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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ativação de caspase-1 e formação de poros em macrófagos infectados por Legionella pneumophila / Caspase-1 activation and pore formation in murine macrophages infected with Legionella pneumophila

Silveira, Tatiana Nunes 15 April 2010 (has links)
Legionella pneumophila, o agente etiológico da doença dos Legionários, é conhecida por desencadear a formação de poro em membranas de macrófagos derivados de medula óssea (BMMs) por mecanismos dependentes do sistema de secreção do tipo IV conhecido como Dot/Icm. Neste trabalho, foram utillizados vários mutantes de L. pneumophila em combinação com camundongos nocautes para investigar os fatores bacterianos e do hospedeiro envolvidos na formação de poro em BMMs. Observamos que apesar da atividade do Dot/Icm, a formação de poro não ocorre em BMMs deficientes para caspase-1 e Nlrc4. A formação de poro foi temporalmente associada com a secreção de IL-1b e precedeu a lise celular e a piroptose. A formação de poro foi dependente do Dot/Icm, mas independente de várias proteínas efetoras, da multiplicação bacteriana e da síntese de novo de proteínas. A flagelina, a qual é conhecida em ativar o inflamassoma de Nlrc4, foi necessária para a formação de poro; a bactéria mutante flaA falhou em induzir a permeabilização celular. Consequentemente, a transfecção da flagelina purificada foi suficiente para desencadear a formação de poro independente da infecção. Utilizando 11 diferentes espécies de Legionella, nós observamos alta formação de poro em resposta à L. micdadei, L. bozemanii, L. gratiana, L. jordanis e L. rubrilucens, e essa resposta estava correlacionada com a expressão de flagelina por essas espécies. Além disso, verificamos que as proteínas Asc e Caspase-11 apresentam fenótipo intermediário na formação de poro, sugerindo que outras vias podem estar envolvidas no processo. Observamos também que a formação de poro desencadeada por L. pneumophila difere daquela induzida pelo ATP. Em conjunto, nossos resultados sugerem que a formação de poro não é uma resposta específica de L. pneumophila nem o resultado de dano da membrana induzido pelo Dot/Icm. Ao invés disso, a formação de poro é uma resposta do hospedeiro altamente coordenada, dependente dos componentes do inflamassoma Nlrc4 e caspase-1 e é desencadeada em resposta a bactérias que expressam o sistema de secreção do tipo IV e flagelina. / Legionella pneumophila, the etiological agent of Legionnaires disease, is known to trigger pore formation in bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMMs) by mechanisms dependent on the type IVB secretion system known as Dot/Icm. Here, we used several mutants of L. pneumophila in combination with knockout mice to assess the host and bacterial factors involved in pore formation in BMMs. We found that regardless of Dot/Icm activity, pore formation does not occur in BMMs deficient in caspase-1 and Nlrc4/Ipaf. Pore formation was temporally associated with IL-1b secretion and preceded host cell lysis and pyroptosis. Pore-forming ability was dependent on bacterial Dot/Icm but independent of several effector proteins, multiplication and de novo protein synthesis. Flagellin, which is known to trigger the Nlrc4 inflammasome, was required for pore formation as flaA mutant bacteria failed to induce cell permeabilization. Accordingly, transfection of purified flagellin was sufficient to trigger pore formation independent of infection. By using 11 different Legionella species, we found robust pore formation in response to L. micdadei, L. bozemanii, L. gratiana, L. jordanis and L. rubrilucens, and this trait correlated with flagellin expression by these species. Furthermore, we found that Asc and Caspase-11 showed an intermediate phenotype in pore formation, suggesting that other pathways may be involved in this process. We also observed that the pore formation triggered by L. pneumophila differs from the pore induced by ATP. Together, the results suggest that pore formation is neither L. pneumophilaspecific nor the result of membrane damage induced by Dot/Icm activity; instead, it is a highly coordinated host cell response dependent on host Nlrc4 and caspase-1 and on bacterial flagellin and type IV secretion system.

Phenol Soluble Modulins et lipopolysaccharide de Legionella pneumophila : rôle dans la réponse immunitaire innée / Phenol Soluble Modulines caracterisation and role of lipopolysaccharide in innate immune response to Legionella pneumophila.

Ranc, Anne-Gaëlle 02 February 2018 (has links)
Legionella pneumophila (Lp) est une bactérie ubiquitaire dans les environnements aqueux et responsable d’une pneumopathie potentiellement sévère : la légionellose. La majorité des souches impliquées appartiennent au sérogroupe 1 (Lp1) et à un sous- groupe spécifique de souches portant un épitope particulier dites mAb3/1+. Cependant, la différence de distribution entre les souches retrouvées dans l’environnement et celles impliquées en clinique n’est pas clairement élucidée. Notre travail a porté sur la détection de deux facteurs de virulence de Lp. Nous avons voulu mettre en évidence l’existence de Phenols Soluble Modulines (PSMs), peptides uniquement décrit chez Staphylocoques et avons ainsi pu démontrer l’activité de peptides prédits par analyse in silico chez Lp capables d’activer la réponse inflammatoire par la voie du NF-?B et sont dotés d’une action cytotoxique. Notre deuxième axe d’étude a porté sur le lipopolysaccharide (LPS) de Lp. Afin de vérifier si la prédominance de certaines souches était liée à un biais diagnostique, nous avons voulu tout d’abord vérifier la sensibilité de 3 tests urinaires diagnostiques envers le LPS extrait de souches de différents sous- groupes de Lp1 et sérogroupes de Lp et avons ainsi pu montrer que ces tests sont capables de détecter tous les LPS de Lp1. La sensibilité envers le LPS des autres sérogroupes est très variable mais reste insuffisante pour permettre leur détection. Nous avons ensuite utilisé ces LPS extraits pour vérifier la réponse immunitaire innée en fonction des souches de Lp1. Ainsi les souches mAb3/1+ activent moins le système immunitaire que les souches mAb3/1-, ce qui pourrait expliquer alors une moins bonne clairance de ces souches permettant leur multiplication à l’origine d’une infection. Au final, notre travail a permis d’étudier deux facteurs de virulence potentiels au sein de Lp, pouvant expliquer partiellement la prédominance de certaines souches en pathologie humaine / Legionella pneumophila (Lp) is a ubiquitous intracellular bacterium found widely in the environment and is the cause of an opportunistic infection named legionellosis. The majority of the strains involved belong to serogroup 1 (Lp1) and to a specific subgroup named mAb3/1+, linked to a specific epitope expressed at the cell membrane. However the distribution difference between the strains found in the environment and the ones involved in pathology is not fully understood. We here studied two virulence factors of Lp. We first demonstrated the existence of Phenols Soluble Modulines (PSMs), smalls peptides that only have been described for Staphylococcus and found that the peptides that were predicted for Lp by in silico analysis were able to activate the innate immune response by NF-?B pathway and were able to have a cytotoxic activity. We also studied the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of Lp. To found out if the predominance of some strains was linked to a diagnosis biais, we first evaluated the sensitivity of 3 urinary antigens tests against extracted LPS of strains belonging to all the sous-groups of Lp1 and serogroups of Lp. We then demonstrated that those tests are able to detect all LPS of Lp1, independently of mAb3/1 character. The sensitivities of the 3 tests were very variable for the other serogroups of Lp, but were too low to be able to detect those LPS in practice. We then used these extracted LPS to evaluate the innate immune response for different strains of Lp1. We demonstrated that mAb3/1- strains needed lower dose of LPS to activate the innate immune response than mAb3/1+ strains, which could be linked to a better clearance of the bacteria from the host, which doesn’t develop an infection. This work has studied two potentially virulent factors of Lp, which could partially explain the predominance of some strains of Lp in human pathology

