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Vztah mediální prezentace politických stran a volebních výsledků: případ KDU-ČSL, Strany zelených, TOP 09 a Věcí veřejných v parlamentních volbách v roce 2010. / Between media presentation of political parties and thier election result.Kutil, Tomáš January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the relationship between media coverage of political parties and election results. Specifically, it focuses on four political parties (TOP 09, Věci veřejné, KDU- ČSL and Strana zelených) in the period of nine months before the parliamentary elections in May 2010. The two established political parties were not successful in these elections (KDU- ČSL and Strana zelených), the other two parties were. Using quantitative content analysis of media content this work examines media coverage of these four parties in nationwide television, radio and print media. The thesis compares differences between media presentations of the parties with the evolution of political preferences of the parties. As a source, monthly data acquired by two public opinion research agencies - CVVM and Median - was used. Even more important to answer the research questions was to compare the media presentation of the parties with their final election results. The thesis assumes that the form of media presentation of the parties is one of the factors that affects their voters' support. Based on the data found this thesis tries to find out trends and patterns guiding the relationship between media space which parties achieved, the development of their electoral preferences and the final election results.
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Politické strany ve Velké Británii a vstup Británie do EHS (1970-1975) / British Political Parties and the Entry of Great Britain into the EEC (1970-1975)Krejčí, Pavel January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the British entry into the European Economic Community in 1973. The reasons why the United Kingdom was led to join the Community are researched in great details. Such reasons also influence the attitude and behaviour of the United Kingdom toward the European Union at present. This historical backdrop could account for British reluctance to join the Community in 1950' as well as the present attitude of British politicians toward the EU. The main British political parties, namely the Conservative Party and the Labour Party, stood on the same side as far as the basic goal was concerned - to maintain the British Empire after the 2WW. The collapse of the British Empire, the poor economy and the Cold War all forced British political parties to find a new position for the United Kingdom in the post-war world. Key words: Great Britain, the Conservative Party, the Labour Party, European Communities
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Politické procesy v 50. letech / Political Trials in 1950sCihla, Václav January 2013 (has links)
1 Resumé Title of thesis: Political Trials in 1950s The purpose of my thesis is to describe the political trials in continuities. It means the evolution of political situation, evolution of legal order, political trials themselves, rehabilitation and the present view of the phenomenon of political trials. The thesis comprises of six chapters. Chapter One deals with comprehensive view of the political trials, but not only on the political trials themselves. It mainly focuses on legal order, evolution of the judiciary, the background of the political trials, methods used in creating political trials, types of political trials and influence on society. The chapter is subdivided into seven subchapters. These subchapters describe legal order, persecution, political trials (in general), types of political trials, activity of Soviet advisors, methods and the judiciary. Chapter Two deals with the concept of punishment, its application and execution. The chapter consists of three subchapters. Subchapter One focuses on criminal offenses and the types of punishments. Subchapter Two focuses on the capital punishment and Subchapter Three explains execution of punishment (capital punishment and custodial sentence). Chapter Three deals with the trial with Karel Kutlvašr. I would like to present the mechanism of the trial...
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Vliv zahraniční politiky na vztah japonských politických stran a ozbrojených složek v meziválečném období / Influence of Foreign Policy on Relationship of the Japanese Political Parties and Military in the Interwar PeriodKafka, Martin January 2013 (has links)
In this thesis I primarily studied the influence of foreign policy on the development of relations between Japanese political parties and the military in the interwar period. I studied the way in which political parties and military affected each other and which factors influenced the distribution of power on Japanese political scene. Furthermore I tried to show how these relations contributed to the rise of power of political parties and to their subsequent downfall, and how they affected the militarization of Japanese state and it's consequent course towards World War II. Therefore I focused the thesis on 1921 - 1936 period, in which the key events that formed the shape of Japanese state, at least until the end of World War II, took place.
