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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Desenvolvimento e implementação de antena planar para aparelhos celulares

Téllez Garzón, Johan Leandro January 2013 (has links)
Neste trabalho é apresentado o projeto de uma antena planar de formato de F-invertido (PIFA) com ranhura-T para aplicação nos sistemas de comunicações sem fio GSM/UMTS/WCDMA. As larguras de banda da antena são aumentadas em função do aproveitamento dos modos ressonantes implícitos no plano de terra. Uma análise paramétrica é feita visando a obtenção de desempenho equilibrado na antena. As diversas simulações do desempenho da antena são realizadas com o software SEMCAD, que utiliza o método das diferenças finitas no domínio do tempo (FDTD). No trabalho é avaliada a diferença de desempenho da antena com e sem a presença do aparelho celular e também próximo à cabeça do usuário. Deste modo, é observada uma influência negativa sobre o desempenho da antena causada pela presença da cabeça do usuário. Adicionalmente, boa concordância é observada entre os dados do modelo simulado e os resultados medidos do protótipo. / This work presents the design and implementation of a planar inverted F-type antenna (PIFA) slot-T for wireless mobile communications GSM/UMTS/WCDMA. The excitation of the ground plane modes is used to increase the antenna bandwidth. A parametric analysis is done to obtain a balanced performance of the antenna. The several antenna performance simulations are performed with the SEMCAD software, which use the finite difference time domain (FDTD) method. In addition the differences in performance of the antenna are evaluated with and without the presence of the cell phone housing and the user's head, thus, negative influence on the antenna performance caused by the presence of the user's head is observed. Finally a prototype is implemented to get an idea of the real behavior of the proposed antenna. Good agreement is observed between data of the simulated model and measured results of the prototype.

Sistemas dinâmicos com um único ponto de equilíbrio e injetividade / Dynamical systems with a single equilibrium point and injectivity

Jean Venato Santos 15 February 2011 (has links)
A primeira parte deste trabalho é dedicada ao estudo de sistemas dinâmicos contínuos e discretos bidimensionais com um único ponto de equillíbrio que é do tipo sela hiperbólica. No caso contínuo, obtemos condições sufiientes para que um campo vetorial planar seja topologicamente equivalente à sela linear L(x; y) = (-x; y). No caso em que o campo vetorial é um difeomorfismo local, a injetividade do campo jogará um papel fundamental na obtenção de tal equivalência topológica. Além disto, apresentamos uma descrição das folheações do plano associadas a campos de vetores com uma única singularidade do tipo sela hiperbólica. No âmbito dos sistemas discretos, apresentamos condições para que um difeomorfismo, possuindo uma sela hiperbólica como único ponto fixo, satisfaça as propriedades básicas de um sistema linear com um ponto fixo que é do tipo sela hiperbólica: as quatro separatrizes do ponto fixo se acumulam só no infinito e os iterados dos pontos que não estão nas variedades invariantes deste ponto fixo se acumulam no infinito tanto no passado quanto no futuro. A segunda parte deste texto, se dedica a problemas de injetividade de difeomorfismos locais em \'R POT. n\'. Mais especificamente, obtemos versões fracas da Conjetura Jacobiana Real de Jelonek e de uma Conjetura apresentada por Nollet e Xavier. Ambos problemas estão intimamente ligados à famosa Conjetura Jacobiana, que foi considerada por Smale em 1998 como um dos dezoito problemas matemáticos mais relevantes ainda em aberto / The first part of this work is dedicated to the study of continuous and discrete twodimensional dynamical systems with a unique equilibrium point which is a hyperbolic saddle. In the continuous case, we obtain sufficient conditions for a planar vector field be topologically equivalent to the linear saddle L(x; y) = (-x; y). In the case where the vector field is a local diffeomorphism, the injectivity of the field will play a key role in obtaining such a topological equivalence. Furthermore, we provide a description of foliations of the plane vector fields associated with a unique singularity of hyperbolic saddle type. In the context of discrete systems, we present conditions for a diffeomorphism, possessing a hyperbolic saddle as the single fixed point, to satisfy the basic properties of a linear system with a fixed point of saddle type which is hyperbolic: the four separatrices of the fixed point accumulate only at infinity and iterated the points that are not in invariant manifolds of this fixed point accumulate in infinity in both the past and future. The second part of this text is devoted to problems of injectivity of local diffeomorphisms on \'R POT. n\'. More specifically, we obtain weaker versions of the Jelonek\'s Real Jacobian Conjecture and a Conjecture given by Nollet and Xavier. Both problems are closely linked to the famous Jacobian Conjecture, which was considered by Smale in 1998 as one of eighteen mathematical problems even more important in open