Detection and epidemiologic subtyping of Legionella pneumophila using DNA-based molecular methods /

Bernander, Sverker, January 2003 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karol. inst., 2003. / Härtill 7 uppsatser.

Approches moléculaires de l'épidémiologie de la légionellose et de la résistance aux antibiotiques chez Legionella pneumophila / Molecular approaches of the epidemiology of legionellosis and the antibiotic resistance of Legionella pneumophila

Shadoud, Lubana 17 June 2014 (has links)
Legionella pneumophila est une bactérie à Gram négatif, intracellulaire facultative, responsable de la légionellose (ou maladie des Légionnaires) chez l'Homme. Les fluoroquinolones et les macrolides sont utilisés en première intention dans le traitement antibiotique de cette maladie. Cependant, les échecs thérapeutiques sont fréquents, et le taux de mortalité demeure élevé (10-15% des cas, plus de 30% chez le patient immunodéprimé). Bien qu'aucune souche de L. pneumophila résistante à ces antibiotiques n'ait été isolée à ce jour, ces échecs peuvent faire évoquer la possibilité d'une sélection in vivo de mutants résistants. Le mécanisme génétique principal d'acquisition de la résistance aux fluoroquinolones correspond à l'accumulation de mutations au niveau des gènes codant pour l'ADN gyrase et la topoisomérase IV ; en particulier celles affectant les codons en positions 83 et 87 du QRDR (quinolone resistance determining region) du gène gyrA entrainent une résistance de haut niveau à ces antibiotiques. Le première aspect de notre projet était d'élaborer un test de PCR en temps réel permettant de détecter chez L. pneumophila des mutants gyrA résistants aux fluoroquinolones et de les différencier des souches sauvages par analyse des températures de fusion des amplifias obtenus. Après optimisation, ce test nommé qPCRgyrALp amplifie spécifiquement une portion du QRDR du gène gyrA de l'espèce L. pneumophila et permet de détecter et de différencier les mutations gyrA83 et gyrA87. Nous avons ensuite utilisé ce test pour la recherche de mutants gyrA directement dans divers prélèvements respiratoires provenant de 82 patients atteints de légionellose, certains en échec thérapeutique après traitement par une fluoroquinolone. Les résultats ont montré pour quatre patients un profil de courbe de fusion semblable à celui du mutant gyrA83. Le séquençage du QRDR de gyrA à partir de ces prélèvements respiratoires a confirmé cette mutation chez deux patients. L'utilisation de la technique de séquençage à haut débit a permis de quantifier ces mutants gyrA83 chez ces deux patients, permettant de montrer un remplacement progressif in vivo de la population de L. pneumophila sensible aux fluoroquinolones par une population résistante à ces antibiotiques. Le deuxième aspect de notre travail a été de développer des tests de PCR quantitative en temps réel (qPCR) permettant de quantifier la charge bactérienne à L. pneumophila dans les prélèvements cliniques des patients infectés, avant et au cours du traitement antibiotique, dans la but de prédire l'évolution clinique et le pronostic final de ces patients. Nous avons utilisé deux tests de qPCR, ciblant soit le gène codant pour l'ARNr16s (qPCR16S) soit le gène mip (qPCRmip) dans des prélèvements respiratoires de 116 patients atteints de légionellose. Chez certains patients, nous avons pu déterminer la cinétique de la charge bactérienne au cours du temps, alors que les patients recevaient une antibiothérapie adaptée. Les premières cinétiques recueillies montrent la possibilité de différencier les patients qui répondent rapidement au traitement antibiotique et évoluent favorablement au cours de la 1ère semaine d'hospitalisation, de ceux qui présentent une réponse modeste au traitement et nécessitent une hospitalisation prolongée, voire décèdent. La PCR en temps réel semble donc représenter un outil pronostique d'intérêt au cours de la légionellose. Le type de cinétique observé chez un patient donné semble pouvoir prédire l'évolution des patients et la nécessité d'ajuster le traitement antibiotique. / Legionella pneumophila is a Gram- negative, facultative intracellular bacterium responsible for legionellosis (or Legionnaires' disease ) in humans. The fluoroquinolones and the macrolides are used as first-line antibiotic treatment of this disease. However, treatment failures are common, and the mortality rates remain high (10-15 % of cases, more than 30% in immunocompromised patients). Although L. pneumophila strain resistant to these antibiotics have never been isolated, treatment failures may suggest the possibility of in vivo selection of resistant mutants. The main genetic mechanisms associated with acquired resistance to fluoroquinolones correspond to the accumulation of mutations in the genes encoding DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV, especially those affecting codons 83 and 87 of the QRDR (quinolone resistance determining region) of the gyrA gene, which are associated with high level resistance to these antibiotics. The first aspect of our project was to develop a real-time PCR test to detect gyrA QRDR mutants and differentiate them from wild-type strains of L. pneumophila by analysis of melting temperatures of the amplified DNA. After optimization, the qPCRgyrALp test specifically amplified a portion of the gyrA QRDR of L. pneumophila and could detect and differentiate gyrA83 and gyrA87 mutations. Then, we checked the presence of gyrA mutants directly in respiratory samples collected in 82 legionellosis patients, including some after treatment failure with a fluoroquinolone. For four patients, results corresponded to a melting curve profile similar to that of the gyrA83 mutant. Amplification and sequencing of the gyrA QRDR directly from these respiratory samples confirmed this mutation in two patients. The use of high-throughput sequencing technology allowed us to quantify the gyrA83 mutants in these two patients, allowing demonstration of in vivo gradual replacement of the fluoroquinolones susceptible population of L. pneumophila by a resistant one. The second aspect of our work was to develop quantitative real-time PCR tests offering the possibility to quantify the L. pneumophila bacterial load in respiratory specimens before and during antibiotic treatment, in order to predict the clinical course and the final prognosis of these patients. We used two qPCR tests, either targeting the gene encoding 16S rRNA (qPCR16S ) or the mip gene (qPCRmip ) in respiratory samples from 116 patients with Legionnaires' disease. In some patients, we determined the kinetics of bacterial loads over time, while patients received appropriate antibiotic therapy. The kinetics we observed allowed differentiation of patients who respond quickly to antibiotic treatment and were released from hospital within the first week following admission, from those with a modest response to treatment and requiring prolonged hospitalization or finally died. Thus, our real-time PCR tests seem to be good prognostic tools for evaluation of legionellosis prognosis. The type of kinetics observed in a given patient may allow the clinician to predict the evolution of patients and the need to adjust the antibiotic treatment.

