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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tectonique intracontinentale dans le bloc de Chine du sud : exemple de la chaîne du Xuefengshan / Intracontinental tectonics in the South China block : example of the Xuefengshan belt

Chu, Yang 15 September 2011 (has links)
Les observations détaillés indiquent que la chaîne de Xuefengshan peut être divisé en deux parties, la zone Ouest, caractérisée par des plis-coffrés, et la zone Est à déformation ductile polyphasée. Elles sont séparées par le chevauchement principal vers l'Ouest. Dans la zone Est, les structures dominantes sont des plis à vergence NW associés à des schistosités pénétratives de plan axial et des linéations NW-SE. De l'ouest vers l'est, la schistosité montre un style en éventail. Les roches du socle affleurent seulement autour des plutons triasiques. Les roches de la chaîne de Xuefengshan sont généralement déformées ductilement mais faiblement métamorphisées, toutefois, sous la croûte supérieure, on met en évidence un décollement ductile et synmétamorphe qui accommode les différences de déformation entre les roches sédimentaires et le socle. L'architecture de la chaîne du Xuefengshan résulte de la déformation polyphasée: la première phase (D1) est caractérisée par un cisaillement ver le nord-ouest. Le deuxième phase (D2) correspond au rétro-plissement vers le SE. La dernière phase (D3) est un événement de raccourcissement NW-SE avec des plis doits et schistosités verticales. En combinant ces nouveaux résultats structuraux avec les données géochronologiques, la chaîne de Xuefengshan est interprété comme un orogène intracontinental formé au Trias moyen. Cette chaîne résulte du sous-charriage continental d’une partie du bloc de Chine du Sud, en réponse à l’effet lointain de la subduction de la plaque de Paleo-Pacifique vers le nord-ouest. / Detail field observations indicate that the Xuefengshan Belt can be divided into a Western OuterZone, characterized by km-scale box-fold structures, and an Eastern Zone, separated from theWestern Outer Zone by the Main Xuefengshan Thrust. In the Eastern Zone, NW verging folds coevalwith a pervasive slaty cleavage and a NW-SE trending lineation are the dominant structure. Fromwest to east, the dip of the cleavage surface exhibits a fan-like pattern. Basement rocks are sparselylocated around some Triassic plutons. The rocks of the Xuefengshan Belt are generally ductilelydeformed but weakly metamorphosed, however, below this upper crustal level, a high straindecollement accommodates the difference of deformation between the sedimentary and the basementrocks. The architecture of the Xuefengshan Belt results from polyphase deformation: the first one(D1) is characterized by a top-to-the-NW shearing. The second one (D2) corresponds to a backfoldingand back-thrusting stage. The last phase (D3) is a NW-SE shortening event associated withupright folds with vertical axial plane cleavages. Combined with geochronological data, theXuefengshan Belt is interpreted as an Early Mesozoic intracontinental orogen, which possiblyoriginated from the continental underthrusting to the SE of a piece of the South China block inresponse to the far-field effect of the northwest directed subduction of the Paleo-Pacific plate.

Polyfázový strukturní vývoj rozhraní suprastruktury a infrastruktury v orogenních zónách / Polyphase structural evolution of superstructure and infrastructure in orogenic zones

Peřestý, Vít January 2012 (has links)
Polyphase structural evolution of superstructure and infrastructure in orogenic zones Proterozoic basement rocks of the Teplá-Barrandian Unit (TBU) are affected by two main tectono-metamorphic events. The central and SW part of the TBU is a well-preserved relict of Cadomian episode. On the other hand, the western margin of the TBU shows superposition of polyphase early-varicsan deformation and metamorphism onto the pre- variscan fabric. The Střela river profile in the northern part of Teplá Crystalline Complex (TCC) exposes a continuous crustal section through western margin of the TBU from the low-grade phyllites (near biotite izograd) in the east to the high-grade rocks of kyanite zone at the contact with high-pressure Mariánské-Lázně Complex (MLC). Three main deformation events were distinguished in the studied area and the cross-section is interpreted as a fossil (devonian) suprastructure-infrastructure transition zone preserved in the carboniferous TBU superstructure. The oldest pre-variscan D1 phase produced flat-lying metamorphic foliation showing normal metamorphic zonation from the very low-grade in the upper part to at least garnet zone in the structurally lower part. Large scale upright folding of prevariscan foliation S1 occurred during early-variscan D2 event. Tight F2 folds were...

