Spelling suggestions: "subject:"plume"" "subject:"pluie""
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From the Moon to Pluto: the Use of Impact and Convection Modeling as a Window Into Planetary InteriorsAlexander J Trowbridge (9149009) 29 July 2020 (has links)
Planetary science is often limited to only surface observations of planets requiring the
development of modeling techniques to infer information about the planet’s interior. This work
outlines three separate scientific problems that arose from planetary surface observations, the
methodology utilized to explain the formation of these observation, and what we learned about the
planet’s interior by solving these problems.
Chapter 1 discusses why lunar mascon basins (impact basins associated with a central freeair gravity positive) form for only a limited range of basin diameters. Modeling the full formation
of South-Pole Aitken (SPA) basin using a sequential two-code (hydrocode and Finite Element
Model) shows that due to SPA’s great size (long wavelength) and the high geothermal gradient of
the Moon at impact, the basin’s relaxation process was controlled by isostatic adjustment with
minimal influence from lithospheric rigidity or membrane stresses. Additionally, the modeling
shows that the Moon was hot and weak at impact.
Chapter 2 addresses why there is a lack of olivine abundance on Mars around large impact
basins, and the formation of the megabreccia that is associated with an orthopyroxene signature in
the circum-Isidis Planitia region. Hydrocode modeling of the excavation of the Isidis forming
impact shows the impact was more than capable of excavating mantle material and reproducing
the observed megabreccia. This coupled with the lack of olivine signature indicates that the
Martian upper mantle is orthopyroxene-rich.
Chapter 3 covers the investigation into why the nitrogen ice sheet on Pluto, Sputnik Planitia,
is the youngest observed terrain and why the surface is divided into irregular polygons about 20–
30 kilometers in diameter. The utilization of a new parameterized convection model enables the
computation of the Rayleigh number of the nitrogen ice and shows that the nitrogen ice is
vigorously convecting, making Rayleigh–Bénard convection the most likely explanation for these
polygons (Trowbridge et al., 2016). Additionally, the diameter of Sputnik Planitia’s polygons and
the dimensions of its ‘floating mountains’ of water ice suggest that its nitrogen ice is about five to
ten kilometers thick (Trowbridge et al., 2016). The estimated convection velocity of 1.5
centimeters a year indicates a surface age of only around a million years (Trowbridge et al., 2016).
The accumulation of this work is three chapters that use three separate techniques to further
understand three separate planets.
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Improving performance of sequential code through automatic parallelization / Prestandaförbättring av sekventiell kod genom automatisk parallelliseringSundlöf, Claudius January 2018 (has links)
Automatic parallelization is the conversion of sequential code into multi-threaded code with little or no supervision. An ideal implementation of automatic parallelization would allow programmers to fully utilize available hardware resources to deliver optimal performance when writing code. Automatic parallelization has been studied for a long time, with one result being that modern compilers support vectorization without any input. In the study, contemporary parallelizing compilers are studied in order to determine whether or not they can easily be used in modern software development, and how code generated by them compares to manually parallelized code. Five compilers, ICC, Cetus, autoPar, PLUTO, and TC Optimizing Compiler are included in the study. Benchmarks are used to measure speedup of parallelized code, these benchmarks are executed on three different sets of hardware. The NAS Parallel Benchmarks (NPB) suite is used for ICC, Cetus, and autoPar, and PolyBench for the previously mentioned compilers in addition to PLUTO and TC Optimizing Compiler. Results show that parallelizing compilers outperform serial code in most cases, with certain coding styles hindering the capability of them to parallelize code. In the NPB suite, manually parallelized code is outperformed by