Distribution des Légionelles dans le bassin versant du Lac du Bourget : Cas particulier des sources contaminées du réseau aixois. / Occurency of the bacteria legionella pneumophila in lake Bourget tributaries : Efficiency of self regulation process downstream the junction with hot spring water

Maurice-Blanc, Cécile 25 October 2011 (has links)
L'étude s'intéresse à la bactérie Legionella pneumophila (Lpn) dans les biofilms des affluents du lac du Bourget. Elle confirme le caractère ubiquiste de cette bactérie, principalement sous sa forme non cultivable. Elle met aussi en évidence, le caractère local des facteurs naturels de régulation : seule la température de l'eau intervient dans la majorité des sites. Ce déterminisme local a aussi été mis en évidence avec l'étude du réseau hydrographique aixois qui reçoit à la fois des eaux thermales et celles de la rivière Le Tillet. Les perturbations thermique et chimique liées aux arrivées d'eau chaude sont détectables jusqu'à la partie aval du réseau. L'effet d'enrichissement des apports en Lpn qui leur correspondent reste localisé ce qui peut être la manifestation de processus naturels d'autoépuration. Nos résultats montrent également un comportement différent des organismes du groupe des Pseudomonas et des bactéries apparentées vis-à-vis des caractéristiques physico-chimiques. Des expériences effectuées en réacteurs biologiques ont montré qu'une augmentation de la vitesse ou de la température de l'eau est favorable à la présence de Lpn. Un modèle de transport de charges a été construit à partir duquel une gestion de l'utilisation du jet d'eau situé à proximité de la plage municipale d'Aix-les-Bains pourrait être faite pour tenir compte des périodes durant lesquelles des fragments de biofilms susceptibles de contenir des Lpn sont transportés en masse par le réseau aixois en direction de la plage. / The study concerns the occurrence of the bacteria Legionella pneumophila (Lpn) in biofilms from Lake Bourget tributaries. It confirms the ubiquity of the bacteria in flowing waters, but mainly as viable but non culturable state. It highlights that main environmental control factors are local, at the exception of water temperature which is involved in most studied sites. Local control of biofilms development has also been demonstrated in the study of the Aix-les-Bains hydrological network which receives hot springs water and water from the Tillet river. Thermal and chemical disturbances induced by hot waters entrances could still be detected at the farthest downstream part of the network. Biofilms enrichment in Lpn related to theses incomings kept localized possibly due to self-purification processes. Our results depict different answers of microorganisms like Pseudomonas and related bacteria towards physicochemical characteristics. Two experiments were performed based on biological reactors, showing that increases of water temperature or water flow, both enhance Lpn concentration. An hydrological transport model has been designed to serve the management of a waterspout sited by the Aix-les-Bains beach. It is written especially to address periods where biofilms transport holding high Lpn concentrations should be avoided.

Ativação de caspase-1 e formação de poros em macrófagos infectados por Legionella pneumophila / Caspase-1 activation and pore formation in murine macrophages infected with Legionella pneumophila

