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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Melhoria na consistência da contagem de pontos de função com base na Árvore de pontos de função / Improvement in the consistency of function point counting based on the Function Points Tree

Marcos de Freitas Junior 08 December 2015 (has links)
Análise de Pontos de Função (APF) é uma das medidas usadas para obter o tamanho funcional de um software. Determinou-se, no Brasil, que toda contratação pública de desenvolvimento de software deve usar APF. Entretanto, uma das principais críticas realizadas a APF diz respeito à falta de confiabilidade entre diferentes contadores em uma mesma contagem já que, segundo alguns pesquisadores, as regras de APF são subjetivas, obrigando que cada contador faça interpretações individuais a partir delas. Existem diversas propostas para que se possa aumentar a confiabilidade dos resultados gerados com APF. Em geral, as abordagens propostas realizam mapeamentos entre componentes de artefatos desenvolvidos no ciclo de vida de software com os conceitos de APF. Porém, tais propostas simplificam em mais de 50% as regras previstas em APF comprometendo a validade dos resultados gerados pelas contagens. Como o tamanho do software é usado na derivação de outras medidas, inconsistências nos tamanhos medidos podem comprometer as medidas derivadas, o que influência negativamente nas decisões tomadas. Sem padronização dos tamanhos funcionais obtidos e consequentemente sem confiabilidade dos resultados obtidos, medidas derivadas a partir do tamanho funcional, como custo e esforço, podem estar comprometidas, fazendo com que ela não ajude a influenciar positivamente tais projetos. Diante desse contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho é desenvolver e avaliar experimentalmente uma abordagem para oferecer maior padronização e sistematização na aplicação de APF. Para isso, propõe-se incorporar o artefato Árvore de pontos de função ao processo de APF. Sua inclusão possibilitaria o levantamento de dados adicionais, necessários à contagem de pontos de função, reduzindo a ocorrência de interpretações pessoais do contador, e consequentemente, a variação de tamanho reportado. A abordagem foi denominada como Análise de Pontos de Função baseada em Árvore de Pontos de Função (APF-APF). Este trabalho baseia-se no método de pesquisa Design Science, cujo objetivo é estender os limites do ser humano e as capacidades organizacionais, criando novos artefatos que solucionem problemas ainda não resolvidos ou parcialmente resolvidos; que neste trabalho, trata-se da falta de confiabilidade na aplicação de APF devido à sua margem para diferentes interpretações. APF-APF foi testada com 11 Analistas de Sistemas / Requisitos que, baseados na especificação de um software de Recursos Humanos medido oficialmente pelo IFPUG com 125 pontos de função, modelaram a Árvore de pontos de função de modo manual ou automatizado via protótipo de ferramenta desenvolvido. Os resultados obtidos indicam que os tamanhos funcionais calculados com APF-APF possuem coeficiente de variação, respectivamente de 10,72% em relação a confiabilidade e 17,61% em relação a validade dos resultados de medição gerados. Considera-se que a abordagem APF-APF mostrou potencial para que melhores resultados possam ser obtidos. Verifica-se que a principal causa das variações observadas estava relacionada a ausência de informações requeridas para a Árvore de pontos de função, não tendo sido identificado nenhum problema específico em relação as regras definidas para APF-APF. Por fim, verificou-se que o uso do protótipo de ferramenta desenvolvido aumenta em até 47% a eficiência na contagem de pontos de função quando comparado com APF-APF manual / Function point analysis (FPA) is one of the measures used to achieve the functional size of software. It was determined, in Brazil, public procurement of software development should use FPA. However, one of the main criticisms made the FPA concerns the lack of reliability between different counters on the same count that, according to some researchers, the FPA rules are subjective, requiring that each counter do individual interpretations from them. There are various proposals in order to increase the reliability of the results generated with FPA. In General, the proposed approaches perform mappings between artifacts developed components in software life cycle with the concepts of FPA. However, such proposals simplify in more than 50% the rules laid down in FPA compromising the validity of the results generated by the scores. As the size of the software is used in the derivation of other measures, inconsistencies in sizes measured may compromise the measures derived, which negatively influence the decisions taken. Without standardization of functional sizes obtained and consequently without reliability of the results obtained, derived from measures of functional size, cost and effort, may be compromised, causing it to not help to positively influence these projects. In this context, the objective of this work is to develop and experimentally evaluate one approach to offer greater standardization and systematization in the implementation of FPA. For this, it is proposed to incorporate the artifact \"function point Tree\" to the FPA process. Its inclusion would allow additional data collection necessary for function point count, reducing the occurrence of personal interpretations of the counter, and consequently, the variation of size reported. The approach was called as Function Point Tree-based Function Point Analysis (FPT-FPA). This work is based on the method of Design Science research, whose goal is to extend the limits of the human and organizational capacities, creating new artifacts to troubleshoot unresolved or still partially resolved; in this work, it is the lack of reliability in application of FPA because of its scope for different interpretations. FPT-FPA were tested with 11 Systems analysts / requirements analysts, based on the specification of a human resources software measured by the IFPUG with 125 points, have modeled the function point Tree manually or via automated tool prototype developed. The results obtained indicate that the functional sizes calculated with FPT-FPA have coefficient of variation, respectively of 10.72% for reliability and 17.61% in relation to the validity of the measurement results generated. The FPA approach showed potential for better results can be obtained. It turns out that the main cause of the variations observed were related to the absence of information required for the tree of function points have not been identified any particular problem regarding the rules defined for FPT-FPA. Finally, it was found that the use of a prototype tool increases by up to 47% on efficiency function point count when compared to FPT-FPA manual


