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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Výběr a implementace informačního systému / Information System Selection

Deneš, Samuel January 2021 (has links)
The content of this master’s thesis is the analysis of human resources governance and its current state, the projecting of business processes and asset management owing to which the incoming information system will be selected and implemented. Undoubtedly, the company separation from its erstwhile owner, which ensured the termination of the present system’s technical support, represented the main initiative for the realization of the new system.

Optimising remote collection of odontological data.

Shakeri, Alireza January 2021 (has links)
1.1 Problem statement  This study looks to examine if and how patient/dentist contact can be reduced through remote diagnosis. The goal of the study is to formulate an understanding of what type of data needs to be collected and how to optimize the collection of that data (through digital platforms) to put together an odontological diagnosis that is as accurate as possible.  In other words, can medical diagnosis of the oral cavity be done correctly remotely? How is the process of remote odontological data collection optimized through platform design (interface and functionality)?  1.2 Methods  To collect remote data pertaining to the oral cavity and its health status a system is designed composed of three separate parts that interact. A database for the permanent storage of user data, a webpage for the collection of user data through user input and a backend system that acts as conveyer of information between the users and the database. Once the system is deployed user data is collected and interpreted, the quality of the data is then assessed by qualified dentists and the system modified based on the feedback from users and dentists. After the system has been modified it is redeployed, new data is collected, and its quality assessed and compared to the data previously collected. These modifications can be in the form of minor changes made to small parts of the system or major changes involving the entire system. Although this sort of feedback loop enhancement can be performed repeatedly during a long period of time, the goal is to complete two major iterations and a series of minor changes as feedback is obtained. User feedback will be received primarily through social media as the system does not allow users to express their opinions in any direct way. This is simplified by the fact that most users will be recruited through social media platforms.  1.3 Results  Although initially the concern was that users would have issues taking adequate images/videos of the oral cavity and its oral pathologies if present, this concern was quickly dismissed. The main issue users encountered were those related to navigation of the platform resulting in users submitting incomplete data. Once changes were applied to simplify navigation the results changed drastically, and majority of the data collected was complete. As data was collected it became clear that many different types of cases could be correctly diagnosed remotely, however, some cases inevitably will require a clinical examination to diagnose due to various factors such as the need for radiographs and/or dental probing. Nevertheless, the changes made to the platform over the iterations did help to optimise data collection significantly.

Cross platform compatibility for native Android hardware with React Native and React Native Web

Gådin, Erik January 2021 (has links)
Digitalization is happening all around us as more tasks get software assistance, to ease the workload and improve performance. This opens up for endless possibilities but it also comes with challenges. The progress made within software development means that the first solutions implemented can differ a lot compared to the latest for a company. This spread makes maintenance significantly harder due to having different implementations or even different operating systems. Cross platform compatibility is a technique that battles this spread by allowing for a single implementation to be used in all environments, enabling maintenance to be focused solely on one product. The transitioning towards cross platform applications is easy when there is no  external hardware involved. However when there is external hardware the transitioning needs to take limitations regarding hardware compatibility into consideration, which has been the case for this project. In the thesis, a proof of concept has been developed for migration from native Android towards React Native which allows for a cross platform compatible application. External hardware in the form of a card reader, receipt printer and touch screen are included to analyze the possibility to migrate without having to replace the current hardware due to limitations regarding hardware accessibility and performance. This work shows that it would be possible to transition from a native Android application with external hardware to a React Native application if an additional backend environment is implemented alongside. The backend is for validation and token generation towards third party programs connected to the hardware. This proof of concept shows that the performance loss is within an acceptable boundary which only marginally affects user experience.

Modelling and testing of a solar panel structure for KNATTE (Kinesthetic Node and Autonomous Table-Top Emulator)

Fernández Bravo, Elena January 2021 (has links)
One of the challenges that satellites face is the interaction between control movement and vibration of flexible appendages such as solar arrays and antennas that can negatively affect the performance of the spacecraft. The aim of this thesis is to develop a numerical model of a solar panel structure for KNATTE, a frictionless platform developed by the Onboard Space Systems group at Luleå University of Technology, and develop a control law that reduces the flexible vibration of the solar arrays when attitude control manoeuvres are performed. A set of solar panel structures have been designed and tested, the mathematical model of the multibody system, which consists of KNATTE and two flexible solar panels, has been developed in MATLAB by applying the finite element method. A finite element analysis has been performed in MATLAB to extract the natural frequencies of the system. The model has been numerically verified using a commercial software, and experimentally verified by performing testing on the frictionless vehicle, KNATTE, equipped with the solar panel structures and a number of piezoelectric sensors. Once the model has been verified, a Linear Quadratic Gaussian (LQG) controller has been developed using the results from the finite element model in order to reduce the amplitude of the vibrations of the flexible solar panel structure. The behaviour of the system has been simulated when the spacecraft performs an attitude manoeuvre. The finite element model provides the modal behaviour of the multibody system, obtaining its natural frequencies with low relative error. The LQG controller reduces the amplitude of the vibrations of the flexible solar panel structure.

