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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Multi-Vehicle Path Following and Adversarial Agent Detection in Constrained Environments

Chintalapati, Veera Venkata Tarun Kartik January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Enabling Large-Scale Transportation Electrification for Shared and Connected Mobility Systems

Alam, Md Rakibul 01 January 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Owing to advancements in technology, substantial investments within the automotive industry, and the formulation of supportive state policies, the future landscape of the transportation sector is poised to witness a shift from traditional internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs) to electric vehicles (EVs). While EVs have made inroads in the market, they still face significant hurdles in the form of range anxiety and prolonged charging durations, inhibiting their widespread adoption. To tackle these challenges, a comprehensive approach to smart transportation electrification is proposed, emphasizing the pivotal roles of infrastructure development, particularly in the allocation of charging stations, and strategic operational decisions, including charging and platoon scheduling. This dissertation is structured around four essential components. The initial stage entails grasping the intricacies of charging demand, recognized as the foundational step before embarking on any transportation electrification initiative. Subsequently, the allocation of charging stations is addressed, with a specific focus on ride-sourcing vehicles, distinct from private EVs due to issues such as relocation time, waiting time, and dynamic pricing that affects spatiotemporal value of time (VOT) costs. This approach, which considers VOT costs, is essential in avoiding biased results in the planning of charging infrastructure for electrified ride-sourcing services. The third chapter centers on the optimization of charging and platoon scheduling, particularly within the context of long-haul freight vehicles. The objective here is to harness the flexibility of charging schedules to facilitate vehicle platooning, thereby reducing the demand for charging, and, consequently, energy consumption. This chapter involves the development of a mixed-integer programming model and explores various techniques, such as hyperparameter tuning and hybrid meta-heuristic methods, to optimize the model for large-scale applications. Lastly, the fourth chapter takes on the challenge of addressing uncertainty in scheduling problems. This is achieved by formulating a two-stage stochastic model and applying it within a hypothetical numerical example, providing a framework for optimizing charging station (CS) planning while accounting for uncertain operational parameters.


Easterling, Ted, January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Control of vehicle platoons and traffic dynamics : catch-up coordination and congestion dissipation

