita, mientras que en la facies tonalitas de piroxeno ésta se encuentra definida por piroxeno o, eventualmente, por una combinación entre piroxeno y magnetita. Por otro lado, la fábrica magnética es principalmente oblata y muestra dos patrones bien definidos al interior del plutón. Por un lado, la mitad occidental del plutón (próxima al SFA) se encuentra caracterizada por foliaciones subverticales y lineaciones subhorizontales, ambas con orientación NNE a NS; mientras que la mitad oriental del plutón (distal al SFA), presenta foliaciones subhorizontales de rumbo variable y lineaciones subhorizontales de orientación NE a EW. Las fábricas registradas en la mitad occidental del plutón son consistentes con el campo de deformación regional inducido por la actividad transcurrente sinestral de la rama oriental del SFA, por lo tanto, se interpreta que estas fábricas se desarrollaron durante emplazamiento sintectónico. En tanto, la fábrica oblata subhorizontal registrada en la mitad oriental del plutón sugiere que el magma intruyó lateralmente a través de una discontinuidad horizontal en el basamento, desarrollándose un emplazamiento activo en este sector del plutón.

Vernal Pool Mapping and Geomorphology in the Appalachian Mountains of Pennsylvania

Blackman, Taylor Nathaniel 11 June 2019 (has links)
Vernal pools are small seasonally-ponded wetlands that provide crucial habitat for amphibian reproduction and support trophic levels beyond their boundaries. The Ridge and Valley physiographic province in Pennsylvania is known to have vernal pools, but a regional inventory and geomorphology assessment is needed. My research is split into two independent parts focusing on the higher elevation areas of this region to determine vernal pool distribution and characteristics. Vernal pools were mapped using a LiDAR based suitability model and leaf-off aerial imagery interpretation. Four terrain rasters derived from a 1-meter DEM (modified wind modified wind exposure, terrain surface convexity, topographic position index, and a multiresolution index of valley bottom flatness) were used in the suitability model. An analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey's HSD test found a significant difference using the model between terrestrial (non-wetland) habitat and vernal pools. Photo interpretation and field surveying lead to an inventory of 1011 vernal pools. Geomorphology was assessed from 13 variables to determine the best for vernal pool prediction. Three variables were significant for the occurrence and frequency of vernal pools; saddles with higher surface area, 0.6 to 1.5 kilometers between the summits of parallel ridgelines, and the presence of periglacial related solifluction. Vernal pool distribution is greater than previously known and they occur in predictable settings. Further research should focus on how and where vernal pools form, their impact on water quality, role in forest ecology, and ways to legally protect them at the state level. / Master of Science / Vernal pools are seasonally-ponded wetlands that are very important for amphibian reproduction. The Appalachian Mountains of Pennsylvania are known to have vernal pools, but comprehensive inventory is lacking. My research consists of two parts that focus on the higher elevation areas and assess the distribution and qualities of the vernal pools. Vernal pools were mapped using a LiDAR based suitability model and leaf-off aerial imagery interpretation. Statistical analysis was completed to prove that there was a significant difference in terrain morphology between non-wetland habitat and vernal pools. This research resulted in a total inventory of 1011 vernal pools. Results found that vernal pools were likely occur in landscape positions with higher surface area, 0.6 to 1.5 kilometers between the summits of parallel ridgelines, and the presence of topographic features indicative of glacial processes. Vernal pools are much more abundant than previously known and they occur in predictable settings. Further research could focus on the formation of vernal pools, impact on water quality, role in forest ecology, and ways to legally protect them at the state level.

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