Cetus and ICC for one benchmark. In the PolyBench suite, PLUTO outperforms the other compilers to a great extent, producing code not only optimized for parallel execution, but also for vectorization. Limitations in code generated by Cetus and autoPar prevent them from being used in legacy projects, while PLUTO and TC do not offer fully automated parallelization. ICC was found to offer the most complete automatic parallelization solution, although offered speedups were not as great as ones offered by other tools. / Automatisk parallellisering innebär konvertering av sekventiell kod till multitrådad kod med liten eller ingen tillsyn. En idealisk implementering av automatisk parallellisering skulle låta programmerare utnyttja tillgänglig hårdvara till fullo för att uppnå optimal prestanda när de skriver kod. Automatisk parallellisering har varit ett forskningsområde under en längre tid, och har resulterat i att moderna kompilatorer stöder vektorisering utan någon insats från programmerarens sida. I denna studie studeras samtida parallelliserande kompilatorer för att avgöra huruvida de lätt kan integreras i modern mjukvaruutveckling, samt hur kod som dessa kompilatorer genererar skiljer sig från manuellt parallelliserad kod. Fem kompilatorer, ICC, Cetus, autoPar, PLUTO, och TC Optimizing Compiler inkluderas i studien. Benchmarks används för att mäta speedup av paralleliserad kod. Dessa benchmarks exekveras på tre skiljda hårdvaruuppsättningar. NAS Parallel Benchmarks (NPB) används som benchmark för ICC, Cetus, och autoPar, och PolyBench för samtliga kompilatorer i studien. Resultat visar att parallelliserande kompilatorer genererar kod som presterar bättre än sekventiell kod i de flesta fallen, samt att vissa kodstilar begränsar deras möjlighet att parallellisera kod. I NPB så presterar kod parallelliserad av Cetus och ICC bättre än manuellt parallelliserad kod för en benchmark. I PolyBench så presterar PLUTO mycket bättre än de andra kompilatorerna och producerar kod som inte endast är optimerad för parallell exekvering, utan också för vektorisering. Begränsningar i kod genererad av Cetus och autoPar förhindrar användningen av dessa redskap i etablerade projekt, medan PLUTO och TC inte är kapabla till fullt automatisk parallellisering. Det framkom att ICC erbjuder den mest kompletta lösningen för automatisk parallellisering, men möjliga speedups var ej på samma nivå som för de andra kompilatorerna.
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Writing and Designing a Chapter on Mercury and Pluto for the Textbook Exploring the Planets (explanet.info)Spilker, Braxton Clark 01 November 2018 (has links)
Exploring the Planets (http://explanet.info) is a free online college textbook covering thebasic concepts of planetary science emphasizing the character and evolution of the planetarybodies in the Solar System. The latest edition (3rd edition) was published online in 2007 by EricH Christiansen. Since the release of the third edition, two important planetary missions havebeen completed: MESSENGER (to Mercury) and New Horizons (to Pluto). These missionsprovided new information and fundamental insights into these planetary bodies, which have notyet been included in Exploring the Planets. The modern results based on recent investigations ofMercury and Pluto are critical for our understanding of the nature and history of these bodies andthe Solar System and build upon the previous information on Mercury and Pluto gained fromMariner 10 (1974-1975) and the Hubble Space Telescope, respectively. These two planetarybodies are end members in a spectrum of objects in the Solar System. Mercury is small, hot,dense, and a silicate metal rich end member of the planets, helping scientists understand thethermal and accretionary evolution of the terrestrial planets. Pluto is cold, icy, distant from theSun, and a representative object of the vast Kuiper Belt, and is thus another end member amongplanetary bodies. These two bodies refine models of how different planets will evolve over time,and how our Solar System has evolved. For these reasons, it is important to update Exploring thePlanets to summarize the current understanding of the geology of Mercury and Pluto. This way,students can better understand their formation and evolution and the implications for theevolution of our Solar System.