Architecture de circuit intégré reconfigurable, très haut débit et basse consommation pour le traitement numérique de l'OFDM avancé

Sahnine, C. 30 January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse a pour but d'étudier les architectures de circuits intégrés pour le traitement numérique de l'OFDM avancé, très haut débit et multi-standard. Ces architectures visent à développer à la fois des puissances de calculs plus élevées pour répondre aux exigences de débit, ainsi que des capacités de reconfiguration pour des applications multi-standard. Elles doivent aussi respecter une contrainte de consommation réduite du fait de l'environnement embarqué des terminaux mobiles. En termes de solutions avancées, nous considérons deux schémas différents de la modulation OFDM, l'OFDM/QAM et l'OFDM/OQAM. Nous proposons une architecture à base de mémoires utilisant un multiplexage temporel des opérations sur une matrice de calcul à gros grain optimisée pour le traitement de la transformée de Fourier rapide et le filtrage polyphase. Nous proposons aussi une stratégie pour la gestion des mémoires.

Design and Testing of a Prototype High Speed Data Acquisition System for Nasa

Vijayendra, Vishwas Tumkur 01 January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Modern radar and signal processing applications require data acquisition systems capable of high-speed analog data reception and processing. These systems need to support sophisticated signal processing algorithms and reliable high-speed interfaces. The objective of this project is to develop a prototype of a state of the art data acquisition system to aid NASA’s Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) mission. The SWOT mission aims at monitoring water levels of various water bodies to predict and avoid any catastrophic events. The principal instrument is a Ka-band Radar Interferometer (KaRIN) that is used for the measurement of water levels. The collected data need to be digitized and processed using an FPGA based-data acquisition system housed in a satellite. The scope of this project involves the design, implementation and test of a high-speed printed circuit board (PCB) that serves as the prototype data acquisition system. A lot of emphasis is placed on layout design, as the PCB needs to support data rates up to three Giga samples per second. The goal of this research is to provide Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), NASA with a prototype version of the high- speed acquisition system that can be integrated with the KaRIN system in future.

Filter-less Architecture for Multi-Carrier Software Defined Radio Transmitters

Yang, Xi 15 December 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Capteur de courants innovant pour des systèmes polyphasés : application aux câbles multiconducteurs / Innovative current sensor for multiphase systems : application to multi-core cables

Bourkeb, Menad 17 April 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l'étude et la réalisation d’un prototype de capteur de courants innovant pour câbles multiconducteurs. Outre le caractère non-Intrusif de ce capteur (i.e. mesure sans contact), il permet de réaliser une mesure sur un système polyphasé dont la position des conducteurs est inconnue. L’approche adoptée est basée sur la résolution d’un problème inverse. En effet, à partir d’une mesure de la signature des champs magnétiques autour du câble, des algorithmes de reconstruction appropriés permettent de remonter aux courants circulant dans le câble. En plus des résultats de simulation, un banc de tests a été conçu et une validation expérimentale de ce concept est présentée pour répondre à un cahier des charges, notamment pour une structure comportant un blindage en matériau ferromagnétique pour atténuer les perturbations extérieures / This thesis presents the study and realization of an innovative currents sensor prototype for multi-Core cables. The two main advantages of this sensor compared to existing devices on the electrical equipment market are: firstly, it is no longer necessary to interrupt the system's electrical power supply to install the sensor. This is due to contactless measure (non-Intrusive sensor). Another feature of our device is its capability to measure the currents in a multi-Core system with unknown positions of conductors. This currents sensor operates in a way to find firstly the conductor positions, and then reconstructing the currents using the retrieved positions. In order to meet specifications, simulation results, test bench measurements and experimental results are presented with a ferromagnetic shielding

Les marges passives volcaniques : origine, structure et développement / Volcanic passive margins : origin, structure and development