Čičić, Mladen January 2019 (has links)
Traffic congestion is a constantly growing problem, with a wide array ofnegative effects on the society, from wasted time and productivity to elevated air pollution and increased number of accidents. Classical traffic control methods have long been successfully employed to alleviate congestion, improving the traffic situation of many cities and highways. However, traffic control is not universally employed, because of the necessity of installing additional equipment and instating new legislation.  The introduction of connected, autonomous vehicles offers new opportunities for sensing and controlling the traffic. The data that most of the vehicles nowadays provide are already widely used to measure the traffic conditions. It is natural to consider how vehicles could also be used as actuators, driving them in a specific way so that they affect the traffic positively. However, many of the currently considered strategies for congestion reduction using autonomous vehicles rely on having a high penetration rate, which is not likely to be the case in the near future. This raises the question: How can we influence the overall traffic by using only a small portion of vehicles that we have direct control over? There are two problems in particular that this thesis considers, congestion wave dissipation and avoidance, and platoon catch-up coordination. First, we study how to dissipate congestion waves by use of a directly controlled vehicle acting as a moving bottleneck. Traffic data can help predict disturbances and constraints that the vehicle will face, and the individual vehicles can be actuated to improve the overall traffic situation. We extend the classical cell transmission model to include the influence of a moving bottleneck, and then use this model to devise a control strategy for an actuator vehicle. By employing such control, we are able to homogenize the traffic without significantly reducing throughput. Under realistic conditions, it is shown that the average total variation of traffic density can be reduced over 5%, while the total travel time increases only 1%. Second, we study how to predict and control vehicles catching up in order to form a platoon, while driving in highway traffic. The influences of road grade and background traffic are examined and vehicles attempting to form a platoon are modelled as moving bottlenecks. Using this model, we are able to predict how much the vehicles might be delayed because of congestion and adjust the plan accordingly, calculating the optimal platoon catch-up speeds for the vehicles by minimizing their energy consumption. This leads to a reduction of energy cost of up to 0.5% compared to the case when we ignore the traffic conditions. More importantly, we are able to predict when attemptingto form a platoon will result in no energy savings, with approximately 80% accuracy. / Trafikstockning är ett ständigt växande problem, med ett brett utbud av negativa effekter på samhället, från bortkastad tid och produktivitet till ökade mängd luftföroreningar och antal olyckor. Klassiska metoder för trafik kontroll har länge använts framgångsrikt för att lindra detta problem, med förbättrad trafiksituation för många städer och motorvägar. Trafik kontrollen är emellertid inte universellt tillämpad eftersom den är beroende av ytterligare utrustning och ny lagstiftning som behover instaleras och införas. Införandet av uppkopplade, autonoma fordon medför nya möjligheter att mäta och kontrollera trafiken. Data som de flesta fordon tillhandahållar redan idag används allmänt för att mäta trafikförhållandena. Det är naturligt att överväga hur fordon också skulle kunna användas som ställdon, genom att driva dem på ett visst sätt så att de påverkar trafiken positivt. Men många av dagens strategierna för trängselnedsättning med hjälp av autonoma fordon är beroende av att de tillämpas av en stor del av fordonen, vilket sannoliktinte kommer att bli fallet inom en snar framtid. Det väcker frågan: Hur kan vi påverka den totala trafiksituationen genom att kontrollera en liten del avfordonen? Det finns två problem specifika problem som den här avhandlingentar hänsyn till, trängselvågsavledning och –undvikande samt koordinering av fordonståg av lastbilar. I det första problemet studerar vi hur vi kan skingra trängselvågor med hjälp av ett direktstyrt fordon som fungerar som en rörlig flaskhals. Trafikdatakan hjälpa till att förutsäga störningar och begränsningar som fordonet kommer att stöta på, och de enskilda fordonen kan styras för att förbättra den totala trafiksituation. Vi utvidgar den klassiska cellöverföringsmodellenför att inkludera påverkan av en rörlig flaskhals och använder sedan denna modell för att utforma en kontrollstrategi för ett styrbart fordon. Genom att använda sådan styrning kan vi homogenisera trafiken utan att avsevärt minska genomströmningen. Under realistiska förhållanden visar vi att den genomsnittliga totala variationen i trafiktäthet kan minskas med över 5%, medan den totala körtiden ökar med endast 1%. I det andra problemet studerar vi hur vi kan förutsäga och styra fordonens hastighetsprofiler vid formering av fordonståg under körning i motorvägstrafik. Påverkan av väglutning och motorvägstrafik undersöks, och fordon som försöker bilda en fordonståg modelleras som rörliga flaskhalsar. Med denna modell kan vi förutsäga förseningar på grund av trängsel och justera planen i enlighet med dessa, samt beräkna de optimala hastigheterna för fordonengenom att minimera energiförbrukningen. Detta leder till en minskning av energikostnaden på upp till 0,5% i jämförelse med fallet när vi ignorerar trafikförhållandena. Ännu viktigare är att vi kan vi förutsäga när försök att bildaett fordonståg kommer att resultera i utebliven energibesparing, med ungefär 80% noggrannhet. / <p>QC 20181212</p><p>The research leading to these results has received fundingfrom the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 674875, VINNOVA within the FFI program under contract 2014-06200, the Swedish Research Council, the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research and Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. The author is affiliated with the Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP).</p>

O processo de formação e dispersão de pelotões em rodovias de pista simples / The platoon formation and dispersion process in the two-lane roads

