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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Amin, Iravani Mohammadabadi 15 May 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Ultraharmonic Imaging of Polymer-shelled Microbubbles / Ultraharmonic-avbildning av mikrobubblor med polymerbaserade skal

Evangelou, Dimitrios January 2018 (has links)
Ultrasound has been established as one of the most widely used imaging modalities for diagnostic purposes, due to the several advantages it provides in comparison with other techniques. Hence, ways to further improve the confidence in diagnoses provided by ultrasound are constantly being investigated. One of them is the introduction of Ultrasound Contrast Agents, which can enhance the weak echoes produced by the small vessels, improving the imaging performance. In this study, a setup was created and six ultrasound imaging techniques were implemented by using the Verasonics Research System®, in order to take advantage of the different behavior between the tissue and the Polyvinyl-Alcohol microbubbles, when exposed to ultrasound. These were: Fundamental B-mode, Ultraharmonic, PulseInversion, Subharmonic Pulse Inversion, Ultraharmonic Pulse Inversion, Combination of the Sub- and Ultraharmonic Pulse Inversion. For the assessment of the bubbles’ response, the amplitude spectra were used, which showed a limited detection around the ultraharmonic region. For the evaluation of the imaging performance of the techniques, the Contrast-to-Tissue (CTR) and Contrast-to-Noise Ratios (CNR) were calculated. The Combination of the Sub- and Ultraharmonic Pulse Inversion reported the highest imaging performance among all the techniques. A comparison with previous articles provided a similar pattern in terms of CTR. / Technology

Electrochemically Driven Functionalization of Alkyl Halides

Truesdell, Blaise L. 07 September 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Use of Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) as an aggregate for concrete / Polyvinylklorid (PVC) som ballast i betong

Loubani, Habib January 2023 (has links)
This study investigates the use of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) as a partial substitute of natural aggregates in concrete as fine and coarse aggregates. Concrete was prepared by replacing natural aggregates with equal volume of grinded PVC, with volume replacement ratio as 10%, 50% for fine and then 10% and 50% for coarse aggregates. Experiments were performed to investigate the wet density, workability (measured by slump test), compressive strength, elastic modulus, and water absorption of concrete. After checking the particle distribution (sieve analysis), wet density, workability, and compressive strength, since compressive strength of coarse PVC concrete was much less than that of the reference concrete it was decided to continue the investigation using only the fine partial replacements. The results showed that the wet density of concrete gradually decreased with the increase of PVC content, and workability increased with the increase of PVC. Compressive strength decreased by 13 to 20% for fine PVC and 25 to 31% for coarse PVC concrete, as PVC content increased. Also, it was realized that with the increase of PVC content, elastic modulus decreased by 8.7% for 10% fine PVC while 30% for 50% coarse PVC concrete, and water absorption decreased by 27% for 10% fine PVC concrete and 36% for the 50% fine PVC. It is not advisable to replace aggregates with PVC for achieving reference strength of 40 MPa with water to cement ratio. After studying many probabilities of using the PVC aggregates, it was decided to work on the possible maximum and minimum percentages of substitution, where it was chosen to be 10 and 50%.