Community of Communities : Platform for political empowerment of permaculture groups

Veloso, Gelson January 2021 (has links)
This research investigates the potential of digital platforms to broaden the scope of action and empower permaculture communities in their attempt to challenge the capitalist mode of production regarding topics such as food harvesting and consumption patterns. It draws on Manzini’s (2018) critique of neoliberalism and his discussion on designing for social innovation, which suggests focusing on and enhancing existing members' capabilities rather than their needs; fostering cross-collaboration within and among communities; and allowing these collaborations to mature over time. It combines design thinking and co-design to develop further a previously existing proof of concept of a mapping platform that connects permaculture initiatives in Brazil. When it was created in 2018, this platform was tested by potential users who underscored severe usability limitations, and as a result, it was never fully implemented. This thesis discusses such limitations and proposes an improved platform to empower those communities by fostering collaboration beyond individuals and local groups towards regional communities.

Box for men

Calderon Vega, Edmundo Renato, Barrantes Padilla, Sandra Cecilia, Gadea Rivera, Karina Elizabeth, Cornejo Serrano, Carmen Rosa 16 July 2019 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación plantea un estudio sobre la factibilidad de realizar un proyecto económicamente rentable respecto a la personalización de regalos para caballeros para ocasiones especiales en el mercado peruano debido a que se ha investigado sobre la dificultad permanente de elegir un obsequio para un hombre al no contar con muchas opciones a medida de los clientes en mercado nacional o regional. Nuestra ventaja diferencial es “Ser una marca especializada en el diseño, personalización y entrega de regalos para hombres, generando nuevas experiencias duraderas en ocasiones especiales; cuya propuesta realza tres preguntas: ¿Qué contiene esta caja? ¿Para qué será esta barreta?; y ¿Requerirá de mucha fuerza abrirla?”. Nuestra propuesta va dirigida al segmento: mujeres y hombres de los distritos de Lima Metropolitana, para quienes es importante regalar más que un obsequio; una experiencia original y personalizada en una ocasión especial. Para comprender mejor el mercado y al consumidor se empleó un cuestionario y las redes sociales para identificar factores críticos de éxito y fracaso que pueda tener la investigación en el mercado nacional y las acciones necesarias para que la viabilidad del mismo perdure y sea replicable en la región. Contaremos con una plataforma digital para la comercialización de los regalos personalizados y respecto al análisis financiero se concluye que la idea de negocios presentada es rentable, mostrando flujos de caja positivos a partir del segundo año y una Tasa de Retorno de 49.22% superior a lo mínimo esperado de un negocio de este rubro. / The present research project proposes a study on the feasibility of making an economically profitable project regarding the personalization of gifts for gentlemen for special occasions in the Peruvian market due to the fact that it has been investigated about the permanent difficulty of choosing a gift for a man. not have many options tailored to customers in national or regional market. Our differential advantage is "Being a brand specialized in the design, personalization and delivery of gifts for men, generating new lasting experiences on special occasions; whose proposal highlights three questions: What does this box contain? What will this bar be for? and Will it require a lot of force to open it? " Our proposal is aimed at the segment: women and men from the districts of Metropolitan Lima, for whom it is important to give more than a gift; An original and personalized experience on a special occasion. In order to better understand the market and the consumer, a questionnaire and social networks were used to identify critical factors of success and failure of the research in the national market and the actions necessary for its viability to be replicable in the region. We will have a digital platform for the marketing of personalized gifts and regarding financial analysis it is concluded that the business idea presented is profitable, showing positive cash flows from the second year and a Return Rate of 49.22% higher than the minimum expected from a business in this area. / Trabajo de investigación

