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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An evaluation of the utility of four in-situ test methods for transmission line foundation design

Mullen, W. G. 11 July 2007 (has links)
A major powerline is typically supported by many widely spaced structures. Each structure is, in turn, supported by a foundation or foundations. The prevailing philosophy behind transmission structure design to date has been based on the notion that information for geotechnical conditions is sparse and relatively simple in nature. Within this context, it is useful to note that one mile of construction for a routine lattice tower line, can involve twenty five to thirty separate foundations. More accurate soils data can allow for more efficient (smaller) foundation designs with consequent reductions in construction and material costs for the construction. This research examines four existing in-situ soil strength testing methods; standard penetration test (SPT), the cone penetrometer (CPT), the flat plate dilatometer (DMT), and the pressuremeter (PMT). Soils data were collected at eight separate sites using each of the devices. The test sites were chosen to mirror soil conditions encountered within the service territory of Virginia Power, the project sponsor. A total of 19 standard soil borings, 30 cone penetrometer soundings, 26 dilatometer soundings, and 33 pressuremeter tests were undertaken in residual, alluvial and marine clay soil conditions. The testing program was conducted with five areas of concern: (1) comparison of the penetration/ stiffness data from the four tests, (2) comparison of values of undrained shear strength and angle of internal friction developed from each of the test methods, (3) determination if pressuremeter data can be correlated to and thereby developed from one of the more rapid tests, (4) comparison of indirect soil type identifications from the cone and dilatometer with laboratory identifications from the standard borings, (5) development of information on the relative effort required for each test. Comparison of the penetration resistance stiffness data produced useful correlations among the CPT and DMT, with the SPT data yielding more erratic results. Shear strength data was most consistent for the marine clay sites, while the CPT and DMT returned useful friction angle data in the alluvial sands. PMT data correlated well to both the CPT and DMT test results. Correlation of PMT results to the SPT was more erratic. Indirect soil identification from the CPT and DMT was fully adequate for transmission line foundation design purposes, and finally, useful comparative data on the relative testing time required for the four insitu tests was developed. / Ph. D.

Reduction of periodic systems with partial Floquet transforms

Bender, Sam 02 January 2024 (has links)
Input-output systems with time periodic parameters are commonly found in nature (e.g., oceanic movements) and engineered systems (e.g., vibrations due to gyroscopic forces in vehicles). In a broader sense, periodic behaviors can arise when there is a dynamic equi- librium between inertia and various balancing forces. A classic example is a structure in a steady wind or current that undergoes large oscillations due to vortex shedding or flutter. Such phenomena can have either positive or negative outcomes, like the efficient operation of wind turbines or the collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge. While the systems mentioned here are typically all modeled as systems of nonlinear partial differential equations, the pe- riodic behaviors of interest typically form part of a stable "center manifold," the analysis of which prompts linearization around periodic solutions. The linearization produces linear, time periodic partial differential equations. Discretization in the spatial dimension typically produces large scale linear time-periodic systems of ordinary differential equations. The need to simulate responses to a variety of inputs motivates the development of effective model re- duction tools. We seek to address this need by investigating partial Floquet transformations, which serve to simultaneously remove the time dependence of the system and produce effec- tive reduced order models. In this thesis we describe the time-periodic analogs of important concepts for time invariant model reduction such as the transfer function and the H2 norm. Building on these concepts we present an algorithm which converges to the dominant poles of an infinite dimensional operator. These poles may then be used to produce the partial Floquet transform. / Master of Science / Systems that exhibit time periodic behavior are commonly found both in nature and in human-made structures. Often, these system behaviors are a result of periodic forces, such as the Earth's rotation, which leads to tidal forces and daily temperature changes affecting atmospheric and oceanic movements. Similarly, gyroscopic forces in vehicles can cause no- ticeable vibrations and noise. In a broader sense, periodic behaviors can arise when there's a dynamic equilibrium between inertia and various balancing forces. A classic example is a structure in a steady wind or current that undergoes large oscillations due to vortex shedding or flutter. Such phenomena can have either positive or negative outcomes, like the efficient operation of wind turbines or the collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge. Linear Time-Periodic (LTP) systems are crucial in understanding, simulating, and control- ling such phenomena, even in situations where the fundamental dynamics are non-linear. This importance stems from the fact that the periodic behaviors of interest typically form part of a stable "center manifold," especially under minor disturbances. In natural systems, the absence of this stability would mean these oscillatory patterns would not be commonly observed, and in engineered systems, they would not be desirable. Additionally, the process of deriving periodic solutions from nonlinear systems often involves solving large scale linear periodic systems, raising the question of how to effectively reduce the complexity of these models, a question we address in this thesis.