FELIPE RODRIGUES DE SOUZA 27 December 2021 (has links)
[pt] O presente trabalho tem como foco a caracterização do concreto reforçado com fibras de álcool polivinílico (CRFPVA) com diferentes frações volumétricas para utilização como pavimento aeroportuário. Para isso foram determinados os parâmetros como resistência residual e tenacidade dos compósitos através de ensaios de flexão em três pontos definidos pela norma EN 14651 para serem aplicados no dimensionamento de lajes apoiadas em base elástica, proposto pela TR-34 e comparar estes resultados ao dimensionamento e a ensaios do pavimento de concreto de cimento Portland convencional regulamentado pela Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), através da circular AC150/5320-6F. Também foram utilizadas fibras de polipropileno, que são amplamente empregadas na construção de pisos industriais, para comparação com os CRFPVA. Os CRF apresentaram comportamento deflection softening e, acréscimo de tensões pós fissuração e tenacidade com o aumento da fração volumétrica de fibras. Ensaios de flexão cíclicos foram realizados mostrando que para carregamentos de até 70% da carga de primeira fissura, para corpos de prova não fissurados ou, 70% da carga em CMOD1 para corpos de prova pré-fissurados, combinados com 100 mil ciclos, há pouco ou nenhum dano aparente para os CRF. Finalmente, os ensaios estruturais em lajes sobre apoio elástico apresentaram com a adição de fibras, ganhos de até 2,8 vezes no valor da carga de primeira fissura comparado ao concreto convencional, além de redução das deformações e da fissuração das lajes, mostrando o CRF como uma alternativa para a aplicação em pavimentos aeroportuários. / [en] The present work focuses on the characterization of polyvinyl alcohol fiber reinforced concrete (PVA-FRC) with different volume content to be applied as airport pavement. The parameters that characterize the FRC were obtained through three point bending tests defined by EN 14651 and were applied in the slabs on ground design as proposed by TR-34. The results were compared to the design and tests of the plain Portland cement concrete pavement regulated by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) advisory circular AC150/5320-6F. Polypropylene fiber reinforced concrete (PP-FRC), which are widely used in industrial floor design and construction, were also tested for comparison. The FRC showed a deflection softening behavior improving the post-cracking strength and toughness values with the increase in the fiber content. Cyclic bending tests were performed with noncracked and pre-cracked specimens with 70 per cent of the first crack load and 70 per cent of the CMOD1 load respectively for 100k cycles. These tests showed little or no damage to the FRC samples compared to the monotonic bending tests. Finally, the structural scale tests on slabs on ground showed that with the fiber addition, the value of the load at first crack is improved up to 2.8 times compared to the plain concrete slab and also reduced deflection and displacement are seen, indicating that he PVAFRC, and also the PP-FRC are suitable to be used as airport pavement.

Ultrasonic Methods for Quantitative Carotid Plaque Characterization

Widman, Erik January 2016 (has links)
Cardiovascular diseases are the leading causes of death worldwide and improved diagnostic methods are needed for early intervention and to select the most suitable treatment for patients. Currently, carotid artery plaque vulnerability is typically determined by visually assessing ultrasound B-mode images, which is influenced by user-subjectivity. Since plaque vulnerability is correlated to the mechanical properties of the plaque, quantitative techniques are needed to estimate plaque stiffness as a surrogate for plaque vulnerability, which would reduce subjectivity during plaque assessment. The work in this thesis focused on three noninvasive ultrasound-based techniques to quantitatively assess plaque vulnerability and measure arterial stiffness. In Study I, a speckle tracking algorithm was validated in vitro to assess strain in common carotid artery (CCA) phantom plaques and thereafter applied in vivo to carotid atherosclerotic plaques where the strain results were compared to visual assessments by experienced physicians. In Study II, hard and soft CCA phantom plaques were characterized with shear wave elastography (SWE) by using phase and group velocity analysis while being hydrostatically pressurized followed by validating the results with mechanical tensile testing. In Study III, feasibility of assessing the stiffness of simulated plaques and the arterial wall with SWE was demonstrated in an ex vivo setup in small porcine aortas used as a human CCA model. In Study IV, SWE and pulse wave imaging (PWI) were compared when characterizing homogeneous CCA soft phantom plaques. The techniques developed in this thesis have demonstrated potential to characterize carotid artery plaques. The results show that the techniques have the ability to noninvasively evaluate the mechanical properties of carotid artery plaques, provide additional data when visually assessing B-mode images, and potentially provide improved diagnoses for patients suffering from cerebrovascular diseases. / <p>Doctoral thesis in medical technology and medical sciences</p><p>QC 20160921</p>

Uticaj sastava polivinilhloridnih smeša i tehnoloških uslova proizvodnje na svojstva penastih podnih obloga / The influence of composition of polyvinyl chloride mixture and technological conditions of production on the properties of the foam floor coverings