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Politický marketing ve střední Evropě / Political Marketing in Central EuropeŠanda, Jakub January 2010 (has links)
Diploma thesis Political Marketing in Central Europe analyzes the historical background, culture specifics, economical, geographical and socio-demographical factors which are influencing voters' decisions in individual countries, mentions the communication of political parties and analyzes the results of parliamentary elections in the Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Hungary, and presidential elections in Austria and Poland, which took place in 2010. Based on the findings the author tries to predict the probable further development of political parties in the political scenes in the country and identifies key factors of voters' decisions in each country.
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Úloha a postavení poslaneckých klubů v ústavním systému České republiky / Role of the Parliamentary Party Groups in the Constitutional system of the Czech RepublicČervinka, Lukáš Lev January 2018 (has links)
- 145 - Abstract Role of the Parliamentary Party Groups in the Constitutional system of the Czech Republic The ultimate goal of my work was to fill in the blank spaces on the map of the Constitutional system of the Czech Republic by thorough examination and detailed description of the role and the status of the parliamentary party groups (PPGs) in it. However, this thesis is not just a general introduction, but a complex study of the actors of such importance and influence that it keeps one wondering, why they had remained out of a scope of the mainstream scientific research in our country for so long. After the necessary theoretical introduction to the subject of the parliamentary party groups within the field of the legal and political sciences, I examined the existence of the PPGs within the Chamber of Deputies, their relationships, interdependence and interconnections with the political parties and finally their inner functioning in close detail. It was necessary to deal with a number of serious issues and answer several important questions during my research, most notably: the question of the nature of the parliamentary party groups, i.e. whether they are bodies of the Chamber of Deputies, bodies of the political parties or whether they even possess their own legal personality. It was necessary to deal...
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Tradice a současnost česko - argentinských bilaterálních vztahůŠimonová, Magda January 2007 (has links)
Práce analyzuje bilaterální vztahy Argentinské a České republiky od historických počátků až po současnost, a sice po stránce politické, ekonomické a krajanské.
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Compatibility of Western and Islamic Models of Democracy: A Comparative Analysis / Compatibility of Western and Islamic Models of Democracy: A Comparative AnalysisŠrámek, Ondřej January 2004 (has links)
The thesis looks at compatibility of Islam and democracy in a new way. The main method is analysis of political ideologies. A number of models of democracy are identified in both the Western and Islamic context. These are then originally compared in a framework of classification by the source of political sovereignty and political action.
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Súčasné politické umenie ako zrkadlo doby / Contemporary political art as a reflection of the timeKráľová, Ľuboslava January 2011 (has links)
The master thesis Contemporary political art as a reflection of the time seeks to define the relationship of art and politics. The base is built around the statement of Boris Groys where he claims that every art is in a way political, as it accrues from a specific and given socio-political situation. The thesis then looks at the given art through the lens of a subcategory -- contemporary activist art. In terms of social history of art, the artistic expressions are seen as the counterpart to the forms of politicized art of futurism, German national socialism and Soviet socialist realism. The goal of the thesis was to understand the work of contemporary Czech and Slovak visual artists as a conscience of the time. First of all so in the form of civic responsibility for events in their own country that they voluntarily accepted. That is reflected in the visualized topics that provoke and shock the public. The thesis concludes by stating that contemporary political art is nonconformist, therefore determining the problems in today's society.
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Média a společnost / Media and societyKianicová, Lucia January 2012 (has links)
This thesis aims to discuss the main political and public aspects in the frame of media development and their changes, which are recalled by media. Political competition and its market behaviour is nowadays very naturally predisposed. Decision-making processes in the political sphere attract the attention not just by the experts, but also by wide and laic community. Behaviour of political leaders is influcnced by several changes approving in the political sphere and its circles. The global approach to media plays the key role, at the hand of political circles, which candidates directly and very hard appeal in all the elector's groups. Also very important factor here is a wide expansion of informative technologies. Racionalization of elective behaviour becomes very often in these days, what in many cases means that voters are still more sceptical to the relationship of the political scenes and its candidates. The more voices belong to that candidates who the voters think about, they refer the most interesting political pre-voting marketing and campaign. These changes shown, lead to the claim, that political parties direct their campaign by the hand of the base of marketing rules. The concept about the consequence of political communication leads to the rising interest of mass media and policy. The...
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