Mon-Ma, Marcia Lika 12 December 2002 (has links)
Esta dissertação de mestrado apresenta um estudo do processo de formação de pelotões em rodovias de pista simples brasileiras e a dispersão desses pelotões nas faixas adicionais de subida. Este estudo foi realizado usando-se dados empíricos coletados na SP 255, uma rodovia de pista simples do estado de São Paulo. Um dos trechos estudados possuía faixas adicionais nos aclives e o outro era sem faixas adicionais. Para caracterizar a formação de pelotões, três aspectos foram estudados: a porcentagem de veículos em pelotões, o tamanho médio dos pelotões e a recomposição dos pelotões após o término de uma faixa adicional. Modelos matemáticos foram adaptados para representar o processo de formação de pelotões em rodovias brasileiras. Visando fornecer subsídios para futuros projetos de faixas adicionais, a dispersão dos pelotões nas faixas adicionais de subida foi analisada considerando-se as seguintes medidas de desempenho: taxa de ultrapassagem, velocidade média da corrente, porcentagem de veículos em pelotões e comprimento de faixa para a dispersão dos pelotões. Os resultados do estudo da dispersão dos pelotões mostram que as faixas adicionais melhoram o nível de serviço não apenas na direção onde são implantadas, mas também na direção do tráfego oposto uma vez que cerca de 70 a 75% do fluxo no sentido analisado divergem para as faixas adicionais, proporcionando uma porcentagem maior de gaps adequados para a dispersão dos pelotões do fluxo oposto. / This master thesis presents a study of the platoon formation process in the Brazilian two-lane roads and the dispersion of these platoons in the passing lanes. This study was developed using empirical data collected in the SP 255, a two-lane road of the state of São Paulo. One of the segments studied had passing lanes on upgrades and another was without passing lanes. In order to characterize the platoon formation, three aspects were studied: the percent of vehicle in platoon, the mean platoon size and the platoon recomposition after the end of a passing lane. Mathematical models were adapted to represent the platoon formation in the Brazilian roads. Aiming to aid future auxiliary lanes projects, the platoon dispersion in the climbing lanes was analyzed considering the following service measures: overtaking rate, mean speed, percent of vehicle traveling in platoons and lane length used to disperse the platoons. The results of the platoons dispersion study show that the auxiliary lanes improve the level of service not only in the direction of they are constructed, but also in the opposing flow. It\'s verified that around 70 to 75% of the flow in the analyzed direction diverge to auxiliary lanes, providing a greater percentage of gaps suitable to platoon dispersion in the opposing flow.

O processo de formação e dispersão de pelotões em rodovias de pista simples / The platoon formation and dispersion process in the two-lane roads

Marcia Lika Mon-Ma 12 December 2002 (has links)
Esta dissertação de mestrado apresenta um estudo do processo de formação de pelotões em rodovias de pista simples brasileiras e a dispersão desses pelotões nas faixas adicionais de subida. Este estudo foi realizado usando-se dados empíricos coletados na SP 255, uma rodovia de pista simples do estado de São Paulo. Um dos trechos estudados possuía faixas adicionais nos aclives e o outro era sem faixas adicionais. Para caracterizar a formação de pelotões, três aspectos foram estudados: a porcentagem de veículos em pelotões, o tamanho médio dos pelotões e a recomposição dos pelotões após o término de uma faixa adicional. Modelos matemáticos foram adaptados para representar o processo de formação de pelotões em rodovias brasileiras. Visando fornecer subsídios para futuros projetos de faixas adicionais, a dispersão dos pelotões nas faixas adicionais de subida foi analisada considerando-se as seguintes medidas de desempenho: taxa de ultrapassagem, velocidade média da corrente, porcentagem de veículos em pelotões e comprimento de faixa para a dispersão dos pelotões. Os resultados do estudo da dispersão dos pelotões mostram que as faixas adicionais melhoram o nível de serviço não apenas na direção onde são implantadas, mas também na direção do tráfego oposto uma vez que cerca de 70 a 75% do fluxo no sentido analisado divergem para as faixas adicionais, proporcionando uma porcentagem maior de gaps adequados para a dispersão dos pelotões do fluxo oposto. / This master thesis presents a study of the platoon formation process in the Brazilian two-lane roads and the dispersion of these platoons in the passing lanes. This study was developed using empirical data collected in the SP 255, a two-lane road of the state of São Paulo. One of the segments studied had passing lanes on upgrades and another was without passing lanes. In order to characterize the platoon formation, three aspects were studied: the percent of vehicle in platoon, the mean platoon size and the platoon recomposition after the end of a passing lane. Mathematical models were adapted to represent the platoon formation in the Brazilian roads. Aiming to aid future auxiliary lanes projects, the platoon dispersion in the climbing lanes was analyzed considering the following service measures: overtaking rate, mean speed, percent of vehicle traveling in platoons and lane length used to disperse the platoons. The results of the platoons dispersion study show that the auxiliary lanes improve the level of service not only in the direction of they are constructed, but also in the opposing flow. It\'s verified that around 70 to 75% of the flow in the analyzed direction diverge to auxiliary lanes, providing a greater percentage of gaps suitable to platoon dispersion in the opposing flow.