Radovanović Rajko 13 July 2016 (has links)
<p>Mogućnost primene polivinilhloridnih (PVC) podnih obloga je određena krajnjim svojstvima koja zavise od sastava obloge i načina proizvodnje. Zbog složenog sastava i različitih načina pripreme PVC podnih obloga, veoma je te&scaron;ko tačno proceniti uticaj pojedinačnog procesnog parametara na svojstva dobijenog proizvoda. U ovom radu, da bi se ispitao uticaj sastava polivinilhloridnih sme&scaron;a na svojstva PVC podnih obloga pripremljeno je 27 receptura u kojima su varirane: koncentracije kalcijumkarbonata (40, 70 i 100 phr), koncentracije sredstva za ekspanziju, azodikarbonamida ADC (0,8, 1,0 i 1,2 mas. % u odnosu na ukupnu masu) kao i odnos &bdquo;kikeraˮ i sredstva za ekspanziju, ZnO/ADC (0,33; 0,50 i 0,67). Da bi se proučio uticaj procesnih parametara na svojstva PVC podnih obloga menjani su tehnolo&scaron;ki uslovi proizvodnje: temperatura (180, 184, 188, 192 i 196 &deg;C) i vreme (90, 120 i 150 sekundi) ekspanzije poleđinskog sloja PVC podne obloge. Na taj način je od svake PVC paste dobijeno 15 uzoraka. Za svaki uzorak određena su sledeća svojstva: stepen ekspanzije, zatezna sila pri kidanju, prekidna sila kidanja, zatezno i prekidno izduženje, početni otpor cepanju, otpor cepanju, ukupna deformacija, zaostala deformacija, povratna elastičnost, gustina pene i indeks žućenja. S obzirom na ovako veliki broj podataka urađena je statistička obrada dobijenih eksperimentalnih podataka metodom vi&scaron;estruke linearne regresione analize, kako bi procenili uticaji pojedinačnih procesnih parametara na ispitivana svojstva. Napisan je originalni programski kod primenom Garson-ovog i Yoon-ovog modela u programu Matlab koji omogućava formiranje neuronske mreže i njenu upotrebu u cilju fitovanja eksperimentalnih podataka. Rezultati dobijeni primenom modela po Garson-u nisu pogodni za određivanje uticaja sastava PVC sme&scaron;e i uslova prerade na konačna svojstva proizvoda, jer ne pokazuju pravac uticaja. Dok je ve&scaron;tačka neuronska mreža koja se zasniva na Yoon-ovom modelu uspe&scaron;no primenjena u razvoju novih i pobolj&scaron;anju postojećih svojstava heterogenih PVC proizvoda. Ispitan je i uticaj veličine čestice ZnO koji je upotrebljen kao &bdquo;kikerˮ (sredstvo koje utiče na smanjenje temperature raspada ADC) na svojstva penastih podnih obloga. Napravljene su dve PVC paste, jedna sa komercijalnim ZnO, a druga sa nano ZnO, pri čemu je sastav ostalih komponenti bio identičan. Na osnovu dobijenih eksperimentalnih podatka može se zaključiti da kod uzoraka u kojima je upotrebljen nano ZnO dolazi do intenzivnijeg &bdquo;curenjaˮ gasa nastalog raspadom ADC i međusobnog povezivanja pora. Kao posledica ovakve strukture pora uzorci sa nano ZnO imaju lo&scaron;ija mehanička svojstva. Na osnovu dobijenih karakterističnih temperatura na TG krivama nije uočen uticaj veličine čestica ZnO na termičku stabilnost ispitivanih uzoraka.</p> / <p>The application of PVC floor coverings is strongly connected with their end-use properties which depend on the composition and processing conditions. It is very difficult to estimate the proper influence of production parameters on the characteristics of PVC floor coverings due to their complex composition and various preparation procedures. In this paper, in order to investigate the effect of the PVC mixture composition on the properties of PVC floor coverings, 27 formulations are prepared varying concentration of calcium carbonate (40, 70 and 100 phr), concentration of blowing agent, azodicarbonamide ADC (0.8, 1.0 and 1.2 wt. % relative to the total weight) and the ratio of &quot;kicker&quot; and blowing agent, ZnO/ADC (0.33; 0.50 and 0.67). To study the influence of process parameters on the properties of PVC floor coverings technological production conditions are varied: expansion temperature (180, 184, 188, 192 and 196 &deg;C) and expansion time (90, 120 and 150 seconds) of the PVC floor covering back layer. In this way, 15 samples are made of each PVC paste. The following properties are determined for each sample: expansion ratio, tensile strength, braking strength, tensile extension, breaking extension, initial resistance to tearing, tearing resistance, identation, residual identation, elasticity, density foam and yellowing index. Having such a large amount of data, statistical analysis of experimental data are made with multiple linear regression analysis in order to assess the effects of process parameters on investigated properties. The original program code is written using the Garson&#39;s and Yoon&#39;s models in the Matlab programme that allows the formation of neural networks and its use for the purpose of fitting the experimental data. Results obtained by using the Garson model are not suitable for determining the influence of composition of the PVC mixture and processing conditions on the properties of the final product because it does not show the direction of impact. While the artificial neural network based on Yoon&#39;s model is successfully applied to the development of new as well as to the improvement of the existing properties of the heterogeneous PVC products. The influence of ZnO particle size, used as a&ldquo;kicker&ldquo; (this material reduces the decomposition temperature of ADC) is examined on the properties of the foam flooring. Two PVC pastes are made, one with commercial ZnO and the other with nano ZnO, with the other components of the compositions identical. Based on the obtained experimental data, it can be concluded that there is more intensive gas &bdquo;leak&ldquo; resulting from disintegration of the ADC and also more intensive interconnection of pores in the samples where nano ZnO is used. As a result of this structure of pores, samples with nano ZnO have inferior mechanical properties. Based on the characteristic temperature obtained on TG curves, the influence of ZnO particle size on the thermal stability of the investigated samples is not observed.</p>