劉青峻, Liu , Ching Chun Unknown Date (has links)
功能點分析(Function Point Analysis)為一種考量資訊系統商業實務貢獻的功能複雜度指標,過去數十年來,許多學者對此指標的應用有過廣泛研究,但是,應用於某些領域的系統仍未有深入探討。例如本研究使用的個案,是一個點對點訊息傳遞資訊系統,其特性是採用同儕計算架構(Peer-to-Peer, P2P),並使用後設資料模型(Meta-data Model)進行資料塑模,使用功能點分析模型進行研究,透過實際的估算步驟,期望能夠提出功能點分析的適用性問題,以求進一步應用於業界及後續學術研究。

Postupy pro detekci změny v některých speciálních regresních modelech / Postupy pro detekci změny v některých speciálních regresních modelech

Exnarová, Petra January 2013 (has links)
Title: Detection of change in some special regression models Author: Bc. Petra Exnarová Department: Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics Supervisor: Prof. RNDr. Marie Hušková, DrSc. Abstract: Presented thesis deals with testing of change in three special cases of change-point analysis. First of them is case of continuous change in linear regression (so-called broken-line model), the other two are related to change in parameters of discrete value distributions - simple case of Bernoulli distributed variables is studied first and then the approach is generalized for case of Multi- nomial distribution. Both situations of known and unknown change point are described for all three cases. Beside approximation by using limit theorems, the bootstrap method and permutation test are described for all studied cases as well. The comparison of critical values gained by different approaches for the particular tests and small power analysis is done using simulations. Keywords: change-point analysis, broken-line model, discrete distribution, boot- strap, permutation test 1