A multi-agent based cooperative control model applied to the management of vehicles-trains / Un modèle de contrôle coopératif multi-agent appliqué à la gestion de trains de véhicules

Chen, Bofei 10 February 2017 (has links)
L'utilisation de véhicules individuels est de plus en plus importante dans les centres-villes. Ceci entraîne de nombreux effets secondaires tels que la pollution, l'embouteillage et une augmentation des accidents. Les technologies liées au développement des véhicules intelligents ont pour but de surmonter ces problèmes. Certaines des solutions proposées sont déjà accessibles au grand public, telles que les systèmes de préventions des collisions ou les aides aux maintient dans les files de circulation... Actuellement, de nombreux travaux se concentrent sur la recherche de solutions adaptées et acceptables à ces problèmes et notamment sur la gestion des embouteillages. Les solutions proposées permettent de résoudre le problème du trafic, que ce soit au niveau du système, en se concentrant sur la gestion de feux de circulation ou au niveau individuel en offrant aux véhicules de meilleurs systèmes de contrôle et de perception visant à réduire le temps de réponse et / ou à accroître la capacité des routes.Du point de vue des véhicules, l'une des solutions les plus prometteuses est de regrouper les véhicules en convoi (trains de véhicules ou platoon). Deux principales tendances peuvent être trouvées dans la littérature. D'un côté, les approches globales sont basées sur un référentiel commun, généralement lié au lieu d'évolution des véhicules, et partagé par tous les véhicules du train. Ensuite, chaque véhicule se comporte en prenant en compte cette référence partagée qui peut être soit la trajectoire du premier véhicule du train, soit une trajectoire de référence construite au préalable. La seconde catégorie dite de type approche locale est basée sur les capacités de perception locales des véhicules. Dans ce cadre, certaines méthodes, basées sur des algorithmes de contrôle classiques ou sur des liaisons d'interaction physiques et inter-véhicules, sont développées.Malgré de nombreux travaux sur ce sujet, qui se concentrent principalement sur le contrôle des véhicules individuels, peu d'entre eux considèrent le contrôle de convoi d'un point de vue système de transport. Or, ce point de vue système est particulièrement important lorsque plusieurs convoi doivent partager le réseau routier et se rencontrer à des nœuds critiques tels que carrefours et ronds-points. Cette problématique introduit de nouveaux défis tels que: 1) l'organisation des véhicules en trains de véhicules, 2) les interactions entre les trains de véhicules et 3) les stratégies de partage de l'infrastructure routière efficaces, fiables et sûres. Résoudre ces problèmes permettra alors d'envisager la solution train de véhicules comme un bon candidat pour résoudre les problèmes de flux de trafic au niveau du système de transport.Le but de cette thèse est de proposer une approche basée sur le paradigme multi-agent se focalisant sur les problématiques liées aux intersections entre des trains de véhicules. Ainsi, nous proposons un modèle de contrôle coopératif reposant sur des processus décisionnels multi-niveaux. Ce contrôle permet à la fois de préserver la cohérence et la sécurité de chaque train de véhicule et d'adapter leur comportement de manière à rendre efficace le partage de l'infrastructure. le modèle proposé est divisé en trois niveaux différents: au niveau du train, au niveau véhicule et au niveau composant de la chaîne de contrôle/commande. Cette thèse se focalise principalement sur les deux premiers niveaux. Ainsi, le processus décisionnel du train prend ses informations au niveau des autres trains et de ses constituants et envoi des requêtes au niveau véhicule. Le processus décisionnel au niveau véhicule fusionne les informations locales de sa perception propre et celles fournies par le train et produit des consignes appliquées par le niveau contrôle/commande. Cette thèse étudie également les possibilités de reconfiguration dynamique des trains en utilisant les intersections. / The use of individual vehicles is becoming more and more important in inner cities, leading to many side problems such as traffic jam, air pollution and accidents. Intelligent vehicles have been studied so as to overcome these problems. Some solutions provided by these works are already available to the general public market such as city safety systems, lane assists,... Many research works are focusing on finding suitable and acceptable solutions to these problems and dealing with traffic jam management. The proposal can tackle the traffic jam problem whether on system level or on individual vehicle providing better control and perception systems aimed at reducing time response and/or at increasing the road capacity.On the vehicle side, one promising solutions is vehicles platoons (vehicles-train) making possible a huge reduction of the longitudinal distance between vehicles and thus allowing an increase of roads capacity. Basically, two main trends can be found literature. On one side, global approaches are based on a common reference frame, generally tied to the vehicles playground, shared by all vehicles of the train. Then, each vehicle behaves according to this shared reference which can be either the trajectory of the first vehicle of the train or a reference trajectory built offline. On the other side, local approaches are based on vehicle local perception abilities. Some methods, based on classical control algorithms or physical-inspired and inter-vehicular interaction link, are developed.Despite numerous research works on this subject, which are focusing on individual vehicle control, few of them consider the platoon control solution on the system point of view. However, this system point of view is particularly important when several platoons have to share the road network and meet at critical nodes such as crossroads and roundabouts. This introduces new issues such as (1) how to organize vehicles and trains of vehicle, (2) the interactions between trains of vehicles and (3) the strategies of sharing the road infrastructure efficient, reliable and safe. Solving these problems will then allow considering vehicles-train solution as a good candidate for solving traffic flow issues at transportation system level.The goal of this thesis is to propose an approach, based on multi-agent paradigm, which aims at dealing with systems level issues focusing mainly on intersections between vehicles-trains of vehicles. Thus, we propose a cooperative control system which relies on multi-level decision processes aimed at dealing with the interaction of platoons at road network nodes. This cooperative control system allows both to maintain the coherence and the safety condition of each involved train of vehicles and to adapt each train components behavior so as to make train shared the road, and especially roundabouts and crossroads, efficiently (i.e. without stopping any vehicle). This cooperative control system is divided into three different levels. The global train state is managed at the train-level decision process based on the train level perceptions. The vehicle-level process makes the decision concerning each individual vehicle according to data provided by the train-level and to the interaction between vehicles. Finally, the motor-level process makes the link between the vehicle-level command and hardware level of vehicles. In this thesis, we focus on the train-level and vehicle-level. When encountering, trains exchange information such as one part of their perceptions.Besides the goal of having an efficient approach so as to enable several vehicles-trains to share the road infrastructure, we also strategies to transform the meetings of vehicles-trains at road nodes into reconfiguration spots where trains can reconfigure and recombine.The developed algorithm are tested in simulation so as to obtain proper evaluation of our proposal using suitable indicators.