Projeto e caracterização de membranas cerâmicas utilizando microfibras como precursoras de porosidade / Design and characterization of ceramic membranes using microfibers as precursors of porosity

Giovana Gabriel Prado 06 June 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho trata do estudo da introdução de fibras poliméricas como agente porogênico na manufatura de membranas cerâmicas de alta resistência mecânica. Membranas cerâmicas são utilizadas para a separação de substâncias onde a estabilidade química e a resistência à alta temperatura são requeridas; na engenharia mecânica é também aplicada como mancais aerostáticos. A escolha do processo de manufatura destas membranas e o projeto da porosidade da estrutura cerâmica é de grande importância. Quando se utiliza da adição de elementos porogênicos, que são substâncias que se decompõem durante a queima deixando poros (abertos e fechados), altera não somente a porosidade como também a seletividade e permeabilidade da membrana, bem como diminui suas propriedades mecânicas. Este trabalho objetiva membranas com poros micrométricos e submicrométricos para aplicações em microfiltração ou em mancais aerostáticos, porém que tenham a maximização da sua resistência mecânica. Para isso foi idealizada a obtenção de membranas permeáveis com a menor porosidade possível. Então, propôs-se a adição de fibras poliméricas (fibras de polipropileno, fibras de carbono e fibras de álcool polivinílico) como agentes porogênicos em uma massa cerâmica de alumina que após granulada foi prensada na forma de pastilhas e sinterizadas. As membranas foram caracterizadas por ensaios de permeabilidade ao ar, resistência mecânica por flexão a 3 pontos, volume de poros pelo Princípio de Arquimedes e morfologicamente por MEV. A caracterização morfológica das membranas e os resultados de porosidade indicaram que a percolação foi melhorada pela adição de fibras em relação a trabalhos equivalentes que se utilizaram de particulados. As melhores condições de permeação, integridade da matriz e resistência mecânica foram encontradas para as membranas com 1 vol. % de fibras de álcool polivinílico, seguida das membranas com 2 vol. % de fibras de carbono. Com base nos resultados obtidos, foi comprovado que a morfologia alongada das fibras aumenta a probabilidade de contato entre os poros, pois com apenas 2 vol. % de fibras de PVAl, obteve-se uma porosidade total de 33,3%, porosidade aparente de 17,4% e permeabilidade específica de 6,32x10-12 m², apresentando resistência à flexão de 134,3 MPa, valor este o dobro de quando utilizado 50 vol. % de sacarose como agente precursor com equivalente permeabilidade. As propriedades físicas do agente porogênico como: expansão térmica, dimensões, relação comprimento versus diâmetro afetam enormemente a porosidade, percolação dos poros e integridade da matriz. / This work deals with the study of the introduction of polymeric fibers as porogenic agent in the manufacture of ceramic membranes with high mechanical strength. Ceramic membranes are used for separation of substances where chemical stability and high temperature resistance are required, in mechanical engineering is also applied as an aerostatic bearings. The choice of these membranes manufacturing process and design the porosity of the ceramic structure is of great importance. When using addition of porogenic components, which are substances that decompose during the burning leaving pores (open and closed), not only alters the porosity and also the permeability and the selectivity of the membrane, as well as decreases their mechanical properties. This work aims membranes with micrometric pores and submicrometrics for microfiltration applications or aerostatic bearings, however they having the maximization their mechanic strength. To this was designed to obtain porous membranes with the lowest porosity possible. Then proposed the addition of polymeric fibers (polypropylene fiber, carbon fiber and polyvinyl alcohol fiber) as porogenic agents on a ceramic alumina mass that was granular and pressed the form of discs and sintered. The membranes were characterized by testing the air permeability, mechanical strength by three points flexural, pore volume by Archimedes principle and morphologically by SEM. Morphological characterization of membrane and the results of porosity indicated that the percolation has been improved by adding fibers in relation to the corresponding work where particulates were used. The best conditions of permeation, matrix integrity and mechanical strength were found for the membranes with 2 vol. % of polyvinyl alcohol fibers and membranes with 2 vol. % carbon fibers. Based on these results, it was proven that the elongated morphology of the fibers increases the probability of contact between the pores, because with only 2 vol. % of PVAl fibers, we obtained a total porosity of 33.3%, apparent porosity of 17.4% and the specific permeability of 6.32x10-12 m², flexural strength of 134.3 MPa, this value is twice than when it is used 50 vol. % sucrose as a precursor agent with equivalent permeability. The physical properties of porogenic agent such as thermal expansion, dimensions and relation length versus diameter affect greatly the porosity, pore percolation and integrity of the matrix.