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Applying the Shadow Rating Approach: A Practical Review / Tillämpning av skuggrating-modellen: En praktisk studieBarry, Viktor, Stenfelt, Carl January 2023 (has links)
The combination of regulatory pressure and rare but impactful defaults together comprise the domain of low default portfolios, which is a central and complex topic that lacks clear industry standards. A novel approach that utilizes external data to create a Shadow Rating model has been proposed by Ulrich Erlenmaier. It addresses the lack of data by estimating a probability of default curve from an external rating scale and subsequently training a statistical model to estimate the credit rating of obligors. The thesis intends to first explore the capabilities of the Cohort model and the Pluto and Tasche model to estimate the probability of default associated with banks and financial institutions through the use of external data. Secondly, the thesis will implement a multinomial logistic regression model, an ordinal logistic regression model, Classification and Regression Trees, and a Random Forest model. Subsequently, their performance to correctly estimate the credit rating of companies in a portfolio of banks and financial institutions using financial data is evaluated. Results suggest that the Cohort model is superior in modelling the underlying data, given a Gini coefficient of 0.730 for the base case, as opposed to Pluto and Tasche's 0.260. Moreover, the Random Forest model displays marginally higher performance across all metrics (such as an accuracy of 57%, a mean absolute error of 0.67 and a multiclass receiver operating characteristic of 0.83). However, given a lower degree of interpretability, the more simplistic ordinal logistic regression model (50%, 0.80 and 0.81, respectively) can be preferred due to its clear interpretability and explainability. / Kombinationen av regulatoriskt påtryck och få men påverkande fallissemang utgör tillsammans området lågfallissemangsportföljer, vilket är ett centralt men komplext ämne med avsaknad av tydliga industristandarder. En metod som använder extern data för att skapa en skuggrating-modell har föreslagits av Ulrich Erlenmaier. Den adresserar problemet av bristande data genom att använda externa ratings för att estimera en kurva över sannolikheten. Sedermera implementeras en statistisk modell som estimerar kreditratingen av låntagare. Denna uppsats ämnar för det första att utforska möjligheterna för kohortmodellen samt Pluto-och-Tasche-modellen att estimera sannolikheten för fallissemang associerat med banker och finansiella institutioner genom användandet av extern data. För det andra implementeras statistiska modeller genom nominell logistisk regression, ordinal logistisk regression, klassificerings- och regressionsträd samt Random Forest. Sedermera utvärderas modellernas förmåga att förutse kreditratings för företag från en portfölj av banker och finansiella institutioner. Resultat föreslår att kohortmodellen är att föredra vid modellering av underliggande data, givet en Ginikoefficient på 0.730 för grundfallet, till skillnad från Pluto och Tasches resultat på 0.260. Vidare genererade Random Forest marginellt bättre resultat över alla utvärderingskriterier (till exempel, 57% träffsäkerhet, 0.67 mean absolute error och 0.83 multiclass receiver operating characteristic). Däremot har den en lägre tolkningsbarhet så att ordinal logistisk regression (med respektive värden 50%, 0.80 och 0.81) skulle kunna föredras, givet dess tydlighet och transparens.
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Optimalizace výpočtu v multigridu / Performance Engineering of Stencils Optimization in Geometric MultigridJanalík, Radim January 2015 (has links)
V této práci představujeme blokovou metodu pro zlepšení lokality v cache paměti u výpočtů typu stencil a dva nástroje, Pluto a PATUS, které tuto metodu používají ke generování optimalizovaného kódu. Provádíme různá měření a zkoumáme zrychlení výpočtu při použití různých optimalizací. Nakonec implementujeme vyhlazovací krok v multigridu s různými optimalizacemi a zkoumáme jak se tyto optimalizace projeví na výkonu multigridu.