Moisture content and drying defects in kiln-dried Eucalyptus grandis poles

Mugabi, Paul 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Forest and Wood Science))--Stellenbosch University, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: There has been a reported reduction in the durability of creosote treated, wooden utility poles in South Africa in recent years. Several factors could have been responsible for this. In this study, Eucalyptus grandis pole drying schedules currently used, methods of measurement of moisture content (MC) after drying and drying defects were investigated. Relationships involving drying defects and MC gradient before treatment which may help in the development of simple nondestructive methods of assessing defects such as surface checking, honeycomb and collapse, and MC gradient were also explored. The long term goal of this study was to increase the durability of treated poles by avoiding unacceptable drying defects and MC values before treatment. The results of this investigation are presented in the following chapters: an introduction motivating the aims of the investigations (Chapter 1); a review of literature relevant to MC and drying defects in sawn or round wood (Chapter 2); ready for press manuscripts on MC and drying defects in kiln-dried E. grandis poles (Chapters 3 to 7) and a general conclusion that links up chapters 3 to 7, and recommendations (Chapter 8). The auger drill method gave reliable MC values when samples in increments of 25 mm depths into the pole were taken. However, when single samples of 50 mm and 75 mm depths were considered, the auger drill MC measurements were unreliable. It was concluded that SABS SM 983 (2000), which specifies taking single radial auger drill samples of depth 70±5 mm at pole mid length, is not a reliable method of measuring MC in a kiln-dried E. grandis pole. Correlation results indicated that tree growth factors such as sapwood depth, green MC and heartwood percentage were related to final drying defects and may be used as criteria for pole sorting before kiln drying. Also, the number of valleys per unit length (VPUL) of the circumference at the theoretical ground line (TGL) was positively correlated with honeycomb and closed surface checks, implying that VPUL as a parameter of the pole circumference profile can be used to assess invisible, internal defects. The dry bulb temperature (Tdb) of 80oC, used to dry poles in industry, was too high and resulted into unacceptable levels of drying defects in kiln dried E. grandis poles. In addition, the drying period of 8 days was too short to attain an acceptable MC gradient in poles. It is, therefore, recommended that: To use the auger drill method to reliably determine the moisture content of a pole, samples in increments of 25 mm should be taken. MC measurements should be made at the most critical zones of a pole such as the TGL and not higher up since there is normally considerable MC variation in the longitudinal direction. It is also important to consider sampling more than one position on the pole circumference to cater for the MC variation in the tangential direction. For poles with large sapwood depths i.e. >15mm, mild drying conditions at the beginning of a drying run should be used, since such poles may be more susceptible to surface checking. Poles with large heartwood percentages should also be dried with suitable kiln schedules, i.e. with low Tdb to minimise honeycomb and collapse. In general, Tdb lower than 80oC should be considered in order to reduce the defects to acceptable levels. Poles should be dried for longer than 8 days even at Tdb as high as 80oC to reduce the MC to acceptable values and gradients. Since only three schedules were tested, more drying schedules should be investigated to make reliable conclusions about the effect of schedule on drying defects. In addition, more poles per schedule should be considered in order to obtain statistically reliable results. The relationship of pole diameter and drying defects also requires further investigation. Since a limited sample was used to test for the effect of source of poles and drying schedules on defect correlations, further studies should be done on sufficient samples to come up with more reliable conclusions. It is also necessary to further investigate the possible variation in correlation of VPUL and internal defects on a large sample of poles from specific sources and drying schedules. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die afgelope paar jaar is waargeneem dat kreosootbehandelde transmissiepale 'n afname in duursaamheid toon. Verskeie faktore kan hiervoor verantwoordelik wees. In hierdie studie is huidige Eucalyptus grandis oonddrogingskedules en voggehalte- (VG) bepalingsmetodes vóór en na droging asook drogingsdefekte ondersoek. Verwantskappe tussen drogingsdefekte en VG-gradiënt vóór behandeling wat kan meehelp om nie-destruktiewe metodes te ontwikkel om defekte soos oppervlaktekrake, interne barste en instorting en VG-gradiënt te bepaal, is ook bestudeer. Die langtermyn doelwit van hierdie studie is om die duursaamheid van behandelde pale te verbeter deur onaanvaarbare drogingsdefekte en voggehaltes vóór behandeling te vermy. Die resultate van hierdie ondersoek word in die volgende hoofstukke bespreek: 'n inleiding waarin die doelwitte van die onderskeie ondersoeke motiveer word (Hoofstuk 1); 'n oorsig van die literatuur relevant tot VG en drogingsdefekte in gesaagde en rondehout (Hoofstuk 2); persklaar manuskripte oor VG en drogingsdefekte in oondgedroogde E. grandis pale (Hoofstukke 3 tot 7) en 'n algemene gevolgtrekking wat bevindings uit hoofstukke 3 tot 7 saamvat gevolg deur aanbevelings (Hoofstuk 8). Die augerboor-metode kon betroubare VG-waardes lewer indien monsters van 25mm diepteinkremente in die paal geneem is. Augerboor-voggehaltemetings met enkel 50mm en 75mm monsters was egter onbetroubaar. Daar is bevind dat SABS SM 983 (2000), wat 'n enkel radiale augerboormonster tot op 'n diepte van 70±5 mm in die middel van die lengte van die paal spesifiseer, nie 'n betroubare VG-bepalingsmetode vir oondgedroogde E. grandis pale is nie. Die resultate het aangetoon dat boomgroeifaktore soos spinthoutdiepte, groen voggehalte en die persentasie kernhout aan drogingsdefekte verwant is en as basis vir sortering van pale vóór oonddroging gebruik kan word. Ook kon die aantal valleie per eenheidslengte (e. VPUL) van die omtrek by die teoretiese grondlyn (TGL) positief met interne barste en geslote oppervlaktekrake korreleer word wat impliseer dat VPUL as parameter van die omtrekprofiel van die paal gebruik kan word om onsigbare, interne defekte mee vas te stel. Die droëbaltemperatuur (Tdb) van 80oC wat in die industrie gebruik word, was te hoog omdat dit onaanvaarbare vlakke van drogingsdefekte in oondgedroogde E. grandis veroorsaak het. Daarbenewens was die drogingsperiode van 8 dae by 'n Tdb van 80oC te kort om 'n aanvaarbare VG-gradiënt te lewer. Die volgende word derhalwe aanbeveel: Om betroubare VG-resultate d.m.v. die augerboormetode te verkry, behoort monsters in inkremente van 25mm geneem te word. VG-metings behoort in die mees kritiese dele van 'n paal gedoen te word byv. by TGL en nie hoër nie omdat daar normaalweg beduidende VG-variasie in die longitudinale rigting is. Dis ook belangrik om op meer as een posisie op die omtrek te meet om vir die variasie in die tangensiale rigting voorsiening te maak. Ligte drogingstoestande behoort aan die begin van die drogingsproses by pale met groot spinthoutdieptes, bv. > 15mm, gebruik te word omdat sulke pale meer geneigd tot oppervlaktekrake is. Pale met hoë kernhoutpersentasies moet ook met geskikte drogingskedules, bv. met lae Tdb, gedroog word om interne barste en ineenstorting te verminder. Oor die algemeen behoort Tdb laer as 80oC oorweeg te word om die omvang van defekte by aanvaarbare vlakke te hou. Selfs by Tdb so hoog as 80oC behoort pale langer as 8 dae te droog om die VG tot by aanvaarbare waardes en 'n gradiënt te bring. Omdat slegs drie skedules evalueer is, behoort meer skedules ondersoek word om betroubare gevolgtrekkings oor die effek van skedule op drogingsdefekte te verskaf. Addisioneel behoort meer pale per skedule oorweeg word om statisties betroubare resultate te verkry. Die verwantskap tussen paaldeursnee en drogingsdefekte benodig ook verdere ondersoek. Aangesien 'n beperkte aantal pale gebruik is om die herkoms en drogingskedule met defekte te korreleer, behoort verdere studie op genoeg pale gedoen te word om meer betroubare gevolgtrekkings te kry. Dit is ook noodsaaklik om die moontlike variasie in die korrelasie tussen VPUL en interne defekte op 'n groot aantal pale van spesifieke herkoms en drogingskedules vas te stel.