Homogeneïtat d'estil en El Tirant Lo Blanc

Riba Civil, Alexandre 20 September 2002 (has links)
En la tesi s'aborda el problema de l'homogeneïtat d'estil en el Tirant lo Blanc mitjançant l'ús de l'estilometria. Les hipòtesis al voltant de l'autoria del Tirant lo Blanc van des de l'autoria única de Joanot Martorell a la intervenció d'un segon autor, be a l'última part de la novel·la o be al llarg de tota ella, passant per altres teories més heterodoxes. A la primera part de la tesi es fa un breu repàs dels problemes que aborda l'estilometria i d'algunes eines estadístiques útils a l'hora de fer un estudi quantitatiu de l'estil literari, es resumeix la qüestió de l'autoria del Tirant lo Blanc, i es descriu la base de dades que s'ha construït per la quantificació de l'estil en el Tirant. Per atacar el problema, hem començat adaptant tècniques d'anàlisi descriptiva de dades, com els gràfics de control i l'anàlisi de correspondències. Per explotar la base de dades, proposem un mètode pràctic per estimar un o més d'un punt de canvi en seqüències de normals, de binomials i de multinomials. El mètode es basa en l'ajust de models i troba els estimadors màxim versemblants del(s) punt(s) de canvi. També hem utilitzat un mètode cluster basat en l'ajust de models per a dades politòmiques, per a agrupar les files d'una taula de contingència. Vam començar l'estudi fent un estudi comparatiu de 12 maneres diferents de mesurar la riquesa i diversitat de vocabulari. Pel que fa a les unitats lexicomètriques la llargada de paraula i l'ús de paraules freqüents i lliures del context ens han sigut molt útils per a l'estimació del punt de canvi i l'atribució d'estil als capítols. L'ús de lletres, tot i ser menys útil, serveix per a reforçar l'evidència del que trobem amb les unitats abans esmentades. La llargada de frase i la de capítol no ens ha sigut útils per a determinar una frontera d'estil en el Tirant.Per tot el que hem anat trobant estem convençuts que hi ha un canvi sobtat en l'estil entre els capítols 371 i 382, que difícilment pot ser atribuïble a l'argument. També hem trobat que després del punt de canvi conviuen capítols amb els dos estils, el que probablement reforça la teoria de que un segon autor va afegir capítols sobre un original pràcticament acabat. De totes maneres, no ens pertoca a nosaltres descobrir que el canvi d'estil no pugui ser degut a altres raons. / En la tesis se aborda el problema de la homogeneidad de estilo en el Tirant lo Blanc mediante el uso de la estilometría. Las hipótesis sobre la autoría del Tirant lo Blanc van desde la autoría única de Joanot Martorell a la intervención de un segundo autor, bien en la última parte de la novela o bien a lo largo de toda ella, pasando por otras teorías más heterodoxas. En la primera parte de la tesis se hace un breve repaso de los problemas que aborda la estilometría i de algunas herramienta estadísticas útiles para el estudio cuantitativo del estilo literario, se resume la cuestión de la autoría del Tirant lo Blanc, y se describe la base de datos que s ha construido para la ciantificación del estilo en el Tirant. Para atacar el problema, hemos empezado adaptando técnicas de análisis descriptivo de datos, como los gráficos de control y el análisis de correspondencias. Para explotar la base de datos, proponemos un método práctico para estimar uno o más de un punto de cambio en secuencias de normales, de binomiales y de multinomiales. El método se basa en el ajuste de modelos y halla los estimadores máximo verosímiles del (de los) punto(s) de cambio. También hemo utilizado un método cluster basado en el ajuste de modelos para a datos politómicos, para agrupar las filas de una tabla de contingencia. Empezamos el estudio realizando un estudio comparativo de 12 formas diferentes de medir la riqueza y diversidad de vocabulario. Las unidades lexicométricas como la longitud de palabra y el uso de palabras frecuentes y libres del contexto nos han sido muy útiles para la estimación del punto de cambio y la atribución de estilo a los capítulos. El uso de letras, a pesar de ser menos útil, sirve para reforzar la evidencia de lo que hallamos con las unidades antes citadas. La longitud de frase y la de capítulo no nos han sido útiles para a determinar una frontera de estilo en el Tirant.Por todos los resultados que hemos ido obteniendo, estamos convencidos que hay un cambio repentino en el estilo entre los capítulos 371 y 382, que difícilmente puede ser atribuible al argumento. También hemos observado que después del punto de cambio conviven capítulos con los dos estilos, lo que probablemente refuerza la teoría de que un segundo autor añadió capítulos sobre un original prácticamente acabado. De todas maneras, no es nuestra misión descubrir que el cambio de estilo no pueda ser debido a otras razones. / This Ph.D. Thesis tackles the problem of the homogeneity of style in Tirant lo Blanc, using the statistical analysis of stylistic features that are measurable but rarely consciously controlled by the author. The goal is to determine whether the style in the book is homogeneous and, if it is not, to find stylistic boundaries. Tirant lo Blanc is the main work in Catalan literature, a chivalry book hailed to be 'the best book of its kind in the world' by Cervantes in Don Quixote, and is considered to be the first modern novel in Europe. There has been an intense and long lasting debate around its authorship originating from conflicting information given in its first edition; while the dedicatory letter states that Joanot Martorell takes sole responsibility for writing the book, the colophon states that the last quarter of the book was written by Martí Joan de Galba, after the death of Martorell. Neither of the two candidate authors left any text comparable to the one under study, and therefore one can not use discriminant analysis to help classify the chapters in the book by author. The majority opinion among medievalists leans towards the single-authorship hypothesis, even though there is a rather strong dissenting minority. In the first part of the thesis we summarize some useful statistical techniques for the quantitative analysis of literary style, we describe the problems that stylometry deals with and we give the state-of-the-art of the authorship attribution problem in Tirant lo Blanc. The data base built by the quantification of style is described as well. The analysis is started by the use of graphical, Statistical Process Control and Correspondence Analysis techniques. In order to obtain maximum likelihood estimates of one or more than one change points in either normal, binomial or multinomial sequences, we propose a practical method based on the fitting of Generalized Linear Models. A cluster method for the rows of a contingency table, based on the fitting of models, is proposed too. We analyze the evolution of the diversity of the vocabulary used in the book through twelve different diversity indices. Following the lead of the extensive stylometry literature, we use word length, and the use of function words to estimate the change point and the attribution of style to the 489 chapters of the book. The use of letters, in spite of being less useful, reinforces the evidences found with the units previously cited. The sentence length and the chapter length weren't useful to determine a style boundary in Tirant The statistical analysis consistently detects a change in style somewhere between chapters 371 and 382, even though a few chapters at the end have a style similar to the ones before that boundary. It is important to remark that even though the statistical analysis supports the existence of two authors, it is not up to us to exclude the possibility that the stylistic boundary found could be explained otherwise.