Guan, Huixin 12 July 2018 (has links)
Une marge passive est une zone de transition non-active entre lithosphère continentale et lithosphère océanique. De nombreuses marges passives présentent un fort développement magmatique (>50%). Ces marges passives volcaniques (MPVs) marquent la rupture lithosphérique au-dessus d’un manteau en fusion (partielle) et sont typiquement caractérisées par l’intrusion et l’extrusion d’un volume significatif de produits magmatiques dans la croûte lors des périodes ante-rift, syn-rift et post-rift. A partir d’une compilation bibliographique, de données sismiques (profils de sismique réflexion ION-GXT, sismique 3D) et d’observations réalisées sur le terrain à l’Est et à l’Ouest du Groenland, les objectifs de cette thèse étaient : (1) de mieux caractériser les modes tectoniques d’accommodation des flexures de la croûte supérieure sous les SDRs (seaward dipping reflectors) et l’interprétation des SDRs externes et, (2), de placer la rupture magmatique à l’échelle de la fragmentation d’un supercontinent. Les principaux résultats obtenus sont: 1) La rupture d’un supercontinent est toujours synmagmatique. Cette rupture se propage ensuite de manière non-magmatique (article en préparation); 2) Les SDRs externes sont découplés tectoniquement d’une croûte inférieure d’origine continentale exhumée. Du matériel d’origine continental pourrait exister en profondeur de manière continue au niveau de rides asismiques transverses (comme GIFR) (article soumis); 3) La flexure crustale est aussi accommodée par du magma qui circule dans les failles de détachement sous SDRs. Un découplage existe à l’extrados des flexures accommodé par des injections de magma syn-tectoniques sous forme de laccolithes à la base des SDRs internes. / A passive margin is a non-active transition zone between the continental lithosphere and the oceanic lithosphere. Most of passive margins (>50%) show a strong magmatic development. These volcanic passive margins (VPMs) mark the lithospheric breakup over a melted mantle and they are typically characterized by a huge volume of intrusive and extrusive magmatism into the crust during ante-rift, syn-rift, and post-rift periods.Based on bibliographies, seismic data (IONGXT seismic reflection profiles, 3D seismic) and observations and results gained from fieldtrips on East and West Greenland coast, the objectives of this thesis were: (1) to better characterize the tectonic accommodation of the flexure of the upper crust which beneath inner SDRs and the signification of outer SDRs, and (3) to place the magmatic breakup on the scale of the fragmentation of a supercontinent.The main results obtained are: 1) the breakup of a supercontinent is always syn-magmatic. This breakup then propagates in a non-magmatic way (paper in preparation); 2) the outer SDRs are tectonically decoupled from an exhumed continental lower crust.The material of continental origin could exist deeply continuously across a transverse aseismic ridge such as the GIFR (paper submitted); 3) The crustal flexure is also accommodated by the magma that circulate in detachment faults beneath the inner SDRs. There is a decoupling at the extrados zone of the flexure which is accommodated by syn-tectonic magma injections in the form of laccoliths between inner SDRs and upper crust.

Design of a Finite-Impulse Response filter generator / Konstruktion av en FIR filter generator

Broddfelt, Michel January 2003 (has links)
<p>In this thesis a FIR filter generator has been designed. The program generates FIR filters in the form of VHDL-files. Four different filter structures have been implemented in the generator, Direct Form (DF), Differential Coefficients Method (DCM), polyphase filters and (2-by-2) filters. </p><p>The focus of the thesis was to implement filter structures that create FIR filters with as low power consumption and area as possible. </p><p>The generaterator has been implemented i C++. The C++ program creates text-files with VHDL-code. The user must then compile and synthesize the VHDL-files. The program uses an text-file with the filter coefficients as input.</p>

VHDL Implementation of Flexible Frequency-Band Reallocation (FFBR) Network

Hussain Shahid, Abrar January 2011 (has links)
In digital communication systems, satellites give us world wide services. These satellites should effectively use the available bounded frequency spectrum and, therefore, to carry out flexible frequency-band reallocation (FFBR), on-board signal processing implementation on FFBR network is needed. In the future, to design desired dynamic communication systems, very flexible digital signal processing structures will be needed. The hardware, in the system, shall not be changed as simple changes in the software will be made. The purpose of this thesis is to implement an N-channel FFBR network, where N=20. A 20-channel FFBR network consists of different blocks, e.g., DFT, IDFT, complex multipliers, input/output commutators and polyphase components. The whole 20-channel FFBR network will be implemented in VHDL. In a 20-channel FFBR network, it is a 20-point FFT/IFFT required. This 20-point FFT/IFFT is built by a combination of radix-4 and radix-5 butterflies. The Cooley-Tukey FFT algorithm is chosen to build the 20-point FFT/IFFT. The main aim is to build 20-point FFT/IFFT. There are 20 complex multipliers before the IFFT block and 20 complex multipliers after the IFFT block. In the same way, 20 complex multipliers are used before the FFT block and 20 complex multipliers are used after the FFT block. At the input/output to this FFBR network, 20 FIR filters (polyphase components) are used, respectively.

Design of a Finite-Impulse Response filter generator / Konstruktion av en FIR filter generator

Broddfelt, Michel January 2003 (has links)
In this thesis a FIR filter generator has been designed. The program generates FIR filters in the form of VHDL-files. Four different filter structures have been implemented in the generator, Direct Form (DF), Differential Coefficients Method (DCM), polyphase filters and (2-by-2) filters. The focus of the thesis was to implement filter structures that create FIR filters with as low power consumption and area as possible. The generaterator has been implemented i C++. The C++ program creates text-files with VHDL-code. The user must then compile and synthesize the VHDL-files. The program uses an text-file with the filter coefficients as input.

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