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O caso Plutão e a natureza da ciência: uma proposta para alunos do ensino médio / Pluto case and the nature of science: proposal for education to high school studentsAlbuquerque, Vanessa Nobrega de 09 October 2012 (has links)
Apresenta-se neste trabalho o desenvolvimento e avaliação de uma proposta de ensino que procura promover discussões sobre algumas características do fazer científico com alunos do Ensino Médio de uma escola estadual da periferia de São Paulo. A intervenção é composta de seis atividades que, em conjunto, sistematizam os Três Momentos Pedagógicos - modelo metodológico que procura garantir o uso sistemático da dialogicidade, o que torna possível discutir temas selecionados a partir da problematização das falas dos alunos. A intervenção foi inspirada na mudança de classificação de Plutão, que permite problematizar, por exemplo, a ciência como um processo em construção ou o caráter transitório e temporário do conhecimento científico, a partir dos estudos dos conflitos e divergências que envolveram esse episódio. A história da descoberta e classificação dos planetas do Sistema Solar, os métodos de determinação de distância, diâmetro e massa dos planetas, a definição de planeta e a reclassificação de Plutão estão entre os temas discutidos ao longo da intervenção. O material de análise é composto de trabalhos produzidos pelos alunos ao longo da intervenção e gravações de áudio e vídeo das atividades realizadas, além de uma comparação entre os resultados obtidos em um questionário inicial e final. Embora não tenha sido o foco desta pesquisa, foi possível mapear o aprendizado dos alunos sobre alguns dos temas discutidos na proposta de ensino. Verificamos que os alunos compreenderam que obter estimativas para as dimensões dos corpos celestes não foi e não é um empreendimento simples, dada à magnitude das distâncias envolvidas. Além disso, que tais medidas apresentam certa imprecisão, mas que se tornaram/tornam cada vez mais precisas, devido a novas pesquisas, métodos de medida ou ao avanço tecnológico. Em relação à potencialidade da proposta de ensino em promover um (re)olhar dos alunos para sua concepção sobre ciência, podemos dizer que, após participarem da intervenção, os estudantes estão mais conscientes sobre o processo de construção da ciência. Os alunos, ao comentarem sobre a confiança que atribuem às explicações científicas, apresentaram suas opiniões demonstrando estarem conscientes em relação à possibilidade do erro em algumas resoluções científicas e sobre o caráter transitório da ciência. Além disso, após vivenciarem a intervenção, um número maior de alunos afirmou que as explicações científicas podem mudar, relacionando este dinamismo da ciência ao avanço tecnológico ou a novos estudos e descobertas, decorrentes da própria continuidade da pesquisa. Pode-se dizer que este trabalho parece mostrar que é possível promover um maior entendimento de alunos do ensino básico sobre o processo de investigação científica a partir de uma proposta de ensino com uma abordagem histórico-filosófica da ciência. A expectativa é que esta dissertação possa contribuir com subsídios para que outros professores também realizem discussões desta natureza com seus alunos, considerando um ensino pautado na dialogicidade, tanto para promover uma formação mais crítica em relação à ciência, quanto uma postura mais participativa dos estudantes no seu próprio processo de aprendizagem. / Astronomy, Nature of science, Three Pedagogical Moments, Pluto, Proposal for education, Secundary education
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Microphysique des processus saisonniers des glaces de Mars et Pluton : suivi par télédétection hyperspectrale et étude expérimentale / Microphysics of icy seasonal processes on Mars and Pluto : hyperspectral imaging monitoring and experimental study.Philippe, Sylvain 05 December 2016 (has links)
Le cycle de condensation/sublimation du CO2 contrôle le climat martien et forme en hiver des dépôts saisonniers glacés, contaminés en glace d’eau et en poussière. L’objectif de cette thèse est de comprendre, caractériser, et si possible quantifier les différents processus microphysiques des dépôts saisonniers durant ce cycle de condensation/sublimation à l’aide de la simulation, en laboratoire, de ces processus à l’intérieur de la cellule expérimentale CarboN-IR. La condensation de glace de CO2 polycristalline sur un régolithe minéral, la modification du régime de condensation de la glace de CO2 dans la nuit polaire en présence de gaz non condensables, la stratification de glace d’eau sur la glace de CO2 lors de la sublimation des dépôts saisonniers et la remontée d’albédo de la glace polycristalline de CO2 lors de sa sublimation au printemps sont les phénomènes ayant été reproduits avec succès dans la cellule expérimentale. La condensation de glace polycristalline de CO2 sur Mars a également été observée durant sa formation, en