Sensitivity Analyses in Empirical Studies Plagued with Missing Data

Liublinska, Viktoriia 07 June 2014 (has links)
Analyses of data with missing values often require assumptions about missingness mechanisms that cannot be assessed empirically, highlighting the need for sensitivity analyses. However, universal recommendations for reporting missing data and conducting sensitivity analyses in empirical studies are scarce. Both steps are often neglected by practitioners due to the lack of clear guidelines for summarizing missing data and systematic explorations of alternative assumptions, as well as the typical attendant complexity of missing not at random (MNAR) models. We propose graphical displays that help visualize and systematize the results of sensitivity analyses, building upon the idea of "tipping-point" analysis for experiments with dichotomous treatment. The resulting "enhanced tipping-point displays" (ETP) are convenient summaries of conclusions drawn from using different modeling assumptions about the missingness mechanisms, applicable to a broad range of outcome distributions. We also describe a systematic way of exploring MNAR models using ETP displays, based on a pattern-mixture factorization of the outcome distribution, and present a set of sensitivity parameters that arises naturally from such a factorization. The primary goal of the displays is to make formal sensitivity analyses more comprehensible to practitioners, thereby helping them assess the robustness of experiments' conclusions. We also present an example of a recent use of ETP displays in a medical device clinical trial, which helped lead to FDA approval. The last part of the dissertation demonstrates another method of sensitivity analysis in the same clinical trial. The trial is complicated by missingness in outcomes "due to death", and we address this issue by employing Rubin Causal Model and principal stratification. We propose an improved method to estimate the joint posterior distribution of estimands of interest using a Hamiltonian Monte Carlo algorithm and demonstrate its superiority for this problem to the standard Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. The proposed methods of sensitivity analyses provide new collections of useful tools for the analysis of data sets plagued with missing values. / Statistics

Návrh na zlepšení ekonomické situace podniku s využitím produkční funkce a BEP / Suggestion Improvement of Economic Position of Company

Řezníček, Jaroslav January 2009 (has links)
This Master’s thesis is concerned with analysis of production function and analysis of Break Even Point in the company called XY s.r.o. On the basis of BEP analysis in relation with production function I will compose the improvement suggestion of economic situation in the company. Implementation of whole the improvement suggestion will take effect in expansion of profit of the company.

Structural Modeling and Analysis of Structures in Aorta Images

Xu, Hai 2011 August 1900 (has links)
Morphology change analysis of aorta images acquired from biological experiments plays a critical role in exploring the relationship between lamina thickness (LT), interlamellar distance (ILD) and fragmentation (furcation points) with respect to pathological conditions. An automated software tool now is available to extract elastic laminae (EL) and measure LT, ILD and fragmentation along their ridge lines in a fine detailed aspect. A statistical randomized complete block design (RCBD) and F-test were used to assess potential (non)-uniformity of LT and ILD along both radial and circumferential directions. Illustrative results for both normotensive and hypertensive thoracic porcine aorta revealed marked heterogeneity along the radial direction in nearly stress-free samples. Quantifying furcation point densities were also found that can offer new information about potential elastin fragmentation, particularly in response to increased loading due to hypertension. Furthermore, when biological scientists analyze the elastic lamina structure, how to automatically generate a macro-level geometric parameter mapping might greatly help them understand the over-all morphology changes of blood vessel cross section. In this dissertation, another automated system is designed to quickly locate more pronounced EL branches to construct layer level abstraction of LT/ILD measurements and transform the sparse pixel level information to dense normalized Virtual Layer Matrix (VLM). The system can automatically compute the EL orientations, identify pronounced ELs, transform the denoised LT measurement points onto a VLM and then provide statistics/segmentation analysis. By applying the k-means segmentation technique to VLMs of LT-ILD, one can easily delineate regions of normal vs. hypertrophic and/or hyperplasia LT-ILD measurements for cross-image references.