A Study in 3D Structure Detection Implementing Forward Camera Motion

, D.M.BAPPY, RAHMAN, MD HAMIDUR January 2012 (has links)
In this thesis we have studied detection of 3D structures having a forward camera movement which has strong influence of translation along the optical axis of the camera. During the forward movement the camera might undergoes rotation and translation .We have used “Plane plus Parallax” algorithm to cancel out this unwanted rotation. The input to the algorithm is a sequence of frames aligned with respect to a certain planar surface. The algorithm gives three types of outputs. (i) Dense correspondence across all frames. (ii) Dense 3D structure relative to the planar surface. (ii) Focus of Expansion (FOE) in all frames with respect to reference frame. Camera calibration is not needed for this algorithm. We have applied this algorithm to real world images and synthetic images. In both cases the 3D structure information could be obtained clearly even for objects far from the reference plane. Our result shows the potential of the method in 3D reconstruction implementing ego-motion of a single camera. / dm_aiub@yahoo.com 008801681006314

Generation of floating islands using height maps

Sandberg, Roland January 2013 (has links)
A floating island was generated using two height maps, one for the bottom of the island and one for the top. Vertices of the island was displaced in the Y axis using an algorithm called Simplex noise. To avoid texture stretching that appears when displacing the vertices an algorithm called “tri planar projection” was implemented. After the vertices had been displaced the normal was smoothed using “normal smoothing”. An algorithm here called “the AVG algorithm” is created to smooth jig sawed edges around the island that appears after the island has been generated. The results of the AVG algorithm is judged by a group of 26 participants to see if any jig sawed edges are perceived. They answered a survey containing seven pictures, with each picture having one more iteration of the AVG algorithm then the last, starting from 0 iterations. Five iterations proved to be the best.

A Space-Filling Technique for the Visualization of Planar st-graph

Wang, Yuanmao January 2012 (has links)
Graphs currently attract an increasing number of computer scientists due to their widely adoptions in different areas. However, when people perform graph drawing, one of the most critical issues they need to concern is atheistics, i.e., to make the graph more suitable for human perceptions. In this work, we will aim at exploring one specific kind of graph ''planar st-graphs'' with space-filling technique in Info Vis area. We would cover edge crossing elimination, layer assignment, graph drawing algorithms, and new development of space-filling technique in planar st-graphs drawing etc. The final aim of this project is to develop a new algorithm to draw planar st-graphs based on a space-filling visualization approach with minimum edge crossings and maximum space usage.

Planar graphs : non-aligned drawings, power domination and enumeration of Eulerian orientations / Graphes planaires : dessins non-alignés, domination de puissance et énumération d’orientations Eulériennes

