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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Individuální trestní odpovědnost jednotlivce v mezinárodním právu / Criminal responsibility of the individual in international law

Kulhavá, Kateřina January 2006 (has links)
kontext, vznik a vývoj individuální trestní odpovědnosti jednotlivce v mezinárodním právu; trestní odpovědnost jednotlivce za zločiny podle mezinárodního práva jako součást partikulární subjektivity jednotlivce; Norimberský a Tokijský tribunál, činnost Komise OSN pro mezinárodní právo, Mezinárodní trestní tribunál pro bývalou Jugoslávii, Mezinárodní trestní tribunál pro Rwandu, Zvláštní soud pro Sierra Leone, Mezinárodní trestní soud; aktuální pohled na individuální trestní odpovědnost jednotlivce v porovnání s jejími počátky

Indikátory reportingu podle GRI

Bartelová, Petra January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Aerodynamika axiálních větrných turbín / Aerodynamics of axial wind turbines

Just, Jan January 2013 (has links)
This master thesis concerns about problematics of wind turbines. The document summarizes basic theory based on the law of momentum conservation which is essential tool for the design and calculation of wind turbines. The theory is complemented by number of correction factors and then used in the design of wind turbine for specific parameters. The calculation is performed iteratively using Matlab software and the actual code is given in appendix. Graphs summarizing the progress of various units along the blades are presented in the document. The final section briefly describes advanced topics of aerodynamics concerning other important factors that the field of wind energy deal with in recent time.

Literární vztah mezi Markovým a Tomášovým evangeliem / Literary Relationship between the Gospel of Mark and the Gospel of Thomas

Eder, Pavel January 2020 (has links)
The thesis Literary Relationship Between the Gospel of Mark and the Gospel of Thomas aims to provide a closer look at the relationship between the ca- nonical Gospel According to Mark and the apocryphal Gospel According to Thomas. The first part of the thesis serves as an introduction: After prolego- mena to the Gospel of Mark and Thomas, it focuses on several contempora- ry hypotheses of the literary relationship between the Gospel of Thomas and Synoptics, as discussed in more recent articles and monographs. Thereafter, the second part of the thesis presents three studies of Thoma- sian and Markan sayings of Jesus. Where necessary, an excursion is made to other synoptic writings. The second part uses the method of linguistic comparison in order to reconstruct the redaction history and thus explain the original literary relationship of these two ancient writings.

Terorismus jako zločin podle mezinárodního práva / Terrorism as a crime under international law

Hromek, Vojtěch January 2010 (has links)
Terrorism as a crime under international law The purpose of this thesis is to assess the possibility of prosecuting terrorist attacks as crimes under international law and analyse the feasibility of their prosecution before the International Criminal Court. The reason for this research is is twofold. First, compared to the international academic scene, Czech research related to this topic is relatively sparse. Second, the international terrorism has grown into a massive issue of international significance and its global aspects leave the traditional national judicial mechanisms somewhat lacking with regards to the efficiency in its prosecution. The author has therefore attempted to examine the possibility of using the only permanent global judicial body available in today's world, the International Criminal Court. The thesis is composed of six chapters, each of them dealing with different aspects of prosecuting the terrorism as an international crime. Chapter One is introductory and defines basic thoughts upon which this thesis builds. It also presents the structure of the thesis with regards to possible issues which may arise during its course. It also explains the reasons for said research as described in the first paragraph of this abstract. Chapter Two is concerned with the term terror and...

Kvalita ve vzdělávání / Reaching Quality in Education

Kalousek, Jaroslav January 2015 (has links)
A cornerstone of the following thesis is conviction, that education is a core activity of every school and its headteacher is a main character in reaching quality of education. Leadership and management must go hand in hand, but they are not the same. In his analysis author uses many foreign researches to introduce leadership in the school enviroment. A theory of management by competencies is an introduction for the following comparison of the headteachers education in selected countries. Author keeps on mind an education policy of the OECD. A quantitative research among 112 headteachers is a synthesis of the previous qualitative analysis. A statistic method of generalized linear models (GLM) was used for analysis of the data. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Vyhledání obrázků podle obsahu / Content-based Image Search

Talaš, Josef January 2014 (has links)
This work aims at content-based image search. Different approaches to this type of search are investigated. The main focus of the thesis is special category of content-based image search called sketch-based image search. The most important descriptor types used for image feature extraction in image search are analyzed. Main contribution of the thesis to this research area is a new feature extraction method based on sketch-based image search. This method is implemented together with search interface. The method was evaluated by three test persons. The testing results show promising properties of new method and suggest further possible improve-ments. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Lifestyle market segmentation - efficiency and ethical issues / Tržní segmentace podle životního stylu - Efektivnost a etické aspekty

Pilstl, Michaela January 2010 (has links)
Lifestyle market segmentation can be very supportive for a successful marketing strategy of a company. However it is not clear whether lifestyle market segmentation is efficient and ethical or not. Several market segmentation concepts such as Cross-Cultural Consumer Characterization, VALS, PRIZM NE, Mosaic, ConneXions NE and GfK Roper Consumer Styles are analyzed in order to give an extensive overview of the offered concepts. The observation of efficiency issues in regards to market segmentation comes to the result that there is a significant lack of empirical data and a shortage of determined factors which can improve market segmentation efficiency. Moreover, lifestyle market segmentation cannot be exclusively identified as ethically right or wrong, but depends on the individual ethical decision-making of a marketer.

Teleologický výklad v soukromém právu / Teleological interpretation in private law

Anzenbacher, Vilém January 2018 (has links)
Teleological interpretation in private law Abstract This thesis deals with the problem of teleological interpretation in private law which, after the re-codification of private law in the Czech Republic has become a vital interpretative method in the process of interpretation of private legal rules. This PhD thesis describes the historical development of approaches to teleological interpretation and its relation to the other interpretative methods. Interpretation of the law is a complex process and individual interpretative methods cannot be approached separately but, on the contrary, in their mutual context. Such procedure is also encouraged by the interpretative provisions contained in the introduction to the new Civil Code. In this thesis, the so-called four-element scheme, namely the division of interpretative methods to teleological, historical, linguistic and systematic interpretation were chosen which also correspond to the categorization that can be inferred from the wording of the new Civil Code. The work is divided into chapters with the content of chapter two to seven forming the focal point, while the first chapter is the introduction and the eighth chapter is the conclusion. In the second chapter, the question of private and public law and the concept of interpretation itself are examined....

Vývoj a současná diferenciace úmrtnostních a zdravotních poměrů v Evropě / Development and current mortality and health patterns in Europe

Liguš, David January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis sets up two main aims: the first one is based on evaluation of mortality trends in European states using indicator life expectancy at birth and infant mortality rate. Development of age structure, indicators of demographic ageing and main causes of death is analyzed more in detail for five European states, Sweden, France, Italy, Czech Republic and Latvia. Second aim of this thesis is to describe differences of health status in Europe using descriptive statistics and cluster analysis. In this part of the thesis the differences among European states are evaluated using: health expectancy by self- perceived health, health expectancy by chronic morbidity and health expectancy based on disability. All variables are analyzed at age 65 and more and 80 and more. Conclusion of this thesis answers the question, if the Europe is, after more than twenty years, still divided from the perspective of mortality and health patterns between West Europe and former Eastern Bloc countries. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

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