Akutpsykologiskt stöd efter en händelse : En studie kring hur stödet bedrivs under insats och plutonchefens roll / The early psychological support after an incident : a study on how the aid isbeing carried out and the Platoon Commander's role in it

Carlsson, Erik January 2011 (has links)
Efter en traumatisk händelse är det viktigt att kunna ta hand om dem som påverkas av situationen, både fysiskt och psykiskt. Detta förutsätter att det finns en fungerande stödorganisation, med chefer som vet vad deras uppgift är i efterarbetet. Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att ta reda på hur det akutpsykologiska stödet är utformat inom den svenska Försvarsmakten och hur det har tillämpats under FS19, samt vilken roll plutonchefen har i den. Vidare har studien fokuserat på vilken utbildning plutonchefen har och bör ha. Studien har skett genom kvalitativ textanalys och genom intervjuer. De viktigaste slutsatserna som kan dras av resultaten, är att synen på hur det akutpsykologiska stödet ska bedrivas varierar. Studien har också visat att tillämpningen av det akutpsykologiska stödet har skiljt sig mellan enheterna och att utbildningsnivån inom akutpsykologiskt stöd, varie-rade mellan plutoncheferna. / After a traumatic incident, it is important to be able to care for those who are affected by the situation,both physically and mentally. This requires that you have a working support organization,whose chiefs know what to do. The aim of this essay has been to find out how the immediate psychological assistance works inthe Swedish Armed Forces in international missions, after an incident and what role the platooncommander have in it. Furthermore the study focused on the education that the platoon commandershave in immediate psychological assistance and what training they would need. The study wasconducted through qualitative text analysis and interviews with personnel in Försvarspsykiatrinand with soldiers and officers from FS19. Data processing of the results has been based ongrounded theory. The main conclusions that can be drawn from the results, is that there are currentlyno unified visions of how the acute psychological support should be conducted. The oldtheories, that a person who have been involved in a traumatic event, should undergo support in theform of a relief call or debriefing, is now considered to be incorrect by some of the interviewed. The study has further shown that the practice of the acute psychological assistance has been dividedbetween the units and the educational level of acute psychological assistance, which isvaried between the platoon commanders The study has also revealed several factors that affecthow the aid is being carried out and what effect it creates in the unit.

