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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Conservation and yield aspects of old European aspen Populus tremula L. in Swedish forestry /

Hazell, Per, January 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Uppsala : Sveriges lantbruksuniv. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

Ethylene and auxin in the control of wood formation /

Hellgren, Jenny Maria, January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Sveriges lantbruksuniv., 2003. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

Composition of lignin in outer cell-wall layers

Christiernin, Maria January 2006 (has links)
The composition of lignin in the outer cell-wall layers of spruce and poplar has been studied and the data obtained have been compared with those of the mature reference wood in which the secondary cell wall predominates. Materials with exclusively or predominantly outer cell-wall layers were examined. Accurate data relating to the lignin monomer composition and the number of β-O-4´ bonds were obtained from pure middle lamella/primary cell wall lignin. Firstly, a 10 000 year old white spruce material, with most of the secondary cell wall missing, was studied. The aged lignin was composed of guaiacyl units only, and was slightly more condensed but otherwise similar to the reference lignin. Secondly, the developing xylem of a Norway spruce clone was analyzed during a growth season. In spring and early summer, growth is very rapid and the intention was to sample tissues in which the secondary cell-wall layers had not yet lignified, but where the outer layers at least had started to lignify. Microscopy, Klason lignin and carbohydrate analyses showed that the lignin in the developing xylem of samples from mid-June was located exclusively in the middle lamella. The lignin was more condensed, was composed of guaiacyl units only and contained more end-groups than the reference Norway spruce wood. Thirdly, the cambial tissues of a Balsam poplar clone were surveyed during a growth season. Both the phloem side and the xylem side of the cambial region were examined. The Klason lignin content and carbohydrate monomer distribution showed that in June and August the tissues on the phloem side contained material with mainly middle lamella/primary walls. In June, the xylem side in the cambial region contained mainly middle lamella/primary walls, and in August the secondary cell wall carbohydrates were being deposited. Both tissues contained lignin that was more condensed and had more end-groups than the reference lignin. In mid-June, the developing xylem had a ratio of syringyl to guaiacyl units of 0.6, whereas the ratio for the reference wood was 1.3. In the final study, lignin from the primary cell walls from a hybrid aspen cell suspension culture was investigated. The lignin contained only guaiacyl units which were more condensed than those observed in the reference poplar wood. / <p>QC 20100920</p>

Novel resources enabling comparative regulomics in forest tree species / Nya verktyg för komparativ regulomik i skogsträd

Sundell, David January 2017 (has links)
Lignocellulosic plants are the most abundant source of terrestrial biomass and are one of the potential sources of renewable energy that can replace the use of fossil fuels. For a country such as Sweden, where the forest industry accounts for 10% of the total export, there would be large economical benefits associated with increased biomass yield. The availability of research on wood development conducted in conifer tree species, which represent the majority of the forestry in Sweden, is limited and the majority of research has been conducted in model angiosperm species such as Arabidopsis thaliana. However, the large evolutionary distance between angiosperms and gymnosperms limits the possibility to identify orthologous genes and regulatory pathways by comparing sequence similarity alone. At such large evolutionary distances, the identification of gene similarity is, in most cases, not sufficient and additional information is required for functional annotation. In this thesis, two high-spatial resolution datasets profiling wood development were processed; one from the angiosperm tree Populus tremula and the other from the conifer species Picea abies. These datasets were each published together with a web resource including tools for the exploration of gene expression, co-expression and functional enrichment of gene sets. One developed resource allows interactive, comparative co-expression analysis between species to identify conserved and diverged co-expression modules. These tools make it possible to identifying conserved regulatory modules that can focus downstream research and provide biologists with a resource to identify regulatory genes for targeted trait improvement. / Lignocellulosa är den vanligast förekommande källan till markburen biomassa och är en av de förnybara energikällor som potentiellt kan ersätta användningen av fossila bränslen. För ett land som Sverige, där skogsindustrin som står för 10 \% av den totala exporten, skulle därför en ökad produktion av biomassa kunna ge stora ekonomiska fördelar. Forskningen på barrträd, som utgör majoriteten av svensk skog är begränsad och den huvudsakliga forskningen som har bedrivits på växter, har skett i modell organismer tillhörande gruppen gömfröiga växter som till exempel i Arabidopsis thaliana. Det evolutionära avståndet mellan gömfröiga (blommor och träd) och nakenfröiga (gran och tall) begränsar dock möjligheten att identifiera regulatoriska system mellan dessa grupper. Vid sådana stora evolutionära avstånd krävs det mer än att bara identifiera en gen i en modellorganism utan ytterligare information krävs som till exempel genuttrycksdata. I denna avhandling har två högupplösta experiment som profilerar vedens utveckling undersökts; ett från gömfröiga träd Populus tremula och det andra från nakenföriga träd (barrträd) Picea abies. Datat som behandlats har publicerats tillsammans med webbsidor med flera olika verktyg för att bland annat visa genuttryck, se korrelationer av genuttryck och test för anrikning av funktionella gener i en grupp. En resurs som utvecklats tillåter interaktiva jämförelser av korrelationer mellan arter för att kunna identifiera moduler (grupper av gener) som bevaras eller skilts åt mellan arter över tid. Identifieringen av sådana bevarade moduler kan hjälpa att fokusera framtida forskning samt ge biologer en möjlighet att identifiera regulatoriska gener för en riktad förbättring av egenskaper hos träd.