automne, aux latitudes plus basses que la nuit polaire à l’aide des données du spectromètre OMEGA, de la sonde Mars Express. L’objet le plus lointain du système solaire à avoir été exploré, Pluton, partage de nombreux points communs avec Mars, notamment la couverture d’une partie de sa surface par des glaces (de CH4, N2 et CO pour Pluton) en équilibre avec son atmosphère. L’évolution de ces glaces peut être considérée comme analogue en termes de processus de surface les affectant : stratification des glaces en fonction de leur volatilité lors de leur sublimation où condensation à la surface, formation de glace sous forme polycristalline,... . Les données d’imagerie hyperspectrale (LEISA) fournies par la sonde New Horizons lors de son survol de Pluton en juillet 2015 ont permis la cartographie précise des espèces chimiques présentes à sa surface, ainsi que de leur état physique, étapes préliminaires à toute interprétation géologique. / The condensation/sublimation cycle of CO2 controls the martian climate and, in winter, forms frozen seasonal deposits, contaminated with water ice and dust. This thesis’ objective is to unders- tand, characterize, and if possible, to quantify the different microphysical processes occuring in the seasonal deposits during this condensation/sublimation cycle, with the insight of experimental simulation of these processes inside the CarboN-IR experimental cell. The CO2 ice condensation in a polycristalline form on a mineral regolith, the modification of the CO2 ice condensation regime in the martian polar night due to the presence of non condensable gases, the stratification of water ice onto CO2 ice during the sublimation of the seasonal deposits and the increase of the albedo of CO2 slab ice during its springtime sublimation are all phenomena that have been reproduced successfully inside the experiemental cell. The CO2 slab ice condensation on the Martian surface has been observed during its formation, in autumn, at lower latitudes than polar night limit with hyperspectral imaging from the OMEGA spectrometer onboard of the Mars Express probe. Yet the farthest object explored in the solar system, Pluto, shares many similarities with Mars, parti- cularly a partial icy cover of its surface (of CH4, N2 and CO ices for Pluto) in equilibrium with its atmosphere. The evolution of these ices can be considered similar in terms of the surface pro- cesses affecting them : stratification of ices in function of their volatility during their sublimation or condensation at the surface, formation of slab ice ... The hyperspectral imagery data (LEISA), provided by the New Horizons probe during its Pluto’s flyby in july 2015, allowed to determine the accurate cartography of chemical species at the surface, along with their physical state - the preliminary steps of any geological interpretation.
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O caso Plutão e a natureza da ciência: uma proposta para alunos do ensino médio / Pluto case and the nature of science: proposal for education to high school studentsVanessa Nobrega de Albuquerque 09 October 2012 (has links)
Apresenta-se neste trabalho o desenvolvimento e avaliação de uma proposta de ensino que procura promover discussões sobre algumas características do fazer científico com alunos do Ensino Médio de uma escola estadual da periferia de São Paulo. A intervenção é composta de seis atividades que, em conjunto, sistematizam os Três Momentos Pedagógicos - modelo metodológico que procura garantir o uso sistemático da dialogicidade, o que torna possível discutir temas selecionados a partir da problematização das falas dos alunos. A intervenção foi inspirada na mudança de classificação de Plutão, que permite problematizar, por exemplo, a ciência como um processo em construção ou o caráter transitório e temporário do conhecimento científico, a partir dos estudos dos conflitos e divergências que envolveram esse episódio. A história da descoberta e classificação dos planetas do Sistema Solar, os métodos de determinação de distância, diâmetro e massa dos planetas, a definição de planeta e a reclassificação de Plutão estão entre os temas discutidos ao longo da intervenção. O material de análise é composto de trabalhos produzidos pelos alunos ao longo da intervenção e gravações de áudio e vídeo das atividades realizadas, além de uma comparação entre os resultados obtidos em um questionário inicial e final. Embora não tenha sido o foco desta pesquisa, foi possível mapear o aprendizado dos alunos sobre alguns dos temas discutidos na proposta de ensino. Verificamos que os alunos compreenderam que obter estimativas para as dimensões dos corpos celestes não foi e não é um empreendimento simples, dada à magnitude das distâncias envolvidas. Além disso, que tais medidas apresentam certa imprecisão, mas que se tornaram/tornam cada vez mais precisas, devido a novas pesquisas, métodos de medida ou ao avanço tecnológico. Em relação à potencialidade da proposta