Cellular Services Market In India : Predictive Models And Assessing Interventions

Shrinivas, V Prasanna 04 1900 (has links)
The Objective of this thesis is to address some interesting problems in the Indian cellular services market. The first problem we address relates to identifying important change points that marked the evolution of the telecom market since Indian Independence. We use the data on per-capita availability of telephones in India to this effect. We identify important change points that mapped to the computerization move in 1989, the liberalization and globalization policies starting from 1991 and subsequently the introduction of NTP 1997 and NTP 1999. We also identify the important change points that mark the growth of cellular services subscriber base in India. We map change points detected to some of the important macro level policy initiatives that were taken by TRAI. The second problem we address is the assessment of policy interventions on the growth of cellular subscriber base in India. We model the impact of two important policy interventions namely, the NTP 1999 and its spill-over policy the entry of the fourth player into the market to offer services. We model the abrupt temporary, abrupt permanent and gradual permanent impacts of these interventions individually and in a coupled manner. We are arguably the first to use the intervention analysis and change point analysis to study the Indian telecom market. The third problem relates to the most challenging task of forecasting the growth of cellular services subscribers in India. We use novel machine learning techniques like ε-SVR and ν-SVR and compare its performance with ANN and ARIMA using standard performance metrics. Initially, we venture to predict the aggregate subscriber growth of cellular mobile subscribers in India using the SVR techniques. This would be of interest to the policy makers from a strategic standpoint. Subsequently, we predict the marginal(monthly) subscriber growth using SVR and tabulate the results for varying depths of forecasting which would be of interest to service providers form an operation standpoint. We find that the SVR techniques performed better than ANN and ARIMA particularly with respect to forward or out-sample forecasting when the time periods increase. The final problem involves a differential game model in an oligopoly set up for the telecom service providers who tried to optimize their advertisement innovation mix in order to maximize their discounted flow of profits. We consider the situation where the service providers make Cournot conjectures about the action of their rivals. The firms would not enter into agreements or form cartels. The firms choose the quantity they want to sell simultaneously. The essence of the Cournot conjecture was that though it was a quantity based competition, no single firm could unilaterally try to improve the total quantity sold in the market. Every firm made only one decision and did so when other firms were simultaneously making decisions. We have come across papers that considered either advertisement or product/process innovation separately but not together. We incorporate both these control variables with the inverse demand function as the state variable. We propose an open-loop solution that is dependent on time. We conduct experiments with various combinations of churn and spill-over rates of advertisement and innovation and thereby get some managerial insights.

Power electronic systems design co-ordination for doubly-fed induction generator wind turbines

Ozakturk, Meliksah January 2012 (has links)
Wind turbine modelling using doubly-fed induction generators is a well-known subject. However, studies have tended to focus on optimising the components of the system rather than considering the interaction between the components. This research examines the interaction of the control methods for a doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) in a wind turbine application integrating them with the crowbar protection control and DC-link brake control to make the best use of the converter. The controls of the rotor-side and the grid-side converters of the DFIG model are both well established and have been shown to work. Typically the crowbar protection is designed in order to protect the rotor-side converter and the power electronic components of the DFIG system from high currents occurring in the rotor due to the faults. The DC-link brake-overvoltage protection is also designed to prevent the overcharging of the DC-link capacitor placed between the rotor-side converter and the grid-side converter. In order to show that these protection schemes work and with thought can co-ordinate with each other, tests consisting of a number of balanced three-, two- and one-phase voltage sags are applied to the network voltage. The main contributions of this thesis are establishing operational tuning and design limits for the controllers and system subassemblies. This is to minimise the electrical subsystem interaction while maintaining adequate performance, and have an improved DC-link control. This work also includes a full electrical system study of the wind turbine and an essential literature review on significant references in the field of the DFIG wind turbine system modelling, control and protection. Specifically this research project makes a number of novel contributions to the literature: enhanced DC voltage control including operating point sensitivity analysis and dynamic stiffness assessment, sensitivity and robustness analyses of the power loop control and control loop segmentation by appropriately tuning the controller loops.

Podnikatelský plán / Business Plan

Smutný, Nikola January 2011 (has links)
Master’s thesis considers development of other company business activities with the focus on the profit of the whole plan. The first part of the thesis concentrates on the theoretical recourse for the creation of the business plan, definition of basic procedures making the business plan. The second part of the thesis analyses branch in which the plan will be realized. The third part of the thesis suggests real solution, prediction of sales, profits and recoverability of investment.

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