Optimisation de la cyclabilité de composites Si/C pour électrodes négatives d'accumulateurs Li-ion / Optimization of Si/C composites cyclability for negative electrode of Li-ion battery

Paireau, Cyril 21 November 2012 (has links)
Les nouvelles technologies sont de plus en plus demandeuses de sources de forte densité d’énergie respectueuses de l’environnement. Les accumulateurs lithium-ion semblent être la meilleure solution pour les applications mobiles et pour le domaine de l’automobile. Afin de répondre aux besoins en énergie de plus en plus importants, de nouveaux matériaux d’électrode négative sont nécessaires pour remplacer le carbone qui a désormais atteint son stade de maturité. En particulier, les composites silicium/carbone (Si/C) semblent être prometteurs pour augmenter la densité d’énergie des accumulateurs mais présentent de faibles rétentions de capacité au cours du cyclage. L’amélioration de la cyclabilité des composites Si/C fait l’objet de ce travail de thèse. La synthèse des composites par atomisation avec de l’alcool polyvinylique comme précurseur carboné suivie d’une pyrolyse est présentée. Les performances électrochimiques des matériaux résultants sont comparées à celles obtenues par d’autres composites, élaborés par lyophilisation et par broyage. Les propriétés intrinsèques des composites ont été modifiées par deux voies différentes afin d’améliorer leur cyclabilité. Dans un premiers temps, les effets de la réticulation de l’alcool polyvinylique ont été étudiés, puis ceux liés à l’ajout d’un catalyseur favorisant la graphitisation du carbone. La cyclabilité des composites Si/C peut également être améliorée en modifiant la nature du liant utilisé lors de la préparation des électrodes. L’intérêt bénéfique de l’emploi de l’acide polyacrylique en remplacement du fluorure de polyvinylidène couramment utilisé dans des électrodes à base de composites Si/C est démontré. / New technologies require more and more environment friendly sources of high energy density. Lithium-ion batteries seem to be the best solution for mobile and automotive applications. In order to meet the future energy requirements, new negative electrode materials are needed to replace carbon which has now reached a mature stage. Especially, silicon/carbon composites (Si/C) appear to be promising candidates to increase the energy density of batteries, but they still present poor capacity retention upon cycling. The improvement of Si/C composites cyclability is the subject of this thesis. The synthesis of Si/C composites by spray drying with polyvinyl alcohol as carbon precursor, followed by pyrolysis, is presented. The electrochemical performances are compared with those obtained for other composites, prepared by freeze drying and ball-milling. The intrinsic properties of the composites were modified in two different ways to improve their cyclability. First, we studied the effects of polyvinyl alcohol crosslinking, and then those related to the graphitization of carbon contained in these composites. The cyclability of Si/C composites can also be improved by changing the nature of the binder used during the electrodes preparation. The beneficial interest of using polyacrylic acid in replacement of polyvinylidene fluoride binder commonly used in Si/C based electrodes is shown.