de ensino em promover um (re)olhar dos alunos para sua concepção sobre ciência, podemos dizer que, após participarem da intervenção, os estudantes estão mais conscientes sobre o processo de construção da ciência. Os alunos, ao comentarem sobre a confiança que atribuem às explicações científicas, apresentaram suas opiniões demonstrando estarem conscientes em relação à possibilidade do erro em algumas resoluções científicas e sobre o caráter transitório da ciência. Além disso, após vivenciarem a intervenção, um número maior de alunos afirmou que as explicações científicas podem mudar, relacionando este dinamismo da ciência ao avanço tecnológico ou a novos estudos e descobertas, decorrentes da própria continuidade da pesquisa. Pode-se dizer que este trabalho parece mostrar que é possível promover um maior entendimento de alunos do ensino básico sobre o processo de investigação científica a partir de uma proposta de ensino com uma abordagem histórico-filosófica da ciência. A expectativa é que esta dissertação possa contribuir com subsídios para que outros professores também realizem discussões desta natureza com seus alunos, considerando um ensino pautado na dialogicidade, tanto para promover uma formação mais crítica em relação à ciência, quanto uma postura mais participativa dos estudantes no seu próprio processo de aprendizagem. / Astronomy, Nature of science, Three Pedagogical Moments, Pluto, Proposal for education, Secundary education
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Contextualization of Autonomous Spaceflight Operations for deep space planetary encountersMarcinkowski, Michal January 2018 (has links)
This work concerns the research and application of data visualization techniques to depict ongoing activities in mankinds investigation of space as part of a larger open-source visualization- and science-outreach software known as OpenSpace. It involves the construction of a physically accurate virtual environment of our local star group and solar system so as to facilitate development of a robust and generalized solution capable of articulating mission-science to its viewers. The research part is focused on deploying data visualization methods suitable for contextualizing scientific findings towards the general public in a pedagogical manner, with the end goal to provide a fully operational New Horizons visualization on the day of encounter with Pluto for the first public broadcast of OpenSpace across the globe.
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Tiling Stencil Computations To Maximize ParallelismBandishti, Vinayaka Prakasha 12 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Stencil computations are iterative kernels often used to simulate the change in a discretized spatial domain overtime (e.g., computational fluid dynamics) or to solve for unknowns in a discretized space by converging to a steady state (i.e., partial differential equations).They are commonly found in many scientific and engineering applications. Most stencil computations allow tile-wise concurrent start ,i.e., there exists a face of the iteration space and a set of tiling hyper planes such that all tiles along that face can be started concurrently. This provides load balance and maximizes parallelism.
Loop tiling is a key transformation used to exploit both data locality and parallelism from stencils simultaneously. Numerous works exist that target improving locality, controlling frequency of synchronization, and volume of communication wherever applicable. But, concurrent start-up of tiles that evidently translates into perfect load balance and often reduction in frequency of synchronization is completely ignored. Existing automatic tiling frameworks often choose hyperplanes that lead to pipelined start-up and load imbalance. We address this issue with a new tiling technique that ensures concurrent start-up as well as perfect load balance whenever possible. We first provide necessary and sufficient conditions on tiling hyperplanes to enable concurrent start for programs with affine data accesses. We then discuss an iterative approach to find such hyperplanes.
It is not possible to directly apply automatic tiling techniques to periodic stencils because of the wrap-around dependences in them. To overcome this, we use iteration space folding techniques as a pre-processing stage after which our technique can be applied without any further change.
We have implemented our techniques on top of Pluto-a source-level automatic parallelizer. Experimental evaluation on a 12-core Intel Westmere shows that our code is able to outperform a tuned domain-specific stencil code generator by 4% to2 x, and previous compiler techniques by a factor of 1.5x to 15x. For the swim benchmark from SPECFP2000, we achieve an .improvement of 5.12 x on a 12-core Intel Westmere and 2.5x on a 16-core AMD Magny-Cours machines, over the auto-parallelizer of Intel C Compiler.
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