Tatiana Nunes Silveira 15 April 2010 (has links)
Legionella pneumophila, o agente etiológico da doença dos Legionários, é conhecida por desencadear a formação de poro em membranas de macrófagos derivados de medula óssea (BMMs) por mecanismos dependentes do sistema de secreção do tipo IV conhecido como Dot/Icm. Neste trabalho, foram utillizados vários mutantes de L. pneumophila em combinação com camundongos nocautes para investigar os fatores bacterianos e do hospedeiro envolvidos na formação de poro em BMMs. Observamos que apesar da atividade do Dot/Icm, a formação de poro não ocorre em BMMs deficientes para caspase-1 e Nlrc4. A formação de poro foi temporalmente associada com a secreção de IL-1b e precedeu a lise celular e a piroptose. A formação de poro foi dependente do Dot/Icm, mas independente de várias proteínas efetoras, da multiplicação bacteriana e da síntese de novo de proteínas. A flagelina, a qual é conhecida em ativar o inflamassoma de Nlrc4, foi necessária para a formação de poro; a bactéria mutante flaA falhou em induzir a permeabilização celular. Consequentemente, a transfecção da flagelina purificada foi suficiente para desencadear a formação de poro independente da infecção. Utilizando 11 diferentes espécies de Legionella, nós observamos alta formação de poro em resposta à L. micdadei, L. bozemanii, L. gratiana, L. jordanis e L. rubrilucens, e essa resposta estava correlacionada com a expressão de flagelina por essas espécies. Além disso, verificamos que as proteínas Asc e Caspase-11 apresentam fenótipo intermediário na formação de poro, sugerindo que outras vias podem estar envolvidas no processo. Observamos também que a formação de poro desencadeada por L. pneumophila difere daquela induzida pelo ATP. Em conjunto, nossos resultados sugerem que a formação de poro não é uma resposta específica de L. pneumophila nem o resultado de dano da membrana induzido pelo Dot/Icm. Ao invés disso, a formação de poro é uma resposta do hospedeiro altamente coordenada, dependente dos componentes do inflamassoma Nlrc4 e caspase-1 e é desencadeada em resposta a bactérias que expressam o sistema de secreção do tipo IV e flagelina. / Legionella pneumophila, the etiological agent of Legionnaires disease, is known to trigger pore formation in bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMMs) by mechanisms dependent on the type IVB secretion system known as Dot/Icm. Here, we used several mutants of L. pneumophila in combination with knockout mice to assess the host and bacterial factors involved in pore formation in BMMs. We found that regardless of Dot/Icm activity, pore formation does not occur in BMMs deficient in caspase-1 and Nlrc4/Ipaf. Pore formation was temporally associated with IL-1b secretion and preceded host cell lysis and pyroptosis. Pore-forming ability was dependent on bacterial Dot/Icm but independent of several effector proteins, multiplication and de novo protein synthesis. Flagellin, which is known to trigger the Nlrc4 inflammasome, was required for pore formation as flaA mutant bacteria failed to induce cell permeabilization. Accordingly, transfection of purified flagellin was sufficient to trigger pore formation independent of infection. By using 11 different Legionella species, we found robust pore formation in response to L. micdadei, L. bozemanii, L. gratiana, L. jordanis and L. rubrilucens, and this trait correlated with flagellin expression by these species. Furthermore, we found that Asc and Caspase-11 showed an intermediate phenotype in pore formation, suggesting that other pathways may be involved in this process. We also observed that the pore formation triggered by L. pneumophila differs from the pore induced by ATP. Together, the results suggest that pore formation is neither L. pneumophilaspecific nor the result of membrane damage induced by Dot/Icm activity; instead, it is a highly coordinated host cell response dependent on host Nlrc4 and caspase-1 and on bacterial flagellin and type IV secretion system.

A ativação de caspase-8 no inflamassoma de Naip5/NLRC4 em resposta a infecção por Legionella pneumophila / The activation of caspase-8 by Naip5/NLRC4 inflammasome in response to Legionella pneumophila infection

Danielle Pini Alves Mascarenhas 04 May 2018 (has links)
A bactéria Legionella pneumophila é um bacilo Gram-negativo, flagelado causador da doença dos legionários e febre de Pontiac. O inflamassoma mais importante no controle da replicação desta bactéria é o composto por Naip5/NLRC4, que é responsável pelo reconhecimento de flagelina. A ativação do inflamassoma de Naip5/NLRC4 pela flagelina induz a ativação de caspase-1, induzindo a formação de poros na membrana, piroptose e controle da replicação desta bactéria. A participação da proteína adaptadora ASC é essencial para a nucleação deste complexo e secreção de citocinas inflamatórias como IL-1? e IL-18 por esta via. Além do controle da replicação de L. pneumophila pelo inflamassoma NLRC4 dependente de caspase-1, foi demonstrado que existe uma via induzida por NLRC4 independente de caspase- 1/11. Dessa forma, camundongos e células Nlrc4-/- são mais susceptíveis à infecção por esta bactéria do que as células Casp1/11-/-. Neste trabalho, nós identificamos que a via independente de caspase-1/11 é composta por Naip5/NLRC4/ASC/Caspase-8 e é essencial para o controle da replicação de Legionella spp. flageladas em macrófagos e in vivo. Através da utilização de BMDMs Casp1/11-/- e Asc/Casp1/11-/- transduzidos com NLRC4-GFP ou ASC-GFP, identificamos que a formação de punctas de NLRC4 e ASC dependem do reconhecimento de flagelina e que ASC é essencial para a formação desses punctas. Também foi identificado que a infecção com L. pneumophila que expressa flagelina leva à ativação de caspase-8 de maneira dependente de ASC e Naip5, mas independente de caspase-1/11. De acordo com esses dados, o silenciamento de caspase-8 em macrófagos Casp1/11-/- aumentou a susceptibilidade dessas células à infecção com L. pneumophila flagelada. Além disso, macrófagos e camundongos Asc/Casp1/11-/- foram tão susceptíveis quanto os Nlrc4- /- e mais susceptíveis que os Casp1/11-/-. Nós observamos que o inflamassoma de NLRC4/ASC/Caspase-8 induz formação de poros e morte celular independente de gasdermina-D (GSDMD). Por meio da utilização de células de camundongos C57BL/6, foi observado que caspase-8 é recrutada para o inflamassoma de Naip5/NLRC4/ASC/Caspase-1. Entretanto, a ativação de caspase-8 só ocorre na 10 ausência de caspase-1 ou GSDMD. Nossos dados sugerem que a ativação de caspase-8 no inflamassoma composto por NLRC4/ASC/Caspase-8 representa uma via alternativa que opera para garantir o controle da replicação de bactérias flageladas em situações nas quais ou caspase-1 ou GSDMD estão inibidas. / Legionella pneumophila is a flagellated Gram-negative bacillus that is the causative agent of the legionnaire\'s disease and Pontiac fever. The most important inflammasome for the control of L. pneumophila replication is the Naip5/NLRC4, responsible for the flagellin recognition. The activation of the Naip5/NLRC4 inflammasome leads to caspase-1 activation, consequently pore formation, pyroptosis and control of bacterial replication. The participation of the adaptor molecule ASC is essential for this complex nucleation and the secretion of inflammatory cytokines like IL-1? and IL-18 by this pathway. Besides the control of L. pneumophila replication by Naip5/NLRC4/Caspase-1 inflammasome, it was demonstrated there are NLRC4 responses independent of caspase-1/11. These explain why mice and macrophages Nlrc4-/- are more susceptible than Casp1/11-/-. In this work, we identified that the caspase-1/11-independent pathway is composed of Naip5/NLRC4/ASC/Caspase-8 and it is essential for the control of flagellated Legionella spp. replication in macrophages and in vivo. Infection of Casp1/11-/- and Asc/Casp1/11-/- macrophages, transduced with NLRC4-GFP or ASC-GFP, showed that flagellin-positive bacteria triggered puncta formation that is ASC-dependent. Accordingly, Naip5 and ASC, but not caspase-1/11, were required for caspase-8 activation in response to flagellated bacteria. Silencing caspase-8 in Casp1/11-/- BMDMs increased the susceptibility to L. pneumophila infection. Furthermore, the macrophages and mice Asc/Casp1/11-/- are as susceptible as Nlrc4-/-, but more susceptible than Casp1/11-/-. We also found that the NLRC4/ASC/Caspase-8 inflammasome induces GSDMD-independent pore formation and cell death. Using C57BL/6 cells, we observed that caspase-8 is recruited to Naip5/NLRC4/ASC/Caspase-1 inflammasome. However, caspase-8 is just activated in the absence of caspase-1 or GSDMD. Our data suggest that caspase-8 activation in the NLRC4/ASC/Caspase-8 inflammasome represents an alternative pathway that operates to ensure the control of flagellated bacteria replication in situations which either caspase-1 or GSDMD are inhibited.