Pennarun, Claire 14 June 2017 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous présentons trois problèmes concernant les graphes planaires.Nous travaillons tout d'abord sur les dessins planaires non-alignés, c'est-à-dire des dessins planaires de graphes sur une grille sans que deux sommets se trouvent sur la même ligne ou la même colonne.Nous caractérisons les graphes planaires possédant un tel dessin sur une grille de taille $n times n$, et nous présentons deux algorithmes générant un dessin planaire non-aligné avec arêtes brisées sur cette grille pour tout graphe planaire, avec $n-3$ ou $min(frac{2n-3}{5},$ $#{text{triangles s{'e}parateurs}}+1)$ brisures au total.Nous proposons également deux algorithmes dessinant un dessin planaire non-aligné sur des grilles d'aire $O(n^4)$. Nous donnons des résultats spécifiques concernant les graphes 4-connexes et de type triangle-emboîté.Le second sujet de cette thèse est la domination de puissance dans les graphes planaires. Nous exhibons une famille de graphes ayant un nombre de domination de puissance $gamma_P$ au moins égal à $frac{n}{6}$. Nous montrons aussi que pour tout graphe planaire maximal $G$ à $n geq 6$ sommets, $gamma_P(G) leq frac{n-2}{4}$. Enfin, nous étudions les grilles triangulaires $T_k$ à bord hexagonal de dimension $k$ et nous montrons que $frac{k}{3} - frac{1}{6} leq gamma_P(T_k) leq lceil frac{k}{3} rceil$.Nous étudions également l'énumération des orientations planaires Eulériennes. Nous proposons une nouvelle décomposition de ces cartes. En considérant les orientations des dernières $2k-1$ arêtes autour de la racine, nous définissons des sous- et sur-ensembles des orientations planaires Eulériennes paramétrés par $k$.Pour chaque classe, nous proposons un système d'équations fonctionnelles définissant leur série génératrice, et nous prouvons que celle-ci est toujours algébrique. Nous montrons ainsi que la constance de croissance des orientations planaires Eulériennes est entre 11.56 et 13.005. / In this thesis, we present results on three different problems concerning planar graphs.We first give some new results on planar non-aligned drawings, i.e. planar grid drawings where vertices are all on different rows and columns.We show that not every planar graph has a non-aligned drawing on an $n times n$-grid, but we present two algorithms generating a non-aligned polyline drawings on such a grid requiring either $n-3$ or $min(frac{2n-3}{5},$ $#{text{separating triangles}}+1)$ bends in total.Concerning non-minimal grids, we give two algorithms drawing a planar non-aligned drawing on grids with area of order $n^4$. We also give specific results for 4-connected graphs and nested-triangle graphs.The second topic is power domination in planar graphs. We present a family of graphs with power dominating number $gamma_P$ at least $frac{n}{6}$. We then prove that for every maximal planar graph $G$ of order $n$, $gamma_P(G) leq frac{n-2}{4}$, and we give a constructive algorithm.We also prove that for triangular grids $T_k$ of dimension $k$ with hexagonal-shape border, $frac{k}{3} - frac{1}{6} leq gamma_P(T_k) leq lceil frac{k}{3} rceil$.Finally, we focus on the enumeration of planar Eulerian orientations. After proposing a new decomposition for these maps, we define subsets and supersets of planar Eulerian orientations with parameter $k$, generated by looking at the orientations of the last $2k-1$ edges around the root vertex.For each set, we give a system of functional equations defining its generating function, and we prove that it is always algebraic.This way, we show that the growth rate of planar Eulerian orientations is between 11.56 and 13.005.

Microscopic flows of aqueous polyacrylamide solutions : a quantitative study

Lanzaro, Alfredo January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Amorphous indium-gallium-zinc oxide planar nanodiodes

Fryer, Antony Colin January 2014 (has links)
In this thesis work, novel planar nanodiodes (PNDs) using an amorphous indium-gallium-zinc oxide (IGZO) film as the active layer have been electrically characterised for the first time. Simulation techniques and experimental methods, such as e-beam lithography (EBL) and nanoimprint lithography (NIL), have been explored for these devices. In addition, a novel approach was realized that produced self-aligned contacts for the nanostructured devices. A preliminary parameter space for experimentation of the PNDs was ascertained by simulating the devices using a technology computer aided design (TCAD) simulator. In this study Silvaco’s ATLAS default IGZO material system was adopted. These simulations showed device performance to be heavily dependent on the carrier concentration of the film, owing to the high leakage current during the off-state of device operation. Furthermore, device geometry had a significant influence on the device’s electrical response. Channel width, length and trench width were all examined. Experimental characterisation of PNDs were attained by fabricating devices using EBL. These devices are the first to exhbit diode-like DC electrical response from an IGZO-based PND. Full current rectification was obtained with a rectification ratio of 10^4 for devices with a long, narrow channel with a width of 50nm and a length of 4μm. This particular device geometry had a turn-on voltage, Von, of 2.2V and did not breakdown within the −10V bias range tested. An output drive current of 0.1μA at 10V was obtained by the single PND device. It was also demonstrated that by increasing the channel width, Von could be reduced; however, rectification also diminished. It is reasoned that the exposed IGZO surface was subject to contamination from the ambient which changed the device’s electrical response after 17 days. An ultraviolet NIL (UV-NIL) technique was developed to produce the PNDs. This fabrication method offers a suitable route towards high-volume manufacture of these nanodevices, which is critical for them to be incorporated into a low-cost RF energy harvester. A novel NIL process was established in which the contact pads were self-aligned to within ~ 200nm of the channel by patterning both metal and semiconductor layers with a single imprint. DC electrical characterisation of the imprinted PNDs produced high rectifications ratios at a lower Von. The greater number of devices tested allowed a coarse parameter space for channel width and length to determined. PNDs with a channel aspect ratio (length divided by width) of more than 20 exhibited the greatest DC rectification of 10^4. An alumina capping layer was found to eliminate hysteresis in the electrical response; however, the greater permittivity value had no noticeable effect on device performance. Finally, a large-signal RF analysis is carried out on a device which suggest no deterioration in device perfromance up to at least 1GHz.