Acceptance Tests – FAT & SAT : An Empirical Case Study of Utility Poles

Al Farra, Hussni January 2016 (has links)
The overall purpose of this project is to devise improved quality acceptance procedures to examine quality characteristics of utility poles at the factory of the supplier (FAT) and on-site upon receipt by the customer (SAT). To that end, the thesis draws upon available standards, literature, and industry practices regarding wood, fiberglass and steel poles. As far as the design of the research, a single case study of a major power company was chosen. Then, a data collection plan was developed in order to build upon the existing knowledge found in the literature, and upon the data that can be collected from three of the Company’s suppliers, in addition to the Technical Research Institute of Sweden (SP). Documents’ analysis, interviews, observations, and a survey were the tools of that plan. It was found that criteria, inspection and test methods of wood poles are all sufficiently covered in the standards and the literature; for wood is the most commonly used material for utility poles. Next, in coverage of research, are the steel poles; while there is currently no standard that covers fiberglass utility poles. Indeed, quality characteristics, criteria, and acceptance procedures can altogether form parts of a sustainable solution, as long as the quality is managed as a process whether at the Company’s end or at the fabrication sites; that is especially true if there is some form of backward partnership between the Company and its suppliers.

Vztah metropolitního města a jeho zázemí / The relationship of the city and its surroundings

Komárková, Eva January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the relationship between the city and its surroundings. In the theoretical part of the thesis are at first clarified basic terms which are needed for a good understanding of the problematic together with theoretical approaches dealing with the urban form and development. Specifically - the revolutions according to Vere Gordon Childe and The life-cycle theory by Leo van den Berg. Further the thesis includes a description of the two approaches of the Keynesian theories: The theory of growth poles in the concept of Francois Perroux and The theory of cumulative causation in the concept of Gunnar Myrdal and Albert Otto Hirschman. These approaches are then compared. The practical part examines the relationship between the city and its surroundings on the basis of statistical analysis on several cases. Specifically cities Copenhagen, London, Budapest and Prague are analyzed.

Modelo teórico-experimental de deterioração de postes de madeira aplicado ao Estado de São Paulo / Theoretical-experimental model of timber pole deterioration applied to the State of São Paulo

Freitas, Roberto Ramos de 30 September 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por finalidade o estudo teórico e experimental de avaliação da degradação em postes de madeira utilizados em redes de energia elétrica. Com base em ampla revisão bibliográfica, de dados climáticos de várias cidades do Estado de São Paulo e resultados de ensaios de perfuração controlada realizadas em campo, em vários municípios do Estado de São Paulo, apresenta um modelo de apodrecimento de madeira em contato com o solo, identificando quais as cidades são mais e menos agressivas à madeira nestas condições, propondo a simplificação deste modelo, facilitando sua utilização na previsão da vida útil de madeiras em contato com o solo, predizendo o grau de deterioração destes. O modelo proposto se mostrou bastante adequado, dando uma boa previsão da deterioração de postes nas diversas regiões do Estado. / The purpose of this paper is the theoretical and experimental study of evaluation of timber deterioration in used poles in nets of electric energy. Basing on ample bibliographical reviews of climatic data of some cities in the State of São Paulo and results of controlled perforation testing done in field, in some cities of the State of São Paulo, it presents a model of timber decay in contact with the ground, identifying which cities are more aggressive or less aggressive to the wood in these conditions, proposing the simplification of this model, facilitating its use in the forecast of the timber service life in contact with the ground, predicting the degree of deterioration in them. The proposed model proved to be sufficiently adequate giving a good forecast of the pole deterioration in several regions of the State.