Projeto e caracterização de membranas cerâmicas utilizando microfibras como precursoras de porosidade / Design and characterization of ceramic membranes using microfibers as precursors of porosity

Prado, Giovana Gabriel 06 June 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho trata do estudo da introdução de fibras poliméricas como agente porogênico na manufatura de membranas cerâmicas de alta resistência mecânica. Membranas cerâmicas são utilizadas para a separação de substâncias onde a estabilidade química e a resistência à alta temperatura são requeridas; na engenharia mecânica é também aplicada como mancais aerostáticos. A escolha do processo de manufatura destas membranas e o projeto da porosidade da estrutura cerâmica é de grande importância. Quando se utiliza da adição de elementos porogênicos, que são substâncias que se decompõem durante a queima deixando poros (abertos e fechados), altera não somente a porosidade como também a seletividade e permeabilidade da membrana, bem como diminui suas propriedades mecânicas. Este trabalho objetiva membranas com poros micrométricos e submicrométricos para aplicações em microfiltração ou em mancais aerostáticos, porém que tenham a maximização da sua resistência mecânica. Para isso foi idealizada a obtenção de membranas permeáveis com a menor porosidade possível. Então, propôs-se a adição de fibras poliméricas (fibras de polipropileno, fibras de carbono e fibras de álcool polivinílico) como agentes porogênicos em uma massa cerâmica de alumina que após granulada foi prensada na forma de pastilhas e sinterizadas. As membranas foram caracterizadas por ensaios de permeabilidade ao ar, resistência mecânica por flexão a 3 pontos, volume de poros pelo Princípio de Arquimedes e morfologicamente por MEV. A caracterização morfológica das membranas e os resultados de porosidade indicaram que a percolação foi melhorada pela adição de fibras em relação a trabalhos equivalentes que se utilizaram de particulados. As melhores condições de permeação, integridade da matriz e resistência mecânica foram encontradas para as membranas com 1 vol. % de fibras de álcool polivinílico, seguida das membranas com 2 vol. % de fibras de carbono. Com base nos resultados obtidos, foi comprovado que a morfologia alongada das fibras aumenta a probabilidade de contato entre os poros, pois com apenas 2 vol. % de fibras de PVAl, obteve-se uma porosidade total de 33,3%, porosidade aparente de 17,4% e permeabilidade específica de 6,32x10-12 m², apresentando resistência à flexão de 134,3 MPa, valor este o dobro de quando utilizado 50 vol. % de sacarose como agente precursor com equivalente permeabilidade. As propriedades físicas do agente porogênico como: expansão térmica, dimensões, relação comprimento versus diâmetro afetam enormemente a porosidade, percolação dos poros e integridade da matriz. / This work deals with the study of the introduction of polymeric fibers as porogenic agent in the manufacture of ceramic membranes with high mechanical strength. Ceramic membranes are used for separation of substances where chemical stability and high temperature resistance are required, in mechanical engineering is also applied as an aerostatic bearings. The choice of these membranes manufacturing process and design the porosity of the ceramic structure is of great importance. When using addition of porogenic components, which are substances that decompose during the burning leaving pores (open and closed), not only alters the porosity and also the permeability and the selectivity of the membrane, as well as decreases their mechanical properties. This work aims membranes with micrometric pores and submicrometrics for microfiltration applications or aerostatic bearings, however they having the maximization their mechanic strength. To this was designed to obtain porous membranes with the lowest porosity possible. Then proposed the addition of polymeric fibers (polypropylene fiber, carbon fiber and polyvinyl alcohol fiber) as porogenic agents on a ceramic alumina mass that was granular and pressed the form of discs and sintered. The membranes were characterized by testing the air permeability, mechanical strength by three points flexural, pore volume by Archimedes principle and morphologically by SEM. Morphological characterization of membrane and the results of porosity indicated that the percolation has been improved by adding fibers in relation to the corresponding work where particulates were used. The best conditions of permeation, matrix integrity and mechanical strength were found for the membranes with 2 vol. % of polyvinyl alcohol fibers and membranes with 2 vol. % carbon fibers. Based on these results, it was proven that the elongated morphology of the fibers increases the probability of contact between the pores, because with only 2 vol. % of PVAl fibers, we obtained a total porosity of 33.3%, apparent porosity of 17.4% and the specific permeability of 6.32x10-12 m², flexural strength of 134.3 MPa, this value is twice than when it is used 50 vol. % sucrose as a precursor agent with equivalent permeability. The physical properties of porogenic agent such as thermal expansion, dimensions and relation length versus diameter affect greatly the porosity, pore percolation and integrity of the matrix.

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