A fundamental design study of electrochemical processes for the control of pathogenic bacteria

Cossali, Giovanna January 2015 (has links)
Water systems in buildings have been reported to contribute to pseudomonal infection transmission and have been associated with Legionnaires’ disease (LD) outbreaks, for they provide the perfect conditions for bacteria proliferation and biofilms formation. An overview of the problem has highlighted that the economic burden, the healthcare and mortality costs of both LD and pseudomonal infections are significant. Although critical to the safe delivery of water, pathogen control continues to remain a challenge as current hot water treatments are not always effective, are often energy intensive and require expensive maintenance. This thesis was set out to evaluate the potential use of electrochemical disinfection (ED) in controlling pathogens in hot water systems of buildings. In this project, we performed a fundamental systematic study on the effect of geometrical and operational parameters in a flask, to gather an understanding of the effect of each parameter on the rate of bacteria elimination, crucial for the design and optimization of electrolytic cells. ED prototypes were then installed in in the hot water systems of two different buildings operating at 60°C, the temperature recommended for Legionella control (HSE, 2013), and their efficacy was monitored long term. In one of the buildings, 2 to 4– log reductions in total bacteria counts was observed, while Pseudomonas species counts were reduced by 3 log. The apparent failure in the other building was due to the inadequate operation of the water system. In order to achieve the 2019 zero carbon targets for new non-domestic buildings set by the UK government, the energy demand associated with heating water needs to be addressed, but maintaining systems at such high temperatures renders difficult the use of greener technologies that could further reduce the CO2 impact of heating water. Given that ED generates disinfectants and that the Health and Safety Executive advises that if hot water is treated with biocides, water temperatures can be reduced, the efficacy of the prototype device was evaluated under laboratory conditions at temperatures between 30 and 45˚C. The prototype was found to be effective both on laboratory-grown biofilm and on planktonic Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1, with 5-log reduction on bacteria counts.

Molekularbiologische Studien zur Bedeutung der Flagelle für die Virulenz von Legionella pneumophila / Molecular studies of flagellar function in Legionella pneumophila virulence