A Comissão Interestadual da Bacia Paraná-Uruguai: do planejamento de vale aos polos de desenvolvimento / The Comissão Interestadual da Bacia Paraná-Uruguai: from the valley planning to the development poles

Chiquito, Elisângela de Almeida 16 January 2012 (has links)
A Comissão Interestadual da Bacia Paraná-Uruguai (CIBPU), formada a partir de um convênio entre os estados de São Paulo, Santa Catarina, Paraná, Mato Grosso, Rio Grande do Sul, Goiás e Minas Gerais, atuou no planejamento regional no Brasil no período de 1951 a 1972. O eixo condutor desta pesquisa é a compreensão das ideias e referências na formação e atuação do órgão, suas permanências e deslocamentos. Entre os referenciais mobilizados identifica-se a experiência norte-americana da Tennessee Valley Authority, as ideias do movimento francês Economia e Humanismo de Louis-Joseph Lebret, e a concepção de polos de crescimento de François Perroux e Jacques Boudeviile. A análise destes referenciais, dos contextos políticos e econômicos, das forças e agentes envolvidos ao longo dos 20 anos de existência da Comissão, permitiram detectar deslocamentos na estrutura e organização do órgão, na concepção de região e, fundamentalmente, na concepção de planejamento e desenvolvimento. / The Comissão Interestadual da Bacia Paraná-Uruguai (CIBPU) was created through a partnership between the states of São Paulo, Santa Catarina, Parana, Mato Grosso, Rio Grande do Sul, Goiás and Minas Gerais and developped regional planning studies in Brazil from 1951 to 1972. The main focus of this research is the understanding of the ideas and references that shaped the institution, its continuities and changes. Among the references mobilized, the north-american experience of the Tennessee Valley Authority, the ideas of the french Economy and Humanism Movement of Louis-Joseph Lebret, and the growth poles of François Perroux and Jacques Boudeviile are highlighted. The analysis of those references, of the political and economic contexts, and of the agents involved along the 20 years of activity of the Comissão, show the shifts in the structure and organization of the institution, in the conception of region, as well as in the conception of planning and development.

Dynamics of Ices and Fluids on Mars and Kuiper Belt Objects

January 2019 (has links)
abstract: The seasonal deposition of CO2 on the polar caps is one of the most dynamic processes on Mars and is a dominant driver of the global climate. Remote sensing temperature and albedo data were used to estimate the subliming mass of CO2 ice on south polar gullies near Sisyphi Cavi. Results showed that column mass abundances range from 400 - 1000 kg.m2 in an area less than 60 km2 in late winter. Complete sublimation of the seasonal caps may occur later than estimated by large-scale studies and is geographically dependent. Seasonal ice depth estimates suggested variations of up to 1.5 m in depth or 75% in porosity at any one time. Interannual variations in these data appeared to correlate with dust activity in the southern hemisphere. Correlation coefficients were used to investigate the relationship between frost-free surface properties and the evolution of the seasonal ice in this region. Ice on high thermal inertia units was found to disappear before any other ice, likely caused by inhibited deposition during fall. Seasonal ice springtime albedo appeared to be predominantly controlled by orientation, with north-facing slopes undergoing brightening initially in spring, then subliming before south-facing slopes. Overall, the state of seasonal ice is far more complex than globally and regionally averaged studies can identify. The discovery of cryovolcanic features on Charon and the presence of ammonia hydrates on the surfaces of other medium-sized Kuiper Belt Objects suggests that cryovolcanism may be important to their evolution. A two-dimensional, center-point finite difference, thermal hydraulic model was developed to explore the behavior of cryovolcanic conduits on midsized KBOs. Conduits on a Charon-surrogate were shown to maintain flow through over 200 km of crust and mantle down to radii of R = 0.20 m. Radii higher than this became turbulent due to high viscous dissipation and low thermal conductivity. This model was adapted to explore the emplacement of Kubrik Mons. Steady state flow was achieved with a conduit of radius R = 0.02 m for a source chamber at 2.3 km depth. Effusion rates computed from this estimated a 122 - 163 Myr upper limit formation timescale. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Geological Sciences 2019