Digital affärsmodellsutveckling för fysiska butiker

Blom, Kristian, Larstorp, Oliver January 2021 (has links)
På senare tid har fysiska butiker hamnat alltmer i skuggan av stora digitala handelsplattformar som CDON eller Amazon och tomma butikslokaler är en allt vanligare syn runtom i Sverige. Som en motreaktion på detta har näringslivsföreningen i Torsby kommun startat ett samarbete där fysiska butiker i kommunen erbjuds möjligheten att ansluta sig till en lokal digital handelsplattform. En av anledningarna till detta är att göra Torsbys butiker mera tillgängliga och på så vis fånga upp kunder som önskar handla lokalt på ett digitalt och bekvämt sätt.  Syftet med studien är att beskriva hur en fysisk butiks affärsmodell kan utvecklas för att möta kundernas alltmer digitala köpbeteende. Projektet som beskrivs ovan går under namnet handla.itorsby.se och är hela studiens nav. En relevant frågeställning är förstås om denna digitala handelsplattform kan hjälpa butikerna i Torsby från att tyna bort? Det finns naturligtvis otaliga sätt att angripa frågor som denna på men vi har valt att titta närmare på butikernas affärsmodeller. Att kontinuerligt arbeta med affärsmodellsutveckling är viktigt men åsidosätts ofta bland företag (Chesbrough, 2007). En av anledningarna kan vara att medveten affärsmodellsutveckling är ett relativt outforskat område (Fjeldstad & Snow, 2018) och tillvägagångsätten för denna process är abstrakta och svårförståeliga.  Studien finner att den digitala handelsplattformen har potentialen att utveckla och förändra de anslutna butikernas affärsmodeller och således motverka eroderingen av dessa. Vägen dit är dock i skrivande stund lång, detta på grund av två anledningar. Nummer ett: den digitaliseringsgrad som krävs för att butiken ska vara en fungerande del av handelsplattformen är, för de flesta, långt ifrån verklighet. Nummer två: det råder en viss tvetydighet om vad syftet med handelsplattformen verkligen är. Näringslivsföreningen menar att projektet går ut på att utbilda samt digitalisera butikerna i Torsby. Kunderna ser handelsplattformen som vilken digital handelsplats som helst och förväntar sig således att den ska fungera som en sådan. Butikerna pendlar mellan dessa två ytterligheter, vissa ser projektet som en chans att utbilda och digitalisera sin verksamhet andra ser det som ytterligare en säljkanal. Plattformen har, som tidigare nämnts, potentialen att utveckla och förändra butikernas affärsmodeller, men för att detta ska bli verklighet så måste syftet vara mer förankrat hos butikerna själva. Många är helt enkelt inte redo för en sådan förändring. / During recent times physical stores have found it hard to survive, which is made noticeable by all the empty shop premises around the country. The reasons are many, but the increasing competition from internet commerce is one of the more severe ones. Many of our respondents experience this competition when the pressure from digital platforms such as Amazon becomes more palpable.  Digital business model development regarding physical stores has been neglected in business model research. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to describe how a physical stores business model can develop to meet the customers' increasingly digital buying behavior. In this study, we have looked closer at the digital business platform: handla.itorsby.se trying to understand if this digital tool can help physical stores to regain some competitiveness. We look at this problem from a business model perspective. To work continuously with business model development is significant but often disregarded. It is crucial since business models lose their relevance as time goes by. The study concludes that the platform is not particularly helpful in developing and changing the physical stores’ business models. There are two main reasons for this. Number one: The degree to which the organizations are up to date digitally. Many of the companies are too far behind digitally to be an active part of the platform. The change needed in their business model is far too radical. These companies' business models have been static for a long time and focused on developing and changing the internal operational processes that are a part of the business. The dynamics of the business model have not changed or developed at all. Therefore, their business models are considered outdated.  The second reason is that there is an ambiguity regarding what role the business platform has. From the project management perspective, the goal is to educate and digitalize the stores in Torsby. From a customer perspective, the platform is a commerce platform. Therefore, they want to be able to see the offers and buy their products. The company perspective is somewhere in between. Some want to be educated and helped to digitalize their business, while others see it more as a tool for selling more products and services. The platform has the potential to help companies develop and change their business models. However, for that to happen, the idea must be more established within the companies. Many of the stores are not ready for such a radical change.