Aerodynamická interakce autonomních vozidel / Aerodynamic interaction of autonomous vehicles

Opátová, Alexandra January 2020 (has links)
This thesis deals with CFD simulation of platooning vehicles and their aerodynamic characteristics, created in Star CCM+ software. The main focus is on their aerodynamic drag dependency on different spacing between vehicles which allowed to evaluate the most energy efficient distance for platoon of vehicles. Furthermore, the procedure how to calculate the fuel consumption is described for set of variables.

Platoon Coordination of Electric Trucks at a Charging Station

Björklund, Elin, Lindstedt, Ebba January 2022 (has links)
Electric trucks and platooning technology are expected to be part of the transportation system in the near future. Therefore, it is important to develop platoon coordination strategies and study the potential of platooning for when trucks are electric. In this paper, we study the platoon coordination problem at a single charging station where electric trucks can charge while they wait for other trucks to form platoons with.We assume all trucks to have identical routes after the charging station. The objective is to maximize the total reward of all trucks, including the platooning profit and cost of waiting.Moreover, the trucks have waiting time constraints to respect their mission deadlines and charging time constraints to make sure they can travel between the hub and destination without running out of battery. The energy consumption is decreased when driving as a follower truck in a platoon, which decreases the minimum charging time for the truck. We formulate the platoon coordination problem of electric trucks as a linear integer optimization problem. To evaluate the method, it was compared to a simpler coordination method. The savings from platooning with electric vehicles, using both coordination methods, were also compared to platooning with diesel trucks. The results showed that platooning with electric vehicles can save up to 10% of the driving cost and therefore have significant economic benefits. It was also shown that the method has an acceptable computational efficiency for real-time coordination. / Inom en snar framtid förväntas elektriska lastbilar och platooning vara en del av transportsystemet. Det är därför viktigt att utveckla strategier för platoonkoordinering och undersöka potentialen av platooning med elektriska lastbilar. I det här pappret studerar vi ett platoonkoordineringsproblem med en gemensam startpunkt och en gemensam slutpunkt för alla lastbilar. Startpunkten är en laddningsstation där lastbilarna kan kombinera laddning med att vänta in andra lastbilar att forma platooner med. Lastbilarna i systemet har även samma rutt mellan de två punkterna. Målet är att maximera den totala vinsten för alla lastbilar, med hänsyn till både platooningvinsten och kostnaden för att vänta. Utöver det har lastbilarna begränsad väntetid för att hålla sina deadlines. Vi behöver även ta hänsyn till lastbilarnas laddningstider då de behöver ha tillräckligt med laddning för att åka hela resan från startpunkt till slutdestination. Energikonsumtionen minskar när en lastbil åker som följare vilket minskar den minimala laddningstiden som behövs för att åka hela sträckan. Vi formulerar koordineringsproblemet med elektriska lastbilar som ett linjärt heltalsoptimeringsproblem. För att utvärdera metoden jämfördes den med en enklare koorineringsmetod. Besparingarna från platooning med elektriska lastbilar, med båda koordineringsmetoderna, jämfördes även med platooning med diesellastbilar. Resultatet visade att platooning med ellastbilar kan spara upp till 10% av körkostnaderna och har därför betydande ekonomiska fördelar. Det visades också att metoden har en acceptabel beräkningseffektivitet för koordinering i realtid. / Kandidatexjobb i elektroteknik 2022, KTH, Stockholm

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