Dietrich, Claudia January 2000 (has links) (PDF)
Legionella pneumophila, der Erreger der Legionärskrankheit, ist ein fakultativ intrazelluläres, ubiquitär vorkommendes Umweltbakterium. Die Rolle, die Flagelle und Motilität der Legionellen bei der Infektion von Protozoen oder humanen Zellen spielen können, ist bisher noch nicht geklärt. Um etwas über noch unbekannte Flagellengene und deren Organisation in Legionella zu erfahren, wurde mit Hilfe einer Cosmid-Genbank des Stammes L. pneumophila Philadelphia I die flaA-Region näher charakterisiert. Im 5´-Bereich von flaA konnten auf dem Gegenstrang zwei Stoffwechselgene (accD und folC) identifiziert werden, im 3´-Bereich schliessen sich die Flagellengene flaG, fliD und fliS, sowie zwei offene Leseraster mit Homologien zu den erst kürzlich bei Legionella beschriebenen Genen enhA und milA an. Zur Untersuchung des Einflusses der Flagelle auf den Infektionsverlauf wurde die flaA-negative Mutante KH3, bei der das flaA-Gen durch Insertion einer Kanamycin-Kassette unterbrochen worden war, wieder komplementiert. Dies gelang durch Reintegration des intakten flaA-Gens mit Hilfe des „Suicide“-Vektors pMSS704 in das Chromosom von KH3, wodurch Stamm CD10 entstand. Durch Westernblot-Analyse konnte gezeigt werden, dass der Stamm wieder in der Lage war, Flagellin zu exprimieren. Elektronenmikroskopische Aufnahmen bestätigten außerdem das Vorhandensein intakter Flagellen. Das Verhalten von flagellierten und nicht flagellierten Legionellen bei der Infektion von Wirtszellen wurde hinsichtlich Auffinden, Adhärenz, Invasion, intrazellulärer Vermehrung und Lyse der Zellen untersucht. Als Wirtszellen wurden sowohl Protozoen (Acanthamoeba castellanii), als auch humane Zellen (HL-60 Zellen und frisch isolierte Blutmonozyten) verwendet. Dabei wurde deutlich, dass die Flagelle für das Erreichen der Wirtszellen eine wichtige Funktion hat. Wurde der Motilitätsdefekt der flaA-Mutanten durch Zentrifugation auf die Zielzellen aufgehoben, so konnten mit den gewählten Versuchsbedingungen bezüglich des Adhärenzvermögens der Stämme keine Unterschiede detektiert werden. Es wurde jedoch eine signifikante Reduktion der Invasionseffizienz für die nicht flagellierten Legionellen beobachtet. Diese war bei den humanen Zellen besonders ausgeprägt. Hinsichtlich der intrazellulären Vermehrung konnte keine Attenuierung der Mutante festgestellt werden. Allerdings führte vermutlich die Reduktion der Invasivität zu einer geringeren Ausbreitungsgeschwindigkeit im HL-60 Modell, die bei niedriger Infektionsdosis mit einer verlangsamten Wachstumsrate der Bakterien einherging. Durch Sequenzierung des Genbank-Cosmids 12/44, auf welchem die Gene fliA und motA lokalisiert waren, konnten im „upstream“-Bereich von fliA zwei putative Flagellenregulatorgene identifiziert werden (motR und flhF). Im 3´-Bereich von motA schließt sich, um 26 bp überlappend, das Gen motB an, welches für den Motor der Flagelle eine Rolle spielt, gefolgt von einem Leseraster unbekannter Funktion und einem ORF mit Homologien zu prfB. Durch Insertion einer Kanamycin-Kassette in das motA-Gen von L. pneumophila Corby konnte in dieser Arbeit eine motA-negative Mutante hergestellt werden. Westernblot-Analyse und elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen bestätigten, dass es weiterhin zur Expression und zur Polymerisation des Flagellins kommt. Lichtmikroskopisch war jedoch zu beobachten, dass die hergestellte Mutante im Gegensatz zum Wildtyp durch den fehlerhaften Flagellenmotor nicht mehr in der Lage ist, gerichtete Strecken zu schwimmen. Untersuchungen mit den Wirtszellen A. castellanii und humanen HL-60 Zellen belegten, wie schon bei der flaA-Mutante, eine Beteiligung der Motilität an Vorgängen wie Auffinden der Zielzelle und deren Invasion, wohingegen die Adhärenz und die intrazelluläre Vermehrung nicht beeinträchtigt waren. Eine Southernblot-Analyse des erst kürzlich beschriebenen Transkriptionsregulators FlaR ergab, dass es sich hierbei vermutlich um einen L. pneumophila-spezifischen Regulationsfaktor handelt, welcher in Kombination mit dem „upstream“ auf dem Gegenstrang liegenden ORF234 vorkommt. Fusionen der Promotorbereiche mit dem Reportergen gfp zeigten, dass beide Gene auch in Legionella aktiv sind und temperaturabhängig reguliert werden. / Legionella pneumophila, the etiological agent of Legionnaires´ disease, lives as a facultative intracellular bacterium in the environment and has the capability to survive and replicate both in protozoa and human phagocytic and non-phagocytic cells. The role of flagella and motility in the infection of host cells still has to be determined. To better characterize the flaA-region of Legionella and to learn about the organisation of flagellar genes, two clones of a cosmid library harbouring this region from the genome of L. pneumophila Philadelphia I have been sequenced. Upstream of flaA, leading in the opposite direction, the metabolic genes accD and folC could be identified. Downstream of flaA the flagellar genes flaG, fliD, coding for the flagella-capping-protein, and fliS are located. Further downstream, two ORFs with homologies to the recently described Legionella genes enhA and milA have been identified. To investigate the influence of the flagella on the infection process, the flaA negative mutant strain KH3, where the flaA gene was inactivated by insertion of a kanamycin cassette, was complemented. This could be achieved, using the suicide vector pMSS704, by integration of the intact flaA gene back into the chromosome, leading to the complemented strain CD10. It could be shown by Western blotting that strain CD10 regained the ability to express the flagellin protein. Electronmicrographs also confirmed the presence of intact assembled flagella. Using the three strains, L. pneumophila Corby wild-type, the flaA mutant KH3, and the complemented flaA mutant CD10, the behaviour of the flagellated and non flagellated strains was investigated concerning encountering, adherence, invasion, intracellular multiplication and lysis of host cells. Both protozoa (A. castellanii) and human phagocytes (HL-60 cells and freshly isolated blood monocytes) have been utilized as potential host cells. It could be shown that flagellation enables the bacteria to reach the cells. In contrast, when the motility defect was artificially overcome by centrifugation, no difference in attachment of the three strains could be detected in our experiments. However, there was a significant reduction in the invasion efficiency for the flaA negative strain which was extremely relevant to the invasion of human phagocytes. Concerning the intracellular replication rate no difference could be observed, although most likely the defect in infectivity of the flaA mutant leads to a slower growth curve in the HL-60 model when using low MOIs. For the flaA mutant strain KH1, an unexpected decrease in cytotoxicity could also be observed. However, as the flaA mutant KH3 showed wildtype behaviour in this respect, the defect is most probably independent of flagellation. The sequencing of the cosmid library clone 12/44, harbouring the genes fliA and motA, showed the clustering of further flagellar genes of Legionella. Upstream of fliA two genes could be identified, showing high similarities to the putative flagellar regulator genes motR and flhF, respectively. Downstream of motA, overlapping by 26 bp, motB is located. It also plays a major role in the function of the flagellar motor and is followed by an ORF of unknown function. Still further downstream an ORF with homologies to prfB of E. coli could be sequenced. Southern blot analysis of different Legionella-strains with a motA specific probe gave positive signals for all L. pneumophila strains, as well as for some non-pneumophila strains (e. g. L. gormanii, L. jordanis, and L. bozemanii). By insertion of a kanamycin cassette into the motA gene of L. pneumophila Corby, a motA negative mutant could also be constructed. Western blot analysis and electronmicrographs confirmed that flagellin was still expressed and assembled into flagella, while light microscopy demonstrated the inability of the mutant to swim due to the impaired flagellar motor. Experiments with A. castellanii and HL-60 cells revealed the importance of motility for the finding and the invasion of host cells as already demonstrated for the flaA mutant, while intracellular replication was not affected. Recently, a gene (flaR) has been described for L. pneumophila Corby, belonging to the LysR-familiy of transcriptional regulators. It could be shown that this regulator is able to bind both to its own promotor as well as to a lower extent to the flaA promotor. Southern hybridization of different Legionella species with a flaR specific probe revealed that FlaR must be a L. pneumophila specific factor, only being present in L. pneumophila strains, together with an upstream gene (ORF234), which is leading in the opposite direction. Fusions of the promotor regions of the two genes with the reporter gene gfp (green fluorescent protein gene) demonstrated that both promotors are actually functional in Legionella, being more active at 37°C than at 30°C. Furthermore, their activity during intracellular replication in amoebae could be demonstrated. In conclusion, the flagellum and the motility, both subject to strict regulation, are of great importance to Legionella´s ability to reach and infect potential host cells