Control and Sensor Development on a Four-Wheel Pyramidal Reaction Wheel Platform

Logan, Jeffery Jay 01 November 2008 (has links)
The Pyramidal Reaction Wheel Platform, or PRWP, is used to simulate three-axis controls in a torque free space-like environment. The primary purpose of the system will be to evaluate the effects of conjoining sensors to maximize pointing accuracy. Furthermore, the system will incorporate a star tracker in conjunction with a Simulated Star Field (SSF) to better estimate the PRWP orientation. For the sake of this document, however, the goal is to implement a gyroscope, wheel rate sensors, and a make-shift accelerometer—to the PRWP—and integrate a controls algorithm such that three-axis controls are achieved for the PRWP. Three sensors were either better integrated into the system or added altogether. Tachometers were created as a form of hardware circuitry to measure each wheel rate with an accuracy of approximately 2.5 Hz (nearly 15 radians per second). The TAC board circuitry converted each motors encoder output into a speed by use of a frequency to voltage converter. Additionally, although three gyroscopes had been implemented previously, the system was better incorporated into the model such that it was directly transformed via a ROBOSTIX ADC converter before being relayed to SIMULINK via a Bluetooth link. The MEMS gyroscopes allowed for very accurate rate measurements—with a minimum resolution of approximately 0.25 radians per second. Finally, a makeshift accelerometer was incorporated into the system for the purpose of system identification. The accelerometer was incorporated into the system by utilizing a discrete time derivative of the gyroscope readings. However, thankfully a system of two accelerometers can be later utilized to achieve an accuracy of approximately 6 degrees per second-second in the x-axis and 2-3 degrees per second-second in the y- and z-axes. A controls test was performed where the starting location was qo=[0, 0, sqrt(2)/2, sqrt(2)/2] and the target location was qc=[0, 0, 0, 1]. At 80 seconds, the pointing accuracy was 70 degrees around the target and the system was unable to settle during the 80 second trial. The inaccuracy was because of the low frequency of operation of the system—1 Hz. Additionally, the platform reacts slowly to sensor readings and commands. The coupling of these issues causes the pointing accuracy to high. Furthermore, through experimental testing, the maximum wheel rate was found to be approximately 6400 RPM at a duty cycle of 50% at an 8000Hz PWM application due to the Pololu MD01B design limitations: low voltage range (up to 16V), low limit current limiter (5A), and high susceptibility to overheating for large currents.

Nástroj pro statistické vyhodnocení průběhu simulace knihovny JSimlib4 / Tool for statistical evaluation of the simulation process of JSimlib4 library

Pivoda, Štefan January 2009 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with the analysis of simulation of computer networks. A statistical tool was designed for evaluating a communication between stations in the computer network. JSimlib4 Java library was used for the simulation of computer networks. It is a lightweight but robust simulation library, designed for creating simple or even quite complex simulation models of distributed systems. The Statistical tool was written in Java programming language and developed in an EasyEclipse integrated development environment. It was designed as an Eclipse Rich Client Platform application. Eclipse Rich Client Platform is a relatively new technology, which has a lot of favorable properties. The Statistical tool can be divided into 3 parts: • creating a log file, • creating a filter, • creating/showing an output. The Statistical tool creates records into a log file during every communication between stations. This log file contains a comment on the first line. This comment describes the definition of records. Every record contains 2 IP addresses with the used ports at the beginning of the record, then the time, the amount of bytes, the protocol and the direction of communication. Every item in the record is divided by a colon. The Statistical tool can evaluate a communication between stations. At first, it has to define a filter according to which it will assess the suitable stations. It can be created either by adding IP addresses or names of the stations onto a list on a workbench. Filter can be loaded from a file that already includes these IP addresses and other information too. After defining the filter, the Statistical tool can create either a diagram or a file. At first, the Statistical tool reads the log file line by line and compares the IP addresses, which were added to the filter with the IP addresses in a log file. When the Statistical tool finds a complying IP address, it reads the whole line and adds an amount of bytes defined on that line to the final diagram that is shown after reading the whole log file. In the case of finding 2 or more complying IP addresses that sent the data at the same time, an amount of these transfers is calculated by adding them and this amount is then shown in a diagram. After reading the whole log file a diagram or a file is shown at the bottom of the window. The diagram is created by a Java library JFreechart and it shows the amount of transferred bytes. The x-axis represents the time and the y-axis represents the amount of transferred bytes. The created file is for next work with the calculated data and it can be loaded for example by Matlab or Octave. The first line in the file represents the time for axis x and the second one represents the amount of transferred bytes for axis y. These lines are followed by a command "plot(x,y)" for drawing a diagram.

Vícevrstvé aplikace v prostředí .NET / Multilayer applications in .NET environment

Palkech, Marek January 2009 (has links)
This thesis represents the Model-View-Controller pattern. It is focused especially at the description of the particular architecture layers principle and its functionality. It deals with the reasons of the three-layer architecture invention and it also deals with the advantages and the disadvantages provided by this pattern. The most frequent implementation of the MVC – the access to the data stored in the database through the web user interface is also described in this chapter. The next part of the thesis is concentrated on .NET Framework platform created from very voluminous, language-neutral library that is basically huge collection of the source codes providing the solution for common programmer’s problems and from the interface used for running up the applications created in .NET environment. The goal of the chapter concering with .NET Framework is to describe its architecture. The thesis also describes the platform invention, various versions of the .NET, the data access technology ADO.NET and the ASP.NET member ObjectDataSource. The chapter describing languages supported by the .NET Framework is focused on the C# language and its versions. The application “Multilayer applications in .NET environment” is the practical implementation of the mentioned technologies and it is described in the last chapter. The application’s architecture with the concentration on the particular Model-View-Controller layers implementation in the form of Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 projects is also described in the thesis. Special attention is paid to each operation over the data stored in the database tables that the application enables the user to execute, as for example data inserting, updating, selecting or deleting. The common business object’s child generation process is also described deep into the details.

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