Functional Characterization of PtaRHE1, a gene that encodes a RING-H2 type protein in poplar / Caractérisation fonctionnelle de PtaRHE1, un gène qui code pour une protéine de type RING-H2 chez le peuplier

Mukoko Bopopi, Johnny 14 January 2011 (has links)
PtaRHE1 is a poplar (Populus tremula x P. alba) gene encoding a REALLY INTERESTING NEW GENE (RING) domain-containing protein. RING proteins are largely represented in plants and play important roles in the regulation of many developmental processes as well as in plant-environment interactions. In this thesis, we present a functional characterization of PtaRHE1. To gain further insight into the role of this gene, molecular and genetic alteration approaches were used. The results of in vitro ubiquitination assays indicate that PtaRHE1 protein is a functional E3 ligase and this activity was shown to be specific with the human UbCH5a, among the tested ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes. Histochemical GUS stainings showed that the PtaRHE1 promoter is induced by plant pathogens and by elicitors such as salicylic acid and cellulase and is also developmentally regulated. In silico predictions and the transient expression of PtaRHE1-GFP fusion protein in N. tabacum epidermal cells revealed that PtaRHE1 is localized both in the plasma membrane and in the nucleus. The localization of expression of PtaRHE1 in poplar stem by in situ hybridization indicated that PtaRHE1 transcripts are localized within the cambial zone mainly in ray cells, suggesting a role of this gene in vascular tissue development and/or functioning. The overexpression of PtaRHE1 in tobacco resulted in a pleiotropic phenotype characterized by a curling of leaves, the formation of necrotic lesions on leaf blades, growth retardation as well as a delay in flower transition. Plant genes expression responses to PtaRHE1 overexpression provided evidence for the up-regulation of defence and/or programmed cell death (PCD) related genes. Moreover, genes coding for WRKY transcription factors as well as for MAPK, such as WIPK, were also found to be induced in the transgenic lines as compared to the wild type (WT). Taken together, our results suggest that the E3 ligase PtaRHE1 plays a role in the signal transduction pathways leading to defence responses against biotic and abiotic stresses. Identification of PtaRHE1 target(s) is required in order to fully assess the role of this E3 ligase in the ubiquitination-mediated regulation of defence response./<p>RÉSUMÉ<p><p><p>PtaRHE1 est un gène qui code pour une protéine possédant un domaine RING (REALLY INTERESTING NEW GENE) chez le peuplier (Populus tremula x P. alba). Les protéines de type RING sont très répandues chez les végétaux où elles jouent de rôles importants dans la régulation de plusieurs processus de développement et également dans les interactions plantes-environnement. Dans le cadre de ce travail, nous avons procédé à la caractérisation fonctionnelle du gène PtaRHE1. Dans le but de découvrir la fonction de ce gène, nous avons adopté une stratégie faisant usage d’approches moléculaires ainsi que de l’altération de l’expression génique. Les résultats obtenus montrent que la protéine PtaRHE1 est une E3 ligase et que cette activité enzymatique est spécifique à l’Ubiquitin-Conjugating enzym humaine UbCH5a. Les résultats du test histochimique GUS ont montré que le promoteur du gène PtaRHE1 est induit par des pathogènes et aussi par l’acide salicylique et la cellulase. Par ailleurs, ce promoteur est aussi régulé au cours du développement végétal. Les prédictions in silico et l’expression transitoire d’une fusion traductionnelle GFP-PtaRHE1, au niveau de l’épiderme des feuilles du tabac N. tabacum, ont révélé que la protéine PtaRHE1 se situe tant au niveau de la membrane cytoplasmique qu’au niveau du noyau. La localisation de l’expression du gène PtaRHE1, par les techniques d’hybridation in situ, montre que les transcrits de ce gène se retrouvent principalement au niveau des cellules de rayon, dans la zone cambiale, suggérant que ce gène pourrait jouer un rôle dans le développement ou la formation du tissu vasculaire. La surexpression du gène PtaRHE1 chez le tabac a conduit à l’obtention d’un phénotype pléiotropique caractérisé par un recroquevillement (incurvation) des feuilles, la formation des lésions nécrotiques sur le limbe, un retard de croissance ainsi qu’un retard dans la transition florale. L’analyse de la réponse de l’expression de différents gènes à la surexpression de PtaRHE1 a mis en évidence l’induction des gènes liés à la défense et ou à la mort cellulaire programmée. En outre, l’expression des gènes codant pour des facteurs de transcription WRKY et aussi des MAPKs, tel que WIPK, était aussi plus élevée chez les plantes transgéniques comparées au type sauvage. Les résultats de ce travail suggèrent que PtaRHE1, comme E3 ligase, pourrait jouer un rôle dans la transduction des signaux cellulaires conduisant aux réactions de défense contre les stress biotiques et abiotiques. L’identification de la (des) cible(s) de PtaRHE1 est indispensable pour la compréhension du rôle de cette protéine dans la régulation des réponses de défense par l’intermédiaire de l’ubiquitination.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Capacidad ecologica productiva de los ecosistemas aluviales de Salix alba L., Populus alba L., y Populus tremula L. al sur de Moravia-Europa Central