Entwicklung von neuen Nachweismethoden für Legionellen und Amöben und ihre Anwendung in ökologischen Studien / Development and evaluation of novel detection systems specific for legionellae and amoebae and their application in ecological studies

Grimm, Dorothee January 2000 (has links) (PDF)
Legionella pneumophila wurde 1976 als Erreger der Legionellose, einer schweren Form von Lungenentzündung, identifiziert. Die inzwischen 42 Arten umfassende Gattung ist weltweit in aquatischen Biotopen verbreitet. Die Bakterien leben vergesellschaftet mit anderen Mikroorganismen in Biofilmen oder intrazellulär in Protozoen. Sie haben ein duales Wirtssystem, das heißt, sie sind in der Lage, sich sowohl in Einzellern als auch in humanen Phagozyten zu vermehren. Für die Erweiterung ihrer Habitate spielen verschiedene Umweltfaktoren eine Rolle. Eine exakte und schnelle Detektion und Identifikation der humanpathogenen Keime ist sowohl für die Lokalisierung der Infektionsquelle als auch für eine rechtzeitige Therapie der Patienten von großer Bedeutung. Die Technik der fluoreszierenden in situ Hybridisierung (FISH) basiert auf der Bindung einer spezifischen, mit einem Fluoreszenzfarbstoff markierten Oligonukleotidsonde an eine komplementäre Zielsequenz der ribosomalen RNA. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde für die in situ Hybridisierung eine neue 16S rRNA-gerichtete Sonde LEGPNE1 entwickelt, die spezifisch ist für L. pneumophila. In Versuchsreihen mit verschiedenen Bakterienkulturen wurden die Spezifität und Sensitivität der Gensonde ermittelt. LEGPNE1 erwies sich als artspezifisch und erkannte alle getesteten L. pneumophila-Stämme, ungeachtet ihrer Serogruppe. Nicht-pneumophila-Referenzstämme hybridisierten nicht mit der Sonde, ein einziger Basenaus-tausch in der Sequenz war für diese Unterscheidung ausreichend. Die Anwendung der Sonde wurde auch in Amöben-Infektionsassays und Umweltproben erfolgreich durchgeführt. Unterschiedliche, intrazellulär vorliegende Bakterien wurden von der Sonde spezifisch erkannt. Eine in situ Dokumentation der Infektions- und Vermehrungsrate war damit möglich. Durch die meist fakultativ intrazelluläre Lebensweise der Legionellen ist es wichtig, auch die Wirtszellen der Keime qualitativ zu detektieren und zu identifizieren. Die Entwicklung neuer Gensonden wurde daher auf die beiden bekannten Wirtsamöben Hartmannella und Naegleria ausgedehnt. Basierend auf Sequenzvergleichen wurden die gattungsspezifischen 18S rRNA-gerichteten Sonden HART498 und NAEG1088 konstruiert und in Versuchsreihen mit Referenzstämmen bei steigender Stringenz etabliert. Mit ihrer Hilfe konnten die Ergebnisse der zeit- und arbeitsaufwendigen Determination unbekannter Amöben anhand morphologischer Merkmale bestätigt werden. In situ Hybridisierungen mit einer Kombination von 16S und 18S rRNA-gerichteten Sonden wurden in Amöben-Infektionsassays mit Hartmannella vermiformis und L. pneumophila erfolgreich durchgeführt. Eine Interferenz der Sonden fand nicht statt. Die in situ Untersuchung der Struktur und Funktion komplexer mikrobieller Lebensgemeinschaften erfordert eine kultivierungsunabhängige und hochauflösende Methode, wie sie die fluoreszierende in situ Hybridisierung darstellt. Mit dem Ziel, mögliche Präferenzen der Legionellen für bestimmte Parameter, wie pH, Temperatur, elektrische Leitfähigkeit, Strömungsverhältnisse, zu erkennen und zu definieren, wurden mit Hilfe der neu entwickelten 16S rRNA-gerichteten Sonde 21 verschiedene Kaltwasserhabitate auf die Verbreitung von Legionella untersucht. Die Bakterien zeigten jedoch ein breites Toleranzspektrum gegenüber den gemessenen Parametern. Sie waren in nahezu allen beprobten Gewässern zu finden und ließen sich unabhängig von der Jahreszeit nachweisen. Die neue Sonde LEGPNE1 zeigte sich in in situ Hybridisierungen der Umweltproben als hochspezifisch. Mit ihr konnten auch nicht kultivierbare Legionellen detektiert werden. In drei Legionella-positiven Gewässern wurde außerdem das Vorkommen von Amöben untersucht. Es konnten insgesamt acht Amöbengattungen isoliert, kultiviert und bestimmt werden. Dominierend waren Stämme des nicht humanpathogenen Naegleria gruberi-Komplexes, Echinamoeba spp. und Echinamoeba-like Amöben. In einzelnen Proben wurden Acanthamoeba spp. Gruppe II, Hartmannella spp., Platyamoeba placida, Saccamoeba spp., Thecamoeba quadrilineata und Vexillifera spp. gefunden. Durch in situ Hybridisierung mit den neuen 18S rRNA-gerichteten Sonden HART498 und NAEG1088 konnten die Ergebnisse der morphologischen Bestimmung der Amöben bestätigt werden. Auch die Amöben zeigten keine Präferenzen bezüglich der in den Standorten gemessenen Wasserparameter. Die in situ Hybridisierung mit rRNA-gerichteten Gensonden erlaubt eine Analyse der Struktur und Dynamik von Biozönosen, ermöglicht aber keine Aussage über die speziellen Aktivitäten der nachgewiesenen Bakterien. Eine Lösung hierfür könnte der spezifische in situ Nachweis von mRNA-Molekülen darstellen. Ein Problem hierbei stellt ihre, im Vergleich zu anderen Molekülen wie rRNA, sehr kurze Halbwertszeit und das Vorhandensein von nur wenigen Kopien pro Zelle dar. Daher ist im Anschluss an die in situ Hybridisierung in den meisten Fällen eine Signalamplifikation nötig, um ein detektierbares Signal zu erhalten. In dieser Arbeit sollte die für das iap-Gen in Listeria monocytogenes entwickelte Methode zum Nachweis der mip-mRNA in L. pneumophila etabliert werden. Erste Anwendungen in Dot blot- und in situ Hybridisierungen mit mehrfach DIG-markierten Polyribonukleotidsonden bzw. mit simultan eingesetzten, einfach DIG-markierten Oligonukleotiden zeigten noch nicht die gewünschte Spezifität. Diese Ergebnisse stellen jedoch eine wichtige Grundlage für zukünftige Experimente dar. / Legionella pneumophila was identified in 1976 as the causative agent of a life-threatening atypical pneumonia. Today the genus comprises about 42 species which are spread worldwide in aquatic biotopes. The bacteria live in association with other microorganisms in biofilms as well as intracellularly in protozoa. They have a dual host system which means that they are able to replicate both in protozoans and in human phagocytes. Several environmental factors are known to play a role in their distribution. The ability to quickly detect and to exactly identify these potential human pathogens is important in order to recognize reservoirs for disease as well as to treat patients in due time. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) is a technique based on the reaction of a specific oligonucleotide, labeled with a fluorescence marker, with the complementary rRNA target region. In this work a new 16S rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probe LEGPNE1 for in situ hybridization was developed, which is specific for L. pneumophila. The specificity and the sensitivity of the probe were evaluated in experiments with different bacterial cultures. LEGPNE1 was demonstrated to be highly species-specific recognizing all tested strains of L. pneumophila independently of the serogroup. Non-pneumophila reference strains did not hybridize with the probe. Only one mismatch in the sequence was shown to be sufficient for the oligonucleotide to distinguish between complementary and nearly complementary sequences. The probe was also applied successfully to infected amoebal cells and environmental samples. Different bacteria located intracellularly were recognized specifically by the probe. This allows the in situ monitoring of bacterial infection and multiplication rates in amoebae. As legionellae presumably live most of the time as intracellular parasites, it is also important to be able to detect their hosts. Therefore, the design of new probes was extended to cover two known host amoebal genera, Hartmannella and Naegleria. Based on comparative sequence analysis the genus-specific 18S rRNA-targeted probes HART498 and NAEG1088 were constructed. Subsequently they were tested in hybridization series with different reference strains and gradually increasing stringency. Amoebal strains which had been identified previously based on their morphological features could be reconfirmed using in situ hybridization with these new oligonucleotides. In situ hybridization experiments of infection assays with Hartmannella vermiformis and Legionella pneumophila using a combination of 16S and 18S rRNA-targeted probes were done successfully. Interference of the probes with the results of the tests was not observed. For the analysis of the composition of complex microbial communities a culture-independent and highly specific method is required. This can be achieved by the fluorescence in situ hybridization. In order to determine potential preferences of legionellae for water parameters such as pH, temperature, conductivity, or water current, twenty-one different cold water habitats were examined for the presence of Legionella using the newly designed 16S rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probe. The bacteria were shown to be able to tolerate a broad range of the measured parameters. They could be found in nearly all of the habitats investigated independent of the season. The new probe LEGPNE1 was proved to detect L. pneumophila in environmental samples highly specifically, even if the cells were in a nonculturable state. Three Legionella-positive sampling sites were examined for the presence of amoebae. Using traditional culture methods followed by morphological determination, eight amoebal genera could be isolated and identified. Most abundant were strains of the apathogenic Naegleria gruberi-complex, Echinamoeba spp. and Echinamoeba-like amoebae. Other species including Acanthamoeba spp. (sequence type II), Hartmannella spp., Platyamoeba placida, Saccamoeba spp., Thecamoeba quadrilineata and Vexillifera spp. were found sporadically. In situ hybridization experiments using the new 18S rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes HART498 and NAEG1088 confirmed the determinations done by morphological criteria. Concomitant analysis of selected water parameters revealed no preference of the protozoa for certain environmental conditions. In situ hybridization with rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes is a powerful tool to analyze structure and dynamics in biocenosis. However, this technique does not provide much information about the in situ function of the detected bacteria. The specific in situ detection of mRNA molecules allows to narrow this gap. One problem in the application of this method is the instability and low copy number of mRNA in each cell compared to other molecules like rRNA. Therefore, a signal amplification posterior to the in situ hybridization is required in most cases in order to generate a detectable signal. In this work the detection of the mRNA of mip in L. pneumophila was to be established using a protocol developed for the detection of iap in Listeria monocytogenes. However, first applications of dot blot and in situ hybridizations using DIG-conjugated polyribonucleotide probes and several DIG-labeled oligonucleotides applied simultaneously did not show the neccessary specificity. This technical approach will be essential for further experiments in this field of research.

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