L'impact de la contrainte carbone sur le secteur électrique européen

Stankeviciute, Loreta 18 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Deux ensembles de facteurs vont être décisifs pour l'évolution future du système électrique européen : d'une part la nécessité d'une nouvelle vague d'investissements pour le renouvellement et l'expansion des capacités de production, et d'autre part l'émergence et le renforcement des contraintes d'émission de gaz à effet de serre (GES) qui imposeront une mise en conformité avec les politiques et directives européennes. L'idée générale de la thèse est que le système européen d'échange de quotas d'émission (SCEQE) est un instrument qui peut faciliter la décarbonisation du système électrique européen. Cependant, les conditions doivent être réunies dans un contexte libéralisé, en termes de gestion de risque, d'architecture des marchés et de mise en place des instruments complémentaires de politique publique, pour que le nouveau signal prix du carbone donne toute sa mesure. L'objet de la thèse est de détailler ces conditions et d'examiner les scénarios potentiels d'évolution de la structure de production du secteur électrique européen à moyen et long terme sous la contrainte carbone. L'introduction de la libéralisation de l'industrie électrique conditionne de manière significative les comportements d'investissement et les choix technologiques. L'analyse du modèle théorique du marché permet de démontrer l'inadéquation organisationnelle de celui-ci pour développer un mix technologique optimal et pour s'adapter aux problèmes de long terme du fait de signaux de prix difficiles à interpréter. En effet, la logique du marché et de la concurrence désavantage les investissements dans les technologies capitalistiques, même celles favorables du point de vue environnemental, comme les énergies renouvelables, le nucléaire, l'hydraulique ou encore les technologies thermiques intégrant capture et séquestration du carbone (CSC). C'est tout le problème de la gestion de risque à long terme face à de nombreuses incertitudes. L'emploi de la théorie des coûts de transaction permet d'examiner les combinaisons des arrangements verticaux qui demeurent nécessaires afin de gérer le risque et de faciliter les investissements (e.g. l'intégration verticale). L'introduction du SCEQE se superpose aux risques du marché inhérents à la libéralisation, et l'incertitude quant à la valeur du carbone rend le choix des investissements encore plus délicat. L'analyse des premières années de fonctionnement du SCEQE révèle l'importance du design du système : des incohérences dans l'architecture et des contre-incitations peuvent facilement être créées, favorisant ainsi les mauvaises décisions. L'horizon de la contrainte carbone qui demeure limité et la volatilité du prix du carbone compliquent davantage les décisions concernant le renouvellement d'un stock de capital de longue durée de vie. L'ouverture du marché carbone sur les mécanismes du projet et d'autres marchés de type cap and trade influencent également le prix du carbone anticipé par les investisseurs européens tout comme l'interaction entre les objectifs européens de réduction des émissions et ceux portant sur l'augmentation de l'électricité d'origine renouvelable à l'horizon 2020. L'emploi du modèle de prospective POLES permet d'examiner ces diverses configurations du marché carbone et d'établir des scenarios possibles de prix du carbone à moyen et long terme, qui peuvent constituer un élément d'information pour les investisseurs publics et privés dans la production d'électricité. De plus, un certain nombre de mesures destinées à réduire la volatilité du prix du carbone et à faciliter la convergence des anticipations des prix à long terme sont préconisées, en particulier l'utilisation de banking ou encore de prix de réserve. Cependant, la mise en oeuvre réussie de ces mesures repose avant tout sur la crédibilité des Etats dans leurs engagements à long terme. Les exercices de modélisation utilisant le modèle POLES permettent également d'examiner les mix technologiques européens à long terme sous l'incertitude du prix du carbone. Suite à un examen des divers outils pertinents d'aide à la décision d'investissements dans un univers incertain, la voie privilégiée consiste à intégrer la méthode VAR (Valeur à Risque) puis celle d'une analyse moyennevariance dans la simulation des portefeuilles de technologie réalisée par le modèle. Ceci conduit à affecter une prime de risque des technologies intenses en carbone principalement au bénéfice du nucléaire, de l'éolien et du thermique associé à la CSC. Les exercices de modélisation montrent donc qu'il est possible de disposer d'une structure de production d'électricité moins émettrice à l'avenir. Le défi restant est de construire un cadre organisationnel et institutionnel susceptible d'inciter à effectuer ces investissements nécessaires très prochainement.

Automatisk trimning av externa axlar / Automatic tuning of external axis

Eliasson, Per-Emil January 2004 (has links)
<p>This master theses deals with different methods for automatic tuning of the existing controller for external axis. </p><p>Three methods for automatic tuning have been investigated. Two of these are based on the manuell method used today. The third method is based on optimal placement of the dominant poles. Different sensitivity functions are important for this method. </p><p>At the end of the thesis, a proposal of a complete tool for automatic tuning is given.</p>

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