Manjarrés, Diana del Rocío López January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Design and synthesis of xyloglucan oligosaccharides : structure-function studies and application of xyloglucan endotransglycosylase PttXET16A

Baumann, Martin J. January 2004 (has links)
Primary cell walls are a composite of cellulose microfibrilsand hemicelluloses. Xyloglucan is the principal hemicelluloseof primary cell walls of dicotyledons. Xyloglucanendotransglycosylases (XETs) cleave and religate xyloglucanpolymers in plant cell walls. A XET (PttXET16A) from hybridaspen has been heterologously expressed and characterized inour lab. To study XETs enzymology on a molecular level a series ofnovel xyloglucan oligosaccharides (XGOs) have been synthesized.The chromogenic 2-nitrophenol XGO and fluorogenic XGOs havebeen used as kinetic probes for PttXET16A. The first 3-Dstructure of the XET and of the enzyme-substrate complexrevealed new insights into the requirements fortransglycosylation. Cellulose fibers are an important raw material for manyindustries. In a novel chemo-enzymatic approach, thetransglycosylating activity of XET was used for biomimeticfiber surface modification. The aminoalditol XGO derivate wasused as key intermediate to incorporate novel chemicalfunctionality into xyloglucan. TheXGO derivatives wereintegrated into xyloglucan with PttXET16A. The resultingmodified xyloglucan was used as a versatile tool fiber surfacemodification.

Tritrophic interactions between Populus tremula, leaf beetles and their natural enemies - from the field to the laboratory / Tritrophische Interaktionen zwischen Populus tremula, Blattkäfern und ihren natürlichen Feinden - vom Freiland ins Labor

von Fragstein und Niemsdorff, Paul-Albin Maximilian 13 September 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Short-term effects of controlled conservation burning

Rindzevičius, Vytautas January 2014 (has links)
In this study, the immediate and short term (three months) effects of conservation burning have been investigated in coniferous forests in southeastern Sweden. Five tree species were investigated Picea abies (Norway spruce), Pinus sylvestris (Scots pine), Populus tremula (aspen), Betula pendula (silver birch) and Betula pubescens (downy birch), as well as ground vegetation of mosses, dwarf shrubs and ground lichens. Burning increased the proportion of live deciduous tree shoots from 51 % to 81 % and the live tree shoot size distribution of four tree species was significantly changed by fire. Fire affected the tree species differently. Three months after burning deciduous tree species exhibited strong sprouting, while P. sylvestris had established many seedlings, significantly increasing its share of the tree stand. P. abies lacked any visible positive response to burning and its number of live shoots decreased by 83 %. Mineral soil was exposed on only the moss vegetation and covered just 4 % of the studied plot area. The initial vegetation response to fire was negative, but significant dwarf shrub recovery was detected three months after burning.

Uchycování spontánní dřevité vegetace na Sokolovských výsypkách / Spontaneous establishment of woody vegetation in post mining heaps near Sokolov

Reitschmiedová, Erika January 2015 (has links)
Surface coal mining heavily disrupts vast areas of landscape. Previous studies conducted in these areas reveal that succession processes on unreclaimed sites support close to nature community. It's crucial to understand and be able to predict these processes in order to include spontaneous succession into restoration plans. The aim of my thesis is to clarify establishment and dispersion mechanisms of dominant pioneer woody species willow (Salix caprea), birch (Betula pendula) and aspen (Populus tremula). Study carried out on unreclaimed sites on a large colliery spoil heap near the town of Sokolov. I have studied establishment and growth of pioneer woody species on both graded and ungraded sites, representation of individual woody pioneer species was on sites in different distance from the edge of the spoil heap, birch's population age structure and reproduction potential of willow in accordance to age. All pioneer woody species establish and grow better on ungraded sites. The amount of willow decreases while the number of aspen individuals remains the same and the amount of birch increases with growing distance from the edge of the spoil heap. Birch's population age reveals establishment of new individuals in favourable climatic conditions. Willow is reproductively capable at the age of 10 years...

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