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Stanovení tržní hodnoty podnikatelského subjektuPalacká, Iveta January 2014 (has links)
The main objective of this thesis is to determine the market value of the company Mlékárna Valašské Meziříčí, spol. s. r. o. based on the yield valuation methods. The purpose of this company valuation is its planned sale when a particular buyer is not known yet and the owners of the company want to have a preliminary idea of the potential market price. The thesis consists of two main parts - theoretical and practical. The theoretical part of the thesis defines the essential concept, the resources of this topic and describes the methods and procedures of the company valuation. In the practical part there is a process description of the strategic and financial analysis. The results of this analysis are used for the preliminary company valuation on the base of value drivers followed by the final company valuation. The company's market value is determined based on the yield methods, specifically the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) and the Economic Value Added (EVA).
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Strategické řízení v podniku výroby a služeb / Strategic company management of production and servicesPLAČKOVÁ, Markéta January 2008 (has links)
the work focuses on future strategic management of a family company, applying analysis of already existing data.
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Státní podnik a jeho majetek / State-owned enterprise and its propertyHuštan, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
The state-owned enterprise is a type of a legal entity which is used in the Czech Republic as an alternative to founding of state-owned joint-stock companies. While the state-owned enterprise serves as a one of the possible ways of managing the state property, it is used to fulfil not only economical tasks, but also other kinds of state interest, such as social or security ones. The legal regulation of the state-owned enterprise recently undergone significant changes in reaction to the recodification of the civil law and the law of commercial corporations. The goal of this thesis called "State-owned enterprise and its property" is to analyse the legal regulation concerning the state-owned enterprise and the management of the state property performed by this legal entity in the context of other influential acts, to pinpoint the shortcomings and problems of the current legal regulation, to evaluate the nature of the state-owned enterprise as a legal entity, to determine the nature of the legal phenomenon of the right to manage the property of state and to evaluate the usefulness of the state-owned enterprise as a separate type of legal entity. This thesis is divided into seven chapters. The first two chapters deal with the development of the state-owned enterprise as a type of legal entity including...
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Analýza úrovně znaleckých posudků pro výnosové ocenění podniku / The Quality of Income Based Business ValuationsHavlíková, Zuzana January 2016 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to evaluate quality of the income based business valuations prepared by Czech valuation experts. Selected topics of standard of value, financial plan quality, and discount rate are examined on the sample of 110 valuations mostly dated in 2015. The main emphasis is put on the methodology and approach used by Czech valuation experts and their comparison to the best practice of business valuations. The opinion regarding quality of business valuations is based on the fulfilment of a specific set of criteria. At some parts results are compared to the first master thesis on similar topic from 2011. In the conclusion, recommendations how to improve the quality of business valuation in the future are presented.
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Faktoring - možný zdroj provozního financování pro podnikyDašková, Martina January 2008 (has links)
Cílem diplomové práce je zhodnotit možnosti využití faktoringu českými podniky. Vysvětluje podstatu faktoringu, rozebírá jednotlivé náležitosti faktoringové operace a snaží se identifikovat jeho silné a slabé stránky. Dále provádí srovnání mezi bankovními a nebankovními faktoringovými společnostmi a jejich klienty. V závěru se zabývá postavením faktoringu v mezinárodním měřítku a současnou situací na českém trhu.
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Manažer 21. století expatriant / Manager of 21th century like expatriateCardenas Ramirezová, Marie January 2008 (has links)
This thesis is focused to expatriates who have a live experience with working and living in Anglo-Saxon culture and in Britain's companies. The object of this thesis is to initiate readers into an area of expatriation and by own research find out the effect and opinions of managers acting in GB on management and organization architecture of Britain's companies. The first theoretical part of the thesis offers the reader information and definitions related to international human resources, expatriation, national and company culture. Their auxilliary part is identification with metod preparing of research. The key practical part is own research and answering particular research questions related to the organizational architecture of Britain's companies. The results of the thesis are findings that are compared with defined hypotheses.
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Zvláštnosti podnikání v biotechnologiích / Specifics of Entrepreneurship in BiotechnologiesMikulášová, Jana January 2008 (has links)
Use of biotechnology in agriculture has become beneficial for many farmers. However, growing of genetically modified crops has it's own specifics. Paper describes and evaluates specifics of use of biotechnologies in agriculture in the Czech Republic.
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Diplomová práce / Lean production in company Benteler CR s.r.o.Caletková, Iva January 2007 (has links)
Intention of this work is to introdukce ideas of lean enterprise in general but also on concrete example of company BENTELER, ČR s.r.o. and take a think on influences and difficulties. Dissertation is divided into theoretical part which describing basic methods and principles of lean enterprise and practical part. In practical part I am introducing company BENTELER, ČR s.r.o. and actions to establish lean production on concrete example in plant Chrastava.
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Faktory zvyšování prosperity rodinné firmy / The Factors of Family Firm´s Prosperity IncreasingKyselová, Petra January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation is analysing the factors which have the direct influence on family business. There are some particular suggestions how to increase the firm's prosperity.
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Finanční analýza Subterra a.s.Kleinová, Svatava January 2007 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce je věnována hodnocení finanční situace podniku. Jejím cílem je pomocí dostupných informací zhodnotit finanční situaci a vývoj společnosti Subterra a.s. za období 2002-2006. Posouzení finančního zdraví společnosti je provedeno prostřednictvím vybraných ukazatelů finanční analýzy. Teoretická část obsahuje popis jednotlivých metod hodnocení finančního zdraví společnosti - horizontální analýzu, vertikální analýzu, bilanční pravidla, poměrové ukazatele, Du Pontův rozklad, ukazatele EVA, Altmanovou analýzu, Indexy IN a hodnocení podle Pollaka. Praktická část obsahuje aplikaci popisovaných metod na konkrétní údaje společnosti Subterra a.s. V závěru jsou hodnoceny výsledky jednotlivých metod.
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