The geology of the Mozambique belt and the Zimbabwe craton around Manica, Western Mozambique

Manhica, Antonio dos Santos Tcheco 20 October 2012 (has links)
The study area comprises the Archaean Manica Greenstone Belt and the Vumba Granite Gneiss, the Proterozoic Messica Granite Gneiss of the Zimbabwe Craton, the possibly allochthonous metasedimentary sequence of the Frontier Formation, the granitoids of the Mozambique Metamorphic Province, which are subdivided into Vanduzi Migmatite Gneiss, the Chimoio Granodiorite Gneiss, the Nhansipfe Granitic Orthogneiss and the Pan-African Tchinhadzandze Granodiorite Gneiss. The rock sequences in the two provinces are cut by mafic intrusions. The greenstone belt comprises mafic to ultramafic and pelitic schists and serpentinites of the Macequece Formation and metasediments ofthe M'BezaNengo Formation. The mafic to ultramafic schists and the serpentinites have chemical signatures of komatiites. The Vumba Granite Gneiss comprises the northern and southern Vumba granitoids dated at 3885±255 Ma, and 2527±632 Ma respectively. They vary from metaluminous to peraluminous, have normative QAP compositions of granodiorites and monzogranites and chemical signatures of mantle fractionates and volcanic-arc granitoids. The Early Proterozoic Messica Granite Gneiss is 2348±267 Ma old, is metaluminous and has QAP compositions of monzogranites and chemical signatures suggesting a crustal source and a volcanic-arc environment. The Frontier Formation comprises quartzite and pelitic schists. The Vanduzi Migmatite Gneiss comprises stromatic and stictolithic types. Two mineral assemblages are distinguished as they contain either garnet or hornblende. The Mid-Proterozoic Chimoio Granodioritic Gneiss is 1236±201 Ma old. It is granodioritic and metaluminous with a chemical signature of volcanic-arc granitoids. The Late Proterozoic Nhansipfe Granitic Orthogneiss is dated at 981 ±83 Ma and varies from metaluminous to peraluminous. The Rb, Nb and Y contents are typical of within-plate granitoids, whereas Ga, Zr, AI, Ce andY are typical of A-type granitoids. The age of the mafic intrusions falls between ~500 and ~11 00 Ma. The rocks typically contain plagioclase, hornblende and clinopyroxene with or without garnet and orthopyroxene. The chemistry of the rocks is typical of sub-alkaline tholeiites. The Tchinhadzandze Granodiorite Gneiss may be part of a Pan African event which lasted till ~450-~500 Ma. The normative feldspar compositions and Rb, Ba and Sr contents are typical of granodiorites. It is metaluminous and has Rb, Y and Nb contents typical of volcanic arc granitoids. The planar fabrics in the Archaean granite-greenstone belt are characterized by E-W to SW-NE strikes and steep dips to N and S and to NW and SE. The mineral lineations and fold axes plunge 60° and 30° respectively towards the E. Within the Mozambique belt, around the central part and in the extreme east of the study area, the planar fabrics have essentially N-S strikes and steep dips to E and Win contrast with complex deformation observed in the migmatites and megacrystic granitoids. The study area can be subdivided into three metamorphic blocks, namely, one of low-grade greenschist facies, one of medium-grade amphibolite facies and a third block of high-grade metamorphism. / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Geology / unrestricted

Experimental investigations into high-altitude relight of a gas turbine

Read, Robert William January 2008 (has links)
This thesis describes experiments to investigate high-altitude relight of a lean direct injection (LDI) combustor. The features that make LDI technology less polluting in terms of NOx compared to conventional combustors are expected to impede relight performance. Therefore an improved understanding of ignition behaviour is required to ensure that stringent relight requirements can be satisfied. Realistic operating conditions are simulated in a ground-based test facility. The application of laser diagnostics presents particular difficulties due to the large quantities ofliquid fuel that impinge on the combustor walls during relight. Advances are made in the application of planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF) to monitor fuel placement in a combustor under these conditions. A novel apparatus is developed to deliver a laser sheet to the combustion chamber while protecting all optical surfaces from contamination. The PLIF images are compared with the cold flow field obtained from CFD modelling. These results indicate that fuel becomes trapped inside the central recirculation zone in highconcentrations. High-speed flame imaging performed simultaneously with the PLIF measurements provides important insights into the motion and breakup of flame during relight. An algorithm developed to track the flame activity reveals that the initial spark kernel is convected downstream, before breaking apart and moving upstream towards a recovery origin close to the fuel injector. Analysis of many ignition events has revealed several distinct modes of ignition failure.

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